TORTS Newsletter of the Troop of Reputed Tortricid Systematists ISSN 1945-807X (Print) ISSN 1945-8088 (Online)

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TORTS Newsletter of the Troop of Reputed Tortricid Systematists ISSN 1945-807X (Print) ISSN 1945-8088 (Online) Volume 11 14 February 2010 Issue 1 TORTS Newsletter of the Troop of Reputed Tortricid Systematists ISSN 1945-807X (print) ISSN 1945-8088 (online) NEW LEPIDOPTERISTS AT papers to Dr. B.-K. Byun - MAJOR INSTITUTIONS PDFs of 11 papers authored or co-authored by Jozef Razowski (2000-2009) can be found at WORLDWIDE And as mentioned in a previous issue of the It’s been a remarkable year for those newsletter, issues of Polskie Pismo young scienstists in the job market seeking a Entomologiczne 2006-2009 also are available career postion in Lepidoptera systematics, on-line at with positions becoming available at The ______________________________________ Natural History Museum, London, U.K., the Australian National Insect Collection TAXONOMIC ADDITIONS AND (ANIC), Canberra, Australia, and The McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and CHANGES PROPOSED IN 2008 Biodiversity, University of Florida, Gainesville. While a new lepidopterist has Below is a list of the new tortricid taxa been hired at The Natural History Museum, proposed in 2008 (with a few overlooked from potential candidates are still being evaluated previous years), followed by a list of new at ANIC and the McGuire Center. synonyms, new combinations, and mis- Thomas Simonsen, most recently from spellings, followed by the literature that the lab of Felix Sperling at the University of supports the proposed additions and changes. Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, accepted the position in London in late 2009. Stay tuned Acleris for news on the positions in Canberra and Gainesville. nishidai Brown, in Brown & Nishida, 2008 ____________________________________ (Acleris), SHILAP Revista de Lepidoptero- logia 36: 342. TL: Costa Rica (Cartago, Cerro PROGRESS ON TORTRICID de la Muerte, El Cañon, Genesis II Cloud Forest Reserve). Holotype ♂: USNM. E-LIBRARY phyllosocia Razowski, 2008 (Acleris), Polskie Our electronic library of PDFs of papers Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 209. TL: North on tortricids continues to grow, but at a Vietnam (Sa Pa, Mont Fan Si Pan). Holotype slower pace than anticipated. Hence, please ♂: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humbolt forward PDFs of your recent (and older) Universitat, Berlin. 1 VolumeVolume 911 1410 FebruaryJanuary 2008 2010 IssueIssue 11 Adiakonoffia Apotomops Adiakonoffia Özdikmen 2008, Munis rhampha Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Entomology & Zoology 3(1): 188. (Apotomops), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia [replacement name for Leptocera] 51B: 9. TL: Ecuador (Province Loja, Podocarpus N.P., Cajanuma). Holotype ♀: Aethes MZUJ. chilesi Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Argepinotia (Aethes), Genus 19: 504. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Volcan Chiles massive, atrovirens Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Res. Forest). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. (Argepinotia), Genus 19: 550. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, Afroploce West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. mabalingwae Razowski, 2008 (Afroploce), Argyrotaenia SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia 36: 63. TL: South Africa (N. Province altera Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Mabalingwe, 25 km W Warmbaths). (Argyrotaenia), Genus 19: 533. TL: Ecuador Holotype ♂: Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. Amorbia magnuncus Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 jaczewskii Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Argyrotaenia), Genus 19: 533. TL: Ecuador (Amorbia), Genus 19: 535. TL: Ecuador (Province Cotopaxi, via La Maná, Pilaló). (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, Holotype ♂: MZUJ. West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. pilalona Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Anacrusis (Argyrotaenia), Genus 19: 530. TL: Ecuador (Province Cotopaxi, Via La Maná, Pilaló). brunnorbis Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Holotype ♂: MZUJ. (Anacrusis), Genus 19: 534. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Volcan Chiles massive, subcordillerae Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Res. Forest Golondrinas). Holotype ♂: (Argyrotaenia), Genus 19: 531. TL: Ecuador MZUJ. (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. Ancylis tenuis Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 ventriverticalis Zhang & Li, 2008 (Ancylis), (Argyrotaenia), Genus 19: 532. TL: Ecuador Journal of Natural History 42: 1808. TL: (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, China (Wenxian, Gansu Province). Holotype West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. ♂: TNHM (Tianjin Natural History Museum, Tianjin, China). Auratonota ovulus Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Auratonota), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 2 VolumeVolume 911 1410 FebruaryJanuary 2008 2010 IssueIssue 11 51B: 23. TL: Ecuador (Province Loja, biforis Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Saraguro). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 115. TL: Ecuador (Province Cotopaxi, San Francisco de las paramaldonada Razowski & Wojtusiak, Pampas, Res. La Ortonga). Holotype ♂: MZJU. 2008 (Auratonota), Genus 19: 537. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Res. Forest columna Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Golondrinas, West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 119. TL: Ecuador MZUJ. (Province Loja, Saraguro). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. polymaculata Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 gomphifera Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Auratonota), Genus 19: 538. TL: Ecuador (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 117. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, (Province Cotopaxi, via la Maná, Pilaló). West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. Holotype ♂: MZUJ. rubromixta Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 paracolumna Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Auratonota), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 121. TL: Ecuador 51B: 22. TL: Ecuador (Province Loja, (Tungurahua, Baños – Runtun). Holotype ♂: Saraguro). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. MZUJ. Bactra unguifera Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 122. TL: Ecuador helgei Aarvik, 2008 (Bactra (Nanno- (Province Carchi, Volcan Chiles massive, Res. bactra)), Norwegian Journal of Entomology Forest Golondrinas). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. 55: 7. TL: Tanzania (Morogoro District and Town). Holotype ♂: NHMO. Ceramea magnei Aarvik, 2008 (Bactra (Nanno- bruneica Razowski, 2008 (Ceramea), Polskie bactra)), Norwegian Journal of Entomology Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 286. TL: Brunei 55: 8. TL: Tanzania (Morogoro District and (Bukit Pagon LP 308). Holotype ♂: BMNH. Town, Kihonda). Holotype ♂: NHMO. Choristoneura Badiaria chapana Razowski, 2008 (Choristoneura), plagiata Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 234. TL: (Badiaria), Genus 19: 516. TL: Ecuador North Vietnam (Fan Si Pan Mtns.). Holotype (Province Cotopaxi, via La Maná, Pilaló). ♂: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humbolt Holotype ♂: MZUJ. Universitat, Berlin. Bidorpitia expansiva Wang & Yang, 2008 (Chor- istoneura), Zootaxa 1944: 67. TL: China banosana Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Fujian Province, Mt. Wuyi, Sangang). (Bidorpitia), Genus 19: 119. TL: Ecuador Holotype ♂: Nankai University, Tianjin, China (Tungurahua, Baños – Runtun). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. irina Dubatolov & Syachina, 2007 (Choristoneura (Cornicacoecia)), Zhivotnyi Mir Dalnego Vostoka 6: 71. TL: Russia (Khabarovskii krai, Great Khekhtsyr Nature 3 VolumeVolume 911 1410 FebruaryJanuary 2008 2010 IssueIssue 11 Reserve, Bychikha), Holotype ♂: Siberian Holotype ♀: Museum fur Naturkunde der Zoological Museum of the Institute of Humbolt Universitat, Berlin. Animal Systematics and Ecology, RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. vietnamensis Razowski, 2008 (Cnephasitis), Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 203. TL: Cincorunia North Vietnam (N. Fan Si Pan). Holotype ♀: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humbolt monstruncus Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Universitat, Berlin. (Cincorunia), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 51B: 13. TL: Ecuador (Province Loja, P.N. Coniostola Podocarpus, Cerro Toledo, Yangana – Antena). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. isabelae Razowski & Landry, in Razowski et al., 2008 (Coniostola), Revue Suisse de Clarkenia Zoologie 115: 205. TL: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands, Isabela, 2 km W Puerto Villamil). triangulifera Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Holotype ♂: CNC. (Clarkenia), Genus 19: 151. TL: Ecuador (Province Pichincha, Chiriboga, West Cuproxena Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. golondrina Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 Clepsis (Cuproxena), Genus 19: 114. TL: Ecuador (Province Carchi, Res. Forest Golondrinas, terevalva Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 West Cordillera). Holotype ♀: MZUJ. (Clepsis), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 51B: 21. TL: Ecuador (Province Zamora Deltophalonia Chinchipe, P. N. Podocarpus, Yangana). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. obscura Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Deltophalonia), Genus 19: 504. TL: Ecuador Cnephasia (Province Pichincha, Pululahua, West Cordillera). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. quentini Karisch, 2008 (Cnephasia), Lambillionea 108: 86. TL: Equatorial Dichrorampha Guinea (Bioco). Holotype ♂: Collection of Timm Karisch. galapagana Razowski & Landry, in Razowski et al., 2008 (Dichrorampha), Revue Suisse de Cnephasitis Zoologie 115: 210. TL: Ecuador (Galapagos, Isabela, Volcan Darwin). Holotype ♂: MHNG meyi Razowski, 2008 (Cnephasitis), Polskie (Museum d’historie naturelle, Geneva). Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 201. TL: North Vietnam (Fan Si Pan). Holotype ♂: Museum Eccopsis fur Naturkunde der Humbolt Universitat, Berlin. eltundana Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2008 (Eccopsis), Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 51B: sapana Razowski, 2008 (Cnephasitis), 23. TL: Ecuador (Province Loja, Sozoranga – Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 77: 202. TL: Utuana, Res. El Tundo). Holotype ♀: MZUJ. North Vietnam (Sa Pa, Fan Si Pan Mtns.). 4 VolumeVolume 911 1410 FebruaryJanuary 2008 2010 IssueIssue 11 floreana Razowski & Landry, in Razowski Pampas, Res. La Otonga). Holotype ♂: MZUJ. et al., 2008 (Eccopsis), Revue Suisse de
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