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Figurative Languages Found in the Whitney Houston's Songs Lyrics a Paper Written by Vetty Nur Adhuri Reg. No. 142202065 Diplo

Figurative Languages Found in the Whitney Houston's Songs Lyrics a Paper Written by Vetty Nur Adhuri Reg. No. 142202065 Diplo








I, VETTY NUR ADHURI, Declare that i am the sole author of this paper. Except where the references is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material publised elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of degree in any tertiary education.

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Date : 14th August, 2017






Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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Kertas karya ini berjudul “Figurative Language Found in the ’s Songs Lyrics.” yang membahas tentang bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu Whitney Houston. Metode yang digunakan penulisa dalam kertas karya ini adalah metode deskriptif, dimana penulis mengumpulkan data dari lirik, mengidentifikasi lirik, mengurutkan sesuai dengan jenis – jenis nya, menjelaskan arti dari setiap kiasan, dan terakhir menyimpulkannya. Dalam kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan teori Perrine (1977) tentang Jenis – Jenis bahsa kiasan, dan fokus pada empat jenis kiasan yaitu simili, metafora, personifikasi dan hiperbola. Penulis menemukan 8 kasus metapora, 8 kasus simili, 4 kasus personifikasi dan 9 kasus hiperbola.

Kata kunci : Figurative Language, Whitney Houston, lirik lagu.



This paper entitled “Figurative Language Found in the Whitney Houston’s Songs Lyrics” which discusses figurative language found in the Whitney Houston’s Songs Lyrics. The method that the writer uses in this paper is descriptive method, where the author collects data from the lyrics, identifying the lyrics, classifying sort as the type, desbribe the meaning and last get the conclusion. In this paper, the writer uses Perrine’s Theory (1977) about kinds of figurative language and focus on four types of figurative language which are simile, , personification, and hyperbole. The writer found 8 cases of metaphor, 8 cases of simile, 4 cases of personification and 9 cases of hyperbole.

Key words : Figurative Language, Whitney Houston, Song Lyrics




First of all, Thank to Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity to complete this paper as one of the requirement to get diploma III certificate from English

Department Facutly of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara. For all guidances, the writer would like thank to :

 The Rector of University of Sumatera Utara, Prof. Dr. Runtung S.H.


 The Dean of faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara Dr.

Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S .

 The Head of English Diploma Program, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis,

M.Hum. who always give a positive energy and Share the joy to all of the


 My Supervisor Dr. Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl.Trans. M. Hum. who always

patiently give advices, suggestions, guidances, and also for some

that make us felt comfortable and enjoyable.

 Thank to all of the lectures who have guided and given valuable

knowledge during the years of my study.

 My beloved Grandma Hj. Syamsidar, who being my number one

supporter and the person who always remind me to pray to Allah.

 My beloved Parents Nyarto, SE and Okved, SE, for motivation, love,

support, advice, and prayer. I am so happy to have you both as my parents.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA  My lovely sister Dessy Fitriani who always accompany, support, and

entertain me everyday. The water is sweet but the blood is thicker.

 My dear darling Angelic Demons Club : Nadha, Masyita, Salwa and Nova,

for always messed up with my bed, for the blood, sweat and tears that we

have been shared together. Let’s meet again as my friends in another


 The yayuk family : Widy, Edelwis and Rosna for the support, advices and


 My classmate “SOLIDAS 14 A” thank you for the unfogetable moments.

Finally, I Will accept the suggestion and criticism that build me for the readers because i know this paper is not perfect, and that is why your criticism might make this papaer better, Thank you to all readers who read this paper.

Medan, August 14th 2017

The Writer,

Vetty Nur Adhuri

Reg. No. 142202065




1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study ...... 3 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 3 1.5 Method of the Study ...... 4

2. REVIEW OF RELATED ...... 5 2.1 Definition of Figurative Language ...... 5 2.2 Types of Figurative Language ...... 6 1. Metaphor ...... 6 2. Simile ...... 6 3. Personification ...... 7 4. Hyperbole ...... 7 5. Apostrophe ...... 7 6. Synecdoche ...... 7 7. Metonymy ...... 8 8. Symbol ...... 8 9. ...... 8 10. Paradox ...... 8 11. Understatement ...... 9 12. ...... 9 2.3 Lyrics ...... 9

3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...... 10 3.1 Findings ...... 10 3.2 Discussion ...... 12

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 21 4.1 Conclusion ...... 21 4.2 Suggestion ...... 21



APPENDICES ...... 24




1.1 Background of The Study

Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language is very important aspect in human life. With language, we can express ideas, thoughts or even feeling. However, it will not be the same from one language to another, because every community of language users will have different backgrounds as required by the need of the community. It is closely influenced by the situation, circumstances and also cultures where the language communities located. According to Sapir (1921 : 8) language as „communication ideas, emotions, and desires‟ by arguing that language use convey varied and complex kinds of information group affiliations and relationship with his listener.

„Meaning‟ covers a variety of aspects of language, and there is no very general agreement either about what meaning is or about the way in which it should be described . According to Saeed (1997:16) Non-literal uses of language are traditionally called figurative and are describe by a host of rhetorical terms including metaphor, irony, metonomy, synecdoche, hyperbole and litotes”.

Literal and figurative language is a distinction within some fields of language analysis, in particular of semantics. Literal language uses words exactly according to their proper meanings or precise definition. Figurative (or non-literal) language uses words deviating from their proper definitions in order to achieve a more


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA complicated unterstanding or hightened effect. Figurative language is often achieved by presenting words in order for them to be equated, compared, or associated with other normally unrelated words or meaning (source : Wikipedia).

Figurative Language is using to be more effective, persuasive, and impactful. Various types of words relating to the word‟s meaning, figurative language also includes unsual contructions or combination of words that provide a new perspective on the word.

Nowadays, people like to listening music or songs. Specially English songs.

English songs are so popular because English is a language. It‟s good because we can learn English by listening to the english songs. For some people who really like music or song would like collecting the cassettes or CD from their favorite . Talking about music, there is one International legend singer Whitney Houston.

Whitney Houston was an American singer. Houston is the one of ‟s best-selling music artist of all time. She has many popular songs such as : , , , , and many more. Which every songs definetely has the message that must be analyze to get understand the song . So, not only listening to the song, we will also understand the message that the singer try to deliver.

In this paper, the writer chooses Whitney Houston‟s song lyrics as an object analysis because the writer found that Whitney Houston using figurative language in her songs. According to Perrine (1977:61-109), figurative language consists of 12 kinds, they are: metaphor, simile, personification, apostrophe,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbole/overstatement, understatement, and irony. But, in this case the writer only focuses on analizying

4 (four) types of figurative language such as : Metaphor, Simile, Personification, and hyperbole because the writer wants to give more understanding and more example.

1.2 Problem of the Study

1. What types of figurative language are found in the Whitney Houston‟s songs


2. What do figurative language in the Whitney Houston‟s songs lyrics mean?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

1. To find out the types of figurative language used in the Whitney Houston‟s

songs lyrics

2. To find out the meanings of figurative language in the Whitney Houston‟s

songs lyrics.

1.4 Scope of the Study

There are a lot of types in figurative language but, the writer just focuses on analyzing the figurative language such as : Methapor, Simile, Personification and

Hyperbole on Whitney Houston‟s song lyrics.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.5 Method of the Study a. Research

The writer applies descriptive qualitative method which describes the characteristic of the figurative language that are found the the Whitney Houston song lyric. b. Data Sources

The sources of data is Whitney Houston‟s songs lyrics. c. Data Collection

The writer applies library research as the method of this study. by collecting, reading, and taking data from Whitney Houston‟s songs lyrics. And the writer also use internet as a references.

- Reading and finding classifying the types of figurative language which are

found in the song lyrics.

- Classifying the data which found in Whitney Houston‟s song lyrics.

- Analyzing the meaning to make clear definition. d. Data Analysis

After classifying the figurative language the writer analyze the data of figurative language that are found in Whitney Houston song lyrics.



2.1 Definition of Figurative Language

According to Kerraft (2009:113) figurative language or style is a way of showing mind through a special language that shows the soul and the characteristic of the writer.

Figurative language is a language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the facts as they are. Figurative languge, in comparioson , uses exaggerations or alterations to make particular linguistic point.

Figurative language can be found in literature and or lyrics songs where the writing peals to the sense. It can do this by giving a word or phrase a spesific meaning that may be different than the literal definition. Some figurative language compares two things in such way that you find the comparisons interesting and descriptive.

We are using figurative language when we writing goes beyond the actual meanings of words so that the reader gains new insight into the object or subject in the work.

Figurative language is a language that uses figures of speech. A figure of speech is a way of something other than the literal meaning of the world. Figure of speech maybe said to occur whenever a speaker or writer, for


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the sake of freshness or emphasis, departs from the usual denotation of words

(Kennedy, 1979: 187).

2.2 Types of figurative Language

According to Perrine (1977:61-109), figurative language consists of 12

kinds, they are :

1. Metaphor

Perrine (1977:61) states that between metaphor and simile is similar. Both of them are comparison between two things that are essentially unlike. The only distinction between them is the use of connective words. In simile, the poet uses the connective word such as: like, as than, similar to, resemble or seems, while in metaphor the comparison is implied the figurative term is substituted for or identified with the literal term.

Example : Your face is the sun, ’m a cloudy day.

2. Simile

Simile and metaphor genuinely have an identical definition. Both of them compare two things that absolutely different. Simile is the explicit comparison of two things, indicates by the word or phrase such as like, as, than, similar, resemble or seems. (Perrine, 1977:61)

Example : My love like a red rose.



Personification is the figurative language that is giving the attribute of human beings to animal, an object or a concept. It is sub type of metaphor, an implied comparison in which the figurative term of the comparison is always human being. (Perrine, 1977: 64).

Example : The leaves danced in the wind on the cold september afternoon.

4. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is simply exaggeration out in the service of truth


Example : I had a ton of homework.

5. Apostrophe

Apostrophe defined as addressing someone absent or something non human as if it was a live and present and could reply to what is being said (Perrine,


Example of apostrophe from William Wordsworth in Siswantoro (2002: 32):

Sweet Thames! Run soflty till I end my song.

6. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is the use of the part for the whole. (Perrine, 1977:67).

example from Shakespeare in Siswantoro (2002: 32):

Cuckoo, cuckoo! O word of fear. Unpleasing to a married ear



Metonymy is the use of something closely related to the thing actually

meant (Perrine, 1977:67).

Example : The is the official residence and workplace of the

President of the .

8. Symbol

Symbol is defined as something that means more than what it is (Perrine,

1977:81). Symbol maybe best understood as an implied metaphor

Example : You cannot teach an old dog new trick.

9. Allegory

Allegory is or description that has meaning beneath the surface one (Perrine, 1977: 88). Allegory is description that has another meaning.

Example : He trew a pine cones at a jovial squirrel and he ran with chattering fear.

10. Paradox

Paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless something true. It maybe either situation orstatement. (Perrine, 1977:101).

Example : Truth is honey which is bitter.



Understatement is saying less than one means that may exist in what are says or merely in how one say it (Perrine, 1977:102). Understatement is opposite of overstatement.

Example : You get the highest grade in class.

12. Irony

Irony is the opposite of what one means. (Perrine, 1977: 103), an author employs the device for irony effect, letting the reader into the author‟s confidence, and revealing him as an inventor who is often at or loss for matter to sustain his and undecided about how to continue it.

Example : It is my first and last battle old .

2.3 Lyrics

Hornby (1974:822) stated that, song lyric is a short poem in a number of verses set to music to be sung. Lyrics are words that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses. The writer of lyrics is a lyricst. The meaning of lyrics can either be explicit or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost unitelligible, and in such cases, their explication emphasizes form, articulation, meter and symmetry of expression. Lyrics often contain political, social, and economic themes – as well as aesthetic elements- and so can communicate culturally significant messages.



3.1 Findings

According to perrine, There are 12 types of figurative language but the writer only focuses on Metaphor, Simile, Personification and Hyperbole.

1. Metaphor

1. Cause I‟ll never change all my colours for you ( I Have Nothing)

2. Don‟t make me close one more door (I Have Nothing)

3. We were moving montains long before we knew we could (When You

Believe )

4. I face the pain ( One moment in time )

5. When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away (One Moment in time )

6. I‟m racing with my destiny (One Moment In Time)

7. I Can‟t get you off my mind (Thinking About You)

8. Cause i‟d rather be feeling blue (Saving all )

2 Simile

1. Hope seems like the summer birds ( When You Believe )

2. Like a candle burning bright (Nobody Loves Me Like You Do)

3. Like a leaf upon the wind, i could find no place to land ( Nobody Love Me

Like You do )

4. Like a cat tryin‟ to dodge a dog ( Love is a contact support )

5. You‟re as cold as the fog ( Love is a contact support )


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 6. Lovely as a ray of sun ( )

7. Like a river of wine, intoxicate my mind (Thinking About You)

8. Love can strike like lightning (Take Good Care of My )

3 Personification

1. I hope life treats you kind ( I Will always love you )

2. Love is glowing in your eyes ( Nobody Loves me like you do )

3. Flowing from my mind with ease ( for the love of you )

4. In our hearts, a hopeful song ( When You Believe )

4 Hyperbole

1. I have nothing if I don‟t have you (I Have Nothing)

2. You break down my walls with the strength of your love (I Have Nothing)

3. Bittersweet memories that is all I‟m taking with me (I Will Always Love

You )

4. You‟re a winner for a ( One Moment in Time )

5. We can sail together in and out of mystery ( For the Love of You )

6. Look into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above ()

7. And I living out of my (Thinking About You)

8. Come and make you‟re magic, til you have me hypnotised (Take good care

of my heart)

9. You‟re the one i needed the most ( Take good care of my heart)



1. Metaphor

1. Cause I‟ll never change all my colours for you ( I Have Nothing)

Literally means : characteristic of human visual perception described through color categories.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : Human doesn‟t have colours except their skin colours, so the words “colours” in here means the personality of the person.

2. Don‟t make me close one more door (I Have Nothing)

Literally means : the word “door” doesn‟t mean the real door.

But, in this case figuratively (non – literally ) means : the word door here is means the heart of the woman.

3. We were moving mountains long before we knew we could (When You

Believe )

Literally means : the words “moving mountains” means that the mountain can move or change the position.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer are going to achieve something difficult. Try make every possible effort.



4. I face the pain ( One Moment in Time )

Literally Means : the word “Face” means here not the real face.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the word “face” mean accept,deal with the pain.

5. When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away (One Moment in Time )

Literally means : the words “heartbeat away” means is very close.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : all of her dreams is very close to achive or going to happen.

6. I‟m racing with my destiny (One Moment In Time).

Literally means : the word “racing” means compete with another too see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the human try to racing with destiny which is “destiny” is not an objetive. So,it is impossible to happen.

7. I can‟t get you off my mind (Thinking about you)

Literally means : the words “get you off” means leave.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : that singer can‟t stop thinking about someone she love.

2. Simile

According to Perrine (1982 : 61 ) simile is the explicit comparisons of two things, indicates by the words or phrase such as “like” or “as”.

1. Hope seems like the summer birds ( When You Believe )

Literally means : the word “like” used for introducing an example of something someone that just the singer mentioned

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : The singer use summer birds to describe hopes. If you don‟t believe, the hope will be easy to flown away.

2. Like a candle burning bright (Nobody do)

Literally means : the word “like” here used for introducing an example of something someone that just the singer mentioned.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer try to give an example how was the love is so bright, like a candle burning.

3. Like a leaf upon the wind, I could find no place to land ( Nobody Love Me

Like You do )

Literally Means : the word “like” as a preposition (followed by a noun)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : The singer use leaf to describing the situation. The leaf‟s live is depend on the where the wind will blow it.

4. Like a cat tryin‟ to dodge a dog ( Love is a Contact Support )

Literally means : not really a cat that tryin‟ to dodge a dog.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer try to explain the condition or the situation by giving cat and dog as an example. The singer is try to avoiding the man. Just like a cat and dog.

5. You‟re as cold as the london fog ( Love is a Contact Support )

Literally means : the word “as” here used for comparing one person,thing or situation with another.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer comparing the coldness of london fog with her man. Which is the man is very a cold person.

6. Lovely as a ray of sun ( For the Love of You )

Literally means : the word “as” here used for referring to what someone or something does or how they appear.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : The singer use the ray of sun by imagining how lovely the love that she gaves to the man.

7. Love can strike like lightning (For the Love of You)

Literally means : the word “like” used for introducing an example of something someone that just the singer mentioned

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer is comparing love with lighting. That which is impossible that love can strike.

3. Personification

1. I hope life treats you kind ( I Will always love you )

Literally means : the word “hope” means a feeling of exceptation and desire.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the word “hope” is a respresentative of abstract that can treats human.

2. Love is glowing in your eyes ( Nobody Loves me like you do )

Literally means : the words “ glowing” expressing great praise.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : Love is only can be felt.

Can‟t be seen. So, it‟s mean that he really loves her until it show on his eyes.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. Flowing from my mind with ease ( for the love of you )

Literally means : the word “mind” is the element of a person that enables them to be aware.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the meaning is the singer‟s mind was somewhere flow beacuse of feeling in love with him.

4. In our hearts, a hopeful song ( When You Believe )

Literally means there is a hopeful song in the centre of the circulatory system.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : In the heart it‟s imposibble there is a hopeful song. So, it means like in their heart feel peace.

4. Hyperbole

According to Keraf (2009:135) Hyperbole is a kind of style that contains an overstatement, to exaggerate something.

1. I have nothing if I don‟t have you ( I Have Nothing)

Literally means : the word “nothing” means something that is nonexistent.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : The man is very important to the woman (the singer) until she state that she has nothing if she can‟t have that man. The man is means everything for her. She really in love with him.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. You break down my walls with the strength of your love (I Have Nothing)

Literally means : it is not really breaking the walls door.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means :The singer is try to explain that the ‟s have is very strong until it can break her heart.

3. Bittersweet memories that is all I‟m taking with me (I Will Always Love You)

Literally means : the word “bittersweet” is means happines and sadness at the same time.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer will always remember the moment with that person.

4. You‟re a winner fo a lifetime ( One moment in time )

Literally means : the word “lifetime” mean the period of time when someone is alive.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the words “winner for a life time” is such type of extrageratte.

5. We can sail together in and out of mystery ( For the love of you )

Literally means : the word “mystery” means something that you are not able to undesrtand, explain, or get information about.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : the singer try to explaining by together, anything can be happen. Until they sail the mystery which is impossible to happen.

6. Look into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above (How Will I Know)

Literally means : the word “takes” means move someone from one place to another.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : This lyrics is so extraggerate.

The words “take me to the clouds above” means that someone if flying. It is impossible that someone can go to the clouds (fly) by only look into someone‟s eyes. A lot of imagination in this lyrics.

7. And I living out of my fantasy (Thinking About You)

Literally means : the person that try to get out from a fantasy.

But, in this case figuratively (non-literally) means : Human is live in the earth. it‟s impossible that human live in a fantasy. So, it‟s only an imaginary of the singer because she very inlove with the man.

8. Come and make you‟re magic, til you have me hypnotised (Take good care of

my heart)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Litteraly means : the person who have the power of apparently influencing

the course of events by using mysterious or forces.

But, in this case figurativelly (non-literally) means : human is imposible to

make a magic. So, the singer is imagining the man is a wizard that can make a


9. You‟re the one i needed most (Take good care of my heart)

Litteraly means : the word “most” mean more than any other. If there are

two things to compare, then this must be more than 50%.

But, in this case figurativelly (non-literally) means : the singer is really in

love with the man.



a. Conclusion

After analyzing types of figurative language in the Whitney Houston‟s Songs

Lyrics, the writer conclude that :

In every each lyrics of Whitney Houston‟s songs contained a differents types of figurative language. The dominant types of figurative Language that is used in the Whitney Houston‟s song lyrics is Hyperbole : 9 cases b. Suggestion

After make a conclusion, the writer propose some suggestions for English

Department students as follows :

a) Know about figurative languages and its types for begginer.

b) Study about figurative languages from the song lyrics.

c) Help the students increasing knowledge about literal and non- literal


d) Enrich the students knowledge by learning english song.



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Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – , 2012) was an American singer, actress, producer, and model. In 2009, Guinness World Records cited her as the most awarded female of all-time.[1] Houston is one of pop music's best-selling music artists of all-time, with an estimated 170–200 million records sold worldwide. She released seven studio and two soundtrack albums, all of which have diamond, multi-platinum, platinum, or gold certification. Houston's appeal on the popular music charts, as well as her prominence on MTV, starting with her video for "How Will I Know", influenced several African American women artists who follow in her footsteps.

Houston is the only artist to chart seven consecutive No. 1 songs. She is the second artist behind and the only woman to have two number-one Album awards (formerly "Top Pop Albums") on the Billboard magazine year-end charts. Houston's self-titled debut album (1985) became the best-selling debut album by a woman in . named it the best album of 1986, and ranked it at number 254 on the magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Her second studio album, Whitney (1987), became the first album by a woman to debut at number one on the Billboard 200 albums chart.

Houston made her screen acting debut as Rachel Marron in the romantic film (1992). She performed the from the film's original soundtrack, "I Will Always Love You", which received the Grammy Award for Record of the Year and became the best-selling single by a woman in music history. With the soundtrack, which received the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1994, Houston became the first act (solo or group, male or female) to sell more than a million copies of an album within a single week period under Nielsen SoundScan system. The album makes her the top female act in the top 10 list of the best-selling albums of all time, at number four. Houston made other high-profile film appearances and contributed to their soundtracks, including Waiting to (1995) and The Preacher's Wife (1996). The latter's soundtrack became the best-selling gospel album in history.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA On February 11, 2012, Houston was found dead in her guest room at , in Beverly Hills, . The official coroner's report showed that she had accidentally drowned in the bathtub, with heart disease and use listed as contributing factors. News of her death coincided with the 2012 Grammy Awards and featured prominently in American and international media.

1963–1984: Early life and career beginnings

Whitney Houston was born on August 9, 1963 in what was then a middle-income neighborhood in Newark, . She was the daughter of Army serviceman and entertainment executive John Russell Houston, Jr. (September 13, 1920 – February 2, 2003), and gospel singer Emily "Cissy" (Drinkard) Houston. Her elder brother Michael is a singer, and her elder half-brother is former basketball player . Her parents were both African American. Through her mother, Houston was a first cousin of singers and . Her godmother was and her honorary aunt was , whom she met at age 8 or 9 when her mother took her to a recording studio. Houston was raised a Baptist, but was also exposed to the Pentecostal church. After the 1967 Newark riots, the family moved to a middle-class area in East Orange, New Jersey, when she was four.

At the age of 11, Houston started performing as a soloist in the junior gospel choir at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, where she also learned to the piano. Her first in the church was "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah".When Houston was a teenager, she attended Mount Saint Dominic Academy, a Catholic girls' high school in Caldwell, New Jersey, where she met her best friend Robyn Crawford, whom she described as the "sister she never had". While Houston was still in school, her mother continued to teach her how to sing Houston was also exposed to the music of , , and , most of whom would have an influence on her as a singer and performer.[

Houston spent some of her teenage years touring nightclubs where her mother Cissy was performing, and she would occasionally get on stage and perform with her. In 1977, at age 14, she became a backup singer on the Band's single "Life's a Party".In 1978, at age 15, Houston sang background vocals for Chaka Khan and .

In the early , Houston started working as a fashion model after a photographer saw her at singing with her mother. She appeared in Seventeen and became one of the first women of color to grace the cover of the magazine. She was also featured in layouts in the pages of Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Young Miss, and appeared in a Canada Dry soft drink TV commercial. Her looks and girl-next-door charm made her one of the most sought after teen models of that time. While modeling, she continued her burgeoning recording career by working with producers , and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA on an album they were spearheading called , which was credited to the group Material. For that project, Houston contributed the ballad "Memories", a cover of a song by of . of called her contribution "one of the most gorgeous ballads you've ever heard". She also appeared as a on one track on a album, entitled Paul Jabara and Friends, released by in 1983.

Houston had previously been offered several recording agencies (Michael Zager in 1980, and in 1981), but her mother declined the offers stating her daughter must first complete high school. In 1983, Gerry Griffith, an A&R representative from , saw her performing with her mother in a nightclub and was impressed. He convinced Arista's head to make time to see Houston perform. Davis was impressed and immediately offered a worldwide which Houston signed. Later that year, she made her national televised debut alongside Davis on .

Houston signed with Arista in 1983, but did not begin work on her album immediately. The label wanted to make sure no other label signed the singer away. Davis wanted to ensure he had the right material and producers for Houston's debut album. Some producers had to pass on the project because of prior commitments. Houston first recorded a with entitled "Hold Me" which appeared on his album, Love Language. The single was released in 1984 and gave Houston her first taste of success, becoming a Top 5 R&B hit. It would also appear on her debut album in 1985.



1. "I Have Nothing"

Share my life, take me for what I am There's nowhere to hide 'Cause I'll never change all my Your love I'll remember forever colours for you Take my love, I'll never ask for too Don't make me close one more door much I don't wanna hurt anymore Just all that you are and everything Stay in my arms if you dare that you do Or must I imagine you there Don't walk away from me... I don't really need to look very much I have nothing, nothing, nothing... further I don't wanna have to go where you If i don‟t have you...... don't follow I won't hold it back again, this passion inside Can't run from myself There's nowhere to hide

Don't make me close one more door I don't wanna hurt anymore Stay in my arms if you dare Or must I imagine you there Don't walk away from me... I have nothing, nothing, nothing If I don't have you, you, you, you, you.

You see through right to the heart of me You break down my walls with the strength of your love I never knew love like I've known it with you Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to

I don't really need to look very much further I don't wanna have to go where you don't follow I won't hold it back again, this passion inside I can't run from myself



If I should stay I would only be in your way So I'll go but I know I'll think of you every step of the way

And I... will always love you, ooh Will always love you You My darling, you... Mmm-mm

Bittersweet memories – That is all I'm taking with me. So good-bye. Please don't cry: We both know I'm not what you, you need

And I... will always love you I... will always love you You, ooh

[Instrumental / Sax solo]

I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness But above all this I wish you love

And I... will always love you I will always love you I will always love you I will always love you

I will always love you

I, I will always love you.

You. Darling, I love you. I'll always... I'll always love you. Ooh Ooh


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. “When You Believe” [Repeat 1]

You will when you Many nights we've prayed You will when you believe With no proof anyone could hear Just believe In our hearts, a hopeful song I believe, I believe We barely understood Just believe You will when you believe Now we are not afraid Although we know there's much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could, oh yes

[1] - There can be when you believe Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe

Oh yeah, in this time of fear When prayer so often proves in vain Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away Yet now I'm standing here My heart so full I can't explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'll say

[Repeat 1]

They don't always happen when you ask And it's easy to give in to your fears But when you're blinded by your pain Can't see the way, get A small but still, resilient voice Says hope is very near, oh


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4. “One Moment in Time” When I'm racing with destiny Then in that one moment of time Each day I live I will feel I want to be I will feel eternity A day to give The best of me You're a winner for a lifetime I'm only one If you seize that one moment in time But not alone Make it shine My finest day Is yet unknown Give me one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I I broke my heart could be Fought every gain When all of my dreams are a To taste the sweet heartbeat away I face the pain And the answers are all up to me I rise and fall Give me one moment in time Yet through it all When I'm racing with destiny This much remains Then in that one moment of time I will be I want one moment in time I will be When I'm more than I thought I I will be free could be I will be When all of my dreams are a I will be free heartbeat away And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time When I'm racing with destiny Then in that one moment of time I will feel I will feel eternity

I've lived to be The very best I want it all No time for less I've laid the plans Now lay the chance Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I could be When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 5. “Saving All My Love for You” We'll be making love the whole night through A few stolen moments is all that So I'm saving all my love we share Yeah, I'm saving all my loving You've got your family, and they Yes, I'm saving all my love for need you there you Though I've tried to resist, being For you, for you last on your list But no other man's gonna do So I'm saving all my love for you

It's not very easy living all alone My friends try and tell me find a man of my own But each time I try I just break down and cry 'Cause I'd rather be home feeling blue So I'm saving all my love for you

You used to tell me we'd run away together Love gives you the right to be free You said, "Be patient, just wait a little longer." But that's just an old fantasy

I've got to get ready Just a few minutes more Gonna get that old feeling When you walk through that door

'Cause tonight is the night for a feeling alright We'll be making love the whole night through So I'm saving all my love Yes, I'm saving all my love Yes, I'm saving all my love for you

No other woman is gonna love you more 'Cause tonight is the night that I'm feeling alright


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 6. “Thinking About You” But like a fool, insane I run to you I can't get you off my mind I'm just a love sick fool No matter what I do I've got this thing for you (I'm I'm wishing you were here, with just a love-sick fool) me It makes no difference [Chorus] I only think of you words and music by: , And I living out my fantasy LaLa

[Chorus:] Late at night, a rendezvous Being such a love sick fool It might be pouring rain But still the same, nothings changed All and all I feel no shame I'm just your fool the same (I'm just your fool) (I keep thinking about you baby) So tell me what you're gonna do (I keep thinking about you) All I wanna do is (Like a river of wine, intoxicate my mind I'm thinking about you) That's what I wanna do (Pick me up, let's go down I'm thinking about it too) (I'm thinking about you) Ya got me thinking about you (I'm thinking about it too)

Maybe weeping is a game That's hard for me to face (But you need me) Just like I need you There's no reason Just my heart that makes me feel this way And I hope you feel the same way too

[Chorus] [Spoken] It might be pouring rain


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 7. “Nobody Loves Me Like You 8. “Love is A Contact Support”

Do” You've been avoiding me Like a cat tryin' to dodge a dog Like a candle burning bright I never see ya shine Love is glowing in your eyes You're as cold as the London fog A flame to light our way You claim you want my love That burns brighter everyday Well I wouldn't know by the way But now I have you you behave Nobody loves me like you do If you want to feel the thrill of my touch Like a leaf upon the wind You better come outa' yo' cave I could find no place to land I dreamed the hours away It's so perplexing And wondered everyday Why you fight it, won't you try it Do dreams come true Love's electric Nobody loves me like you do Turn me on and see

[Chorus:] [Chorus:] What if I'd never met you Love is a contact sport Where would I be right now You gotta move in tight Funny how life just falls in place If you wanna do it right, here I am somehow Love is a contact sport You've touched my heart in You gotta act untamed places that I never even knew If you wanna play Cause nobody loves me like you So grab my hand and.... slam!... do I hate to sound aggressive I was words without a tune But I'm tired of waitin' for your move I was a song still unsung Cut the formalities 'Cause you've got a few things to A poem with no prove A dancer out of time If you really want my love But now there's you I need to feel it down deep from Baby, nobody loves me like you within do Don't make me wait to long I'm ready now, come and stroke my [chorus] skin

Well all this talkin' Worthless chatter, just don't matter Time for stalkin' Come get next to me


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 9. “For the Love of You” what I feel Yeah, your love is real Drifting on a memory I might as well, sign my name on Ain't no place I'd rather be than a card that's been saying better with you See, time will tell Loving you Cause it seems that I've done just Day will make the way for night about all that I can do All we need is candlelight And a song, soft and long [Chorus] Well, you'd like to think We're alone with a love unlike no other Sad to see, a new horizon slowly coming into view

[Chorus:] I want to be living for the love of you All that I'm giving is for the love of you

Lovely as a ray of sun That touches me when the morning comes Feels good to me My loving me, yeah Smoother then a gentle breeze Flowing from my mind with ease Soft as can be Well, when you're loving me, ooh baby Love to be Riding the waves of love enchanted with your touch It seems to me We can sail together in and out of mystery


Paradise, I hafta think, can't feel as secure again You're the key And this I see Now and then I lose my way Confusing words to try and say


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 10. “Take Good Care of My 11. “How Will I Know” Heart” There's a boy I know, he's the one I Time can pass so slowly, when dream of you feel so all alone Looks into my eyes, takes me to the Love can strike like lightning, clouds above when you find your heart a home Ooh I lose control, can't seem to get I've seen it in the movies, read enough about it in a book When I wake from dreaming, tell me I've never feel it, but your touch is it really love was all it took [Chorus:] [Chorus:] How will I know (Don't trust your Take good care of my heart feelings) Take good care of my heart How will I know Baby you're the first to take it How will I know (Love can be You're the only one who can deceiving) break it How will I know I love you more than I should How will I know if he really loves But it keeps me feeling so good me I've waited for your love for ever I say a prayer with every heart beat You're the one to take good care I fall in love whenever we meet of my heart I'm asking you what you know about these things Come and make you're magic, til How will I know if he's thinking of you have me hypnotised me If we get any closer, I'll be I try to phone but I'm too shy (can't drowning in your eyes speak) You're the one I needed most, Falling in love is all bitter sweet when my love was on the line This why do I feel I'm so glad you gave me yours, weak when I gave you mine Oh, wake me, I'm shaking, wish I [Chorus] had you near me now Said there's no mistaking, what I feel is really love


If he loves me, if he loves me not [X3]
