

Pope Francis, who is moved by the human, social and cultural issues of our times, wished to give the City of and the Universal a special and extraordinary Holy Year of Grace, Mercy and Peace.

The “Misericordiae VulTus” Bull of indicTion The Evangelii Gaudium, which continues to be the programmatic outline for the pontificate of Francis, offers a meaningful expression of the very essence of the Extraordinary Jubilee which was announced on 11 April 2015: “The Church has an endless desire to show mercy, the fruit of its own experience of the power of the Father’s infinite mercy” (EG 24). It is with this desire in mind that we should re-read the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee, Misericordiae Vultus, in which Pope Fran- cis details the aims of the Holy Year. As we know, the two dates already marked out are 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the of the opening of the Holy Door of St. ’s , and 20 November 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Christ, King of the Universe, which will conclude the Holy Year. Between these two dates a calendar of celebrations will see many different events take place. The Pope wants this Jubilee to be experienced in Rome as well as in local Churches; this brings partic- ular attention to the life of the individual Churches and their needs, so that initiatives are not just additions to the calendar but rather complementary. In the same way, the Bull of Indiction includes other features that clearly make this a “one-off”. Already the nod to Mercy breaks with tradition. The history of the Jubilees is characterised by timeframes of 50 and 25 years. The two extraordinary Jubilees respected the anniversary of Christ’s redemption (1933, 1983). This, however, is a Jubilee with a theme. Faith will be the main focus and aims to recall the Church to its primary mission of always being a symbol and witness of Mercy in all aspects of pastoral life. ’ call to Judaism and Islamism is also significant, in order to bring the theme of Mercy to the road towards dialogue and an overcoming of the difficulties that are part of the public domain. While not forgetting another original feature offered by the Missionaries of Mercy. Pope Francis will give them the Ash Wednesday mandate with a celebration at St. Peter’s. The Missionaries must be patient priests, able to understand the limits of man, but ready to express the afflatus of the Good Shepherd in their preaching and in confession. In this context, we do not plan to linger on questions of a general nature but prefer to provide more details about the organisation of the Holy Year.

The JuBilee logo We will be starting from the logo, which represents a theological summa of Mercy and the motto that accompanies it. In the motto, taken from Luke 6:36, Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful, we are asked

1 to be merciful following the example of the Lord who asks us not to judge and not to condemn but to forgive and give love and forgiveness without measure (Lk 6:37-38). The image is dear to the early Church, as it shows the Son having taken upon his shoulders the lost soul, demonstrating that it is the love of Christ that brings to completion the mystery of his incarnation, culminating in redemption. The logo has been designed so as to express the profound way in which the Good Shepherd touches the flesh of humanity and does so with a love that has the power to change one’s life. And one particular feature cannot be missed: while the Good Shepherd, in his great mercy, takes humanity upon himself, his eyes are merged with those of man. Christ sees with the eyes of Adam, and Adam with the eyes of Christ. So in Christ, every person discovers his or her own humanity and the future that lies ahead. The scene is set inside a mandorla, another important shape in ancient and medieval iconography, recalling the coexistence of the two natures, divine and human, in Christ. The three concentric ovals, which become progressively lighter in colour towards the outside, sug- gest the movement of Christ who carries man out of the of sin and death. On the other side, the depth of the darker colour also suggests the inscrutability of the love of the Father, who forgives all.

The inTerneT siTe: www.iM.Va The internet site of the Jubilee has been published: www.iubilaeumMisericordiae.va, also ac- cessible at www.im.va. The site is available in seven languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Polish. The website includes official information about the calendar of key public events, indications for participation in events with the Holy Father and all other official communications relating to the Jubilee. With this tool, the Dioceses will be able to receive information and pastoral sugges- tions, register to talk about their pilgrimage and communicate diocesan initiatives. Various social networks are linked to the website (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus and Flickr), providing updates about the initiatives of the Holy Father and allowing you to follow the most important events in real time. We are also considering the possibility of an app, to better integrate the information. We are convinced that the path of Mercy on which Pope Francis has set the Church for this journey of the Jubilee will be a moment of true grace for all Christians and a reawakening to the path of the new evan- gelization and pastoral conversion that the Pope has indicated. As Pope Francis writes: “In this Jubilee Year, may the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, aid, and love. May she never tire of extending mercy, and be ever patient in offering compassion and comfort. May the Church become the voice of every man and woman, and repeat confidently without end: «Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old»” (MV 25).

2 The calendar The Calendar of celebrations is three-fold. On the one hand, there are events that will undoubtedly be attended by a great number of people. We wanted the first event, taking place from 19 to 21 January, to be dedicated to all those operating in the pilgrimage field. A sign to highlight the fact that the Holy Year is a real pilgrimage and should be experienced as such. We will ask the pilgrims to complete a section on foot, to prepare to pass through the Holy Door with the spirit of faith and devotion. To instruct those who operate in this sector to go beyond the tourism sphere is crucial and the fact that they themselves become pilgrims could be of great help. We considered it important to bring together the faithful who experience Mercy in a particular way. For this reason there will be a celebration on 3 April for all those who demonstrate the spirituality of Mercy (movements, associations, religious institutes). The world of charitable volunteering will, in turn, be cele- brated on 4 September. Voluntary work is a concrete sign of those who live the actions of Mercy in its various expressions and deserves its own celebration. In the same way, we have considered the world of Marian spirituality that will celebrate the Mother of Mercy on 9 October, while 24 April will see the young- sters, post-confirmation, called upon to declare their faith. Another event will be reserved to the deacons who, by vocation and ministry, are called upon to lead generosity in the life of Christian communities: their Jubilee will take place on 29 May. On the 160th an- niversary of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on 3 June, the Jubilee of Priests will be celebrated. 25 September will mark the Jubilee of the catechists who, with their commitment to spread the faith, support the life of Christian communities particularly in our parishes. On 12 June we will have the repeal for all those who are sick or disabled and those who take care of them with love and dedication. On 6 November we will celebrate the Jubilee of prisoners. This will not just take place in prisons, and we’re considering the possibility to allow some prisoners to have the chance to celebrate their very own Holy Year with Pope Francis at St. Peter’s. A second initiative will take place with Pope Francis making some symbolic gestures, traveling to some of the existential “peripheries” to demonstrates, in person, the closeness and attention paid to the poor, the suffering, the marginalised and all those in need of a sign of tenderness. These moments will have symbolic value, but we will ask and priests to carry out the same gesture as the Pope in communion in their Dioceses so that everyone can receive a concrete sign of Mercy and proximity to the Church. As a “concrete sign” of the Pope’s generosity, which will remain as a memory of this Jubilee, an important gesture will be made in consideration of the needy, demonstrating Mercy through concrete, effective help. A third initiative is dedicated to the many pilgrims who will arrive in Rome as individuals rather than as part of an organisation. Certain churches in the historic centre will be identified where the pilgrims will be welcomed and can experience moments of prayer as they prepare to pass through the Holy Door with preparation that is more coherent with the spiritual event being celebrated. All pilgrims who will arrive in Rome will, however, benefit from a dedicated route to reach the Holy Door. This is deemed necessary in order to ensure that the event is experienced religiously and safely, protected from the threats of unregulated activity that seems to affect the millions of people arriving at sacred Christian sites each day.



Lunedì 22 febbraio 2016 Domenica 12 giugno 2016 DICEMBRE 2015 Cattedra di San Pietro XI Domenica del Tempo Ordinario Martedì 8 dicembre 2015 Giubileo della Curia Romana, del Governatorato Giubileo degli ammalati e delle persone disabili. Solennità dell’Immacolata Concezione e delle Istituzioni collegate con la Santa Sede. Segno “Giubilare” del Santo Padre: Santa Messa di apertura della Porta Santa testimonianza delle opere di misericordia. della Basilica di San Pietro Segno “Giubilare” del Santo Padre: Piazza San Pietro. testimonianza delle opere di misericordia. LUGLIO 2016 Domenica 13 dicembre 2015 MARZO 2016 III domenica di Avvento Martedì 26 - domenica 31 luglio 2016 Fino alla XVIII Domenica Apertura della Porta Santa delle Basiliche Venerdì 4 e sabato 5 marzo 2016 del Tempo Ordinario di San Giovanni in Laterano e “24 ore per il Signore” con celebrazione penitenziale di San Paolo fuori le Mura a San Pietro nel pomeriggio di venerdì 4 marzo. Giubileo dei Giovani. e nelle Cattedrali del Mondo. Giornata mondiale della Gioventù a Cracovia. Domenica 20 marzo 2016 Domenica delle Palme Domenica 27 dicembre 2015 SETTEMBRE 2016 Solennità della Sacra Famiglia A Roma la Giornata diocesana dei Giovani. Giubileo della famiglia Domenica 4 settembre 2016 Segno “Giubilare” del Santo Padre: XXIII Domenica del Tempo Ordinario Memoria della Beata Teresa di Calcutta GENNAIO 2016 testimonianza delle opere di misericordia. 5 settembre

Venerdì 1 gennaio 2016 APRILE 2016 Giubileo degli operatori e volontari Solennità di Maria Santissima Madre di Dio della misericordia. Giornata mondiale per la pace. Domenica 3 aprile 2016 Domenica 25 settembre 2016 Apertura della Porta Santa Domenica della Divina Misericordia XXVI Domenica del Tempo Ordinario della Basilica di . Giubileo per quanti aderiscono alla spiritualità della Divina Misericordia. Giubileo dei catechisti. Martedì 19 gennaio giovedì 21 gennaio 2016 Domenica 24 aprile 2016 OTTOBRE 2016 Giubileo degli Operatori dei Pellegrinaggi. V Domenica di Pasqua Giubileo dei ragazzi e ragazze (13 – 16 anni) Sabato 8 e domenica 9 ottobre 2016 Lunedì 25 gennaio 2016 Professare la fede e costruire una cultura Sabato e domenica dopo la memoria Festa della Conversione di San Paolo di misericordia. della Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario Celebrazione ecumenica Giubileo mariano. nella Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura. Segno “Giubilare” del Santo Padre: testimonianza delle opere di misericordia. NOVEMBRE 2016 Segno “Giubilare” del Santo Padre: testimonianza delle opere di misericordia. MAGGIO 2016 Martedì 1 novembre 2016 Solennità di Tutti i Santi FEBBRAIO 2016 Giovedì 5 maggio 2016 Santa Messa del Santo Padre Solennità dell’Ascensione del Signore al cimitero di Prima Porta. Martedì 2 febbraio 2016 Veglia per tutti coloro Festa della Presentazione del Signore che hanno bisogno di consolazione. Domenica 6 novembre 2016 e Giornata della Vita Consacrata XXXII Domenica del Tempo Ordinario Giubileo della Vita Consacrata e Venerdì 27 - domenica 29 maggio 2016 Giubileo dei carcerati in San Pietro. chiusura dell’Anno della Vita Consacrata. Corpus Domini in Italia Giubileo dei diaconi. Domenica 13 novembre 2016 Mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016 XXXIII Domenica del Tempo Ordinario Mercoledì delle Ceneri GIUGNO 2016 Chiusura della Porta Santa nelle Basiliche Invio dei Missionari della Misericordia di Roma e nelle Diocesi. nella Basilica di San Pietro. Venerdì 3 giugno 2016 Solennità del Sacratissimo Cuore di Gesù Domenica 20 novembre 2016 Sabato 13 febbraio 2016 Solennità di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, Giubileo dei sacerdoti. Re dell’Universo Giubileo dei Gruppi di Preghiera di Padre Pio 160 anni dall’introduzione della festa, introdotta nel 1856 da Pio IX. Chiusura della Porta Santa a San Pietro e conclusione del Giubileo della Misericordia.

[email protected] www.im.va

4 The Pilgrimage to Rome

Even if the Jubilee must, above all, be celebrated and experienced locally, in every Church around the world, we nevertheless expect that many pilgrims will want to come to Rome to make the pilgrimage to the Tomb of Peter, passing through the Holy Door of the Basilica, which represents the heart of the . In order to offer a suitable welcome to every pilgrim who will arrive in Rome, an im- pressive organisation has been put in place over a very short space of time to develop programmes and initiatives for the pilgrims, and it will continue in the months to come. All useful information will be promptly updated and made available on the Jubilee website (www.im.va). Lastly, we outline the main activities and programmes defined as of now.

PilgriMage To The holy door To allow the pilgrims to make a true pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, making at least part of the journey on foot, a pedestrian walkway has been arranged for the pilgrims to use. This walkway goes from Castel Sant’Angelo and reaches the Holy Door, along the entire length of and crossing Piazza Pio XII and St. Peter’s Square. Access to this location is reserved exclusively for registered pilgrims. All pilgrims who plan to pass through the Holy Door of St. Peter’s should register their intention to make a pilgrimage, going to the Jubilee of Mercy website (“Pilgrim Registration” at www.im.va) and entering his/her personal data and contact details, and se- lecting a pilgrimage date and time. At the entrance points to the dedicated walkway, pilgrims’ regis- tration will be checked, with pilgrims asked to present their booking confirmation issued by the system. While pilgrimage to the other papal of Rome will not require registration, all four of the Basil- icas will nevertheless be staffed by Jubilee Volunteers, ready to help all pilgrims, and by volunteers ready to assist disabled visitors, and each will be equipped with a first aid station. The route proposed for pilgrims can be integrated with the service offered by some of the churches in Rome’s Historic Centre: St. Salvatore at the Laurels, Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova) and St. John the Baptist of the Florentines. These three churches will ensure the constant presence of priests who speak various languages for confessions, opportunities for the Eucharistic Adoration and also, in specific cases, teaching on mercy to prepare pilgrims to pass through the Holy Door with a spirit of conversion. The three churches will be linked to the pedestrian walkway towards St. Peter’s. During the Jubilee, the Italian public authorities also intend to redevelop some of the historic pilgrimage itineraries, both within Rome (the “Seven churches” by St. Phillip Neri) and towards Rome (Via Francigena, the Romea and other historic roads), making them accessible and safe.

welcoMing The PilgriMs The welcome point for the pilgrims, managed by the for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, will be open in via della Conciliazione 7 (along the access route to the Basilica) for the du-

5 ration of the Holy Year. In addition to providing the pilgrims with information, it will be the only place where you can: 1. make a last minute registration (mandatory) to access the route reserved for pilgrims to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, if this has not already been done on the website of the Jubilee; 2. obtain the pilgrim’s certificate of participation, attesting passage through the Holy Door of St. Peter (different from any other certificate relating to walking pilgrimages through the historic streets); 3. obtain the testimonium which certifies the pilgrim has reached Rome on foot along one of the afore- mentioned historic streets.

The PilgriM rouTes The Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi (ORP), Office of the Vicariate of Rome, Organ of the Holy Seat and the pastoral structure of our Diocese, is tasked by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evan- gelization with welcoming the pilgrims who come from every Diocese across the world. It collaborates with the Pontifical Council and the Municipality of Rome to organise pilgrimages to Rome with specialised guides and transportation for pilgrims. It is at the service of the parishes and other church communities. The ORP proposes four walking itineraries for Jubilee pilgrims, from St. John and St. Mary Major to St. Peter’s and vice versa, in order to give those who are interested the chance to experience the pilgrim- age as a “sign that mercy is also a goal to reach and requires dedication and sacrifice” (MV, no. 14).

iTineraries one and Two: “The PaPal walk” - “The walk of Mercy” This is the route taken for centuries by the , particularly on the occasion of their election. The route runs from the Basilica of St. John Lateran to St. Peter’s Basilica and vice versa, passing through Via dei SS. Quattro and reaching the Coliseum, and . It continues on to the Campidoglio, Largo Argentina, Piazza S. Maria sopra Minerva, all the way to Castel San- t’Angelo and St. Peter’s. There are two variants, one that passes along Via dei Banchi Nuovi (Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella) and the other along (Church of St. Salvatore at the Laurels).

iTinerary Three: “The PilgriMs walk” This is the traditional route of the pilgrims from the Basilica of St. John Lateran to St. Peter’s Basilica and vice versa, with the first part, up to Campidoglio, mirroring the Papal Walk before deviating along Via di S. Paolo alla , the Church and Square of The Most Holy Trinity of the Pilgrims, where tens of thou- sands of pilgrims were welcomed during Jubilees in the 16th and 17th century, Via Giulia, San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Castel Sant’Angelo, right to St. Peter’s.

iTinerary four: “The Mariano walk” This walk leads from the Basilica of St. Mary Major to St. Peter’s Basilica and vice versa, passing along Via Urbana, Via Madonna ai , Via Tor dei Conti and Via dei Fori Imperiali as far as Mamertine Prison. From there it joins up with itineraries 1 and 2 as they all pass through Piazza Navona, where they separate to reach and then enter St. Peter’s Basilica. The four routes (see attached map “A”) allow you to go past the three churches of the Jubilee: St. Sal- vatore at the Laurels, Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova) and St. John the Baptist of the Florentines, where priests (Missionaries of Mercy) are always present for confessions and Eucharistic adoration in various languages. A smartphone app describes the places and religious, historic and cultural sites seen along the routes, with particular attention paid to the Churches (opening hours and Holy times) and provides pilgrims and disabled visitors with useful information in various languages.

6 ORP initiatives during the Jubilee 19-21 January 2016 Basilica of St. Croce in Gerusalemme and pil- Jubilee of Pilgrimage Operators. grimage towards the Holy Door of the Basilica An international meeting of pilgrimage opera- of St. John Lateran, with the statue of Our Lady tors, parish priests, deans and Sanctuary ope- the Pilgrim of Fatima. rators. The theme is “Parishes and Sanctuaries: places of Mercy”. 22-26 augusT 2016 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. 20 feBruary 2016 Jubilee of Tourism Operators. 7 sePTeMBer 2016 An opportunity for reflection and prayer for all Jubilee of university and research centre lectu- those who work in the tourism field (hoteliers, rers and advanced training staff restaurateurs, travel agents, guides, transport operators etc...). Jubilee of Mercy Celebration 12-15 ocToBer 2016 and pilgrimage towards the Holy Door. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fatima.

13 May 2016 Xii 7-14 noVeMBer 2016 naTional PilgriMs’ day Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: and the Jubilee celebration for all Opera Romana Pel- Walk of Mercy from Bethlehem to Jerusalem legrinaggi pilgrims. A prayer meeting at the with pilgrims from the three great Monotheistic Religions. ORP Infopoints

For information and registration to Jubilee events, and to offer pilgrims useful services, the following ORP INFOPOINTS have been set up: 1. Via dei Cestari, no. 21 8. Mamertine Prison, Via Clivo Argentario, no. 1 (Largo Argentina) () 2. Piazza Pio XII, no. 9 9. Termini Station (St. Peter’s Square) Via Giolitti 3. Piazza Pio XII, no. 11 10. Tiburtina Station (St. Peter’s Square) 11. Fiumicino Airport 4. Meeting Point Largo del Colonnato T3 Departures (St. Peter’s) 12. Fiumicino Airport 5. Via della Conciliazione, no. 4 T1 Arrivals (Auditorium della Conciliazione) 13. Fiumicino Airport 6. Lateran Complex T3 Arrivals The Square of St. John’s Gate, no. 6 14. Ciampino Airport 7. Basilica of St. John Lateran


Basilica of St- John Lateran (or the ancient Golden Basilica) MAPPA DEI - Via dei - Coliseum - Via dei Fori Im- periali - Mamertine Prison - Campidoglio - Via del Teatro Marcello - Via Montanara - Piazza Campitelli - Via dei Funari CAMMINI - Via Paganica - - Via dei Cestari - - Via della Palombella - Piazza Sant’Eu- stachio - Via dei - Piazza Navona - Via di - Santa Maria in Vallicella - Via dei Banchi Nuovi - Via del Banco di S. Spirito - Sant’Angelo - Castel Sant’Angelo


Basilica of St. John Lateran (or the ancient Golden Basilica) - Via dei Santi Quattro Co- ronati - Coliseum - Via dei Fori Imperiali - Mamertine Prison - Campidoglio - Via del Teatro Marcello - Via Montanara - Piazza Campitelli - Via dei Funari - Via Paganica - Largo di Torre Argentina - Via dei Cestari - Piazza della Minerva - Via della Palombella - Piazza Sant’Eustachio - Via dei Sediari - Piazza Navona - Via dell’Anima - Vicolo della Pace - Via dei Coronari - St. Salvatore at the Laurels - Ponte Sant’Angelo - Castel San- t’Angelo


Basilica di St. Mary Major - Via Liberiana - Via S. Maria Maggiore - Via Urbana - Via Leo- nina - Via della Madonna dei Monti - Via Tor dei Conti - Via dei Fori Imperiali - Mamertine Prison - Campidoglio - Via del Teatro Mar- cello - Via Montanara - Piazza Campitelli - Via dei Funari - Via Paganica - Largo di Torre Argentina - Via dei Cestari - Piazza della Mi- nerva - Via della Palombella - Piazza San- t’Eustachio - Via dei Sediari - Piazza Navona - (from here continue with itinerary 1 or 2)


Basilica of St. John Lateran (or the ancient Golden Basilica) - Via dei Santi Quattro Coro- nati - Coliseum - Via dei Fori Imperiali - Ma- mertine Prison - Campidoglio - Via del Teatro Marcello - Via Montanara - Piazza Campitelli - Via dei Funari - Via dei Falegnami - San Carlo ai Catinari - Via di Santa Maria in Monticelli - Piazza di San Paolo alla Regola - Piazza della Trinità dei Pellegrini - Via Capodiferro - - Via Mascherone - Via Giulia - San Giovanni dei Fiorentini - Via Paola - Ponte San- t’Angelo - Castel Sant’Angelo



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Siti Roma Cristiana Viale di Monumenti Chiese Giubilari Open bus stops Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi

1 Basilica di San Pietro 1 1 Basilica di San Pietro Lungotevere 1 San Pietro in Vaticano 10 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 1 Via Vitellia Largo Argentina 2 Via Marmorata Piazza Pia Via di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 2 Musei Vaticani e Cappella Sistina Domus Romanae - 2 Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano Via dei Cestari, 21 3 Foro Romano - Palatino - Museo Palatino 2 San Giovanni dei Fiorentini 11 San Giovanni in Laterano - Basilica 2 Piazza San Pietro 3 Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano e Chiostro 3 Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore Via Acciaioli Piazzale Porta San Giovanni 4 Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali Piazza Pio XII, 9 4 5 4 3 12 Scala Santa e Sancta Santorum Via Portuense Museo dell' Chiesa Santa Maria in Vallicella - Chiesa Nuova Santa Agnese in Agone - Piazza Navona San Giovanni in Laterano - Battistero 3 Vitellia Piazza San Pietro Via di Donna Corso Vittorio Emanuele II - Cancelleria Via Amba Aradam Via 6 Musei Capitolini 5 rastevere estaccio 5 Carcere di San Pietro Mamertino T Chiesa San Salvatore in Lauro Piazza Pio XII, 11 Mappa 4 13 7 Area Sacra Torre Argentina - San Carlo ai Catinari Colosseo - San Gregorio al Sancta Maria ad Martyres - Pantheon 6 6 4 Giardini Vaticani Viale di T Basilica San Giovanni dei Fiorentini Largo di Torre Argentina Via di San Gregorio al Celio Meeting Point Largo del Colonnato Via Vitellia 8 ellia Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo Via Marmorat 5 14 San Pietro Santa Maria in Aracoeli Circo Massimo - all’Aventino Olimpia 9 e Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia r

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Via in Laterano

Lungotevere Aventino

Navicella Via della Ferratella Ponte Sublicio Via Ipponio Via Farsalo

Viale Magna Grecia Ipponio Via Via Vitellia delle Via Illiria Piazza Viale Aventino Via Portuense Via Gallia dell' Emporio 15 Terme rastevere Via Appia Nuova T Via Cerveteri di

Via Gallia a i

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Via Druso Via Albalonga Siti Roma Cristiana Viale di Monumenti Chiese Giubilari Open bus stops Via Gallia Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi Piazza Albania 1 Basilica di San Pietro 1 Colosseo 1 Basilica di San Pietro 1 10 Via Lungotevere San Pietro in Vaticano Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 1 Largo ArgentinaVia Etruria Via Vitellia Elvia Recina 2 Via Marmorata Via Taurasia Via 2 Musei Vaticani e Cappella Sistina Domus Romanae - Palazzo Valentini 2 Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano Piazza Pia Via di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Iberia Via Via dei Cestari, 21 Albalonga

B Via

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Terme di Caracalla Latine

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a Via del Porto Fluviale iV 11 St. Peter’s Basilica and the Tomb of the Popes The centre of Christianity with Peter the Apostle “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not over- power it” (MT 16,18) The words of the Prophecy, the Word of Jesus that has been passed down to us over the centuries, housed in “living” stone, built as a symbol of Christianity: St. Peter’s Basilica. Built on the humble tomb of the fish- erman from Galilee, the Basilica was commissioned by Emperor Constantine around the year 320. It is located on , not far from the Circus of , the site on which the first apostle Peter was martyred. Origen of Alessandria told how, not considering himself worthy of being put on the Cross like his Master, St. Peter asked to be crucified upside down. Today, on this burial ground is the Papal , symbol of the mission of the Church which is always renewing itself. The of Rome is in fact Peter’s successor. Today’s Basilica, built on the site of the Constantine Basilica, is an expression of the volition of the Popes of the Renaissance, who made use of the works of the greatest artists of the time such as Bramante, Michelangelo, Bernini and Maderno. Along a path of , faith and spirituality, the visitor can admire the building’s magnificence, walk through the , visit the and pause to admire the beauty of the many works of art, among which “La Pietà” by Michelangelo. Visitors must not miss the visit to the tombs of the Popes located in the Vatican Grottos, where you can stop to pray before the tomb of Peter and those of his successors. Multilingual audio guide and reserved entry to St. Peter’s Basilica

Individual adult price € 15,00 Meeting point: Free up to 5 years of age Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, St. Peter’s Office, The price includes: Piazza Pio XII, 9 “Roma Cristiana” welcome at the ORP Office located Visit times: near St. Peter’s Square. Multilingual audio guide and re- 9.00 – 9:30 – 10:00 – 10:30 – 11:00 – 11:30 – 12:00 served entry. 12:30 – 13:00 – 13:.30 – 14:30 – 15:00 Available every day, except on Wednesday mornings and Vatican holidays. On Sundays less people are admitted.

Multilingual guided tour and reserved entry to St. Peter’s Basilica

Individual adult price € 25,00 Vatican holidays. Individual child price (6-17 years) € 20,00 On Sundays less people are admitted. Free up to 5 years of age Meeting point: Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, St. Peter’s Office, Piazza The price includes: Pio XII, 9 “Roma Cristiana” welcome at the ORP Office located Visit times: near St. Peter’s Square. Multilingual guided tour and re- 9.30am – 10.30am – 11.30am – 12.30pm – 2.30pm served entry. Available every day, except on Wednesday mornings and

12 The and the Sistine Considered some of the most important museums in the world, the Vatican Museums are located within the . An exceptional patrimony, the Museums house artistic masterpieces, commissioned, collected and protected by Popes over time for the generations to come. The first nucleus of the Vatican Museums was composed of the sculpture collection of Pope Julius II, Pope from 1503 to 1513, exhibited in the so- called “Cortile delle Statue”, now the “Cortile Ottagono”, while organised art collections accessible to the public began with the Pontifical Museums and Galleries that date back to the time of Clement XIV and Pio VI. As well as the immense riches of the artworks, furniture, sculptures and paintings, the Vatican Museums also include some of the most beautiful rooms of the Vatican Apostolic and the . The Sistine Chapel is known worldwide as the place where the conclave, the plenary meeting of the Cardinals, elects the new Pope. It takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who consecrated the Chapel during a grandiose ceremony on 15 August 1483, dedicating it to Maria Assunta in Cielo. Later, Julius II, wanting to modify a part of the decoration, entrusted the task to Michelangelo Buonarroti, who painted the wonderful ceiling which is now considered the masterpiece of the . It was Clement VII who tasked the same Michelangelo with painting the Last Judgement on the altar wall. The magnificent composition, created be- tween 1536 and 1541, depicts the glorious return of Christ as foretold in the New Testament.

Individual adult price € 29,00 note: Individual child price (6-17 years) € 21,00 A special opportunity to visit the Vatican Museums after Free up to 5 years of age sunset. Multilingual audio guide supplement € 8,00 Every Friday from 6 May to 29 July and from 2 Septem- Guided tour supplement € 8,00 ber to 28 October 2016, the Vatican Museums will be The price includes: open from 7pm to 11pm (last entrance at 9.30pm). “Roma Cristiana” welcome at the ORP Office located The areas open to visitors will be: the Pio Clementino near St. Peter’s Square. Booking and reserved entry to Museum, the Egyptian Museum, the Upper Galleries the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. (Candelabras, and Geographical Maps), the Available every day except on Sundays and Vatican Rooms of , certain rooms of the Borgia Apart- holidays ment, the Modern Collection, the Sistine Meeting point: Chapel. Prices and procedures remain unchanged. Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, St. Peter’s Office, Piazza Pio XII, 9 Visit times: 9am – 10am – 11am – 12pm – 13pm – 14pm

13 The Vatican Gardens by Minibus with the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel Half of the 44 hectares of land on which the Vatican City stands is taken up by gardens, an oasis of peace and serenity, rich in artistic treasures and botanical species from all over the world. It was Nicholas III, at the end of the year 1200, who gave life to the Vatican Gardens, extending the perimeter of the Leonine walls, inside which there were already vegetable gardens and cultivated land with vineyards and fruit trees. The gardens were transformed into representative locations for ceremonies but also into corners of tran- quillity and peace, where one could enjoy a little silence and quiet time. For this reason, Paul IV commis- sioned the construction of a small palace in the gardens, far from the Pontifical Palace. Completed by his successor Pio IV, it took the name of “Villa Pia” or “Casina di Pio IV” and is now the seat of the of Sciences. Over subsequent centuries, the Vatican Gardens were extended and enriched with the building of fountains, such as that of the Galera di Carlo Maderno. Particularly evocative is the beautiful reproduction of the Lourdes Grotto, flanked by a row of olive trees, which includes an olive tree that was brought from the Gethsemane Garden in Jerusalem during the Pontificate of John XXIII.

Individual adult price € 47,00 Meeting point: Individual child price (6-17 years) € 34,00 Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, St. Peter’s Office, Piazza No entry for those 5 and under Pio XII, 9 The price includes: Visit times: “Roma Cristiana” welcome at the ORP Office located 10.30am (from 11.1.2015 to 03.12.2016) near St. Peter’s Square. Booking and reserved entry to 10am – 11am – 12pm (from 03.14.2016 to 10.29.2016) the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Available every day except on Sundays and Vatican holidays

St. Peter’s Mamertine Prison Located at the foot of the Campidoglio with an expansive view of the Roman Forum, the Tullianum, the ol- dest Roman prison, is the place where, according to tradition, the Apostles Peter and Paul were held captive and spent their last days before their martyrdom. Other famous historical figures were also imprisoned in Tullianum, known as Mamertine in the , including Vercingetorix, King of the Gauls and Jugur- tha, King of Numidia. It is hard to say with certainty when this site lost its function as a prison to become a place of pilgrimage for early Christians. According to some sources it became a place of worship as early as the 4th century, when dedicated it to St. Peter in Prison. Today the complex is located below the Church of St. Joseph, built by the of Carpenters from 1597.

Individual adult price € 5,00 available every day from 9am to 6pm Free up to 5 years of age Meeting point: Fori Imperiali at St. Peter’s Prison The price includes: Via Clivo Argentario, 1 - Rome “Roma Cristiana” welcome during your visit. Entry and visit.

14 The Basilica and Cloister of St. John Lateran The Holy Stairs and Sancta Sanctorum The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the oldest Western church. As a result of early wording, it is referred to as the Mother of all the churches in Rome and the world. It was built during the Pontificate of , between 311 and 314, on a property belonging to the Lateran family, donated to the Pope by Constantine as a sign of his gratitude to Christ after the victory over at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on October 23, 312. The Golden Legend tells how, during the night prior to the battle, an with a cross and the script “IN HOC SIGNO VINCES”, “in this sign you will win”, appeared to Emperor Constantine in a dream, with Constantine attributing that sign to the subsequent victory in battle. Shortly after, with the Edict of Milan of 313, Constantine ended the persecution of Christians and the Lateran Basilica became the shining symbol of the newly born Church. In the same year, Pope Miltiades administered the Sacrament of Baptism, for the first time at this site, underlining its importance in the life of a Christian for rebirth into a new life. A papal residence until the 14th century, after the Avignon controversy the Popes preferred to reside in the Vatican. The Basilica of St. John is currently the of the and the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome. In 1300, the first Jubilee in history was proclaimed here. Subsequently, during the Jubilee of 1423, opened the Holy Door for the first time, a ceremony which was later also ex- tended to the other Roman Basilicas. The immense cultural and spiritual patrimony of this authentic jewel of Christianity accompanies the visitor through the ancient Basilica of St. John Lateran. For a moment of si- lence and prayer, one can also access the Cloister, located on the left side of the church. The Lateran Cloister is all that remains of the great Benedictine monastery that was located between the church and the city walls. Constructed between 1215 and 1232, it was decorated, according to the tradition by the Vas- salletto family, famous Roman marble workers. Its great splendour can still be admired today. Located on the east side of the Square, the Holy Stairs are part of what remains of the old . Composed of 28 marble steps, it was discovered in the mid 15th century, with the stairs of the Praetorium of Pilate on which Jesus is said to have walked for questioning before the crucifixion. It was installed in 1586, by order of , to provide access to the papal chapel, the Sancta Sanctorum, so called be- cause of the many reliquaries of Saints and Martyrs that it houses. In the Middle Ages this was considered the “most sacred place on earth”. Still today, pilgrims access the Sancta Sanctorum by climbing the Holy Stairs on their knees as a sign of respect and devotion.

Individual adult price € 10,00 multilingual audio guide Free up to 5 years of age Available every day, except on Vatican holidays, from 9am to 6pm The price includes: Meeting point: “Roma Cristiana” welcome. Entry to the Cloister and the at the Basilica of St. John Lateran Sancta Sanctorum (excluding Sundays). Multimedia

15 16 OMNIA Card

oMnia card 72 hours The OMNIA Card gives you preferential access to some of the most evocative sites in the Christian world: • Audio guide for the visit to St. Peter’s Basilica. • The Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel • Audio guide for the visit to the Basilica and Cloister of St. John Lateran • Mamertine Prison It lets you travel on the Roma Cristiana Open Bus circuit. The OMNIA Card is valid for 72 hours from the first time it is used.

OMNIA CARD 72 hrs. PRICES Adult (over 10 years) € 108,00 Child (6 - 9 years) € 75,00 Free (up to 5 years of age)

The oMnia card 72 hours conTains The roMaPass The RomaPass allows: • Free entry to 2 museums of your choice in the RomaPass circuit • A reduced entry fee to all other museums in the RomaPass circuit • Free and unlimited access for 3 consecutive days to the public transport system of Rome, including buses and underground trains.

oMnia card 24 hours The OMNIA Card gives you preferential access to some of the most evocative sites in the Christian world: • Audio guide for the visit to St. Peter’s Basilica. • The Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel It lets you travel on the Roma Cristiana Open Bus circuit. The OMNIA Card is valid for 24 hours from the first time it is used.

OMNIA CARD 24 hrs. PRICES Adult (over 10 years) € 50,00 Child (6 - 9 years) € 32 ,00 Free (up to 5 years of age)

oMnia card flash - inTesa sanPaolo Thanks to an agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo you can activate your OMNIA card as an OMNIA Flash, the rechargeable card.

17 In Rome for the Jubilee with Pope Francis

Just as Peter was in the early days of the Church, his Successor, the Bishop of Rome, is a point of reference for Christians all over the world. Together with the Bible and the tradition of figures famous for the sanctity and spiritual depth of their teachings, the voice of the Pope and his Mastery make up one of the cornerstones of the church communities’ walk of faith. Today pilgrims make this visit “ad limina Petri” that, incessant, has characterised every period of the Christian age. The duties of the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi include welcoming and assisting, as the Church of Rome, visitors of all faiths and cultures who come to discover the spiritual and ar- tistic treasures of Christianity and Roman civilisation in the Eternal City. Depending on requests, the Incoming Sector will be able to formulate personalised pro- grammes for groups, provide various types of hotels and religious structures at which to stay, restaurants, cars, coaches, minibuses; guided visits to the main sites of cultural and religious interest including St. Peter’s Basilica and the Tombs of the Popes, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, the Lateran Complex, Mamertine Prison. The possibility to participate in the Papal Audience.

18 Price lisT for indiVidual ParTiciPaTion in JuBilee eVenTs 2 days - 1 night from € 59,00 3 days - 2 nights from € 115,00 4 days - 3 nights from € 171,00

The price includes: number of nights based on the chosen plan at the religious institution, with breakfast included in a double or triple room with private bathroom; ORP welcome and assistance at the various Jubilee sites The price does not include: hotel tax; personal extras; unmentioned meals; single room supplement

Price lisT for grouP ParTiciPaTion in JuBilee eVenTs 2 days - 1 night from € 56,00* 3 days - 2 nights from € 110,00* 4 days - 3 nights from € 164,00*

The price includes: number of nights based on the chosen plan in a 3 or 4-star hotel, with breakfast included in a double or triple room with private bathroom; ORP welcome and assistance at the various Jubilee sites The price does not include: hotel tax; personal extras; unmentioned meals; single room supplement

Price lisT for indiVidual ParTiciPaTion coMBined wiTh roMa crisTiana VisiTs 2 days - 1 night from € 74,00 3 days - 2 nights from € 135,00 4 days - 3 nights from € 196,00

The price includes: number of nights based on the chosen plan at the religious institution, with breakfast included in a double or triple room with private bathroom; ORP welcome and assistance at the various Jubilee sites; daily Open Bus Ticket; 24H; 48H based on the type of stay selected in advance The price does not include: hotel tax; personal extras; unmentioned meals; single room supplement

Price lisT for grouP ParTiciPaTion coMBined wiTh roMa crisTiana VisiTs 2 days - 1 night from € 68,00* 3 days - 2 nights from € 122,00* 4 days - 3 nights from € 176,00*

The price includes: number of nights based on the chosen plan at a 3 or 4-star hotel, with breakfast included in a double or triple room with private bathroom; ORP welcome and assistance at the various Jubilee sites; a visit with authorised guide of the Lateran Complex and entry to the splendid, artistic Cloister of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, “the Mother of all churches in Rome and the world” The price does not include: hotel tax; personal extras; unmentioned meals; single room supplement

*price valid for a minimum of 25 paying participants


DAY 1: ROME Flight to Tel Aviv. Arrival and transfer to Galilee, the most beautiful and fertile region of the Holy Land. Arrival and check-in at hotel in Nazareth DAY 2: NAZARETH Morning transfer to Mount Tabor and visit to Sanctuary of the Transfiguration; stop in Cana of Galilee. In the afternoon, a visit to the Basilica of the Annunciation and St. Joseph’s Church, located on the site where the Holy Family lived. DAY 3: NAZARETH Departure for the region of Lake Tiberias: boat-crossing of lake, visit to Tabgha (site of the and the multiplication of the loaves) and Capernaum (synagogue and home of Peter), ascent of Mount of Beatitudes. DAY 4: NAZARETH Departure for the Dead Sea, the deepest geological depression on the planet, through the Valley of Jordan. Renewal of baptismal vows at Qasr el Yahud. Transfer to Qumran, where in 1947 the famous manuscripts of the Essene community were found. Evening arrival in BETHLEHEM, the town where Jesus was born. DAY 5: BETHLEHEM Morning coach transfer to Jerusalem. Visit to the Mount of Olives: Gethsemane, the Basilica of the Agony, the Chapel of Dominus Flevit. In the afternoon, Via Crucis through the streets of the old town and entry to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. DAY 6: BETHLEHEM Morning coach transfer to Jerusalem. Visit to Mount Sion: the Cenaculum, the place of the , the Church of the Dormition of Mary, the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu. In the afternoon, a stop at the Wailing Wall. Visit to the Church of St. Anne and the Pool of Bethesda. DAY 7: BETHLEHEM Visit to the Basilica of the Nativity, the Grotto of Saint Jerome and the Field of the Shepherds, the place where the angels announced the birth of Christ. Afternoon, coach trip to visit Ain Karem, place of the birth of St. John the Baptist. Stop at the Sanctuary of the Visitation. DAY 8: BETHLEHEM Transfer to Tel Aviv airport and departure for Rome

6 Feb 13 Feb 25 Apr 2 May 11 Aug 18 Aug 8 Feb 15 Feb 25 Apr 2 May 22 Aug 29 Aug 15 Feb 22 Feb 9 May 16 May 25 Aug 1 Sept 29 Feb 7 Mar 23 May 30 May 5 Sept 12 Sept 7 Mar 14 Mar 6 Jun 13 Jun 15 Sept 22 Sept 14 Mar 21 Mar 13 Jun 20 Jun 19 Sept 26 Sept 21 Mar 28 Mar 27 Jun 4 Jul 29 Sept 6 Oct 28 Mar 4 Apr 7 Jul 14 Jul 13 Oct 20 Oct 31 Mar 7 Apr 11 Jul 18 Jul 20 Oct 27 Oct 4 Apr 11 Apr 21 Jul 28 Jul 7 Nov 14 Nov* 11 Apr 18 Apr 25 Jul 1 Aug 17 Nov 24 Nov 18 Apr 25 Apr 1 Aug 8 Aug 5 Dec 12 Dec * diocesan pilgrimage


DAY 1: ROME Flight for Lisbon, arrival and guided visit of city: the Monastery dos Jeronimos and Belem Tower, the symbol of the city, the Cathedral, the Church of St. Anthony, built over his family home. Onward travel to Fatima. Salute to the Virgin Mary in the Chapel of the Apparitions. Reciting of the Holy Rosary and Procession. Hotel check-in, dinner and overnight stay. DAY 2: FATIMA During the day: Via Crucis to Os Valinhos, Penitential Celebration and Holy Mass, visit to Aljustrel, the home village of the three shepherd children and the Parish of Fatima where they were baptised. Reciting of the Holy Rosary and Procession. Full board in hotel. DAY 3: FATIMA Morning visit to the Museum of the Sanctuary. Afternoon departure, by coach, for the visit to the Sanctuaries of Alcobaça, Batalha and Nazaré. Evening return to Fatima for dinner and overnight stay. DAY 4: ROME Morning coach transfer to Lisbon airport and departure for Rome.

7 Apr 10 Apr 30 Jun 3 July 29 Sept 2 Oct 28 Apr 1 May 11 Jul 14 Jul 11 Oct 14 Oct 11 May 14 May 28 Jul 31 Jul 12 Oct 15 Oct * 12 May 15 May 12 Aug 15 Aug 29 Oct 1 Nov 19 May 22 May 1 Sept 4 Sept 6 Dec 9 Dec 30 May 2 Jun 10 Sept 13 Sept 16 Jun 19 Jun 12 Sept 15 Sept * diocesan pilgrimage FATIMA and LISBON / 5 days

DAY 1: ROME Flight for Lisbon, arrival and onward travel by coach to Fatima. Arrival, Salute to the Madonna at the Chapel of the Apparitions, a visit to the Sanctuary Museum, recital of the Holy Rosary and torchlight procession. Hotel check-in, dinner and overnight stay. DAY 2: FATIMA During the day: Via Crucis to Os Valinhos, Penitential Celebration and Holy Mass, visit to Aljustrel, the home village of the three shepherd children and the Parish of Fatima where they were baptised. Reciting of the Holy Rosary and Procession. Full board in hotel. DAY 3: FATIMA Morning coach transfer to Coimbra, famous for the University founded in 1290, among the first in Europe. Stop at the Convent of Carmelo, where Sister Lucia used to live. Onward travel to Tomar and visit to the Convent of Christ, which has been built up over the centuries: from the first buildings of the 12th century up to the last buildings in the 17th century. The complex, which includes several overlapping styles, shows the various stages of the story of the Templars and the Order of Christ and bears witness to their important role in the history of Portugal. Evening return to Fatima for dinner and overnight stay. DAY 4: LISBON Morning coach transfer to Lisbon, arrival and guided visit of city: the Church and the birth- place of St. Anthony, the Cathedral, the Jeronimos Monastery, the Belem Tower. Hotel check-in, dinner and overnight stay. DAY 5: ROME In the morning transfer to the airport and departure for return to Rome.

17 Apr 21 Apr 3 Aug 7 Aug 28 Sept 2 Oct 28 Jun 2 Jul 14 Sept 18 Sept 19 Oct 23 Oct


DAY 1: ROME Morning departure from Rome on Alitalia flight for Toulouse (AZ366, 9.45am - 11.35am). Coach transfer to Lourdes (133 km). Hotel check-in and lunch. Salute to the Virgin Mary at the Cave of the Apparitions. Dinner and overnight stay. STAY IN LOURDES DURING the stay, participation in the official celebrations of the Sanctuary with a visit to the Sanctuaries and to the memories of Bernadette. Moments dedicated to private prayer. Full board in hotel. FINAL DAY Celebration of Holy Mass and salute to the Virgin. After lunch in hotel, coach transfer to Tou- louse for return to Rome with Alitalia flight (AZ369, 6.40pm - 8.25pm)

30 Jun 2 Jul 1 Jul 3 Jul 2 Sept 4 Sept

LOURDES PILGRIMAGES with a stop at Toulouse and visit to the Basilica of San Saturnino / 4 days

DAY 1 Morning departure from Rome on Alitalia flight for Toulouse (AZ366, 9.45am - 11.35am). Lunch at a Toulouse restaurant and visit to the Cathedral of San Saturnino (11th century), an historic monument of since 1840 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the fact that it is the French stop along the Walk to Santiago di Compostela. Coach transfer to Lourdes (133 km). Salute to the Virgin Mary at the Cave of the Apparitions. Hotel check-in. Dinner and overnight stay. STAY IN LOURDES During the stay participation in the official celebrations of the Sanctuary with a visit to the Sanctuaries and to the memories of Bernadette. Moments dedicated to private prayer. Full board in hotel. FINAL DAY Celebration of Holy Mass and salute to the Virgin. After lunch, coach transfer to Toulouse for return to Rome with Alitalia flight (AZ369, 6.40pm - 8.25pm)

1 Apr 4 Apr 12 May 15 May 10 Jun 13 Jun 22 Apr 25 Apr 26 May 29 May 16 Jun 19 Jun 29 Apr 2 May 1 Jun 4 Jun 17 Jun 20 Jun 4 May 7 May 2 Jun 5 Jun 23 Jun 26 Jun

22 LOURDES PILGRIMAGES with a stop at Toulouse and visit to the Basilica of San Saturnino / 5 days

DAY 1 Morning departure from Rome on Alitalia flight for Toulouse (AZ366, 9.45am - 11.35am). Lunch at a Toulouse restaurant and visit to the Cathedral of San Saturnino (11th century), an historic monument of France since 1840 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the fact that it is the French stop along the Walk to Santiago di Compostela. Coach transfer to Lourdes (133 km). Salute to the Virgin Mary at the Cave of the Apparitions. Hotel check-in. Dinner and overnight stay. STAY IN LOURDES During the stay, participation in the official celebrations of the Sanctuary with a visit to the Sanctuaries and to the memories of Bernadette. Moments dedicated to private prayer. Full board in hotel. FINAL DAY Celebration of Holy Mass and salute to the Virgin. After lunch, coach transfer to Toulouse for return to Rome with Alitalia flight (AZ369, 6.40pm - 8.25pm)

24 Mar 28 Mar 30 Aug 3 Sept 12 Jul 16 Jul 10 Oct 14 Oct LOURDES PILGRIMAGES with special flights

DAY 1 LOURDES Special flight to Lourdes. Holy Mass and salute to the Virgin Mary at the Cave of the Ap- paritions. STAY IN LOURDES (3 - 4 NIGHTS) Participation in the main events at the Sanctuary: Via Crucis, torchlight procession, Eucharistic Procession with the blessing of the sick, a visit to the Sanctuaries and pilgri- mage to the memory of St. Bernadette. FINAL DAY - ROME Holy Mass and salute to the Virgin. Transfer to Lourdes airport and departure for Rome.

5 days 7 Jul 11 Jul 11 Aug 15 Aug 15 Sept 19 Sept 14 Jul 18 Jul 18 Aug 22 Aug 22 Sept 26 Sept 21 Jul 25 Jul 22 Aug 26 Aug* 29 Sept 3 Oct 28 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sept 5 Sept 6 Oct 10 Oct 4 Aug 8 Aug 8 Sept 12 Sept * diocesan pilgrimage

4 days 1 Jul 4 Jul 8 Aug 11 Aug 19 Sept 22 Sept 4 Jul 7 Jul 15 Aug 18 Aug 26 Sept 29 Sept 11 Jul 14 Jul 26 Aug 29 Aug 3 Oct 6 Oct 18 Jul 21 Jul 29 Aug 1 Sept 10 Oct 13 Oct 25 Jul 28 Jul 5 Sept 8 Sept 1 Aug 4 Aug 12 Sept 15 Sept


THE OPERA ROMANA PELLEGRINAGGI BROCHURE DETAILING ALL 2016 PROGRAMMES WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM JANUARY INFORMATION ROME OFFICES AND GROUP BOOKINGS ORP CENTRAL OFFICE Via della 13/A Monday 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm PILGRIMAGES SECTOR from Tuesday to Friday tel. 06 69.896.371 9am - 1pm and 2.30pm - 6pm tel. 06 69.896.372 tel. 06 69.896.1 [email protected] ORP ST. PETER’S Piazza Pio XII, 9-11 WELCOME SECTOR every day 9am - 6pm IN ROME/INCOMING tel. 06 69.896.379 tel. 06 69.896.373 [email protected] ORP ST. JOHN LATERAN Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 6 Monday 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 6pm from Tuesday to Friday 9am - 1pm and 2.30pm - 6pm tel. 06 69.896.336


from Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm; Saturday 9am - 1pm and 2.30pm - 6pm

www.operaromanapellegrinaggi.org [email protected]