Atauschwitzii There Were I.{O Gas Chambers

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Atauschwitzii There Were I.{O Gas Chambers THERE\,{TEREI{O GASCHAMBE,RS ATAUSCHWITZII THERE WERE I.{O GAS CHAMBERS ATAUSCHWTTZTT Sensational claim by "Searchlight" columnist Expose the racists!! Expose the extrem ists ! ! Many anti-fascist activists believe that Searcliliglrf magazine is leading the tight against lascism, anti-Semitism, racial intolerance and extremist violence. Iloy, have we got news l'or theml Search /rglrt columnist Ray Hill claims to be a reformed Nazi. Presumably this means that he no longer denies the Holocausr? After all, only Nazis deny tbeHolocaust,as Searcliigh I never stops telling us. Then it should come as a big surprise to read in the magazine's nthere HILL STREET NEWS column lbr January 1994 that Hill makes the following amazing statement: were no gas chambers at Auschwitz" !!l Perhaps just as amazing is the lact that on the vera same page, Searchligltt carries an advertisement lbr a publicatinn called Bdtisit Patiot, (see page 3). This was the title of a magazine, now long defunct, published by the neo-Nazi llritish Movement. Now it belongs to a nragazine run by one Mark Cotterill, who has even been denounced by Scarcliigltl as a lascist. Ifthat surprises you, then rve have an even bigger shock in store fbr you, Lrecause Ray "there were no gas chambers at Ausclrwitz" Hill is tur lrom the only fornter Nazi connected with this supposedly anti-fascist magazine. Another refontrcd tar rightist is S<xia Hochfelder, at least, that was her maiden name. Today she's better known as Sonia Gable, correspondent of the Searchlight Educational Trust and wife of long time editor and publisher Gerry. The proof can be lbund on page 3. This photograph appeared in an early issue of Searchligltt.Seven years later she tied the knot with Gerry. Strange, very strange. On the same page are some vile racist stickers which were advertised on the front page of a 1979 issue of Searcltliglrt.Tbe magazine continues to plug such literature to this day, often under the subtle guise of attacking it. Who d<les IVIr Gable think he is kidding? Who's Jew? In Octolrer 1987, Gerry Gable boasted to the fanatically Zionist lewislt Clrouicle that one of his sons by his first marriage was serving in the Israeli army. Ilarely a month later the intifada broke out, which raises the obvious question, did the son of this dedicated "anti+acrsl" murder Palestinian schoolchildren who had dared to throw rocks at brave Israeli soldiers? Anti-lascism for some! But there is something even stranger about Mr Gable. He claims to be a Jew, and the fact that his son lives in Israel must mean he has some (albeit tenuous) Jewish connection, but in what sense is he a Jew? Jews attend sJinagogues, surely? Yet, strangely, the May 1992 issue of the London-based "Jewish events magazine" New Moon revealed that " ..Se arcliigltt editor, Gerry Gable has never been a member of a synagogue.' Further confirmation a_ E] U o tf o: !.: OL o: .n: € a? -tT'itt o? jfi *l s4 iiJ j -J F :: r !, (r) / ,--1 -' ri -u.: .: q, iJ :fi (,E g i,r.i c d :- :{: a Jtlt \t, i'ti .1, zerl o J (U 3<:. I J L : -q: F q) t\u -o E :1, G, J[: i {u ,--l E] c *( gT A- ::- 0 \r. \J)l z z :\si (' 1ouU d-t +i-<J *i .,r 0 U< i-+ cl 3 -v .b L, r-J :q IL gl :: ai l-)/ a. .- : a. :J -(la_ o -) . \ lr ^\ :(. ,ll (-E F ^9, -- J, ], ()e, ,' :'- o: .c o{ ): (. -at 1il I a Z .l- (t! tii{ to-r i i trl € ffd oEOE cr : c. jt 2 .a YM u- r{ :: Ev i:l a {: -: c) q'i : ii f{ :'il = ,t s a E't: l: il 'a c o + v. , ! ar: 0 ll.,i ::{ o 1 a A iril o '{. I dr,\ J'c t - \ll F;e C' ltr ,? & kq N a.= :c il 7/ :.'a 'i ;t .! ,a o ?31 J e + rHe I a 'ai :: ! 4 q-= c C .s0t I o rl U s- jlj I :e a , ti l/) -- --t= 'too F Eji t. J' ,:1 :j d. Z "U ,rl l. -:l 0i, L. .-: 'j NO: (, ,lJ :ll Z ) ,< f{ ,)(' d U9'J A: Ed: iu, ,i I i= -, q g a u {i ir: sl: .o $ tg aa o: c i,i y.d (o: .l , du q a, r ii: t. ?. C! o: s (t -Y. \J bo. : 6, ( uf Cg: z rr) \] d $+l aa t) ,ili$ ;..i* d: t :). O) J: w\l t: |-- I Z+t o :l i T l'r'l o 5 \.-FJ ,: d ,l g: 4) I :-- 'L) J t\ F ('E ?_l i7 o\ ?.; V,; cJ F< q,i lno () EEEI () cJ tJ 2, E33 \o I opposite: How can this man speak lbr the Jews? There is no report of his bar mitzvah in therewislt Cltrorticle for January 1950, and it seems extremely doubtful that he was bai mitzvahed. He married in a registry office and he's never been a member of a synagogue. Not only that, he has some strange drinking pals for a Jewish anti-fascist. Aren't you afraid Ray Hill wourd rike to turn you into a lampshade, Gerry? Below lefh Searchlight has published a number of such advertisements over the years. one can only guess how many recruits such endorsement has brought far right hate groups. Below right an advertisement for Mark Cotterill's Bitislt Potiot,freepublicity in Se archligltt,Beneath ttiat, Sonia Hochtelder, nowSonia Gable.If 'former fascistn Sonia now is a dedicated anti-fascist, how come "lbrmer fascist" Mark Cotterill remains an ongoing fascist? Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. or do only kosher chickens count? I-ABOUR GETS THINGS DONE! futteC ld PyblaAcd by Britlth Movcmnt,95A Ckttcr R-d i4rr, lvlorron Llwwi. N- Vdz:. lqp Fu Utcrctsc- 3RmSH PATRIoI. PUEUcAn-H* plbr Bili;;ffi ot Tro. Crectlcr, Books ,nd Xff di"-' Ov€r 40 Tapc Cs$s€ti6c to Choor. From T\.5^ MAASTRICHT So^qt ,1 ro'.ttt ttot\ Hilt"r Sx., \,, Ao.:.t|. .\'at Railt.! lixdh 8ud Dcutcha Ha.!.t Rzrthsr*ttsLoq Hud..d! 4 Nqt Harch., I xd s Ses, War end Wertkrs Brtttrlr end Germen Hrrrp.pcrr Thz )ufruncr B<oerArr Artdd ia.k Pqlt.otttu fhc Cttmxv Evctrax p..s((E^sbA b^rw th. lhr Brirlsh conringent was vcry ^.elDop<t o) Cha6".l t,to^1, *rt.t tL.^ x.rytt6t representative of all sections of the Hlllt rtr i'ascist rnovement. A Vsst Au..rfty ol Crermn lLd IllhrrL o{ G..lluno trgin Eddie lvlorrison licm [hc BNP. NIichael N,icLaughlan and tiie prison ot'flicer Bnan Baldwin frcn: the Bri,.ish l[overnent (Bald- .'vin is noiv in the BNP.); Donald i'li.rclie and Ray Sweetman from the Naiionai Socialist.Party UK; K-eith N IGG ER5 EAT Thourpson, l\'like Griifin. Della Ai:ksancier from the l-eague of St. SH IT! George. Sonia Hochfelder the NS'WP & NSPUK of cz'o t BRENDAN'S CO-ITAGES. ]r,:rtionai Parr.v (she has since then ISISHTOWN, DUBLIN 4, and leit the Front): and the re SEND S,A E. FOR LITEHATTJRF -ioin:d v,/e13 also a number oi National Irront ntentLrers inclLrciing. according to ,Jur inlormaticn. Ian Souter Clar- ence and Don Sa*,1'er- &i. r'r Sonia Hochfelder of the lack of Gable's kosher credentials, apart from his marriage to a lbrmer member of - what he refers to as - the fascist National Front, is the actual marriage certificate, which reveals that they were married at Redbridge Register Office. Surely if Gable is any sort of Jew he would have married in a synagogue? And has anyone ever seen him wearing a skullcap? And, wait a minute, Iook at the address given for the happy couple at the time of their marriage, it's the same one. That means that, in old-fashioned parlance, they were living in sin. Wlrat would the rabbi think? But why should he care? He's more likely to lre seen discussing how best to incite violence against the local Asian newsagent over milkshakes and bacon rolls in a Tower Hamlets cal'6 with his latest nrole, than reading the Toroh. In case the reader thinks we're being lacetious, we'd like to rel'er him to snmething Ray Hill allegedly told the News of tlrc World at about tlte same time. On March 25 that year, Hill "came outn in a big feature in the Sunday tabloid in which he was quoted thus: "lt all started as a bit of a game - the odd night out attacking a few Pakis. I even desecrated a sl,nagogue.'Perhaps he beat up "a few Pakis'with N{r Gable. And perhaps they desecrated a synagogue together. How say you, Gerry? Certainly Mr Gable appears to be well forewarned about criminal activity on the far right. ln tlte Guardiatt, Jul! 24, 1990, Searcltligh f was said to have warned the lBoard of Deputies of British Jews about tlre desecration of an Edmonton cemetery three weeks belbre it happened. A lbrtnight later, an article in the Mqil on Sturdav (August 5),u'arned that a norldrvide fascist nehvorkwas behind the recent desecration ofJewish graves. Gable's "inforntants" said they n'ere co-ordinated b-v the llritish Movenrent, the British National Party, German and Dutch lascist groups and the Ku KIux Klan.
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