Rome and Italy
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Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotografico Source: Stable URL: Published by: Photothek des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut A SELECTION FROM THE THREE THOUSAND HISTORICAL PHOTOGTIAPHS OF ROME AND ITALY PREP ARED m;DER THE DIRECTION OF JOHN HENRY PARKER C. B., HON.}I. A. OXO~., F. S. A. ETC. ETC. --~~-- SOLO BY PIALE cr CO. N. 1 Piat:zlt di Spagna ROME. .A SELEOTION FROi\1 THE TlIREI~ THOUSAND HISTOlUCAt PHOTOGRAPHS OF ROME AND ITALY PREPARED UNDER 'rHE DIRECTION OF .10HX HENRY PARKER C. B., HON. :\1. A. OXON.) F. S. A. ETC. ETC. SOLD llY PIALE & CO. N. 1 Piazza cli Spagna ROME. NOT leE. r}, .....S- These photographs are "uIel at (AA&-Hre--I each indiscrirninately no allü\\'allce made für largo nnmbers. 'rhe copies have numbers stincollec1 at the back corresponding to thr Catalogne and are sold umnounted. PersOllS ordering photographs are requested to give the number of thl' page. THE PHOTOGRAPHS CANNOT BE EXCITANGED AFTER TAKEN FROU THE 3HOP. THIESE Photop'apiJs differ fl'om any others in this respect, that each ha:; been seleet'Od to illustrate so me historieal object, eithel' the Historical Topogl'aphy of Rome, 01' the Ilistory uf Al'chiteetul'e, of Sculpture, 01' of Dl'a\\'ing and that the date uf each is given aud whel'ever a scale is requi red, a sixfoot rule has been placed against the wall before the. Photograph is takeu, on whieh each foot is paiuted altel'llatly black aud white, so that the size of the stones, tLe thickness of the bricks, and the width of the joints, cau be seen iu the Photo graph a~ weil as on the spot. Mauy oujectz of Listol'ieal intere:;t taken in thE!se Photographs have now been destroyed. 1\1. 1' ParkeI' has reeeived the followillg letter from Profes$or Ruskin recommendiug these photographs. Corpus Christi College Oxford Xovember 1873. Deal' ::\1.1' Parker lt utterly amazes me to heal' that testimonies fl'om me ur any one else ean be needful 01' helpful, a~ to the usefuluess of these potogl>aphs of old Rome, they aee the most pl'ecious contt>ibutions to the true hi story of Elll'ope which modern research and science haye Jet giv~n: I leam more El'om them in half au houl' than r could by a month's reading amI the modo is also sure. Eveu if people dont want them themselves, eve].y pel'son iuterested in history should aid in increasing the collection of them. Eve!' very affectionrrtely Y()llr~ ,Tültn Rll~kin John IIelll'Y P,u'ker C. H. ete. ete. CATALOGUE OF PHOTOGRAPHS. Muro Torto. Part oi the northern side of the Palace of Sylla (?), B.a. 70. Porta Tiburtina (or S. Lorenzo), interior, Al'ch of Augustus, A.U.O. 750, B.a. 3, and the inner Arch of Honorius, A.D. 400, (destroyed in 1869). 20 Towers near the Porta Tibmtina rebuilt A.D. 1450. 24 Porta Maggiol'e, with the Aqueducts, Claudia, Anio Novus, and Fe- lice, over it. 30 Porta Maggiore, from the north-east, with Aqneducts, Claudia, and Anio Novus, shewing the Specus and the north side of the baker's tomb. 32 Amphitheatrum Castl'ense C.A .D. 100. 34 Porta Ostiensis, now di S. Paolo, Honorius, exterior, A.D. 403, partly rebuilt by King Theodoric. C.A.D. 500. 51 Porta Ostiensis, now di S. Paolo, Corridor with Parapet and Bat- tlements, Theodoric, A.D.500. 55 Palazzo de' Conservatori on the Capitol-Arms of the Roman Senate from the Tomb of Agrippina. 91 Palazzo de' Conservatori on the Capitol-Statue of a barbarian King a~~. ~ Palatine-View, shewing part of the Wall of Romulus (1), with walls of the Republic and of the Empire built upon it and against it. 106 Curious Caricaturc of the Crucifixion, found in one of the Guard Chambers on the Palatine, now in the Kil'cherian Museum. 107 Palace of the Cresars, Cippus 01' Altar with Inscription to an unknown god, probably uf the second century. 109 Palace of the Cresars-Officers' Chambers, with Decorations, c.A.D. 20, the front wall modern, with the corni ce and columns restol'ed to their places. 112 View of the Tabularium B.a. 78, in its pl'esent state. 121 Remains of the Sublician Bridge. 136 2 3 Chureh of S. Stephen in the Leonine City, 01' Borgo (S. Stefano dei Parta Trigemina at the foot of the Aventine, modern Areh with re Mori), c. A.n. 1200, doorway. 269 mains of aneient Gateway. 137 Porta Triumphalis of the Cresars (?), 01' entranee to the Portieo of Walls of Rome-Perspeetive vlew from the Pseudo-Aventine to the Oetavia, now the Chureh of S. Angelo in Pe scheria. 275 Tiber, with the Porta Ostiensis 01' S. Paolo and the pyramid of Caius Cestius. 140 Chureh of S. Pudentiana-Mosaie Pleture in the Apse. 280 Cloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. 158 Vatiean Museum-Chariot-raee in the Circus, c. A.n. 200, on a Sareophagus. 290 The Pulehrum littus with the exit of the Aqua Crabra 01' River Almo. 159 Vatiean Museum-Chariot-race with Meta, ete., on a Sarcophagus. 291 Bridge of Fabrieius, B.O. 20, now ealled Ponte dl Quattl'o Capi. 162 Vatiean Museum-Chariot-race and Horse-race, on a Sarcophagus. 292 Medieval Torre di Piel' Leoni, forming a tete-de-Pon.t to the Bridge Vatiean Museum-Biga with the two horses. 293 of Fabricius. 164 Vatican Museum-Fragment of a Sareophagus of a Miller, repre Theatre of Mareellus, B.C. 14. with the Palaee of the Orsini made senting a Horse-mill, c. A.n. 300. 294 in it, c. A.n. 1200. 171 Vatiean Museum-Tripod representing the Combat of Hercules with Tomb of the Lateran Family (1)-A Cireular Tomb, with two square the sons of Hippodorus. 295 wings, on the bank of the foss between the Lateran and the Cre lian, misealled the House of Verus. 175 Vatican Museum-Stone Coffer, 01' Ossuarium, made as a Model of a small Temple, c. A.n. 350. 296 Mausoleum of Hadriaa A.n. 130. Bronze eone whieh formed the sum- mit and two peaeoeks, now in the garden of the Vatican. 189 Vatiean Museum-Columns enriched with Shallow Seulpture of Ivy. 297 Acch of Janus Quadl'ifrons, rebuilt c. A.n. 200 (?). 197 Meta Sudans, 01' fountain in front of the Colossel1m. 302 Tomb of S. Helena, A.n. 330- View of the Exterior. 207 The Arch of Titus, A.n. 79. 303 Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus of Porphyry of S. Helena, A.D. 330. 209 Chureh of S. Cecilia in Trastevere-Front, with Portico, c. A.n. 1250, Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus of Porphyry of S. Constantia, A.D. and Campanile, A.n. 1120. 307 350. 210 Chureh of SS. Nereus and Achilleus-Marble Chair. 310 Chureh of S. Croce in Gerusalemme-View of the Cloister. 228 Medieval-Castle of the Alberteschi Family. Front View of the Loggia Tomb of brother Bal'tholomeus Cal'affa in the Chureh of the Priorato on the Aventine. 316 (Portieus) 01' Poreh, c. A.n. 1250. 235 L ---- Medieval-Tower of the Milizie (the Roman Militia), lower part, A.n. Sareophagus with shallow seulpture in the porch of S. Lorenzo f. m 318 1210, upper part, A.n. 1294 and 1380. 239 Chureh of S. Sabina on the Aventine', interior. c. 1.n. 500. 323 Medieval-Tower of S. Franeeseo di Paola, 01' house of the Cesarlni. Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base with Sculptul'e of a Mi c. A.n. 1350. ' 246 lital'Y Ftmeral Proeession, (now in the Garden of the Vatiean Medieval-House of the Creseenzi, ealled of Cola di Rie~zi, A.n. 1354, Museum). 327 built of antique fragments 248 Vatican Museum-Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base with Bridge, Nomentanus, c. A.n. ·550; F~rtifieat. ions of Pope Martin V., Seulpture of a Military Funeral Proeession. 328 c. A.n. 1450, with furked battlements of the Guelphie party. 251 Mo~aie Pavement of the third eentury in blaek and white, diseovered Vatiean Museum-Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base l'epre III the year 1869 near the Trinita de' Pellegrini, representing Mer senting the Apotheosis of Antoninus and Faustina. 329 · eury with a Nymph in the centre, and heads of the foul' Seasons. 254 Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus representing an early Chal'iot, with Venetian Palaee, 1468-1494-View of the Northern Court. 255 Figures of Men, Horses, and Dog, c. A.n. 200. 330 4 5 Vatican Museum-Colossal Head of the Emperor Augustus. 331 Aqueducts-Reservoir of the Claudian Aqueduct, at one of the angles near the Porta Furba, about three miles from Rome. 548 Vatican Museum-Sarcophagus with the Doo l' of the Tomb, Genii . of Death, and the Portraits of the eleeeased, C A.D. 200. 332 Catacomb f the Jews. Painting of a pacock A.D. 150. 561 Vatican Museum-Sarcophagus with the Door of the Tomb, the Por- Pa1ace of the Converteneli in the Piazza Scossacavalli, by Bramante traits of the eleceaseel, and two Muses, c. A D. 250. 333 Lazzari and Baldassare Peruzzi. 579 Vatican ~Iuseum-Sarcophagus with the Portraits (lf the Family, Church of Ara Cceli-View of the Front, anel the ascent to the Capito1, in the Niches formed of Columns and Entablatures, c.