ROY Cliickens FRYERS A

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ROY Cliickens FRYERS A f / - -T- r-Vs* 4 ' MAftV'CHWEY LIBRARY '•’^V ■J THURSDAT, TtTLT 22, 1948 'll ign Daily Net P t m b R a n ^ a g e s i x t e e :? Bw M «i«h o f iu M . IS4S much roqulred part of a building regulations which require a cer­ aoeepted here for sonM time, the revemia derived ft«m them 9,432 John Harrington of Pittsburgh. as is a baaement or other appur­ tain parking area to be provided Sehendel said, he feels that the re, should be applied to the devMop- Pa Is spending his vacation at Banquet Chairman Should Provide tenances. In proportion to the aise and uae medy la the right one and event­ ment of public parking sltaa In A!>oi!t Town the' home of Will Aaimiu, 14 Mid­ Chief Sehendel pointed out that of each building being erected. ually will have to be considered lands still nvallable for fhia pur- dle Turnpike West. Mr. Harring- in certain Long Island communi­ While such stringent parking here. Meanwhile, he said, if park­ poos In tho shopping esntors of problems remedies mighty not be ing metera are Installed, he tldAka the town. Mmukutmr > A City o f Fiffiflia Chmhn Tl^mb^ra of t^c loc^ Post of ton la one of the boys who- was Parking Areas ties, there are sonlng and building quartered at the State Armory f Ancericun L*ffon srt tg r a s e H ) j turn as soon as possible tbelr during World War II and is well VOL. LXVn., NO. 250 MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 23. 1948 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE POOR stubs on the drawing being held known In town. Since the cMsa- Chief Sehendel Speaks to pay for the new neon sign. tlon of hostilities he has been spending his vacation each sum- On Problem Now Con­ Marcel J. Donee, i^eward of the mor In Manchestpr. fronting the Town Suspected of Mufder American Legion Home, will leave The V.F.W. Club will diacon- } Former Convicts News Tidbits tomorrow to spend the week-end Chief of Police Herman Schen- British Say Russians tiniic Its setback parties until CrIM Fraas UP) Wira* In Norwich whtfre he will “ ttend del said today that he is In hearty the State Convention of the 40 September 10. and 8, as a delegate. , . accord with a recent Herald edi­ i Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98, torial which suggested that the Hit End of Trail KaMsnal Gaard msmbera patrol ' Daughters of Scotia, will have a parking problem la becoming so floodad aecUdns of Laneaater, OL, Mr. and Mrs. David Neville of .short business meeting tomorrow to protect against looters............. East Center street left yesterday I serious a consideration that in the Flight Rules; • evening at seven o'clock eh^rp In future, parking areas should be as Red Cross representatives satl- for Ottawa, Canada, after receiv­ ; the Masonic Temple, after which mates that Palestine vai has ora- ing a telegram announcing the Of Terror Reign the lodge "111 celebrate the 28th atod about 860,066 Arab lefageea. death of Mr. Neville’s aunt, Mrs. anniversary of its institution In . Diapute over method of pay- ’ Henrj- Neville, with whom the^ town, n an Mcl>oan, No. 252 menta to orchestra asnalclaiia had planned a visit the first two ' Order of Scottish clans, has been One Dying With Shot leaves World Fair of Music con- Power Offer weeks In August. nLMS2Q Flier Sought certlesa in Ursnd Central Palaca, its 27th anniversary. Mrs. Violet PrintedPrinted andend DevelopedDeveloned^^ Bw Between Eyes, Other N. Y. Polish source indicates Neddow and her committee Is in Captured at Police that Russians shout to buy largo CUim Fighter PluMi charge^of the supper and enter­ Enlarged Free Cento For Dropping qiHUitltlea of loUeh coaL . , P e ^ Hard to Get tainment to follow. Road Block Today Pina XII receives four U. 8. union Super-Forts Engaged hs Asthmatic? Frank Diana labor leaders who came for Inaugu­ Reservations for the annual d ^ ARTHUR AT HALE'S SELF SERVE In Ohio; Seven Slay­ ration at Palermo, Sicily, of Frank­ Target Practice in roast Of Ander.son-Shea Auxilia^, Frank Diana, chairman of the Bomb on UN lin D. Roosevelt home for Italian Start World SANSON'S V.K.W.. July 27 at 6:30. at Mrs. comnSlttce In charge of the Ital- ings Laid to Pair war orphans . Australia con­ R. A. F. Corrider tn Florence Streeter's. 56 Stark­ lan-American colony banquet, Sun­ cerned at reiurtaace of U. 8. to day, August 1, at 1:00 p. m. at the Missile Explodes Harm Berlin; American Air* weather street, should bg ^ and HEALTH MARKET Van Wert, 0 ., July 2 f,— (/P) share certain top atomic energy Scouting Hop ASTHMA Garden Grove on Keeney street, re­ secrets with her. Saturtiay at the latest, lessly Near Ground craft Pour Into ports that at a meeting of the —Two youthful ex-convicta Maj. Oen, George P. Hays, depu­ REMEDY ! any of the eommittec. Mrs. committee last night at the Ital- Eleanor Maloney chairman; Mrs. who terrorized Ohio -> with About 400 Feet ty U. 3. military governor for Ger­ Three Bombers Flying G ty With New Reei« lan-American club plans are pro­ seven Playings in the last 14 many, says American military Has brouRht relief to ' Gertrude Buchanan or Mrs. Anna gressing satisfactorily. Mr. Diana ord Haul o f SuppUea HALE'S RIN SO HEALTH MARKET days, hit the end of their From Central Building government haa placed ae o«e- To See Whether Fields many by removinR the , Irish. made the request that all who wish sliM reetrlotlons on Soviet travel to attend the affair assist the com­ crime career today at a Van in American sone of Germany... And Other Facilitiea symptoms of asthma. mittee by buying their tickets Headquarters FARM FRESH ROASTING Wert county police road Lake Success. N. Y., July u i Bulletin I G range M em ])erg 3 Lb. UP)—An ex-Army flier, worried Greek postal, telegraph and tele­ Abroad Can Be Used early as the number Is limited. bjock. One was dying, shot phone ofliciala cMl naffoa-wMe Berlin, July 26c-(jlVieA Try It Today! They may be secured at the follow­ FOR Can about a new war, was sought to­ Rnasian plane A ing places: Italian-American Club, Lg. Pkg. between the eyes, and the oommunioationa strike In protest hdS hiwnMag O n M ystery’ R ide ethvr captured. day as the pilot who dived at Robert M. DaaMs (left) 92, of Oelumhas, 0 „ and Jeha CL West, 24 against government’s refusal to Bulletin! practice in the Brltlah nfeh Correntl’s Market, West Side United Nationa headquarters and (right) of Pariiersbiirg, W. Va., are belag soagkl ssnnertton with For sale at the following Package Store, Armory Tavern, Two PoUoeinon Wounded increase salaries. .Two elderly Washington. July t t f —UP) corridor front Hatobars te Manchester Dmg Stores: dropped a missile which exploded the triple slaying of John NIebei, superintendeat of Mamflrid, O., Re­ spinsters eonvicted of cruelty, —Three B-tto making a dr- Twenty cars filled w'ith Man- Gremmo’s Market, or from Mrs. 1 Lb Can Cliickens Two police officers were wound­ harmlessly hearby. formatory. and hia wife and daughter. PaUoa-say they also want to Berlin and Soviet alremn false Imprisonment and contribut­ onlt af the globe landed to<>av OriNVS PHARMACY Chester Grange members t(»k Luigi Pola or Frank Diana. ed in the wild Surry of rlSo and The U. N. Trusteeship council qnesUoa Daniels and West about tbe hoUap morder ef a Columbus carried out firing cxerda« lg part in a "mystery ride la-st Dubaldo Brothers Orchestra Young and pistol Shota svhleh ended the ing to delinquency of minor, in to lAgeaa air base la tha Tel. 4188 will furnish the music for dancing. was In session when the missile, tavern owner and the murder of a tourist enmp operator near Detroit Santa Monica, Calif., Superior Aaorea, Strategic Air rom- the sane edrridor todbqr, BriU night, the destination known only greatest manhunt Ohio ever has b^eved by police to be a home­ (NBA telephoto). n o r t h e n d p h a r m a c y Entertainment will be provided by SWAN Tender witnessed. court. I m a. a d headquarters an­ ish anthoritica annoaaccdlb TeL 6545 to occupants of the leading car. made bomb, went off yesterday nounced. It was the second After traveling some distance in local talent. 'The sports commit­ ""T S ' James C. West, 24-year-oId be­ Independent candidate for U. B. T^e aothoritles said thte nig CENTER PHARMACY tee has n o t . completed final ar­ near the ground about 400 feet stop etaoe the Mg Super- la northeasterly direction, the spectacled reformatory paroles from the entrance of the central Senate arreeted In Richmond, Va., activity eoMtitated -bra TeL 4258 rangements. LUX SOAP from Pariiersburg, W. Va., de- on charge of vtolatlng Virginia Fortreeoee took off from Da- group arrived at Stafford Springs U. N. building. vta-Moathaa airtaaoe at Tuo- cs of fiying regnlatfaas.” WELDON DRCO % l u t e Police *|l(«kck8,‘ Whsre ar­ FARM FRESH ■crlbed aa the "gun hm>py" mem­ WaUace WiU Take eegregaaon lawa. Isvcatto Blast Heard MUe Away emtorial aceuaee Americans and ooa. Arts., on a two-week toot TU. 5821 rangements had been made for an Inspection of the facilities of Medium ber of the bandit pair, was shot ■nu blast was beard a mile FLAKES betwaea tha eyaa.
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