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Session document

4.9.2006 B6-0487/2006


to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and Commission

pursuant to Rule 103(2) of the Rules of Procedure

by Cristiana Muscardini, Konrad Szymański, Inese Vaidere, Roberta Angelilli and Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis

on behalf of the UEN Group

on the crisis in the Middle East

RE\629054EN.doc PE 378.344v01-00 EN EN B6-0487/2006

European Parliament resolution on the crisis in the Middle East

The European Parliament,

­ having regard to its resolutions of 16 January 2003 on the conclusion of an Association Agreement with the Republic of and 10 March 2005 on the situation in Lebanon,

­ having regard to its previous resolutions on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and European Neighbourhood Policy,

­ having regard to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions 1559 of 2 September 2004 and 1701 of 11 August 2006,

­ having regard to the Council's conclusions of 21 February 2005 on the Middle East peace process and of 1 August 2006 on the situation on Lebanon,

­ having regard to the statements issued by its Conference of Presidents on 20 July and 1 August 2006,

­ having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the escalation of hostilities in Lebanon and Israel broke out after sparked the crisis by attacking Israel and ignoring Israeli's repeated calls for the liberation of two Israeli soldiers on July 12,

B. whereas, at the extraordinary GAERC (General Affairs and External Relations Council) meeting of 25 August, the Council expressed full support for the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701,

1. Continues to be extremely alarmed by the humanitarian and environmental consequences of the military escalation, and regrets the resulting casualties and human suffering among civilians in Lebanon and Israel, soldiers and UN observers and the massive destruction of civilian infrastructure;

2. Calls upon both sides – Hezbollah and Israel – to respect fully the US-France brokered UN ceasefire (UNSC Resolution 1701), which came into effect on 14 August and has largely been observed so far, and to put a definitive end to attacks against civilians;

3. Reiterates the call made by its Conference of Presidents on 20 July and 1 August for the rapid deployment of the international humanitarian effort and the return of respect for international law; stresses, however, that a comprehensive political settlement must be found to put a final end to the conflict, in accordance with UNSC Resolutions 1701 and 1559;

PE 378.344v01-00 2/4 RE\629054EN.doc EN 4. Welcomes the European Union's continuing efforts at working to reach a lasting solution to the conflict; stresses, in this context, the importance of the European Union's Member States speaking with one voice;

5. Evaluates positively the decision by the Lebanese Government to deploy its forces in South Lebanon and the Israeli army’s agreement to withdraw behind the Blue Line as foreseen by UNSC Resolution 1701; welcomes the strong support of the Lebanese Government for an enhanced role to be given to UNIFIL (UN Interim Forces in Lebanon);

6. Welcomes the full support expressed by the Council for the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701 and the Member States' commitment to provide about 7 000 men out of a maximum of 15 000 UNIFIL forces; insists that the deployment of the troops start as soon as possible;

7. Stresses that a political settlement should be implemented through negotiations with Hezbollah with the aim of fully disarming Hezbollah, including measures to prevent the entry of arms into Lebanon and the final definition of the borders between Lebanon and Israel, and should give full territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence to the whole of Lebanon, including southern Lebanon;

8. Supports the mandate given to UNIFIL as outlined in paragraphs 11, 14 and 16 of UNSC Resolution 1701;

9. Stresses nevertheless the importance of clearly and adequately defining the mandate, structure and competences of UNIFIL, if necessary to be agreed under a new UN Security Council Resolution, which should take into account the lessons learnt from previous UN peacekeeping engagements, notably in Bosnia and Herzegovina; considers that such a force requires a strong mandate from the UN to act in support of a political settlement and the ;

10. Calls on EU Member States to provide the necessary troops and other logistical support to the UNIFIL so as to ensure the success of this mission; reiterates its support for the sending of a strong international stabilisation force under UN supervision and calls on the Council to take concrete action;

11. Supports the decision that France will continue to assume the command of UNIFIL until February 2007 and that Italy will then take over ground control, and stresses that a duplication of commanding structures must be avoided and the main command centre kept in ; welcomes the decision of other EU Member States to contribute to the deployment of peacekeeping troops;

12. Calls in this context on the EU military staff to develop contingency plans in support of the Member States' contribution to UNIFIL, by having recourse to the Battle Groups;

13. Stresses the obligation on both sides under international humanitarian law to ensure access and safe passage of displaced persons, humanitarian workers and supplies; draws attention in this context to the special needs of the still very large and potentially vulnerable group of migrant workers from developing countries and their dependents;

RE\629054EN.doc 3/4 PE 378.344v01-00 EN 14. Underlines the need to allocate sufficient emergency funding for the victims of the crisis; calls on the Commission, budgetary authorities and Member States to consider alternative ways for funding beyond the already allocated resources;

15. Calls urgently on Iran and Syria to play a constructive role, especially with regard to the implementation of Resolution 1559, and underlines the potentially important contribution of Syria for a sovereign Lebanon and a stabilisation of the region;

16. Urges Syria to observe a United Nations arms embargo and to discontinue smuggling of weapons, part of them of Russian-made equipment, to Hezbollah in order to stop Hezbollah from renewing its arms supply;

17. Welcomes the decision to organise an international donors' conference in Stockholm on 31 August in order to raise funding to alleviate the humanitarian suffering;

18. Decides to send an EP (fact-finding) delegation to Lebanon and Israel in order to monitor the situation, with special focus on the humanitarian and political conditions;

19. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to Council, the Commission, the Government and , the Israeli Government and , the Syrian Government and Parliament, and the UN Secretary-General.

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