Digital Democracy: Opportunities and Dilemmas What could digital citizen involvement mean for the Dutch parliament? Arthur Edwards and Dennis de Kool Rathenau Institute Board G.A. Verbeet (chairperson) Prof. E.H.L. Aarts Prof. W.E. Bijker Prof. R. Cools Dr J.H.M. Dröge E.J.F.B. van Huis Prof. H.W. Lintsen Prof. J.E.J. Prins Prof. M.C. van der Wende Dr M.M.C.G. Peters (secretary) Digital Democracy: Opportunities and Dilemmas What could digital citizen involvement mean for the Dutch parliament? Arthur Edwards and Dennis de Kool Rathenau Institute 5 Rathenau Instituut Anna van Saksenlaan 51 Correspondence address: Postbus 95366 NL-2509 CJ Den Haag T: +31 (0)70-342 15 42 E:
[email protected] W: Published by the Rathenau Institute Editing: Redactie Dynamiek, Utrecht Correction: Duidelijke Taal tekstproductes, Amsterdam Translation: Balance Amsterdam/Maastricht Preferred citation title: Edwards, A.R & D. de Kool, Kansen en dilemma’s van digitale democratie - Wat kan digitale burgerbetrokkenheid betekenen voor het Nederlandse parlement? Den Haag, Rathenau Instituut 2015 The Rathenau Institute has an Open Access policy. Its reports, background studies, research articles and software are all open access publications. Research data are made available pursuant to statutory provisions and ethical research standards concerning the rights of third parties, privacy and copyright. © Rathenau Instituut 2015 This work or parts of it may be reproduced and/or published for creative, personal or educational purposes, provided that no copies are made or used for commercial objectives, and subject to the condition that copies always give the full attribution above.