: A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Eternal City James L. Papandrea, Ph.D.

Checklist of Things to See at the Sites

Capitoline Museums Building 1 Pieces of the Colossal Statue of Constantine Statue of Mars Bronze She-wolf with Twins Bernini’s Head of Medusa Statue of the Emperor Commodus dressed as Hercules Marcus Aurelius Equestrian Statue Statue of Hercules Foundation of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus In the Tunnel Grave Markers, Some with Christian Symbols  Balconies with View of the Forum Building 2 Hall of the Philosophers Hall of the Emperors

National Museum @ (Therme) Early Roman Empire Wall Paintings Roman Floors Statue of Augustus as Pontifex Maximus (main floor atrium) Ancient Coins and Jewelry (in the basement)

Vatican Museums Christian Sarcophagi (Early Christian Room) Painting of the Battle at the Milvian Bridge (Constantine Room) Painting of Leo meeting the Hun ( Rooms) Raphael’s School of Athens () The painting Fire in the , showing old St. Peter’s (Fire Room)  San Clemente In the Current Seams in the schola cantorum Where it was Cut to Fit the Smaller The Bishop’s Chair is Made from the Tomb Marker of a Martyr Apse Mosaic with “Tree of Life” Cross In the Scavi Fourth Century Basilica with Ninth/Tenth Century Mithraeum Alleyway between Warehouse and Public Building/Roman House

Santa Croce in Gerusalemme Find the Original Fourth Century Columns (look for the seams in the bases)  Tomb: St. Caesarius of Arles, Presider at the Council of Orange, 529 Titulus Crucis Brick, Found in 1492 In the St. Helena Chapel Statue of St. Helena (copy of the original in San Pietro) Soil from the Holy Land In the Chapel Relic of the The Titulus Two Thorns from the One Nail from the Crucifixion Relic of Thomas’ Finger The Cross of the Good Thief In the Shroud Room Replica of the Shroud of Turin Crucifix Made from the Shroud

Santa Pudenziana Fifth Century Apse Mosaic with Jeweled Cross and Skyline of Look for Remains of Fourth Century Apse Behind the Mosaic Apse Caetani Chapel – Built on the Remains of the Second Century Worship Space Painting of the Sisters Pudenziana and Prassede by the Well

San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura Tomb of Saints Lawrence, Stephen, and Justin Martyr Sixth Century Mosaic (on the back of the arch) Twelfth Century Altar Twelfth Century Cosmati Floor Thirteenth Century Ambo Thirteenth Century Bishop’s cathedra (chair)  Commemorating the Immaculate Conception (on the front of the arch) Crypt Level Marble Slab Said to be From Lawrence’s Martyrdom Tomb of Pius IX Cloister Inscriptions from the WW II Bomb

Santa Sabina In the church Eucharistic Symbols over the Columns Pope Celestine Mosaic Showing Personification of Jewish and Gentile Church Mosaic Tomb of Muñoz de Zamora In the Door Panel Showing the Earliest Artistic Depiction of the Crucifixion Door Panels Showing the Resurrection, Ascension and Door Panel with Pharaoh’s face Changed to Look Like Napoleon Portal in the Wall Revealing the St. Dominic Tree

San Pietro in Vincoli Relic of the Chains of Peter ’s

Santi Cosma e Damiano Apse Mosaic with Phoenix Twelfth Century Icon of Madonna and Child over the Altar View into Third Century BCE Temple of Romulus

Santa Maria in Cosmedin Apse Painting Twelfth Century schola cantorum Thirteenth Century baldacchino Crypt with Remains of Ancient Pagan Temple Relic of St. Valentine’s Skull Eighth Century Mosaic Fragment (in the gift shop) La Bocca della Veritá “The Mouth of Truth” (in the portico)

Santa Prassede Pillar with Names of Martyrs Whose were Brought to Altar Painting of the Two Sisters: Prassede and Pudenziana Ninth Century Apse Mosaic with Monogram of Pope Pascal I Find Pope Pascal with the Square Halo Find the Phoenix Mosaic Arch with Depiction of the New Jerusalem of the Book of Revelation Tomb of John the Pharmacist Red Marble Circle Marking the Supposed Site of Prassede’s Well Painting of in the House of Pudens Twentieth Century Mosaic of the Trinity Crowning Mary In the Crypt Sarcophagus with the Relics of Prassede and Pudenziana Altar with Front Panel from Fourth/Fifth Century Basilica Chapel of Zeno Mosaic of “Episcopa” Theodora, Mother of Pope Pascal Ancient Mosaic of Madonna and Child Holy Column

Santa Cecilia Ninth Century Apse Mosaic with Monogram of Pope Pascal I Find Pope Pascal with the Square Halo & the Phoenix Over His Head Statue of St. Cecilia by Maderno (this is the original, copy in catacombs) Chapel of the Calidarium In the Scavi: Third Century House of Cecilia Crypt of St. Cecilia, with Ninth Century (behind the altar)

San Benedetto Childhood Chapel of Saints Benedict and Scholastica “Portrait” of Saint Benedict

Santa Maria in Trastevere Apse Mosaic with and Mary Small Pillar Marking the Spot of the Fountain of Oil (to the right of the altar) Columns from the (third century) Ancient Icon of Our Lady of Mercy (chapel left of altar) Paintings of the (chapel left of altar)

Santa Maria del Popolo Oldest Stained Glass Windows in Rome ’s Paintings: Conversion of Paul, Crucifixion of Peter

Sant’ Agostino Bernini’s Altar with Ave Maria Icon Heart & Arrow Symbol Monica’s Chapel with Tomb of Monica Older Tomb(s) of Monica Painting of The Ecstasy at Ostia Raphael’s Isaiah Painting of Augustine Contemplating the Holy Trinity Caravaggio’s Mary and the Pilgrims

Santa Maria Maggiore Holy Door with of the Councils of Ephesus and Vatican II Apse Mosaic with Coronation of Mary Mosaic Depicting the Dormition of Mary (below apse mosaic) Arch Mosaic with Scenes of the Infancy of Jesus Fourth/Fifth Century Nave Mosaics with Scenes from the Old Testament Altar: Tombs of Saints Jerome and Matthias Relic of the Holy Manger Tomb of Bernini (to the right of the altar, in the floor) Statue of Mary Regina Pacis  Covered in Gold Borghese/Pauline Chapel Icon of Mary “Madonna di San Luca,” Salus Popoli Romani Relief of Pope Liberius Outlining the Basilica in the Snow In the Baptistery Relief Sculpture by Bernini’s Father Bust of Antonio Emanuele Ne Vunda

San Paolo Fuori le Mura Holy Door – the Back Side is the Door from the Original Basilica Apse Mosaic with Honorius III Kissing Jesus’ Feet Back of the Arch: Surviving Fragments of Thirteenth Century Façade Mosaic Relic of the Chains of Paul The Tomb of Paul - Note the Foundation of the Original Martyrium Apse Pascal Candlestick Alabaster Windows Green Malachite Side Altars Portraits of the Cloister Museum Original Tomb Marker from the Tomb of Paul (up on the wall) Ninth Century “Charles the Bald” Bible

San Giovanni in Laterano San Giovanni in Fonte: The Baptistery St. Venantius Chapel with Exposed Floor of Pre-Constantinian Nymphaeum Paintings of Events in the Scala Santa: The Holy Stairs Touch the Marble Stair Through the Slot in the Wood Sancta Sanctorum (at the top of the stairs) Leonine Triclinium (on the outside of the building) The The Huge Doors are from the in the Forum Compare the Statues of Constantine and in the Apse Mosaic with Phoenix (look directly under the cross in the mosaic) Gothic baldacchino with Reliquary of the First Papal Altar in the Top Section Bronze Columns from the Temple of Jupiter/Ships of Cleopatra (left transept) Altar of the Holy Sacrament with Reliquary of the Holy (Last Supper) Table Yellow Pillars from the Forum of Trajan (under the organ) Tomb of Innocent III (over the door to the gift shop) Painting of the Baptism of Constantine Paintings of St. Francis Meeting Innocent III and Innocent’s Dream Statues of the Twelve Apostles - Green Columns are from the Original Basilica Holy Door Fragment of Giotto’s Fresco Cloister

San Pietro (St. Peter’s) In the Piazza: Stand on the Circle Where the Columns Appear to Line Up Bernini’s Statue of Constantine (in the atrium to the right before you enter) Red Marble from the Original St. Peter’s in the Doorways Michelangelo’s Pietá Bernini’s baldacchino Bernini’s Bronze Sculpture of The Throne of Peter Bernini’s Longinus Statue of St. Helena (this is the original, the copy is in Santa Croce) Tomb of Peter, with Ancient Mosaic of Christ from Original Basilica Altar of the Crucifixion of Peter (in the left transept) Bronze Statue of Peter – Touch Peter’s Right Foot Marks on the Nave Floor Showing the Size of the World’s Largest Churches Red Marble Circle in the Floor Where Holy Roman Emperors were Crowned Crypt of the Popes – This is the Level of the Original Constantinian Basilica