Egypt Daily Update: NASL Calls for ‘Uprising of Anger’, Nour Condemns Protests;Tamarrod Prepares for Political Participation

Top Stories Tuesday, July 01, 2014 • NASL Calls for “Uprising of Anger,” Nour Party Condemns Protests • Tamarrod Prepares for Political Participation • Gulf States Pardon Egyptian Prisoners • Cartoon of the Day: “One Year After the Coup”

NASL Calls for “Uprising of Anger,” Nour Party Condemns Protests Also of Interest: The pro-Morsi National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) has called for an “uprising of anger” on July 3, the day that marks the first anniversary of the army Female Prisoners takeover following the toppling of Morsi. The Alliance stated that the “day will mark the in EgyptSuffer beginning of the end… This land is for the revolutionaries.” However, the statement Rampant Abuse from NASL also warned against the use of violence. The Alliance accused the coup and The Return of Tamed the ruling government of “advocating secularism” and “crossing lines” as it reduced Opposition in Egypt subsidies on basic commodities. In related news, the head of the Salafi Nour Party, Youness Makhyoun, stated that his Citing party opposes the plans for July 3 protests, saying that it will only perpetuate the Terrorism, Egypt to violence. Makhyoun also called for the Brotherhood to “recognize the reality” of the Step Up Surveillance of current framework. Social Media “NASL Calls for ‘Uprising of Anger on 3 July” Egypt Independent (English) 6/30/2014 “Nour Party: Brotherhood Will Bring More Killing” Egypt Independent (English) 7/1/2014

Tamarrod Prepares for Political Participation In a statement made on Monday, the Tamarrod Movement stated that it will soon unveil its political party’s program. Tamarrod, which led the movement calling for the ouster of President , will establish a party called “The Arabic Popular Movement.” The movement maintained that it will adhere to the principles of the June The Protest Law: Fear, 30 uprising and “a modern vision that accommodates developments on local and Not Order international levels.” Meanwhile, former Tamarrod coordinator Ahmed Qinawy criticized the post-coup regime, saying that it betrayed the June 30 protesters. Qinawy also added that since the uprising, Egypt has not progressed, but has rather backtracked. He further stated that the demands made by the Tamarrod Movement are still unmet. “We demanded freedom and democracy for Egypt, but Egypt has now turned to a repressive country, and the regime knows no other language than repression and tyranny.” “Tamarod to Announce Its New Political Party’s Program” Post (English) 7/1/2014 “Ex-Tamarod Member: “We Have Been Betrayed After June 30” Middle East Monitor (English) 7/1/2014

Gulf States Pardon Egyptian Prisoners Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE announced the pardoning of 152 Egyptian nationals current held in their prisons. The announcement comes on the occasion of Ramadan, and the pardons will result in full releases and lightened sentences. The three states have been on the frontlines of support for the Sisi government and the toppling of the Brotherhood last summer.Ahram reports that the states have provided $20 billion in economic aid to Egypt. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry stated that the pardons were a result of “special bilateral relations” between Egypt and the Gulf states. “Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE Pardon 152 Egyptian Prisoners” Ahram Online (English) 7/1/2014

Cartoon of the Day: “One Year After the Coup”

Source: Alaa al-Laqta via Arabi21 June 30, 2014 “One year after the coup…”

– Nikhil Nandigam (Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to [email protected])