Special Meeting of the Proposition 39 Oversight Committee Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:00 PM

California City High School 8567 Bolden Dr. California City, CA 93505



A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of the agenda

D. Site Visit – California City High School: Scott McCracken a. Administration / Library b. Gymnasium c. Fields

E. Site Visit – Hacienda Elementary School: Scott McCracken a. Cafeteria / Multi-purpose Room b. Library c. Fields

F. Adjourn

 The public is welcome and invited to attend

 The regular meeting of the proposition 39 oversight committee will be held at California City Middle School at 5:00pm, August 25th 2009.

1 Regular Meeting of the Proposition 39 Oversight Committee Tuesday August 25, 2009 5 p.m. California City Middle School (Multi-purpose Room) 9736 Redwood Blvd California City, CA 93505 http://www.mojave.k12.ca.us/prop39/HOME.html


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of Minutes from May 26th and June 4th 2009

D. Next Meeting for November 2009

E. Public Business from Floor: \

F. Board Reports:

(1) Chair: David Stafford

(2) Vice Chair: Buford Land

(3) Secretary: Ed Waldheim

G. Staff Reports:

(1) Financial Report: Keith Gainey

(2) Construction Report: Scott McCracken

(3) Scheduling of Project: Larry Phelps

(4) Committee Appointments: Larry Phelps

(a) Senior Representative: (Ted Southerland)

(b) Taxpayer Association Representative: (David Stafford)

H. Old, New Business and General Information

I. Committee statements:

2 Everyone will have chance to say last words before adjournment.
