Hunton Parish Council Minutes – 2014/15

21 May 2014 – AGM

9 July 2014

17 September 2014

19 November 2014

21 January 2015

18 March 2015 Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 21st May 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Councillors Wyatt, Knight, Linehan, Worsdale and Treasurer Jason Morris and RDC Cllr Robin Scott.

Also Present: PCSO Ethan McQue.

1. Election of Chairman. - Cllr Linehan proposed Cllr Robert Wyatt as Chairman of Hunton Parish Council Seconded by Cllr Knight. Cllr Wyatt was duly elected to the post. 2. Apologies for Absence. - Apologies were received from Cllr Guy and from NYCC Councillor Carl Les. 3. Councillors Declarations of Interest. - There were no declarations of interest. 4. Minutes from the last meeting. - The minutes were agreed as a true and correct record. Moved by Cllr Knight and seconded by Cllr Linehan and were signed by the Chairman Cllr Wyatt. 5. Renewal of Insurance Policy. –There was no increase in the price of the premiums and the policy renewal was unanimously agreed. 6. Police Report. – There have been 5 incidents recorded up to 18/05/2014 which were. 3 lamping events, 1 concern for safety, and 1 civil dispute. Local residents have expressed concern at the number of door to door street traders. Concern has been raised about cold calling at the homes of elderly or vulnerable people. Police are to respond to reports of such traders to ensure correct permits are held and that offences are not being committed. An increase in reported burglaries from garages and sheds has been recorded and messages given to the public to ensure their property is securely locked up. An increase has also been reported in shoplifting offences with some offenders travelling some distance and believed to be part of organised crime groups. North Police wish to provide the service that the community

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desire and asks the council if there are any issues that this council wish the Catterick Garrison Safer Neighbourhoods Team to attend to, deal with or prioritise? 7. Planning Applications. – Two applications have been received, they are:- Application for an extension at the back of Fourtrees Bungalow. 4 Greenacres enforcement order to change windows.

Parish Council had no objections to these applications.

8. Matters Arising from RDC and NYCC. – There have been two meetings since the last update, and The Strategy Board has been re-named The Corporate Board and the changes mean the Chairman of the council can now sit on this board. The Community Opportunities Fund is not as large as originally expected and small amount around £500 can still be applied for but any larger amounts must be applied for through The Lower Wensleydale Area Partnership Fund. 9. Flooding Update. – The bridges in the village have now been cleared with the exception of the one which carries the bridleway. Cllr Worsdale advised that this one had been partially cleared and should now wash through and reduce the risk of further flooding. 10. Play Equipment. – The Inspection has been carried out on the play equipment and the report filed in the Green File. There were no major issues although remedial work is required on the slide. Cllr Wyatt to look into this. 11. Tour de France.- Between 100,000 and 300,000 people are expected to attend in the Dales and parking will be difficult. Extra trains etc have been laid on to help with movement but delays can be expected due to numbers involved and some road closures for the Tour. 12. Items to Note. – The gate has now been installed at the entrance to the Play Park on the village green and the Council wishes to record our thanks to the Hunton Steam Gathering for the installation of the gate. Cllr Knight has purchased a secure lock

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for the gate to keep the Play Park a safe and secure place for the village children. It may be possible to obtain match funding towards the cost of the Defibrillator. An electrician would be needed to install cabinet as it must be kept frost free. A quiz night may be arranged to raise funds. Cllr Wyatt attended the AGM of the village hall. The solar panels have been installed and are working well. The next meeting of the council will be July not September.

13. Business/Maintenance Items. – There were no further items to discuss. 14. Financial Report.- The Treasurer provided the following balances;- Deposit Account £125.66 Current Account £3,262.63 This figure includes payment to Horton Landscaping for grass cutting and the Inspection of Play Equipment. We are also due to pay the Insurance premium.

Next meeting Wednesday 9th July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Signed Date Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.[Type text] Page 3

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 9th July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Guy, Linehan and Worsdale and NYCC Councillor Carl Les, Sgt Graham and Jason Morris.

1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Knight, and from RDC Councillor Robin Scott. 2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. There were no Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes from the last meeting. Cllr Linehan proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record, seconded by Cllr Worsdale and they were duly signed by the Chairman Cllr Wyatt. 4. Police Report. There have been 4 incidents recorded between 22/05/2014 and 08/07/2014 which were 1 information passed (Travellers have arrived), 2 complaints regarding the travellers making a mess, and 1 Civil dispute. Residents in Catterick and Richmond have expressed concern at the number of door to door street traders. Particular concern has been expressed at the number of street traders calling on the elderly or vulnerable in the evenings. Police will respond to these concerns by checking permits and that offences are not being committed. Police will liaise with Crown Prosecution Service to support prosecutions in court where offences are identified. There has been an increase in burglaries in outbuildings and sheds and messages are being passed to the public to ensure sheds and garages are securely locked. Local retailers have reported an increase in shoplifting offences, almost doubled for this year and a number of offenders are being brought to justice. Some offenders are thought to be part of organised crime groups and are travelling some distance. 5. Community Public Access Defibrillator. Forms are being filled in by Cllr Linehan to be submitted for grant funding of the Defibrillator housing. The electrical installation and funding is to be discussed as an item on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council.

6. Planning Applications. Elgin and Hall redevelopment. A meeting was held by the developer Chris Bilbrough to explain the proposed development to the local community. The issue of the sewerage has been resolved and a planning application will be made shortly. Six houses are planned with gardens and garages, and the developer is working to resolve any issues for local people. Red House. This application is to develop outbuildings and the Parish Council has no objections to this. 7. Matters Arising from District Council and County Council. Cllr Robin Scott was unable to attend. Cllr Carl Les reported that overall the Tour de France had been a success and had generated somewhere in the region of £100 million for the area economy. A Tour de Yorkshire is planned for the next three years which it is hoped will continue to boost the local economy. Work on the bypass is to start soon. Government has awarded £5 million for road repairs which has been matched by NYCC making £10 million in total. Another £26 million is expected over the next 5 years. There is still no sign of the Flooding Report. 8. Play Equipment. No critical items were noted on inspection. Some maintenance will be required. 9. Items to Note. A further round of grant funding is available to £500. A possibility of more seats or picnic benches. 10. PC Business/Maintenance Items. Pinfolds remedial and ongoing maintenance. Quotes have been obtained from Hortons for annual maintenance of the pinfold of £255 or alternatively a one-off clean and clear to remove weeds and saplings and remove torn landscaping fabric for £855 plus VAT. Further quotes from local companies are to be obtained before a decision can be made. Grasscutting of the area by the Captains bridge has now resumed. Further quotes are to be acquired at the end of the year for grass cutting in the village. 11. Monthly Financial Report. Current Account 3,295.06 excl. Hortons 273.60 Deposit Account 125.66 The Current account balance includes the first part of the precept and the VAT claim. The Parish Council wishes to thank Jason for the last six years work as Treasurer. Julie has agreed to take on these duties alongside the clerk’s duties. Peter has agreed to do the Internal Audit again next year.

Meeting closed at 8.18pm. Next meeting on Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Knight, Guy, Linehan and Worsdale and PCSO Eric Corfield.

1. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from RDCC Cllr Robin Scott and NYCC Cllr Carl Lees and PCSO Dianne Smith and Chairman Cllr Robert Wyatt. Due to Robert being absent a temporary chairperson had to be elected. Cllr Worsdale nominated Cllr Knight and Cllr Linehan Seconded the motion. Cllr Knight became Chair for the evening. 2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. Cllr Ray Worsdale declared an interest in item 6 a planning application and Cllr Cathy Guy also declared an interest as she was a Notified person of the application. Item 6 was deferred until the end of the meeting to allow the rest of the meeting to proceed. 3. Minutes from the last meeting. Cllr Worsdale proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record, seconded by Cllr Linehan and they were duly signed by the Chairman Cllr Knight. 4. Police Report. PCSO Eric Corfield explained that there had been 5 incidents recorded, they were; 1 Burglary, a window was smashed but nothing taken, 1 Lamping event, 1 Anti Social Behaviour, 1 Personal , Safety Warning- Concern: A reported theft but property later found, 1 Suspicious Person. Operation Hawk which aims to clamp down on rural and cross-border crime is now under operation, nine Officers are spearheading the operation using the latest intelligence and ANPR technology to track and trace vehicles which are linked to known suspects. Two men were arrested and charged with four burglary offences following a break in at a Fish shop in Helmsley. A white Nissan Qashqai alerted ANPR cameras on the southbound

Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

A1 on Sunday morning and following a cross border chase 3 men were arrested. The car had been reported stolen overnight from a property in County Durham. Suspicious person or activities can be reported to North Yorkshire Police on 101 and select option 1 to speak to the force control room. Scrap metal thefts are still an issue in the area, if sighted please note the registration plates and report to NYP. A question was asked about an issue raised in a letter from a Parishioner which concerned parking with wheels on the pavement. Council were advised that no action would be taken if there were sufficient space to accommodate a pushchair or mobility scooter. If not the person could be advised to park with more consideration. 5. Community Public Access Defibrillator. Cllr Linehan advised that a grant application from Richmondshire District Councils, Community Opportunity’s Fund for the purchase of the Defibrillator had been successful. The Defibrillator Cabinet is being donated by YAS & HRW CCG and is worth £600 + VAT=£720 and used as match funding for the RDC COF Grant. An invoice for £900 will go to the Clerk, who then pays using HPC funds, then claims the £750 back from RDC COF and also applies to HMRC for reimbursement of the VAT element of £150. The electrical work will cost £100 which would if approved be paid by HPC. Cllr Knight called for a motion to approve the project, which was unanimously approved. Training for 15 people including the Clerk and Councillors will be provided. 6. Planning Applications. Adelphi House, Moor Lane, the Elgin and Halls development plans have been received and were examined by the Parish Council. Council have no objections to the plans. Ratten Row item deferred to end of meeting.

Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

7. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Councillor Robin Scott was unable to attend. Councillor Carl Les was unable to attend. 8. Donation to Patrick Brompton Church. Council agreed to make the usual donation to Patrick Brompton Church upkeep as the church is the Parish Church used by Parishioners. A cheque for £300 was duly signed. 9. Items to Note. The monthly correspondence was entered into the green file. Richmondshire District Council have done a review of polling stations which resulted in no changes for Hunton. They have also done a review of Parish Councils and again no change for Hunton. An email from Cllr Les has highlighted an issue on the Right to Record Council Meetings. Whilst the Council has no objections to being recorded it was felt that certain procedures should be followed and that the Standing Orders should be amended and updated to include these. Access to Information Procedures. Recording of Meetings. Members of the public are allowed to film, make sound recordings and use social media to record all public items on our Agendas, provided that:- They provide advance notice to the Chairman by the start of the meeting. That filming and recording is overt. That filming and recording is not undertaken in a manner which the Chairman considers to be disruptive or distracting to the good order and conduct of the meeting. Members of the public present also have the right NOT to be filmed or recorded. Cllr Linehan called for a resolution to amend the Standing Orders and this was seconded by Cllr Worsdale.

Vodaphone Open Sure Signal Programme was discussed but as there is very little information on how it actually works Cllr Linehan

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suggested that further enquiries should be made and he undertook to make the enquiries.

A letter has been received from a Parishioner concerned about the upkeep of the village in particular:- The Village Hall car park The beckside on the playing field The Pinfold The War Memorial The beckside on Low Green (Quoits Pitch) The footpaths The Cinder House The Parishioner also raised concerns about parking on pavements and at junctions.

Council have raised the parking concerns with the Police and felt that perhaps an item in the Village News asking people to be considerate to others when parking would be of some use. The Pinfold is an ongoing issue and costings are being prepared. The War Memorial will be undergoing its annual maintenance this month by Cllr Knight. The Cinder House has a crack which requires repointing but is structurally sound. Cllr Linehan and Knight have walked the footpaths and some maintenance was carried out earlier this year. Council felt that the Chairman should write to the Parishioner to address her concerns and to show what the Council is doing and to ask her to come and discuss any specific issues at the next meeting. It was also suggested that an article be placed in the village news to try getting a working party together for general maintenance and tidying of beck side areas etc.

10. PC Business/Maintenance Items. Pinfolds remedial works and ongoing maintenance. Council are awaiting further information and estimates for the cost of the remedial works required.

Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

11. Monthly Financial Report. Current Account. Out In Balance Balance B/Fwd £3,021.46 Second half of Precept. £1500 Horton’s Payment August £410.40

Giving a total of £4,111.06

This figure is before payment of Horton’s September Invoice and before Payment of a donation to Patrick Brompton Church. Deposit Account £125.69

This includes interest of 3p in the last three months.

Deferred item. 6 Ratten Row, Cllr Worsdale and Cllr Guy left the meeting as they had declared an interest. This left Council without a Quorum and so the meeting was closed at 8.51pm

Next meeting to be held on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Guy, Linehan. RDC Cllr Robin Scott, Cllr John Blackie & Tony Clark, NYCC Cllr Carl Les and PCSO Eric Corfield.

1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Steve Knight and Cllr Ray Worsdale. 2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. Cllr Geoffrey Linehan declared an interest in item 10b. 3. Minutes from the last meeting. Cllr Linehan proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and was seconded by Cllr Guy. The Chairman Cllr Wyatt duly signed the minutes. 4. Police Report. There have been six incidents recorded between 17/09/14 and 18/11/14 which were: A lamping event, one Concern for Safety, 2 suspicious persons, one Missing person, and one Sudden Death. Bogus Callers, a genuine caller will happily wait outside while you check on them by calling their organisation or a family member or neighbour. Don’t keep large quantities of cash in your home, keep it in the bank where it is safe. Keep doors and windows locked even when in and keep your door chain on. If you think a bogus caller has visited you, even if you didn’t let them in, call the police. Be aware of opportunist criminals especially at this time of year. Keep your sheds and garages locked and remove valuable items from your car. Report suspicious vehicles to the police on 101 for non emergencies and 999 for emergencies. 5. Precept 2015-2016 discussion/decision. After a short discussion Cllr Linehan proposed that the Precept be kept to the same level as last year and this was seconded by Cllr Guy and approved unanimously on a show of hands.

Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

6. Planning. The site visit to Adelphi House has taken place, it was noted that Hunton Parish Council had no objections to the plans, however there are still some drainage issues to be resolved and the matter has been deferred to the December Planning meeting. Hunton Parish Council also has no objections to the Planning application at Valley View and an e-mail to that effect is to be sent. 7. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Robin Scott informed Parish Council that he would be stepping down as RDC Cllr as he intended standing for Parliament in the next election. Turnstall have managed to raise money for beck clearance. An amount of money is still available through the Community Opportunities Fund and any applications should be made promptly. NYCC Cllr Carl Les advised that the Allerton Park recycling, treatment and incinerator plant is to be built, this is the largest capital decision ever taken by council. It will produce enough energy in methane gas and electric to power itself and all the equipment on site with the possibility of also producing excess electricity and hot water for further use. The adaptions to the library service have proved to be better than anticipated with the Discovery centre at Great Ayton and the library at Hawes being shining examples of what can be achieved. The flooding report has finally been produced and council are advised to read it and discuss at next meeting. Cllr Linehan advised that half a tree is stuck in the beck and asked that it be reported as well as leaves and grass blocking drains. 8. Risk Assessment. The new risk assessment document was read by council and unanimously accepted. 9. Items to note. The changes to RDC grasscutting of verges was discussed but there were no significant changes for Hunton. Cllr Wyatt advised that he would go see Mrs Crow with regard to the concerns she had expressed in a letter to council. Cllr Linehan advised that training would be available for using the defibrillator for 15 to 20 people and that they would be Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

looking at some time in February. Cllr Wyatt advised that he was investigating further sources of financial support for the the resurfacing of the village hall car park, repairs to the playpark and the refurbishment of the Pinfold. Cllr Carl Les advised that we add the statement about recording meetings to the Agenda for each meeting. 10. PC Business/Maintenance items. Cllr Wyatt advised that the local history group have asked for a donation to the cost of printing a booklet about the the servicemen who died in the First World War from the local area. Cllr Guy proposed a donation of £150 and this was seconded by Cllr Linehan. The second item the donation to the Royal British Legion had to be deferred until a further meeting could be held as Cllr Linehan had declared an interest and therefore could not comment. An amount of £100 was agreed as a budget for the Christmas tree for the village. 11. Monthly Financial Report. The Current Account stands at £3113.86 with the last invoice for grasscutting being outstanding. The Deposit Account is £125.72 which includes 3p interest.

The meeting closed at 9.04pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st January 2015.

Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 21st January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Linehan, Worsdale and Knight, RDC Cllr Robin Scott.

1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Cathy Guy. 2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. Cllr Linehan declared an interest in item 10b. 3. Minutes from the Last Meeting. Cllr Linehan proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and the minutes were signed by the Chairman Cllr Wyatt. 4. Police Report. There has been no report issued so we presume that no incidents were recorded. 5. Flooding Report. The report has been read by Councillors and the general view was that it was “Disappointing” as there seemed very little actual substance to the document. 6. Tenders for Grass Cutting. Cllr Wyatt has drawn up the specifications for the grass cutting and Pinfold maintenance contracts and three companies will be invited to tender for the contracts. The closing date to be mid February to allow for a possible extra meeting to award the Tenders. 7. Planning Applications. No new applications have been received, just updates to existing applications. 8. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Robin Scott informed council that there were no problems with planning consents in our area and no complaints received. A meeting is to be held on 22nd in the village hall about the affordable housing allocations process where interested parties could apply. Council Tax is to be frozen again this coming year by RDCC. Cllr Scott will be stepping down and a new Cllr will be elected. 9. Items to Note. A letter has been sent to a Parishioner who had expressed some concerns about areas in the village she felt were Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

not been looked after, explaining the Parish Councils actions. A training day is to be arranged for the defibrillator in March and Council agreed that it would pay for the Hall Fee for the session if required. 10. PC Business/Maintenance Items. An update has been received from NYCC Highways dept. informing Council that the potholes in Ratton Row have been filled and a new sign for the school has been ordered and that the Diamond Hill road repairs start on the 2nd February and will take five weeks. They have looked at the hedgerows on the Leyburn road but there is some doubt whether they looked at the right area so Cllr Wyatt is to clarify the issue with them. There has been some fly tipping at the end of Hauxwell Lane which has been reported but Parish Clerk is to follow up by email. The donation to the Royal British Legion was increased from £25 to £40 and this was proposed by Cllr Knight and Seconded by Cllr Wyatt. The cost of the Christmas tree was approved at £29 which was lower than expected as a smaller tree was purchased. The Village News is to be produced on a bi- monthly basis for a trial period. The school is to be invited to include items. An application is to be made to the COF fund to replace the broken bench by the village hall with a heavy duty recycled plastic one. Cllr Linehan to look into this and report back. 11. Monthly Financial Report. The Current Account stands at £2550.26 with no items outstanding. The Deposit Account stands at £125.72.

The Meeting Closed at 8pm. The Next Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Signed______Date ______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Guy, Knight, Linehan and Worsdale, PCSO Eric Corfield, NYCC Carl Les and three members of the public.

1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Robert Wyatt. Due to the chairman’s absence a temporary chairperson had to be elected Cllr Linehan proposed Cllr Knight and this was seconded by Cllr Guy. 2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. Cllr Worsdale declared an interest in item 7 and this was deferred to the end of the meeting. 3. Minutes from the Last Meeting. Cllr Linehan proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record, seconded by Cllr Worsdale and Cllr Knight signed the minutes. a. Updates from previous meetings/actions carried out. Cllr Linehan informed Council that the Communities Opportunity Fund for 2015-16 opens on the 1st April so a grant application could be made to replace a damaged bench by the Play Park and Village Hall. b. Defibrillator Training Day. A training day has been arranged for Sunday 22nd March at 10.30am in the Village Hall. Posters have been put on both notice boards and the response has been good. 4. Police Report. There have been twelve incidents recorded between 22/01/15 and 16/03/ 15 which were 6 lamping events, 2 anti-social behaviour, 1 theft of a quad bike, 1 highway disruption, 1 road traffic collision and 1 suspicious circumstances where a young boy was playing near woods on Somerset Close, Catterick Garrison, when a man approached him and grabbed his arm. The boy broke free and ran off and the man walked off in the direction of the woods. The man is described as around 25 years old of slim build, wearing dark ripped jeans and a dark coat over a dark hooded top and carrying a black Adidas rucksack. Police have issued an efit and ask parents to be aware where their children are at all times.

Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

North Yorkshire Police have launched a new Community Speed Watch Scheme, the first of its kind in the country, which will run at up to 50 sites across York, Harrogate and Selby. 5. PC Elections and Nomination Forms. The Parish Clerk informed Council that the forms have arrived and she would deliver to all interested parties in the next few days. 6. Tenders for Grass Cutting. Cllr Linehan proposed that council accept the lowest quote and this was seconded by Cllr Guy. Farm and Land Services Ltd were the lowest quote. 7. Planning Applications. This was deferred to the end of the meeting. Cllr Worsdale left the meeting after declaring an interest. The application is for a dwelling house on the farm site to serve the farm business belonging to Cllr Worsdale and his son. As it sits on an exemption site the Planning Authority needs to satisfy itself that there is sufficient business to support it. A concern was the water and drainage proximity to each other. Parish Council have no objections to the application subject to these concerns. 8. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Scott was not able to attend. NYCC Carl Les explained that the Council Tax would rise by 1.99%. The Bedale bypass has been started and should be completed in 16 months. 9. Items to Note. a. Monthly Correspondence received and inserted into Green File. Any Comments. No comments were made. 10. PC Business/Maintenance Items. a. NYCC Highways Update. Concerns were raised about the new levels on the Diamond Hill Road where the road appears to have been raised by around a metre in places. The gateway into the field where the Steam Gathering is held is a problem as any vehicle would ground trying to enter field. A further problem that was highlighted was an electrical box on a post that was now only around 8-9 ft above the road and any larger vehicle could hit this and black out the Village. Cllr Les agreed

Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

to look into these matters on the Parish Councils behalf and report back. The Bridge by the quoits pitch is to be altered in the summer to replace the culvert pipes which run under the road. b. Pest Control- Moles on Village Green. Cllr Worsdale proposed that Farm and Land Services and several local Mole Catchers be asked to quote for the Pest Control and Cllr Guy seconded the proposal. c. Play Park- Repair, Refurbishment, Replacement. –Queries raised by residents. The climbing frame and the slide are both in need of repair as they both have horizontal beams where children have to place their feet which have serious signs of rot. A further concern is the wet boggy ground which makes using the park very difficult. There are also chains which need to be tightened on some pieces of equipment. Residents would like to see improvements to the existing equipment and possibly new items to be added and a general upgrade. After a general discussion on fundraising and grants and match funding, Cllr Knight proposed that a sum of £500 be set aside for urgent repairs to the play park and this was seconded by Cllr Guy. Members of the public present agreed to present their ideas to the new Parish Council at the May meeting. 11. Monthly Financial Report. The Current Account stands at £2556.01 with a cheque outstanding for£29.00 for the Christmas tree. The Deposit Account stands at £125.75.

The meeting closed at 9.47pm.

Signed______Date______Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.