anticSwiss 29/09/2021 15:02:24

Five-door screen with decoration

FOR SALE ANTIQUE DEALER Period: 19° secolo - 1800 Ars Antiqua srl Milano Style: Altri stili +39 02 29529057 393664680856 Height:158cm Width:185cm Material:Olio su tela Price:2800€


19th century Screen with (5) Oil on canvas, 158 x 185 cm

The screen analyzed is made up of five panels, each divided into two panels decorated with elements from the natural world on the upper level and grotesque decorations on the lower level. The grotesque is a type of ornamentation often used in painting, sculpture and minor arts, for example in ceramics and tapestries, developed at the end of the 15th century. It owes its name to its singular and ancient origin; after the discovery of these decorations in 1480 in Nero's , a palace that had been buried for centuries, under the pretext of imitatio antiquitatis, they were re-proposed in contemporary palaces. Nero's palace was visited by many explorers, who descended into it and had the impression of being inside a cave, which is why, as Benvenuto Cellini tells us, these particular decorations rediscovered there were called grotesque. The great success of the grotesques is testified by 's decorations in the Vatican Loggias, in the grotesque room of Palazzo Te in Mantua or in the Grotesque Room of the Castello della Manta in the province of Cuneo. With the end of the Mannerist, the grotesque did not die out as a decorative system, but persisted in the form of an arabesque and later alternated as a decorative system of the chinoiserie. The recovery of classical ornamental forms is evident in the five panels analyzed. Layout according to a geometric construction that is repeated with some variations, plant elements, animals and small objects are placed. Slender and whimsical plant shoots, colored leaves and flowers on a monochrome background, give rise to frames, candelabra and weaves, while maintaining an airy and light construction.

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