Radnor House, Continued] 'Doctors' Equals Any Paintings in Italy but Hindley Sells, 11
2198 INDEX [Radnor House, continued] 'Doctors' equals any paintings in Italy but Hindley sells, 11. 333n, 33. 105, 180, 183 those of, 23. 570 island belonging to, 11. 35m English painters still do not approach, 28. Murrays live at, 12. 58n 195-6 Potts lives in, after Hindley, 35. 365 'Ezekiel's Vision' by, at Boughton House, 10. Radnor leaves, to Hindley who sells it, 11. 34i 333n Faenza ware said to be designed by, 25. 5gin residents of, 42. 480 Feiibien and Du Fresnoy praise, 30. 325 Webb buys, 33. 183 female beauty inspired, 30. 325 Radnorshire, Wales: Gaven tries to sell alleged painting by, in Middleton, Mrs, born in, 15. 310 Poland, 35. 37n Radonvilliers. See Lysarde de Radonvilliers HW has not yet seen the paintings by, at Radstock, Bn. See Waldegrave, Granville George Rome, 13. 170 (1786-1857); Waldegrave, Hon. William HW is, in his 'portrait' of D. of Richmond, (1753-1825) 4. 304 Radstock, Bns. See Van Lennep, Cornelia Jacoba HW thinks, inadequate to illustrate Shake Radway Grange, Warwickshire: speare, 15. 206 Miller of, 9. i56n 'Holy Family' by, at Boughton House, 10. 341 Radziwill, Ps. See Lubomirska, Marja 'Last Supper' by, 2. i6g Radziwill, Prince Karol Stanislaw: Le Sueur's 'Vie de St-Bruno' surpasses, 35. 126 divorce of, 4. g3n Mabuse's painting perhaps influenced by, 15. Radziwill, Michael Kazimierz: g6n great general of Lithuania, 20. 44n 'Madonna della Sedia ['Seggiola']' by, copied Lascari governs family of, 20. 44n by Strange, 21. 448n, 470 Radziwill, Teofila Konstancia (1738-80), m. Mann thinks Flemish painters inferior to, 20.
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