
Movie Class – 11 The (1:33:36 – 1:45:18) ______Main Characters the film’s main character, played by Mark’s best friend, played by Cameron & Tyler twins, Porcellian members that asked Mark to write a website for them, played Winklevoss by Porcellian member, Winklevoss’ business partner, played by a young genius entrepreneur who founded , played by ______Scene 1: In Thiel’s Office Lines & Phrases - You know this is where they filmed Towering Inferno? // That’s comforting. Ø Sean is referring to a 1974 US disaster film about a fire in a tower; Mark doesn’t seem reassured by this - Maurice is gonna talk to you about some corporate restructuring. // We’ll file as a corporation in Delaware and come up with a stock structure that allows for new investors. Ø will become a new company with a structure that allows selling shares to raise capital instead of being privately owned--a partnership between Mark, Eduardo & Dustin

Scene 2: Back At Eduardo’s Apartment Vocabulary jeopardize put something or someone in danger; expose to danger or risk angel early equity investments—buying shares of a company in exchange for providing investment funds—made in start-up companies by wealthy individuals or investment firms

Lines & Phrases - Did you know I sent 47 texts? // I did, and I thought that was incredibly normal behavior. // Are you mocking me? Ø Eduardo is implying that sending that many messages is obviously not a normal thing to do; Christy believes that he is making fun of her - you didn’t change it so you could screw those sluts every time you go out to see Mark. // Not even remotely true, and I can promise you that the Silicon Valley sluts don’t care what anyone’s relationship status is on Facebook. Ø Christy thinks that Eduardo is cheating on her Ø he hasn’t at all; if he had wanted to, his Facebook profile wouldn’t have made a difference - Users are fickle. Friendster has proved that. Even a few people leaving would reverberate through the entire user base. Ø social networks can never be down, as their users would immediately lose trust in them; if ©2016 - 2017 English Buffet a few users leave, it will encourage more to leave as well and affect the community - But I am willing to let bygones be bygones. Ø I will forgive you and forget about the bad things you have done

Scene 3 & 4: At The Facebook HQ Vocabulary an ambush a surprise attack by people who were hiding and waiting; a trap a stunt a difficult action that is especially daring; in this case, used sarcastically sign one’s own do something that will most likely result in a very negative result for yourself; do death certificate something that will stop you from being successful masthead the printed section, often the title, of a newspaper, magazine or website that gives the details of ownership and the names of the creators

Lines & Phrases - That represents a 34.4% ownership share. Why the increase from the original 30%? // Cause you may need to dilute it to award shares to new investors. Ø some of Eduardo’s shares might be given to future investors and he was given more shares to compensate for it - Can you please repeat the question? // No, it was an outrageously leading question the first time around, and now you want us to hear it twice? Ø the lawyer asked a very suggestive question that encourages a specific answer - Case Equity is gonna pitch you. They’re gonna beg you to take their money. Ø the investors will present and try to sell you their project and really ask you to accept it - You’re gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company? Ø you should have been more careful about what documents you sign; this is your fault - You think we were gonna let you parade around in your ridiculous suits, pretending you were running this company? // Sorry, my Prada’s at the cleaner’s! Along with my hoodie and my fuck-you flip-flops, you pretentious douchebag. Ø Sean never recognized Eduardo as the CFO of Facebook and never respected him Ø Eduardo makes fun of both Sean and Mark’s clothes, and says that Mark is an unpleasant person who thinks too highly of himself - Tell me this isn’t about me getting into the Phoenix. You… You did it. I knew you did it. You planted that story about the chicken! Ø you told the newspaper about the chicken because you were jealous of me getting into a final club and not you - You better lawyer up, asshole. Cause I’ not coming back for 30%. I’m coming back for everything. Ø I am going to sue you and get as much money as possible from you; get a lawyer ©2016 - 2017 English Buffet