Worcester Salt SONG BOOK
Worcester Salt SONG BOOK Look for the familiar Orange Boxes The Vitalizing Salt The Salty Salt Prevents Simple Goiter Flows Freely ALL JOIN IN THE SINGING COMPLIMENTS WORCESTER SALT COMPANY 150 Causeway Street Boston, Mass. Refineries: Other Offices: Silver Springs, N\ Y. New York, Chicago, Charlotte, Piffard, N. Y. - Columbus, Buffalo Ecorse, Mich. Detroit, Philadelphia WORCESTER SALT Tune, "John Browns Body" A man went into a grocery store, His mind was ill at ease; He bought some pork and lard and tea, And butter and eggs and cheese, There's something I've forgotten, said he, It isn't soap or peas, What can that thing be? Chorus Glory, glory, Hallelujah, Glory, glory, Hallelujah, Glory, glory, Hallelujah, He wanted Worcester Salt. A baker baked some loaves of bread, They tasted flat and sour, He put in lard and sugar and milk, And also yeast and flour. Now what do you think, this careless gink Forgot what made it sour, He left out Worcester Salt. Chorus Glory, glory, etc., He left out Worcester Salt. 1 AMERICA My country, His of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrim's pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring! My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. 2 STEIN SONG Give a rouse, then, in the May-time for a life that knows no fear! Turning night-time into day-time with the sunlight of good cheer! For it's always fair weather when good fellows get together With a stein on the table and a good song ringing clear.
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