Muslim Prayer - using a series of websites

Look at each of the following website and either makes note or capture some data as set out in the task sheet below.

1. Look at the prayer positions at compare these with the positions at prayerpos2.htm note the similarities and differences. You may wish to capture some of the these images for the later task.

2. Go to watch the flash videos on: a. How to make Wuduh b. The proper way to pray

Make some notes on these.

3. Now go to Watch the video from 05:10 to 09:10 on Wudu. Compare this with the video clip at salat/video/ablution.ram [03:11] Make notes on the similarities and / or differences. [Note you will need to have real player installed to watch these clips].

4. Go to religion/03a_concepts.htm#salat copy the text into your personal space (remember to reference it) and then use the highlighter tool to pick out what you think are the key phrases.

5. Lastly look at the page and make some notes on the key aspects of the noon prayer [05:04]. Watch the clip at if you have times watch the clips for the dawn [02:34] and sunset [03:17] prayers and note any differences.

Now, looking at your notes and any data you have download write a short description on Wudu and prayer. Consider how the daily life of a Muslim is affected by the need to perform Wudu and Salat. This sould be between 200 and 400 words.

6. If you have time go to You Tube ( and type in the search term “Muslim Prayer”. What are the top ten ‘hits’. If you have time look at these (or some of these) and see if these give you a different impression of prayer to the ‘official’ work you have done above.