Minggu/ Tarikh/ Masa
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WEEK/DATE/ TOPIC & LESSON SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE METHOD & APPROACH TEACHING AIDS/ CONCEPT & TIME DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES VALUE ONE Unit 1: 1- Students know the literal and 1. Teacher differentiates 1.Textbook Concept; Date: Islam and Iman technical meaning of Islam between a well organized and 2.Whiteboard Uluhiyyah ______2- Student know, understand and arranged matchboxes to one 3.Lesson Summary Rububiyyah 45 minutes 1- Definition Islam realize that there are diversity of that are disorganized and 4-Match boxes or Faith 2- Pillars of Islam religions in this world corresponding disarrayed one. cubes. Value; to the diversity of mankind but Islam 2. Teacher asks students to Obedience is the only religion acceptable to Allah give their opinions on these Piety 3- Students realize Islam teaches her two conditions of the Confidence adherents to be good citizens matchboxes. Hopeful for especially in a volatile multiracial 3. Teacher links the Allah’s country such as Singapore, as Islam conditions of the matchboxes protection incorporates not only the act of to the present lesson. from the worship but most important it covers evil of this area of national development too. world and 4- Students practice and demonstrate hereafter. good behaviors as Muslims living in a multiracial, religions and cultures.
TWO Continuation 1- Students know and understand the 1- Teacher recalls past lesson 1- Textbook Same as above Date: Unit 1 concept of confession (syahadah), and links it with today’s 2- Whiteboard ______ Confession prayer, alms (zakat), fasting and hajj lesson. 3- Teacher’s Note 45 minutes Shahada with confidence. 2- Teacher explains in details 4- Chart on the Prayer 2- Students are able to immerse each today topic. Pillars of Islam Alms: Zakat concept of the Pillars of Islam in them 3- Teacher encourages Fasting through theory and practice. students to discuss the Hajj 3- Students know the literal and following: technical definition of Faith or Iman. a- Those who fast without 3- Definition of 4- Students know and realize that observing daily prayers. Iman those with Faith will practice what is b- Those who exercises and enjoined by the religion Islam. practices all the pillars of Islam but at the same time referring to charms and foretelling and visiting shaman or fortuneteller (bomoh) if mishaps befall them. THREE Continuation 1- Students know those who confess 1- Teacher brings 2 potted plants 1. Textbook Same as above Date: Unit 1: and profess, as Muslims must believe – one (A) with a healthy plant 2. Whiteboard ______all the articles of Faith. and the other (B) plant is dying. 3. Lesson Summary 45 minit 4- Pillars of Faith 2- Students also know that the vice 2- Teacher asks students to 4- 2 potted plants 5- The association versa is true – that those with Faith observe and comment on both with a healthy and plants A and B. dying plant each of Islam and Iman must obey and observe all the pillars 3- From the answers given by 5 Chart of the Pillars 6- Discuss of Islam students, teacher links it with of Islam and Iman 3- Students know the association today lesson on the Pillars of between the Pillars of Islam with Iman Islam and Iman by giving 4- Students are able to practice what appropriate examples. they learnt. 4- Teacher discusses the problems in the given textbook
FOUR Unit 2 – Profession 1- Students know the meaning of shahada 1- Teacher recalls past lesson 1. Textbook Same as above Date: of faith 2- Students know and realize that the and associates it with today 2. Whiteboard ______ Importance of the statement of shahada differentiate a topic. 3. Teacher’s Note 45 minutes profession of Muslim between a non-Muslim. 2- Teacher explains in details 4. Chart on the faith 3- Students know, understand and realize today’s lesson. pillars of Islam and Definition of the that a non Muslim has to profess the 3- Teacher asks barrages of Faith (Iman) statement of statement of shahada with intent when question. shahada they want to embrace Islam Parts of Shahada
FIVE Continuation 1- Students immerse themselves in the 1. Teacher recalls past lesson 1. Textbook Same as above. Date: Unit 2: statement of shahada. and links it with today’s topic. 2. Whiteboard ______* Parts of Shahada 2- Students are confident in what they 2- Teachers gives details 3. Teacher’s Note 45 minutes * Immersing oneself professed and confessed. explanations. 4. Chart on the in the statement of 3- Students know and understand that 3- Teachers discusses with pillars of Islam and Shahada those sincere and understand the meaning students the matter in the Faith (Iman) 1- Understand the of the statement of shahada will not be discussion column of the meaning easily disappointed or give up when textbook. 2- Confidence dealing with life crisis. 3- Willing acceptance 4- Students know that those who immerse 4- Oblige and obey themselves in the statement of shahada 5- Agreement of the will always be thankful and appreciative truth of what Allah has bestowed upon them 6- Sincerity 5- Students know those who really 7- Love understand the meaning of Shahada will love Allah wholeheartedly with sincerity.
SIX Unit 3 1- Students know that obedience to 1- Teacher recalls past lesson 1. Textbook Concept; Date: Confession of Rasulullah is obedience to Allah. and connects it with today’s 2. Whiteboard Knowledge ______Prophet 2- Students know the reason Allah sent topic. 3. Lesson Summary 45 minutes Muhammad as His Messenger or Rasul to mankind. 2-Teacher explains in details the Value; Rasulullah 3- Students know those who confess as role of Prophet Muhammad saw Confidence prophet after the demised of Rasulullah as Messenger of Allah. The meaning of Faith are considered as apostates 3- Discussion. Piety
Muhammad 4- Students know and realize that Rasulullah whatever matter relayed by Rasulullah is Believing true. Rasulullah saw 5- Students know that there is no more prophets or messengers after the demised as Allah’s of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). prophet Believing as The last Prophet SEVEN Continuation Unit 3 1- Students know that Islam teaches us to 1. Teacher flashes the chart on 1. Textbook Concept; Date: Instilling the love be tolerant toward the mistake and the Quranic evidences of 2. Whiteboard Godhead ______for Rasulullah weakness of others. Prophet Muhammad saw as the 3. Lesson Summary 45 minutes Believing and 2- Students know and realize that Islam last messenger. Value; witnessing the teaches her adherents to supplicate for the 2- Teacher explains and gives Confidence truth in his good of others such as for guidance ample examples of the Faith message (taufiq and hidayah). behaviour of Rasulullah that Piety Obeying all his 3- Students know the virtues and wisdom should be followed and commands and of Allah sending messengers among man exemplified. leaving all his and not angels to man 3-Disucssion. prohibition. 4- Students know the good characteristics Rasulullah as the possessed by Rasulullah. role model 5- Students will practice what they learnt (epitome of good from the characters of Rasulullah. behaviour - (forgiving, mercy and diligent in devotion) EIGHT Unit 4 Invalidation 1- Students know the literal and technical 1. Teacher explains the meaning 1. Textbook Concept; Date: of Islam and Iman meaning of syirik. of syirik clearly with ample and 2. Whiteboard Knowledge ______1- SYIRIK 2- Students are able to differentiate appropriate examples such as 3. Lesson Summary 45 minutes * Definition of syirik between what is major syirik (akbar) or from one speech or action can Value; * Parts of syirik minor syirik (asghar) lead to syirik Confidence 3- Students know and understand the 2. Discussion Faith 2- Matters that lead to matters that may lead to syirik 3. Q&A Devotion Syirik 4- Students know, understand and realize Piety
* Consulting shaman that those who believe in shaman or Group Assignment – see or fortuneteller and fortuneteller, Allah will not accept his/her attached project entitled: believing in their prayer for 40 days “Syirik” prediction as the truth 5- Students strive to avoid from action that attracts and may cause ones to be on See attached group the syirik’s side. assignment entitled: 6- Students know and realize that in “SYIRIK “ dealing with the trials and tribulations of life Muslims must seek Allah guidance and help by performing sholat and be patience all the time. NINE Continuation Unit 4 1- Students know and realize by reading 1. Teacher recalls past lesson 1. Textbook Concept; Date: * Using sihir or black the horoscope in newspaper, internet and and links it today’s topic. 2. Whiteboard Same as ______magic to cure those tabloid magazines may lead them to the 2- Teacher gives details 3. Lesson Summary above 45 minutes infected by sihir practices of syirik. explanation on the subject * Believing in fortune 2- Students know wearing or the usage of matter. Value; teller talisman with Quranic verses should be 3- Discussion. Same as * Taking certain avoided, as there are no strong supportive above happenings as bad evidences from Al-Quran or hadith that omen this practice is allowed. * Believing in the 3- Students should avoid from involving power of talisman in matters that can lead them to syirik. (tangkal/tamimah) TEN Continuation Unit 4 1- Students know that nowadays people 1. Teacher expounds on the 1. Textbook Concept; Date: misused the verses from al-Quran and the students to think about Allah 2. Whiteboard Obedience ______* Finding a cure Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) mixed with Greatness beyond others. Man 3. Lesson Summary Piety 45 minutes through spells other spells that invoke Shaitan, jinn or does not possess this greatness. (mentera-mentera/ other spirit of the dead to cure a sickness. 2- Teacher embarks on a Value; Ruqa’) 2- Students know, understand and realize discussion about the power of Discipline * Seeking help from that a Muslim is to seek help only from spirit compared to Allah’s Piety the spirit of the dead Allah not others (than Allah) Power and links it with today’s 3- Students strive to be cloase to Allah topic. with a proper and right devotional acts ELEVEN Continuation Unit 4 1- Students know the literal and technical 1. Teacher explains the meaning 1. Textbook Same as above Date: meaning of Kufur. of kufur inn details and links it 2. Whiteboard
______3- KUFUR 2- Students are able to differentiate the with today lesson. 3. Lesson Summary 45 minutes * Definition of kufur differences between a major and minor 2- Teacher asks students to list * Categories of Kufur Kufr. the major and minor Kufur. * Major Kufur 3- Students know, understand and realize - Disagree with what that if a Muslims rejects any one of the Rasul propagated articles of Islam and/or Iman, this will - Arrogant and proud lead him/her to be an infidel. in attesting the truth 4- Students strive to avoid from these of Islam characteristics of an infidel KEDUA BELAS Continuation Unit 4 1- Students know that if a Muslim has 1. Teacher explains in details 1. Textbook Concept; Tarikh : - Doubt and fickle doubt about the truth of Islam it may lead why it is obligatory for Muslims 2. Whiteboard Knowledge ______mindedness or to apostacy not to doubt and practice all the 3. Lesson Summary Obedience 45 minit rejection of the truth 2- Students know, understand and realize Pillars of Islam and Iman. Piety of Islam that being thankful for the bounty of 2- Teacher gives example of - Disbelief in the providence and sustenance from Allah people who were appreciative of Value; Pillars of Iman or will avoid us from having minor kufr Allah sustenance and providence - Confidence Islam 3- Students the ways to show our to them. - Sincerity appreciation to Allah. * Minor Kufur 4- Students strive to avoid from matters - Unthankful to the that may lead to kufur bounty provided by Allah swt - Doing the act of kufur in devotions KETIGA BELAS Continuation Unit 4 1- Students know the literal and technical 1. Teacher recalls past lesson 1. Textbook Concept; Tarikh : 4- NIFAK meaning of nifak. and links it to today’s lesson. 2. Whiteboard Knowledge ______* Definition of nifak 2- Students know and understand the 2- Teacher explains in details 3. Lesson Summary Piety 45 minit * Categories of Nifak meaning of nifak aqidah (faith) or nifak and gives examples of nifak * Nifak aqidah amali (acts). aqidah and nifak amali. Value; * Nifak amali 3- Students know the characteristic of a 3- Q&A - Confidence * Characteristic of a munafik - Sincerity munafik 4- Students strive to avoid from being a munafik FOURTEEN Unit 5 Matters of 1- Students know what to be done to 1- Teacher explains the how to 1. Textbook Concept; Date: improving one’s increase one faith or Iman. increase one faith or Iman by 2. Whiteboard Knowledge
______faith. 2- Students know and realize that those giving ample and appropriate 3. Lesson Summary Piety 45 minutes 1-Exalted status of with faith will do any devotional acts examples. the one’s with faith willingly not by force. 2-Discussion. Value; 2-Faith increases and 3- Students know and realize that doing -Confidence decreases things with absolute sincerity is to expect -Sincerity the rewards and mercy from Allah only. 4- Students know that the faithful person with strong conviction will always bear in mind that Allah is observing and watching his/her every steps and moves. FIFTEEN Continuation Unit 5 1- Students know and realize that faith is 1- Teacher explains the 1- Textbook Same as above Date: incomplete by doing devotional acts alone importance of religious 2- Whiteboard ______1-Seeking knowledge without the proper knowledge. knowledge as a guiding factor to 3- Teacher note 45 minutes 2-Learning and 2- Students know and realize that the ones success in life & hereafter. 4- “Dalil” chart understanding verses from al-Quran are in fact the 2- Teacher explains the al-Quran Words of Allah transmitted through the importance to understand al- 3-Doing good deeds messenger Prophet Muhammad as a Quran besides reciting it. and devotional acts guidance and advice for our daily life. 3- Teacher explains the various devotional acts to strengthened ones faith. 4- Discussion SIXTEEN Continuation Unit 5 1- Students know by remembrance and 1- Teacher shows students the 1- Textbook Same as above Date 4- Remembrance and thinking about Allah will improve and daily ritual of zikr and 2- Whiteboard ______thinking. increase the level of one’s faith. supplications. 3- Teacher note 45 minutes 5- Supplication and 2- Students know that a Muslim must be 2- Teacher links past lesson to 4- “Dalil” chart reliance on Allah consistent in our supplications and the present. 6- Repentance on sins reliance to Allah for help and mercy in 3- Teacher explains today lesion 7- Discussion. every little thing we do. in details 3- Students know that Allah’s help and 4- Teacher discusses with mercy will not come by just mere students. supplication or reliance without concerted effort or action and sincerity then the reliance on Allah. 4- Students know and realize each human on the face of this earth is not spare from
forgetfulness and making mistake but Islam is the religion of mercy for all 5- Students know and realize that Allah always opens the doors of repentance to those servants who regret and repent from their wrong doings. SEVENTTEN Date ______REVISION WEEK Students should be able to recall, know, understand, realize and able to practice what they have learnt
45 minutes
EIGHTEEN Date ______REVISION WEEK Same as above
45 minutes
NINETEEN EXAMINATION Teachers are able to gauge and evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching towards the students. Date WEEK Students too are able to evaluate and do self-assessment on their understanding of what they have learnt ______
45 minutes TWENTY Date ______EXAMINATION Same as above WEEK 45 minutes