Sensational claim by "Searchlight" columnist

Expose the racists!!

Expose the extrem ists ! !

Many anti-fascist activists believe that Searcliliglrf magazine is leading the tight against lascism, anti-Semitism, racial intolerance and extremist violence. Iloy, have we got news l'or theml Search /rglrt columnist Ray Hill claims to be a reformed Nazi. Presumably this means that he no longer denies the Holocausr? After all, only Nazis deny tbeHolocaust,as Searcliigh I never stops telling us. Then it should come as a big surprise to read in the magazine's nthere HILL STREET NEWS column lbr January 1994 that Hill makes the following amazing statement: were no gas chambers at Auschwitz" !!l Perhaps just as amazing is the lact that on the vera same page, Searchligltt carries an advertisement lbr a publicatinn called Bdtisit Patiot, (see page 3). This was the title of a magazine, now long defunct, published by the neo-Nazi llritish Movement. Now it belongs to a nragazine run by one , who has even been denounced by Scarcliigltl as a lascist. Ifthat surprises you, then rve have an even bigger shock in store fbr you, Lrecause Ray "there were no gas chambers at Ausclrwitz" Hill is tur lrom the only fornter Nazi connected with this supposedly anti-fascist magazine. Another refontrcd tar rightist is S

Who's Jew?

In Octolrer 1987, Gerry Gable boasted to the fanatically Zionist lewislt Clrouicle that one of his sons by his first marriage was serving in the Israeli army. Ilarely a month later the intifada broke out, which raises the obvious question, did the son of this dedicated "anti+acrsl" murder Palestinian schoolchildren who had dared to throw rocks at brave Israeli soldiers? Anti-lascism for some! But there is something even stranger about Mr Gable. He claims to be a Jew, and the fact that his son lives in Israel must mean he has some (albeit tenuous) Jewish connection, but in what sense is he a Jew? Jews attend sJinagogues, surely? Yet, strangely, the May 1992 issue of the London-based "Jewish events magazine" New Moon revealed that " ..Se arcliigltt editor, Gerry Gable has never been a member of a synagogue.' Further confirmation a_

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Below lefh Searchlight has published a number of such advertisements over the years. one can only guess how many recruits such endorsement has brought far right hate groups. Below right an advertisement for Mark Cotterill's Bitislt Potiot,freepublicity in Se archligltt,Beneath ttiat, Sonia Hochtelder, nowSonia Gable.If 'former fascistn Sonia now is a dedicated anti-fascist, how come "lbrmer fascist" Mark Cotterill remains an ongoing fascist? Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. or do only kosher chickens count? I-ABOUR GETS THINGS DONE!

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3RmSH PATRIoI. PUEUcAn-H* plbr Bili;;ffi ot Tro. Crectlcr, Books ,nd Xff di"-' Ov€r 40 Tapc Cs$s€ti6c to Choor. From T\.5^ MAASTRICHT So^qt ,1 ro'.ttt ttot\ Hilt"r Sx., \,, Ao.:.t|. .\'at Railt.! lixdh 8ud Dcutcha Ha.!.t Rzrthsr*ttsLoq Hud..d! 4 Nqt Harch., I xd s Ses, War end Wertkrs Brtttrlr end Germen Hrrrp.pcrr Thz )ufruncr B

The BizarreWorld Of Mrs Sonia Gable

[.et's return to sweet Sonia for a bit. [A bit of what? Nn, only.!oking. We don't believe any of the nasty rumours the far right have been spreading about her sexual habits. Or yours, Gerry. Honest.l Wren you married her, her occupation was listed as inspector of taxes for the Inland Revenue. Right? That's rather a sensitive position, isn't it? Your magazine makes a great deal of noise about "Nazis" and their fellow travellers working in sensitive - or even well-paid - jobs. You hounded civil servant Kathy IvIurllhy, and lVlercedes llenz worker Steve Brady, but what about sweet Sonia? If she was u'orking lbr the Inland Revenue when she was in the National Front, surely she could have had access to people's files. Didn't your magazine once make allegations over National Front "populist" not stamping his employees' cards? More to the point, if Sonia was working for the Inland Revenue at the same time she was married to you, wouldn't that have given her access to tiles of rocists and fascists which she could have passed on to you? We're not suggesting for one minute that she would have, but we are suggesting that no double standards be applied with regard to fascists and anti-fascists, who are both enemies of the state and ofthe people. Another thing about sweet Sonia: an anonJrmous pornographic leaflet published recently (by the homosexual 'Nazi" and presumed to have been illustrated by his buddy Robert Roberts) depicts Sonia as a Searcliligltt mole as well as free with her sexual favours. Sonia's old "Nazi" cronies have been remarkably honourable towards herl when rve suggested that she'd been a right old slapper, Keith Thompson said ofher that: 'I wouldn't like to judge her. Even though she's shown herself to be lacking in any integrity at all. I feel that what people do in private is no one else's business.In man-lyoman relationships. Not likewithWebster, Robert Edwards the cartoonist and all that bloody (Referring crowd.n to Webster's gay circle). This was remarkable chivalrous, especially considering that Thompson was smeared as a paid seat:ctiligttt informant by Soniars hatemongering spouse when Gerry stotld trial with Red Action gangsterGary o'Shei in 1992 for conspiracy to effect public disorder in Kensington Library the previous year. Malcolm Smith and Steye Brady were equally magnanimous. the claim in the pornographic leaflet, -Re Sonia was not any kind of mole. Again, here is what Keith Thompson had to say about her: "I said to Sonia Hochfelder: 'Are you a Jew?, She saidiMy father used to be., Those were her exact words. Her mother was a Gentile, her father ttsed to be a lew,They lived within 200 yards of me at one point' I first met her around 1977; she'd been in some lunatic Maoist organisation at Imperial College, where Brady was. She went into the Nt', made donations to the National Front, worked ,*ra *"i1, worked vfry hard, seemed in every way genuine. Obviously lYe never really trusted her but it seemed unlikely to me that she was a spy because she looked s0 much like a spy; she was a rvalking caricature ofa Jew really. That's all I can say about her." In other words, Sonia was, again, no manner of molel she made no secret of her ethnic origins, and in the August L2,1976 issue of Lea3zrc Ret'iew, the theoretical journal ol'the "Nazi lirn club" [.eague oist. c.o"ge, an article appeared called No Jv{rtrc Wars Between Brotlrcrs.Written by none other than Sonia Hochfelder, it contained a report on the Diksmuide festival and the following phrase: "The enemies of the White Race operate on an international scale and will continue to dictate to us iI:we light amongst ourselves." Who are these enemies, Sonia? The "International Jews", perhaps? Two years later she ias still g-oing strong, and in August 197g, C. Horner wrote in to the journal to conrplain thus: "Dear Sir, I am heartily sick and tired of Jew S. Hochfelder,s ceaseless elforts to force this trOublesome tribe of self cltoserr people dowrr our throats...Must their infiltration, whining and take'over be put up with even in the last bastions of white-racial circles?', So there we have the trutlr about Sonia (Seorchligltt nrole) Hochl'elder. Nlole indeed. Not that we begrudge her her past, but if her husband is going to continue irounding lbrmer lascists and l'ellow travellers wt o t uri tong since lel't far right extrernist politics, shouldn't he apply the-same criterion to his lovety wife? He has for instance taken pot shots at Nlark Cotterill; the Noventber 1993 issue of Searchliglt / ref'erred io Cotterill as an ,,ongoing fascist" At the tiime this rvas written, Cotterill was actually a menrber of the Conserryative party, and a former member of the "anti-lascist" National F ront.

Question: When Is A "Racist" Not A "Racist"? Answer: When HeWorks For Searchlight

Which brings us linally ,,anti-rqcist,, ttr Richard David Roberts (1949-tl2). Roberts ryas another who worked lbr Searcliight. Or clailned to be an "anti-raci.rt". He also used the nanre Nlarshall rvhen he was hanging around with the National Front in llirnringhanr. In 1975, Roberts/lVlarshall spoke out against immigration in no uncertain terms; he said: "WE lrave nrore tltan our lair share of lllacks in the urban Indlustrial area"s, now if we had enough tree's they [sic] could srving on them to their hearts [sic] content." This quote was published in the August lgi5 issue of Searcliigltt.Earlier that year he'd been arrested frlr conspiracy to assault and rob the stalTof an Indian restaurant, and the lbllowing Nlarch lte was convicted on the conspiracy to assault charge. Later he was gaoled for assaulting National Front menrbers at a tlemonstration. Talk about eclectic! All sorts of garbage was rvritten about Roberts at the time and the so-calletl Nazi underground he was alleged to have infiltrated to unmask and snrash, but the r;uestion nrust remain, rvas Roberts an undercover ,anti-racur,,or was he really a dedicated Nazi? The same question nright be asked ot'oerry Gable considering the ctimpany he llas kept over the years: sweet Sonia, Dave Roberts and Ra1'Hill. \Ye haven't mentionecl in tllis short study Tinr Hepple, who also incited hatred andvirrlenceagainstblacks,butinconclusionrvervillnrention anpossanttrvoanti-lascistswhohave5eenharassed by or on account of Searcltrigrtl: Larry o'llara and Le.n oreenman. Larry O'Hara is a rnenrber of the Green Party. A gullible, dyed-in-the-wool lllarxist, he has lately been seeing conspiracies everFvltere, which is hardly surprising since he iras been libelled trom pillar to post on account o[ his exposing Gable's perlidy, and his daring to challenge Searchligltt's generally accepted formula of branding everyone to the right ol'Neil Kinnock a fascist, anti-Senrite ana Uitter-worsliipping lunatic. As well as libels -

(O'Hara is said to work for something called "nazi counter-intelligence"), he has been the near victim of a special parcel delivery - men with mallets - and has been hounded at his place of work. The other anti-fascist who has been victimised alter appearing in Searcliligltr is 83 year old Auschwitz survivor [,eon Greenman. On June 21 this year, the London Evetitrg Stqrtdard (LATE PRICES EXTRA) reported that somebody had heaved a brick through the window of his llford home. l\Ir Greenman's photograph last appeared in tlre November 1993 issue of Gable's hate-filled rag. The Stardard quoted somebody named GerrA Gable, who was said to be "Britain's lbremost expert on far-right violence'. He put the blame on the quasi-m$hical . Funny thing is that Gerry lives in Illbrd himself, barely a stone's throw away.

Published by Brixton Black People's Truth In Media Campaign, Distributed by Anglo-Hebrew Publish ing, BM Box 2293, London WCIN 3XX.