Episcopal O r d i n a ti o n & Installation of His Excellency The Most Reverend Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv., D.D. as the Fourteenth Bishop of Savannah

Tuesday, the Eighteenth of October

In the Year of Our Lord

Two Thousand Eleven

Two O’Clock in the Afternoon

Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist


Episcopal Ordination and installation of

the Most Reverend Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv., dd as the Fourteenth Bishop of Savannah

The Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, sld of Ordaining Prelate

The Most Reverend J. Kevin Boland, dd Bishop Emeritus and Apostolic Administrator of Savannah Co-Consecrator

The Most Reverend Luís Rafael Zarama Pasqualetto, jcl, dd Titular Bishop of Bararus and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Atlanta Co-Consecrator

Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist Savannah, Georgia October 18, 2011 Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist His Holiness

Pope Benedict XVI His Excellency, the Most Reverend

Wilton Daniel Gregory, sld

Archbishop of Atlanta His Excellency, the Most Reverend

J. Kevin Boland, dd

Bishop Emeritus of Savannah His Excellency, the Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama, jcl, dd Titular Bishop of Bararus and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Atlanta His Excellency, the Most Reverend

Raymond W. Lessard, dd

Bishop Emeritus of Savannah His Excellency, the Most Reverend

Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv., dd

Bishop-elect of Savannah Introductory Rites

Processional Hymn O God Beyond All Praising (Holst/Perry/Kirkpatrick) All

3. O God of all creation, whose glory fills the sky. We gather in your presence, our spirits lifted high, To bring for humble service, those who answer to your call, That they may follow Christ, the example for us all, Protect them and guide them, their faith in you be strong, As now they journey onward, we sing the ancient song:

4. “You are a priest for ever,” within God’s church on earth, “In the order of Melchisedek,” a priest before your birth, Called out to be our pastor, the flock of Christ to serve; From the humble to the haughty, the Word of God make heard, To celebrate the sacraments, in fitting praise proclaim, In love of Holy Trinity, give honor to God’s name.

5. The flow’r of earthly splendor in them must surely die, Its fragile bloom surrender to you, the Lord most high; But hidden from all nature the eternal seed is sown Though small in mortal stature, to heaven’s garden grown: For Christ the man from heaven from death has set us free. And we through him are given the final victory.

Entrance Song God of Our Fathers All

Incensation of the Altar Ecce Sacerdos Magnus Choir

Penitential Rite Kyrie eleison (Joncas) Deacon Smith

Glory to God Mass of Creation (Haugen)

Opening Prayer Saint Luke Archbishop Gregory

Liturgy of the Word

El íritu del Señor está sobre mí, Porque el Señor me ha Me ha enviado a consolar a todos los tristes, a dar a los consagrado; Me ha enviado a dar buenas noticias a los afligidos de Sión una corona en vez de cenizas, perfume pobres, a aliviar a los afligidos, a anunciar libertad a los de alegría en vez de llanto, cantos de alabanza en vez de cautivos, libertad a los están en la cárcel; a anunciar el desesperación. año favorable del Señor, el día en que nuestro Dios nos vengará de nuestros enemigos. Los llamarán “robles victoriosos,” plantados por el Señor para mostrar su gloria. First Reading Isaiah 61:1-3a C. Douglas Hartmayer

Responsorial Psalm You Are a Priest Forever (Schaefer) Choir

“You are a priest forever in the line of Melchizedek, alleluia”

For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame Jesus, who destroyed death and brought life the gift of God that you have through the imposi- and immortality to light through the gospel, for tion of my hands. which I was appointed preacher and apostle and teacher. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. On this account I am suffering these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know him in whom So do not be ashamed of your testimony to I have believed and am confident that he is able our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake; but to guard what has been entrusted to me until that bear your share of hardship for the gospel with day. the strength that comes from God. Take as your norm the sound words that you He saved us and called us to a holy life, not heard from me, in the faith and love that are in according to our works but according to his own Christ Jesus. design and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began, but now made mani- Guard this rich trust with the help of the holy fest through the appearance of our savior Christ Spirit that dwells within us.

Second Reading 2 Timothy 4:10-17b Matiana Rios

Gospel Acclamation Celtic Alleluia (O’Carroll/Walker)

Después de esto, el Señor escogió también a Cuando entren en una casa, saluden primero, otros setenta y dos, y los mandó de dos en dos diciendo: ‘Paz a esta casa.’ Y si allí hay gente de delante de él, a todos los pueblos y lugares a paz, su deseo de paz se cumplirá; pero si no, no donde tenía que ir se cumplirá

Les dijo: “Ciertamente la cosecha es mucha, pero Quédense en la misma casa y coman y beban los trabajadores son pocos de lo que ellos tengan, pues el trabajador tiene derecho a su paga Por eso, pidan ustedes al Dueño de la cosecha que mande trabajadores a recogerla No anden de casa en casa

Vayan ustedes; miren que los envío como corde- Al llegar a un pueblo donde los reciban, coman ros en medio de lobos lo que les sirvan, sanen a los enfermos que haya allí, y díganles: ‘El reino de Dios ya esta cerca No lleven bolsa ni monedero ni sandalias; y no de ustedes’.” se detengan a saludar a nadie en el camino Gospel Luke 10:1-9 Deacon Smith

Rite of Ordination and Installation

Hymn to the Holy Spirit Veni, Creator Spiritus (Gregorian) All

Presentation of the Bishop-Elect Bishop Boland

Reading and Inspection of the Apostolic Mandate Monsignor Lantheaume

Homily Archbishop Gregory

Promise of the Elect Bishop-Elect Hartmayer

Invitation to Prayer Archbishop Gregory

Litany of the Saints (Becker) Deacon Smith

Continued on next page Laying on of Hands

Pax et Bonum Soloist, Choir, All

Prayer of Ordination Archbishop Gregory

Anointing with Chrism Archbishop Gregory

Presentation of the Book of the Gospels and Insignia Archbishop Gregory

Seating in the Cathedra Archbishop Gregory

Fraternal Greeting

Pax et Bonum Soloist, Choir, All Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation of the Altar and Gifts Prayer of Saint Francis All

Prayer over the Gifts Saint Luke Bishop Hartmayer

Eucharistic Prayer

Preface Apostles I Bishop Hartmayer Holy, holy, holy Mass of Creation (Haugen) All

Memorial Acclamation Mass of Creation (Haugen) All

Amen Mass of Creation (Haugen) All

Lord’s Prayer All

Sign of Peace Deacon Foster

Lamb of God Mass of Creation (Haugen) All

Communion Ave Verum (Mozart) Choir

Prayer after Communion Saint Luke Bishop Hartmayer

Concluding Rites

Te Deum and Blessing Holy God, We Praise Thy Name All

Remarks Bishop Hartmayer

Solemn Blessing Bishop Hartmayer

Dismissal Deacon Smith

Recessional Laudate, Laudate Domino (Walker) Choir

Bishop Hartmayer’s Coat of Arms

Blazon The Coat of Arms for the Diocese The Bishop’s personal motto, Pax of Savannah is a cross of red on silver et Bonum – Peace and Good – are the Impaled, at dexter (for Savannah), background. The cross is in fact the words that were used by St. Francis in argent on a cross gules a rose or Cross of St. George. This symbol- his greetings to others. It embodied the between four mullets azure and at sin- izes the state of Georgia, which was simplicity and goodness he saw in all ister (for Bishop Hartmayer), per pale named for King George II. The four of God’s Creation. argent and azure a chief wavy of one blue stars signify that Georgia was the crest depressed in the center of one fourth state to ratify the Constitution of point and issuant in base throughout Behind the arms is placed a gold United States. The gold rose found in a pile reversed enarched all counter- processional cross -the symbol of the middle of the cross is the Cherokee changed, overall an eagle or and in chief Episcopal office. For the processional rose, the state flower of Georgia, and at dexter a triquetra interlaced with cross, Bishop Hartmayer has selected is also associated with the Rose of circle of the last and at sinister a tau the Cross of San Damiano. The entire Sharon as well as Mary, the Mystical cross sable. Franciscan movement began when St. Rose. Francis, while praying at the Chapel of Significance San Damiano, heard the crucifix speak The Episcopal heraldic achievement, The personal Coat of Arms of to him and say, “Francis, go rebuild or bishop’s coat of arms, is composed Bishop Hartmayer is intended to my Church for it is falling to ruins.” St. of a shield, with its charges, a motto symbolically represent the Bishop’s Francis thought this was a literal com- scroll, and the external ornaments indi- heritage and vocation as a Conventual mand to rebuild the chapel that was in cating office. The shield is explained Franciscan Friar. The background disrepair. Soon, however, he realized (in heraldic terms, blazoned) in twelfth of wavy blue and white is a heraldic God was asking more of him. century language and articulated as if symbol for water. The Bishop is a it is being given to the bearer who will native of Buffalo, NY – the Queen Surrounding the shield and proces- wear it on his arm. Thus, it must be City of the Great Lakes. Water is also sional cross is the pontifical hat with remembered where the terms dexter the key symbol of Baptism – the first six tassels on each side disposed in (right) and sinister (left) are used, they Sacrament of Initiation as a Christian. three rows, all in green. These are the are in fact, reversed as one view the This helps recall the Bishop’s ministry heraldic insignia of a prelate of the shield from the front. as the primary sacramental minister rank of bishop in accordance with the of his diocese. The eagle serves as a Instruction of the Holy See, dated 31 It is Church tradition that when a two-fold symbol of both the Bishop’s March 1969. Before 1870, the pontifi- Bishop becomes the Ordinary of a German heritage and of St. John the cal hat, known as a galero, was worn Diocese, the arms of his jurisdiction Evangelist. The Bishop’s father was at solemn cavalcades held in conjunc- are joined (impaled) with his per- named John and this is the Bishop’s tion with papal ceremonies. The color sonal coat of arms. The Coat of Arms middle name. The Celtic Knot, known of the hat and the number of tassels of the Diocese of Savannah appears as a Triquetra, represents the Bishop’s were signs of the rank of the prelate, a in the dexter impalement (left side Irish heritage on his maternal side. custom still preserved in ecclesiastical for the viewer) while that of Bishop And finally, the Tau is a reference heraldry. Hartmayer appears in sinister (right to Bishop Hartmayer’s vocation as side for the viewer). This custom of a Conventual Franciscan Friar. St. Bishop Hartmayer’s coat of arms combining the two is meant to show Francis would sign his writing with a described and designed by Brian the spiritual unity shared between the Tau, often painted it on the walls and Robert Taberski, MDiv. Taberski Bishop as Shepherd and the Diocese doors of places and he stayed, and was a student when Bishop as his Flock – so core to the theology would remind his friars that their habit Hartmayer was the Principal of of being a Bishop - that he also wears was in the shape of a Tau cross illus- Saint Francis High School in a ring on his right hand as a symbol of trating to them that they must go into suburban Buffalo, . Art this union. the world wearing this cross like an work created in consultation with incarnation of Christ. Katie Walker-Mai, M.Arch.

Participants Ordaining Prelate Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory sld Archbishop of Atlanta

Co-Consecrators Most Rev. J. Kevin Boland, dd Bishop Emeritus of Savannah Most Rev. Luís Rafael Zarama Pasqualetto, dd Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta

In the presence of Rev. Msgr. Jean-Francois Lantheaume Chargé d’Affaires, Apostolic Nunciature, Washington

Concelebrants The Most Reverend and Bishops and Abbots Priests of the Diocese of Savannah and Visiting Priests

Priests Assisting Bishop Hartmayer Rev. Fr. Vincent Gluc, OFM Conv. Rev. Fr. James Schillinger

Deacons Rev. Mr. Leonard Chamblis Rev. Mr. George H. Foster Rev. Mr. Gregory Pecore Rev. Mr. Dewain E. Smith

Masters of Ceremonies Br. Robert F. Sokolowski, sm Rev. Fr. Douglas K. Clark, stl Rev. Fr. Daniel F. Firmin, jcl Rev. Fr. Justin R. Ferguson Rev. Fr. J. Scott Winchel

Music Director/Organist Patricia Schreck

Choir Director Tim Hall

Leader of Song Del DeMauro

Readers C. Douglas Hartmayer, Matiana Rios

Gift Bearers Sally Hartmayer, C. Douglas Hartmayer, Jack Hartmayer, Mary Jo Kotacka

Brass Ceremonial Brass, Robin Beauchamp, Director

Ensemble Cellist, Sarah Shankman; English Horn, Christina Keane; French Horn, Paul Latt; Harpist, Phyllis Mauney; Wooden Flute, Dan O’Connell

Choir Choirs of the Savannah Deanery

Altar Servers Seminarians of the Diocese, Benedictine Military School Cadets

Honor Guard Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus and Knights of Peter Claver

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