VOL. 117 - NO. 46 , MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 $.30 A COPY Gettysburg Address Turns 150 The Gettysburg Address is point; some say that this There are five manu- one of the most important battle was not a turning scripts of the speech that speeches in American his- point, but a strategic loss vary in structure, punctua- tory, delivered by Abraham by the Confederate Army. tion, and wording. Two of Lincoln during the Civil Nonetheless, the general them are thought to be War on November 19, 1863. consensus is that if the Con- written by Lincoln before the Lincoln’s “brief remarks” federate Army had won, the speech and the other three, were a request from the com- Civil War would have ended years afterward. The most mittee for the November 19th then, and that a win for accepted version is the Consecration of the National the Union redefined their one written for Colonel Cemetery at Gettysburg and involvement. Robert E. Lee Alexander Bliss well after they were delivered dur- who was leading Confeder- the speech was delivered. ing the dedication of the ate forces at Gettysburg This one is the only one that Soldiers’ National Cemetery was known to be an almost he signed and titled. This in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. invincible general, thus his manuscript is now displayed The speech was short, in defeat meant a lot for Union in the Lincoln Room of the only ten sentences Lincoln morale. Against him was White House. summarized the war and George G. Meade leading the There are a few events spoke of American ideals Army of Potomac. being held in Massachusetts while commemorating those In his Gettysburg Address, in remembrance to this im- Union soldiers who died in Lincoln urged those present portant speech on its 150th their victorious Battle of to properly honor those de- anniversary. The Abraham Gettysburg four and a half ceased by continuing their Lincoln Presidential Library months earlier. cause so that “this nation, and Museum in Springfield, The Battle of Gettysburg under God, shall have a new MA is hosting free educa- lasted three days, from birth of freedom and that tional and entertaining July 1st to July 3rd. It was government of the people, by events on November 18th the grizzliest battle of the the people, for the people, such as a performance by entire Civil War with the shall not perish from the an actress of the memories biggest number of casual- Earth.” In this speech of a 15-year-old girl who ties. The Union defeated the Lincoln redefined the Civil witnessed the Battle of Confederate Army marking War as a “birth of freedom” Gettysburg. The Milton His- a turning point in the course and not just a struggle be- torical Society will present a of the rest of the war, even tween the Union and the free program “Four Score though it went on for two Confederacy making it a and Seven: Remembering more years. Historians are staple in the life of the the Battle of Gettysburg known to disagree on this of America. through Maps” on Tuesday, November 19, 2013. The pro- gram will take place at 7:00 pm in the Keys Room of the Milton Public Library, Milton News Briefs MA. by Sal Giarratani

Chris Christie Wins Big in New Jersey Veterans Day 2013 Republican Gov. Chris Christie had himself NORTH END POST 144 a re-election victory down in New Jersey on Elec- by Christian Kulikoski tion Day getting 61 percent of the vote against his Democratic opponent. Many Republicans dislike Christie and see him as a RINO and find him too liberal. However, he is a Republican who knows how to win elections and resonates with voters across the political spectrum. Someone once said, “You need talent to be good but passion to be great.” Christie has that and more. If he were the nominee in 2016, he would be a diffi- cult candidate for Democrats to beat including Hillary Clinton, if she decides to run. What Blood Sucking Insurance Companies? L-R: Post Cmdr Ralph Masciulli (Army/ If you listen carefully, you can hear all the RVN) with Members Anthony DiPrizio Obamacrats excusing away the mess over how (Army/Korea) & Joe Blazo, Sr. (Army/RVN). the website crashed so quickly. Many actually L-R: Past Post Cmdrs Bobby Caggiano and seemed to somehow put the blame on private Ralph DeAmato (USA/WWII Vets) with insurance companies. Makes no sense but you Fr. Claude, at St. Leonard Church. know liberals, making sense is always on the backburner. Folks like Michael Moore love try- ing to confuse the American people on the issue. L-R: Sr. Vice Cmdr Peter Bertolami (Army/ As far as those being dropped by their insur- RVN), Post Cmdr. Ralph Masciulli (Army/ ance companies or having premiums, co-pays and RVN), Past Cmdr Ralph DeAmato (Army/ deductibles rise, obviously Obama has clean WWII), Member Anthony DiPrizio (Army/ (Continued on Page 11) Korea), Past Cmdr Bobby Caggiano (Army/ WWII) and Guest Kevin Sullivan (USA/RVN). (Photos by Michele Morgan) (Continued on Page 4)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Turiello Res Publica Nostra by David Trumbull A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. POW/MIA Chair Dedicated at Natick This past week we ob- RICHARD M. NIXON served Veterans Day. With- out question, we do right to honor our soldiers, seamen, airmen, and marines with a public holiday. As we honor those among us who served, we should also think of those who served but are not among us to enjoy the free- doms they fought for. Today, there are still more than 83,000 American ser- vice men and women miss- ing in action, according to the Department of Defense Prisoner of War-Missing Per- sonnel Office. That includes DATE OF BIRTH: January 9, 1913 almost 74,000 from World PLACE OF BIRTH: Yorba Linda, CA War II; nearly 8,000 from the DATE OF DEATH: April 22, 1994 Korean War; more than 1,600 PLACE OF DEATH: New York City, NY from the Vietnam War; 126 SPOUSE: Pat Ryan during the Cold War; and 6 PRESIDENT: January 20, 1969 - August 9, 1974 from the Iraq War and other conflicts. Projecting a new image to Vietnam discontent, Darren Bean, the repre- Then beating Humphrey to the White House he went; sentative for the veterans of Richard M. Nixon, C.E.O. thirty-seven, We cried “Bring our boys home, and you’ll end up in heaven.” the Natick Soldier Systems William Skipper, Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Beausoleil, Center, wanted to remember Lt. Col. Brian Greata and Darren Bean unveil the new Stop the Vietnam War — he set as his goal, those who were and still are POW/MIA chair outside Building 1 on November 12th. The It took a few years, but he ended our role; prisoners of war and missing chair is a standing memorial of all service members who Then his domestic proposals went down in succession, in action. This past Tues- were or still are prisoners of war and missing in action. Inflation was first and then came recession. day, the day after Veterans His second term was damaged by scandals, Day, in Natick, a chair, made spent about three years in ing another POW/MIA chair Negotiated with burglars and not merely vandals; of granite, was installed out- captivity during the Korean in place meant a lot to him. An agreement to produce his tapes was then reached, side of one of the Depart- War. During that time, he “I just got my Korean War It became quite clear that he’d soon be impeached. ment of Defense buildings, remained hopeful and stead- veterans magazine, and it It was “The Big Story,” that would not abate, as a standing memorial to fast. Skipper said after he said there were seven bodies An infamous crime that was named Watergate; everyone affected. wasn’t killed within the first found that were sent home The press was relentless, Dick could not save face, POW survivor William hour of being captured, he in the past month,” Skipper Nothing was left, but to step down in disgrace. Skipper, a man of few words had no fear. Skipper said see- said. “We’re still there.” Miss Thelma Ryan from Ely Nevada, Her dad was a miner worked his way up the ladder; If you should wonder why they all called her “Pat?” Saint Columban, Abbot Her father was the one to take credit for that. by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari She graduated with honors from Southern Cal. Columban was born in another Roman castle Taught school and then met her matrimonial pal; Leinster, Ireland about the named Luxeuil where a sec- As newlyweds they were eager and so full of pep, year 559. As a young man he ond community of monks She supported her Richard as he took every step. resolved to live an ascetic was established. It was des- Especially when he became our V.P. life. To escape the tempta- tined to become the foremost She was tirelessly supportive as any mate could be; tions of the world, he left his monastic school in seventh An important event to occur in these hours, home town against the pleas century Gaul and lasted Their family was joined with Eisenhower’s. of his mother and placed until the French Revolution. When Dick became President she was hostess with grace, himself under the direction A third community was then Avoided the limelight and set her own pace; of Sinell, Abbot of Cluaninis established to contain the Never went out with her hair up in curls, in Lough Erne, he then went many hundreds of disciples And never spread gossip with the rest of her girls. to an abbey in Bangor, who continued to flock to the She was everything that a First Lady should be, County Down where he re- monasteries. Columban had Sadly passed from this world back in “93.” mained under the direction secured the favor of the An aging past President, alone and forlorn, of the Abbot Congall. ruling class who gave gen- Hung on for a year … and then he was gone. Longing to spread the erously to the support of the faith to other lands, communities many joining Columban at 30 years of fines of the monastery to his ranks. age left Ireland with 12 other live alone in the forest. During his twenty years in monks, crossed Great Over time, the community France, Columban became Britain and landed in Gaul, grew and with the help of involved in a dispute with present day France, where Agnoald, minister of the he found the Catholic faith king, Columban was given (Continued on Page 3) in existence but for the most part ignored. It was there that Columban and ROSTICCERIA & TRATTORIA his followers spent several Boston Harborside Home years preaching the Gospel. Eventually Columban ar- Joseph A. Langone NORTH END rived in Burgundy where he was received favorably 6 Prince St. by King Gontram, grandson 580 Commercial St. - Boston, MA 02109 Boston, MA 02113 of King Clovis. Befriended by the king who wanted 617-536-4110 tel: 617.742.4336 Columban and his monks to www.bostonharborsidehome.com fax 617.248.0808 remain in Burgundy he was given the ancient Roman Augustave M. Sabia, Jr. Trevor Slauenwhite castle of Amegray where the BEACON HILL monks lived in community. Frederick J. Wobrock Dino C. Manca Columban often left the con- Courtney A. Fitzgibbons 89 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114 DIAMONDS tel: 617.227.9023 ROLEX fax: 617.227.0499 ESTATE JEWELRY Bought & Sold A Service Family Affiliate of AFFS/Service Corporation International Jewelers Exch. Bldg. 206 Winter St., Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-676-2454 www.artuboston.com Jim (617) 263-7766 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Page 3

Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Look Who Turned 100 ... 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly Published weekly by Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113

James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 Vol. 117 - No. 46 Friday, November 15, 2013

OUR POLICY: To help preserve the ideals and sacred traditions of this our adopted country the United States of America: To revere its laws and inspire others to respect and obey them: To strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of civic duty: In all ways to aid in making this country greater and better than we found it.

WEST END MUSEUM Standing, L-R: Angelo Pagliuca, Faust Freda, Geraldine Freda, Madeline & Phil Seeks Donations Drago. Seated: Shirley Pagliuca and Geraldine Gello. On October 12th former North End resi- widow who successfully supported and Dear Friend of the West End Museum: dent, Geraldine Gello, celebrated her raised four daughters: Phyllis, Madeline, The autumn season is once again upon us and thus far, 100th birthday. Shirley and Geraldine. 2013 has been another year of significant growth and Geraldine was born in 1913, in the She worked hard for her family and expansion for the West End Museum. This year alone, the North End’s North Street where she lived God has blessed her to have witnessed Museum mounted three major exhibits, such as Life in the the majority of her life, until she relo- the birth of 12 grandchildren, 20 great- West End 1947-1953: the Photography of Jules Aarons, as cated to Medford in her 70’s. grandchildren and 5 great-great-grand- well as four exhibits in our Member’s Gallery, focusing on She was born to parents Madeline and children. topics as the Lost Streets of the West End, as well as Immi- Nunzio Desimone and married Anthony She enjoyed a celebration of her long grant Hostel, an architectural analysis of the changes in Gello who passed away at the young age and fulfilling life with her family at Su buildings and construction in the West End throughout the of 37. Geraldine was left a 34-year-old Chang’s Restaurant in Peabody, MA. years. In June, we began to upgrade the Last Tenement exhibit starting with a new map of the West End depicting the neigh- borhood just prior to its subsequent demolition as a result Happy Birthday Geraldine of urban renewal. The map was created from six sections of the 1938 Boston Bromley Street Atlas courtesy of the Boston Public Library; it is the most comprehensive map of the Old West End as it once was. Also in June we had a visit from an unexpected guest; NEAD Family Dinner Talk Leonard Nimoy who grew up on Chambers Street (now Once again North End Against Drugs will much more!. Korey has never forgotten his Cardinal O’Connell Way). Mr. Nimoy came in with his son be having a Family Dinner/Family Talk roots in the neighborhood and continues to Adam and filmed for four hours while telling stories of the event on Monday, November 18th at 5:15 pm help out with NEAD and NEMPAC. We are old neighborhood: his father’s barbershop, family life, the at the Nazzaro Center. excited to have him as our guest speaker. cantor Tabachnick and much more. We will have a great Italian dinner, des- The dinner is free for all North End resi- We have a fundraising goal of $50,000 for our inaugural sert and a brief talk by long time NEAD par- dents, Nazzaro Center members and NEAD appeal. Any amount, large or small, that you can donate ticipant Korey McIsaac. Born and brought sponsors. Parents, grandparents, and other will help make a difference and will ensure that the up in the North End Korey grew up with family members can attend with their chil- Museum can continue to provide a rich experience to the NEAD. As a child he attended all of our dren, grandchildren and niece/nephews. community as well as the city of Boston as a whole. Your events and participated in our programs. As Space is limited, so please sign up by donation is critical, not only with assisting the Museum a teenager he volunteered with NEAD, par- e-mail ASAP at [email protected]. in providing fresh happenings, but especially in keeping ticipated in plays with NEMPAC and now as We look forward to a full house. the Museum and its mission alive. Your donation is tax a fine young adult he works with the Red The event is sponsored by a grant from deductible and you can donate by mail or online at: http:// Sox, produces his own plays and short films the Massachusetts Convention Center thewestendmuseum.org/support/donate. and still acts in NEMPAC plays and much, Authority. I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this mes- sage and I hope that you will consider giving. Our cause is a noble one, as it helps keep the collection, preserva- tion and interpretation of the history and culture of the • Saint Columban, Abbot (Continued from Page 2) West End of Boston alive. Again, I’d like to thank you in the French bishops who may monks. Columban made his King Agilulf gave Colum- advance for your support and wish you the very best in the have feared his growing in- way across Gaul to visit King ban track of land called coming holiday season. fluence. During the first half Chlothar II of Neustria at Bobbio between Milan and Sincerely, of the sixth century, the Soissons where he was well Genoa near the Trebbiari- Duane Lucia, Executive Director councils of Gaul had given to received. Despite the king’s verto be used as a base The West End Museum bishop’s absolute authority offers to stay in his kingdom, for the conversion of the over religious communities. Columban left Neustria in Lombard people, it was there As heirs to the Irish monas- 611 for the court of King that Columban erected a tic tradition, Columban and Theudebert II of Austrasia in monastery in 614. Bobbio his monks used a method of the northeastern part of the Abbey at its foundation calculating the date of Eas- Kingdom of the Merovingian followed the Rule of St. ter distinct from the system Franks. Columban, based on the used on the continent. The Hethen decided to cross monastic practices of Celtic bishops objected to their tra- the Alps into Italy. Columban Christianity. ditional celebration of Celtic arrived in Milan in 612 and During the last year of his Easter, as well as their Irish was warmly received by King life, Columban was asked by monastic tonsure. Agilulf and Queen Theo- King Chlothar II, to return to Columban then entered delinda of the Lombards. He Burgundy, now that his en- into a dispute with King immediately began con- emies were dead. Columban Theodoric, questioning and demning the teachings of did not return, but requested condemning the King’s dis- Arianism, which had en- that the king always protect ordered and immoral life. joyed a degree of acceptance his monks at Luxeuil Abbey. The king gave orders that in Italy. He wrote a treatise He prepared for death by re- the saint and the Irish against Arianism, which tiring to his cave on the Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, monks where to be sent has since been lost. Queen mountainside overlooking The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 back to their own land. The Theodelinda, played an im- the Trebbia River, where, vessel carrying Columban portant role in restoring according to tradition, he The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily and his monks ran aground; Nicene Christianity to a po- had dedicated an oratory to the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submis- sions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. convinced that his holy pas- sition of primacy against Our Lady. Columban died at There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via senger caused the tempest, Arianism, and was largely Bobbio in November 615. e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, include a self- the captain refused further responsible for the king’s His feast is celebrated on addressed, stamped envelope. attempts to transport the conversion to Christianity. November 23rd. Page 4 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

• Veterans Day 2013 (Continued from Page 1) On November 11, 2013, the VFW North End Memorial located on the grounds of the Old A Frank De Pasquale Venture Post 144, under the command of Ralph North Church. Christian Kulikoski, VFW MA Masciulli, Post Cmdr, and with the help of District 1 Cmdr and State Veterans Service family, friends and passers-by, honored the Officer said, “(Post) 144’s Veterans’ Day Bricco Bricco Panetteria North End’s Veterans, past and present, by Ceremony truly brought the Community Boutique ItalianCuisine Homemade Artisan Breads celebrating a Catholic Mass at St. Leonard together to thank and salute Americans and 241 Hanover St. • 617.248.6800 241 Hanover St. • 617.248.9859 Church, rededicating the North End War North Ender’s who put their country first. Trattoria Il Panino Memorial at the Paul Revere Mall in the The Post is in the best hands with Ralph as Umbria Prime Prado, and decorating the Iraq-Afghani War Post Cmdr.” Boston’s 1st Original Trattoria 5 Story Steakhouse 11 Parmenter St. • 617.720.1336 Oyster Bar & Night Club QUINCY’S ANNUAL VETERANS DAY PARADE Quattro 295 Franklin St. • 617.338.1000 by Sal Giarratani Grill, Rosticceria & Pizzeria DePasquale’s 266 Hanover St. 617.720.0444 5 Homemade Pasta Shoppe GiGi Gelateria Over 50 Varieties 50 Flavors of 66A Cross St. • 617.248.9629 Homemade Gelato 272 Hanover St. • 64 Cross St. Eagle Design 617.720.4243 Commercial & Residential N.E. Scene Boston Construction 256 Hanover St. Suite 8 Magazine 617.201.7951 A Magazine of Food, Wine, Tradition, Travel & Culture The Ocean Club 256 Hanover St. • 617.570.9199 at Marina Bay Morrisette Post 274 Ladies Auxiliary. 62,000 Square Feet of Second Marine Division Association. Maré Once again, Quincy’s Annual Veterans Seafood & Oyster Bar Outdoor Nightlife (Photos by Sal Giarratani) Day Parade marched through Downtown 135 Richmond St. • 617.723.MARE 333 Victory Rd. • 617.689.0600 Quincy in honor of all those veterans who by the Boston Common. Then the crowds served their country, many of whom gave were in the thousands lining the parade www.depasqualeventures.com the ultimate sacrifice. The crowds appear route. Today many veterans would be happy to dwindle over the years. Quincy’s parade to see hundreds. People have seemingly for- is the largest on the South Shore and prob- gotten the sacrifices it takes to keep us free ably the state. As a kid growing up in Boston, people. However, as I marched this year in The Consulate General of Italy,,, I can remember watching Boston’s annual the Quincy parade, I was glad to see all who Veterans Day Parade near the Parker House did take the time to show up and watch The Friends of the Italian Cultural Center of Boston Hotel at the corner of Tremont and School veterans march down Hancock Street. The & The Boston Conservatory Street and when the route was altered, down cheers were good to hear. Present REVERE HONORS THOSE WHO SERVE by Sal Giarratani THE SECOND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT

Thursday, SACRED December 5, HEART 2013 CHURCH 6:30 pm - North Square,

A Veterans Day cake was quite delicious 7:30 pm North End, Revere City Councilors Tony Zambuto, and patriotic too. Steve Morabito and Ira Novoselsky. Boston The Revere Veterans Committee and the put this program and dinner dance together City of Revere Department of Veterans Ser- especially Ira Novoselsky and Al Teminiello vices presented a Veterans Day Ceremony who spearhead this effort every year to honor and Dinner Dance at the Beachmont VFW all those who have served their country in Post 6712. Many thanks go out to all who both peacetime and war. (Photos by Sal Giarratani)

L’Anno Bello: A Year in Italian Folklore R.S.V.P. [email protected] or call 617-722-9302 by Ally Di Censo Free and open to the public. WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK 63,1(//,·6 Freeway’s 3rd Annual :,//&22.<285 7+$1.6*,9,1* TThanksgiving ',11(5 Pet Food Drive Pet Food Drive 2UGHUD)XOO\&RRNHG:KROH $Q,QGLYLGXDO7XUNH\'LQQHU:LWK 7XUNH\%\7KH3RXQG +RPHPDGH6WXIÀQJ7XUNH\*UDY\DQG This Thanksgiving make a difference! $FFRPSDQLHG%\+RPHPDGH &UDQEHUU\6DXFH 6WXIÀQJ*UDY\ 'LQQHUV,QFOXGH By donating pet food and supplies, you’ll help &KRLFHRI3RWDWR &UDQEHUU\6DXFH 25 0DVKHG%DNHGRU

Drop your donation off 3OHDVH3ODFH

HAIR Call us at 617.726.1511 The Federal Trade Commission MAKE-UP or stop by works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. THREADING 26 Parmenter Street, North End WAXING Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) KERATIN TREATMENT to schedule your next appointment or log on to www.ftc.gov. The dessert spread was indeed a cake walk. Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

NEHGS PRESENTS FIRST EXHIBIT IN OVER TWENTY YEARS WITH RARE MASSACHUSETTS FAMILY TREASURERS The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) presented their first external exhibit in over twenty years as the featured loan exhib- itor at the Ellis Antiques Show in Boston from October 24th-27th at Boston’s historic Cyclorama at the Boston Center for the Arts. Rare historical artifacts and significant deco- rative art pieces highlighted at the show include a family tree with Benjamin Franklin and his Nantucket ancestry, John Hancock’s armchair from his Beacon Hill home, and the sword of former Massachusetts Governor, Marcus Morton. “We are thrilled to share the stories of early Massachusetts families and these cherished items from NEHGS collections with Boston resi- dents and visitors to the Ellis Antiques Show,” said Brenton Simons, NEHGS President and CEO. NEHGS, which discovered the earliest photo- graph taken of Helen Keller with her teacher Annie Sullivan in its collections that shone media attention from around the world on the institution in 2008, is the oldest genealogical organization in the U.S. The organization actively NEHGS chief genealogist David Lambert and collects and preserves valuable family history Bill Marsh. materials, historical documents, manuscripts, photographs, artifacts, and more. Other notable items on exhibit at the Ellis show include a por- trait of Captain John Bonner, author of Boston’s first engraved map, a bullet taken from the body of Dr. Joseph Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and a cane owned by Peregrine White, 1st child Nancy Webster and NEHGS Board chairman born to the Pilgrims, the son of William and David Burnham at the special Loan Exhibition. Susanna White. The Ellis Boston Antiques Show’s 2013 loan exhibition celebrates Colonial and Post-Revolu- tionary family treasures from the New England Historic Genealogical Society’s fine art, furniture and rare object collections. For the first time in nearly twenty years, NEHGS is showcasing an external exhibit highlighting unique three- dimensional art and decorative art pieces. Our exhibition includes a selection of paintings, furniture, and historical artifacts that share the stories of families in early Massachusetts. The oldest nonprofit genealogical Society in the Missy Marsh and Olivia Parker view the NEHGS U.S., with over 60,000 constituents, New England booth. Historic Genealogical Society was founded in 1865. To advance the study of family history in America and beyond, NEHGS educates, inspires and connects people through their scholarship, collections and expertise.

Stephen Fletcher from Skinner. Inc. and NEHGS archivist Judy Lucey holds up the NEHGS’s Grace Friary, in front of the oil NEHGS president & CEO Brenton Simons and “bullet taken from the body of Dr. Joseph painting: “Streetscape, Samuel Parkman Ellis Boston Antiques Show co-producer Tony Warren at the battle of Bunker Hill” — one of House, Bowdoin Square, Boston, by Philip Fusco. the historic items on display. Harry, post 1847. (Photos by Roger Farrington)

NEW LOCATION Remember Your NOBILE INSURANCE Richard Settipane Loved Ones ALBANO F. PONTE, CEP Insurance Agency Financial and Estate Planning Email [email protected] Since 1969 Phone 617-320-0022 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MICHAEL F. NOBILE, CPCU AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • TENANTS [email protected] COMMERCIAL Experience makes the difference The Post-Gazette BOSTON MEDFORD 209 BROADWAY, REVERE, MA 02151 accepts memorials 30 Prince Street 39 Salem Street throughout the year. Boston, MA 02113 Medford, MA 02155 Tel. 781.284.1100 Fax 781.284.2200 (617) 523-6766 (781) 395-4200 Please call Fax (617) 523-0078 Fax (781) 391-8493 Free Parking Adjacent to Building 617-227-8929 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Page 7 Socially Scene by Angela Cornacchio

Boston 4th Annual Local Craft Brewfest will take place th Saturday, November 16 November 22nd and back again will be Bully Boy brothers d’andrea handbags and the fall 2013 Mister Collection Melanie Martinez will was available for purchase along with the designer on Dave and Will Willis. bring her unique New York (Photo courtesy of Ted Fitzgerald) site herself with details during the Style Fixx event held style along with her award last week at the Boston Center for the Arts. winning voice to the Cafe (her cover of “Seven Nation incredible accessories from (Photo courtesy of Angela Cornacchio) 939 stage. Army” and “Too Close”), and the Fall Collection. Photo courtesy of her cover of Britney Spears’ This will be the perfect Socially Scene Reviewed training course for boxing. zimbo.com) “Toxic” also had huge stay- time to start your gift giving .… This past week was host They will open in Southie ing power on iTunes. Now needs and Hajjar has stocked to one of my all-time favor- this December so stay tuned! On Friday, November 15th Martinez looks to release her boutique! On these ite events, Style Fixx! This When you were feeling a at 8:00 pm The Off Chance, her original music. She is select nights, customers will one-of-a-kind traveling shop- bit famished there was an Friendly People and Brooklyn currently recording new receive a 15% discount on ping extravaganza made a entire corner for you to get Sugar Company will be get- songs with producers John anything in the boutique in- stop at the Center for the back in the game with food ting your weekend started Feldmann, Robopop, Syience, cluding gift certificates, and Arts and an impact on “The and drink. Pretzel Chips, The off right. and Thomas Bartlett (Dove- the boutique will be open Women of Boston.” Upper Crust, and Luna Bars From their very first meet- man). Her songwriting at late for more time to shop. Style Fixx is always at the with Wicked Wines that ing, Maldi Kellici and Jason her young age is reminis- You will have the opportu- top of my events to attend list were there to help wash it Differ’s collaboration was cent of both Fiona Apple and nity to enjoy award winning based on all the swag and all down. fruitful. With an invigorated Regina Spektor, and she has cocktails and delicious food style that are onsite to Not only was it a shopper’s passion for music and a a fierce ambition to make a from the bar menu. Reser- indulge in. When you first dream but a great place to mature approach to song- commercial mark. vations are highly recom- enter the room after strut- mingle with business women! writing, the duo formed The The Red Room Café 939 is mended to guarantee seat- ting down the VIP red carpet I attended both nights as Off Chance and began writ- always an atmosphere that ing in The RumBa. Book it’s like Christmas morning Socially Scene but was lucky ing for their first album, you can count on to be full of your table by calling Allison with presents everywhere to be a part of a Launch on Change. The band’s sopho- soul and style. They are Jensen at 617-217-5041. and so much excitement. Wednesday with CEO Maria more EP is scheduled for always changing it up with Denise always puts on a Thankfully the Style Fixx Paola and “The Women of release this year. the acts that pass through great show and I got a sneak staff makes that decision for Boston.” They are a premier Friendly People are the the Hub or even the ones peak at her fall designs dur- you. After you check in, the network connecting busi- product of a desperate search that call it home-sweet- ing fashion week that are option to grab your swag bag ness women one step at a for warmth during the 2011 home. These upcoming per- definitely stocking worthy! full of goodies is in the back time to share and encour- Boston winter. What started formances are sure to be a The Denise Hajjar Boutique/ of the room, that’s clearly age growth through wine as a jam in a Cambridge hit and a great way to relax InterContinental Hotel are where any girl would start. socials, fashion events semi- living room has led to a from the daily grind. The located at 510 Atlantic Av- The next stop was to the nars and more. If you are recently released debut Red Room at Cafe 939 is lo- enue, Boston and can be Style Fixx bar for a little bub- interested or would like album Shake, and a tour cated at 939 Boylston Street, reached at 617-266-2296. bly compliment of Barefoot more information on becom- across America to perform Boston. More information You can also visit her site Wines. ing a member you can visit at this year’s South by and tickets can be found at at www.denisehajjar.com to Now that I was all set up to www.TheWomenofBoston.com. Southwest Festival. With www.cafe939.com or by call- view styles and upcoming start; there were designers Thursday was just as five minds and five million ing 617-747-6038. events. local and nationwide that fantastic with people to meet ideas, the result is Friendly Get Your Holiday Shop- Local Brew Fest .… At were in attendance. d’andrea as I roamed the room People, a folk-infused indie ping Started .… Icon fash- SBN’s 4th annual Local Craft handbags were one of the with designer Jamie Longo rock, handcrafted to make ion designer Denise Hajjar Brewfest held at the John J. first to catch my eye since I from Rough House Styles you feel at home. is playing host to upcoming Moakley Courthouse, more fell in love with her product who found inspiration from For a band calling itself fashion shows with an oppor- than 80 local tastings and back at Boston Fashion working at a boutique in Brooklyn Sugar Company, tunity to walk away with local food bites will be fea- Week when she was a part her grandfather’s home- this group sounds like it some holiday goods. tured. You will have the of the Christina K. Pierce town; Catania, Sicily. belongs in another place On Monday, November 18th unique opportunity to sample Fashion Show at the Revere With an event sponsor like and time. Bearing the kind and Tuesday December 10th local craft beers, meads Hotel. Camille Albane Paris Improper Bostonian and of blues-influenced ditties both from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and ciders plus you’ll was there to make you look many other local and na- better associated with Chi- at RumBa - InterContinental get your pick from more modelesque with 20 years’ tional brands Style Fixx is an cago or New Orleans, and a Boston there will be an than 20 tastings from local worth of fashion week expe- A+ event. You can shop, get sound that could have come informal modeling showcas- distilleries! rience straight from Europe. some onsite beauty tips and from arena stadiums in the ing her beautiful clothing Sazzy Boutique had classic pampering. Also, if you a are 1970s, the band is bringing pieces and a huge array of (Continued on Page 10) accessories and expressive business women this event back much-needed atten- hats. SKM Jewelers had a is a great place to make con- tion to heartland roots rock, trendy setup of necklaces, tacts and learn from success in a town not known for roots earrings and more. Fashion in progress. Ladies, if you rock bands. and beauty are ones to missed the party not to worry Saturday, November 16th Mattéo Gallo complement each other and the event will be back in will feature the unique the European Wax Center Boston this coming May. You sound of Melanie Martinez. was there giving compli- can visit www.stylefixx.com Martinez is a remarkable o Appraisals mentary brow shapes and for more information. 18-year-old artist from Long discounts for more intimate The Red Room at Cafe Island, NY. A stunning and Sales & Rentals visits. All this fashion and 939 .… is in full swing with provocative singer, song- flair makes a lady think its warm and cozy setting. writer, and visual presence, • about her health; the one The Boylston Street venue her incredibly unique and Real Estate and only III brings in some of the hottest arresting performances on was promoting his grand local and national acts to The Voice last season brought opening of “The Club.” It will their stage and the upcom- her to fifth place in the 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 be a facility with: power yoga, ing performances are ones competition. She’s had two (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 spinning classes and a to catch. Top five songs on iTunes Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

ALL THAT ZAZZ by Mary N. DiZazzo

BERLIN BEAUTY! HOUSE OF WAX 3D series about the journey of (Blu-ray) 30-year-old Tom Chadwick Ciao Bella, Warner Bros. Home Ent. (Chris O’Dowd) as he sets Just as I descended from the taxi, coming ‘House of Wax’ was the about finding himself, one in from Berlin’s airport to check in at our most successful 3D movie of relative at a time. After hotel, I knew I was going to love this place. the 1950s, and is now avail- inheriting a mysterious box Walking toward me was an elderly lady styl- able in Blu-ray 3D. Screen of belongings from a great- ishly dressed in black with bold gold jewelry legend Vincent Price stars aunt he never met, Tom everywhere you could possibly wear it. The as Henry Jarrod, an intense starts investigating his fam- gold was stunning and she wore it well. She master sculptor who thinks ily lineage and uncovers gave me a big smile, nodded her head and of his wax creations as a whole world of unusual went on her shimmering way! I hope I could his “children.” Terribly dis- stories and characters, and only run into her again so we may exchange figured in a fire set by a a growing sense of who a few words, “Guten Tag” would suffice. How- greedy business partner, he and his entire family ever there’s me in 20 years! When you see Jarrod schemes to rebuild are. yourself in someone else it has to be a good the museum as a macabre UNTOLD HISTORY omen! chamber of horrors filled OF THE UNITED STATES Can you believe there is a huge store in with lurid figures that eerily (4-Blu-ray) Berlin that carries only NIVEA products? resemble those of murder Warner Bros. Home Ent. Remember NIVEA hand cream? Picture a victims stolen from the local This ten-part Showtime whole line of everything NIVEA! NIVEA mas- morgue. This horror classic Original Series is the cre- sages were offered as well! comes with a host of bonus ation of writer and director Walking down our street, Friedrichstraße, features. Oliver Stone. Along with the while window shopping, we came across one WOW! WOW! WUBBZY!: 10 original chapters, Stone of my fav hand-made cosmetic lines — Mary and The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. BEST OF COLLECTION has prepared two unaired LUSH! I happen to be with two new Berliner (DVD) chapters on World War I, friends, Maria and Christa, who knew it well! giving strength and determination a pow- Anchor Bay Ent. the Russian Revolution and In fact we could smell the fragrance of LUSH erful meaning. In another time I could live Join Wubbzy and all of his World War II. Stone ques- at least a block away. Along with my LUSH here. I admire the tenacity and imagina- Wuzzleburg friends in the tions if “As Americans, do we photo visits now are Hong Kong, Rome, Ber- tion Berlin has held tightly in its grip. I would biggest and best Wubbzy really know and understand lin, and, of course, Boston and Cambridge love to watch this city grow and become just collection ever! Widget is our shared and complicated in USA. more and more of what it has become to- the busiest builder and fix- history? How do we recall the This city gave me a unique sense of day. A heroine of stamina, the empowering it whiz. Walden knows all small details and forgotten beauty in a historical sense. It was a city of Nike, golden Goddess of Victory, with her about science and art. Daizy players that influenced some glory with its zillions of magnificent palaces! four horses and chariot perched on top of is the sweet girly-girl next of the biggest events from Colossal and ancient Greek and Roman stat- the looming Brandenburg Gate and con- door and Wubbzy is the fun, America’s past? Will our chil- ues stared me down! Even the statue of quered 25 years of a divided city with cour- lovable and curious little guy dren actually get the whole Frederick the Great upon his galloping horse age and strength — we will not be defeated! who is always looking to play, story from reading history seemed to be in command and no one was Beauty lies in strength overcoming adver- play, play! It’s the ultimate books, and how will it affect going to defeat him in any sense of the word. sity and winning graciously. Wubb-fest with 28 total epi- the future of our country?” This city was leveled to the ground in World Travel and discover a world of Beauty for sodes and over 4 1/2 hours Answers we need! War II and rose up out of the ashes bigger, it is out there to nourish your soul. of fun, plus plenty of singing, TREME: better, integrating what was left of the old Buona giornata and God bless the United dancing, coloring & activity THE THIRD SEASON (DVD) with the new and modern! A city with a de- States of America! sheets! HBO Home Ent. termined energy! It has worked in my eyes — Mary DiZazzo-Trumbull THE BIG PARADE First, the people came Read prior weeks’ “All That Zazz” columns at www.allthatzazz.com. Mary is a third- (Blu-ray) back. Then, the crime. Now, generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. Warner Home Video more than two years after She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or [email protected]. One of the most moving the near death of a great and impactful depictions of city, the money is starting war, now this movie set to arrive. For the people The time has come, the walrus said, in 1927 World War I time, of New Orleans, even the has been transformed into promises of redevelopment TO TALK OF MANY THINGS a masterful Blu-ray classic come with strings attached, of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings from the original camera and every dollar that shows negative. Wealthy James up, carries with it new by Sal Giarratani Apperson (John Gilbert) de- dynamics and new risks. DiBONA TOPS No wonder he’s called the that the Boston Police ploys as a soldier in World Those who know and love the QUINCY SCHOOL RACE “Liberal Bulldozer.” Department will now have War I France and grows Crescent City must find their First time candidate Noel NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN had brothers as police com- from a naïve kid into a way back to what matters in DiBona topped the Quincy Well, actually, a new police missioner? Previously, his battle-hardened veteran as the life of their city. Little School Committee race. The commissioner. In one of older brother Paul served as he and his two buddies are of what they can bring to gap between him and Mayor Menino’s last appoint- Boston Police Commissioner paraded toward the front. bear yields a quick result, the second place finisher, an ments, he chose Superin- about three police commis- The film fiercely captures and nothing about New incumbent running for tendent Billy Evans as sioners before. the heroism of the ordinary Orleans works as it should. re-election was 934 votes. In the interim police commis- WHY DO SLOWPOKES foot soldier struggling to Nothing is easy. In the end, fact, all the candidates other sioner letting Mayor-elect ALWAYS DO THAT? survive and how James’ their only weapons are com- than him were incumbents. Marty Walsh name his I was driving on the Burgin determination to return to munity and culture. New He surprised lots of people own police commissioner in Parkway in Quincy recently the village girl (Renée Orleans music legends per- picking up strength across January. I hope Marty behind a slowpoke. This Adorée) he loves faces the form live! the city. One incumbent was decides to name Evans his stretch of road has two lanes ultimate test. HERE’S EDIE: knocked out of office. Good new commissioner. A cop and usually drivers poking OKA! (Blu-ray) THE EDIE ADAMS TV showing by a first-timer. from Boston who rose along at 10 miles an hour Well Go USA Ent. COLLECTION (4-DVD) IN THE MOOD? through the ranks. Did always seem to prefer the 25 years ago, ethnomusi- MVD Entertainment Group In the Mood is a 1940s you know that Billy Evans’ cologist Louis Sarno traveled Five decades ago, the musical revue that is play- appointment now means (Continued on Page 10) from New Jersey to the for- variety shows ‘Here’s Edie’ ing in Downtown Boston at ests of Central Africa to and ‘The Edie Adams Show’ the Cutler Majestic Theatre record the music of the appeared on television. Edie from November 19-24, 2013. Bayaka Pygmies. He fell in headlined her own show, All the glory that was Rome ..... Pompei For more info on America’s love with the people, their following the death of her Greatest Big Band Show, go music, lifestyle — and a local husband Ernie Kovacs in to www.inTheMoodLive.com. girl. Despite his failing 1962, along with hosting, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY health and the harsh reali- Adams also sang, danced, JEFF KUHNER ties of life in the village, he acted, and performed com- I love listening to the followed the Bayaka into edy. This 12-hour, four DVD Kuhner Report on WRKO, the heart of the forest. ‘OKA!’ set includes all 21 episodes catching up on the latest the true story of strength and (1962-64). Guest stars in- news that the mainstream bravery, uniquely capturing cluded jazz legends Duke media tends to overlook with the spirit of a people with Ellington, Count Basie, and its clear liberal bias. Jeff music, humor and their love. Stan Getz, along with come- Kuhner recently held an an- FAMILY TREE: dians Bob Hope, Rowan & niversary party in Saugus at THE FIRST SEASON (DVD) Martin, Soupy Sales and the Pearl Street Cafe. I can’t HBO Home Ent. Buddy Hackett. Memories believe this show has been ‘Family Tree’ is a comedy are made of Edie Adams! on for a year now. No one else like Kuhner Bistro • Beer • Wine WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM on the air cutting through the liberal b.s. out there. POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Page 9

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

So here we are in the middle of the month of vessels, and COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED November! Ah, November! Former Judge Joe nerves. The BAKED MANICOTTI Ferrino celebrated a birthday on November second nug- 9th. Be assured he did not place all of his birth- get was only In Tomato Sauce with Meat day candles on his cake. The Winthrop Fire 40 percent 4 eggs 2 tablespoons olive or Department would have to be there! Yolanda meat, and 2 cups flour vegetable oil Cellucci celebrates her birthday on Novem- the remainder was fat, cartilage, and pieces 2 cups milk 1 small six-inch cast iron or ber 17th. Paul Waters’ birthday is on Novem- of bone. Pinch of salt a non-stick skillet th ber 20 . And Dean Saluti blows out his birth- Interesting! American Jews are “losing their Practice is needed to be sure the same amount of mixture is rd day candles Saturday, November 23 . Trust- religion,” said Daniel Burke in CNN.com. A poured into skillet for the same size manicotti. ing Dean will have the strength to blow out new Pew Research Center study has found Break eggs into a bowl and beat eggs. Slowly add remain- the candles. Also born on this date, Marianne that young American Jews are intermarry- ing ingredients one at a time in the bowl. Use an electric Moore, U.S. poet and Averell Harriman, U.S. ing at an astonishing rate and no longer prac- mixture on slow speed until it resembles a prepared pan- diplomat. On this date, November 15th, we ticing Judaism. While some 90 percent of cake mix. lost actor Tyrone Power. American Jews born before World War II iden- Rub inside of cast iron or non-stick skillet with some oil. So how do Americans spend their free time? tify themselves as Jewish by religion, nearly Heat skillet over burner until it is hot. Remove from heat 77 minutes per day men spend on house- a third of those born after 1980 say they have and with a small ladle, drop about two tablespoons of mix- hold activities such as housework, cooking no religion at all. Almost 60 percent of Jews ture at one end of skillet. Quickly tip skillet to allow batter and lawn care. 130 minutes per day women who’ve wed since 2000 have a non-Jewish to spread over the entire bottom. When firm but not browned spend on those activities. 36 minutes per spouse, and one third of intermarried Jews (about five seconds), remove by lifting round edge with a day men spend purchasing goods or services. say they are not raising their kids as Jew- fork or small spatula. Place in a dish to cool. There should 50 minutes per day women spend on those ish. “If these trends continue or worsen,” said be no need to turn the round over for further cooking. If you activities. 24.6 minutes per day men spend Jonathan Tobin in CommentaryMagazine.com, do, be sure not to brown the round crepe. Layer eight or ten on recreation-related activities. 14 minutes there will be very few Jews left in a genera- prepared rounds one on top of the other. Continue making per day women spend on recreation, sports tion or two. For too long, the community has these until all mixture is used. Stir mixture occasionally. and exercise. promoted “cultural Judaism” — the idea that Wow! Wealth disparity has soared in you can be a Jew if you like Seinfeld and eat FILLING: Pinch of black ground Russia, where 35 percent of the entire bagels, but ignore the practice of Jewish 2 pounds ricotta cheese pepper (optional) country’s wealth now rests in the hands of religion. But that concept has proven to be a 2 beaten eggs 3 tablespoons grated cheese just 110 people, according to Credit Suisse. gateway to “a dismal future.” According to Pinch of salt of choice (optional) AB in Bev, which produces Budweiser beer Gabriel Roth in Slate.com. the rise of inter- In a strainer, remove any excess water from ricotta is recognized as the world’s biggest brewer, marriage serves as proof that anti-Semitism cheese. Then place in a bowl. Add beaten eggs, salt, pepper will have to call its flagship beer “Bud” — at is waning. Now that the country’s 6.7 mil- and grated cheese of choice if desired. Blend but do not least in Italy. The brewer lost a recent court lion Jews “no longer suffer systemic dis- whip with electric mixer. battle with Czech-based brewer Budejovicky crimination,” we can now fall in love and Taking one Manicotti round at a time, place one to two Budvar, which also sells a beer known as pursue happiness just like other Americans. tablespoon of filling in center. Then fold one end of round Budweiser. The breweries have been battling Nachas! For you guys, Nachas means joy! over the filling. Take opposite end of round and fold over to it out for decades, with trademark disputes So where does Massachusetts rank as a seal the filling in the stuffed Manicotti. still outstanding in more than 20 countries. state with individuals with high incomes? Using prepared tomato sauce, cover bottom of a Mani- Juicy news! Starbucks Corp., hopes to Well, in 1995, Connecticut was first, followed cotti baking tray with the sauce. Line bottom of baking tray squeeze more out of its juice business. The by New Jersey and Massachusetts is third. with rows of stuffed Manicotti (seal side down). Spread coffee giant opened a $70 million factory in Yes, we are third! tomato sauce over them and then sprinkle grating cheese Southern California that will churn out What food do kids like the most? In a Gallup of choice over sauce. A second layer of Manicotti can be 140,000 gallons of Evolution Fresh juice each Poll, 82 percent of kids aged three to eleven placed over the first layer, or if preferred you can continue week. said they liked pizza more than any other the process by using another baking tray. Hitting the streets! Benjamin Franklin just food for lunch and dinner. Parade Magazine Bake in preheated 400°F degree oven for twenty minutes. got a makeover, said Brian Fung in once reported that 94 percent of the U.S. Check to see if ricotta mixture needs to bake longer before WashingtonPost.com. About 3.5 billion new population eats pizza. Wow! Yes! Like we removing from oven. Ricotta is cooked when you pierce the $100 bills entered circulation last week, fea- have reported more than once, America has Manicotti with a toothpick and it comes out clean. turing a fresh design that adds new anti- been Italianized. Remember, it begins with Serves six. counterfeiting measures and technologies the name of our country. Manicotti rounds can be frozen. Wrap cooled Manicotti in to the C-note for the first time in 17 years. More useless information! According to an wax paper in groups of eight or ten. Place in seal-locked plas- Among its new security features are a blue issue of Conde Nast Traveler, the top cities tic bags. Wrap each bag in aluminum foil before freezing. To security ribbon and Liberty Bell icons that for most perfect vacations are: San Fran- defrost, remove from freezer and then from wrappings. Pre- change their look when the bill is tilted. The cisco; Florence, Italy; Rome, Italy; and Paris, pare a large serving tray with a clean towel. Cover with wax new design also includes raised printing France. Be aware Boston also made the list! paper and allow defrosting on the towel before stuffing. along Ben Franklin’s shoulder and micro Be aware, beer consumption is the high- printing along his jacket collar. The bill’s back est in such states as Nevada, New Hamp- also has a new look — it “features a much shire, Wisconsin, and Florida. — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST — larger denomination indicator” and shows Globe, the popular gossip rag reported in THE the rear of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, October, Hillary Clinton is now determined rather than the front. The change is “meant to push forward with her $120 million divorce to force would-be counterfeiters to change from her dying hubby Bill after learning he Johnny Christy all of the plates they use to print fake money, was trying to hook up with his old flame an expensive undertaking.” Gennifer Flowers, sources say. Enough said. The man whose boat became the final hid- Some show business stuff via myself Orchestra ing place for the suspected Boston Marathon and the stately musicologist and philanthro- bomber in April has bought a new vessel with pist Albert Natale. He may have been best MUSIC FOR ALL donations from generous strangers. David remembered for his symphonic arrange- OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 Hennesberry’s 22-footer was shot up by fed- ments, but Paul Whiteman also featured eral authorities after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hid outstanding soloists, some of whom became in it at the climax of the post-bombing man- recognized as jazz greats. They included hunt. The FBI took away the bullet-riddled Jack Teagarden, Henry Busse and Bix 1st Generation boat soon after, but an on-line campaign Beiderbecke. Yes! The girl with the million organized by strangers raised $50,000 to buy dollar legs Betty Grable was married to the Italian-American Henneberry a used “fixer-upper” to replace great trumpeter Harry James. Elvis Presley it. “The bad guy didn’t win,” he said. “That’s made his national television debut on the Vita Orlando Sinopoli the way we’re looking at it. He didn’t take Dorsey Brothers “Stage Show” in 1956. Shares with us our passion.” Sophia Loren was born in Rome. Her maiden Bow wow! Two dozen cities, including San name was Sofia Villani Scicolone Ponti. a delightful recollection Diego and Los Angeles, have banned retail Musical arranger Al Caiola wrote the theme of her memories as a child dog sales, meaning canine pets will be avail- song for the 1950s TV series “Bonanza.” Born able only via shelters and animal rescue Alfred Cucozza in Philadelphia in 1921, Mario growing up in organizations. The ban is based on evidence Lanza, took his mother’s name as his stage Boston’s “Little Italy” of widespread cruelty, overcrowding and star- name and became the first vocalist to sell vation at the high-volume commercial breed- 2.5 million albums and the first singer to and a collection of ing business or “puppy mills,” that supply receive a gold disc for his recording of “Be My Italian family recipes most dogs to pet stores. Love.” from the homeland. The brainy and handsome Kyle Waters of Lanza died prematurely. An embolism Swampscott, says, “The noblest of all animals struck him down in Rome at age 38 in 1959. is the dog, and the noblest of all dogs is the The true name of Vic Damone is Vito Great as Gifts hotdog. It feeds the hand that bites it.” Farinola. Dean Martin’s true name is Dino FROM MY BAKERY PERCH available on AMAZON.COM A University of Mississippi analysis of two Crocetti. Tony Bennett’s true name is and in local bookstores — ask for chicken nuggets bought at national chains Anthony Benedetto. And Connie Francis was Hard cover #1-4010-9805-3 ISBN found that the first nugget was 50 percent born Concetta Franconero. Soft Cover #1-4010-9804-5 ISBN muscle meat, with the rest a mix of fat, blood AMERICA IS A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN NAME Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 THINKING OUT LOUD by Sal Giarratani There are many things give me instructions as to me. I liked the taste and told that have gotten lost since what my part in the process him so. He smiled, saying, Don’t Let the Fork in the Road Stop You the older generation of Ital- would be. “Fa bene.” With that, he set ians in America has died My grandfather first the table and strained a pot New England poet Robert I am happiest today be- out. Non Italian Americans showed us the wooden boxes of home made gnocchi that Frost wrote a poem about cause I know that there is have considered many of that contained the grapes had been sitting on the stove. facing forks in the road of life after retirement, a great these aspects of Italian life slated for crushing and Dad He then poured the pasta our lives. What to do? Do we life to travel and new roads a bit quaint, old fashioned opened them and then into a serving dish and go left or right? We know to choose. You can actually or totally European. Among showed me how to put them placed it on the table. Next there is no door number do what you want and them are two in particular into the press, a cylindrical he scooped out gravy meats three option open to us. I shouldn’t let others tell you that I was exposed to as a wooden tub that had a frame from the large cooking pot had to memorize that poem otherwise. The last thing child when my grandfathers above it with a worm gear on the stove, placed them for Sister Mary Honor at you want to do on your death- were alive. One was wine that suspended a lid. When on another serving tray St. Rita’s School a fourth bed is to wonder what if I had making and the other, hunt- the grapes filled the lower which came to rest next to grade assignment I dreaded taken that last cutoff on ing for mushrooms. part of the cylinder, Grandpa the dish of gnocchi on the at the time. life’s highway? Alive, you My grandfather, Nunzio lowered the lid into the vat table. A serving bowl was Looking back now with can turn around go back and DeCristoforo, came from crushing the grapes as it filled with the gravy and much age and a lifetime of get off the highway ramp of humble beginnings in San descended. This process con- that too was placed on the experience, I feel only with your choosing not someone Socio de Baronia in Avellino. tinued until all of the red table. With the addition of a years on me that I under- else’s. When he arrived in the late grapes were crushed. There shaker of grated cheese, we stood what Frost was talking Today, I am writing with 1800s, he brought with him was a smaller press that we were ready for lunch, but about. It really wasn’t about more passion than ever all the things he had learned used for the white grapes before we could eat, Grandpa a walk in the woods but before. I try new things. I as a child. Among them and we repeated the steps to poured out three glasses of rather the walk all of us face explore. I laugh often. This was wine making. From extract the liquid from those red wine and we toasted each in our living years. is what life should be. what I understand, most of grapes. other, “Salute a la famiglia.” I only now feel that I un- There’s a time to be serious the Italian peasantry made When all of the grapes had Now I know my grandfather derstand the lesson of that and a time just to enjoy your their own wine and the been crushed, I watched wasn’t Mexican, but if you simply written but powerful life. DeCristoforo family was no Grandpa and Dad siphon-off had ever tasted his gravy, statement of the roadways Soon Thanksgiving will exception. Dad had helped the liquid and pour it into bar- you might think he was. It and roadblocks we all must be upon us once again. As his father make wine from rels that were in horizontal was hot. It was delicious, but figure out for ourselves. we gather with loved ones, the time he was a child grow- positions sitting on X shaped very hot. We ate lunch with I can only warn young remember all that you have ing up in East Boston, and for frames. Each barrel had a Dad and Grandpa savoring readers here, those 20- to be thankful for and don’t a time, in Peacedale, RI. hole on the top where a well- each sip of wine that was something or 40-something obsess on all the things you I became involved in the placed funnel with cheese made the year before. I to take a good look at the never did. As long as you live annual wine making event cloth inside allowed the liq- silently wished for a bottle of travel through life thus far. and breathe and no one is when I was about ten years uid to be poured in without Royal Crown Cola. I was only Are you where you want to throwing dirt atop you, you old. One October morning, any debris, twigs or seeds to a kid and had not acquired a be? Are you on the right road can still fulfill dreams not yet there was a knock on enter the barrels below. taste for wine at the early to get there? Do you want to met. the kitchen door at about Grandpa stirred up the age of 10. get off the road and try a dif- Bottom line, the next time 6:00 am, when Dad opened crushed grapes in the vats Before we left, Grandpa ferent route through your you meet a fork in the road, the door, there was Grandpa and they were pressed again went back to the cellar and life? Life is a challenge, a take the one you want and Christoforo standing there to extract any liquid not returned with 2 gallons of red roadmap to be looked at with not the one someone forces holding a sprig with three obtained the first time. Any wine, saying this one’s for a pencil and eraser rather on you. Let them take any red grapes dangling down- remaining liquid was then you and the other for your than a pen. road they want and worry ward. Without saying a word, poured into the barrels and father-in-law. He knew that Some people get hung up about you for a change first. Dad knew that it was time each was capped with a large Babbononno would enjoy the on what others tell them to Go left, go right, go up, go to make the wine and he told wooden peg. Dad told me that contents. When we left, do or to aspire for but only you down but never go back in me to get dressed. Grandpa might have to add Grandpa pulled me aside can do that for yourself. time! I jumped into the back sugar to the vats at some and slipped me a five dollar seat of Dad’s 37 Plymouth. point in time but didn’t go bill. He said, “Mi nipote, tu Dad and Grandpa climbed into detail. fai buona lavora.” (My grand- • Socially Scene (Continued from Page 7) into the front seat and my As I looked around the cel- son, you do good work.) I New this year, they have access more information grandfather told of the ship- lar, I saw several empty gal- thanked him saying to my- extended the tasting period and tickets at www.boston ment of grapes that he had lon jugs and a dozen or so self, “I’m rich!” and have opened up the VIP localfoodfestival.org. just purchased. He explained whiskey bottles. When the When we returned back area of distilleries, meads A Tasty Treat to Compli- to Dad that he wanted to wines were ready to be to the big house on Eutaw and ciders for all attendees ment Your Time in the City make both red and white poured from the barrels, Street, Dad presented the to taste! Also, admission will .… In the heart of Back Bay wine for the coming year and these were Grandpa’s con- gallons of wine to Babbo- not only cover your tastings Vlora Restaurant features Dad listened without saying tainers. When we were fin- nonno saying, “Besigliere, of local craft brews, distilled truly authentic flavors in- a word. When we arrived at ished, Grandpa took two mi padre fa dono un regalo spirits, ciders, meads and spired by the Northern Medi- Grandpa’s house on Chelsea bottles of wine from an ear- per ti.” (Besigliere [his nick- delicious food bites, but terranean region, including Street we headed right to lier pressing, one red and name] my father sent you a also FREE rides to and from Southern Italy, Greece and the cellar. I immediately one white, and said, “Andiamo gift.) With that, Babbononno the Moakley Courthouse Albania. inhaled the aroma of wine. a mangiare.” (Let’s eat) quickly sampled the wine via SideCar! Enjoy plentiful Vlora is Boston’s Back The sweet smell of the pre- We headed upstairs to and passed judgment saying, tastings on Friday night and Bay Restaurant at its finest. vious year’s vintage domi- his first floor apartment “Ooh, dissa gooda.” Of course then take the ride anywhere The Northern Mediterranean nated the atmosphere. It and I could smell the gravy he had to prove what he in the Boston area, at no menu features delicious se- came from what was left over cooking on the kitchen said was true and poured charge. Simply download the lections for all types of appe- from the casks that had stove. After placing the himself another glass of App to your Smartphone, and tites, including Boston veg- contained the wine made wine on the table, he ripped wine. All was well with get home safely for free! etarian and vegan palates. the previous year. As I looked a piece of bread from a Nunzio DeCristoforo and The 4th Annual Brew- Vlora is named after Chef/ around, Dad explained that round loaf, dipped it into the Michele Contini, Grandpa fest is November 22nd from Owner Aldo Velaj’s home- we were going to help gravy, sprinkled some grated and Babbononno. 6:00-9:30 pm at the John town in Albania. Go and en- Grandpa and they both would cheese on it and gave it to GOD BLESS AMERICA J. Moakley Courthouse. The joy the delights of true Medi- date is quickly approaching terranean foods and exclu- • Talk of Many Things (Continued from Page 8) and tickets are going fast, so sive handpicked wines un- don’t delay. The SideCar ser- matched in any restaurant left lane. It is like they don’t stores selling good things the street to a Starbucks for vice will be available from or vegan restaurant in Bos- care about others on the cheap is closing and will my vanilla latte with whip. 5:00 pm to midnight so be ton. Located at 545 Boylston road. I am forced to pass soon be retail history in The girl behind the counter sure to schedule in your Street, Boston. For reserva- them on the right or I would Massachusetts. Most of us asked my name and I asked FREE transportation. You can tions, call 617-638-9699. never get to my destination. have at one time or another why. She told me Starbucks Something is wrong when bought something neat at isn’t just making a vanilla traffic in the right lane is a Building 19 store even if latte, they are making Sal’s ATTENTION ATTORNEYS speeding by those in the left we didn’t mean to when we vanilla latte. Sounded plau- lane. Slowpokes should get walked through the store’s sible until the girl making The POST-GAZETTE newspaper is a paper a T Pass and leave the doors. I will miss this funky my coffee, yelled out, “grande of general circulation. We are qualified to accept legal notices rest of us alone on the road. place to shop for bargains. vanilla latte.” I called down from any court in each town that we serve. Have you seen how slow- STARBUCKS to the girl who asked my pokes always seem to slowly NAME POLICY name and asked, “What LEGAL NOTICES go through red lights too? The other day while walk- happened to Sal’s vanilla For information on placing a Legal Notice in the POST-GAZETTE, please call BUILDING 19 ing up Cambridge Street latte?” She just laughed. (617) 227-8929; or mail notice to: POST-GAZETTE, HITS END OF ROAD to visit a cousin at Mass. This could only happen to P.O. BOX 135, BOSTON, MA 02113 Attn: Legal Notices The Building 19 chain of General Hospital, I crossed me, eh? BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 Page 11

• News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) hands. Those nasty insur- Obama about keeping the Spain who had to bring his The Bilingual ance people are at fault for health care plan and doctor own medical equipment to everything bad. you like? The Boston Globe Castro’s operating room. As Corner I wonder if the ultimate even editorialized last week for Canada, even the liberal goal is Canadian-style social- that the president never lied McClean Magazine, which is by Orazio Buttafuoco ized medicine for all? and that the blame is on the a national news source, now Liberals Still in Denial insurance companies rather says that among the indus- Over Obamacare and ‘Lies” than Obamacare. trial nations of the world, Cable station MSNBC is so By the Way ... Canada ranks at the bottom LO SAPEVATE CHE … able to increase the number off the charts lately blam- Liberals touting Britain, in delivery of health care. Il nuovo Papa continua a of followers to over 5 million, ing greedy insurance com- Canada or Cuba as the Here in America we sorprendere tutti. Da quando from 2.5 million inherited panies for kicking folks health care of America’s already see the ruling class e’ stato eletto sulla soglia from his predecessor Pope off their health care plans. future need to take a deeper in exempted di San Pietro, Francesco Ratzinger. Pope Bergoglio According to these cable look at that idea. Socialized from Obamacare. The more Briguglio si e’ anche affer- uses 9 languages which liberals like Chris Hayes medicine usually ends up we see, the less we like. mato come un efficace include Arabic and Latin. and Chris Matthews, Obama with a two tiered system of Obviously we all must comunicatore adottando un We must underline the fact has nothing to do with it. care. @@%$$*& health care have misheard the presi- linguaggio nel ‘social net- that since Bergoglio was Also, Obama never lied or for regular folk and great dent speaking. He must work’ specialmente ‘twitter,’ elected Pontiff on March 13, “misspoke” as even the health care for those imple- have said, “If I like your raggiungendo un numero 2013, he has expressed NY Times has admitted. Have menting the #$@%%# care health care and doctors, you crescente di ammiratori in himself in a quite popular any of these characters for the rest of the peons. can keep them.” tutto il mondo. Finora e’ language when addressing actually listened closely to Case study is Cuba. When riuscito a raccogliere oltre everybody. Pope Francis those endless guarantees by the Dear Leader Fidel Castro LEGAL NOTICE 5 milioni di seguagi, da likes to address everyone as, got real sick, he sent for circa 2.5 milioni di prima. “Dear Friends, I thank you PRAYER TO ST. JUDE a specialist from Madrid, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Il Twitter e’, per i curiosi, wholeheartedly …” He also The Trial Court May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Probate and Family Court twitter: @pontifex. Papa introduced himself as adored, glorified, loved and pre- Middlesex Division Bergoglio usa ben nove the Bishop of Rome, not served throughout the world now LEGAL NOTICE 208 Cambridge Street and forever. Sacred Heart of East Cambridge, MA 02141 lingue tra cui l’Arabo ed il as the ‘Pope’! His popularity Commonwealth of Massachusetts Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, (617) 768-5800 The Trial Court Latino. Da notare che got a boost right after his worker of miracles, pray for us. Docket No. MI13P4549EA quando venne eletto Papa, il first showing in St. Peter’s St. Jude, help of the hopeless, Plymouth Probate and Family Court pray for us. 52 Obery Street Estate of 13 marzo 2013, ha usato Square parading among Suite 1130 MICHAEL A. MARTINELLI il Twitter e si e’ espresso throngs of people on his Pope Saythisprayer9timesadayand Plymouth, MA 02360 Date of Death July 12, 2013 by the 8th day your prayers will be 508-747-6204 in un linguaggio alquanto mobile, kissing babies, left answered. It has never been INFORMAL PROBATE Docket No. PL13C0166CA PUBLICATION NOTICE popolare, e salutando tutti and right, while standing on known to fail. Publication must be ...” Cari amici vi ringrazio di his vehicle. The enthusiasm promised. My prayers have been NOTICE OF PETITION FOR To all persons interested in the above answered. L.M.D.P.M. CHANGE OF NAME captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner cuore …” Papa Francesco si that always greets Pope In the Matter of Jean M. Martinelli of Winchester, MA. presenta sempre come il Bergoglio, an Argentine, son GARY SIVA BLACK A Will has been admitted to informal probate. Vescovo di Roma, non come of Italian immigrant par- LEGAL NOTICE A.K.A SIVA BLACK Jean M. Martinelli of Winchester, MA has of BRIDGEWATER, MA been informally appointed as the Personal il ‘Papa’. La sua popolarita’ ents, keeps growing daily. Representative of the estate to serve without NOTICE OF SALE To all persons interested in petition e’ esplosa sin dalla sua Whether it is his short trip surety on the bond. Notice is hereby given by TODISCO described: The estate is being administered under apparizione in Piazza San to Lampedusa, where he TOWING OF 94 CONDOR STREET, A petition has been presented by Gary S. informal procedure by the Personal Represen- Pietro sfilando tra una folla greeted refuges from Africa EAST BOSTON, MA pursuant to Black requesting that Gary Siva Black, also tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- known as Siva Black be allowed to change enorme sul suo ‘Papamobile,’ and other countries, most of the provisions of Mass G.L. c 255, bate Code without supervision by the Court. Section 39A that they will sell the his/her/their name as follows: Siva de Inventory and accounts are not required to be baciando bambini, a destra them Muslims, they appre- following vehicles online Monday, Simon Greyskull Black. filed with the Court, but interested parties are ed a manca, dal suo veicolo. ciated his concern toward November 25, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, entitled to notice regarding the administration YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE L’entusiasmo che sempre the Muslim religion, or dur- Vehicles are being sold to satisfy from the Personal Representative and can their garage keeper’s lien for towing, A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID petition the Court in any matter relating to the accoglie Papa Bergoglio, ing his first foreign trip to storage and notices of sale: COURT AT: PLYMOUTH ON OR BEFORE estate, including distribution of assets and l’argentino’ figlio di immi- Brazil, have contributed to 2002 CHEVY TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) expenses of administration. Interested parties ON DECEMBER 13, 2013. grati Italiani continua a establish his popularity. The EXPRESS BOX TRUCK are entitled to petition the Court to institute VIN #1GBHG31R321161439 WITNESS, Hon. Catherine P. Sabaitis, formal proceedings and to obtain orders crescere ogni giorno. Sia Pontiff has also shown his First Justice of this Court. terminating or restricting the powers of Per- riguardo il suo breve viaggio courage by reforming the 2006 FREIGHTLINER Date: November 5, 2013 sonal Representatives appointed under infor- a Lampedusa dove ha dato il Roman Curia or naming SPRINTER VAN Robert McCarthy, Register of Probate mal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, VIN #WDYPD544965915510 if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. suo benvenuto ai profughi new Princes of the Church Run date: 11/15/13 Run date: 11/15/13 soprattutto africani, in gran from all corners of the world. The above vehicles will be sold at auction online only at parte musulmani che hanno Pope Francis has also TOWLOT.COM LEGAL NOTICE and is open to everyone. apprezzato il suo interesse expressed a personal warn- MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY verso i seguaci di Maometto, ing to all the Clergy that Run dates: 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 2013 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS che il suo primo viaggio Christianity is not a religion Sealed General Bids for MPA Contract No. AP1402-C1, FY 2014-16 NON-AIRSIDE PAVEMENT estero, in Braqsile, hanno to ‘bargain with, for in LEGAL NOTICE REPAIRS - TERM CONTRACT, MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY FACILITIES, BOSTON contribuito a stabilire l’im- order to enter the Kingdom AND BEDFORD, MA, will be received by the Massachusetts Port Authority at the Capital Programs Department Offi ce, Suite 209S, Logan Offi ce Center, One Harborside Drive, East menza popolarita’ di questo of heaven it is necessary Commonwealth of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts 02128, until 11:00 A.M. local time on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2013 Papa. Il Pontefice ha mostrato to use the only door which The Trial Court immediately after which, in a designated room, the bids will be opened and read publicly. Probate and Family Court grande coraggio anche con la is Christ, instead of tak- NOTE: PRE BID CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD AT THE CAPITAL PROGRAMS riforma della Curia Romana, ing short cuts. This is the Suffolk Probate and Family Court DEPARTMENT (ABOVE ADDRESS) AT 10:00 AM LOCAL TIME ON TUESDAY, 24 New Chardon Street NOVEMBER 26, 2013. nominando nuovi Principi only imperative to all the Boston, MA 02114 The work includes EXCAVATION, PAVEMENT SAW CUTTING, BITUMINOUS CONCRETE (617) 788-8300 della Chiesa da ogni parte Christians. PAVEMENT PATCHING AND OVERLAY, CURB SETTING, CASTING ADJUSTMENTS AND del mondo. Papa Francesco Docket No. SU13P2659EA STRUCTURE REMODELING, CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALKS, PAVEMENT ha anche espresso un suo LEGAL NOTICE Estate of MARKINGS, MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC, AND OTHER INCIDENTAL WORK ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. monito a tutto il Clero che il KATHLEEN COUGHLIN Date of Death September 12, 2013 Bid documents will be made available beginning WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2013. Cristianesimo non e’ una Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court CITATION ON PETITION Bid Documents in electronic format may be obtained free of charge at the Authority’s Capital religione da ‘negozio’ perche’ Probate and Family Court FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Programs Department Offi ce, together with any addenda or amendments, which the Authority may per entrare nel Regno di Middlesex Division To all interested persons: issue and a printed copy of the Proposal form. Cristo bisogna passare da 208 Cambridge Street A Petition has been filed by James Coughlin The estimated contract cost is NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($900,000.00). East Cambridge, MA 02141 una sola porta, che e’ Cristo, of E. Boston, MA requesting that the Court en- A proposal guaranty shall be submitted with each General Bid consisting of a bid deposit for fi ve (5) (617) 768-5800 ter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and percent of the value of the bid; when sub-bids are required, each must be accompanied by a deposit e non atttraverso scorciatoie. Docket No. MI13P4491EA for such other relief as requested in the Peti- equal to fi ve (5) percent of the sub-bid amount, in the form of a bid bond, or cash, or a certifi ed check, Questa e’ una esortazione Estate of tion. And also requesting that James Coughlin or a treasurer’s or a cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the per tutti i cristiani! ANDREW T. PAWLAK of E. Boston, MA be appointed as Personal Massachusetts Port Authority in the name of which the Contract for the work is to be executed. The also know as ANDREW PAWLAK Representative(s) of said estate to serve With- bid deposit shall be (a) in a form satisfactory to the Authority, (b) with a surety company qualifi ed to Date of Death June 23, 2013 out Surety on the bond. do business in the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Authority, and (c) conditioned upon the DID YOU KNOW THAT … You have the right to obtain a copy of the faithful performance by the principal of the agreements contained in the bid. INFORMAL PROBATE Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and a labor and materials The new Pope continues PUBLICATION NOTICE You have a right to object to this proceeding. to surprise everybody. Since To all persons interested in the above To do so, you or your attorney must file a payment bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract price. The surety shall be a surety company or securities satisfactory to the Authority. Attention is called to the minimum rate of wages his elevation to the Papacy, captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner written appearance and objection at this Laura Tetreault of Lebanon, Maine, Petitioner Court before: 10:00 a.m. on December 5, 2013. to be paid on the work as determined under the provisions of Chapter 149, Massachusetts General Francis Bergoglio has estab- Andrea Rayworth of Kennebunkport, Maine. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline Laws, Section 26 to 27G, inclusive, as amended. The Contractor will be required to pay minimum lished himself as an effec- A Will has been admitted to informal probate. by which you must file a written appearance wages in accordance with the schedules listed in Division II, Special Provisions of the Specifi cations, tive communicator using Laura Tetreault of Lebanon, Maine, and objection if you object to this proceed- which wage rates have been predetermined by the U. S. Secretary of Labor and /or the Commissioner Andrea Rayworth of Kennebunkport, Maine ing. If you fail to file a timely written appear- of Labor and Industries of Massachusetts, whichever is greater. the social network Twitter to have been informally appointed as the Per- ance and objection followed by an Affidavit The successful Bidder will be required to purchase and maintain Bodily Injury Liability Insurance reach an increasing number sonal Representatives of the estate to serve of Objections within thirty (30) days of the and Property Damage Liability Insurance for a combined single limit of ONE MILLION DOLLARS of admirers all over the without surety on the bond. return date, action may be taken without ($1,000,000.00). Said policy shall be on an occurrence basis and the Authority shall be included as The estate is being administered under further notice to you. an Additional Insured. See the insurance sections of Division I, General Requirements and Division world. So far he has been informal procedure by the Personal Represen- The estate is being administered under II, Special Provisions for complete details. tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- formal procedure by the Personal Represen- This Contract is also subject to Affi rmative Action requirements of the Massachusetts Port Authority bate Code without supervision by the Court. tative under the Massachusetts Uniform contained in the Non-Discrimination and Affi rmative Action article of Division I, General Requirements Inventory and accounts are not required to be Probate Code without supervision by the and Covenants, and to the Secretary of Labor’s Requirement for Affi rmative Action to Ensure Equal filed with the Court, but interested parties are Court. Inventory and accounts are not Opportunity and the Standard Federal Equal Opportunity Construction Contract Specifi cations entitled to notice regarding the administration Small Ads required to be filed with the Court, but recipi- (Executive Order 11246). from the Personal Representative and can ents are entitled to notice regarding the petition the Court in any matter relating to the administration from the Personal Represen- The General Contractor is required to submit a Certifi cation of Non-Segregated Facilities prior estate, including distribution of assets and tative and can petition the court in any matter to award of the Contract, and to notify prospective subcontractors of the requirement for such Get Big certifi cation where the subcontract exceeds $10,000. expenses of administration. Interested parties relating to the estate, including distribution are entitled to petition the Court to institute of assets and expenses of administration. Complete information and authorization to view the site may be obtained from the Capital Programs formal proceedings and to obtain orders Department Offi ce at the Massachusetts Port Authority. The right is reserved to waive any informality Results terminating or restricting the powers of Per- WITNESS, HON. JOAN P. ARMSTRONG, First Justice of this Court. in or reject any or all proposals. For more information call sonal Representatives appointed under infor- MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY mal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, Date: November 05, 2013 THOMAS P. GLYNN 617-227-8929 if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. Patricia M. Campatelli, Register of Probate CEO AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Run date: 11/15/13 Run date: 11/15/13 Run date: 11/15/13 Page 12 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

EXTRA Innings HOOPS and HOCKEY in the HUB by Sal Giarratani by Richard Preiss

WRECKERS OF THE REALM Grousbeck had the presence — Well, who would have of mind to grab it as the game thought it, really? Here they concluded. were, the supposedly lowly Stevens didn’t savor the Celtics on the home court of moment too long. It was off the reigning NBA Champions for a weekend swing through — the Miami Heat. Florida, which some felt There was King James in had all the makings of a tor- all his glory. There was tured trip through a tropical former Celtic Ray Allen, who swamp. got out of town even faster But the C’s put down and earlier than Doc Rivers. Orlando, then won that game Would his famous shots from at Miami and came home the corner provide a plethora to claim another win over Pumpsie Green was the of nails for the Celtics’ coffin the Magic. That made it four first African American on this night? wins in a row for these player who started playing And there they were — the Celtics. And when readers of David “Big Papi” Ortiz finished in 3rd in Boston’s mayoral second base for the Red Sox Celtics. No stars — just a traditional print edition pa- race. in 1959. The Boston Red team. Led by a rookie coach pers opened their sports sec- Sox were the last team in from the college ranks who tions the next day there were Big Papi for Mayor the Major Leagues to sign is now experiencing his first those Celtics, up at the top of Basking in World Series a Black player after Tom season in the NBA. the Atlantic Division stand- fame, “Big Papi” Yawkey was forced to join But there was a surprise ings, tied for first place with managed to get the most (out the 20th century. on this night. The Celtics Philadelphia. of 560) write-in votes for could not be dismissed. They It might not last, even Boston mayor coming in a numbers winning 192 games hung around. They didn’t Stevens said that, noting strong third place finish be- and tied with for fade. The men in the Green that the team went from hind Walsh and Connolly. the team record. He won and White were actually 0-4 to 4-4 in the span of Boston has been his town all three Cy Youngs with us and ahead by one point when the a week. When asked how year long and lucky for us he was a five time shutout buzzer sounded to end the he would handle the “raised will be returning next sea- leader. His 1986 year was first half, having outscored expectations” that some have son for another season as his best when he went 24-4 the Heat by seven points in now embraced, Stevens indi- the best DH in the AL. with a 2.48 ERA as a lanky the second period. cated that no one around These Guys Were All 24-year-old pitcher. That would be a preview the Green is on a celebratory Great Red Sox Players New York Mayor-elect of the final scenario. Once bandwagon. Boston Globe columnist Bill De Blasio in 1986. again there was a one point “You just try to get better Bob Ryan recently did a Sun- Member of Red Sox Nation differential, this time in favor every day and do your job. You day piece about all the Red headed for Cooperstown even Recently elected Mayor of of Miami, as the Celtics took can’t put too much thought Sox “Greats” over the years. before becoming the power- New York Bill de Blasio spent control of the ball with a mere into what other people expect Well before my time, there ful slugger he became with the first half of his life liv- sixth tenths of a second of you because there’s an- was a right the dreaded NY Yankees. We ing a few miles away from remaining in the game. other team waiting for you. hander who at age 22 in can’t forget . He grew up Gerald Wallace inbounded And they’re pretty darn good. 1912 went 34-5 with a 1.91 who averaged 36 HRS, 129 loving the Red Sox and the ball across the court to Jeff So we focus on what we can ERA with 10 shutouts and RBIs in his first six seasons. especially 1967 when we all Green in the corner. Up went control — we don’t get too then three more games in His best year was 1938 when experienced first-hand “The Green over the outstretched high. I haven’t seen these that year’s 1912 World Se- he finished with 50 HR, 175 Impossible Dream.” He re- hands of LeBron James. The unbelievable celebrations in ries. Overall, he went 117- RBI and a .349 average. members names like: Yaz, aim was perfect — right on the locker room or anywhere 56 with the Sox. I remember Bob Ryan many more of his Rico, the Boomer and Lon- target — and when the ball else. The players just pretty as a broadcaster. favorites but these are mine borg. He has not renounced went through the net, you much move on to what’s He was a Red Sox lifer going along with others not men- his citizenship in Red Sox knew ESPN had a highlight next. The better teams that 123-75 with a pair of 20 game tioned by Ryan including Nation like outgoing Mayor reel and the Celtics had a I’ve coached have been that seasons and a no hitter in , Mike Bloomberg who jumped memorable 111-110 victory. way.” 1956. His best season was and Pete Runnells. ship and became a Yankees Later, Stevens would say: Maybe, just maybe, one 1949. He went 25-7 with a I almost forgot Roger fan after getting elected. “We just had something kind of the major strengths of 2.77 ERA. I remember “El Clemens. The best pitcher of I know de Blasio is an of crazy happen. We snuck the Celtics right now is that Tiante” who went his generation and one of extreme liberal but at least out of there with a win.” they do not have a star. 122-81 with the Sox with the best in the 20th century he knows who to root for It was a victory that caught There is no one concerned three 20-game seasons, 26 but the controversy over what and has never forgotten most observers of the NBA off about his minutes, his points shutouts and 113 complete he did or didn’t do has clouded where he came from. Now if guard. Wasn’t this supposed and rebounds, his highlight games his greatness. I think he he would just move toward to be the inept team that moment on Sportscenter. Then there’s , has 354 wins but that the right in politics, I would would be fortunate to win 30 What you have is a cohesive the Red Sox ace left-handed doesn’t really impress me. I feel better about him. games? But all along there team comprised of unselfish pitcher who was 89-46 and was impressed with his Sox were signs that the Celtics players that seem to feed off weren’t exactly the terrible one another. LEGAL NOTICE team that a number of prog- “I think everybody’s playing Giarratani Family Commonwealth of Massachusetts nosticators felt they would be. with confidence right now,” The Trial Court They did start the season said guard Jordan Crawford. Probate and Family Court at 0-4 but seemed to improve “We’re coming together. I Visit a North End Favorite Middlesex Division 208 Cambridge Street as they went along. “I didn’t think everybody’s just play- East Cambridge, MA 02141 think we were that far off ing off each other. Coach is (617) 768-5800 in a couple of those games,” doing a good job calling plays. Docket No. MI13P4415EA noted Stevens. “The way I We’ve got a lot of players that Estate of always say it when we walk like to run the floor so we’re SHIRLEY ORKIN Date of Death August 12, 2013 back into the locker room is: not playing to my strengths. INFORMAL PROBATE Did we look like a basketball We’re playing to the team’s PUBLICATION NOTICE team?” strengths.” To all persons interested in the above The coach indicated that Regardless of what happens captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Joyce Joseph of New York, NY. early on the answer would going forward, you know one A Will has been admitted to informal probate. have been no. “There were line of thought that has al- Joyce Joseph of New York, NY has been games, specifically in the ready been banished from informally appointed as the Personal Repre- sentative of the estate to serve without surety preseason, when we didn’t the building. That would be on the bond. look like a basketball team. the notion put forth by some The estate is being administered under How far have we come since that Celtics would deliber- informal procedure by the Personal Represen- st tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro- October 1 ? We’ve made good ately tank this season in bate Code without supervision by the Court. strides, we’ve made the right order to finish very low in Inventory and accounts are not required to be strides but we have a long the standings and thereby filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration way to go. There’s a lot of improve their chances of get- from the Personal Representative and can things to improve.” ting a top draft pick next petition the Court in any matter relating to the The win over Miami was June. estate, including distribution of assets and Recently, four members of the extended Giarratani expenses of administration. Interested parties the highlight of a four-game Whatever else the four family got together for a mini-reunion at Regina are entitled to petition the Court to institute win streak that the Celtics wins did, they completely Pizzeria. Sal Giarratani from the Post-Gazette, Frank formal proceedings and to obtain orders strung together. It started obliterated that line of think- terminating or restricting the powers of Per- Gorman from Tewksbury, Karen Gorman down from sonal Representatives appointed under infor- with a win over the Utah Jazz ing. If people want to see Maine and Phyllis Ann Constantino up from North mal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, at the Garden — Stevens’ first tanks this winter, they’ll Carolina caught up on old times over a couple pizzas. if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. as an NBA coach. And yes, he have to visit the New Run date: 11/15/13 has the ball. C’s co-owner Wyc England Aquarium.