New District Website Module Options Available

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New District Website Module Options Available

New District Website Module Options Available

Below are all the website modules available to use on your District pages. I can activate modules that are not visible upon requests only. If you would like this done, or would like more information on these modules, please contact Brandon Ash at extension 11423 or at [email protected]

Articles This module is designed to display multiple groupings of information with different titles/headings on one page of website. Each article bears the following attributes:  Title  Teaser (a subtitle to the article)  Picture/graphic with caption (if desired)  Text (which can be multiple paragraphs) Multiple articles may be written for display on single page of site. Articles are separated by horizontal line.

Audio Uploads This module permits the upload of audio files in .mp3 only. Attributes provide the ability to:  Assign desired name for each audio file as you wish it to appear on this page.  Rank files for proper display on site  Upload multiple files if desired. (Not recommended if files exceed 2MB each in size.)

Blog This module permits the communication between several people using a running dialog type of format. A Blog is a shortened form of a Weblog.  Blogs can be used as a communication tool notifying staff of new information and allowing them, if desired, to post questions or comments.  There may be several blogs and/or blog topics.  Blogs can be posted on the public or private side of your site.

Calendar [Public] Calendar provides the opportunity for you to post events with detail at three levels:  Public (events to be reflected on website)  Central Office (events to be reflected only in the program and seen by those sharing the same group calendar) Example: Tech Team Planning Session, Office Christmas Party, etc.  Private (events that are specific to you and you alone in the program) Example: Haircut, Dental Appt., Mom’s Birthday, etc Contact Primary function is to display additional contact information as well as main points of contact for this division/department. Contacts are available in two areas.  Under main contact tab (listing the primary contacts/department heads in the school district)  Under individual departments/divisions Contacts work in conjunction with a Staff module at the respective level of the website.  May add photo (i.e. group shot of employees, etc.) with caption for display on this page  May add additional information such as business hours, location of office, general phone and fax numbers, FAQ’s, etc. for display at top of page

Document Uploads This module provides for upload of documents less than 1MB in size in the following formats: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pptx, pub, flp, notebook, pps, swf, jpg, gif, mpeg, wmv, m4v, m4a, and mp3.  Enter main page text as desired (general overview of documents displayed on this page)  Create categories under which documents will be displayed  Add desired number of documents under each category.  Create sub-categories if desired

Employment This module is specifically designed for Job Postings. Used typically with Personnel/HR area. This module facilitates posting of new jobs.  Enter Job Title, when to display on site*, picture with caption and details of job.  Can create department (level 2) pages to incorporate certified vs. non-certified job openings.  When no job openings are active, default message appears on website. *Job will no longer appear on website after end date.

Employment (Categorized) Similar to the Employment page, Employment Categorized provides a more detailed display of job openings. Some of the additional features of this more advanced posting of jobs are:  Detailed information about the job.  Ability to opt for posting a job to a certain date or "until filled."  Ability to create specific custom categories of job openings.  Document upload ability within the job posting.  Printable for public posting on bulletin boards or take-away information for visitor to your site. Forms This module provides for upload of forms less than 1MB in size in the following formats: .txt, .pdf, .doc, .rtf, .htm, .html, .jpg, .gif, .xls.  Create Categories under which forms will be displayed  Add desired number of forms under each category.  Choose from three types of forms: o Document-based o Online Forms o Online Forms with Notification

Frequently Asked Questions This module provides a centralized area for posting of commonly asked questions specific to divisions or departments or on the main website area.  Enter question with both a short and detailed answer.  Search FAQs based on key word.

Links Present a page of helpful website links organized by category. With this module, you can:  Create categories under which links will be displayed.  Add desired number of links under each category.

Main Page This module is typically the start page for any level link. Provides ability to present overview of information for this area of the website.

Meeting Schedule Used primarily with a division created for the board. Post board meetings indicating type of meeting and location.  Upload agenda and minutes in .pdf, .doc, .rtf or .txt formats if desired.  Give details of meeting.  Use Notification to send agenda to media outlets (see Categorized Notification section).

News News articles will appear under the News link of the site. Some news articles may appear on home page (see Top Stories under Main Website Links)  Articles contain title, date to be displayed (default is today and for the following 7 days), teaser (a subtitle to the article), picture with caption (if desired) and a written article.  News stories may contain up to three documents for display/download from the site  A main photo and any additional photos may be added to story.  Individuals and groups may be notified of a new News item through the Notification option Pages Create unlimited number of pages (up to three levels) for display of information.  Page includes Title, Teaser (sub-title), date, picture or graphic w/caption and text.  Up to three documents in .pdf, .doc, .rtf or .txt formats may be displayed.  Upload main photo and any additional photos (must be .jpg or .gif format less than 100K) associated with page.  Pages display alphabetically according to name unless ranked.  Two additional levels of pages may be created from initial page.

Photo Album Add Photo Albums with an Album Cover.  Photos/graphics must be in .jpg or .gif format less than 100K in size  Multiple photos may be added in each category  Multiple categories may be created in each Photo Album

Presentations Upload This module permits the upload of MS Power Point (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .pot), Promethean (.flp), SmartBoard (.notebook), Flash (.swf) files.  Files may be named and ranked for proper display on site.  Link to free PowerPoint Viewer download available automatically from this page.

Quick Links Quick Links permits the constant display of website links, either internal (to other parts of your site) or external (World Wide Web links in a new window) from any division (level 1), department (level 2) or sub-department (level 3) on your site.  Links may be displayed on one individual division or department or within all departments (levels) under that division (level)  Links will display alphabetically unless ranked

Staff Information concerning staff members may be entered on staff page.  Staff members may be added providing Name, Position, Phone, Extension, E-mail and photo.  Staff members may be reflected in various areas of the site requiring entry only one time.  Staff Members may be activated as users to software.  E-mail link will appear unless removed  Entries will appear alphabetically unless overridden by Ranking.  May add Bio information in Bio/Edit link.

Video Uploads This module permits the upload of MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg) or Windows Media Player (.wmv) files. Files may be named and ranked for proper display on site.

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