More Insight, Lower Cost.

REPORT CATALOG 2019 Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 2 OLED Reports Why Table ofContents DSCC? P3 Meet Outlook Our DSCC on General Display Trends Team Weekly P34 Quarterly Advanced TV Display Cost Report 8K DisplayQuarterly Cost Smartphone Forecast and Report Review Display Costs Report P32 Quarterly P30 Quarterly Display Display Materials OLED Advanced Weekly Award POand Database Glass Quarterly Display Fab UtilizationReport Materials Quarterly Display SupplyChainFinancial Health Report Report P24 Quarterly Display Capex Equipment and Report Report Display Equipment P22 2019 Foldable Display Market Update OutlookReport and Foldable Display Technology Market and Report Quarterly Quarterly MobileLCD OLEDand Fab UtilizationTracker OLED Quarterly Capital and OLEDSupply/Demand Report Spending Shipment Report p8

P28 P26 P20 P18 P16 P14 P12 P10 P6 P4 At DSCC, we pride ourselves on: materialssuppliers and suppliers including: DSCC analysts have worked supply chain throughout atbrands, panel the suppliers, equipment every layer display ofthe supplychain. by extensive the experience ofitsfounders employees and which have ofexperience decades covering suppliers equipment and to flat suppliers,panel OEMs,brands and even retailers.achieved Thishasbeen accomplish this,we component have close established relationships display withthe supplychain from DSCC’s missionisprovide worldwide supplychain expertisefor end-to-end alldisplay-based products. To Why DSCC? demonstrating its consulting value: itsconsulting demonstrating DSCC executives have Board alsoheld positionsatanumberofdifferent display related companies having worked inananalyst roles at: DSCCIn addition, analysts have extensive experience inmarket/technology analysis consulting and DSCC employs which leverages methodologies itssupply chain relationships asmuch aspossible. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Being flexibleBeing needs ofourcustomers. meet the to Always accessible being to ourcustomers. Providing superior customer support. Offering customized consulting. and reports Examining inevery demand bothsupplyand market we track. from our Excludingforecasts. confidential information allourforecastsUpdating atleast 1X perquarter. highqualityThe integrity and of ouranalysts. Quickly incorporating supply/demand, outlook, the costs prices and for emerging display technologies. throughout display the supplychain. Providing timely, accurate precise and information way inatimely leveraging ourrelationships Delivering more insightatalower cost • • • • • • • segments bysegments surveying suppliers components ofmultiple aswell fabs asthe themselves. We alsoprovide fab basis utilizationdataonamonthly for key aquarterly and segments basis for all marginsand factor and into account regional differences. For every display to application,inaddition tracking we demand, supplyand costs, prices alsoquantify awardsequipment inChina. Our fab suppliermarket equipment and timing share dataleverages in officialPOfilings Koreaand forecastsOur shipment are always based demand. onbothsupplyand us to yields. quantify supplytois enough Byknowing demand. meet glassinputaswell thisalsoallows aspanel shipments, weOn panel shipments, survey panel suppliers, brands aswell ascomponent suppliers to ensure there On pricing, we survey buyers aswell assellers. NanoPhotonica Illumitex Akhan Technologies IMS Research IHS Markit Forrester Research DisplaySearch DisplayBank Corning OWL Displays Meko Magnachip LG PhilipsDisplays Corning Brooks Automation

• • • • • • • • Young Market Research TSR SNE Research NPD Group Samsung DisplaySamsung Panasonic Westar Display UniPixel • • • • • • Ushio Universal Scientific SDI Samsung Display Samsung PhilipsDisplay Components Panasonic Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 3 Quarterly OLED Supply/Demand and Capital Spending Report This quarterly report will prove to be critical for anyone tracking the implications of new OLED form factors on supply and demand. It also provides detailed fab schedules and the outlook for OLED

Report | 4 Category: manufacturers and OLED equipment producers.

This report includes the following deliverables: • OLED demand by application, size and form factor. • OLED fab schedules. • OLED yield, capacity and form factor scenarios by fab. • OLED glass input, yields and output by fab. • An innovative model which will allow users to enter a given panel size and form factor such as rigid, flexible, rollable and foldable and determine the resulting impact on OLED supply/demand.​ • Unit, revenue and design win results and forecasts for all equipment in OLED frontplane and backplane fabs on both a bookings and billings basis. • Market share for all OLED frontplane equipment and most OLED backplane equipment. • Powerpoint report covering: ‐‐OLED demand by application ‐‐OLED fab schedules and supply analysis ‐‐OLED supply/demand calculations and analysis

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display ‐‐​OLED equipment spending trends by equipment segment, panel manufacturer, country, fab generation, book- ings basis vs. billings basis, etc. ‐‐OLED deposition market and technical trends and market share, FMM VTE, Open Mask VTE, IJP and others. ‐‐Thin film encapsulation market and technical trends, market share, etc. PECVD vs. ALD vs. IJP, etc. ‐‐Laser Lift Off market and technical trends and market share. ‐‐Excimer laser annealing (ELA) market and technology trends, market share, etc.

Sample Table of Contents • OLEDs, IJP, VTE Explained 2016 - 2023 • What’s Changed This Quarter • Units/Revenues/Market Share/ASPs • Executive Summary • 2016-2023 Results and Forecast • OLED Fab Schedules: • Excimer Laser Annealing Chapter • Methodology for OLED Display Production • Introduction to ELA Equipment • Mother Glass (MG) Input for All OLED Applications (Units/Area) • ELA Results and Forecast 2016-2023 • Mobile Application Chapter • Thin Film Encapsulation (TFE) Chapter • MG Input for Mobile Application • TFE Results and Forecast 2016-2023 • Panel Output for Mobile Application • Laser Lift Off (LLO) Chapter • TV/Others Chapter • Introduction to LLO Equipment • OLED Display Demand Chapter • LLO Results and Forecast 2016-2023 • OLED Display Supply vs. Demand Chapter • OLED Display Supply vs. Demand (Units) • OLED Display Demand (Area, Revenue)

• OLED Deposition Market Chapter Subscription Options • Quarterly OLED Supply / Demand Captial Spending Report - 4 Quarterly Releases • Quarterly OLED Supply / Demand Capital Spending Report Includes Supply / Demand Model - 4 Quarterly Releases Report OLEDs | 5 Category: Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Display Supply Chain Consultants Display

• OLEDs, IJP, VTE Explained 2016 - 2023 • Units/Revenues/Market Share/ASPs • 2016-2023 Results and Forecast • Excimer Laser Annealing Chapter • Introduction to ELA Equipment • ELA Results and Forecast 2016-2023 • Thin Film Encapsulation (TFE) Chapter • TFE Results and Forecast 2016-2023 • Laser Lift Off (LLO) Chapter • Introduction to LLO Equipment • LLO Results and Forecast 2016-2023 Quarterly OLED and Mobile LCD Fab Utilization Tracker

With a number of equipment and materials suppliers’ financial results dictated by panel suppliers’ fab utilization, we developed this service to help companies, industry analysts and financial analysts assess

Report OLEDs | 6 Category: the impact of mobile OLED and LCD suppliers’ fab utilization on company performance and the industry outlook.

For every OLED and LTPS LCD mobile fab, we reveal their capacity and glass input by month. This information is provided by month and forecasted forward one quarter. There are two deliverables per quarter.

The capacity and utilization data is provided through a series of pivot tables covering glass capacity and input in sheets and area.

Capacity – sheets and area Input – sheets and area Utilization – sheets and area

Utilization data can be segmented by:

• Supplier • Country • TFT Generation Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Backplane • Frontplane • Substrate type – rigid vs. flexible vs. foldable

Areas Covered:

Capacity, glass input and fab utilization by month for: • Mobile OLEDs • Mobile LCDs Previous/current months results + 1 quarter forward forecast Sortable by: • Supplier • Country • TFT Generation • Backplane • Frontplane • Form Factor • Technology Fab Generations Covered: • 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6 and 8.5 • Subscription Options Quarterly MobileLCD OLEDand Fab UtilizationTracker -4Quarterly Releases Display Supply Chain Consultants Report Category: OLEDs | 7 Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 8 • • • • • • Areas Covered: • • • • • • • With you out: thisreport, canfind Subscription Options Quarterly Report OLEDShipment application, supplier and size,application, supplierand forecasts and ofOLEDovertaking timing the LCD inallmajorapplications. TVand panel markets. looks Thisreport atcurrent future and revenues and OLEDshipments by comprehensive most industry's This isthe covering report, OLEDshipment laptop tablet, smartphone, Quarterly 4Quarterly Report- OLEDShipment Releases OLED panel shipments toOLED panel shipments TV brands by size/resolution Mobile supplychain by #inChina model Supply chain for allOLEDapplications Quarterly revenues and OLEDshipments by customer application,panel supplierand 1"to 77" Panel sizes ranging from Which suppliers Chinese are likely to emerge by application? Which brands are largest the buyers ofOLEDsby application? applicationsafter areWhat mobile likely smartphones to bedominated by OLEDs? willfoldableWhen take OLEDshipments significantshare? willOLEDsovertakeWhen LCDs willflexible when and OLEDs overtake rigid OLEDs? How market quickly smartphone willthe migrate to OLEDs? How OLEDmarket bigthe isprojected to grow? Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 9 Foldable Display Technology and Market Report

This report explores the challenges and opportunities associated with manufacturing and selling

Report OLEDs | 10 Category: foldable displays which have the opportunity to breathe new life into stagnant markets. It examines the obstacles that must be overcome, explores potential solutions, timing of foldable display production and which markets and companies are likely to benefit. This report relies directly on interviews with panel, equipment and materials suppliers, includes supplier roadmaps and presents a detailed foldable market forecast. It also examines how foldable demand will impact OLED supply/demand and impact demand for equipment and materials.

This report is critical for any company participating in the flexible OLED supply chain, looking to enter the flexible OLED supply chain or investing in these companies.

The report reveals: • Why foldable displays must succeed; • What the key challenges are and industry solutions to overcome those challenges; • What changes are required to the backplane and frontplane processes to maximize yields and foldability; • What are the requirements, new materials and manufacturing processes for foldable touch sensors, optically clear adhesive (OCA) materials, circular polarizers, cover films, hard coats and foldable glass covers; • What kind of mechanical solutions are required; • Cost and price forecasts for multiple sizes and resolutions; Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Capacity and yield forecasts with yield scenarios by tier; • Segmentation of the foldable market into 6 distinct segments; • Shipment forecasts by application, size, area, units, revenues, ASPs, etc.; • Foldable supply vs. demand;

This report includes: Markets and Technologies Covered:

• Technology Analysis • Foldable OLEDs​ • Manufacturing Process Flows • Flexible OLEDs • Display Materials Market Analysis • Rigid OLEDs • Cost Forecasts • LTPS LCDs • Price Forecasts • Tablets • Capacity Forecasts • Notebook PCs • Market Forecasts • Polyimide • Smartphones • OCA • Tablets • Touch Sensors • Notebooks • Polarizers • Supply/Demand Forecasts • Cover film • CPI • Hardcoats • Foldable Cover Glass​ • • • • • • • • • Table OfContents: Companies Covered: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Foldable Display Technology Market and Release -Single Report Subscription Options Apple DuPont C3 Nano BOE Technology Asahi Glass Ares Materials AP Systems 5.7 Mechanical Solutionsp. 205 5.6 Foldable Glass p. 195 5.5Cover Film p. 180 5.4 Polarizers p. 157 OCA 5.3 p. 146 Touch 5.2 Sensors p. 131 5.1 Designp. TFT 112 5.0 OLEDs Foldable Making p.109 Barrier TFEand Films4.4C p. 94 LLO4.4B p. 89 Polyimide4.4A p. 74 Making OLEDsFlexible 4.4 p. 72 OLEDProcess 4.3 Overview p. 69 Samsung’s OLEDDevelopment 4.2 History p. 61 Why 4.1 OLEDsp. 57 OLEDsFlexible Making 4.0 p. 55 3.0 p. Challenges 32 2.0 Why Foldable p. 15 1.0 Executive p. 3 Summary • • • • • • • • • Fuji Film Nippon Zeon Light Polymers LG Display Konica Minolta Kateeva Kaneka • • • • • • • • • Tosoh Sumitomo Chemical Solip Tech SKC Kolon Schott ElectronicsSamsung DisplaySamsung Nitto Denko Nissha • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7.13 Area Supply/Demand and p. 252 7.12 Forecast Shipment p. 249 7.11 Capacity Forecast p. 247 7.10 Visionox p. 246 7.9 LG Display p. 245 7.8 BOETechnology p. 242 7.7 Display Samsung p. 240 7.6 Keyboardless Notebooks p. 239 7.5 Tablets p. 238 7.4 Applep. 237 7.3 Huawei p. 236 7.2 Electronics Samsung p. 235 7.1 Market the Defining p. 230 7.0 Forecast Shipment p. 229 7.7” 6.2 2960x 2960 p. 225 6.1 7.3” 2960x1440p. 222 ​6.0 Cost Forecast p. 218 • • • • • n more ​and VIsionox Unitika Industries ​Ube TPK Display Supply Chain Consultants Report Category: OLEDs | 11 Display SupplyDisplay Chain Supply Consultants Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 12 With you out: thisreport, canfind 2019 Foldable Display Market Update Release -Single Outlook Report and Subscription Options • • • • • • • • providesThe the: panel suppliers.and Itprovides the:: notebooks tabletsand outlookoffoldablestatus and smartphones, displays their and atleading brands 2019 Foldable 80-page The Display Market Update provides OutlookReport and deepinsightinto the • • • • • • • Outlook Report 2019 Foldable Display Market Update and Where are foldable display costs prices and going? What willfoldable penetration market? beinto smartphone the Which brands are expected to lead? Which form factors are likely to dominate? form factor? What volumes are likely by brand, by panel supplier, by size, by resolution, by Which products willusecover film glass?vs. ultra-thin What foldable products are coming? • • • • • Unit and revenueUnit and forecasts by: Cost comparison between Korea. Chinaand Costs inbillofmaterial clamshell, format 7.3" for 6.7" in-folding 8.03" and out- folding displays. Panel suppliers foldable roadmaps unyielded and capacity, yieldedcapacity yields. and Cover material by product -CPI vs. UTG. 19 different foldable devices to belaunched within2020. Vivo, ,Sony, TCL, PCbrands. Appleand Product roadmaps for 11different brands covering Huawei, Samsung, /Motorola, , , suppliers for different the layers above below and foldable the panels. Status ofcurrent foldable products including detailedcross showing sections filmthickness and Size Form Factor Panel Supplier Brand Application Foldable Display UnitForecast Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 13 Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Report

This report provides all of the market intelligence that a display equipment manufacturer, supplier to display equipment manufacturer or analysts covering display equipment suppliers would want. It is also ideal for panel suppliers tracking the health, outlook and performance of their equipment suppliers.

This report includes the following deliverables:

Report Category: Display Equipment | 14 Report Equipment Display Category: • OLED Fab Schedules and Capacity Forecast • LCD Fab Schedules and Capacity Forecast • OLED equipment market size by segment and forecasted out to 2024 • LCD equipment market size by segment and forecasted out to 2024 • Equipment revenues on a bookings or billings basis. • Quarterly and annual market share provided through as far as 2024 for all frontplane segments and major backplane segments. • Design wins for all backplane and frontplane segments and all color filter, cell and module segments. ​​ • Added 21 new equipment segments in the Q2'19 issue. As a result, >67 segments are now provided in total with more to be added soon. • Equipment prices for 60 different tool segments Segments Covered include: • Backplane • Initial Clean • Frontplane Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • AOI Inline • ITO Furnace • AOI • AOI Stand-Alone • Laser CVD Repair • CD/Overlay • Array Test • O/S Tester • Evaporation (R&D) • Automation • Other Backplane • Film Thickness • Bubble/PI Other Repair • PI Coater • Film thickness (stand-alone) • CD/Overlay • PI Curing • FMM VTE • Coater/Developer • PVD - ITO/IGZO • FMM VTE Source • CVD - Buffer/a-Si Precursor • PVD - S/D, Gate, L/S • Frontplane Automation • CVD - ILD/Gate Dielectric • Repair • Glass/Metal Encapsulation • CVD Island • SEM • Half cut glass cut • CVD Passivation, E/S • Total Pitch • IJP • Dry Etch • Wet Clean • Inorganic TFE • Dry Strip • Wet Etch - Gate, S/D • LLO • ELA • Wet Etch - ITO/IGZO • Open Mask VTE • Exposure • Open Mask VTE Source • Film Thickness Measurement • Organic TFE • Film thickness (stand-alone) • Other Frontplane • Furnace (Activation/Annealing) • Total Pitch • Ion Implant • Film Thickness Measurement [email protected] For samples,pricing &package pricing discount information, please contact Subscription Options • For Cell • • • • • • • • • Scribe Cell repair Seal dispense dropOne fill LC Dispense Rubbing Photo-alignment PI Cure PI IJP • Color Filter • • • • • • • • • CF Total Pitch CF Sputtering CF Repair CF Other CF Exposure CF Developer CF Coater CF CD/Overlay CF Automation • Module • • • • • • • Multi TimeMulti Program Test Automated Cell Aging Test Automated Final Test Automated ModuleTest Visual Inspection ShapeCuttingLaser CellLaser Cutting

Report Category: Display Equipment | 15 Display Supply Chain Consultants Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report

This report provides a deep dive into the health of 31 publicly traded companies in the display supply chain which enables companies to benchmark themselves against their competition as well as track the health of their suppliers and customers. It provides critical data and unbiased analysis on panel suppliers and equipment manufacturers which financial analysts can use to benchmark the companies they are tracking and monitor those they haven't been tracking. It also enables companies and bankers to perform financial due diligence on companies they are interested in acquiring or investing in as well as establish industry specific benchmarks and baselines.

This report provides its clients with all of the critical data (income statements, balance sheet, cash flow Report Category: Display Equipment | 16 Report Equipment Display Category: and industry metrics), insights, market commentary and guidance released by publicly traded display supply chain companies in their quarterly earnings reports, stock exchange filings, press releases and conference calls along with unbiased analysis from DSCC analysts within 24-48 hours of their earnings calls.

​The financial and industry data is incorporated into pivot tables which go back to Q1'13 and makes comparisons by company, layer of the supply chain, country, etc. extremely easy. The results are also aggregated to determine which layer of the supply chain (equipment or panels) is performing best and has the best outlook and which companies within each layer of the supply chain are performing best. Aggregated financial and industry metrics are also provided. Analysis is provided in a PPT file which can easily be incorporated into internal presentations.

This report includes the following deliverables:

• Powerpoint summaries from every publicly traded display equipment and panel supplier within 48 hours of their earnings calls. Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Pivot tables with all company financial (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow) and industry data which go back to Q1'13. • Comparison chapter which compares company financial and industry performance by company and layer of the supply chain, determining which companies are performing best. Also includes financial and industry metrics aggregated by layer of the supply chain.

Companies Covered: • Equipment - Applied Materials, AP Systems, Avaco, Canon (Tokki), Coherent, Contrel, Han’s Laser, ICD, Jusung, KC Tech, LIG Invenia, Nikon, Nissin Electric, Philoptics, SCREEN Holdings, SFA Engineering, SNU Precision, Tera Semicon, TES, ULVAC, Viatron Technologies, V-Technology, Wonik, Wuhan Jingce, IPS and Y.A.C. • Panels​ - AUO, BOE, CEC Panda, CPT, CSOT, HannStar, Innolux, JDI, LG Display, Samsung Display, Sharp,

Subscription Options • Quartery Subscription - Includes Pivot Table with Weekly Updates - 4 Quarterly Releases / Weekly Updates • Single Issue (Excludes Pivot Table) • Report Package - Mobile & TV Panel Markets - 4 Quarterly Releases Report Category: Display Equipment | 17 Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 18 Utilization datacanbesegmented by: • • • • • • • • • • • toIn addition pivot the tables,analysis isprovided through PPT slides. area and Utilization –sheets area and Input –sheets Capacity area and –sheets area. and input insheets capacityThe utilizationdataisprovided and through aseries ofpivot tablescovering glasscapacity and provided by forecasted and month forward quarter. one There are two deliverables perquarter. For every LTPS OLEDand LCD fab, we reveal capacity their glassinputby and Thisinformation month. is outlook. LCD ofOLEDand impact assess the suppliers’ fab utilizationoncompany performance industry the and fab utilization,we developed to this service analysts analysts financial companies, and help industry With materials and anumberofequipment suppliers’ financial dictatedresults by suppliers’panel Quarterly Display Fab UtilizationReport Areas Covered: • • • • • • • • • • • • Substrate type –rigid vs. flexible vs. foldable Frontplane (LCD, OLED) Backplane (a-Si, oxide, LTPS) GenerationTFT Country Supplier Fab Generations Covered: by: Sortable Regions Covered: Q1 2018 +forward forecastHistory by by quarter from quarter to Q42019 Capacity, fab glassinputand utilizationby quarter for LCD allOLEDand fabs Gen 1through Gen10.5 Form Factor Frontplane Backplane GenerationTFT Country Supplier Taiwan Singapore Korea Japan China • Subscription Options Quarterly Display Fab -4Quarterly Releases UtilizationReport

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 19 Advanced Weekly PO and Award Database

A first of its kind database which provides the complete toolset and components used in all display fabs in China, from 2015-2020 and beyond. The Advanced Weekly PO and Award Database reveals all the different tools and components for nearly every display fab in China along with the supplier of those tools and components and the number of units being delivered. These awards are typically issued before purchase orders are released, allowing analysts to not only track, but also predict company bookings. In addition, since display equipment can be delivered more than a year after the awards are issued, it allows users to accurately forecast market share out as much as 18-months in advance for more than >150 different Report Category: Display Equipment | 20 | 20 Report Equipment Display Category: equipment categories, ranging from <$5000 to over $100M per tool/component. With the fabs in this database representing over 75% of 2018-2020 equipment spending, it represents a cost effective and highly accurate way for companies to predict the size of the display market in units and revenues as well as track their competition. It also gives component suppliers a way to track their end-markets and market share of their customers. In addition, it allows panel manufacturers to examine the tool choices of their competitors and gain insight into their competitor’s processes. Furthermore, it allows equipment suppliers to track the growth of segments they are not participating in, providing an immediate way to size the market for every category and shorten the time it takes to assess new markets. China Fab List: AUO CEC CSOT EDO Royole Visionox • Kunshan • CHOT Xianyang • Huizhou Module • Shanghai • R1 • V1 BOE CEC​ Panda • T2 HKC ​Tianma • V2

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • B3 • CCPD Chengdu • T2 R&D • H1 • Wuhan • V3 • B6 • Fab1 Nanjing • T3 • H2 • Xiamen • B7 • Fab2 Nanjing • T4 • H4 • Shanghai • B9 • T6 • ​Royole • Chengdu • B10 • T7 • R1 Truly​ • B11 • SDC L5 • B17 Database Desriptions:

PO Database This database includes all the Purchase Order (PO) announcements made by equipment companies. In particular, we are showing all the PO announcements filed by publicly traded Korean equipment suppliers, which we update on a weekly basis. Going back 3 years, we show PO dates, delivery dates, changes to delivery dates, PO amount in $US, customer, fab name, fab location, glass size, display technology, equipment description. This database includes >500 different POs

LCD Fab Equipment Award Database | 21 Report Equipment Display Category: This database includes equipment awards from Chinese LCD panel makers to equipment makers. These awards are issued prior to the purchase orders (POs). This database includes the equipment company, customer, award date, fab location, fab name, glass size, phase, display technology, tool type and number of tools..

This database includes the equipment supplier and number of tools per equipment type by fab from the following panel suppliers – AUO, BOE, CEC Panda, China Star, HKC, Tianma and Truly. There are over 5000 entries.

OLED Fab Equipment Award Database This database includes equipment awards from Chinese OLED panel makers to equipment makers by tool

type including the number of tools by tool type by fab. These awards are issued prior to the purchase orders Supply Chain Consultants Display (POs). This database includes the equipment company, customer, award date, fab location, fab name, glass size, phase, display technology, tool type and # of tools. There are over 2300 entries..

Subscription Options • Advanced Weekly Supply Chain Monitor Newsletter - 1 Year Subscription Quarterly OLED Materials Report This report tracks all the major materials used to produce flexible OLEDs, rigid OLEDs and OLED TVs. It combines DSCC's deep knowledge on OLED capacity and panel shipments with insight on OLED device structures and OLED material prices providing the industry's most accurate market size and market share results and forecasts. Organic materials covered include small molecule and polymer emitter materials and all common

Report OLEDs | 22 Category: materials including hole injection, hole transport, electron transport and more. Also available is coverage on other materials found in OLED displays including circular polarizers and polyimide. These markets are expected to grow rapidly as the smartphone market transitions from LCD to OLED on OLED's superior performance and desirable form factor. OLED material suppliers and market and financial analysts now have a way to track these exciting markets. This report includes the following deliverables: Overview OLED Material Forecasts (2017-2023) • OLED device structures • ​Shipment volumes and revenue projections • Material classifications • Material revenues and quantities segmented by: ‐‐Panel supplier • Material development trends ‐‐Application - Mobile, TV, Other ‐‐Form factor - Rigid vs. Flexible​​ Intro • OLED material descriptions • Industry value chain descriptions • Supplier profiles

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Material pricing Materials Covered Include: Organic Layers • Small molecule emissive material (EML) • Polymer emissive material (EML) • Hole injection material (HIL) • Hole transport material (HTL) • Electron transport material (ETL) Report OLEDs | 23 Category:

Organic materials covered include: • Phosphorescent and fluorescent emitter dopants • Host materials for the emitting layer • All common materials including hole injection, hole transport, electron transport, and more.

Optional chapters cover other materials found in OLED displays including • Circular polarizers • Polyimide

Subscription Options • OLED Materials Report4 Quarterly Releases • OLED Materials Report - Including Circular Polarizer Module - 4 Quarterly Releases • OLED Materials Report Including Polyimide for Flexible OLED Module - 4 Quarterly Releases Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Quarterly Display Glass Report

Glass substrates form the starting point for production of all flat-panel displays, and glass supply is critical to the display industry. Even for flexible and foldable OLED displays, glass substrates are used as carriers for a polyimide layer for the display, because of the superior thermal stability characteristics of this versatile material. Report Category: OLEDs | 24 Report OLEDs | 24 Category: This report tracks glass capacity and shipments for all major glass makers across all LCD and OLED display fabs. The report combines DSCC’s comprehensive insight into industry capacity and utilization with in-depth understanding of display glass and the supply chain.

Areas Covered: • Display Glass Capacity Regions: Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan • Display Glass Shipment Regions: Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore • Gen Sizes from Gen 1 to Gen 10.5 • Glassmakers: AGC, Corning, NEG, Others • Supply Matrix to 26 panel makers

Report Deliverables Include: • Mother Glass Capacity by Region • Display Glass Market by Quarter, segmented by: • Panel supplier

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Gen Size • Region of destination shipment • Backplane Type (a-Si, LTPS, oxide) • Display Technology (LCD, OLED) • Display Glass Market Supply Chain • Display Glass Prices by backplane type and Gen Size • Profile of Glass Manufacturers

Subscribers will receive a Powerpoint presentation with the elements above with history from Q1 2018 and a forecast of the current year. Subscribers will also receive an Excel file with pivot tables of the display glass market supply chain allowing additional detailed analysis.

Optional Capacity and Utilization Module An optional add-on to the glass report will cover DSCC’s capacity and utilization database. Delivered in an Excel worksheet with pivot tables, the Capacity and Utilization Module will cover all the segmentations described above with TFT input capacity and utilization by quarter with history starting from 1Q 2018 and a forecast including the current year. • • Subscription Options Quarterly withCapacity Display GlassReport UtilizationDatabase and -4Quarterly Releases Quarterly -4Quarterly Display Releases GlassReport Display Supply Chain Consultants Report Category: OLEDs | 25 Quarterly Smartphone Display Cost and Forecast Report Due to the growing penetration of OLEDs into smartphones, DSCC has developed a cost model that compares and forecasts OLED smartphone display costs. The cost model also examines all of the different form factors currently or coming into the smartphone market. Panels covered include the most common smartphone sizes in the ranges:

• ​Rigid panels from 5.5" to 7.21" Report Category: Display Costs | 26 | 26 Report Costs Display Category: • Flexible panels from 4.58" to 6.85" • Foldable 7.3"

​More displays will be added as these categories continue to emerge. Includes detailed BOM results and forecasts, panel prices and panel margins.

Reporting on notebook and tablet panel markets are also available for an additional fee.

Deliverables Include: • Analysis of OLED smartphone panel cost by region. • Analysis of OLED smartphone panel cost by size and resolution. • Analysis of Apple and Samsung Galaxy models including Apple 5.8”/6.5” FHD+, Samsung Galaxy 5.8”/6.2”/6.3” QHD+, as well as, 5.5”/6”/6.4” FHD to FHD+, etc. • Comparison of OLED smartphone panel cost by Fab generation - G6 vs G5.5

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • Costs provided on a line item basis. • Tier 1 based model cost and profit history in addition to forecasting by fab utilization, investment, and depreciation timing and more. • Forecasted by substrate size on a rolling 16-quarter basis. • Flexible, foldable and rollable form factors included as they emerge. • Touchscreen and cover glass costs also provided. • Panel prices and margins also provided and forecasted.

Additional optional OLED NB and Tablet Panel Report includes the following sizes: • Rigid Tablet Panels - 9.7"/10.5"/12.9 • Rigid NB Panels sized - 13.3"/15.6" QHD/UHD • Rollable and foldable displays added as they emerge. ​

Subscription Options

• Smart Phone Display Cost and Forecast Report - 4 Quarterly Releases

• Smart Phone Display Cost and Forecast Report With Notebook and Tablet Module - 4 Quarterly Releases • • Subscription Options Quarterly Releases Display Phone CostSmart Forecast and With Report Notebook Tablet and Module - 4 Display Phone CostSmart Forecast and -4Quarterly Releases Report

Report Category: Display Costs | 27 Display Supply Chain Consultants Quarterly Advanced TV Display Cost Report Given the price sensitivity of the TV market, costs play a big factor in determining which TV technologies are likely to dominate. This report quantifies and forecasts costs, prices and margins for panel suppliers at the high end of the TV market, covering sizes from 48" to 82" . It covers costs from various regions of production for OLEDs, Quantum Dot (QLED) and LCD. It also examines new approaches to manufacturing OLED TVs including ink jet printing and their impact on costs.

Report Category: Display Costs | 28 Report Costs Display Category: This report covers and compares the following topics:

• OLED 55"/65"/77" FHD/UHD/8K Panels • ​​WOLED / Inkjet • Bottom and Top Emission • Costs by Region • Cost Breakdown by Fab Generation G8.5/G10.5 • ​MMG by 65" 3up & 55" 2up • LCD 55"/65"/75"/82" Panels • ​4K and 8K LCD • QD LCD • Cost Breakdown by Fab generation, G8.5/G10. • Costs provided on a line item basis. • Forecasted on a rolling 16-quarter basis.

Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • TV Panel prices provided and forecasted. • TV Panel margins provided and forecasted.

Subscription Options • Advanced TV Display Cost Report - 4 Quarterly Releases Report Category: Display Costs | 29 Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Weekly Review

The DSCC Weekly Review provides subscribers with critical market intelligence and technical trends in the display industry. Delivered every Monday, this newsletter includes analysis of panel pricing, supply/ demand, new fab developments, flexible display trends, OLED developments and much more. It also covers the display stock price outlook, company financial analysis and outlook, news and other data from primary and secondary sources across the globe. As of 2019, DSCC has partnered with UK-based display research firm Meko, to provide an even more robust weekly newsletter featuring additional authors, articles and areas of coverage.

The Weekly Display Supply Chain Monitor includes: Report Category: General Display Trends | 30 Trends Report Display General Category:

• Panel supplier stock index, consisting of 8 panel suppliers, and analysis of weekly changes by supplier and of the overall index, updated daily for customers who upgrade to the daily option. • Analysis of financial analysts' research and ratings changes. • Display supply chain companies stock price outlook. • Analysis of weekly news based on 60+ years of industry experience. • Editorials on key issues facing the display industry. • Panel pricing and analysis. • Monthly panel suppliers' revenues and shipments. • New fab activity. • Equipment supplier design wins. • Panel suppliers financial results and analysis along with new product analysis. Display Supply Chain Consultants Display • FPD equipment suppliers' financial results and analysis along with new product analysis. • FPD material suppliers financial results and analysis along with new product analysis. • TV brands financial results and analysis along with new product analysis. • Retailers financial results and analysis​. • Excerpts from DSCC's valuable monthly, quarterly and annual reports. • Analysis and industry insight from Display Daily contributors. • Analysis of news items that affect the display industry, including applications outside of the traditional flat panel space, such as large-format LEDs and AR/VR devices. • Extensive new product launch coverage.

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¥10 billion for a ramp-up of new business. JDI described described JDI for¥10 billion aramp-upnewbusiness. of billion for OLED, ¥12 billion for automotive displays, and used forbe would billion expansion,final ¥32 with¥10 development OLEDs, virtualon reality, sensors.and The usedfor million) be ¥9.2 billion would ($82 research and amountgets just operation.normal a JDI additional An default, of risk without smoothly function to this large JDI allow this will while and used working capital, for ¥38 billioninvestmentbe of the would ($338 million) expenses, R&D capital and expenditures. that said JDI capital, working for investment the use to JDI intends share. per ¥50 of price issue the at also convertible million), ($178 billion ¥20 provide would needs, funding on depend may says JDI which round, third A years. five within off paid bonds convertiblewould be stockto per ¥50 shareat not if convertiblebillionbonds worth ¥18 ($160 million);these be would round second A 12. April of as ¥79 of price ket completed, is it substantiala is and discount the mar-to representcompany share, the will per which after 49.8%ownership of ¥50 at stock common JDI of shares million 840 for million) ($375 billion ¥42 of 2019 30th, December to 20th payment from June first with stage describes JDI thatSuwa the investmentthree stages, come will in the financing for line ina JDIOLED China. government secure substantial China to work Harvest will that mean to achieve stable profitableto growth.” burden for JDI We interpret this “secure to limitedHarvest financial massproductionline with and OLED JOLED’s inkjet/soluble withtechnology), JDI supplying the technology panel businessOLED evaporative based on (intechnology contrast to JDI’swith customerHarvest base.With Tech, expects JDI an build to er and expects base, expand willbethatable to TPK LCDits business throughChina in LCDbusiness its leveraging TPK’s custom- panel touch expand expects to JDI TPK, Tech With Harvest enhance to JDI’s business. Alongincludesthe the with deal financing, and withTPK tie-ups both take over isimplemented.thedeal Suwa by time the holder, intended is it butthat four other the companies that will named ConsortiumSuwa isestablished Road Silk China with its as share-only investor; explainedJDI inthat order the transaction, the speed up to Earlierreports hadChina’s described Silk Road Investment Capital asan Cosgrove Topnotch,and and China-based private equity Harvest Tech. including Taiwan-basedentities Holding, TPK Taiwan privateequityfirms JDI described the investors as theConsortium, Suwa three with major news thatnew the investors the hold of company. will 49.8% JDI’s stock dropped price the at investors. existing dilute significantly will which terms, the described investment and the announced week JDI This OLED. in growth for it prepare and company the reorganize to investment As we reported last was JDI securing week, major about a discussions in By Bob O’Brien BobO’Brien By JDI InvestmentReveals Terms Content and Analysis DSCC DSCC Weekly Review Dejan Nikolic Layout Designer RaikesBob Chris Chinnock Kim Sung Matthew Contributing Editors Ross Young Managing Editors WEBSITE [email protected] EMAIL Korea: +82-10-3456-7591 (090) 4597-5632 +81 Japan: (137) 6493-4841 +86 China: +1US:(770) 503-6318 PHONE Display Supply Chain Consultants COMPANY In Brief...... 27 ...... Brief. In 24 ...... News. Product 3 .. andDSCCAnalysis Content. 2 ...... Notes. Editor’s 2 ...... Contents. Detailed Contents Panel Makers...... 22 ...... Makers. Panel 21 ...... Materials 17 ...... Events 11 ...... Brands.



Bob Bob Calvin Lee Calvin

Tamura Tamura O’Brien

Rita Li Rita

W Source: DSCC/OLED-A Quarterly MaterialReport OLED Quarterly DSCC/OLED-A Source: Growth Show to Continued OLED MaterialsMarket 15 April 15 2No Volume W ing. As we reported last week, LG Display’s LGweek, last reported we ing. As Light-andOLED for outlook capacity PMOLED and to AMOLED, thefor OLED Association’s and DSCC’s capacity to utilization outlook update latest the incorporates report The supplier cost and matrices, comparisons. applications, multiple materials, including reportdetails The OLEDation. of allaspects Associ- the with written OLED cooperation in of DSCC’s update latest the to according 2023, in billion $2.13to 2017 in $871 million CAGR from tions are expected at to grow a16% annual all applica- for stack materials OLED for Sales BobO’Brien By OLED Material Revenues by Application, 2017-2023 2017-2023 Application, by Revenues OLED Material e e th th Quarterly OLED Material Report Material OLED Quarterly 2019 e e k k

7 l l

y ability to build OLED OLED build ability to capacity. hole, but their ability to compete in the maylong term depend ontheir the newinvestment, JDI will get itselfthe out of short-term financial butmake has struggled to a profit (and usually failedWith do so).to formed from the LCD businesses Sony,of Toshiba, andHitachi in 2011, JDI has been forefront atthe LCDof display technology since it was panelssupply OLED for the Apple Watch. have alsowill recentlywe have JDI that learned been and disappointing, LCD LCDplant. supplies JDI for panels the but iPhone XR, those sales million) frompre-purchases Appleseveral made years ago to fundJDI’s unnamed) about ($892 billion ¥100 (Apple, “its client” still owes JDI that andKikuoka 2017, withtheX in iPhoneOLED mentionedthebriefing at major wasa supplier to AppleJDI for panels iPhone until Apple shifted to notfiling be would needed. CFOquestion JDI about this, KikuokaMinoru told reporters a that US response In ”, a to Jose. San in subsidiary has a JDI since Washingtonstepping is upitsinvestment Chinese scrutiny on the in “potentiallya subject be national security review time when at a An Reuters article from the deal that concern could this expressed shareJDI’s of common stock fall from 25.3%to 12.7%. INCJ will seeits will bring anotherbillion ¥25 ($220million) from INCJ. of ¥77 billionandpreferred the Thus refinancingshares billion. ¥75 of andconvertible¥20 billion into ¥25billion of bonds loan a long-term vert anexisting credit line of of of ¥107 billion, plus short-term loans with the Innovation Network Corporation JDI will con- of Japan (INCJ). Along investmentwith the from Suwa, willJDI refinance its obligations in orative line OLED Mobara. investmentthat the OLED wouldmassproduction allow at JDI’s evap- y

, database. based 2023, ouroutour view to on capacity The includescurrentupdate also 2018-2022. in small/medium utilizedOLED capacity for LED, with smalldecreases in the anticipated for AMO- area input update revised includes current the Q4 update, the to Compared sales. drive material to applications, continue will in AMOLED and TV phones, as well as other growth of application, the butnevertheless dramaticallythat reducedfor the prospects has Lighting business OLED the from exit April 15, 2019 15, April [Continuedpage on 3]

Display Industry Analysis Analysis Industry Display In Brief NewsProduct Contents [Continued from page 8] SteadyStocks Despite Rising EU Trade Tensions Content and Analysis DSCC 28 EU countries which countries which include: EU 28 ofthe any ing made product categories from The calling US tariffs is for onthefollow- also • • Panel Makers Materials Events Brands DSCC Analysis and Content

April 15, 2019 15, April DSCC Weekly Review imports of imports of France, Spain UK Germany, andfor the punishUStariffs. to islooking The just more for calledouttypesoffenders of two were There US. the versely impacted ad- subsidies Airbusfound have that to (WTO) Trade World the Organization that claims US The Boeing. subsidies to Airbus the to subsidiesand from EU US isdispute over nearly 15-year a result of a the European This Union (EU). outcome from tariffsproducts on of $11B worth President impose Trump threatened to up 2.0%. were prices core Total up 0.1%. prices March with core and The Consumer Price Index rose in 0.4% Fab Activity – JOLED, SDC and and Visionox SDC ...... JOLED, – Fab Activity 23 Q2’19? ...... 23 Awards in Issuing B12 IssuedLGD LOI toYAS Fab G10.5 for OLED in 22 ...... Expansion for $229m Raises JOLED World's First Flexible Hyperfluoresence TwoMagnaChip Gets Deals for OLEDs ...... 21 China Information Technology Expo Highlights...... 17 ...... 18 NAB at Engine Iconic ...... CameraBIC OLED Best-Selling RankingTV 16 16 .. Concept TV TransparentOLED Showcases Panasonic New Smartphone and Announcements-VIVO Sony ...... 14 Announces Massive 16K MicroLED TCL TV Sales Jumpin Q1 ...... 14 SaysIDC Shipments of Personal Computing PC Unit Shipments Fell 3% Y/Y, According to IDC ..... 12 IT ProductMiniLED on Apple Introducing ...... Line 11 POsNew Equipment and Awards –AMAT Secures Stocks Despite Steady EU Rising Trade Tensions 7 ...... Terms ...... Investment 8 Reveals JDI BOE Launches Dual Cell LCD 6 ...... Technology FMM 1000ppi Secures ...... 6 Holdings APS Foldable News& Analysis Samsung, –BOE, Sharp, the MaterialsOLED Marketto Show Show to Market Materials OLED ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ au Korea ...... 23 Paju, 21 ...... Commercialization Ready for PMOLED 15 ...... Electronics Samsung Gaming WillforDevices Deliver Growth Solid ...... 13 from TianmaOrder PECVD Multi-tool ...... 10 Taiwan ChainFoldable andSupply 4 Xiaomi...... ( Growth Continued Continued Growth ...... 1 1 ...... Growth Continued

Bed linens linens Bed Pajamas Dresses Ceramics Suit Sweaters Carpets Handbags over $20 $20 over Handbags Wooden tools Yarn Cotton Books Paper Vegetable fruit and oil Wine Juices James Olives Sweet biscuits oil Olive Fruit Cheese Butter Yogurt Seafood Aircraft parts Aircrafts Helicopters

cont. ) ...... ) 3

PSSI vs. SPY vs. EEM Indexed to 12/31/18 to 12/31/18 Indexed EEM vs. vs. PSSI SPY Stock Price Results by Index and Panel Supplier Indexed to 12/31/18 12/31/18 to Indexed Supplier Panel and Index by Results Price Stock ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Glassware Glassware Iron, steel, copper alloys, Iron, steel, alloys, copper zinc, magnets blades, metal screwdrivers, Pliers, Telescopes sights and Wall clocks clocks Wall Artists brushes Artists brushes 27 24 3 2 9

Bob Bob Thanks, [email protected] at note me a drop feedback; welcome we always, As news. other other product announcements, stock the market developments, and and smartphone week: well thisas We features regular the include LCD against bet to it bewould now. reckless space, and display the to failed beat LCDhave triedmany companies and few decades, in Over the last trast that ratios up to onlyOLEDcouldachieve. now con- and levels black the byachieving TV premium for with OLED LCDCell may allow effectively Dual compete to Cell technology. LCD of its Dual with dominance the extend to working is BOE ment, seg- apremium butstill that is high-volume displayspace In the issue. this in Iconic by 4DCinema reviewedthe Holometric see Engine Matt B might you cinemas, where in be might high-end those of Some opening flat upof new panel displays, boundaries opportunities. the stretch can that MicroLED signal another is 16K resolution with Sony’s development of MicroLED 65-foot a massive any time soon. compete to OLED expect don’t we venues larger especially for and thethat wayLCD decade, space in this done inate the display has industry, whole isnottheOLED Nevertheless, never dom-may and from several developments of excellent overview an companies. Ross gives and technology, on OLED depends foldables of category Further, of expansion OLED. about evaporative the new product JDI from and OLED soluble in expansion about JOLED ments from investment in new of capacity, this week by shown as announce- toa befocus but intent. continues that not OLED is our nologies, LCD of expense at the OLED tech- that other we overemphasize and the DSCC reading when Sometimes Weekly Review might one think industry. display in the growth revenue double-digit for opportunities promising most the of one remains materials OLED business. that exit from expected stack and on LGD’s OLEDprofile after Lighting updated news of an from OLED QD on perspectives revised includes This Report. Materials Quarterly OLED our to update the latest my on article in We industry. content DSCC-only display the some with off lead DSCC Weekly Review, init was announcements a for bigweek week of we’vein the got an stories wide range This unusually By O'BrienBob Editor’s Editor’s notes

products and the associated tariff amount will will amount tariff associated the products and of list final The parts. car and cars bring in EU in trade having negotiations to without excluded. isThe US looking to engage the You parts were andcar cars notewill that

DSCC Weekly Review . April 15, 2019 15, April [Continued on page page 10] on [Continued

Report Category: General Display Trends | 31 Display Supply Chain Consultants Outlook on 8K Report This report, published in partnership with Insight Media, goes beyond just examining 8K TVs to cover the entire emerging 8K ecosystem. We take an in-depth look at the accelerating development of 8K display panels, 8K display production technologies, 8K vs. 4K display costs and prices, 8K broadcast receivers, 8K cameras, and other forthcoming 8K technologies. In addition to evaluating how the display suppliers and TV brands are approaching 8K, we look into many non-display factors in the areas of content acquisition, production and post-production, distribution, and connectivity as well as comment on value propositions and business models. The purpose of this report is to understand the products that make up the current 8K landscape, what factors will drive development and adoption and what factors may hinder or slow adoption. In addition, this report presents the views, plans, roadmaps and motivations of the panel makers, TV and monitor makers.

Report Category: General Display Trends | 32 | 32 Trends Report Display General Category: • Executive Summary • 8K Panel Cost Forecasts • Analyzing the 8K TV Opportunity ‐‐LCDs ‐‐Introduction ‐‐QD LCDs ‐‐The World in 2020 ‐‐WOLEDs ‐‐IJP OLEDs • 2020 Olympics as a Driver for Tech Development • 8K Flat Panel Roadmaps/Production and Commercialization ‐‐AUO ‐‐LG Display • Evaluation of the 8K Production Equipment ‐‐BOE ‐‐Innolux ‐‐Overview ‐‐CEC Panda ‐‐Samsung Display ‐‐Cameras ‐‐China Star ‐‐Sharp/Foxconn ‐‐Camera Lenses ‐‐HKC ‐‐Color Grading • 8K TV and Monitor Brand Strategies ‐‐Encoders ‐‐Acer ‐‐Panasonic ‐‐Players ‐‐AOC ‐‐Philips ‐‐Recorders/Players Display Supply Chain Consultants Display ‐‐ASUS ‐‐Samsung ‐‐Converters ‐‐ ‐‐Sharp ‐‐Other Gear ‐‐ ‐‐ • Evaluation of the 8K Distribution Systems ‐‐Eizo ‐‐Sony ‐‐Satellite ‐‐ ‐‐TCL ‐‐Over the Air ‐‐Konka ‐‐ViewSonic ‐‐Cable and Telco ‐‐LG Electronics ‐‐Vizio ‐‐Other Options ‐‐Loewe ‐‐Tuners/Demodulators • 8K TV and Monitor Forecasts ‐‐Summary of Expectations ‐‐Units and Revenues • 8K Connectivity ‐‐Size Segmentation ‐‐HDMI ‐‐USB Type-C ‐‐Regional Segmentation ‐‐DisplayPort ‐‐U-SDI • 8K Video Wall Outlook ‐‐SuperMHL ‐‐Panasonic Hybrid Cable ‐‐Thunderbolt ‐‐V-by-One • 8K Projector Outlook • 8K Flat Panel Manufacturing ‐‐LCD Challenges ‐‐OLED Challenges ‐‐WOLED Challenges ‐‐IJP Challenges

Subscription Options Outlook on 8K Report - Single Report Release a color point that the camera cannot see and the display cannot show. show. seeandthedisplaya colorthatthecamera cannot cannot point good tocapture –itdoesno totry match thedisplaytechnology intendedand camera to available color gamut andis the color standard defines available a master copy. The standard create to these features. designedof totake advantage theimpact, maximize displaysIn are to Dynamic Range. order Gamut (WCG) and High Resolution UHDFeaturesBeyond Achieving higher. be intherange 80%or of yields likely for will that makers, ofunitstheleadingpanel the time 8K panelsreach the millions noreason be tothispattern,andby that8Kwill acceptablean exception is levels. tothink There yield upto and volumepanel experience, increased make butwithtime, first, makers at very modelsin are smallvolumes. demonstration mostly products stages, theearly viable,these yields,can butin economically be low hardly 8K products such panel10-20% At toone according lower even fabsare likely at first,aslow tobe Images were displayed on an 8K monitor with an Ikegami label. an monitorwithanIkegamiImages label. on 8K were displayed at8K,4Kor interface correction fiber anda Outputscanbe 2K. (U-SDI). SMPTE 40 Gbps CMOSsensor,PL 8K lensmounting,aberration Super 35 mm Thisfeatures range investment. –asignificant totheCCU. thecamera and signalsto/from can facilitatedata fiber of attachment transfer optic to other Anoptional outputequipment. tosupport and does and allthe debayering processing equivalent CMOS image sensor with 33m pixels. It can capture about 40 minutes of 40minutes 8K 10-bit about 33mpixels. Itsensor captureequivalent CMOSimage with can

In the production process of making video content, the mustchoose a producer ofmakingcontent, color In process video theproduction (UHD) are Definition Color sets Wide features ofUltra-High Along with8K, twoimportant of products whichweredifficult to examples LCD many provides The history the industry of © 2018 DSCC & Insight Media. All Rights Reserved Reserved Rights All Media. DSCC &Insight © 2018 In the $700K $600K to a Astrodesign up,including basic8Kcamera isinthe toldusthata lens, set (CCU) housesthepowerthat camera control isaseparateLike unit supplies there Hitachi,

© 2018 DSCC & Insight Media. All Rights Reserved Reserved Rights All Media. DSCC &Insight © 2018 Sharp booth at NAB 2017 we saw the SHK-810 Super High Vision Digital Portable Digital Portable saw boothatNABVision Super High 2017we the SHK-810 Ikegami ’s recently announced 8C-B60A 8K professional camera features a single 35mm camera features a ’s recently 8K35mm single announced8C-B60A professional Figure 5: AstroDesign 8K Camera 8K Figure 5:AstroDesign Figure 6: Ikegami 8K Camera Camera Figure 6:Ikegami 8K Figure 21:ColorStandards

43 17

with screen size, as shown in Figure 18. Figure with screenin 18. asshown size, per inversely independentthe ofscreen4320 pixels butinchvary pixels display size, has 7680x per onthedisplayresolution An8K in pixels inch(PPI). a display thespatialand indescribing Resolution costs. higher required driving architecture, inthe display yield ofdemandreasonable all lost,theindustry capacityestimates 65” and exceeds 75” of of less,considering mix aproduct beconsiderably fabswill these Although output the actual yield. at100% 60”panels panels,8-cut more than60million andlarger ifitwere all making year capacity. ormoreGen10.5substratestoindustry another per million timing uncertain. the wouldadd of China, with exact production Suchaninvestment mass 3370mm x substrate) inHenan, 2940mm the for 10.5; industryintheirnaming players vary inGen be (expected 11capacity to Gen investment (US$6.4billion) a plan aRMBfor 40billion Table 4. 2018-2022, as shownin increase the attractiveness of very large screen sizes, and 8K is foremost among these. among ofvery these. large screen and8Kisforemost increase theattractiveness sizes, market Therefore,under are technologiesthat ofdeveloping conditions. suppliers the current set 8K, as it was for 4K: it was8K, as for4K: fertile ground ofmarketit Several for the China make North America unique aspects and Japan. 8K byRegion onwards, as this size gets the big supply push from Gen 10.5 capacity. Gencapacity. getsthebigonwards, size as pushfrom 10.5 supply this be65” of will volume in from 2019 8K The (Figure8K TVsales31). largest byscreen size 8K bySize In the display industry, the term resolution is used both in describing the number of pixels in in bothindescribingof used the pixels termresolutionIn is number industry, the the display are changes fourdisplay, tothe of anumber the numberIn times ofpixels bring to order could theoretically Table capacity 2022 make the 4, theindustry in From in numbers just announced relativeHKC these newcomer inJanuary 2018 In industryexpansions, addition to years during capacityexpansions the Gen10.5 At leastfour are planning different players

© 2018 DSCC & Insight Media. All Rights Reserved Reserved Rights All Media. DSCC &Insight © 2018 growChina,followed respectoutput, weexpect that8Kwill by toregional firstin With forresults inthe following volume TVsales forecast The 8Koverthe Worldwide penetration © 2018 DSCC & Insight Media. All Rights Reserved Reserved Rights All Media. DSCC &Insight © 2018  Resolution (Pixels Per Inch) 100 150 200 250 300 consumer attention. consumer attention. suchasCEC, allcompeting of brands local for additional Skyworth),plus a number TCL, Hisense, , majorlocal(Changhong, Konka, competing, brands plusthesix competitive, withallmajor brands international The Chinamarket isfiercely 50 0 04 08 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Figure 31: Forecast of Worldwide 8K TV Salesby Worldwide 8KTV ScreenFigure 31:Forecastof Size Figure 18: Screen Resolution vs. Screen Size for TV vs.ScreenFigure 18:ScreenSizefor Resolution Screen Resolution vs Screen Size Display PanelDisplay Factors Enable to 8K Screen Size (inches) Size Screen


40 54

Report Category: General Display Trends | 33 Display Supply Chain Consultants Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 34 OUR TEAM VLSI Research. NanoPhotonica. Hehasreceived NPD awards The Group, SIDand for performance outstanding from Display Technologies, Board Advisory the ofIllumitex currently and Board Advisory serves onthe of Board ofthe has alsoserved asamember ofDirectors atAkhanTechnologies, UniPixel Westar and Research semiconductor inthe driver display PV LEDand equipment, equipment, IC, markets. He Brooks Automation, Fusion Semiconductor, IMSResearch, GCA, OWL Displays Young and Market onlyanalystthe to cover entire the display supplychain atDisplaySearch. Rosshasalsoworked at DisplaySearch analysts, Rosspioneered coverage ineach layer display ofthe supplychain was and ittoselling NPD The Group LCD Samsung joining and asVP ofNew Market Creation. Unlike other flat displaypanel market research, and consulting events firm,and in1996 ranit for12 years before Ross Young Founder isthe CEO and ofDSCC. Prior to DSCC, Rossfounded DisplaySearch, leading the Founder CEO and Ross Young Co-Founder VP and of Japan Sales,Events Operations and Mr. Satoshi (Sam)Matsuno Display Technology Group. DisplaySearch was soldto IHSCorp. titleofSeniorDirector the held he in 2014, Advisor and to the in 2000 asSVP Founder and ofDisplaySearch Asia. aFellow Hebecame atNPD DisplaySearch. After Systems Research inTokyo grew and itrapidly over a10-year period. DisplaySearch joined Hethen for forecasting various display ofthe aspects market. Helaunched LCD market coverage atTechno contracts throughout display the market hasdeveloped and numerous innovative methodologies itssupplychain.authorities and LCD onthe Hehasdeveloped industry extensive deepand Yoshio Tamura hascovered flat display the panel market since ofthe isone 1990and foremost Co-Founder President and ofAsian Operations Mr.Yoshio Tamura supply chain delivered and critical intelligence to Corning investors. and management Corning. With analysts Asia, USand inthe they performed channel checks throughout display the asmaller, essentiallybuilt he version in-house ofDSCC asDirector ofMarketing Intelligence at displayinsights inthe electronics and industries. As aformer Corning, LG Philipsand Display executive J(Bob)O’BrienRobert ofexperience hasdecades turning market analysis business and into strategic Co-Founder President and J(Bob)O’Brien Robert as well digital marketing as her experience atDSCC. strong her utilizing skills language Korean Japanese and -English, market -and research experience concurrentlyIC Division.She works OLEDAssociation atthe asan Associate Director. willbe Sung for 7years, asStrategic MagnaChip joined she Marketing Leader FlatPanel intheir Display Driver leader inflat displaypanel market research, and consulting events. After working atDisplaySearch EunSung Kim entered in1999asasenioranalyst flat atDisplaySearch, display the panel industry the Senior Analyst Marketing and Manager Sung Eun Kim to describe larger notebooks. first monitorLCD price/penetration curve and numerouscoining industry terms such as"mega-note" predicting and understanding trends display inthe industry, developing industry's the publishing and IHSworkingand withCRT, LCD plasma,TFT projection and display technology. .Samisaleader in spent over 30years Compaq, atPanasonic, display inthe industry DisplaySearch, NPD DisplaySearch Satoshi isCo-Founder (Sam)Matsuno VP and ofJapan Sales,Events Operations and atDSCC. Hehas is committed to providing clients withagreat customer experience. numerousand verticalmarkets. Heisfocused an ever-growing onmanaging client base for DSCC and Research. hasextensive Gerry knowledge global ofthe display supply chain, manufacturers, brands acquisition. After spenttwo-years leaving Gerry IHS, asaDirector ofClientDevelopment atForrester DisplaySearch in2007 asaDirector, Development. Business DisplaySearch IHSviathe joined Gerry Industrial Company Richardson and Electronics. Hebeganhisdisplay research career withNPD hardware research. and sales,marketing had Gerry product and roles management atPanasonic McGinleyGerry DSCC joined asDirector year a30+ Hehashad ofSalesinJuly2018. career indisplay Director ofChinaOperations Rita Li Director ofUSSales Gerry McGinley Scientific Industrial (USI)in 2007 Development asaBusiness Manager, covering allofsupply chain Rita Lihasover 10years ofexperience working flat industry. inthe panel Universal joined She markets. displaywith other groups, SNEResearch joined he where covered he IT, electric vehicle battery and VP ofMarketing, alsocovering display the market. After DisplayBank was acquired by merged IHSand where played he akey role ingathering display market datainKorea. Helater DisplayBank joined as technologies. After 10years DisplaySearch joined SDI,he atSamsung in2006 asresearch director SDIwhereSamsung covered he entire the covering display industry CRT, LCD PDP and markets and display market research year same the in1996, DisplaySearch was formed, whileemployed at Calvin Lee hasmore than20 years experience indisplay market research consulting. and Hestarted Director ofKorean Operations Calvin Lee from materials to brands OEMs. and is deeplyfamiliar Chinaflat industry withthe panel consulting events. and alsodeveloped She new for business company the solar/PV inthe market. She 5 years. played She akey role indeveloping for Chinabusiness company the interms sales, ofreport NPD joined then DisplaySearch in2010 marketing inasalesand role worked and atDisplaySearch for internallymanagement key maintaining and client relationships withAUO, others. and She Innolux Jayden has around 15years ofexperience working flat display inthe panel semiconductor and Director ofDisplay Equipment Materials and Jayden Lee digital cinema cinema as FPD substrate cleaning. was he Inaddition, active invarious fieldsincluding LED, laserdiodeand responsibility for lightsources related and used in photo equipment depositionprocesses and aswell company which plays role lithography inthe animportant supply chain. WhileatUshio, Jayden had industries. Since 2005, was he employed atUshioKorea, aleading lightsource equipment and Lighting. FromLighting. there transitioned he to director ofevent digital marketing and planning for DSCC. company soldthe he to pursue aposition ashead ofsalesfor startup, Biotech lighting ahighend automation. home and After successfully growing HifiInstall to bealeader inthe Austin, TX market Install, atechnology integration firm in specializing residential and commercial audio/visualsolutions companies. Heentered in2008 as owner display the lead industry and project coordinator ofHifi Dustin Gaedtke hasseveral years ofevent Capsule, experience numerous and other PGA, withthe Director of Events DigitalMarketing and Dustin Gaedtke Display Supply Chain Consultants DSCC Reposts Catalog | 35 CONTACT US

US Sales [email protected] +1 (770) 503 6318

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