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Glycomics meets , and other high

throughput for system biology studies

1 1 2,3

Vlatka Zoldosˇ , Tomislav Horvat and Gordan Lauc

Majority of eukaryotic are glycosylated and their Both inherited (genetic) and acquired (environmental)

moieties have numerous important structural, functional factors that modulate glycosylation affect numerous mol-

and regulatory roles. Because of structural complexity of ecular processes, including interactions with specific

and technological limitations glycomics, and receptors or half-life of numerous membrane proteins

particularly glycoproteomics was not able to follow rapid [3]. Both quantitative and qualitative changes in the

progress in genomics and over last 30 years. repertoire of glycan structures have been found in many

However, the field of glycan has been progressing rapidly and complex diseases and [4]. However, due to the

first large-scale studies of the have been completed structural complexity of glycans and technological limita-

recently. These studies have revealed significant differences in tions the knowledge of functional importance of glycans

glycome composition between individuals, which may is significantly lagging behind the knowledge of DNA and

contribute to the human phenotypic variability. The current proteins.

state-of-the-art in high-throughput glycomics and its

integration with genomics, epigenomics and is

The development of high-throughput

reviewed in this article.

quantitative glycomic analysis


Until only a few years ago glycan analysis was extremely


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia

2 laborious and complex, hampering large-scale studies of

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb,

Croatia the glycome. However, significant progress has been


Genos Ltd, Laboratory, Zagreb, Croatia made in the past few years and several methods for

high-throughput glycan analysis now exist [5–9,10]. In

Corresponding author: Lauc, Gordan ([email protected])

principle, three main analytical methods are being used

for high-throughput analysis of glycans: liquid chroma-

tography (high performance — HPLC and ultra perform-

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:xx–yy

ance — UPLC, Figure 2), (MS) and

This review comes from a themed issue on Omics

capillary (CE). An overview of some basic

Edited by Pauline Rudd and Matthew Bogyo

characteristics of these three methods is presented in

Table 1, while more detailed description can be found

in a recent review by Rakus and Mahal [11].

1367-5931/$ – see front matter, # 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights

In general, UPLC and CE enable reliable glycan quanti-


fication. However, the development of analytical pro-

cedures for analysis of a particular biological system is

demanding since glycan structures present in each chro-

matographic/electrophoretic peak need to be individually

Introduction determined by MS or egzoglycosidase digestion. In

Nearly all membrane and secreted proteins as well as addition, separation of glycans is rarely complete, thus

numerous intracellular proteins are modified by covalent each peak is a mixture of variable relative signal contri-

addition of complex oligosaccharides (glycans), which butions originating from different glycans. MS analysis

play roles in almost every biological process and are provides more structural details, but is generally less

involved in every major disease [1,2]. A peculiarity quantitative. An additional problem lies in the fact that

of glycan moieties of is that they are not signal response factors are different for different glycans,

synthesized using a direct genetic template. Instead, they which complicates calculation of the derived traits, like

result from the activity of several hundreds of galactosylation, fucosylation, sialylation, etc.

organized in complex pathways. Changes in the activity

and/or localization of any of the enzymes involved in It is estimated that many thousands of different glycans

glycan biosynthesis will affect the final structure of a are attached to human proteins [11,12] and none of the

glycan. Therefore, in addition to being defined by an currently available analytical methods can simultaneously

individual’s genetic background, the glycome (defined as quantify all of them. Therefore, each analysis provides

a set of all glycans in an analyzed tissue or ) is only a limited insight into the complexity of the glycome.

shaped by environmentally induced changes in On top of this, majority of glycoproteins have multiple

expression (Figure 1). glycosylation sites, which can be occupied by different Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


2 Omics

Figure 1

Genome SNP (genotype)



Change in chromatin Environment Gene expression structure




nucleosome with methylated histones unmethylated CpG site

nucleosome with acetylated histones methylated CpG site

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

Complex genetics and epigenetics of glycosylation. Glycans are synthetized by dynamic interaction between many enzymes and other

proteins. In addition to sequence variation in DNA, glycosylation is strongly influenced by environmental effects. Environmental factors (like nutrition,

stress, smoking, etc.) can act on the level of enzymatic reactions, but they can also modulate gene expression by epigenetic mechanisms like affecting

DNA and histone modifications (such as histone acetylation and methylation). Cellular memory stored in epigenetic modifications can affect glycan

synthesis long after the disappearance of the environmental factor itself. Rectangles represent individual ; ovals in different colors represent

different enzymes involved in biosynthetic pathway of glycan structures.

glycan species with highly specialized functions. We are roles of the same glycans on different plasma proteins

very far from understanding the role of glycans on actually blur protein-specific regulation of glycosylation

majority of glycoproteins, but some prominent examples, of individual proteins.

like IgG (which has been studied in more detail), clearly

demonstrate the importance of glycans for structural High-throughput DNA analysis enabled one of

stability and biological function of glycoproteins [3]. the largest bursts of discovery in human


Several large population studies of the plasma glycome Until middle of last decade two approaches were used to

have been published until now [13–15]. They have all study the effects of genetic variation on complex human

revealed a high variability in glycome composition be- diseases: genetic linkage studies and the candidate-gene

tween individuals. However, besides age, which signifi- approach. Studies of genetic linkage used sets of scarce

cantly affected galactosylation, all other environmental genetic markers and were consequently successful only in

factors individually accounted only for a small fraction of identifying rare genetic mutations with high penetrance

the observed variance, thus the main source of glycome and large-scale effects (monogenic, Mendelian disorders).

variation between individuals is still not known. Inter- These studies were generally underpowered to detect

estingly, when compared to the total plasma glycome, the effects of common genetic variants [16]. On the other

glycome composition of a single isolated protein (IgG, hand, in majority of candidate gene studies, which were

which is the only that has been analyzed at based on a priori hypotheses of biological plausibility,

the population level) varied even more between individ- used sample sizes of only up to several hundred cases and

uals [10]. This indicates that varying concentrations of controls and this led to results that were generally not

plasma proteins and different structural and functional replicated in future studies [17,18].

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies Zoldosˇ , Horvat and Lauc 3

Figure 2

GP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 8b 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16a 16b 17 18a 18b 19 20 21 22 23 24

5 6 7 8 9 10 GU

N-acetylglucosamine 6 4 2 α β β α

Core Fucose α

6 6 Mannose β 4 β 4 β 4

Galactose α


N-acetylneuraminic acid α 6 β 4 β 2

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

Ultra performance liquid (UPLC) separation of the IgG glycome. Different chromatographic techniques can be used to separate

glycome into individual glycans or groups of similar glycans. UPLC separation is frequently used to separate glycans attached to human IgG in a way

that enables reliable quantification of nearly all individual components of the IgG glycome. However, UPLC analysis does not reveal structural details,

thus individual chromatographic peaks had to be collected and subjected to structural analysis by MS as described in Pucic et al. [10].

The development of high-throughput genotyping tech- understanding complex diseases if combined with

nologies enabled radical changes in experimental design genetic associations and phenotype information

[19]. Several hundred thousands of particularly useful [31,32,33].

single polymorphism (SNP) markers spanning

across the entire (haplotype tagging) were chosen Epigenetic mechanisms account both for cellular state

to develop high density SNP arrays, which made hypoth- within an individual (cellular memory) and for non-DNA

esis-free genome-wide association studies (GWAS) sequence-based trans-generational inheritance, which

possible [20,21]. Over 500,000 individuals were geno- can account for discrepancy between genetic (population)

typed in this way enabling identification of loci associated and familial inheritance. First genome-wide chromatin

with complex diseases such as breast and colorectal assays have already enabled quantification of interindi-

[22,23], inflammatory bowel disease [24,25], vidual differences in chromatin state, which provided an

type-2 diabetes [26], and a variety of other diseases initial insight into epigenetic contribution to human

and traits [27]. However, individual effects of the ident- variation of complex phenotypes [34,35]. The new

ified loci are generally small, explaining only a small field of epigenetic epidemiology, which aims at examin-

fraction of the trait or disease variation [21]. As such, ing time-dependence, heritability, and environmental

they do not substantially improve predictions over those relationship of epigenetic marks and at integrating novel

based on known factors such as family history [28–30]. genome-wide methylation scans with GWAS, is emerging

The discrepancy between population genetic models and as an interface between genetics, epigenetics and human

family-based estimates of heritability can be overcome by disease variation [36,37]. Although still very challenging

inclusion of additional measurements such as epigenetic due to the nature of the epigenetic information, epigen-

measurement which could substantially contribute to ome-wide association studies (EWAS) are already Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


4 Omics

Table 1

Comparison of different technologies for glycan analysis


Acceptance/usage Very widely used Not used much, but Widely used

gaining importance

Throughput High, approximately Very high, multiplexing Very high, as single mass

50 samples per UPLC per with up to 96 capillaries spectra can be obtained

day without multiplexing allows the analysis of at a subminute time scale.

thousands of samples per day. Analysis of thousands of

samples per day is possible

Expertise required for Medium Medium High: both MALDI-MS and

instrument operation ESI-MS require quite

some experience

Resolution High High Very high

Capacity for isomer separation Very good Very good None, but distinguishing of

isomers may be achieved by

tandem MS

Capacity for reliable quantification Very good Medium Medium/low

Costs of equipment High Medium (due to cheap Very high


Costs per sample in high Rather high costs, mainly Low costs per sample Rather high costs, mainly

throughput mode due to low throughput due to expensive equipment

(multiple UPLC systems

required) and costs of solvents

Three main technologies are today being used to analyze glycome in a high-throughput manner. Some main features of ultra-performance liquid

chromatography (UPLC), capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence (CE-LIF) and mass spectrometry (MS) are presented.

underway and, integrated with GWAS, are expected to plasma glycome analysis [39], confirming all of the

reveal epigenetic factors which contribute to disease previous observations and revealing a new association

phenotype [38]. of HNF1A with glycan branching. In addition, three

new genes which associate with plasma glycome compo-

sition have been identified: MGAT5, B3GAT1 and

Genome wide association studies of the

SLC9A9. In accordance with its biological function,

human glycome

MGAT5 has been associated with highly branched gly-

Only three GWA studies of glycosylation-related traits

cans. B3GAT1 is a member of glucuronyltransferase gene

have been published so far [39,40,41]. The first one

family. Glucuronic acid is known to exist on a subset of

determined composition of desialylated total plasma N-

human lymphocytes, but was never reported on plasma

glycome by HPLC analysis in 2705 individuals from the

proteins. A detailed structural analysis confirmed the

islands of Vis and Korcˇula in Croatia and Orkney Islands

existence of glucuronic acid on a subset of N-glycans

in Scotland. The percentage of glycan structures contain-

released from human plasma glycoproteins [10], indicat-

ing core or antennary fucose was calculated as well. Out of

ing that results from GWAS can lead structural glycomic

13 identified HPLC peaks, significant associations with

studies. The third identified gene, SLC9A9, was also

particular SNPs were found for five of them, as well as for

previously not related to glycosylation. It codes for a

antennary fucose [40]. The identified SNPs were located

proton pump which regulates pH in endosomes [42].

within known glycosyltransferase genes, FUT6 and

Since changes in Golgi pH can impair protein sialylation

FUT8, and were associated with glycan structures along

[43], the association between SLC9A9 and tetrasialylated

biosynthetic pathways of these two glycosyltransferases;

glycans makes biological sense.

thus, the molecular mechanisms behind these associ-

ations were clear. However, this approach led to a dis-

covery of yet another gene, previously unrelated to Epigenetics of protein glycosylation

protein glycosylation, coding for the transcription factor Longitudinal studies revealed high stability of an indi-

HNF1A. Subsequent functional studies revealed the vidual plasma N-glycome over a period of weeks and even

central role of HNF1A in antennary fucosylation of after one year [44]. Heritability of individual glycan levels

plasma proteins exercised by promoting both de novo was generally below 50% [15], indicating presence of

and salvage pathways of GDP-fucose synthesis, expres- nonheritable mechanisms that provide temporal stability

sion of FUT3, FUT5 and FUT6, and the suppression of in the control of hundreds of different enzymes partici-

expression of FUT8 [40]. pating in glycan biosynthesis. Regulatory elements, such

as promoters, enhancers and insulators, are major targets

As an extension to the first GWA study, the second one for various epigenetic modifications [45], which modulate

included more individuals (3533) and a more detailed function of these elements in the regulation of gene

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies Zoldosˇ , Horvat and Lauc 5

Figure 3

expression. Recent development of new-generation

sequencing technologies enabled whole-genome expres-

sion and epigenetic profiling analyses, which provided

insight into associations between chromatin signatures


and gene expression [46].

Epigenetic deregulation of many individual glyco-genes

was reported so far only in cancer and majority of studies

analyzed only methylation status of the gene promoter

regions [47–49] or rarely combined analysis of DNA

methylation with the analysis of histone modifications Disease


[50]. However, comprehensive analyses linking epige- phenotype

netic modifications with the expression of glyco-genes are

still lacking. So far, particular glyco-genes were mostly

included only as a part of studies that aimed at elucidating

global epigenetic changes during tumor development,

such as in the case of DNA methylation profiling of

chronic lymphocyte leukemia or breast cancer [51,52].

Therefore, future efforts need to be directed towards OTHER

mining and analyzing publicly available data in order OMICS

to generate novel findings for the subset of glyco-genes.

An alternative approach is the use of epigenetic inhibi- Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

tors, which modulate gene expression levels, followed by

identification of genes, which affect composition of the Multi-dimensional omics. The phenotype of complex diseases can be

N-glycome [53,54]. Targeted genome editing followed by understood only by considering new research horizons that integrate

genomics, epigenomics, glycomics and other omics, which all contribute

functional studies will open many new opportunities in

to the development and course of disease.

the future, but this technology is still not fully adapted to

epigenetic studies [55,56].

The importance of epigenetic regulation of glyco-genes is

still underestimated and represents an intriguing chal- predicting the development of even the most heritable

lenge for further studies. Recently, we started to unravel illnesses [28].

potential mechanisms by which epigenetic deregulation

of the glycome may contribute to disease development. The development of a complex human disease is a

By applying GWAS to human plasma N-glycome, we combination of genetic background and numerous

identified the transcription factor HNF1A as the master environmental factors that act during lifetime. While

regulator of plasma protein fucosylation [40]. After ana- the link between genes and protein function is relatively

lyzing methylation levels on four CpG sites, which affect straightforward, this is not the case for glycans or ,

HNF1A expression in over 800 individuals, we were able which are produced in complex biological pathways

to show statistically significant associations between epi- affected by both genes and the environment. Some of

genetic status of the promoter of this gene and highly the environmental factors are perpetuated through epi-

branched glycan structures in the plasma glycome [57]. genetic mechanisms, which modulate gene expression

We obtained further support for this association by show- and help an individual to adapt to changing environment

ing the same type of glycosylation changes in plasma of (Figure 1). This results in a very complex phenotype,

patients with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young which is hard to predict from individually measured

(HNF1A-MODY), a subset of diabetes caused by inacti- genetic or environmental components, and a new

vating mutation in HNF1A. research horizon that integrates genomics, epigenomics

and high-dimensional phenotype omics is emerging

[31,58,59]. Glycomics is here particularly interesting

Conclusions because it already integrates genetic background with

The complex interplay of multiple molecular systems is environmental factors acting during lifetime of an organ-

an inherent property of all biological processes. However, ism [60]. However, data integrating glycomics with other

the traditional reductive approach is unable to reveal the omics are very limited. One recent study integrating

complexity or determine the true role and importance of glycomics and lipidomics resulted in identification of a

different individual components. This is clearly evident very interesting association between glycan branching

from the poor performance of genetic variants compared and polyunsaturated lipids, which might be part of the

to the traditional epidemiological risk factors in mechanism involved in the regulation of membrane Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2012, 17:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


6 Omics

First large population study of the human IgG glycome. Presents glycome

dynamics [61]. Multilevel omics datasets offer an oppor-

variation in nearly 2300 people from three isolated populations.

tunity to study how individual parts of a biological system

11. Rakus JF, Mahal LK: New technologies for glycomic analysis:

work together in transition from health to disease

toward a systematic understanding of the glycome. Annu Rev

(Figure 3), but further progress is needed to develop Anal Chem (Palo Alto Calif) 2011, 4:367-392.

both analytical and statistical methods which would 12. Cummings RD: The repertoire of glycan determinants in the

human glycome. Mol Biosyst 2009, 5:1087-1104.

enable the analysis of different types of omics and their 

An interesting article that presents variety of glycan epitopes present in

interactions for high-dimensional predictive modeling.

the human glycome.

13. Ruhaak LR, Uh HW, Beekman M, Koeleman CA, Hokke CH,

Acknowledgements Westendorp RG, Wuhrer M, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ,

Work in authors’ laboratories is supported by the Croatian Ministry of Slagboom PE, Deelder AM: Decreased levels of bisecting

Science, Education and Sport grants #006-0061194-2023 (to GL), #119- GlcNAc glycoforms of IgG are associated with human

1191196-1224 (to VZ); by the European Commission GlycoBioM (contract longevity. PLoS ONE 2010, 5:e12566.

#259869), HighGlycan (contract #278535), IBD-BIOM (contract #305479)

14. Knezˇevic´ A, Gornik O, Polasˇ ek O, Pucˇ ic´ M, Novokmet M, Redzˇic´ I,

and MIMOmics (contract #305280) grants and by AUF PSCI grant.

Rudd PM, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I et al.: Effects of aging,

body mass index, plasma profiles, and smoking on

human plasma N-glycans. Glycobiology 2010, 20:959-969.

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Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://


Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies Zoldosˇ , Horvat and Lauc 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Zoldosˇ V, et al.: Glycomics meets genomics, epigenomics and other high throughput omics for system biology studies, Curr Opin Chem Biol (2012), http://