BOCA RATON PUBUX (MY! FERTILIZER Lag Mk 6A the BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, March 15, 1962 You've Dreamed About It for Years
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BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 7 NO. 16 Boca Raion, Palm Beach County, Florida, Thursday, March 15, 1962 22 Pages TEN CENTS Honchell Calls for Elected Board to Amend Charter STUDENTS MUNCH DRfVF TO Proposed Changes Would Be Submitted to Voters ASSIST BOCA UNIV. CAMPAIGN Commissioner Robert Other provisions of The entire student body in 1964 is headed by a Jr., in discussing the Honchell Tuesday called Honchell's proposal in- Huge waves which battered Florida's southeast - both adult and day stu- committee of three school school campaign with on members of the City cluded: meetings of the coastline last weekend provided a spectacular show dents - of Palm Beach leaders. They are Dean county leaders, pointed Commission to adopt a charter board would be for residents and visitors in Boca Haton. The city's Junior College began a Paul Glynn of the Junior out that it is customary resolution calling for held at city hall and open "rockbound coast" sent huge geysers of water high doorbell-ringing cam- College; Howell C. Wat- for both "tax supported" amendment of the City to the public; "all rea- paign yesterday in behalf kins, superintendent of and private institutions Charter by an elected sonable expenses" would into the air but did comparatively little damage, com- Charter Board. be paid by the city; the pared to other areas where damage estimates ran high. of the new University at schools; and Robert Ful- of higher learning to be Boca Eaton. ton, principal of Seacrest supported in part by vol-. In an eight-point letter board would conclude its Although the surf was not at all suitable for swim- deliberations within six Purpose of the cam- High School in Delray untary contributions. He which he read at the ming, the city beach drew large crowds during most of Commission meeting, Hon- months after election; paign is to distribute Beach. cited the example of the day and part of the night as residents and visitors chell called for amend- proposed amendments to 10,000 pieces of educa- More than 100 adminis- Tampa where residents ments by a charter board the charter would be sub- watched the swells which originated from a storm. tional literature about trative, faculty and guid- contributed more than a of nine members to be mitted to a referendum the University and the ance executives of the quarter of a million dol- elected by the voters of of the voters at the next same number of contribu- Palm Beach County school lars to assure the location system have pledged sup- of the University of South the city. His proposed general election. tion envelopes to their resolution would specify families, relatives and port of the effort to raise Florida in that city. Amendments approved funds for the new univer- He also pointed out that election of the 'charter by the voters would, ac- St. Pat's Parade Will neighbors. board within 60 days of sity. the people of Pinellas cording to Honchell's adoption of the resolu- Tomorrow some :33,000 Glynn emphasized that County — representing proposal, be submitted to tion. elementary, junior and the children and college every nationality and the State Legislature as a high school students will students would not be church denomination - special bill in the 1963 begin a similar door-to- permitted to accept con- contributed more than Books to Close session. He also suggest- Top Weekend in Boca door pilgrimage delivering tributions. $1,000,000 to secure a Registration books ed that approved amend- The annual St. Patrick's The schedule for the Saturday-7 p.m. — Con- the postage-free address- "Their job is to distri- Presbyterian College for will close .April 7 for ments be advertised for Bay parade will get un- St. Patrick's Day celebra- cert of Irish Songs, San- ed envelopes which, it is bute the envelopes and that area. the primary elections 30 days prior to introduc- derway Saturday at 7:30 tion and "Cecil Smith born Square. hoped, will be promptly to answer questions about "These people realiz- on May 8, Daniel Gor- tion in the legislature, starting from the Royal Weekend" in Boca Raton Saturday - 7:30 p.m. — returned with general con- the University and the ed," Blank declared, ham, Palm Beach Coun- "thereby eliminating the Palm Shopping Plaza. It is: St. Patrick's Day Parade, tributions to Boca U. campaign," he said. "that no single thing is ty Supervisor of Regis- need of an additional will go west on S.E. Today — .Feature race starts from Royal Palm The school system seg- "Parents, relatives and more beneficial for a long- tration reported yester- referendum and shall be- Second Street, north on for the Cecil Smith Purse, Shopping Center. ment of the effort to raise friends are urged to mail er time to any community day. come effective upon adop- Federal Highway and Gulfstream Park, Hallan- Saturday — after parade at least $500,000 to as- their donations in the en- than the existence of a Eligible voters may tion by the legislature." west on Palmetto Park dale. — Corn beef and cabbage sure the opening of the velopes at'once." great university in their register at the City :A proposed new charter Road to Memorial Park Friday — 3 p.m. — Full dinner, American Legion University on schedule Senator Ralph Blank midst." Hall in Boca Eaton or for the city, drafted by a where it will disperse. scale practice polo game, Home; Teen Center street at the County Court charter committee appoint- City commissioners, Royal Palm Polo Grounds, dance with entertainment Ben t0 Ru|1 House in West Palm ed by the commission, was members of the police no admission charge. by The Saturday Night Two Former Mayors to Seek *-* 'Beach. To be eligible, defeated by the voters in and fire departments, Saturday - noon - Cecil Troupers, Royal Palm persons must be over a special referendum last more than 100 -marchers Smith Golf Tournament, Shopping Center. On Demo Ticket 21, a U.S. citizen, a Oct. 11. Petitions circu- from Teen Town, the University Park Country Saturday night - Dinner resident of Florida for lated by tne Charter Vigi- Seaciest High School Club. dance, America-Ireland GOP Commission Nomination County C ommissioner one year and a resident Ben F. Sundy, Delray lance Committee calling Band, Gold Coast Shrine Saturday — 4 to 7 p.m. — Society, Boca Raton Ho- Former mayors of Boca 'Raton and Delray Beach of Palm Beach County Beach businessman and for an elected charter Club's motorized drill Texas Barbecue, Memorial tel and Club; Leprechaun will meet each other in the race for Republican for six months. pioneer resident of palm board were rejected by team, Lions, Kiwanis, Park, sponsored by Junior Ball, Knights of Colum- nomination for a seat representing the south county Gorham estimated that Beach County, this week the City Commission. American Legion, 2 Iks, Chamber of Commerce, bus, Cabana Club. area on the Palm Beach County Commission. there may be as many announced he will seek In other business at Rotary, Chamber of Com- Sunday - 2 p.m. - Ded- City Commissioner George Warren of Delray Beach as 70,000 eligible but re-election to the Palm Tuesday's meeting, the merce and other civic ication of the "Sunday filed this week as a candidate for the Republican non-registered voters in New Sub. Station to Beach County Commission City Commission: groups will participate in Field" at Royal Palm nomination. Former mayor Harold J. Dane of Boca Palm Beach County. as a Democratic candi- the parade. Open on April 2nd Polo Grounds to Cecil Raton has announced his intention to file. Two candi- HE.ABD from Otto Yark date in the coming May an appeal for "equal stan- William Day Sr. is grand A permanent postal Smith, address by George dates have also announced in the race for the Demo- primary election. dards" for all officials in marshal. Cecil Smith is contract station will be C. Sherman Jr., chairman cratic nomination. Incumbent Commissioner Ben Sun- Next Health Forum Sundy, who represents public office. Yark, a real honorary marshal. opened .April 2 in the of the U.S. Polo Assn. dy will run again, with opposition from former mayor District Four on the board, estate agent, was pre- Royal Palm Polo Winfield Park shopping Sunday — 3 p.m. — 6th John Archie of Boynton Beach. Scheduled Monday viously ousted by the City Grounds will have a float area according to Don annual Texas Sport Hall was first elected to this Commission from his seat featuring "Miss Polo," McDermott, postmaster. of .Fame polo game be- post in 1951. Since that The second in a series on the Planning and Zon- Janet Baker and her polo tween all-Texas team Dane Expects to George Warren Also time he has been picked of health forums sponsor- The contract was ing Commission and coun- princesses, a convertible headed by Cecil Smith to serve as both chair- ed by Bethesda Memorial awarded to Dixie Paint, ter-charged that others carrying Mrs. Cecil Smith and an all-East team. In Republican Race man and vice chairman of Hospital will be held 485 N.E. 20th Street. File This Week such as attorneys: were and two sons, Charles and Sunday - 8:30 p.m. — the commission. His lat- Monday at 8 p.m. at the Weekday hours will be Harold J. Dane, former Former Mayor Georve V. representing clients ap- Sidney, and cars carrying Cecil Smith Ball, Boca est term as chairman end- Delray Beach Community from 8:30 to 5 p.m. and mayor of Boca Raton, is l/Varren of Delray Beach, pearing before the city.