The Surveyorprogram
..... _° o0ooooo _ 2018-04-11T18:05:23+00:00Z .4;" ' F 00000001-TSA03 ORIGINAL PAGE IS OF POOR QUALIo/,y I 1 i 4 , I i IIII '1 ', !, 00000001-TSA04 i._ ,) I l L 1 I t i I / WDC-A-R 77.02 .. National Space Science Dora Center/ World Om Center A For Rockets end Satellites Catalog of Lunar - Mission ;. Data ' ': TechnicalCoordinator - WINIFRED SAWTELL CAMERON Editors ELLEN J. MANTEL • ELIZABETH ,_, MILLER July 1977 i-- 00000001-TSA05 / PREFACE i, We acknowledge with thanks those persons, too numerous to name, of the National Space Science D_ta Center (NSSDC) who have contributed to the production of this Ca_log. Appreciation of the contributions of the experimenters is also hereby acknowledged. _,eir data submission and explanatory documentation form the base o£ this Catalog. _e NSSDC per- ... r sonnel activity included data and information handling, verification, ! data description, inventory, illustrations, and photography, as well as : document production, and involved both the acquisition scientists and ! the Data Center's onsite contractor, General Telephone and Electronics/ ' Information Systems, PMI Facilities Management Corporation personnel. _: The Data Center strives to serve the scientific community in a useful = L manner so that the scientific data deposited there can be disseminated _: for continued and further analysis. Scientists are invited to submit : comments or recommendations regarding the format of this Catalog, the .: data announced herein, and the services provided by NSSDC. Recipients ., are urged to inform other potential data users of its availability. _t i ._ IVinifredSawtell Cameron _i Elizabeth R.
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