The Focke-Wulf

Fw( 190 ) Radial-engine Versions including Fw 190A, B, C, F, G, & S

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v1.0 September 2014 ii Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra

Kit Extra: Fw 190 Radial-engine Kit Review

As we stated in our book, there was insufficient drawings, as they all have it wrong too. Our exhaust stacks visible; cowl bulges good shape/ space to include all the assessments of kits we assessment below mention these oblong bulges, size; lacks fuselage extension at wing root; up- had to hand, so what follows are those that we but I have refrained from time and again saying per cowl access panel is flat, but has two small did not cover in print. As and when we find they are wrong, take it as read, they are! blisters and the gun barrels; additional kits, we will add further updates that Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; elevators you can download. 1/144th Scale are too wide; fabric effect via raised ribs; front panel lines is at 90º to centreline, should be Note on accuracy parallel to tailplane leading edge (is also too far The assessments below have utilised published , Germany inboard) plans; the problem with this was that no mat- Engine: None supplied ter how many we had, none of them agreed! Fw 190A-8 #04917 Propeller: One-piece propeller and spinner; For the purposes of this exercise therefore we This kit was first released first released in 1973 propeller blades about 1mm short; blade profile have opted to use Jacek’s plans, reduced and as #H-1018, then it was not until 1992 that it is also too pointed; spinner correct diameter enlarged accordingly for all scales. We have was reissued as #4046. The most recent reissue and profile also looked at hundreds of period photos and was in 2012 as #04917. We have #04917 here Interior: None walkaround images from museums, so the be- for assessment. Detail: Centreline rack just a long blob low assessments are, we feel, as comprehensive Plastic: Light grey-coloured with raised panel moulded with one-piece wing; rack lacks any as they can be from currently available data. lines and engraved hinge lines etc. sway bars; separate SC250 bomb, but poor Control Surfaces & Curves - A quick note overall shape and detail here about basing assessments purely on scale Canopy: Framework moulded to fuselage drawings. The control surfaces of the Fw 190 halves; single-piece clear sections; good overall were an aluminium frame, with internal ribs shape and profile; canopy frames very feint and stiffening plates, covered in doped linen. Decals Now, of late the fashion with scale plan artists One option: ‘White 1’, flown by Oblt O. has been to depict this internal structure, as Stammberger, 4./JG26, France, June 1943. The clear defined lines. OK, but when a kit manu- decal sheet includes all the crosses and unique facturer merrily bases a model on plans, and markings, but no swastika nor stencils takes no time actually looking at a real Fw 190 Verdict: These little kits from Revell were excellent they fail to understand this - the fabric covers in their day, and even now the Eduard ones only go a all the structure inside, you can’t see the ribs! little farther with finesse of detail. Being so small they German fabric work was much like British, in suffer with the combination of parts to ease moulding, that they first applied strips of linen to the ribs, but a low parts count, combined with low retail price, loosely stitched on with thread, then on went Revell 04917 mean that they still probably have potential in the the main covering, which was tightly stitched pure toy market. That aside, most dedicated modellers on, followed by the dope, but as this was ap- will now prefer the Eduard ones, or the upgraded plied more strips of linen were cut and placed versions from Mark I Ltd. over the stitches to protect them from damage Wing: Moulded as one solid item; span and erosion. This means that the only ‘lines’ correct; chord correct; wing root cannon ejec- 1/72nd Scale you see are the strips doped onto the surface, tor ports are too big and just plain oblongs in with maybe little ridges for the crests of each half-relief; aileron hinge line is straight, so curve stitch underneath and in 1/48th scale or smaller, slight at tip; only a couple of panel lines, all the Academy, Korea this is easily reproduced with engraved detail, rest missing; no mid-span cannon access panels; whilst in 1/32nd or larger you could at a push no cannon barrels; no pitot; upper surface Fw 190A-6/A-8 #2120 do it as raised detail. There are no dips, scallops has good attempt at wing root cannon access This kit was first released in 1992 and has been of other such marks on the flying surfaces they covers; mid-span access covers are like their available ever since, being slightly revised with are as hard as nails and as tight as a drum skin! old 1/72nd kit, in that they look like those on the new packaging style a couple of years back, Now let’s talk curves…, no, not those! an early Bf 109; the panel lines on the upper but still retaining the same item number. We When an artist draws outlines he has no prob- surface are correct, but a lot are missing, as are have both old and new packaging versions here lem, but when trying to reproduce a complex many access panels; no tip lights to assess. curve that is three-dimensional in a two- Wheel wells: Moulded within the solid wing; Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved dimensional medium like drawing, then he has very shallow; no internal detail at all; good panel lines, no rivets but some raised detail (see a problem. This is the case with the Fw 190, as overall shape and position each section); later version was moulded in a the panels either side of the exhaust outlets on Undercarriage: Legs, wheels and doors all medium grey-coloured plastic the fuselage sides are curved, not sharped-edged moulded as one; units are too long by about Lower Wing: Less than 1mm too great in defined slopes as the drawings make out; hence 1-2mm; very limited detail on oleos or wheels span; wing tip shape is wrong, not being square why many kits get that wrong. The other issue due to combined moulding; no retraction enough, so correcting this would probably also with the Fw 190A-8 onwards relates to the out- arms; tailwheel and yoke assembly moulded to reduce the span; ailerons have far too many er oblong bulges for the armament at mid-span. starboard fuselage half, yoke lacks the distinct ribs; aileron hinge line is straight, should curve ALL drawings show these with either clean, shape of this unit and is depicted as one-sided at tip; cannon access panels too small, bulges sharp straight lines to define the ‘bulge’ or a (should go to both sides of wheel) OK, but the latches are heavy raised detail; smooth constant radius curve, to denote that Fuselage: Moulded from rudder to front odd oblong raised ‘frames’ inboard of cannon it is a bulge, not a geometric shape. Problem is cowl wing; about 1mm too long; ribs on rudder access hatch; wing root ejector ports are too that the bulge on these panels is not sharp-edge, over-accentuated; cross-section of aft fuselage, small, wrong place and only half relief; panel nor is it a constant radius curve, it curves in forward of tail is too round; no fuselage panel lines match plans; access panels do not match all planes, and is steeper at the front than the lines other than two towards the tail, that are plans; lacks pitot on starboard wing; tip lights rear, so ALL drawings have this wrong and most like the 500mm extension on the D-9 series; moulded solid kit manufacturers have obviously worked from no cooling vents; exhaust outlets have tiny Upper Wing: Two halves, span matches Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra iii

lower; aileron hinge line straight, should curve Plastic: #02063-7 is dark grey-coloured, at tip; too many ribs on the ailerons; trim tabs whilst #02085 is moulded in light grey- too big and too long; mid-span cannon oblong coloured; both feature raised panels lines and panels are too far inboard; wing root access other details panels slightly under size and the bulge is too Lower Wing: Single-piece; fractionally too angular/wrong shape; pronounced raised rivets great in span; dihedral too flat; ailerons and and latches in certain areas; panel lines match flaps not included; panel lines match plans; plans; flap angle sighting hole missing access panels are a mix of correct and incorrect Wheel wells: Moulded with lower wing; too size/location; wing root cannon ejector ports shallow; outline of the bay incorrect, ‘leg’ areas are open, but they have an odd raised edge too wide to them; mid-span access panels are separate Undercarriage: Oleo legs about 2mm too inserts, these being supplied with or without long; legs inaccurate, just feature various ‘ins the blister; blister is slightly too narrow overall; and outs’ to give detail; axle is at 90º to oleo, so wing tip lights moulded solid wheels sit wrong; compression links separate; Academy 2120 - Upper Wing: Two halves; matches span of doors only suitable for an A-8, as they lack the newer release lower wing; flaps and ailerons moulded into separate inner doors of the A-6; doors match these halves; odd ‘linen’ effect on ailerons (a errors in shape of wheel bays; retraction linkage good attempt in this era); wing root access separate, but slightly too long; wheels are of panels lack definition and oddly the bulges look the flat (late) style only suitable for the A-8 slightly narrow; spinner under size and the like they have been pushed up from under- version; wheel diameter good, tyres lack tread; overall profile is slightly off, mainly around the neath, lack the correct shape or latches and tailwheel moulded with yoke, tyre is under size front have removed much of the door outline; no Fuselage: Correct in overall length; tip of Interior: Basic tub with rear bulkhead and mid-span oblong blisters for cannon; panel lines cowling separate, slightly too long and the taper side consoles; separate seat, but has rounded match plans save for the cannon access panel is too shallow resulting in this area looking top and overall shape/detail that is not ac- already mentioned odd; detail inside front cowl section erroneous curate; separate control column, but detail is Wheel wells: Overall shape/location good; ‘matrix’ effect; 12-blade cooling fan (although poor/erroneous; no rudder pedals, just wedges partial box insert; no cannon through bay; no at the end of the war some A-8s had a 14-blade on cockpit floor; separate instrument panels, detail to outer areas of the bay, just look up unit); cooling vents moulded open, but as but they just have a few raised circles on them, into the inside of the wing solid wedges with no actual holes; all access no detail Undercarriage: Oleo legs correct length and panels have the latches as very pronounced Detail: ETC501 centreline rack with sway good detail; axle at correct angle for wheel in raised detail; all oval access panels are also bars; 300lt drop tank, SC250 bomb with sup- relation to the ground; scissor links moulded raised instead of engraved; access panels do not port bars between tail fins; WB151 containers to oleo; retractions arms separate, but not that match plans; tail/rudder too high, resulting in for R1 option, although these look too flat/ accurate in size/shape; wheels diameter OK, wide; no D/F loop or IFF antenna (required for no tread pattern and bolts in the plain hubs the only decal option in the kit) are over accentuated; tailwheel moulded with Canopy: Two-piece with options for the yoke; tailwheel tyres under size; option to have standard or ‘blown’ main canopy element; wheels up or down standard canopy slightly too short (marginal) Fuselage: Separate front cowl ring; overall and lacks the correct profile when viewed from length correct; overall profile good, although the side (sloped, lacks flattening at top/front leading edge angle of fin is slightly too steep, edge); windscreen correct size/side profile, but resulting in the top of the fin rudder being too front (flat) panel is too wide narrow/too pointed; aerial mast at top of fin Decals correct size/location; access panel on port side Both kits only offer one decal option, and of fin too big; ‘linen’ effect again reproduced on neither of them state any details about it in the the rudder; radio hatch slight too small; access instructions. It was Fw 190A-8/U3, ‘Black 5’ panel above hatch is round, should be oval; of III./JG54 ‘Grün Herz’, Germany 1944. The cooling gills moulded open as wedges, no holes Academy 2120 - decals do not include any swastikas in either beneath, plus done as three together instead of original release boxing, there are a very limited number of sten- two/space/one; blisters on cowl sides too nar- cils included, though and the white element of row; separate front cowl ring correct diameter the spinner spiral is also supplied as a decal and good profile; separate fan with 12 blades Verdict: Sadly this is not an accurate kit, I have Tailplanes: Correct span; tip profile is slightly extended taper that makes the overall shape probably been quite nice about it above, but it has too sharply tapered at the front; panel lines look off; aerial mast at top too small/thin; fabric various accuracy issues with the size and shape of match plans; elevators have the odd ‘linen’ ef- effect on rudder, but does not match ribs of real fuselage, wing and tail, as well as the mess-up of the thing; rudder trim tab too short; no tail light; undercarriage. The fact that the kit says it makes an jacking hole in aft fuselage too small, too high A-6 or A-8, when in fact you can really only make up and only in half-relief; mid cowling panels an A-8 is a bit trying as well. Overall a kit that have separate bulges (correct shape/size); dust will build with ease, it just won’t be a very accurate filter units also included, but not applicable to Fw 190 and there are now better and simpler options decal option in kit; cowling hinges pronounced out there. and over-size raised detail; flat or bulged access cover on upper cowl, correct shape and overall , UK detail, although the blisters on the flat one are too pronounced, while those for the A-8 lack Fw 190A-8/F-8 certain panel lines This kit was first released in 1977, then it Tailplanes: 1mm over in span, chord is was reissued in 1983 as #02063-7, followed OK; elevators are too wide; fabric effect on in 1988 as #02085 within the ‘Aircraft of the elevators, but does not match plans due to Aces’ series and then finally in 2008 as part of dimensional errors the ‘FW Mistel’ (#A05040) with the ex-PM Engine: None supplied Ta 154. We have #02063-7 and #02085 here Airfix 02063 Propeller: Single-piece 9-12176A-3 for assessment, although all are essentially propeller; slightly small diameter; blades also identical. iv Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra

This kit was first released in 2009 and the basic extremely careful; separate revised bulges for tooling has been modified to offer the A-0, A-1, the A-1 and A-2 series are included, but their A-2, A-1/A-2 ‘Jabo’ and A-4 variants, however shape is wrong, just elongated teardrop, when we only have the A-2 here for assessment. the rear section should lift slightly over the Plastic: Dark grey-coloured with engraved wing root fillet; exhaust outlets lack any detail panel lines, but no rivets inside (no stacks); upper gun access panel and Lower Wing: Span and chord correct; trough as separate part, good overall shape/ ailerons and flaps moulded separately; no cor- size and latches have all been added; guns are responding detail inside the wing for flap area; moulded in situ; jacking holes in aft fuselage wing root cannon ejector ports only in half only in partial relief relief and slightly over-scale; mid-span cannon Tailplanes: Correct in span and chord; panel access panel correct location/size, but the bulge and hinge lines match plans; elevators feature shape simplified; under-cowl exhaust outlet very subtle fabric effect; trim tabs correct size/ moulded with wing, but lacks any stacks inside location Airfix 02085 the ‘hole’ Engine: None supplied; engine fan correct Upper Wing: Moulded as two separate 12-blade type; front cowl ring now separate panels, with ailerons and flaps separate; panel with blanking plate for the fan so this area is lines mostly match, the horizontal one inboard not see-through any more is missing, though; root access panel still the Propeller: Single-piece unit; correct diam- fect again; trim tabs correct size/location flat profile for the A-0, but separate bulges are eter, but blade profile too wide; root detail has Engine: None supplied supplied in resin that are accurate in shape/size; been better defined; two spinners offered, one Propeller: One-piece 9-12176A-3 unit; cor- ailerons now have fabric effect, but the detail/ more pointed than the other rect diameter; blade chord is slightly too nar- ribs do not match plans; tip light solid; aileron Interior: A single resin tub, with seat, rudder row; separate spinner of correct diameter and trim tab indistinct pedals and control column all moulded in situ, length, but the profile is too bulbous, should be Wheel wells: Supplied as separate resin com- detail suffers as a result, with the seat lacking more tapered ponent; correctly depicts the ‘boxed’ interior any definition from the sidewalls; instrument Interior: No interior as such, just a generic with dimples in the plates; cannon barrels have panel is two-part plastic, but lacks any real de- rear bulkhead and seat unit, that an Airfix to be made by builder from metal rod that is tail, just a series of holes in part-relief; no decals generic pilot figure sat on supplied for the side consoles or instrument panel; rear Detail: Ordnance includes ER-4 adaptor decking behind canopy separate and nicely and four SC50 bombs for the centreline rack; detailed; head armour of correct style WB151 pods for the R1 option; SC50 bombs Detail: The access step is no longer included and ETC50 racks for the outer wing (F-8); and has to be made from scratch by the builder; SC250 bomb for the centreline rack; bomb fins parts for a centreline rack are included, but thick and SC250 lacks the tubular stays be- that only relates to late-production machines; tween each; D/F loop and FuG 25 IFF antenna SC250 bomb included (only for late-produc- supplied; separate pitot for starboard wing tip tion machines), but it lacks the tail fin bracing Canopy: Aft canopy frame is moulded with rods the fuselage halves; canopy and windscreen Canopy: Two-piece; main canopy and wind- moulded as one; standard and ‘blown’ canopies screen correct length/shape for closed position supplied; clear parts very thick; profile of Decals canopy good The kit only offers three options, none of Decals which are identified in the instructions or on #02063-7 offered two options: A-8/R1, the rear of the box where they are shown in col- ‘White 11’ and F-8, ‘Red 2’, neither option was our: ‘White <<’, W/Nr.223, flown by Hptm. identified in any way. All the main markings are Hans Hahn, III./JG2, Poix, May 1942 (this is included except the swastikas, which although actually an A-3); ‘Black <<’, W/Nr.257, II./ shown in the instructions are neither supplied AZ Model 7268 JG26; ‘Black <<’, W/Nr.310, JG26. The decals nor on the box art. No stencils were included, are all nicely printed and include complete but the RVD bands for the A-8 were included swastikas and a series of stencils as decals Undercarriage: Oleos of correct length; Verdict: Really an update of an older kit, but #02085 this offered one option, the well compression links moulded to legs; canvas still in the field of limited-run with all the pitfalls known A-8, W/Nr.7298, ‘Black 13’, flown by covers on the sliding oleo element; separate that type of kit offers. Overall the revisions make this Oblt Josef ‘Pips’ Priller of JG26. The decals in inner doors that are now a lot thinner; main more buildable, but most will probably back-date the this kit still lack swastikas or stencils, but the doors have good internal and external detail, Tamiya A-3. rear sections of the eagle’s head motif carried the profile of the leading edge and the bottom on this machine are included, as are the W/Nrs. may be too angular, though; wheels are now in , UK for the top of the fin plastic, still have cross-ply tread and the slightly Verdict: Airfix produced a nice kit here, remember teardrop-shape to the six holes in the hub; Fw 190 this is 1970s-vintage after all. OK, the raised panel separate retracting arms, now corrected to the Frog produced the Fw 190 from 1959 to 1964 lines etc. are a bit off-putting, but this is very much electrical ratchet type as #393P, then from 1964 to 1967 it was a product of its era, and a good one, way back then. Fuselage: Correct in length and cross- renumbered as #F.393, from 1965 to 1967 it Today Airfix have moved on to produce a better one, section; top of the fin/rudder too square; we also appeared as #F147, then from 1968 to so this is probably now only for the collector. presume the A-4 version offered a different fu- 1971 it was #F211 and as a header bag from selage or new tip to the fin?; the cooling vents 1968 to 1974 as #F211F, then boxed from AZ Model, CZ for the A-2 are supplied as etched plates that 1974 to 1976 as #F393 and as a header bag in have to be curved to shape and secured in place 1976 only as #F211. The kit was also issued Fw 190A-2 (#AZ7268) (these will thus be proud of the surface, when in the ‘Inside Story’ series as #F.147 and with It has been said that this kit originates with they should be flush); rudder lacks any attempt the Beaufighter in the ‘Combat Series’ between Sword, having been tooled by Legato, and at fabric effect and trim tab is indistinct; panel 1970 and 1973 as #F.522. when you take a close look at the sprues all the lines match plans; bulges on cowl sides from We have #F211 here for assessment and as parts look familiar in many ways, however the A-0 version are listed for removal with a knife the rudder tip is that for the A-1 to A-3 series, sprue layout is completely different. As a result for the A-1 and A-2 kits, but the raised cowl we will assess it as such. we will therefore assess it as a separate product. hinge lines will also be removed if you are not Plastic: Light blue-coloured with raised panel Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra v

correct overall diameter, but front opening is curved; fabric effect through ribs, which don’t much too small (effects fan blade size) match the real thing; tip light moulded solid Tailplanes: One-piece unit that goes through Undercarriage: Correct length; axle angle tail; correct span, but slightly too wide in correct for wheel/ground; retraction arms cor- chord; panel lines don’t match plans; elevators rect style but moulded to oleo at too shallow an lack any detail; trim tabs slight too long and angle, thus top mount in wrong place in wheel too pronounced well; wheels correct diameter; cross-ply tread Engine: None supplied pattern; hubs feature six holes, although these Propeller: One-piece; correct diameter but are a bit too close to rim and too small; lacks blade profile too thin; separate spinner, correct bolt detail at hub centre; tailwheel and yoke diameter, but too short moulded to port fuselage side and too small Interior: None, not even a pilot figure overall, especially the wheel Detail: Poorly shaped SC250 bomb that Fuselage: One-piece to the forward cowl uses a tab to ‘plug’ into underside; no ETC join; slightly short, but all due to rudder being rack, no access step too narrow; rudder hinge line has kink too Canopy: One-piece with the framework close to top; panel lines match plans although Frog 211 moulded to fuselage half; correct length and the radio hatch is a bit big and lacks hinges; good profile, although a little thick; no head no hand/foot step on port fuselage side; lacks armour or support frame extension at wing root; bulges on cowl sides Decals good shape/position; cooling gills moulded Two options: W/Nr.2139, ‘Red F’ of SG1, open as wedges, with no holes, but correct two/ lines and rivets Crimea, Russia, 1943; W/Nr.5257, ‘Yellow gap/one configuration; front cowl ring separate, Lower Wing: Two halves; span slightly over, 7’, flown by Lt Eder, JG2, Cherbourg, France, good shape and profile; 12-blade fan moulded but chord about 1mm too great; tip profile 1942; The decals offer all insignia, swastikas in situ, but no real depth in cowl as result; too square at leading edge; no tip lights; panel and even Werke Nr. All the crosses look to be separate flat and bulged cowl gun access covers, lines don’t match; ailerons too wide and flaps the wrong style/proportions for the schemes good shape and detail too narrow; no fabric or rib detail on ailerons; offered plus the swastikas are too skinny and trim tab too long; cannon access panels correct not shown on the painting guide on the bottom location but wrong size and feature a massive of the box. The sheet also contains Galland’s square-ish bulge; cannon barrels separate but ‘Mickey Mouse’ insignia, but it is not shown wrong lengths for A-1, A-2 or A-3 configuration anywhere on the painting guide Upper Wing: Two halves, same comments Verdict: An old and very basic kit, made from the on span, aileron and flaps as with upper wing data available at the time and thus lacking in many parts; feature an odd set of oblong access panels aspects. All things Frog are collectable, so that is for guns at mid-span that are more like those where this one is best kept, in a collection, unbuilt. on the early series Bf 109? Wheel wells: None, the undercarriage bay Hasegawa, Japan is omitted, there are not even raised lines to denote it on the wing underside Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #JS-106 Hasegawa’s original A-series kit dates back to 1975 and by 1977 it was renumbered as #A24. At some stage after this the kit was again renumbered, this time as #A7 (#0007), then in Hasegawa JS106 1994 its last incarnation was as an A-5 (#005) and an A-8 (#006). We have #A7 here and because it gives decal options for an A-5 and A-7, we will assess it as these versions. Plastic: Dark green-coloured with engraved Tailplanes: 1mm too great in span, but panel lines and other details correct in chord; hinge and panel lines match Lower Wing: One-piece, to a point 3/4 of plans; fabric effect on elevators via ribs, but the span (correct span to that point); mid-span don’t match real thing; trim tab correct loca- cannon access panels like those on the A-8, tion/size but still wrong shape also slightly raised with Engine: None supplied pronounced latches; panel lines match plans on Propeller: One-piece; correct diameter and Frog F211 - later issue wings, but not on fuselage area in centre blade shape almost perfect for 9-12176A-3; Upper Wing: Two halves, with the outboard separate spinner, correct diameter and profile section missing from the lower piece also Interior: Generic bulkhead with moulded Undercarriage: Doors and oleo legs moulded included; marginally over in span; pitot at ledge seat, pilot figure and instrument panel; as one; leg/door 2mm too long; axle is at 90º to starboard wing tip, but separate one supplied instrument panel is wrong shape and lacks any oleo, no compression linkage; retraction arms for mid span, however assembly instructions detail, but has a decal; no gunsight just plain rods; wheels simple discs with no show both installed, while painting guide shows Detail: Centreline rack, but lacks sway detail and heat-pressed axle connection correct mid-span one only; mid-span cannon braces or bars; 300lt tank with sway braces Fuselage: One-piece to the front cowl panel barrels too long for A-5 and too short for A-7 moulded in situ (just blobs); SC250 bomb, line; 3mm too long; all detail is simplified or Wheel wells: Correct location but wrong lacks tail support bars and again has sway incorrect; exhaust outlet area wrong shape/too shape; inner wheel profile is round, should be braces moulded in situ; no access step; no IFF small; cooling gills engraved, so more an A-3 squared-off; tab on back of main u/c door is rod antenna for A-5/A-7; no D/F loop for A-7 than A-1; cowl side bulges too big/wrong shape; just a basic oblong and too long; wing root can- Canopy: The canopy framework, head engine cowl overall shape has parallel sides, non ejector ports correct location, but wrong armour and support are all moulded to fuselage should be bulbous; vertical fin too square; ac- shape, in part-relief and have a raised surround; halves, resulting in awkward join line; one-piece cess hatch on both sides of fin; no rear fuselage panel lines close to matching plans with a few clear canopy sections; standard and ‘blown’ jacking hole; rudder profile too narrow at top exceptions; wing root access panel shape and versions included, but slightly short because and rib detail wrong; aerial lead-in at top of fin bulge more akin to A-8, bulge is still wrong for the angle of the rear frame edge is too steep; done within the fin, instead of on top; separate that version really; no mid-span cannon oblong windscreen centre panel is not oblong, frames fan, but only 10 blades; front cowl separate, bulges for an A-7; aileron hinge line at tip is too taper in at top; no partial frame or aerial lead- vi Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra in/runner at top of standard canopy separate pitot; separate cannon barrels HobbyBoss, China Decals Wheel wells: Correct size, shape and loca- Two options: A-5 flown by Herman Graf in tion; lower section of doors missing Fw 190A-6 & A-8 1943 (this should have the large intakes on the Undercarriage: Correct length oleos; axles The A-6 (#80245) was released by this Chinese cowl sides); A-7/R3, ‘Black 8’ of JG3 in 1944 at correct angle for wheel/ground; compression manufacturer in their ‘Easy Assembly’ range (no R3 set was available for the A-7?) links moulded to leg; wheels slightly too big; no in 2007, with the A-8 (#80244) following in Verdict: The age of this kit shows in the way in tread pattern; no hub detail, with axles to be 2008. This range sees the production of a snap- which certain aspects are done, e.g. lack of cockpit in- heat-flattened to set wheel on oleo; tailwheel together kit with solid wings and a partially terior, the canopy and frame separate and the mix-up and yoke moulded to starboard fuselage half, solid fuselage, plus detail parts like a conven- with variant’s equipment. Nowadays their new-tooled good size and detail; retraction arms are hy- tional construction kit. We have both kits here ones are vastly superior, so this is really now just a draulic rams, not the correct electric cams for assessment, but as the contents of each box curio or collectors’ item. Fuselage: Correct length, but extreme rear are identical, we will cover them as one. of rudder slightly too pointed due to over- Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved Heller, France accentuated trim tab; access hatch on port side panel lines and other details of tail too small; radio hatch too small; hand Wing: This is a solid, one-piece unit; correct Fw 190F #087 hold/foot step on port side too big; two oval in span and chord; panel lines match plans; Heller first released their F-series kit (#087) in panels ahead of this are erroneous; oval filler lower wing cannon access panels correct the yellow ‘Musée’ series packaging in 1974, over radio hatch too far aft; access panels on shape, but the tab on the outer edge should be then in 1978 the packaging style changed to starboard size all wrong shape/position and/or separate, not within the main panel, plus the the black-edged box and the kit was renum- too big; jacking hole in rear fuselage a raised bulges lack the ejector port holes; no inboard bered as #235. Its last incarnation was in 1987 ring, which is too big and too far aft; cooling ejector ports as holes or engraved outlines; when the packaging changed again to the awful vents mounted as wedges with no holes under- upper surface lacks mid-span oblong blisters; ‘built model’ image on the box top and an neath, correct two/gap/one layout; front profile wing root access panels wrong outline and bulge item number of #80235; the box top was later of cowl tucks in too quickly and the front cowl shape; inboard cannon barrels too long for A-6; changed to the full artwork, although the kit ring is thus too small, with a pronounced step mid-span cannon barrels you are told to remove between it and the cowl; side blisters separate, for A-6; no pitot; ailerons feature engraves ribs, good overall shape; also has the dust filters but they don’t match real thing; aileron hinge as alternative parts; correct 12-blade fan, but line straight at tip, should curve slightly; no tip blades are not set at 90º to centre; also has lights another fan set into a ring that is placed be- Wheel wells: Moulded into wing; detail hind 12-blade unit; flat and bulged upper cowl compromised as a result (cannon barrels etc. in included, the profile of the bulges and small half-relief); profile of leg area is too wide and blisters look a little too subtle, though, and the outer tip is square, when it should be at a barrels moulded in situ, but projecting too high slight angle out the top of the cowl (above it) Tailplanes: About 1mm too great in span and chord; panel lines match plans; elevators have rib detail, but it does not match real thing; trim tab correct size/location Engine: None supplied Propeller: One-piece; correct diameter’ wide blades, but profile too wide/blunt for 9-12157H3 type; spinner correct diameter, good profile, hole in centre too big Heller 087 Interior: Floor/rear bulkhead with separate side consoles, control column, seat and instru- number remained #80235. We have the very ment panel; seat a good match for real thing; first version (#087) here for assessment. no detail on side consoles or instrument panel, Plastic: Dark grey-coloured with raised panel nor any decals; no gunsight lines and other details Detail: ETC501 centreline rack with sway Lower Wing: One-piece; correct in span arms; SC250 bomb with support rods between and chord; tip profile is slightly narrow at the the fins; WB151 pods; D/F loop; access step trailing edge; wing root cannon ejector ports Canopy: Two-part; separate standard and are open/correct location, but slightly too big; ‘blown’ canopies; excellent detail and clar- aileron hinge line not curved enough at tip; ity along with size and profile; separate head HobbyBoss 80244 aileron fabric effect via ribs, but these don’t armour, but standard one lacks the support bar; match the real thing; trim tabs correct location/ ‘blown’ one comes with correct heavier style size; tip light moulded solid; mid-span cannon support; no warning decals for head armour blisters don’t match for size, the starboard Decals one being much bigger; ejector ports in the Two decal options, neither of which are Undercarriage: Lacks inner doors (correct for mid-span access panels are also at odds for size; identified in any way: A-8, ‘Black 3’ of JG3; A-8); door shape is good, although (thankfully) panel lines and a number of access panels don’t F-8, W/Nr.968233, ‘White 7’. The decals in- it does not match the (inaccurate) shape of the match plans; lines of rivets, but only a few, clude all national insignia, although the crosses wheel wells; oleo legs moulded to retraction which thus look like panel lines; double-panel for the A-8 on the upper wing come with the arms; compression linkage moulded to oleo; line on centreline, should only be single light grey centres that would need painting in axle angle correct for wheel/ground; oleo legs Upper Wing: Two halves; correct span, to match the RLM 74 or 75 of that area. Three 1mm too long; retraction arms simplified but at same tip profile error as lower piece; panel styles of swastika are included along with fuel correct angle; wheels correct diameter; plain hub lines match plans but again the small number filler triangles, but no other stencils (correct for A-8), but bolts pronounced of rows of rivets look like panel lines as well Verdict: When you consider the age of this kit, Fuselage: Solid one-piece; correct length (about 1/4 of those needed are present); same and the fact it was probably made using an NC.900 and overall shape; cowl side bulges slightly comments regarding the fabric effect on the as the basis, the detail is extremely good. As with all under size; forward cowl ring is too deep, also ailerons; wing root cannon access hatches too Heller kits it will build with ease and for a 40 year has panel line top and bottom; upper gun cowl far forward and wrong shape, also the blisters old kit, we have to say it was probably only let down moulded in situ and is the bulged version of are wrong; no mid-span cannon oblong bulges; by that odd step at the front of the cowl. the A-8; bulges are wrong shape for the A-8 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit Extra vii

national insignia, with the swastikas split in mentioned in the instructions (was the tooling two. The ‘eagle’ emblems on the fuselage side, upgraded?); separate 12-blade fan; upper cowl plus the RVD bands for each options are also access panel and gun trough panel separate; included, as are the white and yellow elements bulges of panel look too shallow and lack the of the spirals on the spinner. Again all colours other smaller bulges, or latches are listed by RLM numbers and names Tailplanes: Correct in span and chord; tip of Verdict: The one thing you can say for this range leading edge is too rounded; no detail on eleva- is that it is simple to build, and would probably be the tors; panel lines match plans best for anyone just starting in the hobby. It also has Engine: None supplied the added benefit of being ideal if you want to build a Propeller: One-piece; correct diameter, but great number of any one type, because you can build blade profile is a bit too narrow; separate spin- them in about an hour! The range is not considered ner; correct diameter and profile ‘serious’ by the vast majority of modellers, which is a Interior: Made up of separate floor, rear bulk- shame, and the generic nature of the tooling makes for head, side consoles, seat, control column and some compromises in detail and accuracy that may instrument panel; rudder pedals just wedges just be too much for some. on floor; raised detail to instrument panel, no decal; no detail on side consoles, nor decals; , seat generic and more like that of early Bf 109; generic pilot figure; no gunsight HobbyBoss 80245 Fw 190A-8/F #178 Detail: ETC centreline rack with separate This kit was first released by Italeri in 1978 sway bars; separate 300lt drop tank with some and has remained in production on and off ever engraved detail; separate D/F loop; separate since, although at the time of writing it is not access step anyway and lack the smaller bulges on top; cowl listed within the 2014 Italeri catalogue. Canopy: Two-part; kit offers both standard latches too big; cooling flaps moulded as open Plastic: Light grey-coloured with mainly and ‘blown’ canopies; separate head armour wedges, but correct two/gap/one layout; exhaust raised panel lines and some details as engraved and supports for each canopy type; no warning outlet on fuselage sides wrong shape/too small; lines stencil decal for head armour; standard canopy rudder has raised ribs, but too few/inaccurate Lower Wing: One-piece; correct span, chord slight too short and aft half is too shallow in style; no aft fuselage jacking hole; radio hatch marginally narrow towards tip; inboard cannon profile; partial frame and aerial lead roller on lacks latches; filler point above radio hatch not ejector ports are holes, but the shape is a bit too top of canopy; ‘blown’ canopy also slightly shal- applicable to A-6; large square hatch below small/short; no mid-span access panels at all; low in profile, the ‘bulge’ not being pronounced cockpit on starboard side not applicable to A-6 other panel lines match plans; ailerons slightly enough; windscreen front panel tapers slightly and wrong shape (too square) for A-8; separate narrow, but hinge correct; ailerons lack any rib at bottom 12-blade fan detail; ammo box access panels on centreline Tailplanes: Correct in span and chord; no have oblong holes instead of latches and the panel lines on tailplanes; elevators feature raised two ports forward of these are too square; no tip ribs, but these don’t match the real thing; trim lights; separate pitot tab correct size/location Upper Wing: Two halves; same notes as Engine: None supplied lower wing for length/chord and aileron detail; Propeller: Moulded as one with spinner; inboard cannon barrels too long; wing root can- propeller diameter correct; blade profile too non access panels wrong shape/location and the pointed/narrow; spinner diameter correct, but bulges are wrong; no latches slightly too short in profile Wheel wells:Position and overall size good, Interior: Plug-in tub with moulded seat, side but the leading edge profile of the main wheel consoles and control column; detail is basic and area is too great on the flat (long) edge; inner compromised by the one-piece moulding; no bays have separate roof sections, but the outer rudder pedals; instrument panel moulded to legs are just openings up into the wing with no tub and too small; no decals or detail for side detail consoles or instrument panel; no gunsight Undercarriage: Oleos correct length; axle Detail: ETC centreline rack with separate angle correct for wheel/ground; separate com- sway bars; 300lt drop tank with good detail; pression linkage; retraction arms odd shape (big separate D/F loop (not applicable to all A-6 vari- circle in middle) and are at too shallow an angle; ants); separate IFF antenna; separate access step wheels correct diameter; no tread pattern; flat Italeri 178 Canopy: One-piece, moulded closed; correct hubs, but too many bolts; tailwheel and yoke as length, but the side profile wrong, as the top one unit; tailwheel is too small; aft linkage on edge is a flat line to the windscreen, where it yoke is too far down/back on unit should rise and round off at this point; head Fuselage: One-piece except extreme rim of armour and support moulded as one piece; no cowl; short by 1mm, all at front of cowl; overall Decals warning decal for head armour profile good and cowl sides correctly bulge; Two options: ‘Red 19’, II./JG300, Ger- Decals access hatch below cockpit on starboard side, many, 1944; ‘Black <<’ of an unknown unit, #80245 - Two options: ‘Black 7’ of 5./ radio hatch on port side and cooling gills on Germany, 1945. The decals include all national JG54, autumn, 1943; W/Nr.410004, ‘Black both sides all engraved lines; hatches lack any insignia and a series of stencils. There are no <<’, flown by Hptm.Walter Nowotny, I./JG54, latch detail; filler points and crew foot/hand swastikas and although all the decals are num- November 1943. The decal sheet includes all holds all missing; access panel on port side of bered, there is no corresponding numbering on unique markings and even the yellow panels fin too rounded at corners; rudder devoid of any the painting guide on the back of the box under the wings, rudder bottom, cowl chin and rib detail; kink in rudder hinge too close to top Verdict: I built one of these years ago, in fact num- even aft fuselage band. The swastikas are in two of fin; there is a separate rudder also included, bers of them whilst doing a load of weapons sets from parts to get round the laws in certain countries but it is not mentioned in the instructions; the old Airmodel range. It’s a great kit, builds well and all colours are given by RLM number and extension to fuselage by wing root not defined and looks good once completed. OK, it lacks detail and name. by panel lines; bulges on cowl side good size/ engraved panel lines, but the overall profiles are good #80244 - Two options: ‘Red 19’, 5./JG300, shape; front separate cowl ring correct diameter and it certainly looks the part. Today it is overshad- Germany, October 1944; ‘Red 8’, flown by and opening good, but only very shallow inside owed by the better Hasegawa and Revell examples, Uffz. Willi Maximowitz, IV./JG3, June 1944. with no details of engine behind; oddly another with the latter being a lot cheaper, so this one is going Once again the decal sheet offers all unique and matrix-type insert is on the sprue that is not to find it tough getting an audience nowadays. viii Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits

Matchbox, UK Decals #PK-6 - Two options: ‘Red 10’, III./JG51, 1/72nd Fw 190 Eastern Front; ‘Red H’ SG1, Crimea, Russian first released their A-series kit in 1943. The decal sheet includes national insignia 1973, and as was the norm for them back then, with swastikas and the yellow fuselage band of it was moulded in multi-colour plastic in the the first option. There are no stencils belief that kids could build it without paint. #40051 - Two options: A-4/R6, ‘White The kit was reissued again as #PK-51 in 1989 17’, Deutsche Bucht (German Bight), 1943; and then under Revell AG’s control in 1991 Fw 190A-3, ‘Red H’, Russia, 1943. The decal as an A-4/R6 & A-3 (#40051), because Revell sheet includes national insignia, but no swasti- leased the Matchbox brand from 1991 through kas, and stencils, but only three to 1999. We have #PK-6 and #40051 here for Verdict: Matchbox kit were always easy to make assessment. and went together well. They were intended for young- Plastic: Light blue and green-coloured (#PK- sters, as an extension to collecting Matchbox die-cast 6) or light grey and green-coloured (#40051) cars etc., and in that they did their job because the with raised panel lines and a mix of raised and author did all his formative modelling with Matchbox, engraved lines for other details Matchbox 40051 not Airfix. This is a basic kit, and in its time it was Lower Wing: Two halves, to a point inboard quite acceptable in the market; today, though, it is just of the tip, but not split on a panel line; ailerons too simplified and with Revell owning the toolings and and flaps moulded with upper halves; panel their having a newer-tooled kit themselves, this one is lines not 100% accurate; mid-span access correct length and profile; tail fin and rudder not likely to see the light of day again. Probably only panel correct location, shape not 100% right slightly thin in profile, but marginal; rudder top for the collector, in its original box. and bulge slight too big/should be flatter at includes the built-in aerial lead mount of the front edge A-3 series and the separate post of the A-4 (one MPM, CZ Upper Wing: Two halves, correct span and or the other being retained/removed depend- chord; panel lines pretty good, but one at in- ing on which you build); kink in hinge line too Fw 190 series board leading edge does not follow the staggers close to top; fabric detail on aileron via ribs, but MPM produced a whole series of Fw 190s from that are present in it, it’s just a diagonal line; no too few and wrong style/location; no trim tab 1994 through to 1996, all of them limited-run, raised line for the wing root access hatch; bulge on rudder; no rear formation light on rudder; low-volume injected plastic with resin and/or on hatch is simplified and lacks any detail/ most panel lines match plans, there are a few photo-etched detail parts. Those types released latches; ailerons moulded as one in these halves; missing, though; no jacking hole in aft fuselage; included the Fw 190 V1 (#72032) in 1996, fabric effect via ribs, but too many; trim tab access hatch in port side of fin too wide overall; the Fw 190 V18/U1 (#72033) in 1995, the indistinct and not proud of aileron trailing edge; radio hatch engraved, lacks any latches or hinge Fw 190A-5/U14 (#72048) in 1994 and the aileron hinge line correctly curves slightly at tip; detail; crew foot/hand-hold engraved, but too Fw 190S-5 (#72030) in 1995. no tip lights; no pitot; separate cannon barrel square; wing root forward fillet correctly does We will do the S-5 here (it actually offers for wing roots only not include extension; cooling vents engraved both S-5 and -8 versions in the box), with and correct two/gap/one format; upper gun the V18/U1separately because they are very access panel moulded with fuselage half and different products. The A-5/U14 was just the lacks any detail, latches or bulges; forward gun Academy kit with new parts added for the trough as separate insert, the gun barrels being torpedo etc. moulded in situ and are a bit over-accentuated; Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved bulges on side of cowls good size/location; en- panel lines and rivets graved access hatch below cockpit on starboard Other parts: Photo-etched brass details and side only applicable to A-8; all the oval access vac-formed clear plastic canopy hatches are too squat, they should be longer and Lower Wing: Single-piece; about 1mm short thinner ovals; nose cowl and extreme armoured in span, chord correct; inboard cannon ejector ring separate, both with good diameter and ports only half-relief; mid-span access panels are profile; front ring includes fan moulded in half- devoid of any detail of bulges (may well have relief; correct 12-blade configuration had the flat panels fitted); panel lines match Tailplanes: Slightly long in span, but all due plans; mix of correct and missing access panels; to tip profile which is too pointed; chord cor- aileron hinge line correct; aileron fabric effect rect; hinge and panel lines engraved and match accurately depicts internal ribs; aileron trailing Matchbox PK-51 plans; rudder has fabric effect via ribs, but they edge at same point as trim tab, with ‘dip’ before don’t reflect original it to define the tab; bulge caused by mould Engine: None supplied damage noticeable on inboard starboard wing Propeller: Separate propeller and spinner; surface; propeller correct diameter and excellent blade Upper Wing: Two halves, lacking ailerons, Wheel wells: None as such, just holes in the profile; spinner correct diameter, but slightly which are complete with lower wing section; lower wing halves with a tab half way along blunt/short span about 1mm short, chord correct; panel for the retraction arms; fuselage area of bay is Interior: Only generic bulkhead with ledge lines match plans; wing root access panel simpli- boxed in, but there is no detail and the wing seat and pilot figure fied, with no detail; wing root cannon barrels join goes through it; overall shape and size of Detail: centreline rack, but it is just a shape- in situ, should be removed; pitot missing mid- wells are good, though less oblong block; 300lt drop tank, but lacks span, although shown in box art Undercarriage: Oleo legs 1mm too long; axle any detail and has the tube in the front only Wheel wells: Outer areas moulded into lower at correct angle for wheel/ground; retraction seen on the wing tanks for the G-series; SC250 wing halves, inner section is just open into the arms moulded to oleo, but wrong shape and set bomb, but any lacking any detail, nor any rods fuselage; overall shape and size/location correct too far down the leg (even though their overall between the fins Undercarriage: Separate oleo legs; correct angle is correct; separate main and inner doors, Canopy: Canopy framework moulded into length; axle correct angle for ground/wheel; but both lack any form of detail (inside or fuselage halves; single canopy/windscreen unit; compression linkage as etched part; retraction out); wheels of correct diameter but just simple standard canopy style; size and profile good, but arms have the odd round mid-section seen in ‘buttons’ lacking any tyre or hub detail; separate rear frame line is slightly too vertical; no aerial other kits of the Fw 190; wheels correct diam- tailwheel and yoke; yoke is simplified, while the roller/lead-in on top of canopy; windscreen eter; no tread pattern; hubs are plain, should be tyre is too small frames taper slightly at top; no head armour, six-hole for S-5; separate main doors, no inner Fuselage: One-piece to front cowl ring; support frame or decking ones; doors have internal and external detail; Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits ix tailwheel and yoke moulded together, shape a MPM, CZ Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; panel bit odd and tyre under size lines match plans; elevators feature rib detail Fuselage: Moulded as one to the front cowl Fw 190 V18/U1 that does not match drawings; trim tab correct ring; correct in length and profile; wing root has MPM produced the Fw 190 V18/U1 size/location correct extension; cowl side bulges a little flat; (#72033) in 1995 and it remained in produc- Engine: None supplied cooling flaps moulded as slightly-raised panels; tion for a number of years, but has been Propeller: Spinner and propeller moulded panel lines match plans; all access panels lack unavailable for quite a while now. together; spinner correct diameter but profile is detail/latches; access panel below cockpit on Note that for this assessment we had to go else- too pointed; propeller blades about 1mm short starboard side only applicable to the S-8; S-5 where for scale plans and thus used those published and profile is a little narrow at its mid-point style upper gun access cowling and troughs in the CMK Photo Hobby Manual #1502. Interior: Floor, seat, side consoles, instru- separate, good overall shape but bulges behind Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved ment panel, rudder pedals, seat belts and gun barrels too pronounced; S-8 version also panel lines and rivets control columns; rudder pedals, side consoles, included (correct size/shape); front cowl ring Other parts: Photo-etched brass details and instrument panel and seat belts are all etched separate, correct diameter/profile; separate 12 vac-formed clear plastic canopy brass; instrument panels also feature acetate blade fan, although it has a lot of flash negative film for the dial faces Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; panel Detail: None, as this prototype did not lines match plans; elevators feature rib detail carry IFF or a D/F loop; the shields that run that does not match drawings; trim tab correct along above the exhausts on each side of the size/location nose have to be made by the builder, but a Engine: None supplied scale template is included in the instructions Propeller: Spinner and propeller moulded Canopy: Single-piece; vac-formed clear together; spinner correct diameter and profile; plastic; depicts the reinforced framework well; propeller blades marginally short and profile is overall shape and profile good too narrow/pointed Decals Interior: Floor, seats, side consoles, bulk- Just the one decal option, as only one built; heads, instrument panels, rudder pedals and CF+OY. Decals include all national insignia, control columns; rudder pedals, side consoles but no swastikas, plus a full set of airframe and instrument panels are all etched brass; stencils that we assume are based on a stand- instrument panels also feature acetate negative MPM 72033 ard A-series film for the dial faces; oddly no etched seat belts Verdict: Again, the nature of the limited-run Detail: Separate D/F loop, IFF rod antenna Lower Wing: Single-piece; correct span and product makes this one for experienced modellers, and FuG 16ZY ‘Morane mast’ all supplied as chord correct; panel lines don’t match plans; but it is still the only real option for the type in this etched brass; etched is not really suitable for the has the cannon ejector ports from a standard scale. There are a lot of good images of this machine, IFF rod antenna, so this is best replaced with machine in the inboard position in half-relief, thankfully, but even then you will still need to decide rod; no crew access step, nor pitot for mid-span but suspect these were covered over; plans what colours you think it was painted! (S-5) or wing tip (S-8) show wings with mid-span cannon access Canopy: Single-piece; vac-formed clear panels with bulges, doubt that was so for this Planet Models, CZ plastic; depicts the flat-sided canopy used in the extensively modified prototype; no pitot early production S-5 and S-8 only; correct in Upper Wing: Two halves; span and chord Fw 190C V15 length and profile; would have been nice to get correct; panel lines match plans; wing root Planet Models do low-volume production of a spare! access panel simplified, with no detail; ailerons esoteric subjects in resin, and they offered a feature subtle fabric effect; hinge line at tip series of C-series airframes, with the C-0/V16 straight, should curve slightly (#117) announced but never issued in 2006, Wheel wells:Outer areas moulded into lower then the V13-16 (#228) and V15 (#230) wing halves, inner section is just open into the released in 2010. We have the V15 here for fuselage; overall shape and size/location correct assessment. Undercarriage: Separate oleo legs; correct Components: Tan-coloured resin with en- length; axle correct angle for ground/wheel; graved panel lines and rivets compression linkage as etched part; retraction Wing: One-piece; span and chord correct; arms have the odd round mid-section seen panel lines match plans; aileron hinge line in other kits of the Fw 190; wheels correct correct (straight); no tip lights (in indentation diameter; no tread pattern; hubs are plain, for same); ailerons features ribs, but too many; should be six-hole and photos show tyres had trim tab over 90% of aileron trailing edge(?); cross-ply tread patter; separate main doors, wing root access hatch correct and bulge with internal and external detail; tailwheel and not bad; underside panel lines match plans; MPM 72030 yoke moulded together, shape a bit odd and tyre under size Fuselage: Moulded as one; correct in length and profile; tail and rudder profile is not square enough, really, very noticeable at leading edge/ Decals top of fin; cowl has moulded flap detail, but Two decal options: ‘Red 115’ of an unknown it is a bit soft/poorly defined; front sections of unit in Germany in 1944; +MV of the Fighter exhausts moulded in situ, aft sections separate; School at Altenberg in September 1944. The panel lines at odds with plans in places; fea- decal sheet includes all national insignia, with tures the oblong access panel on the starboard the swastikas split in two, and a complete set of side from the A-8, does not apply here; bulges airframe stencils on the side of the upper (ex-gun) access panel Verdict: The nature of the limited-run product are too subtle and the smaller ones above and makes this a kit for experienced modellers really, and it forward of them are too round; ventral intake will be hard work even then. The other alternative is to split horizontally, its shape and profile match use some parts to cross-kit with the Revell one to ease plans; blanking plate with photo-etched matrix the build, as Libor has done. This is really still the inside ventral intake, plus separate exhaust only option in town for the two-seater in 1/72nd scale, flap; separate blanking plate with etched ma- but it is not a ‘shake and make’ build. trix to go in the front of the fuselage as well Planet Models 215 x Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits

mid-span cannon access hatch shown without Detail: Crew access step OK, but the outboard edge is at the wrong bulge; gun ports in wing leading edge all shown Canopy: One-piece vac-formed plastic; angle; no internal bay or detail of any kind covered over; wing root cannon ejector ports good overall shape and profile, but too long by (see-through into wing/fuselage interior) plated over; mid-fuselage underside part of about 1-2mm; spare included Undercarriage: Oleo legs just straight tubes wing, shows the round access hatch associated Decals with gaiters at bottom; too long by about with the production Fw 190-series, doubt ap- One option: W/Nr.0037, CF+OV. Decal 3mm; axle is a pin that goes through the tyre, plicability here; separate pitot included sheet includes crosses, codes and Werke Nr., as so at 90º to oleo; no compression links; no Wheel wells: Moulded into one-piece wing; well as swastikas, but they are split in two. retraction arms; doors are flat panels that lack good depth and detail; centre section has the Verdict: Planet kits are lovely, they build well, any detail save for spurious rows of rivets; tail- dimpled roof; correctly omits the cannon bar- but you pay for the esoteric nature of the subject wheel and yoke moulded to starboard fuselage rels passing through it matter and its therefore limited sales potential. If half; tailwheel wheel is very small Undercarriage: White-metal oleo legs; cor- you want a V15 in your Fw 190 collection this is rect length; axle at correct angle for ground/ the only real option, but it’s well worth having and tyre; wheels correct diameter; six-hole hub, but building. holes too small; tyre has cross-ply tread pat- tern; retraction arms separate, correct shape/ Revell, USA/UK/Germany length; separate main doors; correct shape for main area, lacks extensions at bottom/front; Fw 190A #H-613 door is also too short by1-2mm at top; sepa- Revell’s first attempt at the A-series dates back rate white-metal tailwheel and yoke; tailwheel to 1973, although it was actually first released is too small; tailweel bay area solid, so wheel with their Hurricane in the ‘Flying Deuces’ assembly is truncated series (#H-226) from 1970-72. It was reissued in 1974 as #H-62 and in 1976-78 as #H-53, before its final outing in 1992 as #4123. Revell own all the ex-Frog Luftwaffe moulds as well, but they have never reissued the Frog Revell 04123 Fw 190 because they had the type already. We have #H-53 here for assessment and as it features the aerial lead-in of the A-1 to A-3 Fuselage: Moulded to front cowl ring; series, we will assess it as that series of variants correct length; cross-section is too skinny and Plastic: green-coloured with raised panel almost round in the rear section; rudder is too lines and rash of rivets! narrow and features ribs that do not match Lower Wing: One-piece; span 6mm short; plans; rudder hinge is straight, lacks kink at overall plan of wings is very skinny, being up top; exhaust stacks visible; cooling vents as en- to 1mm short front and rear towards the tip; graved lines, but too close together for an A-3 aileron hinge line correct, but rib/fabric effect and wrong for A-1 or A-2; bulges on cowl sides does not match plans; trim tabs too long and are too long and squared off at the front like wide; wing root ejector ports correct size and tropical filters: front cowl ring diameter OK open, but have raised edges; mid-span access at rear, but too big for engine opening; front panel wrong shape and lacks the bulge and ring is also too pointed, should have a curved Planet Models 230 ejector port; panel lines don’t match plans; lip, not a sharp one; cooling fan (12-blade) surface a mass of lines of rivets; centreline rack moulded in half-relief into front cowl moulded to wing, but shape is wrong Tailplanes: 2mm short and also very narrow Upper Wing: One-piece, including root and in chord; panel lines match plans; surface also across fuselage; same dimensional errors as covered in lines of rivets; ribbed effect in eleva- Fuselage: One-piece to back of cowl gills; lower piece; same comments about ailerons, tors, but not accurate; trim tabs slight too long slightly short, all at front; aft fuselage also panel lines and rivets; wing root cannon access Engine: None supplied slightly skinny in cross-section; panel lines panel wrong shape, slightly raised and the Propeller: Moulded as one piece with match plans; upper (ex-gun) cowl has correct bulge is just cylindrical; wings also feature odd spinner; blade profile not bad, but a bit too bulges on side and top; depicts early version, combinations of access panels at mid-span, pointed at tip; spinner diameter small and side so also has the secondary bulge below the ex- like an early Bf 109 and something we have profile too pointed gun access panel; vertical fin top correct as per seen in another kit (e.g. Frog - albeit with the Interior: None at all, not even a pilot figure A-1 to A-3 series (no aerial mast); chin intake odd round panel moved back a bit!); pitot at and ledge seat matches plans; couple of smaller access panels mid-span; wing root cannon barrels moulded Detail: 300lt drop tanks for under the missing, all the rest lack detail/latches etc.; in situ, but too short for MG151/20; no barrels wings, but just generic shape with moulded front cowl and flaps as one unit, correct length at mid-span, nor holes; no wing tip lights nor pylon nothing like real thing; W.Gr.20 and diameter, but the profile from the side indentations for same rocket tubes, have fins visible one end and the at the front looks too flat, without the slight Wheel wells: Correct location; general size warhead the other, the supports are wrong, bulge before the cowl curves round; gun ports though; WB151 pods, with moulded gun bar- in top of cowl need opening up; matrix detail rels, but front profile of pod is too steep inside cowl quite shallow; long exhaust stacks Canopy: Canopy rear framework is moulded supplied separately with fuselage halves; clear canopy/windscreen Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; tip too unit; canopy is standard sort but is too narrow tapered at front; panel lines match plans; eleva- when viewed from above; top profile is too flat; tors feature rib effect that matches plans; trim windscreen centre panel too narrow and aft tabs missing frame is slightly too vertical; no partial frame Engine: None supplied nor aerial lead-in/roller; no head armour or Propeller: Separate blades and spinner; support; no decking aft of cockpit blades about 1mm short, profile OK; spinner Decals correct diameter, bit too pointed in profile The instructions only show one option, but Interior: Cockpit tub including upper rear two letters are given: ‘Red H’ SG1, Crimea, decking; separate seat with moulded belts; no Revell H-53 Russian 1943 or ‘Red G’, which can be as- etched details; separate instrument panel, but sumed to be from the same unit. The decal lacks any real detail; separate control column sheet includes all crosses, swastikas and unit Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits xi

markings, plus the yellow rear fuselage band. angular, though; wheels are resin, nice detail few are missing; wing root cannon ejector ports The wing tip and chin underside have to be and cross-ply tread is subtle, but the six holes in half-relief and have secondary smaller port painted yellow by the builder. No stencils are are slightly teardrop-shaped; separate retracting outboard; forward lower section of fuselage included arms, but offered as hydraulic rams, which also included, but has two 1/2 bulges that Verdict: Yes, what can you say, really not one were only used on the prototypes should not be there and the edges of the cowl anyone is likely to collect and so basic and inaccurate Fuselage: Correct in length and cross-sec- panels do not match plans; mid-span cannon that it is unlikely to be built. The built model looks a tion; top of the fin/rudder too square; rudder access panels wrong shape/size; aileron hinge bit odd, very skinny and perched up on long u/c legs, lacks any attempt at fabric effect and trim tab line correct; ailerons feature numerous raised so we can’t see this one gaining any followers and it is indistinct; panel lines match plans; bulges lines to reproduce internal rib structure; flaps is just as well Revell did a new tool in the 1990s! on cowl side look too large in cross-section and too narrow (error in panel line at trailing edge); a simple oval, when it should be deeper at the tip lights moulded solid and extend out too far Sword, Czech Republic bottom; exhaust outlets lack any detail inside (done as ‘bulbs’ on tip, instead of recessed) (no stacks); upper gun access panel and trough Fw 190A-1 as separate part, good overall shape/size, does This kit (#SW72009) was first released in lack a few engraved details, though and guns 2000 and remained in production for many are moulded in situ; jacking holes in aft fuse- years. It is said that this is the same tooling lage only in partial-relief that Legato, under their AZ Model range, Tailplanes: Correct in span and chord; panel reissued but close inspection shows the parts and hinge lines match plans; trim tabs correct and sprue layouts to be so completely different size/location that any ‘update’ resulted in, to all intents and Engine: None supplied; engine fan correct purposes, a new kit. See the AZ Model section 12-blade type elsewhere. Propeller: Single-piece unit; correct diam- Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved eter, but blade profile too wide; spinner of panel lines but no rivets correct diameter and profile Lower Wing: Span and chord correct; Interior: A single resin tub, with seat, rudder ailerons moulded with upper panels; separate pedals and control column all moulded in situ, Arii A335-800 flaps, no corresponding detail inside the wing; detail suffers as a result, with the seat lacking wing root cannon ejector ports only in half any definition from the sidewalls; instrument relief and slightly over scale; mid-span cannon panel is two-part plastic, but lacks any real access panel correct location/size, but the bulge detail, just a series of holes in part-relief; no de- shape simplified; under-cowl exhaust outlet cals for the side consoles or instrument panel; Upper Wing: Two halves; correct span but moulded with wing, but lacks any stacks inside rear decking behind canopy separate and chord reflects errors in lower half; main the ‘hole’ nicely detailed; head armour of correct style panel lines match plans; wing root access Upper Wing: Moulded as two separate Detail: The instructions miss that the sup- cover wrong shape, as is the bulge on it and panels, complete with ailerons; panel lines plied pitot needs to be fitted to the starboard no latches; mid-span oblong panels too wide mostly match, the horizontal one inboard is wing; separate access step and the bulge on top too low and flat sided; missing, though; root access panels correct flat Canopy: Two-piece; plastic is cloudy; main aileron hinge line correct; ailerons feature same profile and shape; ailerons smooth, lacking any canopy and windscreen correct length/shape raised ribs as lower half; undercarriage position attempt at fabric effect; tip light solid; aileron for closed position indicator rod moulded in situ, but too short trim tab indistinct Decals and more of a bump than a pole; separate wing The kit only offered one option, ‘Green and mid-span cannon barrels; separate pitot 1’ flown by Oblt Walter Schnieder, II./JG26, for wing tip late 1941. The decals are nicely printed by Wheel wells: Moulded into lower wing half; Techmod, although carrier film is quite matt. overall shape and size correct; moulded detail The swastikas are split in two and a series of a bit shallow, cannon tubes are wrong shape/ stencils are also provided size and the dimpled effect is too random/ Verdict: A good attempt to offer 1/72nd model- spaced out lers the A-1, but this was during the earlier stages Undercarriage: This mould is well-known of limited-run production, so although not as bad for having the oleo legs at full extension, as as some kits seen in the late 1980s and 1990s, the basis was the NC.900 then on display in it will probably still fall short of most modellers’ France hung from the roof with its undercar- expectations. Most will back-date the Tamiya A-3, riage down! As a result each leg is some 5mm though, so this one is probably only for the collector too long; sliding element of oleos depicted nowadays. with canvas covers that only apply to A-1 to A-3 (some A-4) series; separate compression Sword SW72009 1/48th Scale links, but these are also at full extension; doors correct size/shape, but some of the engraved detail is erroneous and the insides Arii, Japan lack any accurate details; main wheels cor- rect diameter, but they are balloon type, not Wheel wells: Supplied as separate resin Fw 190A-7/A-8 correct for the Fw 190; hubs too small as component; correctly depicts the ‘boxed’ This kit actually originated with Otaki in Ja- result of ‘balloon’ tyres and hub is work of interior with dimples in the plates; cannon pan in the early 1960s, and has been reissued fantasy with eight-rib style; separate tailwheel barrels also separate resin parts; due to limited by many other firms over the years, including moulded to yoke; shape of the tailwheel unit nature of kit’s manufacture, getting the resin Airfix, AMT & Matchbox, so what follows does not reflect the staggered shape of origi- bay inside the wing will require considerable applies to all these releases, save for the plastic nal; tailwheel hub features over-accentuated sanding colour, which may vary per manufacturer. ribs of the real thing Undercarriage: Oleos of correct length; Plastic: Light fawn-coloured with engraved Fuselage: Moulded from rudder to front compression links moulded to legs; no canvas panel lines and rivets cowl ring; length under by 2mm and profile covers on the sliding oleo elements; separate Lower Wing: One-piece including the is skinny along entire length; rudder profile inner doors, but very thick; main doors have undercarriage bays; span correct, but chord is wrong at trailing edge; raised lines to repro- good internal and external detail, the profile of marginally under in certain areas; panel lines duce internal ribs on rudder; trim tab correct; the leading edge and the bottom, may be too match plans; most access panels there, but a rear formation light moulded solid; jacking xii Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits hole in real fuselage just engraved ring; panel Fujimi, Japan hatches etc really only applicable pre-A-8 and lines match plans; most access panels also then, they are not 100% accurate/all there; present; cooling vents moulded as wedges, Fw 190A-6/A-9 radio hatch features latches as heavy raised but correct layout; exhaust outlets just blank First released in 1971 as #5A-13M, it was re- detail; access panel on port fin is raised; rudder faces; fuselage extension present by wing root; numbered as #P-4 in 1987, then as #30044. It hinge line accurate in shape; rudder has same cowl side bulges excellent shape/location; front was also included in the Dogfighter Series with recessed detail as elevators; trim tab present, cowl profile too flat, should be a curved slope; the Spitfire Mk V as #35510 in 1995, then tail light moulded solid; cooling vents moulded separate front cowl ring 1mm under diameter; reissued as the standard kit in 1998 (#30104), open as wedges (no holes); fuselage does not small recess in front cowl ring, no engine with it being back in the 2010 catalogue as both feature extension so inaccurate for any versions detail; separate 12-blade fan, but each blade #300047 & #P-4. from A-5 onwards; hinges around cowl side is too square and wide and set at too steep This kit can be built as an A-6, A-6/R1, A-6/ panels as over-accentuated raised detail; cowl an angle; upper gun cover and trough panel R3, A-6/Trop, A-7/R1, A-7/R3, A-8/R1, A-8/R3, side bulges too big; front cowl ring reflects the as separate part, good overall shape, bulges A-8/Trop, A-9/R1 and A-9/R3 and was originally overall under-size nature of the fuselage, profile too flat towards windscreen and two smaller designed to have Mabuchi Mini Baby motor not bad, but the front edge is too sharp/narrow; blisters set on the centreline of the main bulge, fitted. upper gun access cowling separate, both flat should be just off this Plastic: Light grey-coloured with engraved and bulged versions included and moulded with Tailplanes: 1mm too long, but all due to tip panel lines and other details front gun trough panel; overall shape poor, too profile being too pointed; curved and bulges/detail all inaccurate; separate Engine: None supplied tropical intake bulges, although the moulded Propeller: Separate propeller and spinner; detail has to be cut off before they can be used blades each 1mm short, but profile excel- Tailplanes: 3mm short and also narrow in lent; spinner diameter correct, but profile too chord; hinge line correct (albeit short); panel sharply tapered, should be more bulbous lines match plans for location; elevators feature Interior: Cockpit tub moulded with the detail of internal structure via recesses, not ac- decking under the canopy, all raised detail; curate for fabric covering separate seat of correct style, although narrow Engine: Basic blanking plate inside cowl due to plastic thickness of fuselage/tub com- with attempt at cylinder heads, but too shal- bined, seat has moulded seat belts; separate low and inaccurate; no reduction casing or instrument panel, but raised detail is only distributor; separate 12-blade fan, but under limited; separate control column, but just a size and inaccurate simple stick, no detail; no gunsight Propeller: One-piece unit with spinner; each Detail: Separate D/F loop, IFF rod antenna, blade 1mm short, profile is not bad; spinner ‘Morane mast’ and access step; ETC centre- actually correct diameter although slightly too line rack with sway bars; 300lt drop tank but long and lacking any detail engraved detail at odds with photos and the Interior: Floor with side consoles, rear retaining strap is moulded as a raised ring; very Fujimi P-4 bulkhead, seat, control column, pilot figure and small tube in front of drop tank, a bit like the instrument panel; all detail is inaccurate and wing-mounted tanks on the G-series; WB151 basic cannon pods with separate barrels Detail: centreline rack with sway bars; 300lt Canopy: Canopy framework is a separate Lower Wing: One-piece including the under- drop tank, SC250 bomb; wing racks with 300lt piece, but moulded with the head armour carriage bays; span 10mm short overall, chord drop tanks, WB151 cannon pods; MK103 can- support secured into it, which means the is also about 2.5mm under along entire span; non pods; the detail on all of these parts is basic canopy can’t be posed open; two-part clear main panel lines match plans; access hatches do at best, although the drop tanks do have all the elements; size and shape of both clear parts not match plans; mid-span access panel is wrong recessed lines good; partial frame and aerial lead-in on top shape/location; wing root cannon ejector ports Canopy: Canopy framing moulded to fuse- of main canopy; windscreen frames correct/ small and only half-relief; wheel well moulded lage halves; due to under-size nature of entire front panel sides are parallel; our example had into wing; aileron hinge line correct; trim tab kit, there is not much point commenting on poor clarity correct; ailerons feature recesses detail of internal the dimensions of the canopy, as both parts are Decals structure, not accurate for fabric effect; equally under size Oddly the instructions and box side show Upper Wing: Two halves; span and chord Decals two options (‘Black 13’ and ‘Black 4’), but the errors as per lower half; panel lines don’t match Five options, none of them identified in any only decals supplied are for the aircraft shown plans; wing root access panel outline not bad, way: A-7/R3, ‘Red 23’; ‘A-8/R1, ‘White 4’; A-8/ on the box top, which is not in the instruc- but bulge is too long and no latch detail; no R1, ‘Black 13’; A-8/R3, ‘Black H’; unmarked tions; W/Nr.681497, ‘White 11’, flown by mid-span oblong panel for A-8 onwards; gun A-6/Trop; The decal sheet includes all national Gefr. Walter Wagner of 5 Staffel II./JG4 in the barrels separate but no variation in size/length markings, swastikas and unique insignia, along winter of 1944/45. This was an A-8/R2 and as for all the versions; with a couple of stencils, tail bands and the such should have the mid-span MG151/20s Wheel wells: Moulded into lower wing half; ‘eagle head’ motif. The dimensions of all mark- replaced with MK108s. No idea why the con- overall shape and size correct; moulded detail ings looks odd, probably due to the under-size tradiction in colour schemes shown and that a bit shallow, cannon tubes are wrong shape/ nature of the kit as a whole. offered, but the kit we used was factory sealed, size and the dimpled effect is too random/ Verdict: The dimensional errors in this kit make it so we presume this is how they all came? The spaced out most likely that it is in fact 1/50th or smaller, which decal sheet includes crosses and unique mark- Undercarriage: Correct length oleo, but detail makes sense considering how many other kits of this ings, plus swastikas, but they look too big. on it is generic and inaccurate; axle correct angle scale Fujimi produced that have since been relisted as There are no stencils. for tyre/ground; separate compression links, no ‘1/48th’! Overall a simple kit, well moulded, but too Verdict: Bit of a mixed bag, because for a 50+ detail; retraction arms separate, no detail; main basic and inaccurate to offer much. year old kit the quality of moulding and detail wheels are small and hub detail although show- Otaki originally got into this model, it must have ing six holes is totally inaccurate; doors correct Italeri, Italy been a real eye-opener for others. The errors with size/shape, but have odd angular deflection the undercarriage etc., can be accepted, at least to front half of main area, also lack any detail Fw 190A-8 (#2678) and Fw 190A ‘German they actually looked at an Fw 190 before tooling inside or out; tailwheel yoke and wheel as one Aces’ (#2693) it, not just studied scale drawings! Although unit, both of which are greatly under size Italeri reissued the A-series kits previously needing a few fixes and having some ‘off ’ details, Fuselage: One-piece from back of rudder for marketed by Trimaster that had been revised this should build into a nice looking model once the front cowl ring; 8mm short and overall profile is and updated by Dragon. For more details of the undercarriage is shortened! way under size; panel lines match plans; access basic tooling see the Dragon section. Both kits Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits xiii

Monogram, USA with excellent shape; pilot figure actually very good for Luftwaffe style clothing and helmet; Fw 190 separate control column; instrument panel with This kit was first released as #6804 in 1965 excellent raised detail, but only the bottom half and it was reissued with their 1/48th Sherman and the upper section moulded to upper decking as a ‘Ground Attack Combat ’ set in and devoid of detail; head armour separate with 1984 (#6034). Then in 1988 it was reissued support arm, but latter wrong shape (tube) and with the P-51B as ‘Air Combat Combo #3’ former too rounded at top (#6081). It was reissued by Europe Detail: Two bombs and rack for under wings, as an Fw 190A-5 in 1993 (#74016) and finally both items are simplified and the bombs too big as part of the ‘Monogram Classic’ series with for SC50s and too small for SC250; also on the original box art etc. (#85-0107) in 1999. We sprues but not used are the ETC centreline rack have #6804 and the Air Combat series (#6081) with sway bars, SC250 bomb for the centreline, Italeri 2678 release here for assessment. WB151 and MK103 cannon pods Plastic: Black and green-coloured with raised panel lines, hatches and a mass of rivets Lower Wing: One-piece; marginally short in still had the photo-etched frets, but as with the span (>1mm), also slightly short in chord; panel Dragon kits, all the parts originally metal in the lines match plans; not all access panels present/ Trimaster examples were plastic by now. correct location/size; mid-span cannon access Decals panels wrong size/shape for any version; wing #2678 - Six options: ‘Black <<’, flown by root cannon ejector ports correct size/location, Maj. Kurt Bühligen, JG2. Germany, 1944; ‘Red also open; aileron hinge line correct; ailerons 19’, flown by Uttz. Ernst Schröder, JG300, feature recessed detail that matches internal October 1944; ‘Black <’, flown by Maj. Karl structure, not accurate for fabric covering; trim Kennel, II./SG2. Germany, May 1945; ‘Red 11’, tab correct size/location; separate flaps with SG10, Parchim, Germany, 1944; ‘Red 1’, flown internal detail as per the later wooden versions by Lt. Hans Dortenman, 12/JG54, France, Upper Wing: Two halves; span as per lower; 1944; Aircraft of Kommanso Seyditz, Riga, Rus- most panel lines match plans, ailerons as per Monogram 6801 sia, 26th April 1944; The decal sheets includes lower wing; wing root access panel wrong all national insignia, but no swastikas, plus a outline/bulges; cannon barrels moulded to wing, full set of stencils; The blue RVD band of JG54 slightly too long inboard and only suitable for Monogram 6804 is also supplied, plus the ‘Freies Deutschland’ to MG151/20 outboard; no pitot go underneath the final option, which also car- Wheel wells: Opening suitable for A-8 on- ries red crosses, Russian stars and RAF roundels! wards; outline of bay slightly at odds with plans; #2693 - Five options: ‘Yellow 2’, flown by no internal detail/structure at all; no inner doors Oblt. Josef Wurmheller, 9./JG2, Vannes, France, (for A-4 to A-7) Canopy: Separate framework and glass ele- September 1943; ‘Black <<’, flown by Hptm. Undercarriage: Oleo legs about 1-2mm too ments; main canopy overall length good, profile Walter Nowotny, Stab I./JG54, Orel, Russia, long; moulded with compression links; covers on a little wide at the rear; features the partial frame October 1943; aircraft of Maj. Hermann Graf, oleo slider, not applicable after A-3; main wheels and aerial lead-in; front windscreen good overall Gr.Ost., Atlantic Coast/France, April 1943; correct diameter and cross-ply tread pattern; shape, but the front panel is 2mm too wide (will ‘Black 13’, flown by Obstlt. Josef Priller, Stab/ hubs too small and completely erroneous ribbed effect decking/coaming as well) detail; tailwheel and yoke moulded together, Decals lacks detail and all under size; retraction struts #6804 - Six options: A-5/U3 Trop ‘Red 23’; wrong shape and suffer from flash/mis-moulding A-7/R2 ‘Yellow 4’; A-8/R1 - ‘Yellow 4’; A-8/R3 Fuselage: Fuselage extension present, so A-5 ‘Red H’; A-5/U8 - ‘Red H’; A-5/U3 - ‘White onwards; overall length good but too skinny in <|’, The decal sheet includes all the crosses, cross sections, especially around nose and top of swastikas, all the unique markings and a series fin/rudder; access doors on both side of vertical of stencils as well as the lower section of the fin and raised; rudder hinge short at top due to instrument panel. Looking at all of them you can profile of rudder; rudder features recessed rib see they were hand-drawn, as they all look a bit detail; panel lines match plans; access hatches ‘shaky’ as far as straight lines go! as per A-8 onwards; cooling gills moulded as #6081 - One option: ‘Black 1’ that is half open wedges, no holes; no exhaust stacks; unidentified in any way are does not match the cowl side panels and bulges good shape/location; ‘Yellow 4’ shown on the box art (which was the upper decking, forward gun trough panel and A-7/R2 option in the original kit) Decal sheet Italeri 2693 instrument panel coaming all moulded as one, includes national crosses, numbers and the ‘eagle excellent shape and detail with nice gun bar- head’ motif, but no swastikas or any stencils rels; separate tropical filter units also included, Verdict: A real blast from the past, Monogram cer- although kit parts will need cutting to fit and tainly knew how to make some nicely detailed kits, but not used in this version; front cowl with separate today the raised details coupled with the accuracy issues JG26, Lille-Vendeville, France, 1943; ‘Black ring, both are slightly under in diameter; separate means that this one is only suitable for the collector. -‘, flown by Maj. Walter Oesau, Stab./JG2, 12-blade fan unit moulded with back of spinner Beaumonte-le-Roger, France, June 1943. Once Tailplanes: Correct span and profile; hinge line MPM, CZ again the decals offer all national insignia except correct; panel lines match plans; elevators feature swastikas, a full set of stencils plus the yellow recessed rib detail; trim tabs correct size/location Fw 190S (#48028) tail band, ‘eagle head’ motif and red petals and Engine: None supplied This limited-run injected kit was released by MPM red/yellow tail markings for Graf’s machine. Propeller: Propeller and spinner moulded as in 1998 and remained in production for a couple Verdict: Just like the Dragon versions these old ex- one; correct diameter; blade profile a bit thin at of years before being removed from their catalogue. Trimaster kits are hard to build and so we would only base; spinner correct diameter and profile; kit It may seem odd to produce the type as a completely recommend them if they are already in your collection, actually includes a plain spinner to make it look new tooling, instead of basing it on a mainstream or are available in your location cheaper or more like the propeller is spinning kit, but at this stage the only real option was the readily then the easier ones from Eduard, Hasegawa Interior: Cockpit tub moulded to upper Tamiya kit, which we doubt would have been avail- or Tamiya. decking; excellent raised detail; separate seat able to them. xiv Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits

curve is too abrupt; extreme front cowl ring not panel lines match plans; no rivet detail; ailerons separate, defined by panel line only; inner plate feature scalloped fabric effect that matches ribs with some engine detail to go into cowling, very shown in scale plans; no trim tabs; looks to be shallow detail; 12-blade fan resin and moulded mould damage to trailing edge of starboard wing, with spinner backplate, fragile and blades easily as the edge bends up slightly; tip lights moulded broken; correctly notes that the oval access panel solid under the fuselage should be filled for the S-5 Wheel wells: Correct shape/size/location; in- Tailplanes: Span slightly too great, but mainly board doors are moulded with lower wing and in due to tip profile being too rounded in certain closed position; outer sections of wells moulded areas; hinge line correct; panel lines match plans; into upper wing halves, mid-section is a separate fabric effect on ailerons via recesses to match part with correct dimpled surface internal structure; trim tab correct size/location Undercarriage: Doors and oleo legs moulded Engine: None supplied as one; correct length to leg and door; axle at MPM 48028 Propeller: Separate blades and spinner, with correct angle for tyre/ground; compression link spinner backplate moulded to (resin) fan; blades moulded in situ, but combined with door due to correct length, but profile too wide resulting in moulding limitations; oleo slider element features tip being too pointed; spinner correct diameter, canvas covers; no retraction arms; wheels of cor- slightly too long and pointed and hole in centre rect diameter; tyres have cross-ply tread pattern; Plastic: Grey-coloured with recessed panel moulded as raised lug hub features correct six-hole pattern lines and other details Interior: Resin tub with moulded sidewalls Fuselage: Moulded as one from rudder to Lower Wing: One-piece; 1-2mm too great etc; separate seats with etched belts; separate cowl; correct length and profile; rudder features span; tip profile slightly too narrow at trailing etched rudder pedals; separate control columns, scalloped effect to match ribs on scale plans; edge; panel lines match plans; access panels but both standard type, whilst rear one is just trim tab on rudder; tail light moulded as solid; match plans; no bulges on mid-span access panel; a post; separate etched instrument panels with aerial lead-in at top of fin correct style for A-1 to bulges at leading edge for cannon (shouldn’t be acetate negative film for dial faces A-3 series; panel lines and access hatches match there), wing root cannon ejector ports correct Detail: Access step plans; cooling vents moulded in half-relief, but of size/location, only half-relief; trim tab correct Canopy: One-piece injected plastic or vac- correct size/shape; tips of exhaust stacks moulded size/location; aileron hinge line correct; ailerons formed plastic; good overall size and shape; in situ, will be visible once one-piece cowl fitted; feature recessed detail to match structure under- injected one only depicts early flat-sided style; one-piece cowl of correct length, shape and diam- neath, not accurate for fabric applied; tip lights vac-formed one offers both early (flat) and late eter; separate front cowl ring of correct shape and moulded solid; no pitot, has to be made from (bulged) versions; windscreen correct size, front diameter; engine block with separate reduction tubing by builder panel has parallel frames and correct width casing moulded with 12-blade fan included for Upper Wing: Two halves; 1-2mm over span; Decals this area; side cowl bulges correct shape/position same comments regarding tip profile and ailerons Four options: ‘Red 55’ or ‘Red 54’ of an as lower wing; panel lines match plans; access unknown unit in late 1944; unmarked machine panels match plans; wing root access panel bulges of an unknown unit in 1944; ‘Red 115’ of an good shape and have latches unknown attack unit, 1944. The decals include Wheel wells:Correct size/location; interior well all the national insignia with the crosses done in as resin insert, with excellent detail and correct two parts, plus a complete set of airframe stencils dimpled effect on mid-section; has cannon tubes Verdict: Usually the two-seater is a conversion running through it, but type unarmed and no job and there have been many sets to do this, barrels supplied for wing anyway but this kit from MPM actually has a lot to offer Undercarriage: Correct length; axle correct thanks to the excellent detail of the resin and angle for tyre/ground; compression links moulded photo-etched parts coupled with excellent decal to oleo; doors correct size/shape for u/c down; options and injected and vac-formed canopies. instructions show that the small section on the The limited-run nature does not make the build inner edge needs to be cut away for the S-5; easy, so not one for the inexperienced, but with interior and exterior detail on doors; retraction no 1/48th two-seat conversion on the market as arm correct style and complete with smaller ram; we write, probably the best option for the type if resin main wheels of correct diameter, cross- you can track one down. ply tread pattern and good plain hub detail; tailwheel and yoke as one piece; tailwheel tyre a Pegasus Hobbies, USA Pegasus Hobbies little under size (marginal); shows the bay profile 8414 as needing to have the square profile of the S-5 Fw 190A-3 (#8414) with inner doors cut from the bay; no inner This new-tooled kit was released in 2010 and it doors supplied for S-5 version is part of this manufacturer’s ‘E-Z Snap’ range of Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; hinge line Fuselage: Moulded from rudder hinge to snap-together kits. correct; panel lines match plans; elevators feature front cowl ring; 1mm short; panel lines match Plastic: Dark green-coloured; recessed panel scalloped fabric effect matching ribs shown in plans; some access panels present, others missing; lines and other details plans two-seat fairing good, with subtle join to main Lower Wing: One-piece to a point inboard of Engine: Basic unit to add detail behind fan fuselage and ridge alongside canopy; cooling the tip and excluding the flaps and ailerons that and propeller; item is nearly identical to one doors moulded closed as engraved lines; separate are moulded with the upper halves; correct in in Tamiya kit; reduction casing with distribu- exhaust stacks; fuselage extension present; cowl span and chord; wing root ejector ports correct tors that are separate in Tamiya kit have been side bulge good shape/location; both flat and size/location and open holes; panel lines match moulded with the fan unit here bulged upper gun access cover included, excellent plans; mid-span armament access panel correct Propeller: One-piece propeller and spinner shape and profile with correct secondary bulges; shape/location, has latches and the bulge shape/ unit; propeller of correct diameter; blade profile upper gun trough insert separate, troughs too profile is pretty good; mid-span cannon barrels a bit too wide; spinner of correct diameter and long; some machines retained upper guns, but moulded to wing and are too long; profile no barrels moulded to trough or access panel; Upper Wing: Two halves, complete with entire Interior: Tub with all detail (side consoles, separate rudder, good overall shape although a flaps and ailerons; correct span and chord; pitot seat, control column) moulded in situ; sepa- little narrow at base; fabric effect more realistic correctly at mid-span; wing root cannon access rate instrument panel with raised detail; rear on rudder; trim tab correct; rear formation light panels correct shape, are slightly raised and the bulkhead with head armour, but no support stay moulded solid; separate front cowl section, bulge looks good (with latch detail); wing root for the head armour; no decking behind cockpit correct diameter (inner and outer), but front cannon barrels moulded in situ, correct length; (recess is there to take it as per the Tamiya kit, Bf 109 V1 to E-9 and T-series Kits xv

but the part is not in this kit to go there; no master pushed our hobby in the 1990s. None of these length and offered as flat or bulged; bulge profiles gunsight kits should be built today, put them on show as part of not bad, although smaller ones are not present; Detail: No IFF rod antenna your collection and marvel that they are now over 25 front upper panel moulded with side cowls, Canopy: One-piece; correct length and profile; years old! troughs good shape partial frame and aerial lead roller on top; wind- Tailplanes: Correct span and chord; leading screen frames correct, with centre panel having 1/32nd Scale edge of tip too rounded; fabric and rib detail on parallel side elevators, not accurate; trim tab correct size/loca- Decals tion; hinge line good; panel lines match plans One option, not identified in any way, but it Frog, UK Engine: Multi-part engine with exhaust pipes, is W/Nr.0552, ‘Black <<’, flown by Hptm. Josef reduction casing, engine bearers and 12-blade Priller, III./ JG26, 1942. Decals are supplied in Fw 190A fan; fan unit correct number of blades, but each two types, waterslide or as self-adhesive transfers. This kit is actually the Hasegawa tooling, dating is too narrow Each set offers the crosses and unique markings, back to 1970 and marketed under the Frog label Propeller: Separate propeller and spinner; plus Werke Nr, but no stencils. in the UK and Europe as #F278 from 1972 to blades short by 2mm and too wide profile for Verdict: Even a cursory look at the parts will see 1973. Nearly all the comments below also apply A-series options; spinner correct diameter, but how much influence the Tamiya kit had on this one. to the Hasegawa example, as this was just a too pointed This does mean that the kit is accurate and apart from straight reboxing of that kit, decals and all. Also Interior: Basic floor with rear bulkhead and the inner u/c doors being moulded ‘up’ and some odd note that this basic tooling was the one used for side consoles; separate seat, but too wide and detail omitted, whilst others are rather clumsily com- Hasegawa’s F-8 ‘Anti Tank Attacker’ (#08130) wrong style; separate control column and rudder bined (e.g. undercarriage), the overall product will build and Revell’s F-8 (#04716) in 2001, as their own pedals, both very basic/inaccurate detail; separate well and look good. we suspect a lot of the update sets new-tooled A-series did not arrive until 2004. bulkhead and instrument panel, the later has intended for the Tamiya A-3 kit will work here as well! Plastic: Dark green-coloured with raised panel spurious raised dials etc.; pilot figure very basic; lines, hatches and rivets no decals for instrument panel or side consoles; Revell, Germany Lower Wing: One-piece, excluding flaps, no seat belts which are moulded to upper halves; span cor- Detail: Centreline ETC rack with sway bars; Fw 190G-8/A-8/R8 (#04536) rect; chord correct; some panel lines engraved, MK103 gun pods; SC500 and SC250 bombs Revell AG in Europe released the ex-Trimaster/ others raised; mid-span access panel is raised with fin support rods; 300lt drop tank; grooves Dragon A/G-series kit in 1999. For more details and depicts flat version (not applicable to all of the basic tooling see the Dragon section. variants offered); wing root cannon ejector ports, Detail: Centreline rack with sway bars; SC500 half-relief, too far aft and surround is raised; two bomb with separate fins and ring; wing racks and blisters under nose area which don’t exist on real 300lt drop tanks; unused on the sprues were the aircraft; ailerons feature fabric texture and rib MK103 cannon pods and two 300lt drop tanks detail that is not accurate for real fabric covering; Decals tip lights moulded solid and recesses wrong shape Two options: ‘Red 12’ of II./SG10, Bad Aib- (cut back into wing tip); bulge at centreline is too ling, May 1945; ‘White 3’, flown by Oblt. Karl big/long Brill, 10./JG54, Lemberg, Poland, summer 1944. Upper Wing: Two halves; correct span/chord; The decal sheet includes all the national insignia ailerons as per lower wing; some panel lines except swastikas, plus the cowl bands for the first match plans; wing root access panel wrong option and a complete set of stencils, including outline and bulge is a simple teardrop shape; those for the drop tanks and SC500 bomb separate pitot at mid-span or tip dependant on Verdict: A simple mix of parts from the Trimaster/ variant Dragon tooling allowed an elusive version to be offered a Wheel wells: Moulded into lower wing, quite year later and a lot cheaper than the Shanghai-Dragon shallow and rib detail all spurious; profile at example. Today, however, as with all Trimaster/Dragon- outboard end too thin; no cannon barrels pass- derived Fw 190s, it is eclipsed by modern examples even ing through bays; middle section has roof but though it will build up into an impressive model. covered in small blister, not dimples, too many/ Frog F278 wrong layout Trimaster, Japan Undercarriage: Oleo legs correct length; axle angle correct for tyre/ground; covers on slider Fw 190A/F series element, only applicable up to A-4; separate on drop tank moulded as raised thin lines and no Trimaster released their first kits in 1988 and compression links; separate retraction arms, but central retaining strap; detail on ETC rack fairing ceased trading in 1990. All were subsequently odd ‘bent’ hydraulic ram; main doors correct is not accurate obtained by Dragon with all bar MA-8 being reis- overall shape, although a little skinnier at leg end; Canopy: Separate framework, but has a close- sued by them (and others) over the intervening external detail good on doors, insides devoid of plate moulded into it that is not there on real air- years. Comments for the basic kits can be found any detail; wheels correct diameter, with cross-ply craft; standard canopy head armour and support under the Dragon section, but for the record here tread pattern; hubs feature six holes but too shal- bar; clear section good side profile, partial frame is a list of those released with the Trimaster label: low and both details at odds with plans; tailwheel on top with aerial lead-in; windscreen separate, #MA-5 Fw 190F-8 unit moulded as one with tyre, whole thing is too good shape and profile, with front panel correct #MA-6 Fw 190A-8 small and lacks detail width/parallel sides #MA-7 Fw 190A-8/RII Nightfighter Fuselage: Moulded from back of rudder to Decals #MA-8 Fw 190A-8/R8 Rammjäger cowl joint; about 2mm short; profile of vertical Two options: A-5/U3, ‘Black 8’, II./JG1, 1944- Please note that all the Trimaster kits had fin and rudder short by 1-2mm, also trailing edge 45; A-7/R3, ‘Black 13’, flown by Obstlt. Josef white-metal undercarriage legs, retraction arms, of rudder skinny; fuselage extension present; all Priller, JG26, France, Jube 1944. The decal sheet exhaust stacks, bomb rack sway braces and access panels raised, do not match plans; panel includes all crosses, swastikas and unique mark- tailwheel unit (combined yoke and wheel). lines don’t match plans; cooling vent doors ings, along with a series of stencils. The etched frets in most kits offered rear upper moulded open; fabric effect and internal rib de- Verdict: You can see where Hasegawa got their cockpit decking (two styles of hatch), bomb fins; tail on rudder, looks good, but not realistic; trim inspiration for the later new-tooled Fw 190, as there radiator matrix; drop tank strap; exhaust sur- tab correct; rear formation light moulded solid; are many elements in this kit that were carried forward, rounds; wing reinforcement plates; rudder pedals; cowl side blister moulded to fuselage halves, odd albeit much more detailed/accurate. Overall this is a seat belts, undercarriage ribs, instrument panels, profile at trailing edge; front cowl section correct product of its age, the shapes are good, the detail gim- head armour, side consoles, D/F loop and FuG diameter; front cowl ring correct inner diameter, micky at times and a mass of raised detail and rivets. 16Zy antenna. but outer is under because the unit is skinny With the vastly superior new-tooled versions from Verdict: Beautiful examples of just how far Tri- overall; separate cowl guns; upper cowl is correct Hasegawa nowadays, this one is really for the collectors. xvi Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List

Kit List Fw 190 Radial-engine Kits

Below is a list of all static scale construction kits produced to date of the radial-engine Focke-Wulf Fw 190 series. This list Notes is as comprehensive as possible, but if there are amendments inj – Injection Moulded Plastic or additions, please contact the author via the Valiant Wings ltd inj – Limited-run Injection Moulded Plastic Publishing address. mtl – White‑metal (including Pewter) pe – Photo-etched metal • Academy [inj] 1/144th Fw 190A #4437 (1995) res – Resin • Academy [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A #1670 – Announced in 1988, vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic but never released (1999) – Denotes date the kit was released (1994->) – Date/s denote start/finish of firm’s activities, • Academy [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 ‘Heinz Bar with Kübelwagen’ the exact date of release of this kit is however #2213 (2003) unknown • Academy [inj] 1/72nd P-47D & Fw 190A-8 ‘Normandy 1944’ ex- – Denotes the tooling originated with another firm, #12513 (2014) the original tool maker is noted after the ‘-’ • Academy [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6/8 #2120 (1992)

• Accurate Minitures [inj] (ex-Eduard) 1/48th Focke-Wulf • Arii [inj] (ex-Otaki) [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-7/A-8 Fw 190A-8 ‘Josef Pips Priller on D-Day’ #0402 (2008) #A335 (1986)

• Admiral [inj/pe] 1/72nd Fw 190A-4 ‘Jabo’ #7201 (2002) • Aurora [inj] 1/47th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #30 (1952-1976) • Admiral [inj/pe] 1/72nd Fw 190F-1 #ADM 7204 – Announced – Later reissued as #30-59, 30A-69 [with and w/o swastika], for 2011, not released to date 30-69, 30-79, 30-80, 30-100 & 30-130 and 344-79 • Aurora [inj] (ex-Heller) 1/72nd Fw 190F #6604 (early 1970s) • Advent [inj] (ex-Revell) 1/72nd Fw 190A-3/A-5 #3305 (1979-80) • AZ Model [ltd inj/re/pe] (ex-Sword) 1/72nd Fw 190A-0 #7265 • AHM [inj] (ex-Ikko) 1/150th Fw 190G-1 #K-410 (mid-1970s) (2009) • AZ Model [ltd inj/re/pe] (ex-Sword) 1/72nd Fw 190A-1/2 ‘Jabo’ • Airfix [inj] (ex-Doyusha) 1/100th Fw 190A #A50024 (2008) #7266 (2009) • Airfix [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8/F-8 #03029-0 (1977) – Reissued • AZ Model [ltd inj/re/pe] (ex-Sword) 1/72nd Fw 190A-1 ‘Aces’ in 1983 (#02063), 1988 (#02085) in the ‘Aircraft of the Aces’ #7267 (2009) series and as part of the ‘FW Mistel’ (#A05040) in 2008 • AZ Model [ltd inj/re/pe] (ex-Sword) 1/72nd Fw 190A-2 # 7268 • Airfix [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 #A01020 (2013) – Released as (2009) a ‘Dogfight Double’ with the Hawker Typhoon (#A50136) in • AZ Model [ltd inj/res/pe] (ex-Sword) 1/72nd Fw 190A-4 #7296 2013 (2010) • Airfix [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/A-8 #A02066 (2014) • Airfix [inj] (ex-Otaki) 1/48th Fw 190A-8 #05105 (1999) – Also • Bandai [inj] (ex-Monogram) 1/48th Fw 190A #8904 issued as a ‘Starter Set’ (#95105) (late 1970s) • Airfix [inj] 1/24th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #16001-8 (1981) – Reissued as #916001 in 1985, #16001 in 1986, #16001 in • Bienengraber [inj] (ex-Frog) 1/72nd Fw 190A #F211F 1996 , #A16001 in 2008 and as #A16001A in 2013 (1969-74)

• Airmodel [vac/res] 1/72nd Fw 190B/C V13/V16 #AM-038 • Blue Max [vac] (ex-Combat Models) 1/32nd (vac) Fw 190S-8 (1969-1980) #3205 (1984) • Airmodel [vac] 1/72nd Fw 190 V1 #AM-7001 (1969-2000) • Airmodel [ltd inj] 1/72nd Fw 190 V18/U-1 #AM-7002 (1988) • Casadio [mtl] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 #23362 (1988) • Airmodel [res] 1/72nd Fw 190 V18 #AM-2013 (1980s-2000) • Casadio [mtl] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #23375 (1988) • Casadio [mtl] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8/R3 #23388 (1988) • AMT [inj] (ex-Frog) 1/72nd ‘Famous Fighters II’ set #3956 • Casadio [mtl] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 #23391 (1988) (1967-early 1970s) – Included Tempest Mk V, D.520 & Fw 190 • AMT [inj] (ex-Otaki/Arii) 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 #8887 • CMK [res] 1/87th Fw 190A-8 #HO A003 (2003) (mid-1990s) • [Luis] Congost [inj] (ex-Frog) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A • Antares [res] 1/48th Fw 190 V19 #ANT-12 (2003) #4000 (late 1970-80s) Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xvii

• Crown [inj] 1/150th Focke-Wulf Fw 190G-1 #420 (1960s-80s) • Eldon [inj] (ex-Marusan) 1/100th Fw 190A #011 (1968) – Ex-Ikko tooling although never actually released by that firm • Elvin [inj] 1/165th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #N/K (late 1950s) • Czechmaster [res] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190B-0 #0301 (1997) • Esoteric Models [res/vf/wm] 1/48th Fw 190 V1 #SLE-1 (1991) • Esoteric Models [res/vf/wm] 1/48th Fw 190 V2 #SLE-2 (1991) • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190A-4 ‘JG-1 Oesau’ • Esoteric Models [res/vf/wm] 1/48th Fw 190 V1 (Mod) #SLE-3 #5524 (1995) (1991) – V1 without the ducted spinner (Limited edition) • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190A-5 ‘Special’ #5506 (1992) • Extraplan [vac] 1/72nd Fw 190G-2 #N/K – Announced in 1992, • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190A-7 ‘with slipper never produced tank #5545 (2005) • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190A-8/R11 Nachtjäger • FE Resin [res] 1/144th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V13/V15 #144040 #5514 (1994) (2004/5) • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190A-8 #5502 (1991) • FE Resin [res] 1/144th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V18/U1 #144041 • Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190G-3 Long Range (2004/5) Fighter-Bomber #5537 (2005) • FE Resin [res] 1/144th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V29 #144042 (2004/5) • Shanghai-Dragon [inj] (ex-Trimaster) 1/48th Fw 190G-3 #5537 (1998) – Reissued 2012 • Frog [inj] 1/72nd Focke Wulf 190 ‘Inside Story’ #F.147 • Frog [inj] 1/72nd Focke Wulf 190 #393P (1959-1964) – • Eagle/Eagleware[inj] (ex-Vulcan 1/96th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 Renumbered #F393 (1964-1967), #F147 (1965-1967), #F211 #4 (1950s to 1963) – Eagle from mid-50s to 1962, then Eagleware (1968-1971), #F211F (1968-1974), #F393 (1974-1976) and #F211 (1976 only) • Eduard [inj] 1/144th Fw 190A-5 #4401 (1999) • Frog [inj] 1/72nd ‘Combat Series’ Beaufighter & Fw 190A • Eduard [inj] 1/144th Fw 190F-8 #4402 (1999) #F522 (between 1970 & 1973) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A Nachtjäger ‘Dual • Frog [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3 & A-4/R6 #F406 – Combo’ #1144 (2009) Planned for 1972 but never produced, was intended as a replacement • Eduard [inj/pe] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A ‘JG54 Grünherz for #393P Dual Combo #1155 (2011) • Frog [inj] (ex-Hasegawa) 1/32nd Fw 190A #F.450 – Planned for • Eduard [inj/pe] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A Nightfighter release under this number in 1971 but did not appear ‘ProfiPACK’ #8177 (2014) • Frog [inj] (ex-Hasegawa) 1/32nd Fw 190A #F278 (1972-73) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #8174 (2007) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 ‘Weekend Edition’ • Fujimi 1/48th Fw 190A-6/A-9 #5A-13M (1971) – Renumbered #8430 (2008) P-4 (1987), then #30044, also included in the Dogfighter Series • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5/A-6 ‘Grünhertz’ with the Spitfire Mk V as #35510 in 1995, reissued as the #1154 – Announced for 2010, not released standard kit in 1998 as #30104 and 300047 & P-4 in 2010 • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6 #8171 (2007) • Eduard [inj/pe/res] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6 ‘Hajo • Gartex [inj/res/pe] (updated ex-Hasegawa) 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/ Hermann’ #RK001 (2009) R15 Blitz Fighter #GA:13 (1996) • Eduard [inj/pe] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-7 ‘ProfiPACK’ #8172 (2012) • Hasegawa [inj] ‘Egg Series’ Fw 190 #ES 002 (1980) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 #8173 (2006) – • Hasegawa [inj] ‘Egg Series’ Wolf Panic #EW2 (1983) Reissued in 2009 and again in 2013 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A #JS-106 (1975) – By 1977 this • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 ‘Nightfighter’ was #A24, reboxed and reissued as Fw 190A-5 #005 in 1994 #8187 – Announced for 2012, not released • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-3 #AP43 (1996) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 ‘Weekend Edition’ • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-4 ‘Jagdgeschwader 1’ #09744 #8429 (2007) (2007) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R2 #8175 (2007) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-4 #AP44 (1996) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R2 ‘Weekend • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-5 #AP7 (1993) Edition’ #8428 (2010) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-5 #000046 (2000) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-9 ‘ProfiPACK’ #8187 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-5 ‘J. Piller’ #00607 (2003) (2010) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-5/6/8 ‘Piller Combo’ #02003 • Eduard [inj/pe] 1/48th Fw 190A-8 ‘Royal Edition’ #R0004 (2012) (2007) – Limited edition • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 and Focke- • Eduard [inj/pe] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 #8179 (2008) Wulf Fw 190A-5 ‘IJA’ #02014 (2012) • Eduard [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 ‘Weekend Edition’ • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-6 ‘Galland’ #00268 (2001) #84111 (2011) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-6 ‘Night Fighter’ #AP131 (1996) – Reissued in 1998 xviii Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List

• Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-6 ‘Night Fighter’ #AP144 (1997) Notes • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-7 ‘JG1’ #AP160 (1998) inj – Injection Moulded Plastic • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-7 ‘with Slipper Tank’ #00172 ltd inj – Limited-run Injection Moulded Plastic (2001) mtl – White‑metal (including Pewter) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 #006 (1994) – Reboxing of pe – Photo-etched metal JS-106 res – Resin • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 #AP3 (1992) vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 ‘D-Day’ #AP128 (1994) – (1999) – Denotes date the kit was released Reissued as #SP129 (1994->) – Date/s denote start/finish of firm’s activities, • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 ‘Nacht Jäger’ #AP5 (1992) the exact date of release of this kit is however unknown • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 ‘Bär’ #AP115 (1995) ex- – Denotes the tooling originated with another firm, • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 ‘JG300’ #00928 (2008) the original tool maker is noted after the ‘-’ • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 ‘Combo’ [2x kits] #01904 (2010) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 w/BV 246 Hagelkorn • Hasegawa [inj] (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) 1/48th Fw 190A-4 ‘JG1 #01984 (2012) Oesau’ #JX5 (1995) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8/D-9 ‘Combo’ #02078 2014) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190F-8 #09856 (2009) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/R16 with Torpedo Bomb • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190F-8 with BT700 Bombern #AP112 (1995) Torpedo #09950 (2011) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8 #AP4 (1992) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190F-8 ‘KG200’ #07352 (2013) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8 ‘D-Day Markings’ #SP129 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190 #JS-060 (1970) – By 1977 (1994) was #S10, reissued in 1993 as #ST6 and again in 2001 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8 ‘Hungarian Air Force’ • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-5 #ST23 (2004) #00390 (2003) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-5 ‘Priller’ #08169 (2006) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8 ‘Schlachtgeschwader 4’ • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-5 ‘Nowotny’ #08224 (2012) #00678 (2004) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-6 ‘Galland’ #08186 (2008) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/R16 with BT400 #AP112 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-6 ‘Checker Nose’ #08162 (1995) (2006) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-9/Panzerblitz 1 #AP102 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-7 ‘Bär’ #08172 (2007) (1994) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-7 ‘JG1 Red Stripe’ #08217 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A/G ‘Ground Attacker’ #AP175 (2011) (1999) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-8 #ST21 (2004) • Hasegawa [inj] (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) 1/48th Fw 190A-3 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190A-8 ‘JGr.10’ #08196 (2010) ‘Western Front 1941’ #JX105 (1995) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190F-8 ‘Anti Tank Attacker’ #08130 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-3 #JT90 (2005) (2001) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-3/A-4 ‘Eagle Head’ #09942 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190F-8 #08151 (2005) (2011) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/32nd Fw 190F-8 ‘Tank Buster’ #08183 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-4 #JT91 (2006) (2008) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-4 ‘Graf’ #09818 (2008) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5 #09798 (2008) • Heller [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F #087 (1974) – • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5 ‘with BMW 327’ [car] Reissued as #235 in 1978 and #80235 in 1987 #09755 (2007) • Heller [inj] (ex-Airfix) 1/24th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #80497 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5 ‘Graf’ with figure #09893 (1990) (2009) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5 ‘Japanese Army’ #07373 • HobbyBoss [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 #80244 (2008) (2014) • HobbyBoss [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-6 #80245 (2007) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5/U3 ‘Graf Special’ #09976 (2012) • Hobbycraft [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #HC1202 (1988) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5Y ‘Losigkett’ #09881 (2009) • Ikko [inj] 1/150th Focke-Wulf Fw 190G-1 – Never actually • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-5/U12 ‘w/gun pack’ #07320 released by them (2012) • Hasegawa [inj/res/mtl] 1/48th Fw 190A-5/U14 with torpedo • Italeri [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/F #178 (1989) #09911 (2010) • Italeri [inj/pe] (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) 1/48th Fw 190A-8 #2678 • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Focke Wulf Fw 190A-5 ‘Japanese Army’ (2009) #07739 (2014) • Italeri [inj/pe] (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) 1/48th Fw 190A ‘German • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-6 ‘Checker Nose’ #09812 Aces’ #2693 (2010) (2008) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-6 ‘Sturmstaffel 1’ #09965 • Kitty Hawk (ex-Hasegawa) [inj] ‘Egg Series’ Fw 190 #7190 (2011) (1976) – Box top was marked as ‘Fw 190D’, but this was the • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-7 ‘JG1’ #09902 (2010) A-series kit • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-8 #JT94 (2008) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-8/R8 #09841 (2009) • Korpo [inj] (ex-ZTS/Admiral?) 1/72nd Fw 190A #4111 • Hasegawa [inj/res] 1/48th Fw 190A-8 & BV 246 Hagelkorn • Korpo [inj] (ex-ZTS/Admiral?) 1/72nd Fw 190D #4112 #09933 (2011) • Hasegawa [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-9 #07318 (2012) • K&K [vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5/A-7 #N/K (1991- • Hasegawa [inj] (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) 1/48th Fw 190A-8 ‘JG5 1993) Eismeer’ #JX3 (1995) • K&K [vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/K #N/K (1991-1993) Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List xix

• KMP Models [res] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-10 #N/K • Model Graphix [inj/res] (ex-AZ Model) 1/72nd SNCAC (1993-1999) NC.900 ‘Armée de l’Air’ #48006 (2013) • KMP Models [res] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190TL #N/K (1993- 1999) • Monogram [inj] 1/48th Fw 190 #6804-0202 (1965) – Reissued with their 1/48th Sherman as a ‘Ground Attack Combat • KSN/Midori [inj] 1/?? Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #N/K (1961 to Diorama’ set in 1984 #6034. Also reissued with the P-51B 1978) as ‘Air Combat Combo #3’ in 1988 (#6081). Reissued by Monogram Europe as a Fw 190A-5 in 1993 (#74016) • Legato [res/vf] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V1 #LK4822 (2007) • Monogram [inj] 1/48th Fw 190 #85-0107 (1999) – ‘Monogram Classics’ range • Mark I Models [inj/res] (ex-Eduard) 1/144th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6/A-7 #MKM14420 (2013 • MPC [inj] (ex-Airfix) 1/72nd Fw 190A #1-4001 (1965-1985) • Mark I Models [inj/res] (ex-Eduard) 1/144th Focke-Wulf • MPC [inj] (ex-Airfix) 1/24th Fw 190A #1-4603 (1965-1985) Fw 190A-8/A-9 #MKM14421 (2013) • Mark I Models [inj/res] ä(ex-Eduard) 1/144th Focke-Wulf • MPM [ltd inj/pe] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190S-5 #72030 Fw 190F-8 #MKM14422 (2013) (1995) • MPM [ltd inj/pe] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V1 #72032 • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 (1996) #C-01 (prior 2004) • MPM [ltd inj/pe] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V18 #72033 • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 (1995) ‘Channel Coast’ #C-02 (prior to 2004) • MPM [inj/pe] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5/U14 #72048 • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6 (1994) ‘Grün Hertz’ #C-03 (prior to 2004) • MPM [ltd inj/pe/res/vac] 1/48th Fw 190S #48028 (1998) • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-7 ‘JG1’ #C-04 (prior to 2004) • Nichimo [inj] 1/65th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #S-6501 • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 (1960s->) ‘Raamjäger’ #C-05 (prior to 2004) • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/ • Otaki [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-7/A-8 #OT2-26 (early 1960s-1985) R8 ‘Sturmbock’ #C-08 (prior to 2004) • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-2 • Pacific Coast Models [Ltd inj/res/pe] 1/32nd Fw 190A-1/2/3 ‘Schlachflugzeuge’ #C-11 (prior to 2004) Combination Kit #PCM 32011 (2010) • MasterCraft [inj] (ex-Armour) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 #C-12 (prior to 2004) • Pegasus Hobbies [inj] 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3 #8414 (2010) – E-Z Snap • Marusan [inj] 1/157th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #402 (1950s-1970s) Also #7014 • Planet Models [res] 1/72nd Fw 190 Einsitifer with BMW.802 • Marusan [inj] 1/157th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #7059 #PLT 019 (1950s-1970s) • Planet Models [res] 1/72nd Fw 190C-0/V16 #PLT 117 – • Marusan [inj] 1/100th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #464 Announced 2006, not released to date (1950s-1970s) • Planet Models [res] 1/72nd Fw 190C V15 #PLT 230 (2010) • Planet Models [res] 1/72nd Fw 190C V13-16 #PLT 228 • Matchbox [inj] 1/72nd Classic WWII Fighters boxed set #PK- (2010) 1003 (1986) • Planet Models [res] 1/48th Fw 190C-0 (V13) #108 (2004) • Matchbox [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #PK-6 (1973) – • Planet Models [res/vac] 1/48th Fw 190 V15/V16 #PLT 215 Reissued in 1989 (#PK-51), then under Revell’s control in 1991 (2008) as Fw 190A-4/R6 (#40051) • Planet Models [res] 1/48th Fw 190 V18/U1 Kangaru #PLT 193 • Matchbox [inj] (ex-Otaki) 1/48th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 #PK-462 (1990) • Revell [inj] 1/144th Fw 190A #H-1018 (1973) – Reissued in 1992 as #4046 and as Fw 190A-8 #04917 in 2012 • Mavi (Model Aviation) a [vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190 • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190 #H-615 (1963) – #7007 (1993->) Reissued as H-62 in 1974, H-53 in 1976-8 and in 1992 as • Mavi (Model Aviation) [vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 Fw 190A #4123 #7026 (1993->) • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Hurricane & Fw 190 ‘Fighting Deuces • Mavi (Model Aviation) [vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 Series’ #H-226 (1970-1972) #7043 (1993->) • Revell [inj] 1/72nd (ex-Frog) Focke-Wulf Fw 190A – Never released • Merit Models [inj] 1/18th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #61802 – • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8/R-11 #04118 (1997) Announced for 2014 • Revell [inj] 1/72nd ‘Historic German Aircraft’ #05714 (2011) • Merit Models [inj] 1/18th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 #61803 – • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/A-8 & BV 246 Hagelkorn Announced for 2014 #04135 (1998) – In 2000 renumbered as #04169 and reissued in 2009 as #04171 • Minicraft [inj] (ex-Hasegawa) 1/32nd Focke-Wulf • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190F-8/R14 Torpedojäger #04147 (2000) Fw 190#1060 (1985->) • Revell [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-8 & Hurricane Mk IIc ‘Combat • Minicraft [inj] (ex-Frog) 1/72nd Focke Wulf Fw 190A #211 Series’ #04161 (2000) (1972) • Revell [inj] 1/48th (ex-Trimaster/Dragon) Fw 190A-8/G-3 #04536 (1999) • Miniwing [res] 1/144th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V27 #035 (2010) • Revell [inj] (ex-Hasegawa) 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 #04716 (2001) xx Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Kit List

• Revell-Monogram ‘Pro-Modeler’ [inj] (ex-Revell) 1/72nd Notes Fw 190A-8/R1 & R11 #85-5943 (1997) inj – Injection Moulded Plastic • Revell-Monogram ‘Pro-Modeler’ [inj] (ex-Dragon) 1/48th ltd inj – Limited-run Injection Moulded Plastic Fw 190G-2/G-3 #85-5949 (1998) mtl – White‑metal (including Pewter) • Revell-Monogram [inj] (ex-Hasegawa) 1/32nd Focke-Wulf pe – Photo-etched metal Fw 190F-8 #85-5517 (2001) res – Resin vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic • RSL [inj] (ex-Marusan) 1/100th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #464 (1999) – Denotes date the kit was released (1994->) – Date/s denote start/finish of firm’s activities, • Rutman (Jerry) [res/mtl/vac] 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 the exact date of release of this kit is however #N/K (1999->) unknown • Rutman (Jerry) [res/mtl/vac] 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R2 ex- – Denotes the tooling originated with another firm, #N/K (1999->) the original tool maker is noted after the ‘-’ • Rutman (Jerry) [res/mtl/vac] 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R8 Rammjäger #N/K (1999->) • Rutman (Jerry) [res/mtl/vac] 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-9 • Tamiya [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-3 #61037 (1995) #N/K (1999->) • Tamiya [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-3 ‘Propeller Action’ #61508 • Rutman (Jerry) [res/mtl/vac] 1/32nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-8 (2002) #N/K (1999->) • Tamiya 1/48th Fw 190F-8 #61039 (1995) • Tamiya [inj] 1/48th Fw 190A-8 & A-8/RII #61095 (2006) • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190C-0 • Tamiya [inj] 1/48th Fw 190F-8/9 with bomb loading set Höhenjäger II [V13, V15, V16] #7216 – Announced for 2000, #61104 (2008) release not confirmed • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190B • Testors [inj] (ex-Heller) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F #411 Höhenjäger I [V27] #7220 – Announced for 2000, release not confirmed • Trimaster [inj/mtl/pe] 1/48th Fw 190F-8 with X-4 #MA- • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190C-0 5 (1988) Höhenjäger II [V21] #7217 – Announced for 2000, release not • Trimaster [inj/mtl/pe] 1/48th Fw 190A-8 #MA-6 (1988) confirmed • Trimaster [inj/mtl/pe] 1/48th Fw 190A-8/RII Nightfighter • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190C-0 (V20/ #MA-7 (1989) U1) #7218 – Announced for 2000, release not confirmed • Trimaster [inj/mtl/pe] 1/48th Fw 190A-8/R8 Rammjäger #MA- • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/48th Fw 190C-0 (V18/U1) 8 (1989) Kanguruh #48005 (2003) • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/48th Fw 190C-0 (V13) Höhenjäger • Trumpeter [inj] 1/24th Fw 190A-6/A-8 #02419 – Announced II #48002 (2004) 2006, not released to date • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/48th Fw 190C-0 (V16) Höhenjäger II #48004 (2004) • UPC (Universal Powermaster Corp.) [inj] (ex-Elvin) 1/165th • RV Resin [res/pe/mtl/vac] 1/48th Fw 190B (V27) #N/K Focke-Wulf Fw 190A #8056 (1960s-70s) • UPC (Universal Powermaster Corp.) [inj] (ex-Marusan) • Sanwa/Tokyo Plamo [inj] 1/104th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 #191 1/100th Fw 190A-5 #7059 (1960s-70s) (1950s-60s) • UPC (Universal Powermaster Corp.) [inj] (ex-Nitto) 1/65th • Sanwa/Tokyo Plamo [inj] 1/50th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 ‘Clear’ Fw 190A-5 #8019 (1960s-70s) #544 (1950s-60s) • Vami Model/Dujin [res] Focke-Wulf Fw 190 ‘Falcon wing’ #N/K • Smer [inj] (ex-Admiral) 1/72nd Fw 190A-5/F-8 #0873 (2001 – Release not confirmed £3.99) • Vami Model/Dujin [res] Focke-Wulf Fw 190 ‘Turbojet’ #N/K – Release not confirmed • Special Hobby [inj/res/pe] (ex-Eduard) 1/48th Focke Wulf Fw 190A-6 ‘Ace Hajo Herrmann #RK001 (2008) • Vulcan [inj] 1/96th Focke-Wulf Fw 190 #3 (mid-1950s to • Special Hobby [inj/pe] (ex-Eduard) 1/48th Focke-Wulf 1957) Fw 190A-6 ‘Early Sturmbirds’ #SH48103 (2010) • Special Hobby [inj/pe] (ex-Eduard) 1/48th Focke-Wulf • WK Models [res] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V18 #N/K Fw 190A-6 ‘Early Sturmbirds’ #SH48106 – Not released to date (1988-1997)

• Storia del l’Aviazione [inj] (ex-Revell) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf • WSW Modellbau [res] 1/87th Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 #W-005 Fw 190A #82 (1973 & 1977-78) (2002/3) • WSW Modellbau [res] 1/87th Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 #W-006 • Swan Model Engineering [res] 1/72nd Fw 190 TL ‘Tubofan’ (2002/3) #SME14 – Announced late 1990s, never released • ZTS Plastyk [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-5/F-8 #S-013 (1998) • Sword [ltd inj] 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-1 #SW72009 (2000) • 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-4 #7304 (2013) – Snap- together kit • Tamiya [inj] (ex-Italeri) 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 #60728 (1995) • Tamiya [inj] 1/72nd Fw 190A-3 #60766 (2002) Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List xxi

Accessory List Fw 190 Radial-engine Accessories

Below is a list of all accessories for static scale construction kits produced to date for the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 radial-engine Notes series. This list is as comprehensive as possible, but if there are If no description is given the item is a detail set (specific or generic) amendments or additions, please contact the author via the br – Brass Valiant Wings Publishing address. conv – Conversion af – Acetate Film ma – Die-cut Self-adhesive Paint Masks [tape] 1/72nd MDC – Model Design Construction mtl – White-metal (including Pewter) • Aber [br] Fw 190A-2 to A-6 Armament Set #72004 Aber A72004 pa – Paper (printed or otherwise) • Aires [res/pe] BMW 801D for Fw 190A/F #7073 PCM – Pacific Coast Models • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Cockpit Set #7157 {Tamiya} pe – Photo-etched Brass • Aires [res/vma] Fw 190A-3/A-5 Wheels & Paint Masks #7234 res – Resin {Hasegawa, MPM. Smer & Tamiya} SAC – Scale Aircraft Conversions • Aires [res/vma] Fw 190A-5/A-9 Wheels & Paint Masks #7237 vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic {Hasegawa, MPM. Smer & Tamiya} vma – Vinyl Self-adhesive Paint Masks •Airmodel Frank-Modellbau [res] Luftwaffen-Rüstsätze Set 2 (inc. {Academy} – Denotes the kit for which the set is intended Doppelreiter I, BT700, SG113A, SG116 & BV 246) • Airmodel products [res/pe] Fw 190F-8 W.Gr. 28/32 Conversion #AM-6011 • AML [res] Fw 190A-4 Conversion #AMLA72 010 {Tamiya} • Airmodel Products [res/pe] Fw 190F-8 SG113 Foerstersonde • AML [res] Fw 190A Undercarriage Set #AMLA72 023 Conversion #AM-6012 {Academy, Revell & Tamiya} • Airmodel Products [res/pe/dec] Rammjäger Fw 190A-6/R7 & • AML [res/vma] Fw 190A-4 Wheels & Paint Masks #AMLA72- A-8/R2 Conversion #AM-6021 032 {Zvezda} • Airmodel Products [res/pe/dec] Fw 190A-8 Rammjäger + • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-1 through A-8 Propeller & Spinner Krebsgerät Conversion ‘Special Edition’ # AM-6021-25 #BR72087 {AZ Model, Airfix, Academy, Revell & Tamiya} • Airmodel Products [pe] Fw 190A-8 Krebsgerät W.Gr 21 • BarracudaCast [res] Fw 190A-1 through A-4 Wheels & Conversion #AM-6025 • Airmodel Products [pe] Fw 190A/F/G Superdetail Set #AM- Undercarriage Doors #BR72088 {AZ Model, Tamiya & Aires 7073 6027 Zvezda} • Airmodel Products [res] Fw 190A/F/G/D landing flaps #AZ- • Brengun [pe] Fw 190A-8/F-8 Detail Set #BRL72075 {Airfix} 72012 • Cooper Details [res/dec] Fw 190A-5 and A-6 Conversion • Airmodel products [res] Fw 190A-7 Slipper Tank Conversion #CD7212 {Hasegawa} #AZ-72014 • Airwaves [pe] Fw 190A to F Detail Set #AC72- • Cooper Details [res/dec] Fw 190A-1 thru A-4 Conversion 019 {Italeri} #CD7215 {Hasegawa} • Airwaves [pe] Fw 190A-8 Rammjäger Armour #AC72-046 • Cooper Details [res/pe] Fw 190A/D/F/G/Ta 152 #CD7214 {Italeri} {Hasegawa & Dragon} Aires 7234

Aires 7237

Airmodel AM-6011 Cooper Details CD7212 Airmodel AM-6012 Aires 7157

Airmodel AM-72014 Cooper Details CD7215

AML AMLA72010 Eduard 72-241 BarracudaCast BR72087

Eduard 72-358 Eduard 72-374

Eduard SS176 Eduard 73-505 BarracudaCast BR72088

Eduard 72-382 Eduard 72-370 Eduard 72-385 Eduard 72-274 Eduard CX386 xxii Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List

• Cooper Details [res/[e] Fw 190A/F/D Landing Gear #CD7220 • Lone Wulf Models [res] Henschel Hs 298 V2 for Fw 190 {Hasegawa} #WW06 • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190AA Interior #7014 {Revell} • Lone Wulf Models [res] Ramjet Engined Fw 190 Conversion • Eduard [ma] Fw 190 Canopy & Wheel Masks ‘Blown Canopy’ #WW20 #CX154 {Hasegawa} • Maquettes Dauzie [res/vf] Fw 190S-5/S-8 Conversion #7253 • Eduard [vma] Fw 190A Canopy Mask #XS148 {Tamiya} • Master Model [br] Fw 190A-2 to A-5 Armament Set & Pitot • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A Canopy Mask #CX029 {Tamiya} Tube #AM-72-012 Lone Wulf LW014 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A to D Wheel Wells #72-370 {Hasegawa} • Master Model [br] Fw 190A-6 Armament Set & Pitot Tube • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Detail Set #72-053 {Italeri} #AM-72-013 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Detail Set – Zoom #SS124 {Revell} • Master Model [br] Fw 190A-7 & A-8 Armament Set & Pitot • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Landing Flaps – Wooden #72-385 Tube #AM-72-014 {Tamiya} • NH Detail [pe] Fw 190A-8 Armour Plates #A72-003 • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-3 BIG ED Set #BIG7209 {Tamiya} • NH Detail [pe] Fw 190A-8/F-8 Correction Set #A72-007 {Revell} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set – Zoom #SS176 {Tamiya} • North Star [pe] Fw 190A/F/G 12-blade & 14-Blade Cooling • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set – Zoom #SS203 {Tamiya} Fans #NS72020 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Landing Flaps #72-382 {Tamiya} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-8/R11 Conversion #OWLR7212 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set #72-374 {Hasegawa} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190A-6/R11 Conversion #OWLR7213 Lone Wulf LW015 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-7 Detail Set #72-368 {Hasegawa} • Owl Models [res/pe] Fw 190F with SG113 Conversion • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set PP/SA #73-493 {Airfix} #OWLR7238 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set – Zoom #SS267 {Academy} • Part [pe] Fw 190A to D Flaps – Metal #S72-152 {Revell or • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8/R11 Detail Set #72-241 {Revell} Tamiya} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-8 Canopy & Wheel Masks #CX376 • Part [pe] Fw 190A to D Flaps – Wooden #S72-153 {Revell or {Airfix} Tamiya} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190F-8 Canopy & Wheel Masks #CX386 • Part [pe] Fw 190A Detail Set #S72-084 {Revell} Lone Wulf WW01 {Airfix} • Pavla [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Seats (x2) #S72037 • Esoteric [res] Fw 190A-3/A-4 Conversion #BJ6 {Italeri} • P-Mask [vma] Fw 190A-8 #Pk72016 {Revell} • ExtraTech [pe] Fw 190A-8 & F-8 Detail Set #EX72 062 {Revell} • P-Mask [vma] Fw 190A-8 #Pk72019 {Airfix} • ExtraTech [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set #EX72 137 {Tamiya} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190 Control Columns (x3) #QB72127 • Falcon [vac] Canopy Set No.5; Luftwaffe Fighter & Attack • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A Control Surfaces #QB72414 Aircraft [inc Fw 190A standard & ‘blown’] {Airfix & Revell} {Tamiya} • Falcon [vac] Canopy Set No.29; Luftwaffe Part 6 [inc Fw 190 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A/F Undercarriage Doors #QB72195 standard & ‘blown’] {Revell} {Revell} • Falcon [vac] Canopy Set No.42; Luftwaffe Part 7 [inc Fw 190 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-3 Exhausts #QB72047 {Tamiya} Master Models 72-012 standard & ‘blown’] {Tamiya} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-3 Gun Barrels #QB72048 {Has} • Fine Molds [mtl] Fw 190/Ta 152 Pitot Tube (x4) #AA-21 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-3 Stabilisers #QB72309 {Tamiya} • Freightdog [res] Fw 190A X-4 wire-guided missile set #72057 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-3 Rudder #QB72311 {Tamiya} {Airfix} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-3/A-8 Control Surfaces #QB72414 • Hawkeye Designs [res] Fw 190A-1 through A-4 Conversion & {Tamiya} Detail Set #112 {Hasegawa} • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-4 Fin Top Antenna #QB72294 • Lone Wulf Models [res] Doppelreiter Fuel Tanks #LW014 • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Forward Cowling Ring #QB72161 • Lone Wulf Models [res] Zeppelin Fuel Tanks #LW015 {Revell} Master Models 72-013 • Lone Wulf Models [res] SB 800 RS ‘Kurt’ Bouncing Bomb • Quickboost [res] Fw 190A-8 Propeller, Later Type #QB72077 Conversion #WW01 {Hasegawa} • Lone Wulf Models [res] S250 Smoke Screen Generators • Rob Taurus [vac] Fw 190A Canopy #72047 {Hasegawa} #WW04 • Rob Taurus [vac] Fw 190A/F Blown Canopy #72048 • Lone Wulf Models [res] Fw 190 Gero IIb Flamethrower {Hasegawa} #WW05 • Rob Taurus [vac] Fw 190A Canopy #72053 {Revell & Tamiya}

Master Models 72-014

Quickboost QB72309 Quickboost QB72195

Pavla Models S72037

Hawkeye Designs 112 Quickboost QB72311 Quickboost QB72414

Quickboost QB72077 Maquettes Dauzie 7253 Quickboost QB72294

Quickboost QB72161 Lone Wulf WW04 SAC 72079 Aires 4095 Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List xxiii

• SAC [mtl] Fw 190A/F Landing Gear #72079 {Airfix} • Schatton Modellbau [br] 30mm MK103 Barrel #7253 Notes • Squadron [vac] Fw 190A/F Blown Canopy (x2) #9107 {Airfix} If no description is given the item is a detail set (specific or generic) • Squadron [vac] Fw 190A Canopy (x2) #9107 {Airfix, br – Brass Hasegawa, Heller & Italeri} conv – Conversion • True Details [res] Fw 190A/F Seats #TD72413 af – Acetate Film • True Details [res] Fw 190A/F Cockpit Set #TD72454 ma – Die-cut Self-adhesive Paint Masks [tape] {Hasegawa} MDC – Model Design Construction • True Details [res] Fw 190A-1 to A-7 Wheels #TD72019 mtl – White-metal (including Pewter) Aber A48110 • True Details [res] Fw 190A-8/ D-12 Wheels #TD72031 pa – Paper (printed or otherwise) • Unicraft [res] Focke Wulf Fw190 Turbojet Conversion #006 PCM – Pacific Coast Models • Verlinden Productionss [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Update Set #831 pe – Photo-etched Brass {Hasegawa} res – Resin SAC – Scale Aircraft Conversions 1/48th vac – Vacuum-formed Plastic vma – Vinyl Self-adhesive Paint Masks • Aber [br] Fw 190A-2 to A-6 Armament Set #48110 {Academy} – Denotes the kit for which the set is intended • Aber [br] Fw 190A-7 to A-10 Armament Set #48111 Aber A48111 • Aires [res] Daimler-Benz DB603 #4004 • Aires [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Control Surfaces #4025 • AML [res] Fw 190A Corrected Tail #AMLA 48 029 {Eduard} • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Cockpit Set #4327 {Hasegawa} • AML [res/vma] Fw 190A-4 Wheels & Paint Masks #AMLA 48 • Aires [res/vma] Fw 190A-3 Wheels & Paint Masks #4324 043 {Dragon, Hasegawa & Monogram} {Hasegawa or Tamiya} • Antares Models [res] Focke Wulf Fw 190 Turbineläger • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Cockpit Set #4095 {Tamiya} Conversion #ANT11 • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Cockpit Set #4327 {Hasegawa} • Antares Models [res] Fw 190 Mistel Trolley for V1 #ANT27 • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set #4215 {Tamiya} • Antares Models [res] Focke Wulf Rammjäger #ANT32 • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 Engine Set #4242 {Tamiya} • Antares Models [res] Blohm und Voss BV 246 Hagelkorn #ANT44 Aeroclub V095 • Aires [res] Fw 190A-3 Wing Gun Pod #4274 {Tamiya} • Antares Models [res] Fw 190F-8/R3 Conversion #ANT45 • Aires [res] Fw 190A-3 Wing Gun Bays #4302 {Tamiya} • Antares Models [res] Fw 190F-8 with M-82 Conversion #ANT47 • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Set #4313 {Eduard} • ARBA Products [res/wm] SB800 RS Bouncing Bomb • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 & A-8/R2 Cockpit Set #4303 Conversion #AN/K {Tamiya} • Blackdog [res/pe] Fw 190A Detail Set #A48004 {Eduard} • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Engine Set #4315 {Eduard} • Blackdog [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set #A48009 {Hasegawa} • Aires [res] Fw 190A-8 Wheel Bay #4314 {Eduard} • Brassin [res] MG131 Mounts for Fw 190A/F #648 070 • Aires [res/ma] Fw 190A-8 Wheels & Paint Masks #4316 {Eduard} {Eduard or Tamiya} • Brassin [res] Fw 190 Wheels – Early #648 152 {Eduard} • Aires [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 Cockpit Set #4303 {Tamiya} • Brengun [res] Wheels for Fw 190 Early & Late Styles • Aires [res] Fw 190A-8/F-8 Wheel Bay #4289 {Tamiya} #BRL48037 • Airmodel Products [res] Fw 190F-8 SG113 Förstersonde • Brengun [res] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set #BRL48051 {Eduard} Aires 4025 Conversion #AZ-48012 • Brengun [res] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set #BRL48015 {Eduard} • Airmodel products [res/pe] SB 800 RS Kurt Version 1 Bouncing • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A, F & G Armament Set #4034 {Tamiya, Bomb Conversion #AZ-48016 Dragon or Revell} • Airmodel products [res/pe] SB 800 RS Kurt Version 2 Bouncing • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A/F Undercarriage Set #4025 {Dragon/ Bomb Conversion #AZ-48017 Italeri/Trimaster & Tamiya} • Airwaves [pe] Fw 190A Armour (Rammjäger) #AC4826 • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A-3 & A-4 Interior Set #4028 {Tamiya} • Airwaves [pe] Fw 190A to F Detail Set #AC48-027 {Airfix, • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A-5 & A-6 Conversion #4048 {Tamiya} Arii, Otaki or Matchbox} • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 & F-8 Engine Set #4033 {Tamiya} Aires 4316

Airmodel AM-6016

Aires 4303 Aires 4313

Airmodel AM-6019

Aires 4314

Aires 4274 Airmodel AZ-48012

Aires 4289 Aires 4324 Aires 4315 Airmodel AZ-48016 xxiv Airframe & Miniature No.7 Fw 190 – Accessory List

• CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A-8 & F-8 Interior Set #4024 {Dragon/ • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-5 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX236 Italeri/Trimaster & Tamiya} {Eduard} • CMK [res/pe] Fw 190A-8/R8 Jamjäger Conversion #4039 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set #48-557 {Eduard} {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set (pre-painted) – Zoom • Cooper Details [res] Fw 190A/D/F/G Detail Set #CD48009 #FE398 {Eduard ‘Weekend Edition’} Airmodel AZ-48017 • Cutting Edge [res] Fw 190A to D Control Surfaces • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-5 BIG ED Set #BIG4877 {Eduard} #CEC48241 {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-5 BIG ED Set #BIG4893 {Has} • Cutting Edge [res] Fw 190A to D Seat #CEC48143 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Interior Detail Set (pre-painted) – • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190 Cowl Correction #EP13-48 {Tamiya Zoom #FE384 {Hasegawa} or Trimaster} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-5/A-8 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX231 • Eagle Parts [res] Fw 190A-3 to A-4 conversion #EP14-48 {Hasegawa} {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-6 BIG ED Set #BIG4910 {Has} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A Canopy & Wheel Masks #XF142 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-6 Detail Set (pre-painted/SA) #49-424 {Dragon} {Hasegawa} Airscale AS24 SCH • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A to D Flaps #48-396 {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-6 Detail Set (pre-painted/SA) – Zoom • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A to D Landing Flaps – Wooden #48-397 #FE424 {Hasegawa} {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-6 Landing Flaps #48-604 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A to F Rammjäger Plates #48-244 {Tamiya} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-8 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX155 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A/F Tools & Tool Boxes #48-555 {Dragon} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-F Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX054 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set (pre-painted) #49-416 {Tamiya} {Hasegawa} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-F Spinner Spiral Masks #EX505 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set (pre-painted) – Zoom {Dragon, Hasegawa or Tamiya} #FE416 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190 Access & Scribing Templates #48-568 • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8 BIG ED Set #BIG4868 {Tamiya} Airscale PE24 DET {Eduard} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8 BIG ED Set #BIG4874 {Eduard} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Access and Scribing Templates #48-449 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Placards (pre-painted) #FE370 {Tamiya} {Eduard} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A Landing Flaps #48-579 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8/R11 BIG ED Set #BIG4900 • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-3 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX1588 {Eduard} {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set #48-556 {Eduard} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set (pre-painted) – Zoom • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Landing Flaps #48-551 {Eduard} #FE214 {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Landing Flaps – Wooden #48-560 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set (pre-painted) #49-214 {Eduard} {Tamiya} • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-8 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX237 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set (pre-painted) – Zoom {Eduard ‘Weekend Edition’} #FE347 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Interior Detail Set (pre-painted) – • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 Detail Set (pre-painted) #49-347 Zoom #FE397 {Eduard ‘Weekend Edition’} {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set [pre-painted/SA] #49-416 • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-3 BIG ED Set #BIG4803 {Tamiya} {Hasegawa} Airwaves AC48-27 • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-3 & A-4 Detail Set #48-154 {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Detail Set [pre-painted/SA] – Zoom • Eduard [ma] Fw 190A-4 Canopy & Wheel Masks #EX232 #FE416 {Hasegawa} {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-8 Landing Flaps #48-595 {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set (pre-painted) #49-394 • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8 BIG ED Set #BIG4868 {Tamiya} {Hasegawa} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-8 BIG ED Set #BIG4871 {Tamiya} • Eduard [pe] Fw 190A-5 Detail Set (pre-painted) – Zoom • Ersatzteil [pe/pe] Fw 190A-8/F-8 Upgrade & Correction Set #FE394 {Hasegawa} #ES001 {Eduard} • Eduard [pe/ma] Fw 190A-5 BIG ED Set #BIG4877 {Eduard} • FabFlight [res] Fw 190 Seat #DET002

Antares ANT-11

Brassin 648 065

Airscale PE24 BEZ Airwaves AC4826

Aires 4327 CMK 4034 Antares ANT-44 Antares ANT-47

CMK 4039 Airmodel AM-6017

Airmodel AM-6018

Eagle Parts 14-48 Airmodel AM-6018 Airmodel AM-6018 Brassin 648 070