Soulbury Pay Agreement: 1 September 2007 31 August 2008

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Soulbury Pay Agreement: 1 September 2007 31 August 2008


 Educational Improvement Professionals  Educational Psychologists (Scales A & B)  Assistant Educational Psychologists  Youth and Community Service Officers  London Allowances


Spine Current New Point 1.9.06 1.9.07 £ £

1 30423 31176 2 31512 32292 3 32541 33346 4 33582 34413 5 34620 35477 6 35658 36541 7 36747 37656 8 37794 * 38729 * 9 39015 39981 10 40104 41097 11 41178 42197 12 42219 43264 13 43398 ** 44472 ** 14 44448 45548 15 45609 46738 16 46659 47814 17 47712 48893 18 48744 49950 19 49809 51042 20 50862 *** 52121 *** 21 51930 53215 22 52860 54168 23 53886 55220 24 54804 56160 25 55788 57169 26 56745 58149 27 57726 59155 28 58719 60172 29 59715 61193 30 60711 62214 31 61695 63222 32 62697 64249 33 63699 65276 34 64725 66327 35 65748 67375 36 66801 68454 37 67836 69515 38 68883 70588 39 69915 71645 40 70947 72703 41 71985 73767 42 73020 74827 43 74055 75888 44 75096 76955 45 76134 78018 46 77172 79082 47 78216 80152 48 79251 **** 81212 **** 49 80289 **** 82276 **** 50 81327 **** 83340 ****

Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points, based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit and motivate staff.

* Normal Minimum point for EIPs undertaking the full range of duties at this level ** Normal minimum point for Senior EIPs undertaking the full range of duties at this level *** Normal minimum point for Principal EIPs undertaking the full range of duties at this level **** Extension to range to accommodate Structured Professional Assessment points

EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS – SCALE A Spine Current New Point 1.9.06 1.9.07 £ £

1 30546 31302 2 31572 32353 3 32601 33408 4 33708 * 34542 * 5 34749 35609 6 35793 36679 7 36837 37749 8 37893 38831 9 38937 39901 10 40011 41001 11 41046 ** 42062 ** 12 42081 ** 43123 ** 13 43113 ** 44180 ** 14 44145 ** 45238 ** 15 45186 ** 46304 ** 16 46218 ** 47362 ** 17 47241 ** 48410 **

* Minimum age 35 fully qualified ** Extension to Main Scale to accommodate discretionary scale points and Structure Professional Assessment points SENIOR & PRINCIPAL EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS – SCALE B Spine Current New Point 1.9.06 1.9.07 £ £

1 40011 41001 2 41046 42062 3 42081 43123 4 43113 * 44180 * 5 44145 45238 6 45186 46304 7 46218 47362 8 47241 48410 9 48270 49465 10 49302 50522 11 50325 51571 12 51366 52637 13 52386 53683 14 53427 54749 15 54486 55835 16 55509 ** 56883 ** 17 56580 ** 57980 ** 18 57642 ** 59069 ** 19 58710 ** 60163 ** 20 59778 ** 61258 **

Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points, based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit and motivate staff.

* Normal minimum point for the Principal Educational Psychologist undertaking the full range of duties at this level ** Extension to range to accommodate discretionary scale points and Structured Professional Assessment points


Current New 1.9.6 1.9.07 £ £

25200 25824 26229 26878 27258 27933 28281 28981 TRAINEE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS

Current New 1.9.06 1.9.07 £ £

20500 21007 22000 22545 23500 24082 25000 25619 26500 27156 28000 28693

YOUTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS Spine Current New Point 1.9.06 1.9.07 £ £

1 31554 32334 2 32586 33392 3 33618 34450 4 34671 * 35529 * 5 35742 36626 6 36786 37696 7 37854 ** 38790 ** 8 39069 40035 9 40134 41127 10 41178 42197 11 42216 43260 12 43257 44327 13 44289 45385 14 45333 46454 15 46377 *** 47524 16 47424 *** 48597 17 48477 *** 49676 18 49521 *** 50746 19 50568 *** 51812 20 52900 *** 21 54011 *** 22 55145 *** 23 56303 *** 24 57485 ***

The minimum YCO scale is 4 points

Other salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points, based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit and motivate staff.

* Normal minimum point for Senior Youth and Community Service Officers undertaking the full range of duties at this level ** Normal minimum point for the Principal Youth and Community Service Officer undertaking the full range of duties at this level *** Extension to range to accommodate discretionary scale points and Structured Professional Assessment points


1.9.6 1.9.07 Inner London 2730 2797 Outer London 1800 1844 Fringe 696 713

Z:\Salaries-Public\School Teachers\HEARTH\Soulbury Pay & Conditions\Soulbury pay scales 20007-08

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