No 47, 27 July 1950, 1017

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No 47, 27 July 1950, 1017 1017 NEW ZEALAND THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE J!!!5 WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1950 Road Traver8ing Maori Land Proclaimed aB a Public Road in And whereas it is now expedient that the said road should be Block XV, Tauakira Survey DiBtrict, WeUington Land DistriO't proclaimed as a publio road: Now, therefore, I, Lieutenant.General Sir Bernard Cyril [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, A PROCLAMATION in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by seotion 487 HEREAS the road described in the Schedule hereto traverses of the Maori Land Act, 1931, do hereby proclaim as a public road W Maori land and has been used by the public as a pu blio the road described in the Schedule hereto. :tOad: And whereas the Maori Land Court, by an order made on the SCHEOOLE 11th day of April, 1949, and issued pursuant to section 484 of the APPROXIMATE areas of the piec~ of land proclaimed as a road :- Maori Land Act, 1931, ordered and declared the said road to be A. B. P. Being portion of a public road: o 032·26 Church Mission Station, being part Putiki Maeri And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it is in the Reserve; coloured blue. public interest that the said road should be proolaimed as a publio ~ 2 11· 09 Putiki Maori Reserve; colOUi'lld orange. road, and a notification to that effect has been forwarded to the Minister of Lands in terms of section 486 of the Maori Land Situated in Block V. Ikitara Survey DistJiet. (W.]i),. 1'1114 ~ A.ot~ 1931,: In the Wellington Land District; as tIle __ ar& lbore And wkereas it is now tl:q,edient that fihtl said road shoUld 00 . particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/1884, proclaiJlilljd aa a pll blic road: ; deposited in the Head Ofiiee, Deparlment of Lands and S'Urvey, Now, therefore, I, Lieutenant·General Sir Bernard Cyril at Wellington, under No. 3052. lind thereon coloured as above Freyberg', the Governor-General of 11118 Dominion of New Zealand, mentioned. in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section 487 of the Maori Land Aot, 1931, do hereby pro.claim as a publio road Gi'feIl under the haad of His- Excellency the Governor.General the road described in the Sehedule hereto. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of tha.t Dominion, this 24th day of July, 1950. SCHEDULE E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. APPli.OXElfA.TE area of the piece of land proclaimed as It road: 2 roods 37 perches. GoD SAVE THE, KING ! Being portion of Tauakira 2M 3.1. 2 Blook. fL. and S. R.O. 16/1884; l}.O. 00/9.) Situated in Block XV, Tauakira Survey Distriot. (W.n.4459.) ~--------------.._--.-. In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more particu. Crown Land Set Apart!(J1' tlie i'1I.rj108elt. of the Maori Housing AO't, larly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 1<6/1803, deposited 1935 in 1lh<l Bead Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, al!lder Ne. 3051, and thereon coloured omnge. [L.S.], B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General Given. under the hand of His Excellency the Governor.General A PROCLAMATION of the Dominion of New ZeaJa.nd, and issued under. the N PU!'SllaIlOO' of the power and; au.bho~i*Y oonfepred upon m. Seal of that Dominion, this 24th day of July, 1950. I by section 2 of llhe Maori Housing Amendlnl!!nt Aot, 1fJ38, E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lande. I, Lieutenant·General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim GOD SAVB THlt K):NG I and declare that the area of CtoWlit 1&00 described in the Schedule (L. and S. R.O. 16/1803; D.O. 20/,2.6.), hereto shall be and the same is hereby set apart for the purposes of the Maori H'OUSing Act; 1935. Road Traver8ing Maori Land Proclaimed aB a Publio Road in Block V SCHEDliJl.E lkitara Survey Distriot, weZU1lQlim Land Di8tricl HAWKli!g BAY L.u!iJ>, Dl;sT,BIe'J [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General ALL that &l1e&- in. the Fat&ngata (Jo~ oontainillg h~ ~ure. ment 1 acre, more or less, ooing Section 208 (formerly patt SectioB' A PROCLAMATION lOs). situated in Block V, Oero Survey Dis.trict. As the same is UTHEREAS the road described in the Schedule hereto traverses more particularly delineated on tne plan marked'M.A. 30/2/4663, , , Maori land and has ooen used by the public as a publio deposited in the Head Office of the Department of Maori Aft'!ti:rs road and has been fonned, improved, or maintained out of public at Wellington, and thereon edged red:. (Hawke's Bay Plan B.O. funds: 2410.) And whereas the Maori Land Court, by an order made on the 20th da.y of August, 1947, and issued p_nt to seetion 484 of Given under the ha.nd of ~1s ExceHency the Governor-General the Maori Land Act, 1931, ordered aad deeJared the said road of the J')ominion of New Zea,land, and il!sued iinder the to 00 a, public road: . Seal <if tliat DbIbim'on, this- 24th day of July, 1950. A.nd whereaa the sadd Court is .of the, opinion that it is in the E. :8. CORBE'i''J!'; Minister of' Maori Affairs. public interest that the said road should be proclaimed as a publio road, and a notifioation to that effect· has 1geen forwarded to the GOD 8'4'1'11 'J:lUIi lUNG I' ;Minister of Lands in terms Qf I!eCtion 486 of the Maori~ Act, 1031 ; (M.A. 30/2/4663.) A 1018 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [~O.47 Declaring Certain Crown Land to be Subject to Part I of the Maqri Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block VI, Town of East Winton Land Amendment Act, 1936 . [L.S.] B. O. FREYBERG, Governor-General [L.S.] B. O. FREYBERG, Governor·General A PROOLAMATION A PROOLAMATION , pURSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ URSUANT to section 5 of the Maori Purpose,s Act, 1939,. I, . .' . General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General P Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Oyril Freyberg, the Governor' of·theDominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby <.leolare the that the Orown land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby set Orown land described in the Schedule hereto to be subject to Part.!. apart for road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall of the Maori Land Amendment Act, 1936. take 'effect on and after the 31st day of July, 1950. SOHEDULE ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of Orown land set apart: 4·1 perches. SOHEDULE 'Being part Section 28 E.R. GISBORNE LAND DISTRICT Situated in Block VI, Town of East Winton (Southland R.D.). (S.O. 5828.) ALL that area in tho Matakaoa Oounty, situated in Blocks XIV and XV, Matakaoa Survey District, containing by admeasurement In the Southland Land District; as the same is more par­ 1,870 acres 3 roods 33·5 perches, more or less, being Tututohora ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 131350, deposited No. 2B Block. in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured blue. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Seal of that Dominion, this 24th day of July, 1950. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under thc Seal of that Dominion, this 20th day of July, 1950 . .E, B. CORBETT, Minister of J¥rt),ori Affairs. :W. S. GOOSMAN,Minister 'of Works. GOD SAVE THE KING! ' 'GOD SAVE THE KtN"a ! (M.A. 32/1/97.) (P.W.70/l8/65/0.) Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, and Not Required Declaring Portions of Railway Land Near Woburn to be Crown Land for That Purpose, to be Crown Land [L.S.] B. 0 .. FREYBERG, Governor-Generljl [L.:s:'] . B. O. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROOLAMATION A PROOLAMATION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested URSUANT to section 35 of th" Public Works Act, 1928, 1; I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other .P Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Oyril Freyberg, the Governor­ power and authority in anywise E>nabling ,me in this behalf, I, ,General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare the Lieutenant-General Sir 'Bernard Oyril Freyberg, the Governor­ land described in the Schedule hereto yO be Orown land subject to General of the Dominion <iLNew Zealand, do hereby declare the the Land Act, 1948. land described in the Schedule hereto to be Orown land subject to the Land Act, 1948. SOHEDULE ApPROXL"ATE areas of the pieces of land declared to be Orown land :- SOHEDULE A. R. P. Being ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces ofland :'-- o 0 31' 94 Part of the land on D.P. 17124, being part Allo'f;.­ A. R. P. Being ments 87 and 870, Parish of Titirangi; coloured o 1 2·01 Part Lot 2, D.P. 7217, being part Scction 15, Hutt yellow. District; coloured blue. o 0 O' 06 Part Allotment 216, Parish of Titirangi; coloured o 0 1· 93 Part Lot 2, D.P.
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