Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-04-14
, 13, 1943 iaise Ration Calendar "low Freezing CO"EE .ouun zo .spire. April U; D, £ and 14 blue sl"mps ellplre Aprl( 30. IOWA: 811,.Mb colder with A alul 8 red stamps expire April 30; GAS .... coupon" D expire M.,. JU; temperatures well below &lJGA8 coupon I'~ expire. I'll' 8J: freelin, today, Io yes IiJlOES .oup.. 17 ""pi... Jun. IG. lower City's Morning Newspaper TilE ASSOOlATED PRESS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1943 Tal AIIOCIATID nlll VOLUME XLm NUMBER 170 For FIVE CENTS raining0 • MINE FIELDS, DITCHES FAIL TO STOP THE ALLIES Enemy Bridgehead Shrin~s as A~is-:- . , ewed bureau l'Cp. Iowa City , men and ate interest mced train. aces ~as Cars old or •t least olll! 1001 mathe- eligible tor Iowa Village · Red Patrols Dis'odge I aries ranle 8rili~h Forces Pass Kairouan, Jer year. r • ' Nazis From Fortified 1m 20 to 30 lA physical 10 Ie for POsl. Omaha Airport Posts Near Smolensk Souss'e Smash . al Rommel- ~teorolollists LU at annual :,000. Under Water tl M~scow Announces . Rear Guard Below Enfidaville Advance of Soviets Id Of Great Importance 200 Hamburg Families By DANJEL DE LUCE Jail Here ALLIED HEA,oQ ARTER IN IORTH APR! .A (AP) - Evacuate as Missouri LONDON, wedncsday (AP) The 8]1!i Tlmi8ia~ bl'idgcllellc1 was slll"inking rapidly yesterday [owa City is Sweeps Over Lowlands Russian patrols thrusting forward under pl'essul'e of general allied advances 8t the south and north , county jail on the Smolensk front dislodged western sides of i he envelopment box being drawn up before TUllis charges of the Germans "from fortWed iX>si and Bizerte, and nowhere along the front bad lhe enemy shown icle without OMAHA (AP) - The Missouri tions of great impOl'lance," Tues river flood crest dcscended upon day, while to the north on the any diSPosition~o attempt a decish'e stand.
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