Plantations Achieved J a N 2 0 1 4 – M a R C H 2 0 1 5

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Plantations Achieved J a N 2 0 1 4 – M a R C H 2 0 1 5 BERGWALD PROJECT, GERMANY A p r i l 2 0 1 5 1 SUMMARY Restoring the value of German mountain forests TYPE Sustainable forest management LOCAL PARTNER Bergwaldprojekt Association PARTICIPANTS Volunteers from all over Germany MAIN THEMES - Encourage forest transformation to a more natural form - Preserve the protective function of high mountain forests - Enhance local timber production - Raise awareness on the ecosystemic services provided by forests for the German population MAIN SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATUS APRIL 2015 24,870 trees planted OBJECTIVES Plantation of 50,000 trees by 2016 2 2 BERGWALD PROJECT, GERMANY PROJECT DESIGN PLANTATIONS ACHIEVED J A N 2 0 1 4 – M A R C H 2 0 1 5 MONITORING & NEXT STEPS P I C T U R E S 3 3 LOCATION Damaged low and high mountain forests in Germany 5 planting sites have been identified for the project. They are located in forests in low and high mountain regions of Germany, where forest regeneration and conservation are particularly at stake. S p e s s a r t F o r e s t Ore Mountains ( E i b e n s t o c k ) Palatinate Forest ( Hinterweidenthal ) Black Forest ( B a d e n - B a d e n ) Bavarian Alps ( B a d T ö l z , S c h l i e r s e e ) 4 4 CONTEXT Instable monoculture forests w i t h p o o r biodiversity INTENSIVE FOREST USE IN 18th AND 19th 70% of German forests suffered from deforestation during the industrial revolution due to the massive use of wood for the mining, quarrying, charcoal and glass industries. PRODUCTION FORESTS SHAPED BY HUMANS In the beginning of 20th, artificial reforestation was largely done with spruce that could supply timber more rapidly than could broadleaf forests and were able to flourish in open field climate. This led to structure-poor and even-aged forests. SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FORESTRY The German timber and forestry The predominance of only one species makes a forest very susceptible to insect pests, industry is one of the world's market, droughts and storms. The needle litter of spruce and pine acidifies the soil and degrades leaders. Small- and medium-sized the site over time. forest-based enterprises play a major role in rural employment structures. 5 5 OBJECTIVES Restoring the value of German mountain forests A S S I S T E D - Plantation of various autochthonous broadleafs to encourage forest transformation NATURAL to a more naturalistic and ensure soil stability, fauna and flora biodiversity and REGENERATION ground water quality. - Selection of species adapted to timber production SUSTAINABLE - Removal of competitors to give the autochthonous tree species space and light for T I M B E R their growth PRODUCTION - Multi-storied forest structure to make maximum use of soil and air space - Soil erosion control: creation of barrier forests to control rock fall and retain soil in strong slopes ENHANCEMENT O F F O R E S T - Avalanche control: creation of species-rich parcels with a distribution of 1/3 SERVICES deciduous and 2/3 evergreen trees to prevent or alleviate avalanches - Water pollution control: forests act as a natural filter cleansing the infiltration of precipitation and ensuring pure spring and ground water. - Organization of volunteer workcamps to realize the plantations and raise EDUCATION awareness on the services offered by forests 6 6 LOCAL PARTNER Bergwaldprojekt Association Association created in 1986 by Mr. Wolfgang Lohbeck of Greenpeace Deutschland. Objectives are the conservation, regeneration, and supervision of the healing of damaged German forests. Leading an average of 40 projects per year in 25 forests. Strong experience in involving the public in the plantations: since 1987, 20,000 volunteers have participated in their projects. Since 1987, more than 1 million trees have been planted. Stephen Wehner, responsible for partnerships at Bergwaldprojekt 7 7 PARTICIPANTS Volunteers from all over Germany Plantations are done during voluntary workcamps gathering people from all over Germany wishing to experience a week in forest. Participants are attended during one week by the local forestry services together with experienced group leaders. Group size varies between 10 and 25 volunteers. By working in the mountain forest, they realize the multiple services offered by forests. Since 1987, 20 000 volunteers, men and women between 18 and 88 and from various backgrounds, have participated in projects managed by Bergwaldprojekt . © Bergwaldprojekt 8 8 BERGWALD PROJECT, GERMANY PROJECT DESIGN PLANTATIONS ACHIEVED J A N 2014 – M A R C H 2 0 1 5 MONITORING & NEXT STEPS P I C T U R E S 9 9 PLANTATIONS ACHIEVED 24 870 trees planted in 2014 APRIL 2014 NOV 2014 TOTAL WAVE OF PLANTATION 1 2 2 4 PLANTING AREAS 1 (Spessart, Palatine Forest, 5 (Bavarian Alps) Ore Mountains, Black Forest) PLANTED TREES 900 23 970 24 870 VOLUNTEERS 17 267 284 PLANTED AREA / LINES 0.4 ha 5,46 ha 5,86 ha % MORTALITY On going On going On going 10 10 PLANTATIONS ACHIEVED 2 planting models M O D E L 1 M O D E L 2 FOREST CONVERSION BARRIER FORESTS OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES Transform unstable mature spruce forests into Secure the protective functions of forests in stable admixed mountain forests to restore the high mountains for the local ecosystems and basic ecosystemic services provided by forests humans: soil erosion, avalanche and water together with timber production: soil stability, pollution control. drinking water, biodiversity and human recreation. PLANTING ACTIVITIES PLANTING ACTIVITIES Step 1: plantation of firs under existing spruces Creation of species-rich parcels with a or pines, as fir is very shade-tolerant and needs distribution of 1/3 deciduous and 2/3 evergreen a growth lead under canopy over the beech. trees to prevent or alleviate avalanches. Step 2: After 5 years, plantation of broadleafs Thinning of principal species at 12-15m height, on the same area: oaks (Quercus robur), bark beetle control, support of hunting. beeches (Fagus sylvatica), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) and cherrytrees . SPACING SPACING Depending on the site Step 1: 2 x 1,5 m or 2 x 3 m Step 2: 1 x 1,5 m 11 11 PLANTATIONS ACHIEVED Species Species are adapted to the specific conditions of the site (geology, exposition, altitude) and are 100% endemic. Seedlings come “ZÜF” certified local suppliers of indigenous tree seedlings of the Saxony, Spessart and Lauterberg forests. COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME NATIVE/ NON NATIVE MODEL HEIGHT USES Larch Larix decidua Native Barrier forest 25-45 m Timber Native Barrier forest / Forest Timber White fir Abies alba 60-80 m conversion Medicine Native Barrier forest / Forest Beech Fagus sylvatica 25-35 m Timber conversion Native Oak Quercus robur Forest conversion 25-35 m Timber Native Forest conversion Hornbeam Carpinus betulus 20 m Timber Forest conversion Cherrytree Prunus avium Native 15-25 m Timber Native Barrier forest Timber Pine Pinus sylvestris 25-35 m Medicine 12 12 SPESSART 11,000 trees p l a n t e d i n W i e s t h a l , R o t h e n f e l s & Partenstein FOREST CONVERSION CONTEXT Low mountain municipal forests marked principally by spruce and Scots pine. Remaining old forests areas contain animals and plants that have become rare (European eagle owl, black stork, lynx…). OBJECTIVES Encourage forest transformation to a more naturalistic form: plantation of autochthonous broadleafs such as beech, oak and wild cherry Prunus avium. Silviculture with broadleafs: creation of specific parcels planted with oak, European hornbeam and other broadleafs for timber production. © Bergwaldprojekt 13 13 ORE MOUNTAINS 8 000 trees planted in Eibenstock FOREST CONVERSION CONTEXT Low mountain range, plateau with deep valleys. Plantation of large areas with spruce and pine in the 18th to produce timber for intensive mining in Saxony and charcoal burning. Highly-productive and monotonous forest, with same-age spruce monocultures. OBJECTIVES Ecological forest transformation: preliminary plantations of silver fir in parcels of mature spruce to stabilize the forest (soil enrichment, improved resistance to drought and storms). After 5 years, plantation of beech on the same area. Naturalistic silviculture: use of only natural regeneration and small group selection of trees for timber. © Bergwaldprojekt 14 14 PALATINATE FOREST 3 000 trees planted in Hinterweidenthal FOREST CONVERSION CONTEXT The Palatinate Forest is recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO since 1992. The preservation of diversity and unique biotopes are a priority in this area mainly covered by conifers (70%), especially the pine, which is the best species for dry, sandy soils poor in nutrients. OBJECTIVES Contribution to the Natural Recreation Zone project of the Palatinate Forest biosphere reserve: recovery of wild beech and sycamore maple seedlings. Autochthonous plants are uprooted in strongly-regenerated parcels and then replanted in damaged parcels to add biodiversity and improve climate resilience in this areas. © Bergwaldprojekt 15 15 BLACK FOREST 1 970 trees planted in Baden- Baden FOREST CONVERSION CONTEXT Municipal forest in slightly-sloping high altitudes affected by the cyclone “Lothar“ in 1999, which destroyed 2,000 ha out of the 7,378 ha of the forest. Stringent government policy to convert existing Douglas fir monocultures to mixed stands. OBJECTIVES © Bergwaldprojekt Forest transformation: plantations of mainly white firs as preliminary planting under existing spruce stands to generate stable and naturalistic beech-fir forests for the future. Timber production: plantations of autochthonous broadleafs to increase the timber-growing stock, long-term. Preservation of the Capercaillie biotope: creation of a mosaic of zones to host birds (open forest). © Bergwaldprojekt 16 16 BAVARIAN ALPS 9 0 0 t r e e s planted in Bayrischzell ( S c h l i e r s e e f o r e s t ) BARRIER FOREST CONTEXT High mountain area.
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