SUBJECT: Sister City Agreement of Collaboration between City of Ejmiatsin (Republic of ) and Town of Yarmouth

RECOMMENDATION: It a recommended that the Town of Yarmouth enter into a Sister City Agreement of Collaboration with the City of Ejmiatsin, Repubic of Armenia.

It is also recommended that the Town establish a Sister City Advisory Committee to identify the areas of collaboration between the two organizations and citizens.

CAO Comments:


DETAILS Key Concept/Issue Defined

The Town adopted a Twinning/Sister Cities Policy on February 13, 2020 in support of future Sister Cities initiatives.

2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the arrival of Red Cross nurse Sara Corning, a native of Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia in the city of Constantinople with 250 other relief workers, and over the next 11 years she helped rescue and care for thousands of Armenian and Greek orphans, often risking her life in the process.

The Yarmouth Sara Corning Society with support from the Town of Yarmouth had projects underway in Yarmouth to bring greater recognition to Sara Corning, including the unveiling of a bronze statue of Sara with two small children on the Museum grounds, a dramatization of her life of service, and the establishment of a nursing scholarship in her name at the Yarmouth campus of the Dalhousie University School of Nursing.

The Town of Yarmouth reached out to the H.E. Mrs. Harutyunyan, The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, Ottawa, Ontario with an expression of interest for the establishment of a "sister city" relationship between Yarmouth and a town of similar size around or near the Armenian capital city of , or the city of Etchmiadzin.

The Town of Yarmouth, Mayor Pam Mood, expressed that a "sister city relationship would strengthen the already strong bond between Yarmouth, the Province of Nova Scotia, and Canada with the Republic of Armenia."

The H.E. Mrs. Anahit Harutyunyan, The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada confirmed Armenia's willingness to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with the Town of Yarmouth, and identified the City of Ejmiatsin (, population of 59,311, a member city of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (2007) known as a spiritual and cultural centre.

A sample Agreement of Collaboration and a Community Profile of the City of Ejmiatsin (see attached) has been provided to the Town for consideration of entering into a Sister City Collaboration Agreement.

Relevant Policies, By-laws and Legislation: Twinning/Sister Cities Policy ToY 51 -

Strategic Relevance: The Sister City Agreement of Collaboration with the City of Ejmiatsin is in keeping with the vision outlined in the Town's Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and the goals of the Twinning/Sister Cities Policy.

Twinning/Sisters City Policy Goals are: 2.1 To create a global network of social community and economic relationships that will enhance the quality of life of Town residents. 2.2 To expand and enhance cultural diversity and awareness. 2.3 To create international awareness of Town’s assets. 2.4 To advance international understanding, goodwill and peace for future generations.

Desired Outcomes: To establish a Sister City relationship between the City of Ejmiatsin in the Republic of Armenia and the Town of Yarmouth.

Response Options: a) Approval b) Reject c) Refer back to staff with direction for more information



Organizational: To establish a Sister City Advisory Committee, appointed by Council made of up members from the community at large and Council with support from the CAO's office. A Terms of Reference for a Sister City Advisory Committee would need to be developed to support the activities of the Sister City Agreement with the City of Ejmiatsin and the Town of Yarmouth.

Financial Budget to be identified.

Follow-Up Actions: Establish a Sister City Advisory Committee Establish budget for 2020/21 Activities. Co-ordinate the signing of the Sister City Agreement of Collaboration with the City of Ejmiatsin.

Communication: Use town communication methods and channels as required.

Other Comments

Submitted by: Economic Development Officer


Taking into consideration the will to develop mutually beneficial relations between the city of Ejmiatsin (Republic of Armenia) and the city of ______, taking into account the fact that the friendly relations between the residents of two cities have laid the foundation of the collaboration between the organizations and citizens of the cities of Ejmiatsin and ______and has contributed to the realization of the joint projects, following the aim to continue and develop the relations between the cities of Ejmiatsin and ______, aiming at strengthening the friendly relations between Armenia and ______, realising the fact that by developing and strengthening social-economic and cultural relations, the Parties will contribute to the peace and mutual understanding, as well as to the development of relations in various spheres between Armenia and ______, the cities of Ejmiatsin (Republic of Armenia) and ______, hereinafter Parties, agreed as follows:

Article 1 The Parties intend to collaborate in the following fields: culture, education and science, health care and social security, local government, ecology, economy and investment activity, urban economy, sport, tourism, information technologies. To assist and support the establishment of further direct relations in different areas between urban institutions, organizations, non-governmental organizations, companies and specialists.

Article 2 The Parties are obliged to coordinate and confirm particular projects of collaboration every year by regular exchange of letters.

Article 3 To realize the exchange of city delegations and establish further relations between the official representatives of two cities.

Article 4 To realize the exchange of the best practice of successful projects between the populations and bodies of local self-government (Municipalities) of the Parties. Article 5 To support and develop mutually beneficial practical, commercial relations, contribute to the mutual visits of business delegations and realization of mutually beneficial economic relations.

Article 6 To make a regular monitoring of the execution of the Agreement by the exchange of letters or by mutual visits.

Article 7 The Agreement will be effective on the day of its signing. Neither party may make changes and additions in the Agreement without of the written consent of the other. Each party has the right to terminate the Agreement by giving a 6 month’s prior written notice to the other Party.

Article 8 The Agreement is executed in two originals: in Armenian and English. The two texts are equivalent. Signed on ------, in the city of ______.

From the city of Ejmiatsin From the city of ______


Mayor of Ejmiatsin Mayor of ______Diana Gasparyan ______

Country, Province: RA, Province of Armavir Mayor: Diana Gasparyan Area: 4424 ha. Population: 59311 Distance: 18 km far from Yerevan (22 minutes), 8 km (8 minutes) far from Zvatrnots Airport Climate: The average temperature in January is – 4.80 C, in July + 25.50 C Telephone area code: +374(231) Postal Index: 1101 E-mail: [email protected] Official Web Site: Ejmiatsin, the spiritual centre of All , is one of the ancient settlements of the Armenian people. The first written record about Ejmiatsin dates back to King Rusa II of Urartu. According to the cuneiform inscriptions found at Zvartnots, the area of Ejmiatsin was originally called Quarliny, where Rusa II (685-645 BC) laid a canal from the Ildoruny (Hrazdan) river. A century later, Vardges Manook, the son-in-law of Armenian King Yervand Sakavakyats (570-560 BC), built a large settlement in the same area and named it Vardgesavan. Later Arshakunian King Vagharsh I (117-140) fortified the settlement, and renamed it proclaiming it as the capital city of Armenia. During the Armeno-Roman wars, when the Armenian capital of Artashat was being destroyed, Vagharshapat was again proclaimed as the capital city bearing name Kainepolice (New Town). Vagharshapat used to have the role of the capital city as a royal residence till the end of the Arshakuni dynasty rule (428). The fame of the city became greater after the adoption of as a (301). Agatangeghos wrote that saw a vision in which Jesus Christ (''miatsin''- the only son of God) descended from the heaven (''ej”- descent) (from here comes the name Ejmiatsin), and with a golden hammer pointed the place where ''a house of prayer'' was to be built in honor of the martyrdom of the Hripsimian virgins. Abiding by God’s instructions, there Gregory the Illuminator built Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin, the first Christian church of Armenia. Later the city was named EJMIATSIN. As the religious centre of Armenia, Ejmiatsin held significant spiritual and cultural importance in the country. It was here that the first school, matenadaran and seminary were founded. Here and Sahak Partev founded the first Armenian school. It was here in Ejmiatsin that Armenia's first printing house (1771), paper factory (1776), newspaper (1868), museum (1869) were established. And here we bear witness to some of Armenia's greatest architectural masterpieces: Saint Monastery (641-661), Saint Gayane Monastery (630), Saint Shoghakat Church (1694), Saint Mariam Astvatsatsin Church (1767), (641-661).

Mother Cathedral of Ejmiatsin is a 4th century Armenian church. It is also the central cathedral of Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Residence of of all Armenians. Mother Cathedral is the most recognized landmark of the Armenian Church. Built and consecrated by St. Gregory the Illuminator and the Great in 303 AD, the Cathedral is located in the city of Ejmiatsin. In 2000 the Cathedral was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Monastery of Saint Gayane is a 7th-century Armenian church in Ejmiastin, the religious center of Armenia. It is located within walking distance from Mother Cathedral of Ejmiatsin of 301. St. Gayane was built by Catholicos Ezra I in the year 630. Its design has remained unchanged despite partial renovations of the dome and some ceilings in 1652. Gayane was the name of an abbess who was martyred with other nuns by Tiridates III of Armenia in the year 301, and subsequently made a saint of the Armenian Apostolic Church. In 2000, Saint Gayane Monastery was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites along with historical churches of Ejmiatsin. Saint Hripsime Monastery is a seventh century Armenian Apostolic church in the city of Ejmiatsin, Armenia. It is one of the oldest surviving churches in the country. The church was erected by Catholicos to replace the original mausoleum built by Catholicos Sahak the Great in 395 AD that contained the remains of the martyred Saint Hripsime to whom the church is dedicated. The current structure was completed in 618 AD. It is known for its fine Armenian-style architecture of the classical period, which has influenced many other Armenian churches since. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with other nearby churches, including Ejmiatsin Cathedral, Armenia's mother church, in 2000. Saint Shoghakat Church was erected in 1694 by Prince Aghamal Sorotetsi during the time of Catholicos Nahabed I in the present day city of Ejmiatsin, in of Armenia. This church together with other nearby sites is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The church sits on the holy site where a group of unnamed nuns following Gayane and Hripsime were martyred during the time of the conversion of Armenia to Christianity in the year 301 AD. St. Astvatsatsin Church was built in 1767, during the reign of Catholicos Simeon I of Yerevan, on the remains of a 16th- century wooden church. It is located at the center of modern-day Ejmiatsin, around 200 meters north of the walls of the Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin. Prior to the construction of the church, a 16th-century wooden church used to stand on the same point of the modern-day church. According to a description left on a stone in one of the internal walls of the church, Holy Mother of God was built in 1767 with the initiation of Catholicos Simeon I of Yerevan. The church belongs to the type of single nave basilicas with no dome. Many khachkars (cross stones) composed during the 18th century, were placed in the external walls of the church. The churchyard was home to a religious school. Zvartnots Cathedral (literally 'celestial angels cathedral') is a 7th-century centrally planned aisled tetra conch type Armenian cathedral built by the order of Catholicos Nerses the Builder from 643-652. Now in ruins, it is located at the edge of the city of Ejmiatsin in Armavir Province of Armenia. Zvartnots remained standing until the end of the 10th century, but historical sources are silent as to the cause of its collapse. The Cathedral was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000. Many prominent people of Armenian science and culture have lived and created in Ejmiatsin. Among them were Komitas, Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, Hrachya Acharyan, Mher Abeghyan and others. Today Ejmiatsin also has an active cultural life. Here live and create many talented artists: writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, who continue to keep the name of the city gloriously and multiple its fame with their valuable works. The achievements of the sportsmen, who are proud to represent their city at various international sporting events, are also prominent. In 2007 Ejmiatsin became member of the Organization of ''World Heritage Cities'' of UNESCO, which is an honor that carries much responsibility. Ejmiatsin actively cooperates with many international organizations from different cities. The city has friendly relationships with the cities of Issy-les-Moulineaux (France), Charvieu-Chavagneux (France), Fresno (USA), Petrozavodsk (RF), Sergiev- Posad (RF), Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria), Mtskheta (), Belgorod- Dniestrovskyi (), Daugavpils (Latvia), Martakert (RNK) and Hadrut (RNK). The city has its official flag, coat of arms and anthem. Today's Ejmiatsin is one of the most beautiful cities of the Republic having its unique architectural style, cultural and historical value and 2704 years of glorious hostory.