Welcome / Overview

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Welcome / Overview

Welcome / Overview

Welcome to year 16 of Mondays @ Majestic!

The goal of our golf league is to enjoy friendly competition with our friends and business associates. Please take the time to read this handout. It has been prepared to provide a written framework for play in our league. Each member is responsible for knowing the rules! M@M ONLINE!

Remember that M@M has its very own web site! Add the link below to your favorites. The web site includes the following:

 The Rules Sheet  Weekly Scoresheets  Team info  Schedule  Money winners  Sub List  Announcements and other exciting stuff

The address is: http://webpages.charter.net/frankketchum/golfleague/

Note that there will not be paper standings/handicap handouts again this year. If you are interested in seeing how your team is doing, check your handicap, etc. make sure you check out the web site every week to see where you stand!. Dirty Laundry If you have signed up for this league, the following items may be second nature to you, but they do bear repeating:

1. USGA rules will govern all play unless otherwise provided in this handout.

2. Wear proper golf attire.

3. We hope that all players and teams are mature enough to handle ruling issues that arise during a round. In the event of a rules dispute or in the event that the correct ruling can't be determined during play, it is not necessary to figure it out on the course. Follow the USGA Rules of Golf guidelines for such an instance which means everyone needs to agree on the circumstances of what happened. After the match is over, we will figure out the proper ruling and adjust scorecards accordingly. The player may have to play a second ball for the remainder of the hole and keep track of both ball scores so that the correct score for the hole can be

1 determined once a decision is made. All decisions will be made in accordance with the USGA Rules of Golf and our league rules. If there is a dispute, see Ben Kramer or Frank Ketchum to agree on the best course of action.

4. No matter what the weather, arrive at the golf course! THE MAJESTIC STAFF MAKES ALL RAINOUT DECISIONS. If the course calls a rainout early in the day, you will be contacted via text message. So if you do not get a text, SHOW UP. If a rainout does occur, we will make up the rounds at the end of our 16- week season. We will add Mondays to the end of the season as needed. If play is cancelled the schedule will pick up where it left off.

5. Please abide by all rules set forth by The Majestic as posted in the clubhouse. Some of the key rules include:  Wear soft spikes  All beverages must by purchased at The Majestic  Don’t abuse carts  Treat all Majestic employees with respect  KEEP THE COURSE BEAUTIFUL! We are very lucky to play Majestic.

6. Preferred lies will apply throughout the season. This means that if you are not in a bunker or other hazard, you may improve your lie within 12 inches (the length of a grip of a golf club grip) of your shot's final resting place. You must move the ball with your club head. You cannot pick up or clean your ball. You cannot improve your lie from heather to rough, rough to fairway, fringe to green etc.

7. Due to the state of the bunkers at The Majestic, a player is allowed to lift and remove loose impediments (rocks) from areas around their ball. A player is still no allowed to touch their ball or ground their club in the bunker.

8. The Majestic at Lake Walden is not staked with red, white and yellow stakes, however we treat all swamps, marshes, ponds and wooded areas (areas not mowed) as if they are red staked lateral water hazards. If your ball ends up in one of these areas your choices are:

A) Play the ball as it lies with no penalty.

B) Drop a ball in the drop area (on applicable holes) under penalty of one stroke.

C) Play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played under penalty of one stroke.

D) Drop a ball no more than two club lengths from and no closer to the hole than the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard under penalty of one stroke.

2 E) Drop a ball keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped under penalty of one stroke.

Please note that we don't treat these areas as if they are actually a hazard. For example there is no penalty for grounding your club or hitting something on a practice swing. We treat them as a lateral hazard only for the purposes of determining where a drop may be taken.

9. To speed up play the maximum score for any hole will be limited as follows  Par 3 – Maximum score 7  Par 4 – Maximum score 8  Par 5 – Maximum score 10

10. Reasonable “Gimmie Puts” are allowed. Remember a REASONABLE “Gimmie” could be defined as no longer that the length of about 18 inches. We are not asking you to bring your tape measure to the course, but be reasonable. Remember, even if you are way ahead or way behind in a match, the points you take or leave matter very much to others in the league, if not to your own partner. Let’s be REASONABLE.

Money Matters

The Majestic has held our rate from last year of $368.

1. Greens fees totaling $368 are due to Ken Sprinkles PRIOR to the first league night, which is April 25th, 2016. You must pay in cash or check. A practice round has been set up for Monday, April 18th to pay your fees and get a round of practice in. YOU MUST ONLY PAY YOUR GREENS FEES ON MONDAY, APRIL 18th OR MONDAY, APRIL 25 th. In addition to 16 weeks of nine-hole greens fees, this amount includes your cart fees and the ability to continue play after nine holes for little or no extra fee. Additionally, league members may play nine holes prior to our league play for only $15. Just call The Majestic for a tee time.

2. Mandatory league dues of $100 will be collected from each player, and is due on, or before, June 6th, 2016. These moneys are used to do the following: a. Prizes for league winners (see below) b. $20 to the player who shoots the lowest score net of par each week of the regular season c. $20 for each par 3 for closest to the pin each week of the regular season. d. $20 each week of the regular season for the super skin game beginning week 4. This amount will accrue until one person wins the pot.

3 THIS IS A MANDATORY FEE. YOUR TEAM WILL BE PENALIZED 20 POINTS FOR EACH WEEK YOU ARE LATE PAYING YOUR DUES. Handicaps Due to the large number of new players this year, handicaps from last year will not carry forward. Instead, all players will have their handicaps established as follows: Rounds 1-3 will be played without handicaps. After round three, all handicaps will be calculated based on 80% of the two lowest scores. Then the handicaps will be applied retroactively to all three rounds.

Then the handicaps will be calculated using the following schedule Four Rounds Handicap figured at 80% of the two lowest Scores Five Rounds Handicap figured at 80% of the three lowest Scores Six Round Handicap figured at 80% of the four lowest Scores Seventh Round + Handicap figured at 80% for the best five of the last seven scores.

The handicap formula is the average of the scores being used minus 36 times 80% rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, if the average of the scores used is 45, the handicap would be (45 - 36) x 0.8 = 7.2  7

The maximum number of strokes given in an individual match is 18. Substitutes However discouraged, it is understood that substitutes will be needed as part of our league and the following rules apply:

Sub handicaps will be figured as follows:

Handicaps for the first three rounds include the round being played. The handicap is calculated after the round and then applied to the round.

One Round Handicap figured at 70% Two Rounds Handicap figured at 70% of lowest score Three Rounds Handicap figured at 70% of two lowest scores

For the fourth round onward, handicaps are calculated without including the round being played. The handicap is calculated beforehand.

Four Rounds Handicap figured at 70% of the two lowest Scores Five Rounds Handicap figured at 70% of the three lowest Scores Six Round Handicap figured at 70% of the four lowest Scores Seventh Round + Handicap figured at 70% for the best five of the last seven scores.

4  Only Permanent Subs, with 4 rounds played, will be able to sub in the playoffs.

 Substitutes are required to pay $10 per round to the league for the privilege of playing with us. The substitute's playing partner is responsible for seeing this money is collected.

 The first and last name of the substitute MUST be on the scorecard.

If you are not able to be at a league night it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find a sub. The sub list is published on the M@M web site. If you have exhausted your contacts and the sub list, you can call Ben Kramer at 810-701-1438. But you must give some notice. Not showing up and not finding a substitute screws the league all up, so it will not be tolerated. If you do this, YOU CAN BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE LEAGUE!

No Shows

Nothing can be worse for our league format than if teams don’t show and don’t bother to get a sub. This screws up scoring in your division, which is simply not fair to the guys you made a commitment to. Also nobody wants to show up to league to find they have no opponent. Not showing up, and not finding a sub can result in disqualification from the league. Just don’t do it!

When one player from a team is a no show, the following framework will apply: The team with both players present will select one player to play against the present member from the other team. That match will be played as if were one half of our regular format. Each hole will be worth one point and the totals will be worth three points. The second player on the team with both players will play without an opponent but will be playing against his own average. He will automatically be awarded 8 points and can earn up to the 4 remaining points based on how well he plays. He will be awarded one point for shooting his average and one additional point for every stroke below his average he shoots. The maximum he could earn is 12 points.

When both players from a team are no shows, the following framework will apply: The present team will play against their team average. They will automatically be awarded 16 points. They will earn another point for shooting their average and an additional point for every stroke below their average they shoot. The maximum they could earn is 24 points.


The Game

There will be eight two-man teams in two divisions. Each team will play every other team twice.

5 Like always, each Monday your team will be scheduled to play against another team. There will be two separate match-play games within each round. The players from each team with lower handicaps will play against each other for one point per hole (A players), while the players from each team with higher handicaps (B players) will play against each other for one point per hole. If a hole is tied each player gets ½ point. All net of handicap of course. Each hole is still worth 2 points, for a total of 18 in match play points. Total team scores will still be added and six points will be awarded to the team with the lower overall team score, net of handicaps.

Some things to point out:

 Before each round declare who you are playing. It will be clearly stated on your scorecard. If you are the low handicap on your team, verbalize to the low handicap player on the other team that you are playing them.  For handicap ties we will use actual scoring average for the handicap calculation. The league secretary will do this and report it on your scorecard.  When subs without a handicap play, the team playing against the sub will choose who will play against the sub. This selection can be made regardless of the handicaps. This selection must be noted on the scorecard if the sub is not playing the normal opponent of the absent player.  Each hole is still worth two points with the “A” players in the match playing for one point, and the “B” players in the match playing for one point  Round totals will still be worth six points.


After 13 weeks the regular season will end. The final three weeks of the league will be the playoffs. All six teams will make the playoffs. The top two scoring teams in the regular season will receive a bye for the first round and play each other as a fun night.

The winner of each playoff match is the team that scores the most points in the match. In the event of a tie, which is unlikely but possible, the first tiebreaker will be determined by a putt off. This will require a referee, so if you are in a playoff match that ends in a tie, find another reliable player to referee the match. Prizes The following prizes will be awarded to the team who achieves the following. Dollar amounts will be split between team members.

Champions $300 2nd Place $150 3rd Place $50


6 The toughest job in any golf leagues is that of the scorekeeper. Thanks to Frank for handling this difficult task again this year. Actual scores for each player will be detailed on the league issued scorecard as well as the details of the hole and match points. Keep scorecards legible. Standings and player statistics/handicaps will be posted on the web site.

It is not necessary to keep track of the points being won as you go along if you do not want to, our spreadsheet automatically does this. You only really need to keep track of the hole scores.

The person keeping please circle your name on the scorecard.

Each team should keep score and compare scorecards after completion of the round. Once the teams agree that the cards are correct, one person must take a clear picture of the card and text it to Frank at 248-807-4086 before leaving the golf course. At that point you may discard the paper card as we will not be collecting and keeping them.

It is the responsibility of the last group to either turn in the markers or note on the scorecard being submitted the winners of the closest to pins.

We are human, and will make an occasional mistake. Please check the score sheet for accuracy each week.



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