The is referred to as countercurrent multiplier and as systems in concentrating and diluting . Explain what happens to osmolarity of in the various segments of the loop of Henle when concentrated urine is being produced. Explain the factors that determine the ability of loop of Henle to make a concentrated medullary gradient. Differentiate between water diuresis and osmotic diuresis. Appreciate clinical correlates of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Fluid intake The total body water Antidiuretic hormone is controled by : Renal excretion of water Hyperosmolar medullary Changes in the osmolarity of tubular fluid : interstitium

1 2 3

Low osmolarity The osmolarity High osmolarity because of active decrease as it goes up because of the transport of Na+ and because of the reabsorbation of water co-transport of K+ and reabsorption of NaCl Cl- 4 5

Low osmolarity because of High osmolarity because of reabsorption of NaCl , also reabsorption of water in reabsorption of water in present of ADH , present of ADH reabsorption of Mechanisms responsible for creation of hyperosmolar medulla:

Active Co- Facilitated diffusion transport : transport : diffusion : of :

Na+ out of the Only of small thick portion of the K+ , Cl- and other amounts of water ascending limb of ions out of the thick from the medullary the loop of henle portion of the Of urea from the into the into the medullary ascending limb of inner medullary medullary interstitium the loop of henle collecting ducts into interstitium less Of ions from into the medullary the medullary than the collecting ducts into interstitium interstitium reabsorption of medullary No water diffusion solutes in to the interstitium like to the medulla medullary Ca++ interstitium Counter current multiplier mechanism Step no : Action : Assume that the loop of henle is filled with a 1 concentration of 300mOsm/L the same as that leaving the proximal tubules

The active pump of the thick ascending limb 2 on the loop of henle reduces the concentration inside the and raises the interstitial concentration The tubular fluid in the descending limb and the 3 interstitial fluid quickly reaches osmotic equilibrium because of This pump capable to establish only a 200mOsm/L of water out of concentration gradient the descending limb

Step no : Action :

Additional flow of the fluid in to the loop of henle from the , which causes the hyper osmotic fluid previously formed in 4 the descending limb to flow into the ascending limb. Additional ions pumped into the interstitium with water remaining in the tubular fluid , until a 200-mOsm/L osmotic gradient is established . 5 Again , the fluid in the descending limb reaches equilibrium with the hyperosmotic medullary interstitial fluid and as the hyperosmotic 6 tubular fluid from the descending limb flows into the ascending limb ,still more solute is continuously pumped out of the tubules and deposited into the medullary interstitium .

These steps are repeated over and over , with net effect of adding more and more solute to the medulla in excess of water , with sufficient time, this process gradually traps solutes in the 7 Counter current multiplier mechanism helps in creation of medulla and multiplies the concentration hyperosmolar medulla 1200-1400 mOsm/L gradient established by the active pumping of It is maintained by the balanced inflow and outflow of solutes and ions out of the thick ascending limb , eventually water in medulla raising the intestitial fluid osmolarity to 1200- In this mechanism the inflow is parallel , close to but opposite to 1400 mOsm/L . outflow

Urea recycling

As the fluid flows from the proximal tubule into the thin segments of the loop of henle This urea recirculation provides an additional urea is more and more concentrated because mechanism for forming a hyper osmotic of water reabsorption out of the descending . Because urea is one of the limb and passive secretion of urea from most abundant wastes products that most be medullary interstitium in to the thin loops of excreted by the henle

The thick limb of the loop of henle , the distal tubule and the cortical collecting tubule are all relatively impermeable to urea → the Moderate share of urea that moves into kidney forms concentrated urine and high medullary interstitium eventually diffuses levels of ADH → reabsorption of water → into thin loops of henle passes upward urea is more concentrated → as the urea through the ascending limb, distal tubule , flows intramedullary collecting duct, the high cortical collecting tubule and back down into concentration of urea and specific urea the medullary collecting duct again transporter causes diffuse of urea in to the medullary interstitium

Counter current in exchanger vasa recta

Functoin Maintain the hyperosmolarity of the renal medulla

Descending limb of vasa recta Ascending limb of vasa recta Water pass out into hyperosmolar Water will be reabsorbed back to the hyperosmolar medulla carrying O2 and nutrient blood carrying water, CO2 and it works ? it works NaCl will enter the blood waste product increasing its osmolality. NaCl will leave the blood and become deposited in the How medulla

The medullary blood flow is slow ( 1- Vasa recta serve as counter 2% of total renal blood flow ) current exchangers : For metabolic demand To minimize washout of features Helps to minimize solute loss from solutes from medullary the medullary interstitium . interstitium . This due to U shape of vasa recta .

Water reabsorbed from collecting duct (by osmosis) is Role of ADH determined by the hormone ADH (anti- hormone)

Osmoreceptors in the ADH makes the wall In the present of ADH hypothalamus detect the hypothalamus which releases ADH of the collecting duct more water is the low levels of sends an impulse to into the bloodstream. more permeable to reabsorbed and less (high water the pituitary gland water. is excreted. osmolarity)

concentrating Disorders of urinary urinary ability

of “diluted” urine. reabsorption in collectinglarge duct→ ECF→↓ADH→ no water Drinking large quantity ofwater →dilute


(diluted urine) releaseADH 1 urine. and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted Diabetes insipidus: / Polydypsia Polyuria Urine Cause :

cranial diabetes Diuresis



low fixed specific gravity diuresis inability to produce or


is acondition characterized byexcessive :


gravity (diluted urine) respond to ADH insipidus: 2 amount of in their urine. urine. volume ofhyperosmolar “concentrated ” substances Drag→ water Largeit → with of excessive osmotic active / Urine Cause


output. output. It has two types :

Is an increase of urine : Likein diabetic patients we will find an : low fixed specific inability of kidney to

Osmotic diuresis:


( urine High specific gravity concentrated urine )

Diabetes mellitus:

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The kidney can excrete urine as dilute as 50 mOsm/L and as concentrate as high as 1200-1400 mOsm/L depends on water intake . The kidney can excrete large volume or small volume of urine without affecting the rate of solute excretion. Counter current multiplier mechanism is a function of the loops of henle . Its role in formation of the hyperosmotic medula . Urea recycling frome the inner medullary collecting duts is the process that contributes to establishment of hyperosmotic medulla . Counter current exchanger “ vasa recta “ is for blood supplying to the medulla and for maintaining hyperosmolar medulla. Vasa recta has two main features : •Slow blood flow •The vasa recta act as a counter current exchanger to minimize washout of solutes from the medullary interstitium. This is due to the U shape of vasa recta capillaries.

There is a powerful feedback system for regulating plasma osmolarity and concentration that operates by altering renal excretion of water independently of the rate of solute excretion. A primary effector of this feedback is antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called . Tha mian difference between water diuresis and osmotic diuresis is the concentration of the urine . •Water diuresis : diluted urine •Osmotic diuresis : concentrated urine

Role of ADH

Ans : 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6. B



? Henle is high ; so is high

reabsorption medullay

to to


henle osmolality



recta. ascending thick the from reabsorbed

Both A and B A and Both Thick Ascending limb of loop of of of loop limb Ascending Thick Vasa NaCl medullary T F collecting and tubule convoluted Distal duct. of of loop limb interstitum to duct collecting from reabsorbed Urea .When a persons dehydrated. His dehydrated. a persons .When .The ADH promotes water water promotes ADH .The the produces the following one of .Which 6 4 5 Q fluids extracellular urine. diluted excrete will kidney Q the: of walls the through Q hyperosmotic C. A. B. A. B. C. A. B.




hyperosmolar nephrone


Both Produces the Produces Interstitium Maintains ADH Secretes

Juxtamedullary Cortical T F .The function of the countercurrent multiplier is multiplier countercurrent of the function .The .The countercurrent mechanism takes place in: place takes mechanism countercurrent .The .When the water concentration in body fluids body in concentration the water .When : 3 2 1 Q to Q Q increases. of ADH secretion the increases C. A. B. A. B. C. A. B.

Ans Q7.Reabsorotion of urea will occurs in present of Q10.In water diuresis the urine will be

ADH : concentrated : :

A. T A. T 7 B. F B. F .A

8 .A Q8.Excreton of large volume or small volume of Q11.Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus patients

urine wont affect the rate of solute excretion. will have : 9 A. T A. No production or releasing of ADH .B B. F B. No response from the kidney to ADH C. High specific gravity urine 10 . B

Q9.If the ECF is hypo-osmotic the excreted urine Q12.The function of the Counter current 11

will be: exchanger “vasa recta “ : .B A. Concentrated A. Produces the hyperosmotic Medullary

B. Diluted Interstitium 12

C. Non B. Maintains hyperosmolar medulla .B C. Secretes ADH