AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY an Interim Strategy for Security, Governance, Economic Growth & Poverty Reduction
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ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY An Interim Strategy for Security, Governance, EconomicGrowth &Poverty Reduction VOLUME I 1 AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY An Interim Strategy for Security, Governance, Economic Growth & Poverty Reduction 2 3 ﺑﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful “Afghans today stand with full dignity and declare to the world that we are rising from the ashes of invasion and will live forever……” President Hamid Karzai in his inaugural speech to the National Assembly 28 Qaws 1384 (19 December 2005) 4 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ADF Afghanistan Development Forum AGE Advisory Group on Environment AIHRC Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission AISA Afghanistan Investment Support Agency AMF Afghan Militia Force ANA Afghan National Army ANDS Afghanistan National Development Strategy ANP Afghan National Police ARTF Afghan Reconstruction Trust Fund CAO Control and Audit Office CAREC Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Organization CDC Community Development Council CFC-A Combined Forces Command-Alpha (Afghanistan) CG Consultative Group CNPA Counter-narcotics Police CNTF Counter-narcotics Trust Fund CPI Consumer Price Index CSATTF Central and South Asia Transport and Trade Forum CSO Central Statistics Office DAB Da Afghanistan Bank DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration DIAG Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups ECO Economic Cooperation Organization EPHS Essential Package of Hospital Services GDP Gross Domestic Product GIAAC General Independent Administration for Anti Corruption HDI Human Development Index HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Countries IAG Illegal Armed Group IARCSC Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission IBES Integrated Business Enterprise Survey ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICB International Competitive Bidding IDA International Development Assistance IDP Internally Displaced Person IFI International Financial Institution IMF International Monetary Fund INGO International Non Government Organization I-PRSP Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper ISAF International Security Assistance Force JCMB Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board LOTFA Law and Order Trust Fund MCN Ministry of Counter-narcotics MDG Millennium Development Goals MICS Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey MISFA Microfinance Investment Support Facility in Afghanistan MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MoAAH Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry MoD Ministry of Defense MoF Ministry of Finance MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5 MoI Ministry of Interior MoJ Ministry of Justice MoPH Ministry of Public Health MoWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTFF Medium Term Fiscal Framework NABDP National Area Based Development Program NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NDB National Development Budget NDCS National Drugs Control Strategy NDF National Development Framework NEEP National Emergency Employment Program NEPA National Environmental Protection Agency NGO Non Governmental Organization NIP National Investment Program NPP National Priority Program NRVA National Risk and Vulnerability Analysis NSC National Security Council NSCF National Security Coordination Forum NSDP National Skills Development Program NSP National Solidarity Program OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ONSC Office of the National Security Council OSC Presidential Oversight Committee of the ANDS OTF On the Frontiers PAR Public Administrative Reform PAREM Public Administration and Economic Management PEM Public Expenditure Management PFEM Public Finance and Expenditure Management PFM Public Finance Management PIP Public Investment Program PRGF Poverty Reduction Growth Facility PRR Priority Reform and Restructuring PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PRTs Provincial Reconstruction Teams SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAF Securing Afghanistan’s Future SCF Security Coordination Forum SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization SMP Staff Monitored Program (IMF) SNA System of National Accounts SOE State Owned Enterprise SRSG Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Afghanistan) SSO Security Sector Outline SSR Security Sector Reform SSRCC Security Sector Reform Coordination Committee TAP Trans-Afghan Pipeline TISA Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan UNAMA United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan UNDP United Nations Development Program UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNODC United Nations Office of Drug Control UXO Unexploded Ordinance 6 Glossary of Afghan expressions Bank-i Milli National Bank Chaddari Veil Hejrat Migration Kareez Under ground canals connecting wells Kuchi Nomad Loya Jirga Grand Council, ”Grand Assembly of elders” Mahram Man from the women’s family Maulawi Religious Scholar Meshrano Jirga Senate (Upper house of Assembly) Mujahideen Freedom Fighters Shariat or sharia Islamic Law Sharwali Municipality Shura Council Ulama Religious Scholar Walayat Province Wolosi Jirga National Assembly Woleswali District KhAD “Khedamat Etila’at Dawlati” – The State Information Agency in Afghanistan (Intelligence) in the years 1978 - 1992 Hawala Unofficial money transfering system Jirgas Local Consultation Meetings Mustoufiat Taṣsawwuf) is a mystic tradition of Islam ﺗﺼﻮف Sufi Sufism (Arabic based on the pursuit of spiritual truth as it is gradually revealed to the heart and mind of the Sufi (one who practices Sufism). Khanqahs Traditionally a building designed specifically for gatherings of the Sufi brotherhood Madrassas A School, where mostly Islamic Studies are concerned Takiakhana Shi’ite mosques 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................................5 PART 1: OVERALL POLICY AND VISION 1 Vision and Overview 1.1 The Government’s Vision for Afghanistan.............................................................................. 14 1.2 The Afghanistan Compact ....................................................................................................... 18 1.3 The Presentation of the I-ANDS as an I-PRSP........................................................................ 19 1.4 Key Sources for the I-ANDS ................................................................................................... 20 1.5 How this Strategy was Developed ........................................................................................... 21 1.6 Policy Framework and Structure of the I-ANDS..................................................................... 23 PART 2: ANALYSIS AND CONTEXT OF CONSTRAINTS 2 Afghanistan’s Development: Recent History and Progress 2.1 The Afghan State Inherited in 1380 (December 2001)............................................................ 30 2.2. Political and Economic Decline: From the Sawr Revolution to1380 ...................................... 31 2.3 Progress since the Bonn Agreement ........................................................................................ 34 2.4 Partnership with the International Community........................................................................ 38 3 Macroeconomy and Poverty Diagnostic 3.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................. 41 3.2 Macroeconomic Environment..................................................................................................41 3.3 Key Characteristics of the Afghan Economy........................................................................... 43 3.4 Poverty in Afghanistan ............................................................................................................ 45 3.5 Profile of Rural Poverty........................................................................................................... 47 3.6 Profile of Urban Poverty.......................................................................................................... 49 3.7 Poverty and Afghanistan’s Millennium Development Goals .................................................. 50 3.8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 54 4 Constraints and Challenges 4.1 Constraints to Security............................................................................................................. 56 4.2 Constraints to Governance, Rule of Law, and Human Rights ................................................. 58 4.3 Constraints to Economic and Social Development.................................................................. 60 4.4 Constraints to Effective Monitoring ........................................................................................ 64 PART 3: STRATEGY 5 National Development Strategy 5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 70 5.2 Security .................................................................................................................................... 70 5.3 Governance, Rule of Law, and Human Rights ........................................................................ 71 5.4 Economic and Social Development ........................................................................................