Keeping the Public Trust 1 Keeping the Public Trust Keeping the Public Trust The Value of Values in Government Wallace 0. Keene & Raymon R. Bruce, Ph.D. 2 Keeping the Public Trust - In the Memory of Wallace O. Keene - Published and Printed in the United States of America Copyright ©2000 by Wallace Keene & Raymon Bruce. Copyright under International, Pan American and Universal Copyright Conventions. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by an informational storage and retrieval system—except for brief quotations (not to exceed 1,000 words) in a review or professional work—without permission in writing from the publisher. Cover design by Kathleen Myers Cover photograph by Focused Images Photography, Inc. Reston, Virginia For information and copies: Keene Ideas, inc. 7238 Wapello Drive, Derwood, Maryland 20855-2717 Phone: (301) 340-9096 Email:
[email protected] The authors are indebted to the corps of federal Inspectors General, which provided the source news clippings for this booklet. We are also indebted to the several reviewers who commented on the document, including former federal executives Christine Carrico and Larry Slagle. A very special thanks to Wiley Miller and Universal Press Syndicate, for their permission to use the cartoons from the comic strip NON SEQUITUR©. It is not so much that we agree with the message that is conveyed, rather it is that the cartoons give evidence to very clear public perceptions that can not be ignored. 3 Keeping the Public Trust Table of Contents Page Preface ........................................................