NOTES Introduction 1. Cf. Daniel Szechi and David Hayton's essay, :John Bull's Other Kingdoms', in Clyve Jones (ed.), Britain in the First Age of Party 1680-1750 (London and Ronceverte, 1987). 2. For an examination ofJacobitism in these terms, see Paul Monod,jacobitism and the English People (Cambridge, 1989) and Daniel Szechi, Thejacobites (Manchester, 1994). 3. Murray G. H. Pittock, The Myth ofthejacobite Clans (Edinburgh, 1995), p. 25. 4. John Kenyon, The History Men (London, 1983), p. 155 and passim. 5. Cited in Pittock, Myth, p. 10. 6. Paul Langford, A Polite and Commercial People (Oxford, 1989), p. 197; the phrase is Jeremy Black's. 7. A. D. Innes, A History of the British Nation From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (London and Edinburgh, 1912), p. 601. 8. Cf. Murray G. H. Pittock, The Invention ofScotland (London and New York, 1991 ), pp. 120 ff. 9. For a recent discussion ofEpiscopalian Nonjurors and their impact on Tractarianism, see Peter Nockles, '"Our Brethren of the North": The Scottish Episcopal Church and the Oxford Movement', journal ofEcclesiastical History (1996), 655-82. 10. Cf. Sir Charles Petrie, 'If: a Jacobite Fantasy', which first appeared in The J#ekly J#stminster for 30 January 1926, and thereafter in The jacobite Movement: the Last Phase, revised edn (London, 1950). 11. Eveline Cruickshanks, writing in Romney Sedgwick (ed.), The History ofParliament: the House ofCommons 1715-1754, 2 vols. (London, 1970), I: 62-78. 12. Cf. Ian Christie, 'The Tory Party,Jacobitism and the 'Forty-Five: A Note', Historical journal, 30:4 (1987), 921-31.
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