Environmental Services Committee
526 THE MORAY COUNCIL MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2004 COUNCIL OFFICE, ELGIN PRESENT Councillors A.R. Wilson (Chairman), R.F. McIntosh (Vice-Chairman), J.C. Hogg (Vice-Chairman), A. Bisset, T.M. Bothwell, A.R. Burgess, R.J. Burns, A.E. Coutts, J.A. Divers, L. Gorn, J. Hamilton, R. Hossack, A. Keith, J.A. Leslie, S.D.I Longmore, G. McIntyre, J. MacKay, P.B. Paul, R. Sim, J. Stewart, A. Urquhart, W.P. Watt and I.R. Young APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors E. McGillivray and R.H. Shepherd. IN ATTENDANCE The Director of Environmental Services, the Head of Development Services, the Head of Direct Services, the Chief Finance Officer, the Acting Development Control Manager, the Planning and Development Manager, the Head of Estates Services, the Building Control Manager, A McEachan, Senior Solicitor (Commercial and Conveyancing) and the Senior Committee Services Officer, Clerk to the Meeting. 1. ORDER OF BUSINESS In terms of Standing Order 25 the meeting noted Item 5 (a) “Building Control Section – Impact on Increased Applications Upon Staff Resources” and Planning Application 04/01065/OUT, pages 37 – 46 of the Director’s Report on Planning applications, had been withdrawn from the Agenda. 2. DECLARATION OF GROUP DECISIONS In terms of Standing Order 20 the meeting noted that there were no declarations from group leaders or spokespersons in regard to any prior decisions taken on how members will vote on any item on the Agenda. 3. EXEMPT INFORMATION The Meeting
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