BOOK LOVERS: ALA 100 MOST CHALLENGED BOOKS, 1990-2000 [30 POINTS]  Select a novel from the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books to read. In a one page [no more, no less] word-processed composition, describe why the book has been banned and then support OR refute the banning of the book.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

FAHRENHEIT 451: PARADOX REFLECTION ESSAY [10 POINTS]  Explore and ponder upon different and various (albeit connected) ideas, concepts, and issues revealed through the characters and events of Fahrenheit 451. Consider/Re-Consider the paradox (dilemma) of the one or a few of the following: Safety,  In a one page word-processed composition, discuss how having Happiness Security more/less of freedom affects the safety of the community and how Entertainment having more/less safety affects freedom. Be sure to explain how Individuality happiness, entertainment, individuality, and/or political correctness Political Correctness, Censorship are impacted by this paradox between freedom and safety. Freedom  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

FAHRENHEIT 451: LITERARY DEVICE ESSAY [10 POINTS]  Consider the use of allusions such as “Dover Beach” and Ecclesiastes. Consider/Re-Consider Bradbury’s use of literary and/or Biblical allusions and its contributions to the theme or to the verisimilitude of the dystopia in F451. [i.e, how realistic is the society in F451 and how do the allusions establish the possibility of such a future?]  In a one page word-processed composition, explain the effectiveness of Bradbury’s use of allusion to establish theme and verisimilitude.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

FAHRENHEIT 451: CHARACTER, CONFLICT, CHANGE ESSAY [10 POINTS]  Montag is a character who undergoes a considerable transformation due to certain characters and events.  In a one page word-processed composition, identify and interpret what/how events, characters, and internal conflict converge to create this change in Montag.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

FAHRENHEIT 451: MACRO-MICROCOSM [CONNECTIONS] ESSAY [10 POINTS]  A dystopia is formed via a trend (or current issue at the time of the writing of the novel), the exaggeration of that trend or issue, and the presentation of the consequences.  In a one page word-processed composition, write about the validity of Bradbury’s presentation of issues such as the excessive pursuit of freedom, entertainment, and/or happiness/pleasure. In other words, does Bradbury make a legitimate point? Make the connection today with what you see as possible dangers for our future. [As another option, consider “The Censors,” “Rapping Nasty,” or “Coda” as other possible text- to-text connections]  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

UTOPIA--DYSTOPIA: FILM CRITIQUE ESSAY [20 POINTS]  There are many films today that parallel Fahrenheit 451 such as The Truman Show, The Matrix, Artificial Intelligence: AI, Minority Report, The Animatrix, Blade Runner, I Robot, The Fifth Element, and Gattaca.  In a one page word-processed composition, write a critique of one of the films above (or another of your choice with both parent and teacher approval). Discuss how the film establishes a utopia or dystopia and what the director is trying to say about society and life today.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. ONE-PAGER, ESSAY

VIDEO POEM: STUDENT SHORT FILM [20 POINTS]  To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, A Separate Peace, and Fahrenheit 451: complex themes, multi-faceted characters, volatile social/political/ethical/historical contexts.  Choose from a PowerPoint, Google’s Presenter, Movie Maker, or iMovie as your form for presentation. You are required to employ images, pictures, video, video clips, and/or music (whether your own or from “other” resources) to create a film illustrating a common theme with these American novels. Go to Mr. Chung’s teacher page and then to “Online Collaboration” (located in the page menu, upper right) for online resources. Be advised, if you are using PowerPoint or Google’s Presenter, this assignment is a film—not a traditional presentation.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. SHORT FILM, 10 MINUTES MAX

WEB PAGE: STUDENT WEB-SITE [10 POINTS]  To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, A Separate Peace, and Fahrenheit 451: complex themes, multi-faceted characters, volatile social/political/ethical/historical contexts.  Using Google Page Creator, identify and present a common issue found within these American novels. Be sure to incorporate links to other valid sites and/or more web pages (by you) along with appropriate images and pictures. You may use your Censorship research or any of the above options (instead of the common issue) as a topic for your web pages. Go to Mr. Chung’s teacher page and then to “Online Collaboration” (located in the page menu, upper right) for online resources.  DUE DATE: JANUARY 7, MONDAY. WEB PAGE, WITH A MINIMUM OF 2 LINKS/PAGES

CHUNG, Language Arts, 401; PYLUSD