Foundation Receives Personal Writings of Pope John Paul I by JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES Bishop Moraglia Wrote

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Foundation Receives Personal Writings of Pope John Paul I by JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES Bishop Moraglia Wrote 26 CATHOLIC NEW YORK May 6, 2021 Foundation Receives Personal Writings of Pope John Paul I By JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES bishop Moraglia wrote. spanning 50 years, made up of papers including Pope John Paul I served only 33 days as pope. handwritten pieces, notebooks, diaries, printed he John Paul I Vatican Foundation an- He died in 1978 at the age of 65, shocking the and photographic material and correspondence.” nounced the recovery of a collection of world and a Church that had just mourned the “The scope of these papers, which is mainly Tthe late pope’s writings. death of St. Paul VI. characterized as a personal file, largely includes In a statement released by the Vatican April The foundation, established in 2020 by Pope interventions, lectures, conferences, homilies, 28, Archbishop Francesco Moraglia of Venice Francis, was set up to sponsor a variety of initia- articles and publications,” she said. said the personal archives of his predecessor, tives, including conventions, meetings, seminars Among the writings, which are expected then-Cardinal Albino Luciani, are a testament to and study sessions. It also is expected to publish to be digitized, was the pope’s 1978 personal the late pontiff’s humility as “a meek and brave research and be a point of reference throughout agenda that included notes written by John worker in the vineyard of the Lord.” the world for people who wish to further their Paul I for his Sunday Angelus addresses and “I hope the foundation will always undertake studies on Pope John Paul I. weekly audiences. the work of spreading his religious and cultural Italian journalist Stefania Falasca, a member of Archbishop Moraglia said the archives show heritage so that we may know better the beau- the foundation’s administrative board and vice that even after his election, Pope John Paul I’s tiful ‘surprise’ that God wanted to reserve, one postulator of the late pope’s sainthood cause, “priority and attention went to the proclamation day, for His Church and the world by placing said the writings—dated from 1929 to 1978—are of the Gospel without ever leaving it in ‘second Albino Luciani on the chair of St. Peter,” Arch- a “very rich collection of diverse documentation place’ or trivializing it.” —CNS CNEWA Launches Emergency Campaign for India atholic Near East Welfare Association with special needs, children and the elderly. cal leaders; sponsors catechesis programs for (CNEWA) has launched an emergency An agency of the Holy See founded by Pope children and young adults; and funds initiatives Ccampaign to rush funds to India to help the Pius XI in 1926, CNEWA works for, through and for the marginalized, especially the elderly and local churches respond to the escalating Covid-19 with the Eastern churches to provide aid to reli- those with special needs. crisis that has resulted in more than 220,000 gious sisters caring for orphaned and abandoned CNEWA is a registered charity in the United deaths and overwhelmed hospitals there. children; helps displaced and refugee families; States by the State of New York. Donations can “We cannot watch this catastrophe unfold offers maternity and health care to those most be made online at; by phone at (800) and not share the heartbreak and feel the need in need; supports the formation and education 442-6392; or by mail, CNEWA, 1011 First Ave., to help,” wrote Msgr. Peter Vaccari, CNEWA of seminarians, religious sisters and catecheti- New York, NY 10022-4195. president, in an appeal to donors. “When the world has needed us, CNEWA was there. And we are there now, in India, where our Father Fajardo Steps Aside as Allegation Is Investigated regional office is at work, bringing assistance Father Ricardo Fajardo has stepped aside from his duties as pastor of Holy Spirit parish in the Bronx, while an al- however we can to those in need. But we need legation of abuse made in a lawsuit is investigated. your help. The people of India need your help!” A lawsuit has been filed under the Child Victims Act alleging the sexual abuse of a minor by Father Fajardo. The alleged conduct would have occurred in the 1990s. The allegation has been shared with the Manhattan and Bronx Funds raised will help CNEWA partners dis- District Attorneys. tribute Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), In an April 28 letter to parishioners, Auxiliary Bishop Edmund J. Whalen, vicar for clergy, said, “Although you will medical care, food packets and vaccines. undoubtedly find this news disturbing, as I do, I know that you would prefer to hear it directly from me, and not From its offices in Kerala, CNEWA has served from the news media.” The bishop said Father Fajardo has denied the allegation, “and is, of course, considered innocent until proven the churches and peoples of India for more than responsible, but he has agreed to step aside while the matter is investigated, and will not publicly exercise his eight decades, working closely with the nation’s ministry while the allegation is under review.” dynamic Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Bishop Whalen requested that parishioners of Holy Spirit pray “for both the person who brought this allegation, Catholic churches. It supports many ministries and for Father Fajardo.” of these vital communities, including their pro- Father Eric Cruz, the Bronx regional director of Catholic Charities, will serve as temporary administrator of Holy Spirit parish. grams for the marginalized and services for those HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED or email us at: Senior PT Caregiver Needed 12 Direct Mail-Development Associate DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR hrs, 3 days. Medicaid CDPAP, [email protected] The Little Sisters of the Poor are seeking a DEVELOPMENT Wheelchair female w/Dementia Catholic non-profit seeks individual with strong office and computer DIRECTOR to become part of our special team at JEANNE sks expd Caregiver for all ADLs See Your Ad Every Issue In Our skills. Highly organized and detail oriented for direct mail marketing JUGAN RESIDENCE in the Throgs Neck NY area! Responsibilities: Nassau Cty, LI. CNA ideal, will Community Classifieds programs and planned giving. Good benefits. 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