Publishing in Irish America: 1820-1922" Project That Is Being Undertaken by the CUNY Institute for Irish- American Studies
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The electronic version of this text has been created as a part of the "Publishing in Irish America: 1820-1922" project that is being undertaken by the CUNY Institute for Irish- American Studies. Project: Publishing in IA Date Created: 8/912005 Object ID: 000000021 Object Name: Ireland- The People's History of Ireland Author: John F. Finerty Date Published: 1904 Publisher: P.F. Collier & Son; New York Donor: G.F. Lee I morlb '.ll lSt.llt j$t.lltortt.ll I .1R E LAN'D THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF IRELAND BY JOHN F. FINERTY PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED IRISH LEAGUE OF' AMERICA Illustrated IN TWO .VOL U VOLUME ONE COPYRIGHT 1904 By P. F. COLLIER & SON HISTORY OF IRELAND VOLUME ONE • Ireland-l Vol. I. ~=!!!!!!!!!"!!!!11111!!1!!111!!~----_.- CONTENTS BOOK I DEALINGWITH THE STORYOF THE IRISH PEOPLEFROMTHE EARLIEST PERIODTOTHE ADVENTOF THE REFORMATIONIN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY . CHAPTER I Prefatory-Territorial Divisions of Ireland-Physical Features of the Country-Peculiarities of Soil, Climate, and Scenery 3 CHAPTER II Further of the Characteristics and Resources of the Island-Present Form of Government. 12 CHAPTER III The Original Inhabitants of Ireland 19 CHAPTER IV The Religion of Ancient Ireland-Many Writers say it was Wor- ship of the Sun, Moon, and Elements " 24 CHAPTER V Advent of St. Patrick-His Wonderful Apostolic Career in Ireland -A Captive and a Swineherd for Years, he Escapes and becomes the Regenerator of the Irish Nation 29 CHAPTER VI Ancient Laws and Government of the Irish , .. 35 CHAPTER VII Period of Danish Invasion ....................•................. 47 (iii) iv Contents CHAPTER VIII Battleof Clontarf,A.D. 1014-Total Overthrow of the Danish A.r~~ 52 and Power in Ireland." " '" . CHAPTER IX DesolatingCivil Wars Among the Irish " . 58 CHAPTER X The Norman-WelshInvasion of Ireland-Their Landing in W~~~ 63 ford. " '" '" '" '" '" . CHAPTER XI SuperiorArmamentof the Normans-Arrival of Henry II 72 CHAPTER XII Prince John "Lacldand" Created "Lord" of Ireland-Splendid Heroismof Sir ArmoricusTristram 79 CHAPTER XIII Ireland Under the Earlier Edwards-The Younger Bruce Elected ~IM~.~~~~.~.~~1h.~f.~.~~.F~~: 86 CHAPTER XIV Prince Lionel Viceroy for Edward III-The Statute of Kilkenny 91 CHAPTER Xv Richard II's Invasions-Heroic Art MacMurrough••...•••.•.•.•. 95 CHAPTER XVI Ireland During the Wars 'of the Itoses••.••••••.•....••.•••...•• 101 BOOK II TIk,- • --ADAUs Paow nn: PIaroD OPTIlE RooRWATION '10 1'11& Exrq nu..a • 'hilt ULS'lQ PlINczs IN THE RaGN or JAIrIs I '" '" 109 CHAPTER I -The ..~-New Cause of Discord in ~ III Contents v CHAPTER II The Reformation Period Continued-Edward VI, Mary I, Eliza- beth, and "John the Proud" , Il7 CHAPTER III The Geraldine War-Hugh O'Neill and "Red Hugh" O'Donnell .. 123 CHAPTER IV Confiscation of Desmond's Domains-English Plantation of Mun- ster 130 CHAPTER V Conditions in Ulster Before the Revolt of O'Neill , , 133 CHAPTER VI O'Neill Draws the Sword-Victories of Clontibret and Armagh ... 136 CHAPTER VII Ireland Still Victorious-Battles of Tyrrell's Pass and Drumfluich .. 141 CHAPTER VIII Irish Victory of the Yellow Ford, Called the Bannockburn of Ireland " , , ,. 145 CHAPTER IX How O'Neill Baffled Essex-O'Donnell's Victory of the Curlew l\lol1ntains 149 CHAPTER X King Philip Sends Envoys to O'Neill-The Earl of 'Mountjoy Lord Deputy , , , '" .. , , .,. 153 CHAPTER XI Ireland's Fortunes Take a Bad Turn-Defeat of O'Neill and O'Donnell at Kinsale 158 CHAPTER XII Sad Death of O'Donneli in Spain-Heroic Defence of Dunboy .... 166 CHAPTER XIII Wane of Irish Resistance-O'Neill Surrenders to Mountjoy at Mellifont 170 CHAPTER XIV Treachery of James I to the Irish Chiefs-"Tbe Flight of the Earls" 174 Vi Contents I BOOK III RECORDINGTHE DOINGSOF THE ENGLISHAND IRISH, IN IRELAND, FROMTHETIME OFJAMESI TOTHEJACOBITEWARSIN THE DAYS OFJAMESII ANDWIU.IAM III 183 CHAPTER I Confiscations and Penal Laws-The Iron Rule of Lord Strafford .. 185 CHAPTER II Irish Military Exiles-Rory O'More Organizes a Great Insurrection 192 CHAPTER III Horrors of Civil War in Ulster-Battle of Kilrush-Rory O'More Disappears from History 200 CHAPTER IV Proceedings of the Confederation of Kilkenny-Arrival of Owen Roe O'Neill and Rinuccini. 208 CHAPTER V Treason of Ormond to the Catholic Cause-owen Roe O'Neill, Aided by the Nuncio, Prepares to Fight '" 218 CHAPTER VI The Famous Irish Victory of Benburb-Cruel Murder of the Cath- olic Bishop of Ross .- 221 CHAPl'ER VII Ormond's Treacherous Surrender of Dublin-lreland's Choice of Two Evils ...••.••••••••..•..•........•....••...•.•.••••.•... 226 CHAPTER VIII "The Curse of Cromwell"-Massacres of Drogheda and Wexford -Death of Sir Phelim O'Neill 230 CHAPTER IX Sad~ of the Vaaquish*'-Cruel Executions and Wholesale tiOIIs ' ; ..••; ~ 236 CHAPTER X Irel~nd Further ~ Under Charles II-Murder of Arch~ bishop PtUDket-AccetaioD of JaJDtS' II 240 Contents Vll CHAPTER XI Well Meant but Imprudent Policy of King James-England In- vites William of Orange to Assume the Throne .... , .....•.... , 245 CHAPTER XII Irish Soldiers 111-Treated in England-Policy of Tyrconnel-King J ames Chosen by the Irish Nation 253 BOOK IV CHRONICLING IMPORTANT EVENTS IN IRELAND FROM THE ARRIVAL OF JAMES II IN THAT COUNTRY UNTIL THE DEPARTURE OF THE DUKE OF BERWICK TO FRANCE AFTER THE FIRST SIEGE OF LIM- ERICK, IN 1690 259 ,CHAPTER I King James in Ireland-Enthusiastic Reception of Him by the Irish People-Military Operations 261 CHAPTER II Jacobites Foiled at Londonderry-Mol1l1tcashel Defeated at New- town Butler-King James's Irish Parliament 2(il- CHAPTER III King James's Imprudent Acts-Witty Retort of a Protestant Peer -Architectural Features of Dublin 268 CHAPTER IV Composition of the Hostile Armies-King William Arrives in Ire- land-Narrowly Escapes Death on Eve of Battle 271 CHAPTER V Battle of the Boyne-Death of Marshal Schomberg-Valor of Irish Cavalry-Inexcusable Flight of King James ZJ7 CHAPTER VI Irish Army Retires on "The Line of the Shannon"-Douglas Re- pulsed at .Athlone-King William Begins Siege of Limerick -Sarsfield's Exploit 286 CHAPTER VII William's Assault on Limerick Repulsed with Slaughter-Heroism of the Irish Women-Irish Humanity to the English Wounded 294 r ... V1U Contents CHAPTER VITI Fall of Cork and Kinsale-Lauzun, the French General, Accused by Irish Writers-Sarsfield's Popularity-Tyrconnel Returns to Ireland-Berwick Departs 302 BOOK V RECORDING IMPORTANT EVENTS FROM THE ARRIVAL OF GENERAL ST. RUTH IN LIMERICK TO HIS GLORIOUS DEATH AT THE BATTLE OF AUGHRIM, IN JULY, I6~H 3II CHAPTER I General St. Ruth Arrives at Limerick to Command the Iris~ Army -His Marvelous Activity-Brave and Able, but Vam and Obstinate '" 313 CHAPTER II De Ginkel Besieges Athlone-Memorable Resistance of the Irish Garrison-The Battle at the Bridge-St. Ruth's Fatuous Obsti- nacy-Town Taken by Surprise 318 CHAPTER III The Irish Army Falls Back and Takes Post at Aughrim-Descrip- tion of the Field-Disposition of the Irish Forces-Baal Dearg O'Donnell's Apathy 326 CHAPTER IV De Ginke1 Marches After St. Ruth-The Latter Prepares to "Con- . quer or Die"-His Speech to the Irish Army on the Eve of Fighting " 332 CHAPTER V Decisive Battle of Aughrim-It Opens Favorably'" for the Irish- Desperate Fighting in the Centre and at Urachree-Fortune or Treason Favors De Ginke1 " •" " 336 CHAPTER VI Battle of Anghrim Continued-Its Crisis-The English Turn' Irish Left-&,; .Ruth Ki11ed by Cannon Ball-<:Onfusion and Final Defeat of INh ..&IIly J42 CHAPTER VII . Mortality Among Officers of Rank on 80th Sides-Acknowledged Engbsh Loss at Aughrim-Euglish and !risk Comments on Conduct of Battle 350 } " Contents IX BOOK VI TREATINGOF THE PERIODFROMTHE SECONDSIEGEOF LIMERICK,IN' 1691, TOTHE DISSOLUTIONOFTHE EXILEDFRANCO-IRISHBRIGADE A CENTURYLATER 361 CHAPTER I Second Siege of Limerick-Terrific Bombardment-The English, Aided by Treachery, Cross the Shannon-Massacre of Thomond Bridge 363 CHAPTER II Capitulation of Limerick-Terms of the Famous "Violated Treaty" -Cork Harbor Tragedy 371 CHAPTER III The Irish Troops, as a Majority, Enter the French Service-King James Receives Them Cordially-His Testimony of Their De- votion and Courage ....•.........•........................... 383 CHAPTER IV Early Exploits of the Irish Brigade in the Service of France-At Landen, Cremona, and Blenheim-Tribute Paid it by an En- glish Historian 388 CHAPTER V The Irish Brigade in the Campaigns of North Italy and Flanders- Its Strength at Various Periods-Count Dillon's Reply to King Louis XV 393 CHAPTER VI The Austrian Succession-Campaign of I74s-Magnificent Achieve- ment of the Irish Brigade at Fontenoy-Prince Louis's Adieu to the Heroes ..............................................•• 399 BOOK VII NARRATINGTHE MANY PENAL STATUTESAGAINSTTHE CATHOLICS, AND CARRYINGTHE STORYDoWN TO THE ACQUIREMENTOF A FREE CoMMERCEBY THE IRISH PARLIAMENT,UNDERTHE LEADER- SHIP OF GRATTAN,A.D. 1;'80 .......................•.••....... 409 CHAPTER I Anti-Catholic Penal Laws-Their DTastic, Brutal and Absurd Pro- "isions-Professional Informers, Called "Priest-Hunters" ••••• 4II r " I x Contents :1, CHAPTER II Restrictions on Irish Trade and Manufactures-All Creeds Suffer -Presbyterian Exodus to America-Death of Royal Person- I'I ages-Accession of George 1. 424 r! ,I CHAPTER III J Further Commercial Restrictions-Continued Exodus of Working People-Jonathan Swift-"The Patriot Party"-Tyranny of Primate Boulter 43I CHAPTER IV Official Extravagance-Charles Lucas, Leader of Irish Opposition -Chesterfield Viceroy-His Recall-Dorset's Vile Administra- tion 439 CHAPTER V More Persecution of Catholics Under George II-Secret Com-