Tne Authorities Is Limited, and the Neighbourhood Is Being Rapidly Built

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Tne Authorities Is Limited, and the Neighbourhood Is Being Rapidly Built CONTENTS. over, it will become necessary sooner or later to remove the School further from London. If there were a strong likelihood of such a contingency 6 EPORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS (Continued)— LEADERS S S i R happening, it would show that the authorities had acted most improvidentl y provincial Grand Lod ge of Cornwall 166 Instruction 573 Installation of Bro. Lord Euston as Pro- Royal Arch 574 in approving the present Centenary project and submitting it for the vincial Grand Master of Northants and Instruction , 574 Hunts 56? Mark Masonry 574 approval of the general body of subscribers. But it must be manifest to Consecration of the Cherwell Chapter of Knights Templar S74 all , from what Bro. FENN said at the Quarterl y Court on the 8th inst., that Royal Arch Masons, No. 599, at Ancient and Accepted Rite 574 Banbury 568 Rosicrucian Society of England 574 the question of removal has not been lost sight of either by the Special or Consecration of the Lindsay Chapter, Allied Masonic Degrees 575 and No. 133S, VVigan 569 Royal Ark Mariners f. 575 the General Committee, , that being so, the inference we naturally draw Masonic Banquet at the Mansion House... 569 West Indies 57s from the conduct of both is that the possibility of the Institution having Provincial Grand Mark Lodg-: of Somerset 56} Malta 575 CORRESPO NDENCE— Board of Benevolence 575 to be removed further from London is so remote, that it may safely be The Masonic Charities 570 Official Visit of the Provincial Grand Browne's Master Key 571 Office's of Durham 575 left out of account in any scheme for the re-arrangement and extension of Notes and Queries 571 Obituary 575 the present premises. The available space at St. John 's Hill is ample for REPORTS O? M ASONIC M EETING*— Masonic and General Tidings 576 Craft Masonry 571 Lodge Meetings for Next Week iv. the requirements of the School ; the site is one of the healthiest near London ; access to it from all parts of England and the Metropolis is easy ; THE week now rap idl y approaching its end has been an event- and when the existing premises have been altered and enlarged 6 , the School , at"'" ful one, not onl y for the worthy townsfolk of Northampton both as a building and educationally, will be one of the finest in the country. Northampton. j ] an( tne i n iabitants of the county which bears its name, but Of course, it would have been very much better if , 35 years ago, when the for the brethren of the Province of Norths and Hunts, who for a long time authorities set about purchasing the ground at St. John 's Hill , and erecting the past have been but indifferently favoured as regards opportunities for dis- original portion of the existing premises, they had secured more of the former playing their zeal and ability as Freemasons. There was a grand gathering and made the latter more commodious. But we must not blame them too of the province in 1884 at Peterborough, when the first stone of the new severely if, at a time when money was not obtainable in such large amounts tower about to be erected for the Cathedral was laid with Masonic cere- as now, they reduced their appeal for funds to as modest limits as possible, monial , but with this solitary exception , there has not been , owing, we neither must we lay it to their charge as a serious error that they did not presume, to the frequent absence of the Provincial Grand Master on his foresee and provide for the amazing increase which has since taken place in colonial expeditions, much activity disp layed in Norths and Hunts. VVe the numerical strength of the School : no one could have foreseen that. may look to see this changed no.v, to the credit both of the province and However, as we have said already, the present space is ample, and the the Craft generally. On Monday, R.W. Bro. the Earl of E USTON, a outlay thus far incurred—amounting, we believe, to upwards of £60,000 — young but energetic Mason , was installed in office as Provincial Grand being vastly in excess of any sum that could be realised by the sale of the Master, and from what passed on that occasion , from the sp irit he premises, even if an extravagant price were paid , the contingency of a manifested and the reception he experienced, there is small reason removal into the country may be dismissed from our minds altogether. to doubt that Freemasonry in these counties will present itself forth- There need not, therefore, be a moment's hesitation on the part of the with under a new and more attractive aspect. On Tuesday, the bre- Craft about supporting the Centenary proposals of the Committees. There thren again played the chief part in the event which had broug ht Prince will be no removal of the School from where it stands now, except under ALBERT VICTOR of W ALES, G.S.VV. of England , all the way from compulsion , and in that eventuality, a proper sum would be paid to the Copenhagen , and which gave Bro. the Earl of E USTON and hi-s lodges an authorities by way of compensation. opportunity of exhibiting their enthusiasm under the new regime. The * event itsel f , which is described at length elsewhere, needs no special com- ** ment. It was the inauguration of a memorial of the Q UEEN 'S Jubilee, As usual, Bro. T. W. TEW, Prov. Grand Master of West the poor inhabitants of the town and county of V 'S which will benefit largely !^udress Yorkshire, took advantage of the opportunity afforded by the Northampton, It was fitting that the grandson of the Q UEEN should meeting ot his Provincial Grand Lod ge at Heckmondwike, on perform the ceremony, and that, as he is a Princi pal Grand Officer of the 5th inst., under the banner of the Amphibious Lodge, to deliver one of United Grand Lodge, he should be supported by the Masons of the pro- those admirable addresses to which he has accustomed us since his installa- vince. The proceedings passed off admirably, and we are confident the tion in office , and as the events of the past summer afforded him ample brethren of Norths and Hunts will long remain in their present mind that material (or the exercise of his eloquence, his address on this occasion was if Freemasonry is a pursuit worthy of being followed , it must be followed listened to with more than ordinary interest by his numerous hearers and worthily. will have been studied with more than ordinary pleasure by our readers. The current year has been indeed an eventful one with the West Yorkshire FOLLOWING in the footsteps of Bros. Alderman Sir FRANCIS brethren. Not only have they borne their part honourably, as is their ' ' W YATT T RUSCOTT, Sir OHN W HITTAKER ELLIS, Bart., custom, in all the princi pal events in Masonry which have marked its pro- Hmse^an uet J ^ M.P., Sir J OHN STAPLES, K.C.M.G., and others of his gress—such as the Festivals of our Institutions, the Communications of distinguished predecessors in the Civic chair, Bro. Alderman Sir R. Grand Lod ge, and the meetings of Provincial Grand and private lod ges, H ANSON, Bart., Lord Mayor of London , has entertained at a grand which are part and parcel of our ordinary life—but the excellence of their banquet at the Mansion House Bro. the Earl of LATHO .M , Deputy G.M. organisation, and the zeal they manifest for everything Masonic, have made of England, and the Grand Officers Present and Past of United Grand themselves even more consp icuous than usual. They were strong l y repre- Lodge. The meeting took place on Tuesday, when there was a numerous sented at the great Masonic meeting in the Royal Albert Hall on the 13th gathering of brethren bent on doing honour to so worth y an occasion , and June ; they took a still more prominent part in the similar meeting held at their efforts, as a matter of course, proved successful. These hospitable York on the 14th July ; they have contributed liberall y towards the Imperial receptions by our Masonic Lord Mayors are a conspicuous and meritorious Institute—the national memorial of the Q UEEN 'S Jubilee ; and, above all, feature of our time. The latter are always most welcome when they visit they have out-Yorkshired West Yorkshire in their generous support of our our lod ges and receive the honour which is their due, and it would seem Institutions , among which in average years they distribute about ^,2000, as though a Masonic banquet had become almost as much a fixture in the but for which during this year of Jubilee they will have raised full y twice mayoral entertainments of the year as those at which her Majesty 's judges, that sum, the additional 2000 guineas being devoted to the purchase of two or the men of literature and science figure as the chief guests. At all Perpetual Presentations to the Widows' Fund of the Royal Masonic Bene- events, these banquets are calculated to prove mutually advantageous by volent Institution. With such a record as this to comment upon , it was to strengthening the feelings of respect which host and guests entertain towards be expected that Bro. TEW 'S address at this meeting would be of an excep- each other, and we take this opportunity of congratulating Bro.
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