Futura Franklin Gothic
Franklin Gothic Morris Fuller Paul Benton & Renner Futura Futura 1927 Designer Paul Renner created the designed by Renner. Futura has con- typeface Futura in 1927. Futura is a tinued to thrive even to this day with nice geometric sans-serif font, which the help of it’s nice and clean design, unlike typical sans-serif fonts used and is a staple in the typographic in the display world, featured a low world. Young, thriving designers look X-height. Renner wanted to stay to typefaces such as Futura as inspi- away from any decoration when de- ration in the use their own work. signing the font, leaving it with just a crisp and clean typeface. Futura also included some features such as small capitals and old style figures. Renner is a German citizen, so Futura was designed in Germany. Since it’s re- lease, Futura has become one of the most popular fonts, and a common- ly used one for headlines, posters, banners, etc. There have been a few versions that have stemmed off of it’s creation and popularity, including Futura Black, Futura Display, Futu- ra Condensed, and Steile Futura, all Franklin Gothic 1902 Franklin Gothic is a grotesque, over the years. Franklin Gothic is the sans-serif font, designed by Ameri- most popular of the gothic series can designer Morris Fuller Benton in that Benton designed throughout his 1902. Since he was American, nat- career. Due to it’s fame, this typeface urally Franklin Gothic was created is frequently talked about in high in the United States. The typeface is regards in classrooms and schools bolder than a regular font and named where typography history is taught.
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