question answer page Who is the author of Out of Left Field? Ellen Klages cover What did Katie’s player friends all call her? Gordon 1 Who was Katy’s ? PeeWee Ishikawa 1 How long did Katy and her friends play baseball? Until it got dark or moms started yelling for dinner. 1 How many kids usually showed up to play baseball? nine 2 What did Andy Duncan do after he got a cast on his arm and couldn’t throw? umpire 2 How tall was Katy? 5 foot 2 2 What grade was Katy going into? 5th 2 What did Katy call her combo knuckler curve pitch? Her Sunday pitch 5 What did Katy’s dad do for work? He was a rocket scientist 5 What did the who saw Katy pitch invite her to join? Little League 5 Who was eligible to play Little League? Boys 10 to 12 5 Who was Katy’s favorite team? The Seals 5 What team replaced the Seals in ? The 7 Why were people so excited about the San They were the first major league team west of the Francisco Giants? Mississippi. 7 What did Katy think was supposed to happen when the major leagues expanded to the west? That the Seals would be in the . 7 What kind of baseball team was the Seals? A Red Sox farm team 7 Where did the Giants baseball team move from? 7 What baseball team did Aspromonte, Pearson, and Pumpsie Green play for? The San Francisco Seals 7 What did Katie tell the Little League coach her name was? Casey Gordon 7 What was Katy’s real name? Kathleen Curie Gordon 7 What was Katy’s birthday? September 15, 1947 7 Where did Katy’s dad live? Alabama 9 Who taught Katy how to pitch? Her sisters 9 Juliana Berg, Katy’s best friend since Who was Jules? kindergarten. 11 What was Jules good at doing? Playing piano 11 Who took Katy to see the Seals play for her birthday each day? Aunt Babs 11 Her sisters were in high school when she was Why was Katy like an only child? born. 12 Which Gordon sister was tall, blonde, looked like a Viking, and was an artist? Suze 12 Which Gordon sister had dark hair and dark eyes and was a mechanical engineer? Dewey 12 Which Gordon sister was adopted? Dewey 12 What did Suze do one month before Katy’s Turned their backyard into a baseball 9th birthday? playground. 12 Where did Jules go for 2 months in the Sleep-away music camp called Camp Harmony summer? in the Sierras 12 What was PeeWee’s brother’s name? Eddie 12 What did PeeWee give to Katy when he saw her pitch a ball through the tire? His brother, Eddie’s, baseball glove. 12 What did Mr. Berg do for work? He worked for the Berkeley newspaper 15 What did Katy's mom, Terry , Terry, do for work? Nuclear chemistry professor 15 What was the difference between the The Bergs house was always clean, the Gordon’s Gordon’s house and the Bergs’ house? was always messy. 15 What was the bug juice Jules drank at camp? Kool-Aid 15 Where were Katy and Jules allowed to go once Katy’s sisters moved out? Up into the attic 15 What did Dewey do once she finished her PhD? Went to to build robots. 17 What did Suze do for work? Taught art at a girls’ school 17 A science lab, machine shop, art studio What was the Gordon’s attic like? combination 17 Dewey made machines out of junk and Suze Why did Dewey and Suze love junk? made art. 17 What did the labels say inside the black metal box on the wall in the attic? East, west, north, lights 17 What did the Gordon girls carry in their pockets? A magic rock with a lightning bolt on it. 17 What did Katy’s white rock say on it in Greek? Shazam 17 What was the one rule of the attic? No girls--meaning not girly girls. 19 What did Jules find out about the theme from the Lone Ranger? It was a classical overture 19 What was the first thing Katy had in her life that nobody else had already done? baseball 19 Where did Jules and Katy watch a feature of Attack of the Crab Monsters and Invasion of the Saucer Men? At the Elmwood Theatre 22 What was the only subject Katy didn’t get A’s in? handwriting. 22 What was Katy’s favorite breakfast? Wheaties, the breakfast of champions 23 What school did Katy attend? LeConte Elementary 23 Where is LeConte Elementary? On Russell Street in Berkeley, CA 23 On what corner did Jules meet Katy to walk to school every morning since 1st grade? Hillegass 23 Which 5th grade teacher was known to be boring? Mrs. Lanagan 23 What did PeeWee’s sister call the mean teacher in middle school? The Dragon Lady. 23 Which 5th grade teacher was young and made learning fun? Miss Hopkinson 23 Who did Katy get for her 5th grade teacher? Mr. Herschberger in room 120 23 Why was Katy surprised to have a man as a The only men in the school had been the janitors teacher? and principal. 23 What was PeeWee’s real name? Katsuharo Ishikawa 25 What was Madge’s real name? Magdolina Malinowsky 25 What was Whiz’s real name? Jimmy Wisniewski 25 What was Pinky’s real name? Pincus Zelizer 25 Where did Karen always sit in class? In front by the window 25 Why did Katy and PeeWee always end up Their last names were next to each other sitting next to each other in classes? alphabetically 25 How did they begin each day in Katy’s 5th grade class? Current events 25 Where did Mr. Herschberger serve in the military? Korea 28 Where is Little Rock? Arkansas 28 What did people in Little Rock do to the African American kids who tried to enter the school after integration? Threw rocks at them and called them names. 28 What was the name of the governor of Arkansas that activated the Arkansas National Guard to STOP nine African American students from entering Little Rock Central High school? Governor Faubus 28 Why did Governor Faubus defy the law and He thought he was being patriotic and upholding the Supreme Court? the southern way of life. 28 Why didn’t Katy like Cynthia too much? She wore frilly clothes 30 How long did Katy have for recess? 15 minutes 30 What game did Katy and the boys play at recess? and 30 What did Katy do with the birthday money her grandma sent her? Bought real baseball sneakers with rubber cleats 32 How many feet is regulation Little mound from the plate? 46 feet 32 When did Jules have piano lessons? Wednesdays 32 How did Katy explain to Jules that she liked Jules play with boys in an orchestra, which is sort playing baseball with boys? of like a team. 32 What baseball poem has a character named Casey? Casey at the Bat 33 Why couldn’t Katy bring her Shazam rock with her to school? Skirts didn’t have pockets 33 What are PF Flyers, Keds, and high-tops? sneakers 36 Why did Coach Martin say the Little League Any boy could play, regardless of race, religion, was a TRUE democracy? ethnic heritage--that they didn’t discriminate. 36

What was Katy’s time for the 100 yard dash? 12 ½ seconds 38 Who ran the fastest 100 yard dash? Swifty at 11 seconds 38

What was Katy’s weakest point in baseball? fielding 38 The pitch you throw when you gotta get the batter What is a Sunday pitch? out--one he’s not expecting. 42 What happened to the boys that didn’t make They put them on a farm team with regular the Little League team in the tryouts? games, but no uniforms. 45 Where did PeeWee’s mother take PeeWee and Katy after Little League tryouts? Bott’s for ice cream sundaes 47 What was the name of the Little League team Katy and PeeWee tried out for? Indians 47 What did the Seals become in 1957 when they beat the Sacramento Solons? The 1957 champions of the 48 Her own baseball card with her picture, What did Suze make for Katy for her 10th imaginary stats, and the team name ‘Elmwood birthday? Irregulars’ 48 What did Dewey give to Katy for her 10th birthday? A Red Sox pennant signed by 48 What did Katy's mom, Terry, give her for her 10th birthday? A Frisbee 48 What did Katy’s dad send her for her 10th birthday? A Girl’s First Cookbook 48 Her Aunt Babs taking her to the Seals game in What was the best present Katy got for her San Francisco for a , and getting to 10th birthday? bring Jules. 48 What did Aunt Babs do for work? Math professor 48 Where was the Seals ? At the corner of 16th and Bryant 48 Where did Aunt Babs live? On Russian Hill with her friend, Franny 50 What did people do with the striped Sat on them, and then threw them onto the field if cushions at the baseball stadium? they thought the umpire made a bad call. 50 What is the entrance in a stadium called? A vomitory 50 What stood beyond the scoreboard of the ? The factories of Potrero Hill. 50 What bakery sat across from the Seals Stadium on Bryant Street? Kilpatrick’s factory 50 What did Aunt Babs mean when she wrote the number 9 after a baseball player’s name? Position in the right field 53 Who was the Seals’ ? Jack Spring 53 What did the letter K mean in baseball? 53 What did a backwards letter K mean in baseball? Strikeout while swinging 53 Why did Jules end up loving the baseball game? She loved numbers and statistics 53 Who autographed Katy’s ball at the Seals doubleheader on her 10th birthday? Sal Taormina, , and Bert Thiel 55

Which team had Bert Thiel played for before the Seals, and was Katy’s favorite pitcher? The Boston Braves 55 Who was the of the Seals? Joe ‘Flash’ Gordon 55 What beer brewery stood across the street from the Seals stadium? Hamm’s 55 How many people stood and applauded the Seals for 5 minutes? 16,000 people 55 For how long had the Seals been San Francisco’s home team? 50 years 55 In what year did Aunt Babs see the Seals’ first game at 14th and Valencia? 1915 57 Who did Aunt Babs once cut a calculus lecture to see play baseball? Joe DiMaggio 57 Why did coach Dave Julian call the A parent claimed that ‘Casey’ wasn’t eligible to Gordon’s house? play for the Little League. 61 Which rule did Dave say Katy was in Section three, paragraph G - “Girls are not violation of? eligible’ 63 Which kid told his mother that Katy was a girl? Kevin Bodell 63 Where had Katy seen Kevin Bodell before? He spilled Coke on Jules at the theatre 65 What could happen if a team broke the rules? They could lose their Little League sanction 65 What did Coach Dave say Katy could be for the Little League team? Their mascot 65 What did Katy's mom, Terry, do during the war? Help build bombs 67 What is the ACLU? American Civil Liberties Union 67 What did Katy's mom, Terry, advise her to do after she was told she couldn’t be on the Write a letter to the national Little League Little League team? organization. 67 What was PeeWee’s highest compliment to Katy? You throw better than a 7th grader 72 Why was Katy disappointed in PeeWee at first? He stayed playing with the Little League. 72 What did Katy's mom, Terry, let her do before mailing the letter to the Little League organization? Sign it with her good fountain pen 74 How did Katy's mom, Terry, sign checks and documents? Marjorie W. Gordon 74 How did Katy sign the letter to the Little League? Kathleen C. Gordon 76

Where was the Little League headquarters? Williamsport, 76 Which president sent the U.S. Army to Little Rock, Arkansas so the African American kids could attend school? President Dwight David Eisenhower 78 They said girls didn’t have the same muscles as boys, weren’t as quick, and might suffer injuries What reasons did the Little League give for to their delicate vital organs. Also it would be not allowing girls to play baseball? disruptive and degrade the game. 79 Who was the director of Public Relations for the Little League that wrote back to Katy? Mitchell K. Grayson 79 What did Katy's mom, Terry, give her before she had a chance to break the garage window with a baseball? Eggs 81 What did Katy's mom, Terry, say she would have to do if they started working with Wear a dress and good shoes and sit quietly lawyers and judges? most of the time. 87 What does the Latin phrase ‘status quo’ mean? The way it’s always been. 87

What did some signs people carried in Little ‘Integration is communism, Jim Crow is the Rock, Arkansas say about integration? American Way’! 87 She refused to sign a ‘loyalty oath’ swearing that Why did the university fire Katy's mom, Terry, she wasn’t a communist or a member of any ? group that wanted to overthrow the government. 88 Why didn’t Katy's mom, Terry, want to sign She believed in freedom of speech and the the loyalty oath at the university where she freedom to associate, as promised in the Bill of worked? Rights 88 She lost her job, her lab, her security clearance, What happened after Katy's mom, Terry, had to end her research, lost some friends, and refused to sign the loyalty oath? her husband filed for divorce a month later. 88 What was Katy’s dad’s name? Phil 88 How could having a wife who had been blacklisted damage Phil’s (Katy’s father’s) career? It could have jeopardized his security clearance. 88 What was Katy's mom, Terry, barred from ever doing again, even though she got her job as a professor back? Working on classified projects. 90 What does the phrase, ‘you have to pick Fighting for something you can’t win can be a your battles’ mean? waste of time. 90 What did Katy's mom, Terry, say she had already done by playing baseball with the boys in the empty lot? Changed their ideas about what girls can do. 90 Why did it take five years and four different schools for Katy’s sister, Dewey, to get into a mechanical drawing class? Those classes were only for boys. 92 What idea did Jules give to Katy after they To research and find out about other women read that baseball had always been the baseball players, proving the ‘sole province’ ‘sole province’ of male athletes? concept wrong. 95 How old was Katy when she started reading? four 97 What are the shelves in a library called? stacks 97 What did the Claremont branch of the library look like outside? An English cottage 97 What shelf numbers in the library had the books about baseball? 796’s 97 Why didn’t Katy like the librarian, Mrs. She didn’t think she approved of kids touching Wentworth, very much? big, important books 97 What was Katy’s favorite part of the library? The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature 97 What is in the Readers’ Guide to Periodical Lists of every article published in almost every Literature? magazine since 1890. 97 In what magazine was the article, Baseball and the City Urchin? June 1911 of Collier’s 100 What was the title of the article about that was published on April 18, 1931? Girl who fanned 100 What magazines did the Claremont branch have from 1931? Time and Life magazines 102 What are the crossroads for the downtown branch of the Berkeley library? Kittredge and Shattuck 103

How often did the Literary Digest come out? Once a week 103 What was on the cover of the April 18, 1931 edition of the Literary Digest? A picture of Abraham Lincoln 103 On what page was the article about the girl who fanned Babe Ruth? Page 41 103 What was the name of the girl who fanned (struck out) Babe Ruth? Virne Beatrice ‘Jackie’ Mitchell 103 What team did Virne Beatrice ‘Jackie’ Mitchell pitch against? The Yankees 103 What two famous baseball players did Virne Beatrice ‘Jackie’ Mitchell strike out? Babe Ruth and 103 What minor league team did Virne Beatrice ‘Jackie’ Mitchell play for? The 107 Who was ? The 111 What did Kenesaw Mountain Landis do to a couple days after she pitched and struck out Babe Ruth and Lou He voiced her contract because he said baseball Gehrig? was too strenuous for a girl to play. 111 How old was Jackie Martin in 1931? seventeen 113 What new TV show about a kid Katy’s age did she watch at 8 pm? Leave It to Beaver 116 What book did Katy write a book report The Enormous Egg about a boy who hatches a about? dinosaur by mistake. 116 Why didn’t Katy like the KPFA radio station She thought they played too many folk and too much? classical songs. 116 What was the artificial moon launched by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957? Sputnik 119 What does the Russian word, sputnik, mean? Companion traveler of Earth, 119 How many cards does a deck of cards have? 52 cards 119 What did the launching of Sputnik begin? The Space Age 119 What did Mr. Dawson do on the lawn at 4:30 in the morning? Set up a telescope to see Sputnik pass by. 121 What is the name of the bell and clock tower on the campus of the University of , Berkeley? The Campanile 121 What two constellations did Katy see in the sky while waiting to see Sputnik? The Big Dipper and Orion the Hunter 121 What languages are all the planets and constellations in? Greek or Latin 121 Who did Miss Sherman, the librarian, tell Katy about? Babe Didrikson Zaharias 123 What sport did Babe Didrikson Zaharias famous for playing? golf 123 What baseball teams did Babe Didrikson Zaharias pitch for? The Athletics, the Cardinals, and the House of David 123 What holiday did the Gordons celebrate in October? Yom Kippur - the Jewish New Year 125 What year did Katy’s gramma think it was? The year 5718 125 How does the Jewish religion pass down through descendants? Through the mothers 125 What was Katy's mom, Terry, ’s maiden name? Weiss 125 What did Katy's mom, Terry, make for Yom Kippur dinner? Noodle kugel 125 What kind of car did Katy's mom, Terry, drive? A Rambler 125 What was Katy’s favorite Jewish food? latkes 127 When do people usually eat latkes? Hanukkah 127

Which three widows from Gramma Weiss’s temple came to the Yom Kippur celebration? Mrs. Stein, Mrs. Melman, and Mrs. Kushner 127 In what language do Jewish people pray? Hebrew 127 Who did Katy’s father say was the best rocket scientist in America? Dr. Wernher von Braun 127 What excuse did Phil give for America not launching a satellite before the Soviet The White House gave the funding to another Union? program. 127-129 Built V-2 rockets for Hitler that the Germans used to What did Wernher von Braun do in the war? bomb London, killing more than 4,000 people. 129 How much did Sputnik weigh? 184 pounds 132 How big was Sputnik? The size of a . 132 How often did Sputnik circle the entire earth? Every 96 minutes 132 What did politicians in Washington want the president to declare after the Russians launched Sputnik? A national week of ‘Shame and Danger’ 132 What did Timmy Lawton’s dad say about That it was brainwashing people from space so they Sputnik? would all turn into Commies. 132 Where did the New York Dodgers move to in 1957? 134 What time is it in Berkeley, California when it’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon in New York? 10 in the morning 134

What two baseball teams played each other in game 7 of the in 1957? The Braves vs 134 Which famous New York Yankee’s baseball card was torn up by a 4th grader and thrown into an empty milk carton after game 7 of the 1957 World Series? 134 Who was the 1957 World Series MVP (Most Valuable Player)? 134 What did Mr. Herschbergher say about Students in Russia went to school 6 days a week and school and students in Russia? had 4 hours of homework every night. 136 How much more education did Mr. Herschberger say a Russian student had when they graduated high school, compared to an American student? Two more years 136 How long was Mr. Herschberger in Korea fighting against Communism? 18 months 136

Why did Mr. Herschberger and many foreign While Russia focused on science, American citizens newspapers believe America was losing the were fighting with each other about integration, and Space Race? hated each other more than they hated Communists. 136 Why did Sputnik stop sending signals on October 26, 1957? Its batteries ran out. 139 What was inside the envelope Katy received An autographed picture, a newspaper clipping, and a 3 from Jackie Mitchell? page letter. 139 What baseball team did both Jackie Mitchell and Babe Didrikson play for? The House of David 139 Even though Katy spelled out Mitchell on the back of her baseball jersey for Halloween, who did everyone think she was pretending to be? Mickey Mantle 139 What kind of candy did lots of people give out in 1957? Mars bars 139 Who was the baseball player Miss Sherman found an article about that played for the Athletics in 1952? Eleanor Engle 140 The team manager cancelled her contract because he would never let a girl play, and the baseball Why didn’t Eleanor Engle ever play a commissioner made a law that no team could sign a game? woman as a player ever. 140 What did Jules’ piano teacher have in She auditioned for the symphony, but they wouldn’t common with Katy? hire a woman. 142 What were the only TV shows Katy's mom, Terry, liked? What’s My Line and I’ve Got a Secret 142 What was the name of the second satellite the Russians launched? Sputnik 2 142 What was special about Sputnik 2? It had a dog as a passenger. 144 What were the newspapers calling Sputnik 2 because of the dog? Muttnik 144 What kind of dog was sent into space on Sputnik 2? A female terrier and Samoyed mix named Laika. 144 What does laika mean in Russian? barker 144 What two famous dogs was Laika more famous than? Lassie and Rin Tin Tin 144 The Russians never planned on bringing her back How did Laika die? home--there was only enough oxygen for a week. 144 What assignment did Mr. Herschberger give to his class that would count as their entire A report on an American hero that made a difference Social Studies grade? in the world. 147 Why did Mr. Herschberger accept as the subject of a report on an He was a civil rights hero, in addition to being a American hero? baseball player. 147 Why was Jules so mad at the student teacher, Miss Kilgallen in biology? She gave her a C minus for having sloppy handwriting. 151 What teams did Miss Kilgallen play for? The and the Allington’s All-Stars 154 What league were the South Bend Blue Sox and the Allington’s All-Stars in? The All-American Girls Baseball League 154 When did the All-American Girls Baseball 1943 when men went to war and they didn’t want to League start? cancel baseball. 154 Who owned the Cubs and started the All-American Girls Baseball League? Phillip K. Wrigley 154 Softball uses a larger, softer ball and throw What is the difference between softball and underhand; baseball uses a small hard ball and baseball? pitchers throw overhand 157

Give her 2 weeks to practice her biology lettering and if she could get it good enough for an A, she had to sit What deal did Jules make with Miss down and tell Katy (Katy) her story about playing Kilgallen? baseball for the All-American Girls Baseball League. 157 What did Jules’ dad promise her if she got all A’s on her report card? A new puppy 157 What book helped Jules learn to improve her writing? Freehand Lettering for Engineers from 1917 160 What was the name of the printing used in the Freehand Lettering for Engineers book used? Inclined Gothic 161 In what year was Katy born? 1947 161 What channel on TV was KGO? Channel 7 163 Where are Fantasyland, Adventureland, and Tomorrowland? Disneyland 163 Where did the United States attempt to launch the Vanguard TV3 satellite from? Cape Canaveral, Florida 163 Who built the Vanguard TV3 satellite? The U.S. Navy 163 What did the news call the American’s first attempt at launching a satellite? Flopnik and Oopsnik 166 What are bracts, stamen, and stoma? Parts of a flower 168 What game did Katy get for Hanukkah that was like Clue? Why 168 When were women finally allowed to vote in elections? The year 1920 169 What is the middle candle of a menorah called that is used to light all the other candles? The Shamash candle 169 What game did Katy and the old ladies play at Hanukkah where she won chocolate money? dreidel 169 On what street did Miss Deb Kilgallen live? Euclid Avenue 169 What were the names of the first four baseball teams in the All-American Girls The , the South Bend Blue Sox, the Baseball League? , and the 171 Where is the town of Racine? 171 Where is the town of South Bend? Indiana 171 Where is the town of Kenosha? Wisconsin 171 Where is the town of Rockford? Illinois 171 Why were all the first four baseball teams in the All-American Girls’ Baseball League near Chicago? Because of the 171 How many teams were in the All-American Girls’ Baseball League by 1948? Ten teams 171 Why did many talented girls get turned down by the scouts looking for baseball talent for the All-American Girls’ Baseball League? They weren’t pretty enough 171 What rules did the girls in the All-American No smoking or drinking, and no wearing pants in Girls’ Baseball League have to follow? public. 174 What baseball player was on the front cover of the yearbook from 1947? Stan Musial, player of the year. 174 What baseball player was on the BACK cover of the Major League Baseball Sophie Kurys, player of the year for the All-American yearbook from 1947? Girls Baseball League 174 How many stolen bases did Sophie Kurys have in one season? 201 stolen bases 174 How many stolen bases did Sophie Kurys have in her lifetime? Over 1,000 174 How many stolen bases did have? 892 stolen bases 174 What did the girls in the All-American Girls The scrapes they got on their legs when they slid into Baseball League call ‘strawberries’? a base. 174

How many hits did get? 129 hits 174 What was Connie Wisniewski’s ERA ( average)? .81 ERA 174 Which baseball player played all twelve seasons of the All-American Girls Baseball League? Dottie Schroeder 174 What did the manager of the Cubs tell Dottie If she was a man, he would sign her for 50,000 Schroeder? dollars. 174 Who formed her own baseball team in 1907 called the Weiss All-Stars? Alta Weiss 176 What did Alta Weiss do after she retired from She used the money she made from baseball to go to playing baseball? medical school. 176 Which junior high teacher had been a Bloomer Girl? Miss Lowry, the gym teacher (AKA the dragon lady) 176

What happens when a myth is told over and over to thousands of people for many years? Everyone starts believing it’s true. 178 After Mr. Herschberger reorganized his Anderson, Bernstein, Kaimora, Morton, Dickinson, and classroom, who sat at table #1? Chen 179 After Mr. Herschberger reorganized his Pinky, Andy, Whiz, Madge, and a new African classroom, who sat at table #5 with Katy? American boy named Chip Bell. 179 Where had Chip Bell moved to Berkeley from? Oakland 179 What was the name of the new kid in Mrs. Lanagan’s class? Freddy 181 Why couldn’t Chip’s cousin Josh pitch, as usual, on Saturday afternoon? He cut his finger trying to whittle with a knife. 183 Where did Chip Bell live? On Colby, a block up from Alcatraz. 183 What did Chip Bell ask Katy before she came to play baseball with him and his If it would bother her that they were all ‘colored’ friends? (African American). 185 What Junior High did Miss Lowry (the Dragon Lady) teach PE at? Willard Junior High 186 Teams that didn’t have their own stadium-- they What were ‘barnstormers’? traveled from town to play 187 Who ran the Western Bloomer Girls in 1911, and was also the pitcher, manager, and team owner? Maud Nelson 190 Who were the Western Bloomer Girls named after? Amelia Bloomer 190 Loose pants that are tight at the ankles--the first things women could wear that let them move around What are bloomers? freely and do things like ride a bike. 190 What did Miss Lowry do on a farm that built Carried baskets of apples, pitching hay to horses, and up her muscles? playing ball 192 What did Miss Lowry’s brothers call her? Bitty 192 What were the Western Bloomer Girls’ uniforms made of? flannel 192 How much did Miss Lowry get paid playing baseball for the Western Bloomer Girls? $15 each week 192 What did Miss Lawry’s brother Walt do for work, earning $12 a week? Store clerk 192 In what year did Miss Lawry start teaching PE at Willard Junior High? 1929 192 The Western Bloomer Girls and the All-Star Ranger What two teams did Maud Nelson run? Girls 192 Who was a catcher for almost 20 years and then became a scout for the Phillies--the first female scout in the majors? Edith Houghton 192 What famous baseball player did Miss Lawry once tag out? Rogers Hornsby 192 What were the men who dressed up like women to play with the Bloomer Girls called? toppers 194 Why did the All-American Girls Baseball It was the Depression and no one had an extra nickel League end in the 30’s? to go to a ball game. 194 What did the women baseball players call softball? Kitten ball and pumpkin ball. 194 What is the term for ‘separate but equal’? segregation 194

What were Chip Bell’s twin cousins’ names? Josh and Joey 196 What did Chip and his friends use for first base? A carpet 196 What did Chip and his friends use for 2nd base? A bath mat 196 What did Chip and his friends use for 3rd base? A phone book 196 What did Chip and his friends use for home plate? A cafeteria tray 196

How did Josh figure out the Katy was a girl? The wind blew her hat off her head. 197 What was Chip’s real first name? Aloysius (pronounced Alo-wish-us) 199 What did Chip get for Christmas? Race cars 201

What team did play for in 1952? The 201 Who took over for Hank Aaron on the Indianapolis Clowns when he got signed by the Boston Braves? Mrs. Bell’s sister, 201 What teams did Mrs. Bell’s sister, Toni, play The Indianapolis Clowns and the Kansas City for? Monarchs 204 Why hadn’t Katy ever heard of the Indianapolis Clowns and the baseball teams? They were part of the Negro Leagues 204

Where did Mrs. Bell and her sister grow up? Saint Paul, Minnesota. 204 What was Mrs. Bell’s sister’s real name? Marcenia 204 Why did Mrs. Bell eat a bowl of Wheaties To the box tops to get her sister new baseball every morning when she was a kid? equipment 204 What did Mrs. Bell do for a career? She was a nurse. 205 What team did Toni Stone play for in 1949 in San Francisco? The San Francisco Sea Lions 205

Who was the first African American baseball player to play major league baseball? Jackie Robinson 205

How much did the New Orleans Creoles pay Toni Stone each month to play baseball? $100 a month 205 Who did Toni Stone end up marrying? Gus Alberga, a politician 205 What was Katy's mom, Terry, ’s name? Terry 208 What was Chip’s brother’s name? Oscar 208 Where did the Albergas live? On Isabella Street in West Oakland 210 What did Chip’s Uncle Pescia, Gus, do in He was the first colored man to be an officer in the World War One? U.S. Army 211 Why was Chip’s mom’s potato salad so good? She used brown mustard, not yellow. 214 What newspaper did Toni Stone’s father see her picture in? The Chicago Defender 214 What is the Chicago Defender? A newspaper for African American people 216 What city were the Black Barons from? Birmingham, Alabama 216 What was the name of the rookie Toni Stone played against in 1949 who became very famous? 216 What did Toni Stone do while playing for a team in the Catholic League in Saint Paul, Got a rule book and studied until she knew more Minnesota? about baseball than anyone else on the team. 216 Why wouldn’t the All-American Girls Baseball League allow Toni Stone to try out? They only signed white girls. 215 Why did Toni Stone and her teammates have to eat sardines and crackers for dinner on the side of the road? Restaurants wouldn’t serve African Americans. 222 Why did a waitress smash the dishes in the diner? Because Black people had eaten off them. 222 Why didn’t Toni Stone ever get a Louisville Slugger baseball bat with her autograph on Mr. Louisville wouldn’t allow it (because she was a it? woman, or Black, or both) 222 What magazine featured an article about Toni Stone in July of 1953? Ebony Magazine 222 What other women played on the (pitcher) and (2nd Indianapolis Clowns? base) 225 What did everyone call Mamie Johnson because she was so small? Peanut 225 What team did Jackie Robinson, , , and Toni Stone play for? The Kansas City Monarchs 225 Who did Toni Stone say controlled the contracts and the money? The menfolk in fancy suits 227 What did Toni Stone offer to Katy? To try out for a youth league at her church. 227 What did Katy have to create for her presentation because no existed for the baseball players she researched? Baseball cards 230 How much did a box of Topps baseball cards with bubble gum cost in 1958? 5 cents 230 What is a pantograph? A special ruler to create enlargements 230

Lizzie Arlington, Alta Weiss, Lizzie Murphy, Maud Which 12 baseball players did Katy to Nelson, Jackie Mitchell, Edith Houghton, Babe highlight in her presentation who played Didrikson, Sophie Kurys, Dorothy Kamenshek, Eleanor between 1898 and 1954? Engle, Toni Stone, and Mamie ‘Peanut’ Johnson. 230 W.E.B. Du Bois, the first African American to get a Who did Chip choose as his hero to do a PhD at Harvard University and started the NAACP in report on? 1909. 232 When was the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) started? 1909 232 What is Jonas Salk famous for? Discovering the polio vaccine. 232 What is Emma Lazarus famous for? Writing the poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. 232 Who is Anna May Wong? The first Chinese movie star in Hollywood 232 What had Andy’s dad, the person he chose to do his hero report on, done in World War 2? Fought Nazis in France 235 What happened to Danny’s uncle, the person he chose to do his report on? He lost his leg fighting the Japanese on Iwo Jima. 235 Who did PeeWee choose to do his hero report on? His Jiji (grandfather) Takayuki Nakamora 235 It used to be his Jiji’s (grandfather’s) flower shop, but Why didn’t the Nakamoras shop at the he lost it when he was sent to an internment camp in bakery on Ashby Avenue? 1940 during World War 2. 235 Why did the American government force Japanese people to leave their homes and businesses and live in concentration camps, even if they were native born, United States Many people thought that anyone who looked Citizens? Japanese might be the enemy. 235 Which president signed the law in 1943 to force 120,000 Japanese people to live in concentration camps? President Roosevelt 235 Where did PeeWee’s Jiji and his family have to live when they first were forced to leave their home in 1943? In a stable in the Tanforan racetrack 235 Where did PeeWee’s mom finish high In a concentration camp in the desert called school? Manzanar. 235 Who were the only two people in Katy’s class that knew about PeeWee’s family and other Japanese people being imprisoned in concentration camps? Sam Yakimora and Gloria Fong 235 What did Mr. Herschberger do when PeeWee finished his speech that Katy had He bowed to Peewee and said ‘Thank you, Katsuharo- never seen a teacher do? san’. 235 Who did the Pope declare the patron saint of television? St. Clare 237 What was the name of the satellite the U.S. finally launched on January 31st? Explorer 1 237 What did Mr. Herschberger do for the first time in his five years of teaching after the social studies speeches? He gave two A+ grades -- to PeeWee and Katy. 237 How many students attended LaConte Elementary school? Almost 400 239 What did Jules do when she was nervous or She wrapped her hair around her finger and then let it excited? bounce loose 241 At which corner did Jules and Katy always say goodbye? Russell and Hillegass 241 What vocabulary words related to space and the satellites in the news? Gravitational, perigee, atmospheric, radiation 242 What was the name of the second satellite the U.S. launched? Vanguard 242 Which country did Katy read about that had coffee and sugarcane? Cuba 242 What was Jules’ beagle puppy’s name? Schubert 244 What did Jules’ family name all their pets after? musicians 244 What musician was the Bergs’ parakeet named after? Puccini 244 What did the Gordon family name their pets after? scientists 244 What was the name of the cat the Gordons had when Katy was little? Rutherford 244 What scientist was Katy’s middle name for? Marie Curie 244 What detective mystery book did Jules read? Nancy Drew 244 Jules and her family used bookmarks...Katy and her How did Katy’s family and Jules’ family differ family folded down the corner of the page to keep in the way they read books? their place. 244 What was Katy and Jules’ favorite song in 2nd grade when they were cowboys? The theme from the Lone Ranger 244 What was Jules’ real name? Juliana 246 What was Jules’ dad’s name? Ralph 246 What did Jules’ dad, Ralph, get permission to do with Katy? Interview her for the Gazette newspaper 246 What was the only thing Katy didn’t like about eating dinner with the Bergs? They had plastic covers on the chairs. 248 On what page of the Berkeley Gazette was the article about Katy and the women baseball players? Page 17 250 What headline news did Linda Gallo want to talk about that Mr. Herschberger didn’t consider real news? Elvis Presley joining the army 251 What fancy restaurant did the Bergs and Gordons go to celebrate the newspaper article about Katy? Spengers 253

Why was Katy disappointed that the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Little League wasn’t until October 19, 1959? She would be 12, too old to play Little League. 256 What game did Jules and Katy invent in Katy’s attic that involved dropping marbles and ball bearings into funnels? Fastest Gun in the West 256 What was the name of the sports writer for the Berkeley Gazette that called to talk to Katy? Nick Winters 258 To be a cub sports reporter for a day at the Seals What opportunity did Nick Winters give to Stadium where the San Francisco Giants would be Katy? meeting the press for the photos. 258 What did Nick Winters tell Katy to bring with her to Seals Stadium for her day as a sports reporter? Pants she could shag balls in, and her baseball glove. 258 What bridge do you cross to get from Berkeley to San Francisco? The Bay Bridge 260 What major league baseball team did Katy’s favorite Seals player, Albie Pearson, end up playing for? The Washington Senators 260 Why wouldn’t Katy get to see Albie Pearson They were an American League team and played on play for the Washington Senators? the East coast. 260 Where was the new stadium built for the San Francisco Giants? Candlestick Point 261 What are the San Francisco Giants’ colors? Orange and black 261 What famous San Francisco Giants baseball player did Katy get to meet, pitched to, and struck out? Willie Mays 261

What did Willie Mays ask Katy to show him? Her Sunday pitch 264 What San Francisco Giant threw Katy and ball and caught for her and Willie Mays? Valmy Thomas 264 What did Willie Mays ask Katy to promise never to do? Become a Dodger 266 A new Giants jersey and cap, and a baseball signed ‘Katy, the Queen of Diamonds 1-2-3 Say Hey! - Willie What did Willie Mays give to Katy? Mays 266 Who did the Giants win against in their first ball game in San Francisco on Tuesday, April 15, 1958? The Dodgers 270 Why was it so exciting that Van Cliburn, from Texas, won a piano contest in Moscow, Russia? He beat the Russians in their own city. 270

What were the San Francisco Seals’ colors? Red and black 270 She learned about Jackie Mitchell and all the other What good things happened to Katy women baseball players, met Toni Stone, had her because the Little League wouldn't let her picture in the paper, got to pitch at Seals Stadium to play? Willie Mays. 272 What did the little girl standing across the street from the empty lot ask Katy to do for her? Sign her baseball glove. 274 What was the name of the little girl who asked for Katy’s autograph on her baseball glove? Jeanine (aka Beano) 274

What did Katy invite Jeanine (Beano) to do? Catch for the baseball game 274

Who was born in the coal mining town of Mahanoy, Pennsylvania in 1876 and pitched for the Reds, the Philadelphia Reserves, and the Reading Coal Barons? Lizzie Arlington 278 What was Lizzie the first girl in her town to do? Ride a bike. 278 Who was born in 1890 and grew up in Ragersville, Ohio and pitched for the Vermilion Independents and the Weiss All- Stars? Alta Weiss 280

Who was born in 1894 in Warren, Rhode Island and played first base for the Providence Independents, Ed Carr’s All- Stars, American League All-Stars, and All-Stars? Lizzie Murphy 282 What positions in baseball did Maud Nelson play? Pitcher and third base 284 How old was Edith Houghton when she joined the Philadelphia Bobbies baseball team? Ten years old 289 What were all the sports Babe Didrikson played? Baseball, basketball, tennis, golf, track and field 291 What was Babe Didrikson's full name? Mildred Ella (maiden name: Didrikson) Zaharias 291

Who was born in Flint, Michigan in 1925 and played second base for the Racine Belles? Sophie Kurys 293 Who played first base for the Rockford Peaches and is considered to be the best female baseball player ever? Dorothy Kamenshek 295 What position did Eleanor Engle play? shortstop 297 What was second base player Toni Stone’s full real name? Marcenia Lyle (Stone) Alberga 298 Where was the first recorded baseball game played by women in 1866 played? Vassar College 304 Where was the first Springfield, Illinois between the Blondes and game played by women played in 1875? Brunettes 304 Where did Kathryn Johnson, the real life girl who cut off her braids and tried out for Little League in 1950, from? Corning, New York 304 What name did Kathryn Johnson, the real life girl who cut off her braids and tried out for Little League, call herself? Tubby, after her favorite comic book character 304 What was the rule prohibiting girls from playing in the Little League, started in 1951, called? The Tubby rule 304 What president signed a new law in 1972 called Title IX (9) banning discrimination based on gender for any educational programs that received federal funding? Richard Nixon 304 Who was the girl who played on a Little League team in New Jersey in 1973 until the national organization threatened to revoke the team’s charter? Maria Pepe 304

Who helped Marie Pepe fight the ban by the national Little League saying girls weren’t allowed to play in the Little League? NOW - The National Organization for Women 304 Who was the hearing examiner for the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights who decided that girls SHOULD be able to play in the Little League? Sylvia Pressler 304 How long did it take for the national Little League rule to finally be changed by the New Jersey Supreme Court, finally allowing girls to play? Two years 306 In what year did the Little League start accepting girls? 1974 306 Where is the Little League’s World Series stadium? Williamsport, Pennsylvania 306 Who was the 18th girl and the first African American girl to play in the Little League? Mo’ne Davis 306 What famous magazine did Mo’ne Davis appear as the first Little League player ever on its cover? Sports Illustrated Magazine 306 Who was the manager of the in 1993 who lifted the ban on women playing in the major leagues? Ron Schueler 306 Who did Ron Schueler, the manager of the Chicago White Sox, choose in the 43rd round of the draft? His daughter, Carey 306 What was the international power struggle between Russia and the United States between the years 1945 to 1990 called? The Cold War 308 What are pre-season games or charity games that don’t affect a teams’ record called? Exhibition games 308 A ball hit as practice for fielding or tossed a short What is a fungo? distance to a batter to hit it. 308

What two leagues are in the Major League? The National League and the American League (MLB) 308 What is a pitch called that curves away from a straight path? A curve ball 308

What is a pitch called that is thrown with little to no spin, flutters, and moves erratically? A 308 What is a pitch called that is fast and goes downward? A sinker 309 What is a pitch that is fast and goes in a curve in the opposite direction of the throwing arm? A 309 What is the time before the opening of the regular baseball season called when players practice and have exhibition games? 309