L. XXV III SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 No. 20 'Scalp the Aztecs' Cry O f Saturday's Events ndry, Lombard Tense Moment In Electra Rehearsal Preceeding the long-awaited Gaucho-Aztec game that evening, a joint parade and rally will be held Saturday, No­ «»» vember 27, in which both Santa Barbara and San Diego stu­ lit Title Role dents will participate. This game will be the highlight of the season, and spirit should reach a high point before the game. With “Scalp the Aztecs” as the motto of the day’s events, Greek Play the parade will start at 4:30 pm. at Micheltorena and State Strets. By Gilbert C. Horne FrCfm there it will proceed down TOYNBEE VALUE hose who read the article in State to De la Guerra Plaza where Sunday’s Santa Barbara News- AESTHETIC, NOT the big rally will be held. Stu­ ss doubtless noticed that only dents, who are going to drive Electra was presented in pic- SCIENTIFIC HL mm cars in the parade, are asked to e form. Although it was prom- mmwf- decorate their cars with blue and “A value of Toynbee’s vol­ in the last issue-of the Gau- gold streamers. No students should umes lies in the realm of the that both Landry and Lom- wear red, because they are the d would be so featured, the ■ ¡ I aesthetic, not in that of sci­ Aztec colors. matic powers-that-be on the ¡ S i l ence,” stated Dr. Henry Ad­ 1000 students from San Diego s-Press staff decided that La­ will arrive Saturday afternoon ams, in a lecture last night at ’s picture was not suitable, from the Aztec rooters train. Pick­ the Alhecama Theater, recon­ ry effort was made to substi- ed up by busses, they will be tak­ ciling the many criticisms leveled another print but by the time HÜ en to the rally. There, San Diego at the historian with a recognition further picture was ready it and Santa Barbara cheer leaders of the greatness of his work, “A s too ' late for inclusion. It will lead the students in yells and Study of History.” uld be emphasized that no dis- cheers. The bands of both col­ Dr. Adams, assistant professor ination or partiality was in- leges will play at the parade, ral­ of history at Santa Barbara Col­ ded. The News-Press has prom- ly and game. lege, University of California, i that Miss Lombard will be y Jerry Rose, chairman of the gave the third in a series of five tured in a future issue. rally committee, stated, “The San­ lectures on great men and their Meanwhile rehearsals are still ta Barbara-San Diego game is work in science and social stud­ progress during five evenings HK» » | traditionally the ‘Big Game’ of the ies. The series is being presented h week. The accompanying pic- ■ year. San Diego will be 'sending by the University Extension un­ e taken by a Gaucho reporter a large rooting contingent up for der sponsorship of the Depart­ icts one of the scenes towards the game. Those students who ments of Physical Sciences, Bio­ end of the play. Aegisthus, have attended Aztec - Gaucho logical Sciences, and Social Sci­ yed by Gordon (What a voice) games, know of the frenzied pitch ences at Santa Barbara College, rto, is seen by the shrouded S ü developed preceeding the tilt, so in cooperation with Santa Bar­ pse of Clytemnestra, his mis- plan to be here in Santa Barbara bara Community Institute. The s, after she has been slain The death of Clytemnestra, one engaging in all the activities for {Continued on page 4) Agamnenon’s son, Orestes, of the closing scenes from the this—--the ‘Big Game’.” Grayed by Gill (My pipes SIX SPEECH STUDENTS coming production of “Electra” good, too!) Johnson. This The rally and the parade are is depicted as it is being rehearsed jointly sponsored by the rally Free Flu Shots ne, one of the highlights of RECEIVE GRANTS-IN-AID igedy in the last part of the by the college players. The pro­ committee and the Downtown Re­ Commencing November tail Merchants Association. y, is guaranteed to bring a Grants-in-aid totaling $1000 have been awarded to six duction is slated for early Der 22, 1948, students and fac­ ll sweat to your brow. Not that Santa Barbara College students for speech correctiqn work cember. ulty members may upon re­ particular portion referred to —Photo by Costantino Dates Left for A.C.B. with cerebral palsied children. quest receive an immuniz­ the only one that has this emo- Dr. E. Allan Williams, chairman of the Honors and vanced students and probably all There are still some dates left ing dose of influenza A and nal impact. There are others— on the Activities Calendar for ac­ Scholarships committee, announced the following recipients: will be eligible for, and will enroll B vaccine at the Student there on December 9th or 10th tive organizations wishing to spon­ d see for yourself. Winifred Woods, Walter Arndt, and Wenton Knudsen received in graduate work in this field.” Health Center. The program has two purposes, sor an all-campus event. Organi­ awards from the Faith Johnson zations who have not yet applied Those requesting immun­ Sears Fund; Charles D. Bellows, Dr. Snidecor explained. One is to El Paseo Site assist the cerebral palsied chil­ for a date should do so before De­ ization may report at the BLOOD BANK. Wesley Hervey, and Roy Stan­ cember 8. ford received awards from a $500 dren at Hillside House. The other Student Health ^Vn tpr Word has just been re- Of Football Fling After December 8 any orgaukp- grant by the Women’s Auxiliary is to develop professional interest eived that a blood bank The “Football Fling” sponsored tion may apply for a second SHU of the Santa Barbara County Med­ irl the field of speech correction. ill soon be established at by the Sophomore class, will be on the calendar. The CalendaH ical Society. Financial assistance to individual he Student Health Center. held at the El Paseo Saturday, No­ students in the present awards located in the Associated S tu S B AH students and faculty vember 27 following the Santa The $500 grant continuing the ranges from $100 to $250. Body Office. embers interested in be­ Barbara-San Diego game. Faith Johnson Sears Fund was soming blood donors, Admission to the dance will be contributed by Thomas Sears. hould report to the Stu­ $1.20 per couple or 60c per per­ The grant from the Women’s Aux­ dent Health Center, Novem­ son. Tickets may be purchased iliary also was a renewal of a sim­ t-in-Aid Award Winners ber 30, from 10:00 to from members of the Sophomore ilar grant last year. :00. Class Committee or from mem­ The students will work under There, applications can bers of Spurs or Squires. supervision at Hillside House, ad­ e filled out and blood Committee chairman for the ministering speech correction aid ypes determined. Those dance is Betty Icliff. Members on to the young victims of cerebral uitable will be placed on a the committee are Larry Wathey, palsy. The program is conducted ist. Gene Costantino, Ken Treavy, Di­ under the direction of Upton S. Price will be $25.00 for ane Covey, and Reno Chakel. Ken Palmer, lecturer in speech at the pint of blood. Treavy is in charge of tickets. University of California, Santa Veterans are requested Proper dress of the evening Barbara College, and Dr. John C. o bring discharge papers. for the dance will be sport, since Snidecor, acting Dean of Applied many San Diego Aztecs are ex­ Arts. OLLEGE REC ASSN. pected to attend. Winifred Woods, who worked Years ago, the El Paseo was under a similar grant-in-aid last LANS PLAY NIGHT one of the most famous night year, will serve as student suer The College Recreation Associa- clubs in Santa Barbara. The Soph­ visor. n is again having a Co-Rec omore class hopes some of the old ‘Renewal of these grants-in-aid ight at the YMCA, Wednesday, Spanish atmosphere will pervade indicates not only the generous ec. 1. This will be an opportun the dance. attitude of the donors,” Dr. Snide for every student on campus Sponsors for the evening will cor said, “but also a faith in the enjoy themselves playing mix- be Dr. Nettler and Dr. Goodspeed. value of this kind of work. The badminton, and swimming, so- {Continued on Page 4) candidates currently named are al dancing, and even movies of excellent caliber. They are ad- 11 this will be offered for the Santa Barbara rpose of presenting an evening zine that will come out monthly, fun for men and women at Represented added Stone. ry little expense. The Pelican will be sold in the There is a large program of this In Pelican Quad area and in the Caf for pe on other campuses of the twenty-five cents a copy. Santa Barbara College will be niversity and in order to get represented in the California Peli­ e started here on this campus Shown alongside are six Santa can which will appear about De­ e need the cooperation of every- Barbara College ..students who cember 3 as an on-Campus maga­ e. A Co-Rec night will be .of- were awarded grants-in-aid total­ red ever month for the benefit zine for the first time, said Chris ing $1000 to help conduct speech all if the students will show Stone, Santa Barbara Editor of correction work with cerebral pal­ eir interest. Various students the Pelican. sied children. Two faculty mem­ ve been asking why we don’1 Stone said that Santa Barbara bers directing the program are, ve more functions, other than College would have a couple of top left, Dr. John C. Snidecor, eekly dances, in which both men page spreads, featuring photos by and, top right, Mr. Upton S. Pal­ d women can participate— now Gene and Joe Costantino, El Gau­ mer. Students are, left to right, re’s your chance. Remember cho and La Cumbre photogra­ middle row, ..Wenton Knudsen, ecember 1st, at the YMCA. Put phers. Wesley Hervey, Roy Stanford; is night on your list of evenings “This is the first time that we bottom row, Walter Arndt, Wini­ fun. will actually have a humor maga fred Woods, Charles D. Bellows. Page Two E L GAUCHO Tuesday,'November 23, 19

Club News EDITORIAL Q a u c l t & i . -WAX WORKS- Patrus Reports CST C. S. T. A. by Rudy Schafer By Anthony Patrus It’s all well and good to take the There is almost no combination of factors which can con­ I was really quite surprised at ump-teen courses required before tribute so surely to the stifling of growth— whether it be of an A ßasuide This is the first semester t the response I received to last they present you with a teaching the CSTA has appeared in pubj individual, an institution, or a nation— as that of apathy and ★ * GLORIA DE ALE Y week’s New Orleans jazz column. credential. The next step is to get with all its clothes on. Previous ignorance. Stagnation and decline work in an almost perfect It seems that quite a few Gauchos a job. Yes, teachers are needed, it has been masquerading in sh Howard Brover . . . a Long like this type of music and would but some of us hope to teach some­ ratio with these two negative factors. pants as the Junior High Depa Beach boy . . . noted for his ease enjoy associating with other two- place other than Barstow, Blythe, The above is a patent fact which can be verified simply ment Club, but from now on y in handling difficult school pro­ beat devotees. I will prevail on Dr. or Brawley. Have you ever won­ by paging through any history book. are to hear of it only as the S jects . . . he has brown curly hair Walters to put on a record con­ dered what a superintendent looks ta Barbara College Chapter of It is indeed regrettable then that such an aura of apathy . . . brown eyes . . . is 5’10” tall, cert soon and perhaps we can go for when he hires a teacher? Our California Student Teacher’s and lethargy is permitt6d to settle over so many institutions 26 years old . . . weighs in at 154 further from there. If the interest our popular Professor of Educa­ sociation. It will acknowledge pounds. . . warrants, it might be possible to tion and director of the Placement of higher learning, to smother their growth. And our own is, other appellation. It’s grown, set up a collector’s club on cam­ Bureau, Mr.. Chenoweth, will an­ somehow, no exception. Included among Howard’s mul­ parent organization, an inter-d pus which would have regular swer this pertinent question in his titudinous activities right now legiate affair, has recently mar’ If one remains here long enough he begins to feel that the record sessions .and discussions own inimitable manner tonight at are: Tau. Epsilon Phi Prexy . . . its tenth year of service to s world is bounded on its four peotic comers by Building B, and possibly some live talent. Be 7 »30 at the regular meeting of the member IFC . . . National Stu­ dents in teacher training- insti C.S.T.A. the bus stop, Ebbets Hall, and North Hall respectively. dent Association Representative at thinking about it and watch for tions all over the state. The the announcement of Dr. Walter’s The CSTA chapter on this cam­ It would probably be a startling revelation to many here Cal . . . WSSF chairman . . . time sponsor of the group is session. pus invites everyone who plans to were they to find that there are millions of square miles ex­ Chairman IFC dance . . . ditto of California Teachers Association If you are interested in an LP professional organization of tea teach, whether it be weaving or tending beyond those four geographical spots. But such is the record player attachment for your ers and administrators who triganometry, to drop around to­ truth . . . night. Mr. Chenoweth will speak radio or phonograph but the actually and successfully runni at the Museuih of Natural Science. In a rather nebulous state on this campus is an organiza­ thought of the 30 dollar outlay th e world’s most progress: We don’t feel any other attraction tion whose avowed intention is to rectify that wrong, to strike frightens you, perhaps an ad in school sytem: the schools of is necessary, but if you do come at the roots of our apathy and lethargy, to foster in the stu­ the current “Popular Science” State of California. magazine will be of interest to But to be specific, the lo you can by-pass Kerry’s tonight, dents of the nation a frame of mind which is necessary to our because refreshments w i 1,1 be you. A New York radio parts chapter being in its first semes served. continued growth in the face of current national and interna­ house is offering an LP attach­ of maturity, has need of frien tional affairs. This organization is the National Students As­ ment for a radio or phonograph patrons, and members galore, sociation. which they will sell for $19.90. I welcome mat is out for all fut: know nothing about the quality of teachers in the liberal and appli SIGMA ALPHA KAPPA Its aims may best be stated by quoting directly from the At their last meeting, the Sig the attachment, but I suppose that arts fields. Its needs are also th! Alphs welcomed Dr. Jerry H. preamble to its constitution: “We, the students of the United it would be satisfactory for gen­ needs: 1. Development of strol Clark as a new sponsor to the fra­ States of America, desiring to maintain academic freedom eral use if you have a pretty good feelings of professional mor- ternity’. Dr. Clark will sponsor the and student rights, to stimulate and improve democratic stu­ radio to hook it up to. The ad is 2. Inter-collegiate coordinati Sig Alphs with Dean Paul A. dent government, to deyelop better educational standards, to on page 306 of tbe magazine if and unification of purposeful s you are interested. dent aims and activities, and Jones, Dr. Lynn Monroe, and Mr. improve student cultural, social and physical welfare, to pro­ Kermit Seefeld. Dr. Clark’s accept­ Personally, * most Jo Stafford Comprehensive programs of fi ance was first announced at a hal- mote international understanding and fellowship, to guarantee records leave me cold and her lat­ hand experiences in and direct loween dance held by the fratern­ to all peoples . . . equal rights . . . and education, regardless est offering of “Ave Maria” is no troduction to the associative wo ity several weeks ago. of race, color, creed, political belief or economic status, to exception. The song is just not ings of effective professio: groups in our democracy. Before coming to the college, foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of stu­ for Jo and I’ll bet that Schubert Dr. Clark was Manager of the is busily spinning in his-grave All this and heaven too can University of California Guidance dents to the school, the community, humanity, and God, and after hearing her rendition of it. had by the prospective teaches Center here in Santa Barbara. He to preserve the interests and integrity of the government and the recent Homecoming Parade She. just hasn’t the voice for this After-meeting socials are not n~ received his doctorate at the Uni­ constitution of the United States of America, do hereby estab­ . . . He is a prospective Blue Key type of music, but a lot of people lected by the fair sexes. Opporti versity of Texas. He has been as­ lish this Constitution of the United States National Student member . . . will probably like it and make it ¡ties other than professional available to the able. Rememi sociated with the psychology de­ Association.” Special Likes: Dancing . . . a big seller. There’s just no ac­ partment at Texas and at Santa Sweet Swing . . . Glenn Miller counting for taste. that recent surveys have sho The group, if activated, will seek to operate on three levels: Barbara College. records . . . travel . . . meeting Another one of the great Benny that teachers make better wi student government, educational problems, and international people . . . dressing for the oc­ Goodman Sextet platters has hit than most other women. affairs. It will be the. project of the group to make students casion . . . “dress up” occasions the stands with Capitol’s issuing All in all the college chapter LAS MENINAS aware of all the problems and needs in these fields, to make a . . . girls . . . sports like football of “The Varsity Drag” and “The the CSTA is an eager, friend Las Meninas, sub-chapter of . . . track . . . sincere, conscientious group united effort through all its nation-wide members to come to Maids of Cadiz.” This record is Phrateres, held their formal ini­ Dislikes: Shaving .. . . artifice strictly one of those all-star jobs, educational majors and mino tiation at the Strawberry Inn on an understanding of these issues and to attempt to come to some and insincerity in girls . . . what with Mel Powell, Aed Nor- who value the esteem and cooped Monday, November 15. Those solution. Wishful Thinking: Be nice if vo, and Benny featured, and it tion of their prospective colleag who attended were: Mils Bowers, At next week’s Student Council meeting, two students from people participated in school ac­ will probably find a place in most in making the teaching professi a worthwhile field in which th Dorothy Adameck, Shirley But­ this campus will give a report concerning the Califomia-Ne- tivities . . . if Frosh would realize record collector’s libraries. Better ler, Barbara Dunn, Angela Harri­ is no limit to the mark you c vada-Hawaii regional conference held at Berkeley recently, that organizations like El Gauch catch this one before the stores son, Joan Hiatt, Barbara Jurwitz, . . . La Cx^mbre . . . clubs and com­ sell them out. set as a point of achievem Charlotte Isabell, Phyllis Keikemo, with an explanation of the aims and purposes of NSA and what mittees . . . are interested in them, They will be more than glad The reissue business seems to see all of you at their regu Margaret Latasa, Connie Lisner, this organization can do on the American college campus. and would welcome their active be booming these days since Mr. monthly meeting, every fou Marian March, Barbara Marx, The meeting will be open to everyone. It is going to be participation . . . i f the campus Petrillo is still pouting. Bobby Tuesday at 7:30 pm. in the s Irene Mata, Bonita Mitchell, had a good malt shop like those Sherwood’s “Elk’s Parade” and interesting to see just how students react when the invitation dent council rooms of the Musei Jeanne Newhouse, Carolyn Niel­ which surround every high school. “Sherwood’s Forest” are back-to- son, Jo Anne Porter, Muriel to snap out of their intellectual slumber is afforded them. of Natural history at the foot Ambitions: Travel widely . . . back on a late Capitol release Reeves, Jackie Sheldon, Ann War­ the hill. get married . . . settle down here which will probably- be much in The following is a list of o ner, Delores Warren, and Marjorie in Santa Barbara . . . demand for those of you that MacMillan. waiter beaver cers: Miss Pond, sponsor; Jar missed the original pressing. “Only the maladjusted seek the young people ''have good, clean, Taylor, President; Andrew B the illusion of true love,” said the coltish fun. Who is aware of the Well, that’s about all for today. caccia, Vice President; Lola Eri CHI DELTA CHI Oaf, tossing the blonde over his brooding, the pain, the thought— See you next week (Schafer, you sen, Secretary; Ruth Sheld The Chi Delta Chi sororit) left shoulder into a thicket. “The or lack of thought—that must go optomist). Treasurer; Jack Potter, Public planning an evening of fun healthy are content to act out a into (what are to the persons in­ lations; Mr. Lawrence E. Cher Jackie Cabott’s cabin in Parad .deception.” ' volved) -truly monumental decis­ 'of you students that these recom­ weth and Dr. Glenn Durfling near the College Cabin. They “Who wrote that?” asked the ions?” mendations can be effectively exe­ of the Educational Departme: leaving Friday evening and Timid One. “Better have some more benze­ cuted. If you feel that test condi­ are patrons. returning sometime S a t u r d “I did,” said the Oaf modestly, drine,” suggested the Timid One. tions can be improved in a par­ Those going are: Jeanne Kne November 18, 1948 A doctor says women are n as he grinningly watched the “No,” said the Oaf defiantly, ticular class, for example, if you Nancy Chmilowski, Beverly Sm bald because they have a t blonde picking burrs out of her bracing himself as the blonde pre­ Editor, El Gaucho feel that there is undue cheating Katy Murphy, Jackie Cabot, S] pared to charge again. “What I layer of fat over their crani teeth. “It suddenly occurs to me University of California in your class, or that the lecturer ley Harris, Marilyn Mydland, I say is true. That’s why it may which provides a better blood that there is something desperate, is not taking proper precautions ply. tie Peryle Meirers, Sandy Nels seem funny. I found out long ago Santa Barbara, Calif. to see that there is no cheating, grim, and earnest beneath the sur­ Just what we thought. “1 Bobbie Misson, Hal Loomis, B face of this college social life. that all you have to do is tell the Dear Students, you are -invited to submit your nie Sly, Connie Peugh, Virgi Fatheads!” People actually get married, com­ truth, and people consider it posi­ Recently my committee, the criticism or suggestion to the Stu­ Karsten, Shirley Reichenbach ; tively ridiculous.” mit themselves for the rest of their Student Judicial Committee, work­ dent Judicial Committee either by Conceit is God’s gift to lit Marge Woods. lives, valid, deep, and sensitive “What is all this leading to?” ing in conjunction with the Fac­ dropping a note in the locked Ju­ men. queried the Timid One. ulty Student Welfare and Health dicial Committee mail box which emotions are brought into play, You can’t judge a woman “To the fact that cruelty wends Committee, submitted to the Fac­ will soon be placed in the Quad LE CERCLE GAULOIS yet to all appearances nothing the clothes she wears—insuffic transpires except a series of seem­ its subtle way through our pleas- ulty for approval ten recommenda­ or by contacting me at the Asso­ M. Jeannot A. Roady, le pÆsi- evidence. ingly innocuous events in which (Continued on page 4) tions as printed in last Tuesday’s ciated Student Body office in West dent de Le Cercle ChuIoîs, a an- El Gaucho. These recommenda­ Hall. If the committee feels that nonce le prochain reunion. Ce tions were intended to curb cheat­ your criticism is valid, we will sera a la Neighborhood House, adele heyman ing on campus, and eight of them do everything possible to seek the Mercred; a huit heures du soir, cooperation of the particular lec­ People remaining in a'somewhat fixed environment often tend t were approved by the Faculty. The Published every Tuesday and F et tous les membres et leurs amis Faculty adopted them for general turer to alleviate the situation. during the school year by the . sont cordiallement invites M. îe level criticism at their surroundings, many times only for the sake c variety. usage; however, any Faculty I am in the Associated Student dated Students of the Universil president a promis que ce reunion Body office in West Hall every California, Santa Barbara, Califi But since Thanksgiving is in the immediate offing, it seems lik member is free to modify them if Opinions herein expressed are tho sera très intéressant, avec discus­ he feels that there are extenuating Tuesday and Thursday morning sion et amusements. a good time to give thanks for three essential blessings which ai The Staff- unless otherwise indie seldom found anywhere else these ------circumstances in his own case. In from 10:30 to 11:00, and I wel­ Entered as second-class matter days. day when some brilliant tycoo some special cases an injustice come the opportunity to falk with 23, 1947, at the post office at S first raised the price of a Hershe might be done or the purposes any student. . Barbara, California, under the a< El Gaucho Vacations Surely, there are those vague March 3, 1879. Mailing charge is assets like education and social bar from five to six cents, oi] of education might best be served There will be no El Gaucho Sincerely per year, payable in advance. life here for which to be grateful, trust in the unity of the nickel hi by not holding hard and fast to Co-Editors —.. Ben Collins, Bob H published on either November 26 Harry Brumbaugh but the really essential blessings been diminishing almost as fa: the recommendations. Managing Editor ...... Edward He; or November 30 according to the as the nickels in our pocket. It is only with the cooperation Student Judicial Committee Asst. Managing Editor...... Pat S editors. of life in this area are far more basic. The dime as well, now lean News Editor ...... Jackie h El Gaucho will not be published Feature Editor ...... Helen Hei Where else, in times when every heavily on the support of a co{ Society Editor ...... Gloria D on these dates because there is pleasure is pain for in flesh and per or two in order to get pas CALENDAR Sports Editor ...... Phil Jacks no provisions for these editions taxes, can one still buy cigarettes the most un-arithmetic cashier. 1 TODAY Asst. Sports Editor ...... Chuck G in the budget which was made for 15 cents, coffe and donuts to­ has almost become a startling e: Business Manager ...... Alan G and approved at the time when 4:00— Foreign Language Reading— AWS Room. Editorial Assistants ...... Don Î taling 10 cents, and, the crown­ perience to buy an item whicl 7 :15— Student Council— Ridge Hall. the Thanksgiving recess lasted Gene M ing excellence— a 5-cent candy by its nature, happens to fall int TOMORROW Feature Staff ...... „ Walter A from November 25 to November bar! the non-tax category, and to b Walter Beaver, Gloria Dealey, Gc 29. 4:00— AWS Board— AWS Room. Aside from the actual savings told that no pennies need be adde Dorsey, Adele Heyman, Gerard 8:00— AAUP Meeting— AWS Room. son, Rudy Schafer, Virginia ' The editors wish the student involved, this adherance to the to our dimes. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 body to realize that the tempor­ Reporters ...... Pat Brae old price line is even more com­ In fact, this decay in the valu Thanksgiving Recess— Holiday. Junemarie Davidson, Sue Hami ary lapse in publication is due forting in its ability to renew our of the nickel and dime, has cause Classes dismissed ONE DAY ONLY. Barbara Howatt, Bill Jackson, to shortage of money allotted for. faith in the identity of the nickel the one-cent piece to have its sc FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Pezzi, Sam Pinkerton, Joannie Pc publication rather than to lazi­ and dime. cial level raised several degrees 8 :3 0 — CMA Concert— Iva Kitchell, Larry Schecter, Joan Spauli ness. Elaine Strobel, Robert Waugh, Ever since that now-forgotten (Continued on page 4) State Armory— 700 E. Canon Perdido. rine White, Pat Whittier. esday, November 23, 1948 E L GAUCHO Page Three

Stevenson found the range with and Dogger House both win their Kappa Sigma two touchdown passes to Gene last games, the play-offs would be delineSlants Gaucho Gridders Prepare for Snyder, and Quentin Sims scored projected into a three-way tie for once on a short dash over center. With Chuck Cobley Leads Intra Sims was particularly effective on first place. end-around runs, preceded by is afternoon’s game at 3:00 Big Game After COP Slaughter Snyder who paved the way. The s the end of the intramural Play-Offs Muirite score was made on a short an football trail when the By Geo. F. Outland JUNIE Coming from behind late in the pass from Stratton to Beverage. a Sigs tie into Sig Eps for Still burning from their humiliating 46 to 0 defeat at the hands second half, Kappa Sigma scored With two games still to be play­ ■mm &chool championship. Today’s M i of the College of the Pacific Tigers, the Golden Gaucho grid squad once and made the conversion to ed this afternoon at 3:15 at Ca- e marks the second game this week began heavy workouts in preparation for the Big Game eek out a 33-32 victory over the brillo Field, the standings are as ing of these two clubs for against San Diego State this Saturday evening. They face the Aztecs Muirites, and thus went into the follows: year, the Sig Eps won the in La Playa Stadium at 8:15. lead in the Intramural Touch Won Lost encounter by a 13-7 count The Aztecs defeated Cal Poly Football play-offs for the college Kappa Sigma ...... 2 0 game that could have gone 28 to 14 last weekend, hte same championship. 0 n Wednesday Dogger House...... 1 1 r way. Gamma Sigs Win; club which the Gaiichos dumped they had defeated a strong Dog­ Sigma Phi Epsilon ...... 1 1 e two top teams of the fra- 35 to 19 the week before. When Look Impressive ger House aggregation by a score Muirites ...... 0 2 y and club divisions- started State played COP earlier in the of 14-6 on a touchdown pass from The intramural basketball tour­ In event that Sigma Phi Epsilon There once was a turkey the round robin playoff ser- season in San Diego, they fell be- Abernathy to McCarthy, and a last week with the Dogger nament got off to a flying start for the Tiger onslaught 41 to 14. last Thursday evening in the men’s 20-yard run by Bob Smith. The from Elgin, se and the Murites represent- Fourth Place, Now Dogger House score was made he clubs and the Sig Eps and gym, as six of the 24 teams met AFTER CLASS The Gauchos, San Diego State by Hahn on a beautiful 30-yard Who before Thanksgiving pa Sigs fighting for fratem- in the opening games. and Cal Poly are now in a three- Gamma Sigma Pi set out to run behind effective blocking. or onors. The Kappa Sigs ended said with a grin, way tie for fourth place in the In the wild-scoring game with n the top spot for the fratern- prove that they will be a power 2C2A conference, and although in this tournament by entering the Muirites, Kappa Sigma went ANYTIME rophy while the Dogger House "Wendel's has, you lassies; the games this weekend will have two teams and winning both out in front as Bob Smith ran ed the list of club teams. no bearing on the winner of the the opening kick off for a touch­ ' IT'S Cute dresses for chassies." ¡us far in the school play-offs games by large scores. The “A” league, they will definitely affect team, led by Bob Bothner with down. Before the game was many Kappa Sigs boast wins over the standings. Should the Gauchos 18 points, Guido Del Bello with minutes older, Fred Bahl connect­ Dogger House and the Muir- Then he strutted to the oven* drop State, and COP bounce Fres­ 14 points and Harris Seqd with ed with the first of four touch­ the Dogger House has bested no State, then the Gauchos would 12 points, completely overwhelmed down passes for the winners, this and climbed in. Sig Eps besides losing to the move into a tie with FSC for third Tau Epsilon Phi, 81-21. The “B” one to Malone. Dick Stratton came pa Sigs, and the Muirites have place in the conférence—the first team scored exactly twice as many right back for the Muirites when ;o win a game. By this we see WENDELS time they’ve been in the upper di­ points as Sigma Tau Gamma, win­ he ran the next kickoff all the way thus far in the playoffs, the 1207 State Street vision. ning 21-14. Bob Chapman was for a score, and then repeated the pa Sigs are the only unbeaten The State team has not an en­ high scorer for Gamma Sigma run in the second half to put his d. If the Sig Eps best the viable record this season, having “B” with 12 points. Dick Harmon team in front. In between he team in today’s game then it won from Redlands, Pepperdine and Brick Reid showed well for passed to Hanson for another six and Cal Poly while dropping con­ the losers. points. Bahl, however, kept pitch­ culty Pencil Pushers tests to Brigham Young, Arizona, In the last game played, Sigma ing strikes, twice to Barr and once to McCarthy for three touch­ The faculty Intramural COP, Loyola, Fresno State and Alpha Kappa, after a slow first downs, and then sewed up the ball sketball team, organized San Jose State. The Gaucho’s sea­ quarter, went out in front of Del­ game, as the score stood 32-32 der the name of the Pen- son check-list reads ~four victories ta Sigma Phi, and won going on by finding McCarthy in the end -Pushers, is looking for against five defeats. However, the the long end of a 38-16 tally. Ald­ zone for the extra point. 109 E. ANAPAMU ~letic talent. All male Border City team is always “high” ridge and Pentoney led the win­ mbers of the faculty who for this game, so season records ners with 15 and 12 points re­ In the second game on Thurs­ Across from Court House sh to participate are urg- may be thrown out the window. It spectively. day, Dogger House played heads- to contact Dick Kay- is probable that by game time the up ball to defeat Sigma Phi Epsil­ od, Supervisor of Intra- visitors will rule as one-touchdown on in a closely contested affair, TENNIS Send Her ral Sports, in West Hall favorites. 13-6. Scoring first early in the PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS 0. COP Fiasco Entries are now being ac­ first half on a 30-yard pass from Flowers DOWN . . . all makes. Games are played in the In the COP fiasco, it was the cepted in West Hall 110 for Royce to Ware, and making the $15 "n’s Gym one evening a magnificent ball-handling of Little the intramural singles and conversio ngood, the winners went Balance One Year to Pay From e k . All-American quarterback Eddie doubles Tennis Tourna­ out in front and were never head­ LeBaron which won the game, but ment. ed. Sig Ep stayed within striking it was poor officiating which held All male students except distance when they scored in the throw things into a three-way the Gauchos scoreless. This is the those who played varsity first half on an interception play 'or first place, with the Dog- first game of the season in which tennis are eligible to com­ that had to be seen to be believed. Th« Voie« of a Thousand Gardens House,’ the Sig Eps and the they were white-washed, and para­ pete. Games will be played Snyder blocked a pass that had 1331 State Ph. 5165 pa Sigs, claiming the honor, doxically, it is the first game on Mondays, Wednesday, just left Gmur’s hand. The ball lot is at stake in today’s tilt which the Tigers have not yield­ and Fridays at the Municip­ bounced into the air, was juggled ome out and see how things ed two-touchdowns. Their oppon­ al Tennis Stadium. In the momentarily by Gustofsen of Sig shape up for the final stand- ents had previously averaged ex­ event of conflicts in sched­ Ep, and caught by McDonald who actly 14 points per game. The men ules, games may be played scored on a 15-yard run. Dogger ta Barbara High Rugged in Blue and Gold had four drives at the convenience of the House came back with another -TYPEWRITER RENTALS- lets turn for a moment to the deep into Tiger territory called players. touchdown pass from Kutch to POWERS’ r institution of learning in back, two of these drives within Play starts Monday, No­ Ware, and that was the ball game. town, Santa Barbara High “The Typewriter Specialist' the eight yard stripe. The Tigers vember 29. Mr. Lyle Rey­ Previously, Sig Ep had defeat­ ol. Their football team has 932 State Phone 4260 had one touchdown run and sev­ nolds, G a u c h o Tennis ed the Muirites, 19-7, as George :e an aggregation this season, eral nice gains called back. The Coach, will he in charge. y have yet to lose a game and penalty statistics revealed 105 yds have won all of their tilts by against the Gauchos and 40 — It’s More Fun with . . . e margins. against COP, but this does not in­ got no father,” whenever any pen­ WHITE ROCK heir toughest competition to clude the distance of the play nul­ alty was called. came last Friday night when lified by the penalty. Pass Defense Good Beverages met the squad from Tuscon, Even the Tiger fans, who re­ The Gauchos’ pass defense, so -ona. However, their power ceived a poor bit of officiating at effective against Cal Poly, held up — All Flavors— out as they wound up on the the San Jose State game which well against LeBaron’s pitching, end of a 21-0 score. By doing most of the home team’s scores Bulova “Marie” *37" cost them the 2C2A title, came up 17 Jewel» they went through their reg- with the chant of “The referee’s (Continued on page 4) season undefeated and this CLEMENT’S ties them to move into the OFFERS PROMPT F. playoffs. Their first game ffl! be here on Thanksgiving Day AND EXPERT inst a potent Monrovia eleven, WHITE ROCK ner of the Foothill League, WATCH REPAIRING se of you who don’t make the DISTRIBUTORS eward trek for the holiday SPECIAL CLEMENT ht do well by taking in the fra- JORDANOS’ INC. Jewelers 35 W. Canon Perdido ur conscience doesn’t always SANTA BARBARA 1323 State Street p us from doing what we WHILE IT LASTS uldn’t, but it keeps us from en- ing it. CONSULT ARNOLD HARGIS AND BOB LORDEN, YOUR MF CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES fM b ! ; %&/ : W& l mm i : ** am» 1--. Sms.. i.Æ *s-■ í •• ...... W %’T'Wm r w n HH È » ' I \ Hü I • I A i :M..t m r - m M» Ävil 1 «he'L h* . * « Î < \ Ü BEECH-NUT ' f||§£ I S::í§§§!£ i —-&JI: ! Ul üí fc! ui ,i J , ; i lie: ■ H g j|j w f f W * , A T M F ! NEWEST 4'àlît f ïllt i ® SPEARMINT GUM ! » I É m l Í j¡ 1 ¡¡§ 1 s i IGLEN PLAID mÊSÊSê § i p p i k 2 For 5 c : ' ■ t K j B M ü M l

n i “ “ A , A .ip p \ ; | | | I - IN FRESH CUT ii*- SKIRTS! FLOWERS m m JBSäg’ JV* And remember to patronize ? 1 1 p ¡ ¡ h ® FOR ALL l UIIJ— OCCASIONS J m ¿ 1 ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 M\ AT s f i l l É ì É THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE [r Æ i » ! k i ® t VICTOR “It’s to your advantage” i m m z 1 i | B | i

l i s p THE FLORIST * fl : ; Have you entered this week's Football Contest?? j f l g l l 5 E. Anapamu Ph. 21451 1 i 1

NINETY DAY CHARGE ACCOUNTS NINE FIFTEEN STATE Page Four Tuesday, November 23; 194l Toynbee Value Aesthetic, he honest about our deceptions. es that arise when tender, yq| Civil Service Now Recognizes walterrbeaver Let’s: be: bravely self-deceived, bodies disappear beneath the Not Scientific rathter than willingly self-deceived. face. It will be tremendous. Tlj (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 2) We have, worshipped false gods. of the publicity. Why, we nn| SBC as Accredited School subject of Dr. Adam’s lecture was ant land of lotus eaters.” The Oaf That’s why we’ve organized this even make Life Magazine.” was now beating the: blonde about Santa Barbara College today pondence between the Provost’s “Unfinished Syjnphony: Arnold new cult: The,Sons of Belial. We “I can see no value in the eyes and ears* and preparing chalked up another step in its ad­ office and the Civil Service Com­ J. Toynbee.” call oursleves the S.O .B’s for saying these terrible things,” to clamp on a full-Nelson. “And vance to nationwide recognition. mission which eventually cleared Explaining his distinction be­ short.” the Timid One. “And, any-v even though we like to pretend we Acting Provost J. Harold Wil­ up the situation. It developed that tween the aesthetic value and the “I would be deeply offended if where would you find—’ are all Girl Scouts, we know that liams reported that United States the Civil Service Commission was scientific value of Toynbee’s I didn’t know you were making “Enough*” said the Oaf, as| Civil Service Commission had ex­ following a list of accredited in­ work, Dr. Adams stated: “Pages more than merit badges are in­ a big joke,” said the Timid One blonde sank her teeth into tended full recognition to this col­ stitutions contained in a bulletin of remarkable classical and bibli­ volved.” worriedly. left ear. “We must all try to | lege in determining eligibility and of the United States Office of Ed­ cal erudition, flashes of stimulat­ “So what should we do?” asked “Ah* I can picture the scene derstand each other.” Then academic credit for its applicants. ucation compiled before the pres­ ing insight and intuition, passag­ the Timid One, yawning. now,” said the Oaf, as the blonde a smile of Christian charity,l Dr. Williams was informed of ent status of Santa Barbara Col­ es of magnificent prose, are con­ “Go right on pretending,” said tried desperately to gouge out his cuffed the blonde lightly bef this action in ft letter from C. F. lege as a part of the University tained therein for the aesthetic en- the Oaf, switching to a more com­ right eye. “This time we’ll plant taking her acne-scarred face Wilson, Executive secretary of the of California was fully clarified. joymen of the reader, but the fortable. hammerlock. “Only let’s huge cakes of dry ice in the quad his hands, and kissing her u| Central Board of Civil Service ‘system’ involving questionable pool, so that when the students the forehead. Examiners at Denver, Colo, ‘scientific laws” and a question­ Golf Driving Contest arrive Monday mornings they will adele heyman able ‘empirical method’ melts in “In view of the information At Goleta Range Set find the pool bubbling and steam­ that degrees are now conferred (Continued from page 2) the hands.” ing. About the pool, dressed in ART . . . upon graduates of your college by if only in numbers. There was a “We may criticize in a dozen The Intramural Sports Program the blood-stained sacrificial robes, the Regents of the University of time when people wouldn’t think ways,” Dr. Adams continued, “but at UCSBC is being expanded by will chant incan­ SUPPLIES California, you may be assured of walking around with a hand­ the creative achievement, like his the addition of a golf driving con­ tations. Then, every five minutes, • STUDENTS! Come in cl that all possible credits will be ful of pennies weighing heavily on creative individuals, deserves the test, it was announced today by young virgins will be hurled into browse . . . Profitably . . . Fanl given to students at your institu­ one side, but those days, out in admiration of men of good will.” Dick Kaywood, Supervisor of In­ the bubbling water. Silence will •papers . . . paints . ’. . brush In a similar vein, Dr. Adams prevail, morning silence, a silence . . . equipment . . . art hoc tion in examination by this Board,” the cruel, harsh world, these coins tramural Sports. This contest, to . . . everything you need. MO| Mr. Wilson stated. have become indespensible. outlined Toynbee’s answers to such be held on Wednesday afternoon, broken only by the noise of bub­ COMPLETE SUPPLY IN T| The question arose when an And so, when we labor delight­ questions as: How do civilizations December 7th at the Goleta Driv­ bling water, soft-spoken incanta­ COUNTIES! application submitted by a Santa fully over a platter of turkey, grow? How do civilizations stop ing Range under the direction of tions, and the soft maidenly spash- “Worth your while” Barbara College student for the mince pie and cranberry sauce growing? How do civilizations dis­ Bill Irvine, varsity golf coach, Engineer Trainee examination next week, we shall give thanks, integrate? will appeal to all students— both was returned with the notation, not only for the cranberry sauce, Dr. John Michael O’Gorman, as­ men and women—who feel the WESTE “academic study not completed in mince pie and turkey, but also for sistant professor of chemistry, will urge to swing a golf club once a school of recognized standing.” the good old 5-cent candy bar. A give the next lecture on December more and sharpen their game. CAMERAS! FILMS! This started a chain of corres- society founded on such stability, 1. His subject will be, “Unleashing Varsity players will be ineligible is great indeed! Atomic Energy: The Collabora­ to compete. This golf driving con­ 24-Hóur Finishing Service Language Department tion of Many Minds to Produce test will serve as a preliminary to Comer State and De la Guerra 12 East Canon Perdido Gancho Gridders Prepare Destruction.” a full scale Intramural golf meet Gives Reading Today to be held early next semester. For Big Game Griffith Field, Saturday afternoon, Selections from the works of Entries for the driving contest are (Continued from page 3) December 4. three French poets will be pre­ being accepted in West Hall 110. sented by the Foreign Language coming from runs of magnificent Linescore: Department at the meeting of style. On one occasion the runner Gauchos ...... 0 0 0 0—0 HAMILTON DIAMOND CO. “Readings and Reviews” this af­ had eight man interference ahead COP ...... 12 14 0 20—46 ternoon in the AWS room. of him, with only the Gaucho sec­ Scoring: Brown, 3; Ortez, Roh­ de, Hardy, Bobson—touchdowns. CALIFORNIA'S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS Reading from the poems of ondary of five men against him. The only play which the Gau- Conversions: McFarland, 3; Or­ Baudelaire and Verlaine, symbol­ tez, 1. ists, and Jammes, a contemporary chos could not stop was the safety- EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING poet, Dr. William Aggler will first valve rim. COP’s fullback would render a literal translation of the come through the line at left guard, LeBaron handing the ball poems and then read from the Christmas Photographs! 1021 State Street original French. to him there. If the Gaucho de­ fenders had closed the hole, Le­ Christmas Cards! Baron simply took the ball back from the fullback on a spinner and pitched it out to the halfback go­ ing around end with three man interference. Either way, the Gau­ The time is BRING YOUR CLEANING PROBLEMS TO U£ cho line-backers were trapped. The Now! We Serve Soup, play also worked against San Tamales, Chili Beans Drive In Parking Accommodations Francisco and Montana U. to the The place is . . . as well as We Pick Up and Deliver UNCHEON tune of 32 to 14 scores on pre­ Ice Cream Specialties ceding weekends. Last Home Game in high gear ... Jaste Studio- The San Diego State fracus ROYAL (with overdrive) marks the last Gaucho appearance Ph. 23131 at home this season as they close 7 La Arcada Ct. Ice Cream featuring . . . out their year against Willamette 1114 State 1116 Chapala College of Salem, Oregon, at Bak­ Phone 7372 Telephone 2-0075 1102 Santa Barbara Stree • Special fast service for ersfield next weekend. The game, Manufacturers of Fine Ice Cream those in a hurry to lecture or a charity affair, will be played at listen . . . alzo • More leisurely atmosphere (we use our older waiters for this) for people who have a little more time . . .

6 fantasically! Prove for yourself what throat specialists wonderful! reported when 30-day smoking test revealed entrees! NO THROAT IRRITATION special attraction! between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. due to smoking CAM ELS! Moonbeam McSwine will... (gentlemen not admitted) In that test, hundreds of men and women, from coast to coast, smoked Camels, and only Camels, for 30 consecutive days—an aver­ (ladies excluded) age of one to two packs a day. And the noted throat specialists who the throats of these smokers each week—a total of 2470 shhh . . . careful examinations—reported not one single case of throat irrita­ tion due to smoking Camels! (candlelit boothes . . .vaddy private!) Make the Camel mildness test. Test Camels yourself for 30 all this goes on at days in your own "T-Zone”. .. T for Taste and T for Throat. Let YOUR OWN TASTE tell you about the rich, full f t flavor of Camel’s choice tobaccos —so carefully aged and expertly blended. Let YOUR OWN THROAT tell you the wonderful story of Camel’s cool, cool mildness. You’ll enjoy the test.”..every puff of it. You’ll enjoy Camels.

as if you didn't know. Comer (fju alari /ee / of State and Cota .. . According to a Nationwide survey: Try Camels and test them as you smoke them. If, at any time, you are not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette telephone 21291 MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS you ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund its full purchase price, plus postage. THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Doctors smoke for pleasure, too I And when three leading independent research organize« tions asked 113,597 doctors what cigarette they smoked, the brand named most was Camel I