TI1E DORTLASD DAILY DRESS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOTELS. EDUCATIONAL. Reid and his non-Union foremao, Mr. Thomp- MISCELLANEOUS, son, on _ THE PRESS. Saturday, tor the purpose of ascertain- published every .lay (Sundays excepted) by then ing how the strike of the Tribune printers had Booksellers and Stationers. OLD BEACH Instruction in originated aud how the fight had sped. Some PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., ORCHARD English and Class- HOYT & No. 01 Middle Street. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 12. incidents narrated in the coarse of a full FOGG, andj,e ical Studies frank conversation were carious to say the At 109 FXOHANGK ST„ PORTLAJTO.J FROM NOW UNTIL FALL least THE STAPLES COTTAfJE to Book Binders. given piivate pnpils by the subscriber. Wc do not read amt communi- It was work Terms: Dollars a Tear In advance. Tc anonymous letters sharp on Friday Jane Eight wn. A. Boom II, Printer*' night 29, m til subscribers a Tear it in ad- QUINCY, cations. The name and address of the writer are in to get the Tribune into Seven Dollars paid Si. Is now open for the season. First class board the type and on the press in Exchange, No. Ill Exchange by time for vance. day or week at reasonable rates. J. W. all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication delivery to its readers on Saturday flMAI.I. & SHACKEOKD, No. S3 Plum COLCORD, The but as a morning. particulars of the scene that Street. guaranty of good faith. TRESS WE SHALL SELL ALL OUR MRS, M. F. LIBBY MRS. J. occurred in the editorial rooms THE STATE HUDSON, We cannot undertake to return or just prior to the jylldtf of Chadwick Portland. 143 Pearl Street. reserve commu- Is Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Formerly House, strike have not been published, and we published every and Builders. J nications that are not used. give year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. Carpenters aii24__dtf them now in detail,in order to show the change WHITNEY A MEANS, Pearl Street, op- centennial house. that has taken place in the relations of employ- Kates op Advertising: One inch of space, the ponite the Park. Prout's will be Bowdoin ers and Neck. Scarborough, opened July 12. College. Every attache of the Press is employed. of constitutes a regular furnished length column, “square.” Partially furnished rooms for the day, week, or sea- In the afternoon of Thursday, June 28, Mr. $1.50 first week; 75 cents per week Retail. for admission to either depart- with a Card certificate T. per square daily Furniture—Wholesale and son, may be secured by addressing J. R. Andrews, countersigned by Stanley Reid notified a committee of tiie three or less, $1.00; EXAMINATIONSment will be held on and printers that atrer; insertions, continuing & No. 30 Ex- Prout’s Neck, or C. L. Andrews, Saccarappa. Gro- FRIDAY, July 13th, Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel Children’s GEORGE A. WHITNEY, also at the of the Fall the Tribone intended to draw out of the ranks after first 50 cents. opening Term, every other day week, Men’s, of all kinda ceries and can be on tbc September Boys’, SI. provisions procured prem- at 8 will confer a favor us change managers of Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one UphoUtering ises. 27tli, A, M., in the Chemical lecture Room, upon by demanding the “Union offices,” and handed to the done to order. Small parties furnished with fried fish, clam Adams nail. week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. chowder credentials of every person claiming to represent our chairman of the delegation a memorandum JOSHUA L. Special Notices, one third additional. &c._jyl0d1w&w3w27» CHAMBERLAIN, journal. which read as follows: Under head of “Amusements’* and “Auction Plumbers. Brunswick, June li, 1877. President. _ What we want aud would like our men to consid- $2.00 week; three insertions Federal Sire* dtd Sales,” per square per JAMES M11,1.EB, No. 91 MT. PLEASANT er: or less, $ 1.50. JuI5_ Republican State Convention. I. A reduction in the of our on Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State CLOTHING, MUSIC price composition Real Estate READING. night work to lorty cents, and on day work to Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Agents. The of Maine thirty- instruction in vocal Republicans and all others who pro- three cents—or about one fourth oft from the of the State) for $1.00 per square tor first insertion, JOHN C. PROCTER, No. ».l Evelinng* HOUSE. desiring private very MUSIC! RCADINI4 are in- pose to support the candidate of the highest prices before the panic. and 50 cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. Street. PERSONS respectfully Republican par- formed that Mr. W. L. FITCH is now re- II. No work to be done which we don't want and Address all communications to ready to ty in the pending election, are invited to send dele- Opined lo Guests July 4, 1877. ceive pupils singly or in classes, at his residence, 58 can’t use—in other words, no bogus, and no allow- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. to a State to be held in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Brackett St., corner Spring. apiodtf gates Convention, an e in place of it. REGARDLESS ill. Work to be done at in OF COST ! J. A. MEKKII.f. A CO., ISO Middle St GRANITE fair prices whatever _This House is pleasantly situated on the summit of IIALL, , way we may think most to our the J. A. MERRILL. A. KEITH. Mt. interest—by ENTERTAINMENTS. Pleasant, 2018 feet above the level of the sea. piece or on time, at the foreman's For LEA & Thursday, August 9lh, 1877, at 11 A. A., option. magnficient and romantic scenery, and cool PERRINS’ IV, No double-price matter. mountain air, it is unsupassed in the country. for the of a candidate for Gov- Tlic Electric Thermostatic CELEBRATED purpose nominating This memoraodum has already been pub- Our counters must be cleared for Excursion Tickets from Portland to ernor, to be supported at the September election, lished, but without the which ready' — explanation 1877 GRIND EXCURSION is?? summit ot Mt. Pleasant aud return $5,00. PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT should have and to attend to such other business as accompanied it. The first section Fall when the season commences of a LETTER from a may properly goods, for For sale at Ticket Office of Portland is explicit enough. The second section which & Ogdens-6 CONNOISSEURS MEDICAL GEN- come befor the convention. The American Cornet Band burg R. It. is perhaps as Greek to the reader unversed in such I TLEMAN at Madras The basis of will be as follows: Each garments. t C. E. GIBBS T0 gg THE representation technicalities of a newspaper means of will a grand evening excursion to Proprietor, office, Portland, give Maine. to his brother at city, town and plantation is entitled to one delegate simply that like other skilled Tiefetbren’s, on tbe je30dLwrBridgton printers, mechan- OIVUV GOOD WORCESTER, May, and one additional delegate for every seventy-flve ics, msut take their chances of getting constant EVE of JULY 14fli, votes for the candidate for Governor work. If there is to do are not SATURDAY, UNITED STATES **Tell LEA & PER- given Republican nothing they This is one of the most useful invention s HOTEL, f2 A TTr*i? o to be paid for doing The third section a tine Quadrille Band has been engaged for tbe 9AUCE.” KINS that their |nl876. A fraction ol forty votes over the number nothing. of this inventive age. A slight, sudden means that the foreman of an office is to be the purpose of furnishing music for a social liop. BE SURE AND SEE OUR PRICES! PORTLAND. ME. Sauce is highly es- which is entitled to one delegate, will be accorded a Will leave the end of Custom House wharf at 7£ rise of temperature by a lire gives the And applicable to teemed in India, and foreman—de facto as well as clejure; not to del- The best delegate. Substitutes can serve only for town9 of o’clock sharp. Alarm, the bell will continue to ring so Located House for Business Men is in my opinion, the egate his powers to the “Chairman” (a com- at S. EVERY the in which reside. Tickets can be secured three davs in advance long as the heat increases. It is not lia- VARIETY! most palatable, as county they positor) employed at the case, and chosen by D. No. 3 Free uml at the liKATICD BY well as the most Burner v’6 music store, fc»t., out STEAM. The Republican State Committee will be in sesalou his tellow workmen to enforce the boat. ble to get of order, will last a life- OF DISH. wholesome Sauce regulations in the morn- laid down the _Jyl2d3t is m and Terms hereafter will be but that is ante-room of the Hall at 10 o'clock the by Typographical Union, bat to time, very simple construction, $2.00 per day. made.” decide in is not ing of the Convention. the interest of his own employers expensive. what kind of work nnvn i win i imdiimnv’ WOLCOTT A CO., Proprietors. order ol the State Committee. shall be done, aud what By Republican shall be for uuimi niuiuiiu uiivviwuvn No would give an idea of it. au-g1 deodtf paid it. The fourth and last sec- description adequate _ JAMES G. BLAINE, Some of the most scientific men in the country have tion of the “Memorandnm” which declares Chairman. pronounced it perfect. It must be seen to be appre- that no double-price matter will be ADAMS J. 0. allowed, It ^Lb Hi €. D. B. FISK & ciated. Were this valuable invention universally HOUSE, SMITH, Secretary. means that tabular work (rules aud figures) extensive fires would be a of the €0., adopted thing past. shall be paid by the hour or otherwise, at the Belief Amocialiou This most valuable invention is now offered to the temple The Iri.h American street, PREMIUM AWARDED AT of the toremaD. It is the are the General CENTENNIAL FOR option against this part will hold (heir public by subscribers,who Agents Japan is not ot the lor the State of Maine. They will be happy to show making very satisfactory "Memorandum” that the printers speci- Fifteenth Annual Excursion the Fire and Burglar Alarm at their Ofliee. No. 88 PORTLAND, ME, 1st, “Excellent Taste,” headway in crushing her rebellion. Saigo, ally protest—yet the result of a week’s experi- Exchange St., to any one, whether they want it or ment prove that with a competent and consci- — the ol the — TO not, where testimonials trom some of the parties who 2nd, “Very Carefully Prepared.” confessedly military genius Empire entious foreman, the journeyman priutar loses seen, NEW nnnmmE~ have had it put into their buildings may be also TflfiODGHOOT. has secured ammunition and supplies in nothing under the new rule. Market under Preble recommendations from the Insurance House, leading Agents These explanations for what SACO RIVER, Square, in this city. All orders executed with and I am pleased to announce that, since leas- abundance, and has not only the clear, thejfield despatch stopped fellows. B warranted to satisfaction. ing this well known 1 have re-fur- (P. A B. B. ) give Hotel, fPk» .1,1__a:_i_; .1.. 1_• .1 « but hemmed it in on the land -- nishedit throughout with NEW FURNI- Imperial army, VMV.U U^BIUOkl tut/ i'ICUJUl au* POKTt AND, July 6, 1877. --- Wednesday, July 18, 1877. TURE. CARPETS and BEDDING, and . All over the country there are out- dum. They were tolc to “take their time’’ in OXNARD & ROBINSON. —-. Jshail hope by strict attention to the comfort at a decision. A A oUiAAL UKE is on EVERY BOTTLE. aiming week was given P O R T L N D. d2w and pleasure of to merit a breaks that annoy the and af- Music Cole’s Rand. jy6 my guests share of public Government, them in which to make answer. But by Quadrille jjC dti patronage. they W. ford te a FRANK BUXTOX, Prompter. One of the JOHN aid the brilliant insurgent. didn’t wait week. (Ja the contrary, hur- beat location, in the city, near DUNCAN’S SONS, they Bank.* Po.t Office and ried the business, and on the following day 50 Children 25cents. LOT principal Whole- Tickets—Adults, cents; JOB sale Electric jy27dlawlyTli NEW YORK. me i-oouon m virtue oi us (Friday) again waited upon the editor of the Trains leave toot Myrtle Street at 7 and 9 A. M., ONCE MORE Bells, Pleasant limes, great,' Booms, Comfortable Bed. and Excellent Tribune, and presented to him the following: and 1.20 P.M. FOR Table. ness, cultivates eccentricities in spelling’ Saco River at 3 and G P. M. THE SEASON Returning—leave Carriages at all trains [COPY.] Members* Tickets can be had at T. J. Welch’s always printing “fartherest,” “chymist,” TERNS 84.00 PEIt Tribune Composing Room, i Store 418 Congress Street. For lurtlier information BAY. A. S. ALLEN, SOFT HATS! “diosess,” “sera,” and “Marquess” but nev- Friday, June 21877. j see The committee in have Propiietor, posters. charge spared Clerk at the “St. Julian” Whiielaw liei

r\ THURSDAY 12. ordained that I wish to counsel in this MORNING, JULY by God, WASHINGTON FOREIGN. ing 53 @ 55; washed 18 @ 26c; do unwash- MARRIED. crisis, a higher aud more tender feeling. Our ed, 12 @ 22c; iBuenos Ayres 18 @ 35c; Gape Good SPECIAL NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS constitutional goverumeut is God’s ordinance. Hope 30 @ 36c Australian 45 @ 52c j Donskoi 18 @ [Correspondence of Among other things, the present state of de- 35c. At Tenant’s Harbor Light Station, July 7, by Nel- Harper's Bazar.! There is a moralization is due to the extension of the suf- Onr lutcrunl t oiuuu-rce. very iirm feeling for domestic Wool and son Hall, Esq., David C. King ot St. George and Mrs. manufacturers continue to at Martha A. Anderson of Portland. and P. UNITED THE Sew York Fashions. frage. The effects of pauperism also present a Washington, July 11.—The first annual re- The Turco-Russian War. operate quite freely [Argus E. STATES full prices. Island papers please of to the port on the internal commerce of the United copy.] problem unsurpassed importance Imports from 1 t 7. In Saco, 9, Frank Lewis and statesman. January of July July Miss Mary New- It has just begun to show itself in States, just published, states that the value of 1876. 1877. ell, both ot Saco. Ulaok silk a the railroads of the United costumes are being made up in formidable aspect. It will soon become much States is about RUSSIANS Foreign, bales...15,485 21,494 In Hollis, July 4, Frank E. Townsend of Limerick 4 cent. Loan. Great & more The of the laws times the value of the AWAITING SUr- Domestic, ami and Miss Etta (J. Breton are threatening. application twenty-three shipping hags bales.81,956 110,411 Bisbee of Hollis. per styles. Some in conjunction with In Increasing in our black of political economy must regulate the matter. engaged foreign commerce, and that the In New York the excitement attending the opening Blddeford, July 5, Dan’l J. Flanders of Buxton The undersigned will receive subscriptions for tho velvet, the vest of also col- value of our PUES. of and Miss Ella C. Dearborn of having velvet, The solution of ail these problems must be internal commerce is twenty-five the season for new Wool has, in a measure, sub Blddeford. new Four per cent Loan of the United States due In Blddeford, Samuel l>E M AN 1> lar, cuffs and rows of bias bauds for found in a Christian times the value of our that sided, but there yet remains considerable stock in the July 4, P. Wyman and Mbs 1907. will furnish the Gold and attend to the trimming. God-fearing, statesman- foreign commerce; Frances They interior for whieh the farmers are demand- McCutcheon, both of of the Bonds, their usual to the and their 87 per cent, cf from the west to unsold, Kennebunkport. delivery charging only — Others have '.vbicn colleges graduates grain shipped FOB — black galloons for (borders, while ship, ing exorbitant rates. commission the sale ot Gobi and such OtTB are especially bound to contribute. the seaboard during the last year was trans- Tin* liomnnnisuis lo upon expenses very showy suits have brocaded vests and wide Cross tlie In Philadelphia the activity and excitement in the us they may actually incur. The science of literature also plays an import- ported on railroad lines, and that over 90 per DIED. India market, noted last week, continues without abate- A deposit of two 'per cent, in Gold must accom- galloon [on the basque [and over-skirt. ant since science is the cent, of the entire internal commerce of the ment. Celebrated part, primarily merely Danube To-Day. The receipts are large, but they are absorbed pany subscriptions, which will be received until Justly Shirts, of and of the order country is on railroads. the about as fast as the of the Notwithstanding the introduction of knowledge phenomena of Although total they arrive at full prices, the local In this city, July io, Mr. Cyrus Lowell Gallison* duly 15, IS77, remainder purchase money to It is not contribution of the and Eastern must be on or made at novel the their succession. easy at first to see government to the close of manufacturers buying freely. aged 47 years. paid before October 15, 1*77, with in- order, designs, long,round overskirt re- the in aid terest at the rate of Four in Gold to how any discrimination can be made between year 1870 of railroad construction [Funeral services Friday afternoon at 2£ o’clock, per cent date of mains the most for THE ASIATIC CAMPAIGN. at his late popular simple black dresses the forms of science in our country and that in amounted to §144,000,000, land residence, Park Place. Buiial at conven- payment. embracing ience of the Bonds Issued in all either of silk, cashmere or another. The and laws in astron- grants and subsidies to Pacific The of Kara Raised- Markets. family.] Registered denominations. grenadine. To give phenomena railroads, yet Seige European Bonds for and this sum is 3 In New Mr. Charles Coupon issued only $50 $100. it is omy, geology and chemistry are the same in only per cent, of the entire cost of 11.—A Russian official Gloucester, July ll, Sampson, 6 for variety, however, it now slit the London, July despatch London, July 11—12.30 P. M —Consols at 9411- aged 57 years. $9.00. open up as but when the railroad of the Europe here, we speak of such a system United States. dated virtually admits 1G lor and account. this middle of the front breadth for a of Alexandiopol, July 9, money [Funeral Thursday afternoon at 24 o’clock, at length connection as the present, we mean Vat-ion* Mailer*. raised. the residence of J. B. BROWN & something that the seige of Kars lias been The London, July 11—12 30 P. M.—American securi- Spencer Rogers, No. 11 Myrtle St. SONS, ns lo make great im- of a more than this. In Ferrv lias induced three-eighths yard, trimmed up the| sides There are peculiarities belong- as ties—United Cape Elizabeth. Carrie The receipts of internal revenue today Ewere despatch la follows: States bonds, 1867s, at 106*. Erie at 63: Village, July 11, ju20tfsn 40 Exchange Street, Portland. in tlie quality so Him of to the different in a ot Wm. provements this opening, and a long-looped bow of rib- ing nation the spirit by which $255,432, and of customs Gen. Melikoff being aDprised of a move- Illinois Central 57*. only daughter S. and Nancy Richardson, scientific men are animated. One $444,475. aged 11 months 21 days. now we are manufacturing them bon is set on at the of the The peculiarity Postmaster General has ment of Mokhtar Pasbo’s troops towards Kars, Liverpool, July 11—12.30 P. M.—Cotton market top opening. of science in this is that it is Key informed the July Benry A., son ot A. S, and Eliza- lor our best trade. Irom NEW country arrayed Pennsylvania postmaster who wished in order to place the troops besieging Kars in a firm; Middling uplands at 6 5-16d; do Orleans at beth{? ADVANTAGES trimming, of or lace to be a Melcher, aged 5 years o months. AVAMSUTTA or knife-pleated silk, fringe against religion aud truth. In this respect it to move with sus- 6*d; sales 10,000 bales, including 2000 lor speculation YORK MILLS. candidate (or county treasurer, that as he could position greater readiness, In Saco, 2, Cora Bell, daughter of W. extends differs from in and export. of cotton Jply George — — up the opening. Five widths of silk that Germany, France and even not fill both offices at tlie bombardment and sent the Receipts to-day 2,900 bales, and Lizzie 3 OP TflK LANGDON G, COTTON with ‘iOOO the same time, he cannot pended siege 1400 American. Glidden, aged years. are The of is also including In Buxton. and CUFFS mak- used for this over-skirt, viz., the front England. poetry every country properly seek to fill one while holding the oth- guns to Kurkudarr and Alexandropul, and con- July 5, Annie, daughter of Isaac and LINEN BOSOMS a of since it is the the Hannah A. Hutchinson, 18 a on each subject consideration, high- er. centrated tlie groater part of cavalry at aged years. ing as good a sliirt in quality, fit, breadth, gore side, and two straight and In North Alfred, June est most characteristic form which litera- Kbojivala to protect the and New h ark Stock and Metier Market. 29, Mrs. Ann J., wife of Ja- its sliirt breadths communications, cob M. Goodrich, 48 and workinuusliip any behind. The drapery folds are very ture can assume. I shall confine myself to stationed the infantry at Ziom. aged years 2 months. STOCK PLAN New at In Lebanon, June 26, Mr. Jos. L. mauiitacliired in the shite for ow and the silk two both of whom still and who MINE A also York, July 11—Evening.—Money easy 1* Wi*ein. az. L Amount Life Insurance blue scarfs. Those Song—“Sweet Hearts”.Sullivan Union Pacific Stock, .. 05} Jas Farmer. grenadine dressy hats of Miss died after. Jn force, 19,000,000 whits have the Kellogg. immediately Vienna, July 11.—The Political Correspon- Lake Shore. 50} Sch Ida May, (Br) Anthony, French Cross, NS— Boots and Shoes chip brim faced with hlack vel- Concert Stuck for Flute.Dcmersseman denz’g Bucharest special says that to Illinois Central. 58 wood to A D Whiddeu. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES vet, and slightly rolled on ono side. A scarf of Edward Heindl. according information from reliable circles the PittBburg K.,. 81 Covering death or disabling injury by accident, yellow crinkled crape is around tho crown, hold military & 21 for Men, Women and Children. Song—“The Trooper”.Plumptou Roumanian will cross Chicago Northwestern. CLEARED. are written at short notice, for a month or a in black and Mr. LOUISIANA. army the Danube to- & Northwestern year. place by yellow flowers. A brown Whitney. Chicago preferred.. 48} Sch Maggie Dalling, Dalling, to Lad More than claims have been Combined Duet—“Mira labiauca morrow above and below Kalafat. The Prince Bock Richibucto, 27,000 paid. I have on hand quite an assortment of first class rustio straw hat has an armure gauze scarf of luna”.Kossini island. 03} for Europe—Yeaton & Boyd. Life and Accident Life Miss and will assume command. New Policy, (regular with weekly Boots and Shoes that will be sold at very low prices brown caught up with black and Cary Mr. Fessenden. personally Jersey Central. 91 Sch Edw Waite, York, to load lor Alex- indemnity for cherries—red, from Gardiner, disabling casualty,) at less than to close them out and make room for new stock. white. The for Adagio Septette, op. 20.Beethoven andria—Jordan & Blake. Mutual a novelty grenadine veils, es- Gar. IMiclioII. Determined to Pardon tlie rates for Life Policy alone. These goods are all and and will (Condensed for six instruments by T. Byan.) Sch Volant, Cassidy, Calais—Nath’l Blake. perfect warranted, pecially scarf veils, is buttercup yellow grena- Hoard. Fort sell very rapidly. Mendelssohns. Returning . Wayne. 90} dine with a tape border on each These Ohio edge. Song—“Sunset”...D. Buck New Orleans, July 11.—The grand jury & Mississippi. 3} Sch Clara Leavitt, owned by J F Randall & Co, Amount Accident Clainm are carelessly folded around the crown Miss Delaware iS3 and Paid, $2,760,000 of Cary. which presented the returning hoard indict- Lackawanna. 403 others, of Portland, was struck by lightning 9th M. G. PALMER. the hat and then wound around the Spinning-Wheel from “Martha”.. .Flotow Atlantic & Pacific 20 while coal neck. The Quartette was Telegraph. inst, loading at New York, and had main Miss Miss ments composed of four Democrats, four and Cost of a Yearly Accident je20 dtf cheap flats that are covered with muslin or Kellogg, Cary, Mr. Fessenden and Mr. Redif Pasha Not Dead, maintop maets shattered. will have to be Policy. negroes and twelve Conservatives and Liber- The were the closing quotations of Pacific They tarlatan ruches are when the white Whitney. following replaced. very pretty als. The foreman the Constantinople, July 11.—The report of Bailroad securities: AyyVAh PREMIUM. tarlatan is all says testimony was con- puffed over the hat and studded The gross receipts were about $900. the death of Bedif Pasha is denied. Missouri Pacific. 1} Anion.i, My with vincing, and is damaging to prominent persons officially [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT, daisies, or else with small bows of black Tomorrow will close the festivities of the week Boston, Hartford & Erie 1st... 9 insured, indem’ty Farmers Notice ! outside of Louisiana. SOUTH-WEST HARBOR, sch Prefer’d Ordinary Medi’m velvet ribboo. Others have of scarlet Guaranteed. 9 July 1—Ar, Caro- _ bouquets with the usual exercises common to Com- Governor Nicholls adheres to his determina- Central Pacific line C, Ober, from Calais for poppies and of field flowers iu the with THE DOMINION. bonds.108 Danversport. $t,000 $5 OO $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 centre, tion to pardon the defendants if convicted. Union July 4—Ar, sch Calais lor loops and ends of black velvet ribbon mencement Day. Pacific.105} Gamecock, Robinson, 2.000 10 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 extending The mercantile condemn Measures to Suppress an Orange Biot. Land Grants.. Stonington. 3.000 15 OO 15 00 22 50 30 00 from thence to the of the brim. community generally Farmers Notice ! edge Very the action of the Sinking Funds. 97 5.000 25 OO 25 OO 37 5 0 50 OO scarf veils are of black grand jury. Ottawa, July 11.—It is understood thnt the dressy thread net, edged Narrow Escape. LUBEC, July 9—Ar, schs Alice Dean, Gardiner, 10,000 50 00 50 00 75 00 with two or government with a view to the preservation of and Clara three stitebings of floss, or with Dinsmore, Chase, Portland. Bath, July 11,—Steamer Henry Morrison, law and order in have besn in com- Hamblin's Patent Centre Draft very narrow thread lace; others have gilt dots Montreal, Preferred Class includes Clergymen, Editors, McClintock ran into and munication with the and civic au- Chicago Cattle Market. and gilt fringe. White is also master, smashed a lit- THE [MEXICAN BOEDER. provincial WISCASSET, July G—Sid, sch Herald, Frisbee, Lawyers, Merchants. Clerks, Baukers, Book-Keepers, arabesque ganze thorities of and that Boston. etc. used for bonnet strings and for scarf veils. tle sail boat used for a ferry, today, precipitat- Quebec Montreal and the Chicago, July 11.—Cattle—receipts ot 2800 head; commanders of the and 140 July 8—Sid, ship Princess for Ordinaru Class includes Commercial Mixed ecru and straws in districts garrisons of shipments head; the market is rather more ac- Alexandria, Kellett, Agents, MOWER. brown, rough ing James P. Preble, K. Fellows and a tive sales at 2 Cardiff. Traveling Railroad or George Kingston make every to aid the ; Texas 75 @ 4 00 jfeeders at 4 25 @ 4 30; Men, Printers, Superintendents, plaids bars are stylish for Correspondence Between General Ord preparation etc. travelling bonnets; son of James B. into the river. All oivil if so called Calves and good shipping 4 5 02}; extra to ex- Machinists, The most Economical and Light for one Hone* they are trimmed with Creasey, power upon by the mayor and 62} @ T Medium. brown, blue or green and Trevino. tra prime 6 40 @ 6 80. Barque Jeflie Southard, of Richmond, arrived at Class includes Passenger Conductors, Manufactured by velvet a magistrates. It is also understood that a bat- Calcutta 8tb folds, cluster of game feathers in narrowly escaped drowning. Hogs—receipts 14,000head; shipments 2,600 inst from Boston, in 93 days. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Fanners, Butchers, Stage olive 11.—Gen. Ord transmits talion in the city will be mustered at head; etc. shades, and a large smoked-pearl bnckle. Eire in Bartland. Washington, July headquar- the market is active ;common to extra at 4 80 ® 5 15; Drivers, to Gen. Sheridan a letter from the Mexican ters early on the morning of the 12lh to be in 4 90 FROM MERCHANT'S Bronze-colored and olive-tinted chips are chosen 11.—The packing @ 5 00; light shipping at 4 90 ffl 5 00. EXCHANGE.1 Waterville, July ham of Steph- readiness in case their are Hamblin & to match * general Trevino, stating that illness prevents services required. Sheep—receipts 400 head; the market is dull and Ar at Montevideo 21th, Eva H Fisk* JAMES G. President. handsome traveling costumes; a en May barques BATTERSOiV, Kelly, wreath Mosher of Hartlaud, was struck his with Gen. but he will steady. Browu, John of mignonette and birds’ wings of kin- hy lightning conferring Ord, Portland, (Mch 1G); Laughlin, Weeks* RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. Near Allen’s Corner, Dec ring. dred shades trim them and burned forenoon. Insured iu the send a commission to see the latter. He adds do, (Apl 3.) tastefully. Other bon- yesterday Sid tm JOHN E. Assistant nets of old that he will move Mexican to the fron- Providence Cienfuegos 2d inst, sch llattie E Sampson, MORRIS, Secretary. And can be nmi Corner Portland and gold color have thick loops of satin Agricultural for loss troops Foreign Notes. Print Cloths Market. New Company $200: $500. tier to to the and Pinkham, York. Gteen Street. ribbon of the same shade relieved intar- give security border, requests The amount received from indirect taxes in Sid fm Havana by Death of Aldeu Jackson. than Mexican Peovidence, R. I., It.—The Printing cloths 1st, brig Torrent, Neil, Delaware jul wtf22 liuiogs of ponceau or blue soil be not trespassed upon. Gen. July Breakwater. ANDRE WJ. navy ribbon. France the first of the six months of 1877 ex- market is still inactive, holders generally being re- CHASE, Short round Waldoboro, July 11.—Aldeu Ord replied that under his instructions raiding Sid fm skirts are the rule for the woolen Jackson, aged ceeded the estimate by $5,500,000. luctant to accept the Jc decline; quotations nominal- Sagua 1st inst, brig Joseta, True, for North suits now worn G7 died this bands must be pursued. Gen. Trevino then at cash to for of Hatteras. General Agent, 311-2 St. by Parisian ladies. They are years, morning of Bright’s disease Deaths from small pox in twenty towns in ly 4Jc 4| thirty days for standard and Exchange NOTICE TO PENSIONERS. trimmed with a asked that only regulars under discreet orders extra 64 x 64 spot and lutures. border formed of three nar- of the Mr. Jackson was of England numbered 29 last week. JulylO__snd3t kidneys. Secretary be allowed to cross the frontier. only MEMORANDA. row pleatings of faille to give substance to the State in The American chamber of commerce at Liv- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR lower 1851,1855 and 1857, and Deputy Secre- Government officials believe that while Mexi- part. The fashion of wearing the skirt erpool last night gave a at Sch M M Pote, from Philadelphia for Salem, with of State for several was co will invasion no hostile action banquet Adelphi PENSION I very short in front and on the with a tary years. He one of protest against House to the to Domestic markets coal, was run into by steamer oil Chat- OFFICE, sides, delegates tbe international Lancaster, D. June 1877. narrow train our most will be token. ham, in a thick fog, on and sunk in Are Washington, 0., 11, ] has and a man convention. One Tuesday night, Insured? behind, appeared here. respected citizens, of un- hundred men were New It is that Diaz has made such present. York, July 11—Evening.—Flour—less do- three minutes after. The crew went on you reported board the Moss green trimmed with is a rep- and is hereby given that after June 30, 1877, piok French blemished ing scarcely so firm, closing quiet and un- steamer and were landed at combination for fete integrity. resentations through his envoy, Senor Mata, as price Vineyard-Haven. NOTICEall pensioner* of the United States, whether dresses. Pale bine trimmed changed; receipts 6461; Superfine Western and State Sch Annie of St with hard Installation. will secure his early recognition the United 5 90 Jones, George, pine, or in the States of Maine, with ruby is also in favor. Another French by MINOR TEI.EORAMM. @6 40; common to good extra Western and which was The Best Bisks are to suf- Army Navy, residing States as of dismasted and abandoned in a hurricane likely New and Vermont, will be their caprice is that of Biddefohd, 11.—ltev. Walter S. Vail president Mexico. State at 6 40 @6 to choice Western last Hampshire, paid making seaside suits of man- July In his 75; good and December, was passed June 12th, in lat32 29. fer at the at New darin address to the constitutional State at 6 80 (aj 6 to choice from Fire. Every pensions Agency Concord, Hampshire. yellow wool, trimmed with cardinal red. will be installed tomorrow pastor of tbe Uni* 95;common White Wheat Ion 32 02. property convention President Jenkins Western extra at 7 00 Qnh #__ IT_l__ n.1.1_ Very respectfully, Creole caps of yesterday, @7 20; Fancy White Wheat owner should have two-tuirds in- A. gray-striped foulard silks are versalist church of South Berwick. said: “It is Western extra at 7 03 9 J, BENTLEY, Commissioner, worn to Bev. B. N. The Grover unnecessary to caution you @ 25; common to good extra before reported ashore off Bodkin has been breakfast by young married ladies. Investigation. Ohio at 6 50 8 Point, surance. Insurance Davis of this makes the against doing anything that would infringe up- @ 75; common to choice extra St Louis hauled off and taken up to Baltimore. strengthens They are trimmed with and sometimes city opening prayer Portland, 11.—H, Straight at 6 80 @ 10 Patent Minnesota E. L. WHIT FORD. lace, Oregon, July on the of the race.” This was re- 75; good extra to prime Sch Addie Blaisdell, which lias beeu reported sunk financial and business with a small of and reads selections. Bev. Dr. of Tuft’s testified before the committee of the rights negro at 8 85 (eg 10 choice to credit, and V. f*. Prunion Agent, bouqute flowers. Sawyer yesterday ceived with 50; double extra 10 55 @ 11 25; below on Frying Pan Shoals, registered o73 and Fine U. S. great applause. sales Southern tons, je28w3w Concord, N. II. French cashmere two the Senate, that while he could not be posi- 10,600 bbls; Hour less active and with- was built iu 1808 at where she was relieves anxiety of mind. shawls, yards College, delivers sermon. out decided Bath, owned. square, and fringed, are shown in imitation of tive that none of those who, like himself, Charles Lewis of Bridgeport, aged 18, was change; common to fair extra 8 75 @ York County Conference. 9 to choice at 9 the .rare Cheddar shawls. Congregational from Smith to received struck and killed by tbe cars while standing 75; good 80 @ 10 75. Bye unchanged DOMESTIC PORTS. For Sale, They come in pale changed Grover, any at 4 75 5 25 bbl for uavv) WU1J XI.—XXL uio SCSSIOD 1>I IU6 jlOIK on the track at last @ per superfine. Wheat Is 1 ffi R. rose, ciei blue aud French money for so he nevertheless, from the Stratford, Conn., evening. SAN FRANCISCO—Cld BARNES, Brick on one of the gray shades. They doing, 2c lower and heavy; No 2 Milwaukee, not at 2d, ship Sumatra, Clough, JR., MODERN House, located soft and circumstances of the did not Deacon A. C. prime, best streets in iui- arevery caressante, and will be much County Congregational Conference at Central case, believe any Parker of Westfield, who has 1 60; poor Bed Southern at t GO t new Hong Kong. A the city with all modern used @ 70; Amber SAVANNAH—Cld for extra wraps, and on the of them received a cent. been missing for over a has been found Southern at 1 80 @ 1 new White at 2 9th, brig Mary E Pennell, Ea- room, water closets, gas and se- carriage piazza Park, Orchard Beach, Rev. Mr. Kimball of week, 90; 00; ungraded ton, Boston. at summer resorts. Price So. Mr. Braw, state printer and chairman of the at Greenfield. Spring at 1 40 @ l 45; receipts 2390 bush; sales 19,000 FIRE Erovements—bathago, containing 13 rooms, all In perfect order, Jot read an on SC—Ar sch has the sun all Lace vests are a Wells, essay fellowship and an ab. Democratic committee of Linn testified bush; also 127,000 bush No 2 Winter Bed seller Au- GEORGETOWN, 7th, Ralph Howes, INSURANCE, 60x100, day—will be sold at a bargain drossy novelty for brighten- county, Two ladies of Bellows while out on the young Falls, gust 1 43 @ 1 45; at morning call sales of Baltimore, (struck breakers.) $500 cash and payments of with interest ing up dark silks and gauzes. Point stract of Dr. Chamber’s new book on the that he knew of no use of money to secure Gro- 40,000 bush Cld 7th, sch Hatlie 28 $500.yearly, duchessc, riding last evening, were run away with and No 2 Winter Bed for August at 143 Turner, for BostOD. Exchange St. Portland, Me. at the low rate of 6 per cent. One of the best chances Honilon, and lace are ver’s eleotion to the U. S. Senate. @144}; 16,000 ,) Bruges most nsed for Psalms. Rev. Messrs. Kyle, Chase and others one was seriously injured by jumping.from the bush No 2 Spring lor September at afternoon WILMINGTON, NC—Cld 8th, sch Angola, Woos- obtain a house ever oflered in this city. these. T. L. Porter, a member of the 133}: ter, Miragoane. also had Legislature, carriage. call No 2 Winter Bed seller August at 1 41 bid, 1 43} First Class GEORGE It. DAVIS, parts. testified that he was RICHMOND—Ar 10th. ecb J 0 Companies, Beasona- intimate with Grover, who asked. Bye is firmer at 74 @ 78c for 92 ® Crafts, Rockland. my21eodtf Mortgage and Real Estate Broker. The Season at Old Orchard. The of Miss who has been Western; ALEXANDRIA—Ar declared that he would not accept an office ob- body Benton, 93e for State. Barley quiet. Barley Malt 9th, sch Abbott Devereux. ble Bates, at lrom her home at Point unchang^ Boston. Square Dealing, A number of are tained by means. missing Oliver, Allen ed. Corn } @ }c lower with good warm large guests daily arriving corrupt business; BALTIMORE—Ar sch W S BABNES' John county, ivy., was touna Dear the residence of Western Mixed at 55 @57e; ungraded Western Mix- 9lli, Jordan, Crowell,* Agency. D. H. at the beaches. The Yates’ Gray testified that Mr. Wilson, a mem- Boston. Jy3 Usn2w BARNES, ACCOniM BY House, Pool and her Geo. with two bul- ed 57 @ 61c; steamer Mixed at New York TELEGRAPH. ber of the said he had been offered brother-in-law, Starks, 5*.} m 59c; Cld schs Florence Legislature, No2at 9tb, Dean, Portland: Old Orchard Beach are a let holes in her head and her an 59}@01c; High Mixeu at 61c; New York No Wesgate, already doing good money but refused it. body in ad- Sandy Bath via opened, examined, balanced, and closed; mu.w u.n Point, Grant, Rappahannock. »VVUV| .wv/ipio uuon,OdlCB lUJ.OUO UUcU y Trial business. a number have State Senator vanced state of decomposition. Starks was PHILADELPHIA—Ar schs BOOKS Balances and Cash Accounts investigat- Quite arrived and Palmer testified that the evi- also 32,000 busU last three days in and first three 9th, Lucy, Coalwell, arrested and then a mob. July Windsor, NS; Ella ed; Com pi icated accounts adjusted. Special atten- taken cottages and tents for Dr. dence given by Stiles, so far as the witness was hang by days In August at 00c; 16,000 hush of steamer Mixed Hodgdoc, Davis, Portland; Jose- FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. tions MAINE. Cullis’ camp- phine, Ficxett, St John. NB. bankruptcy matters,the settlement of estates, concerned, was false, and branded Quite a of stolen goods were recov- seller July at 57} gj 68c, closing at 571c 58c or meeting at Old Orchard Beach. absolutely quantity bid, Cld 9th, schs Mary Fletcher, examination agencies, and other matters requiring Stiles as a scoundrel. ered from the rooms over the paint of C. asked; 64,000 hush No 2 seller July at 50} 60c,clos- Phillips, Wexford; the services of a perjured He admitted shop gj M E Henderson, Boston. 1. iTI. I'BUSi thorough accountant. Orders left Firemen’* Challenge that ing at 59Jc bid, 59}c asked; 80,000 hush ot steamer Henderson, at 28 Accepted. he had been tendered the position of su- W. Steinbour at Bellows Falls, yesterday, At Newcastle 9th, sch Annie K Lewis. Exchange St., Portland, Me., or forwarded by Mixed seller for August at 57} gj at Will sell his attended Great Falls, N. H„ fire perintendent of the and returned to the owner. Steinbow has left 58}c. closing 57}c NEW YORK—Ar Adelia mail, promptly to. July 11.—Triumph penitentiary by Chadwick, bid, 58c asked; 24,000 bush No 2 for at 9th, brig McLoon, Jones, after the election, but did not it for unknown. August 59}e, Cienf 29 schs Carrie | aug26dtfW&Ssep30tf Company of Berwick, Me., will accept the chal- accept because parts closing at 59}c bid, 59}c asked; 40,000 steamer Mixed uegos days: Person, strong, from Gloves Bowdoin Commencement. it would not Georgetown SC; Oliver Rich- Hosiery pay. Two named Williams aud Clark seller for September at 50 gj 59}e, at 59c bid, Jameson, Campbell, lenge made by Excelsior company of burglars closing mond, Vaj Addie ESnow, Lord, Annie and his entire stock of Wanted, Agents Auburn, were wbiie 59}c asked; 40,000 bash No 2 for September at Baltimore; captured Saturday night making 60c, W Webb, Branscomb, to sell the » The strike among the and Shenan- g) August; Crowley, BROKERS, Mahoney bid cash; sales at 126 1 27 seller 1 15 1 16 Portsmouth; Wm Penn,Hart, do for Ruth Greek and A. doah Valley miners is ended gj July; gj Augusta; language literature, occasioned by July 12, (1 M.J) virtually though seller August. Corn inactive; No 2 Mixed 47 Thomas, do for Bangor; Red Jacket, So Amboy for the demands of the men gj 47}c the resignation of Prof. J. B. A Team Run Bonn by a Fire For New England. are not officially cash; 47} (a) 47|c seller July; 45} gj lor Rockland; E L Higgins. New York for Boothbay; 32 Street. Sewall. Trainband answered. 46}e August; Exchange 46}c lor September. Oats quiet; No 2 at Mail, Merrill, and J C Rogers, Gardiner for niySG sn eodt The of LL was Person* Killed. stationary or higher pressure, stationary tem- 31}c. Kye NYork; degree D„ conferred on Hon. at 58 59c. Pork firmer at 13 bid for Au- Tennessee, Vinalbaven for Mark Bos- perature, variable winds, mostly from the south The track of the Indianapolis, Bloomington quiet g| 47} do; Pendleton, Alpheus Eelch, class of Greenfield, July 11,—An extra eDgino and gust. Lard firm; only sales made were on private ton; Tim Field, St Jokh, NB, for Philadelphia; Eva '29, ex-Governor, ex- and clear or weather. and Western railroad was found torn up Tues- caboose rnnniug towards Greenfield on the partly cloudy terms. Bulk Meats—shoulders at 5; Quincy clear Adell, Boston tor Bucksville; July Fourth, Bangor U. S. Senator and ex-Judge of The day morning. Three men confessed that Michigan. Fitchburg Railroad at Wendall station, ran in- they rib sides at 7} to arrive. Bacon—shoulders 52; clear for Baltimore; Campbell, do for Bridgeport; Mary B of intended to wreck the train and rob the rib sides clear Thomaston for degree IX D. was conferred on Bev. E. B. to a team which was crossing the track at that pas- GJ; sidos 8} @8}. Smith, Providence; Pavilion, Calais INVESTMENTS. MINOR TELEGRAMS. sengers. Dbls for AU do tor Fall River. class of of point, killing Ira Davis, Mis, Jonah his Keceipts—800 Hour, 27,000 bash wheat,; 29,- do; Sawyer, Webb, '10, Boston; A. B. out of Davis, 000 hush buBh Sid. schs C W Mor e, J S mother, Mrs. Ira Mrs. The steam barge S. Elsworth, which left Capt. John T. Lawless of R. com, 2,000 oats, 0,000 bush barley, Kenduskeag, Moulton, course and A. M. on Albert S. ltice of Wakefield, Eugene Bristol, I., 00 bush hogs, 00 head cattle. A H Hodgman, Red Jacket, WE OFFER FOR SALE the class and Miss Nellie Oswego was burned at Island died at Galveston where he was Brown, Lacey. Mrs. Brown Monday, Stony lately inspector BOSTON—Ar 10th, schs Elwood Burton, Jarvis, of '50. No lives were lost. of lived half an hour. The others were all killed Tuesday night. customs, aged 02. He was formerly a well Toledo, July 11.—Wheat is weak; No2 White Alexandria; Mary Ooltins Collins, Georgetown DC; Job Dr. known sea Wabash at 2 No 1 White at 2 Am- Portland Municipal 6s Hmilh’a Oration. instantly and were badly cut up. The crossing The Georgia constitutional convention met captain. 02; Michigau 04; Almeda. Smith, Port Johnson; Abbie H Hodgman. Printing ber on at 2 new at 1 is near the aud is a Michigan spot 05; 80; seller for l-eignton, ana js k nmerson, sears, Hoboken. At 3 o’clock this afternoon the depot very blind one. yesterday and organized. Chas. J. Jenkins Edward O. died at Evansville, Ind., 6s 0 Bev. John Brust, aged 70, suddenly August at 130; No 2 Red Winter on spot, new, at Cld schs Jas R Neither the enginner nor the in the was chosen his summer lCtb, Talbot, Crocker, Bridgewater, Cotton D. persons president. residence in Detroit Tuesday. He 1 75; old for July at 1 39; seller at do Ja*» W Freehold .7s Smith, IX, addressed the Alumni As- team saw August 128; NS; Brown, Kane. Belfast. Mortgage, each other until one or the other was inherited his a tract of laud September at 1 Wabash at No 2 sociation on the The two mining exchanges of New Yrork vot- farm, extending 26; rejected loo; Ar 11th, brig Matilda, Coombs, Alexandria; schs divine preparation for the on the The locomotive was not run- the main Amber Illinois uew at 1 80. is And nH,nn tl-ot .1... aA/itinltlnn o..Ua1.1a crossing. ed yesterday to consolidate and the open stock along street of Detroit, and lef Oorn quiet; High William, Dantorth, Sullivan; Snare, Amerioan on Chattanooga, Bepublic and the problems of its fu- ning at very great speed as it stopped before hoard voted to dissolve. propeity to the amount of several million dol Mixed spot at 53}c; No 2 on spot at 51c iseller Au- Bangor. merits of July dividends, or to be exchanged for ture. The review passing through the short that is near lars. gust 5!}c; September 53c; No 2 White at 53c rejected Cld 11th, brig Elizabeth Winslow, Locke, “called bonds.” »' begins far with the bridge Dr. Stillman E. Ames died in 50c: Portland; back, the crossing. The party were returning home Elizabeth, |N. damaged at 45}c. Oats dull; No 2 at 35c; Mich- sch J W Allen, Chase, Kennebec. emerging in civilization of those J., Tuesday, aged 70. igan 37c. SALEM—Ai achs Annie influences from berryiDg. The carriage was 9th, Gus, Sawyer, Phila- completely Keceipts—2300 bbls flour, 0,00 bush wheat, 37,000 Sarah Port wlrch have moulded oar modern life. A demolished. News is received of the death iu London in FINANCIAL AND delphia; Wooster, Babbage, Johnson; & com. COJU91ERCIAL bush Corn, 00,000 bush Oats, 00 Harley. RC Thomas, Thorndike, Rondout; Hume, Calder- Woodbury Moulton, bination of influences his 51th year, of Henry Merritt, the English ait bbls DuBfl arising from the conver- Shipments-4S00 flour, 0,000 Wheat 17,- wood Rockland. F critic. 900 bosh Oorn, 0000 bush Oats. OFF IO sion of the old Eoman empire to NEW YORK, Cld’9th, sch Anuie Frye, Smith, Windsor, NS. Christianity Mrs. Eliza Killian NEWBCJRYPORT—Ar schs C H 67 St. came to exist. The Bomans had been committed suicide by Detroit, 11.—Flour is firm and 9th, Eaton, Ayl- Exchange conquer- Foreign Import*. July unchanged. ward, Baltimore; je29sndtf ed by the northern hanging at 58 Houston street, New York, yes- Wheat is steady for extra White sales at Chromo, Wooster, Rondout; Veto, barbarians, who accepted PICTOU, NS. SchrHC Wiusl)ip-764 tons coal Michigan; Thorndike, New York. m the ltoman laws terday. 2 03: No 1 Whito Michigan at 6 9 lower, offered at and religion. They were like Train Bobber*. to (J T Kailroad. @ PORTSMOUTH—Ar 10th, schs J S Moulton,Crow- the 1 87 with no buyers; milling extra White Michigau Bomans and Greeks, from the Three convicts escaped from the NS Lettie So 41 family of 11.—A of yesterday PICTOU, Br Steamship Acadian—12C8 tons at 195; the first new White was received ley, Hoboken; Wells, Ashford, Amboy, mankind which had its cradle Svhaodse, July gang railway Snake Hill in coal to L to-day. hours. in Central Asia prison Jersey. J Farmer. Cora Mixed at No 2 Mixed at and went forth to thieves were arrested at Warner’s station on unchanged; High 53}c; Sid conquer the world. The FRENCH 52c. Oats and in No J 10th, sch Olive Avery, Tupper, Rock laud. These the Central Railroad in the act of a banking firm of J. B. Colgate & Co. of CROSS, NS. Sckr Ida May—72 cords of steady good demand; White FOR SALE. races, with all their uatnral throwing TTT — 11 —a — a X' ir __xi 1 .1 wood 40 doz to A D at bid; No 1 Mixed 38c. powers, became valuable case of silks from the eggs Whidden. 45}c with the addition of freight car. The bbls 387 bush FOREIGN PORTS. Christianity, the stock Ban(T rntiuingpil Ilf Waif nv.nnni. of a check for and in bank notes. Keceipts—635 Dour, wheat,' 2378 from which $3000, §2200 1875 bush oats. Ar at Melbourne to June M Portland (>s sprang the elements of the Anglo The of the bush com, prev 28, ship Alice Municipal neer on the ffi». and Coville payment check was stopped. bbls New York. Saxon race of this continent, ah _ railroad, Spring Daily Domestic Receipt*. Shipments—110 flour, 3,510 bush wheat, 4657 Minott, Whittemore, Cuyahoga County. Ohio 7s brakeman. 4000 bales com hush Ar at Yokohama 8th are carried on and Dickerson, It is believed the rest Fully of cotton for export to Rus- water bush bush 6,000 oats. inst, (not 2d) ship Charter silently the race was built un By conveyance—1000 corn meal to G Equitable Trust Company 7s of the gang will be caught. have been sold in New York within a few W True & Co. Oak, Staples, New York. until like the coral reefs from the 11.—Flour is dull and Central Railroad (is and 7s depths 0f the and to the Baltic Milwaukee, July weak. Ar at Hong Kong 7th inst, ship Gold Hunter, Free- Maine Posters, it from the seas A Curious Kind of Civil Service Reform* days go ports. Wheat 2 and also ocean, emerged which had en. dull; opened lower closed quiet; No 2 man, Cardiff. it and In Boston Stock Market.! Milwaukee at seller for • gulfed spread out its wealth of nature, New York, July 11.—There is much sur- Hartland Tuesday, Stephen Mosher’s ham 146; July at 1 45}; seller Ar at Calcutta 9th in3t, barque Wm W Thomas, Biddeford Municipal 5s was struck August at 123}; No 3 Milwaukeo 1 30 1 31. Corn its free institntions and boundless prospects of prise here at the reported removal of Special by lightning and burned. Loss LSales at the Broker*’ Board, July g) Boyd, New York, (Mch 1.) Saco Municipal 5s the future. insured 11.] Irm; No 2 at 48}c. Oats weak and lower; No 2 at Ar at Marseilles 7th Tubal The fascinating histories of Mr Treasury Agent Brackett,one of the best known §500; §200. 8 Boston and Maine inst, brig Cain, Stone, Railroad. sot »}c. Kye is steady; No 1 at 66c. nominal- New York. Motley makes familiar to us the officials in New York Eastern Barley No city in New England stands better indomitable the district. It is stated A young man was drowned fat N Kailroau.. (S jl y No 2 No 3 at financially Tobiqufn unchanged; Spring .at 70c; Spring Ar at Bremen 7th inst, ship John O Baker, Pen- than Saco. Its total debt is which is but a in a — $45,000, perseverance the foce of difficulty and petition from leading merchants is B., last week, and Saturday his John Portland, Saco & Portsmouth K. ®68 peril being father, Eastern nell, New York. little more thau one per cent, of its assessed which the Dutch race possess. These numerously President fell from the wharf and died KailroadJ(new bonds).— ite MJ Keceipts—4200 bbls flour, bush wheat, peculiar- sigued, requesting Hayes Merrick, Sunday Boston & 29,000 Ar at Bordeaux 10th, sch Almon Bird, Drinkwater, valuation. ities of Dutch life have and Secretary Sherman to retain Maine Kailroad 7s.— t| 1 ShinrnenlJl—000 1,1,1s dmir 91 non h.,.1, .ulinat Hand great influence in the Brackett in morning. Both intoxicated. MaineState New Orleans. The highest market price paid for Government Bills, New Dngland element of our his present Ar at Havre T Hamil- colonization The positiou, not only as in the line of Jules convicted of the murder of 6s,.77,1111 Cleveland, July II.—The Petroleum market is 10th, barque Chas Russell, Bonds of all kinds in exchange ior the above entrance of these peculiarities civil service reform, Gindey, Second Call. ton, Lisbon. securities. comes throagh but that the interests both John Bells Aug. 25th, 1875, is to be hung July strong aud J higher at 11J for standard White. the New York colony of Dutch. But other of honest merchants and of the 51,000 Eastern K. new 3J bonds. Sid tm Cardiff) 7th inst, barque Chalmette, Chad- government, 25th at St. Charles Parish. 51j New Rio Janeiro. colonies also played their part. All these and may thus be subserved. Since October Brack- York, July 11.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- bourne, ands at Ar at Queenstown 9th inst, barque Voyager, Hum- Swan cto Barrett, many other important matters to ett has recovered lor the It is reported that a band of Sioux Indians 12}c. help make up government §150,000 nvstou jiuuu siaieiucni. New 10th, 311PPLE the Divine from smugglers at the recently took a of pow- phrey, York; ship Thrasher Bcsworth, Jy2 SOO STREET, spneod3m preparation. expense only of §7000 forcibly large quantity New Orleans, July Jl.—Cotton quiet; Middling Sau Francisco. In Oeo. D. der and balls from West brothers of Boston, July 11.—The following are tho passing from this Divine to weeks, who is reported as the Winnepeg footings iplands at 11 }c. Ar at Arecibo 4th sch Clara Braus- preparation succes- tins week ol the Boston National as inst, Sawyer, Kill Heads, the problem s now sor of is an old near the Sioux river and left immediately for banks, returnedurnea great presented to the Amer- Brackett, Brooklyn politician to the Clearing House: Augusta, ll.—Cotton and Mid- comb, Philadelphia. ican for so'ut noted for the Black Hills. July quiet firm; Sid fm June L M Her- I. D. Richards & Sons people OD,we are confronted first “running” navy yards when men lling upauds at lli @ ll}c. Cienfuegos 28, brig Merritt, of all the were before SS!“.* .51,350,000 riman. New Fork. by perils with which political corrup- employed elections. He has Alexander Doyle of London, while un- . of long Ont., 131,850,000 11.—Cotton Sid fm Havana 1st inst, sch L & M Importers tion and party strife threaten the welfare of the been head centre of the remnant of the Know- der of beat his Savannah, July quiet; Middling up- Knowles.Wass, thejtinduence liquor yestereay Legal ands at 11 $e. New York; 3d, brigs Cbas A Sparks, Ford, NYork; SPIRITS AND nation. Note the different nothings of Long Island. wife a boarder named in a tenders....c'sig'iOO WINES*, EVGIIHII aspects government and Quinn shocking Due from other A G Jewett. Reed, do; Caroline Gray, Pease, do. PORTER AND and assumes under its banks. 20,397*9nn ALE, dealers in different forms. Under an A Will Mel Aside. manner. Quinn is dying. Due to other Mobile, July 11,—Cotton quiet; Middling uplands Sid fm Matanzas 3d inst, brig Alex Nichols, Peters, absolute monarchy the banks. 22 wSIo it 1 lie* corruption pervades the -Sew Y'okr, July 11.—The will of the late A meting of the depositors of tho Traders’ Pensacola. whole civil service. There is no Ar at Sagua 21 inst, brig Lewis Clark, Smith, from Bourbon & party strife, Nell Dougherty of Brooklyn has been declared Savings Bank of New York that failed in No- Norfolk, July 11.—Cotton is quiet; Middling up- Rye Whiskeys. Cards, Tags, Ac., because there are no political All is 1 auds at 11 Mobile. parties. invalid by the Supreme Court and the Dougher- vember, 187U. was held last night to take meas- The changes since last week have been as |c. Goods securely packed and sent to any address by centered in oue man. In follows: constitutional mon- American in ures to a mail. ty the county of Donegal, 1 re land, procure dividend. Loans, 11.—Cotton SPOKEN* archy and republics, political is sub- for the increase....$ 757 goo Charleston, July quiet; Middling corruption founding of which under the A storm Specie, increase. 1 at 1U 11 jected to greater restraint in auspices heavy passed over Tobique Monday, 435*300 iplands §o. off sch Allied 1. D. KICIIAUDS & consequence of the of the Catholic bishop of most of the Legal tenders, decrease. July 7, Sombrero, Keen, Keating* SONS. Itaphoe, demolishing barns, &c. 811*500 rom Havana for Lewes. People in affairs. was destroying orops, Due irorn other i?rt?r,veIltlou tho. public property given, will not be started. The Lli/.a banks, increase.(2,102*900 While there is a universal at all Mrs. O. Cornell, with her child, Mrs. Duo to other decrease. Havana Market. 87 86 St., tendency times heirs at law will gel the money. banks, Ig'200 and State towards corruption in there Mary M. O’Connor and her two were Deposits, increase.j society, are times children, 218*700 Havana. 11.—The market when these evils are drowned yesterday at Baton Circulation, increase. July Sugar is quiet jylO POSTON, MASS. ^IC0ll:lm greatly aggravated. Spe- Rouge. *507*,800 nd drooping. Printed at Short Notice. cial causes for the time The Levee Cold give intensity todisturb- Rnar Rail. Louisiana Committee sued the Spanish 220} @ 227. Exchange firm; on U. S. KD- 1!- Street ing influences. Public virtue state fir to The Wool market PTJHfW ROBINSON.5Myrtle*“' rapidly declines At Northampton—Unas 1), Iiiversidcs S—12 §1,708,000 alleged be duo lor work ixty days currency J ® } prem. rlANUu lias the celebrated Wr** » and the evils ou the INSURANCE. low greatest may follow. There is a levees. the and other prais. innings. Boston, July 11.—l Reported far Press. 1—The ^ makers, at extremely conviction is a list prevailing that political corruption At Louisville—Liuisvilles It is understood that Hon. Mr. toilowiug ol prices quoted this afternoon: 14, Bostons 1). Canchon will Domestio—Ohio and most demoralizing in its effects has ex- Pennsylvania Dick-lock 55 a my Back!” How often wo hear these CALL ON recently At Cincinnati—Cinciunatis Hartfords li. accompany Lord Dufterin to Manitoba about do choice XX •‘On, ORGANS. 2,7 „ isted and men 2, 57c; 50 @ do tine X 47 aug28 still exists. Many are downcast the 24th inst. 52jo; @ 48c me- r'onls. Pain in the Back arises from Dis- _yQly and diurn 4b @ 48c; coarse 43 (a! Kidney even fear a dissolution of the republic, and 45c; Michigan extra and The committee of on XX 43 @ 45o; line 42 ® medium 42 * ase. HUNT’S REMEDY cures all Diseases of the Desirable everywherdMie judges the recent 4th of 43c; (g 43c; com- Sew and Very prevailing disquietude serious- Beitha Von llillern mon 38@40c; other Western line and WTI. Something ly embarasses completed the task of July regatta at Boston, recommend that Han- X 42® Jvv 1 kidneys, Bladder, and Urinary Organs. Family ALLEN, Jr., the interests and relations of in- 41 miles in medium 42 @ 43c, common 38 @ dividuals walking Huntiugton Kail, Lowell, lon, the Toronto oarsmen, be debarred from fu- 40c; pulled extra J1 use HUNT’S REMEDY. iji Dross Facing, and society. Now it is because I re- 35 @ 45c; Bupertiue 35 @ 46; No ‘hysicians last 10.45. She began walking at 1 ture the ef tho 1,20 @ 30c; comb- gard the state as a racesjunder auspices city gov- ing fleece 52 @ 55c; Fine delaine 50 Clarke’s Tooth Ache Drops cure .... BlITLElt’S- oacred thing, an institution m. @ 52c; California instantly. 81 1-2 Exchange St. 1 A. B. p. ernment. 20 @38c; Texas 20@ 37c; No. iL'df Canada40@45c ;do comb- jj7 T.Th&Swlw j«26 sndtf jyj HOKTAK AND I’ESTLE. On Pharmaceutical Legislation: The Stock op Sugar.—The following ar NEW ADVERTISEMENTS '• BUSINESS CAItDS. THE PRESS N. R. Harlow, Bangor. tide clipped from the New York Journal o: MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALES! .T. G. Cook, Lewiston. Commerce may explain the conflicting report: The Exclusion. E. Portland. A JOB Druggists’ Dana, made in to tho stock of and wil LOT ft'. O. BAILEY ft THURSDAY MORSINU, JULY 12. C. A. White, Gardiner. regard sngar, Anion W. Coomb* CO., Dr. J. A. no doubt be valuable to tbe trade; Q. Hawes, Hallowell. — OF — — AND — Auctioneers aud Commission Merchant , I do remember an apothecary, A. R. Bixby. Sxowhegan. There was a good deal of interest manifested And Special TIIK PBEKS hereabouts lie whom laic I C. K. the refiners and in tin Bargains noted, Augusta. dealers dwells, Partridge, among sugar EDWARD B. CRAM, Nalearoomi 35 and 37 Eirhaugr • o! Fes lu tattered weed, with overwhelming brows F. Portland. May be obtained at the Periodical Depots W, Phillips, serious difference in the statements of tin Still Creater Andrew* Culling of were bis ,T. Keduction in Prices. senden Bros Marquis, Brunei & Co., simples; meagre looks, B Totten, Portland. stock of sugar in this port, noted in our com ». O. BAILEY. O. W. ALLRIV. and Ohisholr Sharp had worn him to the bone. Out Sale Ot Weutworth, Moses, A. B. Kendrick, misery Thomas G. Portlaud. mercial columns on Tbe J Attorneys and Counselors at Closing Spring About his shelves Loring, Saturday. monthly Prints Law, run Merrimac out of the Bros., OH all trains that city. statement of Cooils. sale of Furniture and General Merchan- of A account of empty boxes, On revision of constitution and the Importers’ aud Grocers Centennial 93 Regular At Biddeford, Pbillsbury. beggarly by-laws: Block, Exchange Street, dise a. Green earthen and seeds, Hoard of Trade the total stock ol every Saturday, commencing at 10 o’clock m. At Saco, of L. Hodgdon and H. B. Kendrick. pots, bladders, empty Dr. H. T. Portland. represented AM, O.M.V Boom Ladies’ Hid Button Bools, si.75 solicited. Bemnants of and old cakes of roses Cummings, and melado in 1 at PERFECT, juljO No. 1) Fir*t Floor, dhv Consignments oc3dtf At Waterville, of J. S. Carter. pack-thread, E. L. Stanwood, Portlaud. sugar port July 252,227,891 “ “ “ At Batli, of J. O. Shaw. Were thinly scattered to make up a show. lbs., or about 112,800 tons, while the monthly Walking J. G- Cook, Lewiston. .... At Lewiston, of French Bros., and Stevens & Co statistical made from the brokers Shoes, 1.20 Real Estate on At a N. S. report, up “ Desirable State Street meeting of the apothecaries and drug Harlow, Bangor. o7 D. ROBINSON Fine Kid Foxed But- A. C. stock lists, which lias hitherto been considered gists of this held some few weeks since Dana, Augusta. ■ BY AUCTION. city, reliable authority, gave the stock at 77,295 tons, ton Boots, 1.75 To make o 1 July 18, at 3 o’clock p. m., we the committees were appointed t ( arrangements for.a meeting nexi or tons less than the Board of Trade Is ill WEDNESDAY, CITY AND VICINITY. following 35,305 Croquet,Slippers ON shall sell the very desirable real estate No. 112 The two differed for some month: CATERER, ... make for the and excut year: reports have Kid lined. ,S5 State St. The house a with a arrangements meeting NUCCEIMOK TO is story brick, large ■ difference wa9 so as not tc C. H. MI'NDEKN, “ the root sion of the Maine held S. B. Graves, Portland. m past, but the slight Fine While Kid addition; is slated, contains 14 large and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO-DA1 druggists, yesterday; This thf Cents per Yard. rooms, with clothes E. Dana, Portland. elicit much notice. month, however, ... 1,75 pleasant ample closets, presses General Committee—H. H. chairman NO. 619 CONGRESS Slippers and bath rooms, cemented and Hay, A. G. Portland. difference is so great as to be ascribed by some Also STREET, “ cellar, furnace, gas, S. B. C. H. tress Schlotterbeck, the BIGGEST DRIVE in Skirl Serge Cong, hand large cistern. This lot contains about 5000 Graves, secretary; Bangs, G. C. dealers to a fraudulent to influence tht takes sq.ft., Frye, Portland. design shown up in this Price, SI.Ill i. pleasure to inform the that he has re- .... with ftnit urer; E. Dana, and W. W. is £ver city; public made, 1.00 improved trees, fcc. This is one ot the ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. ,Tr., Whipple. S. Anderson, Bath. market. It is said that the difference caused These same goods hare been al I turned to Portland and is to furnish fami- best locations in the at the Islands—E. Dana retailing prepared ITlisses’ Kid Button 1.50 city; near horse cars; in one of On entertainment > A. tbe list not tbe the season for lies and with all in his Boots, Grand Annual Excursion—I. A. R. A. C. White, Gardiner. by brokers’ including importa- $1.75. parties articles line ot busi- the best neighborhoods, and is without doubt one ot Jr., U. B. Greenleaf, J. W. Perkins, H. H also some ness. !* Serge Billion, 1G Grand Excursion—American Cornet Band. J. B. Totten, Portland. tions of the reliners, aud perhaps by the most desirable properties for sale in this city.— and C. H. **“bl*c and B & C Hay Bangs. Silas Alden, of the brokers concealing in part their trans Private Dinner*, Hoppers. thread. width, 1.25 Key can be had of the auctioneer. ( Bangor. Collations, MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES, On invitations—Samuel B. Graves, Georg actions. The statement of the Importers and etc., gotten up In the best of style. Child’s Kid Ankle Ties, ,25 to .35 C. C. H. C Mr. Totten of this city, addressed tho meet ! French and American Cooks furnished. " F. 0. k W. F. Studley—3. Frye, J. H. Crockett, Bangs land Grocers’ Board of Trade is made up from the line French Kid An- Bailey Co., Auctioneers. the W. F. Wedding Cake of a quality and finish equal to dtd C. H. Lamsou. Way. ingupon importance of the co to be STUDLEY, jylO obtaining Custom House returns, and is believed any in the and kle Ties. -go On S. F. T. Meaher couutry, sent per order safely to any NEW reception—A. Hinds, operation of every in the state. Oi correct. It is suggested, however, that if the UNDER FALMOUTH distance, Cent’s ADVERTISEMENTS. G. M. E. L. Bartlett and G. L. Holt. apothecary HOTEL Serge Cong. 1.50 Young, his motion the latter statement gave the number and size ol jyl2 | Sar-Public patronage respectfully solicited. “ Merrimae Prints—W. F. Oa resolutions—T. G. W. F. Phil executive committee wero in dTh,S,M French Ties, 1.50 SCHUMACHER BROS.’ Studley. Boring, the original packages, as well as the total net MyM Legal Notices—4. B. Stan B. Samue I structed to address a circular to _d3m Boy’s Button Boots 1.75 lips, E. wood, J. Totten, every apotheoa. weight, it would mnlte tho statement much To the Honorable Juaticc of the ttupiem New England Conservatory. Rolfe and S. B. Graves. in the C. P. BABCOCK. Paris Dressing for dressing To ry state, asking them to send their namer more valuable. Judicial Court, to be faoldeu at Portland the Honorable Justice. On evening entertainment—L. C. Gilson Boots, per bottle .15 SIXTH ANNUAL AUCTION SALE to be acted upon at the next annual within and for the county of Cumberland MOREL MAKER A A. G. Schlolterbeck, J. E, Sturgis, A. W meeting. The ! JOBBER, We have just received another Picture Sale.—The sale of oil paint- on Smith, W. W. Whipple and E. E. King, After passiDg votes of thanks to tho clerks, the second Tuesdnv of October, A, D MAHUFAOTDBEH OF lot ol those — OF — at 1?. O. & Co.’s auction rooms Wos, House Slips i On F. Turner who acted as ings Bailey 18»i PORTLAND POST OFFICE. music—Edward Mason, A. waiters, to the drug trade of Port- Watch nud Chronometer Marker**Tool., which we shall sell same as last lot C. 15. C. F. L. W. E. F yesterday was poorly attended and seventeen Mathematical, Optical and Philo- Baker, Corry, Sawyer, land and to Orville Robinson for his entertain- represents Rebecca C. Butle E. C. F. D. B. sophical In.trumentn, School Shaw, Page, S'weetser, Sawyer pictures were sold, the most of them at ex' RESPECTFULLYof Portland, in said County of Cumberland ment, and singing of “Auld Lang Syne,” the that Appnratua, Arc., ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS. Office Hour*. J. It, Lunt, N. G. Nichol3. low Norton’s “Cork Pilot” she was lawful ly married to Jeremiah Butle tremely prices. of in said In to invitations sett over the state assoeiation.adjourned. Portland, County; at said Portland, on th > 5(» Market Street, Printers Exchange, From 7.30 a m to response ninth at the Rooms of 8.30 p m, Sundays excepted. brought $25; Brown’s “Chamouny Valley,’’ day of January, A. D. 1837. That the sail for Carriers and General r about two hundred of the of thi Jul PORTLAND, MK. dl, We ask our customers to exam- Sundays open Deliver; knights Kimball’s “Simonton’s Schu- Jeremiah Butler in violation ot his marriag [ from 9 to 10 am. $1G; Cove,” $15; ine In the halls atd rcon bane: hall. covenant, refused and neglected to provide snitabl these goods, and they will be 1877. pestle gathered reception F. O. BAILEY A CO. Portland, Me., July 7, macher’s “Lake George,” $11; Kimball’s maintenance and support to your libellant, and thai HENRY T. CARTER, satisfied they can do better with at the Falmouth Hotel morning your was a true anu Arrival and Departure ol Mails. yesterday, “Willows on the Presumpscot,” Craw- libellant laithlul wife to th. their here than $10;. said Jeremiah Butler and Solicitor of Patent* and Mechanical En- money elsewhere. where after an hour spent in renewing ol< that she was eonpelled t. 35 and 37 Exchange Ml., Portland, He Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.2i ford's "Brook Trout,” $10. Several very support herselt, and did the said Jeremial gineer. The Bmea Beat the Beds a Score of 6 support and 11.15 m. Close at 8.15 a. and 1.C0 and 9.d acquaintance and forming new, the hosts ant by Butler, her own aud out Assistance given to inventors in their p. m, pretty landscapes sold at from $2 to $4. The by industry of her owi developing WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, July 11th p. m. guests foimed In front of the hotel led property until about the first of A inventions. Drawings and models properly pre- C. and, b; to I. sale will be continued at 11 U. day September, H. STAPLES & ON and 12th, at 11 a. m. and 3 Exhibition Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.10 p m. to-day aud 3.3G 1871, at which time the said Jeremiah Butle pared for the Patent Office. Correspondence solic- CO. p.m. the Portland marched to Portland Pier Monday and before the sale. The sale con- Intermediate or Mails via Boston and Maim Band, wilfully abandoned and deserted libellant with ited. Tuesday Way o'clock, and the entire collection will bo closed your Cash Jobbers and Retailers, sists ot F. Kimball’s entire with Railway. Arrive at 1.00 and 8.20 p in. Close at 8.1 J where the awaited them. out reasonable cause, aud has continued from tha ISO MIDDLE STREET. collection, together Houghton out. some 50 paintings by H. B. C. J. Schumach- a m and 1.00 p m. time to the present to live separate and fron nplJ d3m Brown, The that the music should bi 1 apart er, E. N. Morse, Jas. Monk, Jas. Crawford, G. F. Great Southern and Western. Arrive at 12.20 ant suggestion About 300 spectators assembled at the Park your libellant, about six years during which time tin 56 near The haul Union St., Middle. Higgins, W. E. Norton, Jas. Warren and others. 11.15 p m. Close at 8.15 a 1.C0 and 9.00 p m. “The Dead March in Saul” was Deaf Mute School —Tho city of .Jeremiah Butler has never or m, indignantl; grounds yesterday afternoon to see the Bates paid, contributor J. T: jn!5 dim Bangor, Mattawamkeag, and connecting routes has anything towards the support of your libellant. McCOBB, F. O. BAILEY & and from the faces of thosi 1 Portland done itself honor by renewing and to., AUCTIONEERS. Arrive at 1.35 p. m. Close at 11.50 a. m. rejected, jovial College nine and the Reds of this city play Whereupon inasmuch as it would be reasonable jy7 dtd Augusta and connecting routes. Arrive at 8.50 £ who stand “’twixt doctors and the increasing its appropriation for its school for and proper, condusive to domestic grave’ their first game together this season, and they harmony, and Attorney and Counsellor at Law, m. and 1.35 p. m. Close at 11.50 a iu and 4.45 p m. tbe deaf. A consistent with the peace and morality of socleti one could hardly credit the truth of Garth’i saw a thoroughly experienced teacher, Morning Northwestern by G. T. R. Arrive at 8.3J very good game up to tho end of the your libellant prays the Honorable Court to decree Steam, Gas & Water Miss a m. Close at 7.15 a m. satire on their Ellen L. Barton, will resumo on the last a divorce from the bonds ot Has removed to the office lately occupied by Real Estate on Pine Street profession eighth inning when the score stood 2 to 1 in matrimony. That tilt him, Lewiston and Auburn. Arrive at 2.00 and 8.51 Tuesday iu August the admirable work of Miss residence of the said libellee is to your libellani a. in. a. in. Tbe piercing caustics tbeir spiteful power; favor of the Bates. in m., and 1.35 p Close at 5.45 and 11.50 ply the ninth inning they unknown aud thatshe has been unable by reasonable BY AUCTION. j Emetics wrench aud kaen cathartics scour, in deaf children Over Portland Bank, and 4.45 p in. True, teaching to speak and to diligence to ascertain the residence of the saic Savings° Tbe deadly drugs in double doseB ply, je30 deod3w TUESDAY, July 17th, at 3 o’clock P. we Rochester, N. H., and intermediate offices. Arrive understand as libellee. M., And beat a martial spoken language, well as to read Brass and Iron Plumb- shall sell the desirable at 1.45 p. m. Close at 7.00 a m and 12.45 p m. pestles symphony.” closing C to 1 in their favor. The Bates made REBECCA C. Fittings, ON very property, No. 29 aud write. Other _ BUTLER. Pine Street. The house is a con- teachers will be added if DANIEL W, PROCTOR. for er’s Goods, Rubber, Hemp and story building, The is a correct list of all the visit runs in the second, third and ninth Attorney lioellant, FRED tains 9 rooms and bath with R. Arrive at 8.40 a m and 5.55 in. Close at 6.30 following innings, L. STEVENS, room, pantries, closets, p the number of pupils should require it, as there Asbestos Packing, Rubber cemented a m and 12.30 p in. apothecaries: and Leighton made the one ran of the Beds in &c.; good cellar, furnace, Sebago water, ing SEWING MACHINE EXPERT. Hose, Steam and Water marble Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, Mt is now a prospect of beiDg the case. The pu- gas, mantles, &c. A small stable on rear Dover—C. 15, the sixth inning after two men were out. He County of of lot which contains about 4500 feet. The Desert, Marinas, MacbiasDOrt, East Ma- Iiittredge. uuder Miss True made Cumbesland, ss. Gauges, Gauge Cocks, square Jonesport, Milo—W. H. Owen. pils remarkable pro- Repairs, adjusts, and gives instruction on all location of this is and we rinas, Millbridge and Bar Harbor, via each steam- hit an easy grounder to Oakes, but that player LRobecca C, Butler, tlte libellant property very desirable, It in above nautetl kinds of machines. Steam ask a examination of er. Anive at 6 a.m. Close at 9 p. m. Skowhegau—W. H. Fuller, H. W. Cusliiu g, A. gress the broken year which ended iu June. uo make cath that the sewing Radiators, Force, Deep complete it, feeling confident let it go past him, got his second on a hereby contents of the fore- The best of needles and oil for all machines. that via eacb steamer. Arrive at 6.00 a m, Bixoy. passed libel is truo. | very Well and Cistern Drive any one lookiug for a home will be pleased with Eastport, going REBECCA C. BUTLER, New Extension Leaf Pumps, at ra. Biildeford—H. C. JIutchiusoD, P. L. Felleiiu, H. ball—the oue Record had—third on $2.00. | this. Close 4.45 p only Death of Charles Sampson.—Mr. Charles Subscribed and sworn to before me this the Well Points. Mails Allan Line close Fri- eleventh P. O. BAILEY & COi) Auctioneer*. Foreign per every Thompson’s safe hit and home on Gore’s hit fovrmwL tkln -1 C_1 day of Julv, A. D. 1877. 113 Middle street. at 1 m. Lewiston—Henry Marble, John G. Cook, Setb D. NATHAN A DREYFUS’ July itdtd day p. DANIEL \V. PROCTOR, A lew blocks cast ol P. O.fe20eod6m via New to Wakefield, H. S. Garcelon, O. W. Kimball, M. B. over second baseman’s head. In tbe second Foreign Mails, York, day previous Bail- years keeper of the alms house, died at New Justice of the Peace, of steamers. Close at 1.00 in. Sullivan. ing p fur tho Bates Noble hit safe for a Fairfield—F. M. Cotton. inning base Gloucester after an illness Express, Augusta, Bangor and the East. Arrive yesterday morning STATE MATT Self Acting at 2.00 a m. Close at 9.00 m. S. Silas H. But- and took second on a balk Of'mAINE. ADAMS, Lubricators, p J Bangor—N. Harlow, Alden,Henry by Ricker, third on of some weeks from carbuncle on his neck. Skowhegan intermediate offices and the ler. Cumberland, ss. for Steam Chests and all constant north, Record’s base hit, him home The Cylinders, sizes, DAVIS & CO. Arrive at 1.35 m. Close at 11.50 a m. K. A. C. Dana, L. H. Tit- and.“Dolly”Lsent story that his death was caused by poison on hand. p Augusta—C. Partridge, Supreme Judicial Court, in VacatioD, 1 Constable for Portland, ly Skowhegan also closes at 9.00 p m. comb, W. K. Howard. by a safe hit. Three base hits in succession has this slim only foundation. While picking Portland, July 11th, A. D, 1877. ) A.TO Sell Oilers far Canada and intermediate offices, via G. T- R. Ar- Waterville—George W. Dorr. Shafting, Engines & Punips and nobody out and two men on bases. Potter off his vines one upon the rive at 12.50 p. m. Close at 1.00 p m. ! Bath—George I). H. Gay, W. G. Webber. potato bugs day he felt a bite foregoing Libel, ordered, that the Coroner for Cumberland A. struck out and Libellant give notice that the said Jeremiah Butlei County, KNOWLES’ STEAM Nova Scotia and Prince Edward’s Island. Close I Hailowell—J, Q. Hawes. B. Clayson popped up a fly for or sting ou his neck and when the sore first PUMPS, Will offer on ap- before tho Justice of our 31 14 EXCHANGE STREET. Saturday morning at 11.50 a. m. and 9 p. m. Dexter—A. A. Springall. Scott. x aPPeaf Supreme Bessie struck three times and Peach peared he attributed it to this Judicial Court, to bo holden at within Closed Pouch for New York and the South and Solon—Turner Buswell. bite. The pby- Portland, RETURN WATER and for the ot on Service of precepts of all kinds a Con- TRAPS, West closes at 5 00 P. M. (Letters for this mail must Conina—E. Folsom. muffed tbe ball on the third strike but got it to Bicians he died of County Cumberland, the second specialty. say carbuncle. Mr. Sampson of A. fidential advice and services rendered in the he in the Post Brunswick—F, H. Wilson. J Tuesday October, D. 1877, by publishing an given, for Dry Houses, Factories, the best and deposited Office.) the first in time. In the third P. B. was a attested of detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended &c., cheap- Dixtield—G. S. J. P. Johnston. inning Mason and member of Maine of copy said libel, and this order thereon, est-warranted to work. These will return all the Holman, Lidge three weeks to at all hours. THIRTY DOZEN Gardiner—C. A. White, L. D, Cooke, J. A. Jack- Clayson went out on a foul to Lombard Odd successively in the Maine State Pi ess, a water of condensation from coils back into the boiler Peach, Fellows. in HOUSE *J3 PARK STREET. son. newspaper printed Portland in our ol and without care bit to and went out at Oakes County against any pressure, any lrom I Ellsworth—S. D. Thompson first, Cumberland, the last publication to be thirty days jan8 the Stated Meetings Wiggin. Fire in at least dtf__ Engineer. Houlton—W. S. Perks. bit an easy to and to the Falmouth.—The store of S. N. prior to said second Tuesday of October that fly Leighton, surprise he there and Agency for NATHAN & DREYFUS’ Auburn—S. S. Perkins. & at may then in our said Court appear and 11. of that fine muffed it Colley Co., Colley’s Corner, Falmouth, show if T. CARR, m-BUTTON KID Richmond—E. D. Lamson. everybody player pretti- cause, any he have, why the prayer of said GLOVES, was burned eleven o’clock. libellant should not he CITS GOVERNMENT. Monaiomth—M. O. Edwards. ly. Oakes went to second on a passed ball, Tuesday night,about granted. INJECTORS. Athens—L. W was WM. WIRT VIRGIN. Fresco, Sign and House The regular meetings of the City Council take McIntyre. Noble hit safe and Record sent the ball Nothing saved from the building. The E. Perkins. again Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. “The Best.” This is the that will place the first Monday evening of each mouth. Farmington—S. store was worth §1200 and the stock only Injector in a superior assortment ol Shades Jr. flying high over the centre fielder’s head for §3000. A true of the Libel and lift water 20 feet from a well or cistern,and deliver it The School Committee meet the fourth Gorham—George Agry, copy Order of Court Jr>A.I]NrTIN Gr. at Monday Phillips—Albert On the there was an insurance of thereon. into the Boiler against any pressure of steam. Every only evening of each month. Worthly. two bases, but Wilson put a stop to run get- building All kinds of attended to, Oxford—G. H. JoDes. Attest: F. J. Clerk. Jobbing promptly Injector is warranted to do all we claim for it. out to §1000 in the Atlantic, and ou tbo goods §2000 LITTLEFIELD, They | Kennebunk—G. W. Wallingford. ting by flying Bicker. The next inning w3w27 will be put in for responsible parties upon trial. B. Woodman. in the all in 16 Market PorHand, Me, Send for Illustrated Circulars. MASONIC. Saccarappa—C. was marked by a splendid running catch St. German-American, the agency of Square, Cumberland Mills—D. P. Horr. by mh5 dly Work done in any part of the and satisfac- At Masonic Hall, No. 88 Exchange Street. Dow, Coffin & The fire is State, Livermore Falls—E. S. Goding, J. G. Ilam. John, of a hard hit by P. B. Clayson and a bad Libby. cause.of4the tion in prices and workmanship guaranteed. YORK .50 RITES. Bowdoinham—L. CENTS) D. unknown. Small. muff by Scott. The next four innings Dr. R T. Blue Lodge—Ancient Land-Mark, first Wednes- Gray—R. G. Hall. yielded Forest Wlldo> second third Fairfield—E. H. Evans. no runs for the collegians. In the ninth Potter A Tar, The Natural Magnetic Physician, day; Portland, Wednesday; Atlantic, Card.—The subscribers desire to take this For Throat, Lungs, Asthma, and Thomaston—A. D Wilson. Kidneys. W. H. Wednesday. got first on a muff by Scott, O. B. hit He shall lay hands on them and shall be healed PENNELL, Chapters—GreenleafR. Mt. Mechanic Falls—J. C. Walker. Clayson opportunity to thank their neighbors and friends they Pair, A.C.,first Monday; :<0'J per Vernon, R. A. third Yarmouth—G. E. Tholts. safe, Bessie had a life given him on an easy for their aid Tar Cumberland, Cor. of Elm St. C., Monday. generous and untiring efforts dur- Inhalation Solution, No. 17 Union Wilton—It. B. Fuller. hit which or for Catarrh, Consumption. dtf Street, Council—Portland C. R. & S. Masters, second Bicker failed to stop, and Leighton the fire that Bronchitis, and Asthma. nov8_ Lisbon—E. H. Gerrisb. ing occurred upon the premises at Forest The above lot are fresh Monday. down in to P. ME. goods, Phillips—M. Hinkley. slipped attempting get it, E. Colley’s Corner, in Falmouth, ou the of just from the Custom House and Commanderies of K. fourth Mon- South E. Wilson. night GAD ^PORTLAND. T.—Portland, Paris—George hit Potter and B. scor- Tar HITCHCOCK, ; St. second Clayson safe, Clayson the 10th by which their store and its con" Troches, are offered at this LOW Price on day Albans, Thursday. Norway—C. E. Evans. ult., and Successor to the late Lombard hit to orS.?r®.,Throat» Hoarseness, Tickling Cough George Marnton, Grand Bodies—Grand Lodge, first Tuesday in Winthrop—A. K. Harvey. ing, Bicker, who fielded to tents were entirely destroyed. Their good wil1 ForestPurifying the Breath. account ol the late arrival ol the May; Grand Chapter, first in Damariscotta—A. H. Snow. out are the Tuesday evening May; Leighton, putting Clayson, Lombard get- is appreciated and thanks are goods- They undoubtedly Grand Council, Wednesday 3 p. m.; Grand Com- Buckfield—J. A. Ransom, J. Caldwell, hearty returned UNDERTAKER. Views! Views his base on the Oakes Tar best value in Gloves offered this mandery, Weduesday evening. Cape Elizabeth—N. Shannon. ting play, went out by S. N. Colley & Salve, Co. or Healing Indolent Sores, Ulcers, Cuts, Burns, ALL STYLES BY season. Masonic Relief Thompson to Scott, Noble hit O. B. Lom- and for Piles. Association—Fourth Wedues- The sail to Long Island, enlivened with safe, Forest Coffins and Caskets Always on Hand. day in every month. bard and Bessie scoring,Record hit to St.John’s A Beautiful Sight.—Last night three Holies, music aud many a tale from the experience of Portland School of Masonic Instruction— field and retire!. more blossoms of the large night blooming Tar Soap, Opposite tbe Grand Trunk Depot, Second and fourth Tuesday of each month. the excursiouist?, passed quickly, and soon or Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases, Our Entire Stock of Goods The Bates decidedly the Beds both cereus, owned by Mrs. George Berry, in the the Toilet and Bath. angU YARMOUTH, ME. dtf ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES, after their arrival the following prescription outplayed Forest at the bat and in the field. Tbe Beds failed to Rochester depot opened to the admiration of a Lodge—'Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection, first was properly “put up" aud “takeu according J. B. Friday. the of Oakes’ large crowd of people. remained so but a Tar SO FORI), to directions": “get hang” pitching, while the They Inhalers, Council—Portland of or Inhaling for Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma. Council P. J. second Fri- Bates batted Bicker The of short time when the lids began to close as and Counsellor at Artistic Photographer, BILL OF FARE. freely. play Peach, Forest Attorney Caw, SELLING NT COST I day. For Sale by all Druggists. the Beds new to the slowly as they had opened. Tho plant has an- Chapter—Dunlap Chapter Rose Croix de H., SOUPS. pitcher, appeared please 33 School St., Boston, Mass. 478 CONGRESS STREET, third Fish Chowder. Clam Chowder. other bud which will or tomor- Friday. crowd, judging by tbe applause he received. open tonight is given that the subscriber has PORTLAND. ME. hereby of debts, bankruptcy, &c., a speci- Consistory—Maine Consistory, S,P. It. S., fourth fish. He was hit in tbe a row. NOTICEbeen duly appDinted and taken himself the • mouth by sharp foul in the upon COLLECTIONalty. Funds remitted soon as collections are Ladies’Lisle Gloves, 15 ets, Friday in March, June, September and December. Boiled Salmon. Friod Gunners. Baked Bine Fish. trust of Administrator of the estate of attention to all orders for views in second and but made. Algo collects in England and foreign conn- Prompt the Cuttlefish on the inning badly hurt, pluckily Ovf.rboard.— Yesterday at 7 or suburbs “ “ Shell. morning ISAAC O. PEARSON, late of Cumberland, tries claims of American heirs. city bv leaving tbe same at Rooms or extra • 25 ets. played his position the As toon with C. F. Solicitor. What more de- I. O. O. F. cold dishes. through game. o’clock, as the workmen were beginning the In the County of Cumberland, deceased, and sep29 d&wly FRENCH, „r .i:_1__j__i n o. w sirable souvenir thau a nice ot the old as he accustomed to bonds as the law directs. All picture * At Odd Fellows' Ilall. Coined Beef. gets Ricker’s he .. “vv.i* uv ivjimau given persons de- Farrington Block, Congress Ice. Tongue. pitching UU HIV,- having Homestead, or the “Cittage by the Sea.” with the Children’s Lisle Gloves, 10 ets. Street. mands upon the estate of said deceased, are required ENTREES. will undoubtedly prove an acquisition to the Allister’a a loved ones in the The new — of horses to exhibit the grouped ur.i,n.r naauuai iiinu iu iuv wharf, pair belonging to same; and all persons indebted t( P. foreground, ucsuaj FEENEY, sizes Boudoir and Imperial being introduced month. Baked Beans. Lobster Salad. Beds. The Bates’ playing was very fine and Mr. Daniel said estate are called upon to make payment to Mayberry backed overboard. Mr. C. are and tbo • VEGETABLES. They MOSES W. PEA Administrator. by very popular prices asked One Lot Children’s Hose, 5 ets. Lodges—Maine, on Monday evenings; Ancien they are without doubt the best nine in the were taken down RSON, them within the reach of all. Public Build- Potatoes. Cucumbers. Green Peas* to Galt’s wharf and rescued Cumberland, July 3, 1877. w3w*26 place on on PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER ings, Vessels. Horses, “ “ “ Brothers, Thursday evenings; Ligonia, Friday PASTRY. State. The game vesterdav was nmnireri hv little Cemetery lots, Carriages, 10 Beacon, on No. but injured from their.bath. Patent Ladies’ ets. evenings; Tuesday evenings; Unity, Mount dessert. is hereby given that the subscriber has Furniture, Machinery, Models, Drawings, 3, on Wednesday evening; Ivy, D. second and Mr. Noble in as he &c., in the most le. ofK., Almonds. Eng. Walnuts. Pecans. splendid shape, always NOTICEbeen duly appointed and taken upon herself (the 201 Federal Street, &c., photographed approved sty fourth Saturday of each month. Heal Estate ^Transfers.—The trust Cubebs. Cardamons. Glue. does. He is the best umpire we have seen on a following of Administratrix of the estate of Encampment—Machigonne, first and third Wed- Raisins. Filberts. Oranges. are the real estate transfers recorded in this WILLIAM late of Eastern ball ground this season and clubs are foitunate WESTCOTT, Gorham, PORTLAND, MAINE. nesday; Star, second and fourth Wednes- Lemon Ice Cream. Garlic. Vanilla Ice Cream. Tbe seems to be so that in the of Cumberland, and opinion universal bright day; Portland, first and third TEA. CLAM WATER. who can secure his services. county yesterday: County deceased, Friday. COFFEE. bonds as sunny weather is indispensible for in the given the law directs. All persons having | Whitening, Whitewashing, Coloring and Cement- sittings Benefit Association—Board of Directors meet We think it would be Portland—Samuel A. Stevens it al. to ffm. done to of all studio, that I deem it my to call attention to The table was served money in the pockets of demands upon the estate of said are re- ing order. Jobbing kinds in my lint* duty first of each month. Association by elerks from tbe Wood,one-third part in common and deceased, the fact that weather is much Monday evening the undivided quired to exhibit the same: and all in- will receive prompt and personal attention. All ordinary cloudy pre- meets first of wholesale and letail bouses of tbe who clubs playiDg upon the park grounds to pro feet for persons for small children. juG dlw Monday evening January, April, July city, 2G25J square $337.24. debted to said estate are called upon to make pay- work neatly done at low prices, and satisfaction ferable, except, perhaps Though and October. the be made a tritie tbe sitter made in flourish of and white vide seats for their spectators. By setting short Cape Elizabeth—George H. Davis to Lydia ment to guaranteed. I have on hand a new design of un- sittings may longer, up napkins finds it much less difficult to retain the ex- in the and A. Webster, lot of land with MARTHA A. Adm’x. dercut Center Pieces and Brackets, which cannot be proper what lacked in and posts ground putting plank on them buildings. WESTCOTT, tbe and shades blend more har- TEMPLARS OF HONOR. aprons they experience, Gorham, June 19, w3w*27 found elsewhere east of New York. These will be pression, lights “NEW ‘'NEW for or 1877._ tbe delicate half-tints are not who let outsiders into one of tbe secrets of tbe seats 400 500 could be very cheaply sold at prices to correspond with the times. Lime, moniously, destroyed STORE,” GOODS,” At Iso. 100 Exchange Street. A. Fit.—A man fell in a fit on the corner of and tbe result is much more Templars* hall, is hereby given, that the subscriber has Cement, Plaster, Mortar, &c., constantly on hand. usually favorable. Be- trade. If couldn’t made. People don’t like to pay to see a game ■J^JOTICE that a “word to the wise is I “NEWS PRICES.” Council—Maine, first and third Monday in each they get you salad, baked Congressiaud Franklin streets, and caused Orders from out of town solicited. my9d3m lieving sufficient.” trust month. of ball and have to stand The is that a larger potion of my patrons may tavor me beans were prescribed as a little safer to nse. up. following a JOHN late of quite sensation. After recovering he stated WEST, Falmouth, with their presence in weather. Temple—Forest No. cloudy would announce to City, 1, every Wednesday They also had a that hot coffee and the score: in the County of Cumberland, and has undersigned respectfully he was burned out in the St. John and deceased, Very respectfully. the ot Portland and that he evening. PORTLAND fire, taken himself that trust bonds as THE people vicinity, chowder were intended for “external REDS. {upon by giving Safety, Comfort, Economy. applica- was on his way to a sister in the law directs. All demands lias leased the new stere, TB. R. IB. living Bangor, persons having upor PO. A. E. the estate of said Patriotic Order Sons of America—Camps No tion,” and so poured these lotions down the and that he was accustomed to deceased, are required to exhibil &HCbCl/) 2b.4 10 having fits the and all THE 3 and 4 convenes over the Eastern Express Leighton, 10 2 same; persons indebted to said estate are jel5 dtf Office, coat collars of impatient guests. Thongh called to make No. 512 Congress Street, Plum street. No. 3 on Wednesday evening; No. 4 Thompson, ss.4 0 1 0 2 0 every day. upon payment to of these are not found in Oore, rt'.4 0 1 3 0 0 WARREN H. of on first and third Saturdays of each month; No 1 on mauy ingredients any VINTON, Gray, Executor. where he will keep constantly on hand, a large as- Scott, lb.4 0 0 10 0 3 New Music.—F. W. Helmick of Cincinnati Falmouth, June 19, 1877. w3w*27 Tuesday evening, at Arcana Hall; No. 2 at School of the come from our RUBBER (HONED AXLE sortment of pharmacopceias,they best 3b.3 0 0 1 2 1 House, Turner’s Island, Cape Elizabeth, Friday Doherty, has just published a entitled local If..3 0 0 0 very pretty song Evening. druggists are “specific,” though they fill Hayes, e 0 is hereby given, that the subscriber ha: SECURES c.3 0 1 0 1 “Dear Old wolds and Great &, Peach, 9 Homestead,” music by been and Boswortii Post G. A. every no graves. NOTICE duly appointed taken upon hirnsel Dry Fancy Goods, R.—Meeting Friday Bicker, p.3 0 0 1 2 2 the trust of ot Bargains in comer of Miss Anna C. Hilts. The is 40 cents with Administrator the estate of evening Mechanics’ Hall, Congress and These venders of St. cf..3 0 0 2 0 0 price preventing hubs and -IN— “death-dealing poisons” John, WILLIAM C. Casco streets. a splendidjlithograph of a homestead. BLAKE, late of Portland, I^xIlJF JEjJI -E jspokes from splitting, and also understand full well tbe difficult art ol Total. ...31 1 3 27 7 47 country Portland Temperance Reform Club—Head- in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and givei the springs, axles and other parts of the gear from bonds as the all undue strain borne the Elas- HOSIERY, COBB, GLOVES, quarters corner of Congress and Temple streets mixing wit and music in after dinner exer law direets. Ail persons having demand: , breaking, being by and Business Mon BAXES. upon the estate ot said deceased are tic Rubber Cushions. j PIANOS! Open day evening. meeting and the short and of STATE NEWS required t< & Wares at 8 o’clock. cises, pithy speeches Dr, exhibit tlie and all By the noise, Parasols, Small &c., &c., day evenings TB, R. IB. PO. A. E. same; persons indebted to sale muffling Square and Upright, New nu«t .Second E. who Mr. estate are called to make to Y-FItAJ? v/111 «suppressing rattle and Young Men’s Christain Association—Corner Dana, Jr., presided, Partridge, FRANKLIN county. upon payment Hand, from the manufactories of which will be sold as low as by dealer in the Clayson, P. B, 2b.5 0 2 1 2 0 sound, and imparting to the vehicle an any Congress and Casco Streets. Every evening. Mr. Cook of Lewiston, Mr. 1’olfe of Portland THOMAS S. JACK, Adm’r. drumming State. He would be pleased to see all his old friends, Lombard, 3d.5 1 0 0 0 0 A Frenchman in arose in his Portland, 3, 1877. easy elastic motion. Typographical No. 75- Farmiugton July w3w*27 and will endeavor to make new ones. The Ladies ^Portland Union, and Prof. Goodale of were Oakes, p.5 1 0 4 2 1 and fell from month. Amherst, Relished sleep Tuesday night his chamber are invited to call and examine the stock Second Saturday of each Noble, If..5 1 3 2 0 0 NEW ENG, McPlmil & especiallv no less than Ponce’s lobster salad. window breaking one of his legs. CONSERVATORY of HHJ. ECONOMY,v,»,y deTolting! Co., before elsewhere. No trouble to show Mercantile Library Record, c.5 0 3 0 3 1 1 pounding, and the crystallization of the metal purchasing Association—Farrington SIC. #,000 pupils since 1867, 75 eminent in- parts, Do not s 0 1 1 1 0 HANCOCK COUNTY. reducing wear aud tear to a minimum. goods. forget the Place. Block. Second Monday in each month. Delivery Mr. Orville Iiobinson told a story, well ap- Wilson, s.,.4 structors. 115 hours instruction for $15. Musical, thereby Billing & Co., of books 2 to and Potter, cf.4 1 0 1 0 0 Adapted to vehicles oi any including Sul- daiiy, 9, day evening. The store of Leonard Thomas of Eden, was Literary and Art courses. 4 terms a year. Addres; class, NO. 512 CONGRESS preciated. Clayson, O. B., lb.4 1 1 11 0 0 E. kies, Wagons, Carriages, Trucks and Carts. Can be STREET, Payson Literary Society—Meetings every broken into and about TOURJEE, Music Hall, Boston. Bourne & Mr. Kobinson and Dr. Fernald “Lar- rf.4 l 0 0 0 0 Saturday night $000 applied by any builder. At present Messrs. SAR- Son, Brown’s cor. Brown and sang Bessee, jul- codim nearly opposite Army & IVavy Hall. Monday evening, Block, worth stolen. Appearances indicate that the GENT & HAM, No. 28 Bowker street; JAMES at o’clock. board and in Total.41 6 10 *26 8 2 Congress streets, 7i Watch, Ahoy,” closing the toast goods were carried away in wagons. HALL & SON, 21 Hawkins street; JOHN T. SMITH Cliickering, and others. Portland Institute and Public Library- “In 23450789 & CO, 2178 Washington street; M. W. was given, going|up the hill of prosperity Innings.1 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. QUINLAN, SOLOMON SHINE. Id City Building. Open and free to all from 10 to Brookline; and EMOND & QUINSLER, William never meet a Bates.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4—6 ja!2 d&wlm 1 and 7 to 9. may you friend.” the thunder storm after- A. A. treet, corner of Boston, ZENAS Beds.0 0000100 0-1 During Tuesday Washington street, PIANO STOOLS. Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— Dr. Loring reported the following resolutions noon a barn owned by S. D. Mallett in Milo NICKERSON, THOMPSON, Jr., and MARTIN, PENNELL & •Scott out bit the hall. was CO., Portland, are this popular Corner of Congress and Casco streets. First Thurs- from the which were put by being by struck by lightning aud considerably dam- applying improve- committee, adopted: First base on errors—Bates 5 times. ment to pleasure vehicles of size or new Wholesale and Retail. day in each month. aged. Mr. Mallett, who was in barn at the any style, Whereas. We witness with undisguised satisfaction •• —Beds 1 time. or old. Send for circular. SCREENS I Knights of Pythias—Bramhall No. 3 time was unconscious for some time after Lodge, the gathering of the drug trade, from ail parts of the Two base hits—Record 1. the Tuesday evenings; Munjoy Lodge, No. 6, Monday shock. • State, from Kittery Point to Quoddy Head; and Struck out—Oakes 2. Noble, Wilson, Bes- Merchant Tailor, The Rubber Cushioned Axle Co., evenings; Pine Tree, No. 11, kriday evenings, at Potter, SAGADAHOC Samuel Whereas, We realize the of concerted see 2, Leighton, Scott 3, Peach 2, St. John 2. COUNTY. Thurston, heir Hall, Ciapp’6 Block, Market Square. importance NEW action in all that pertains to the trade of this Time of game, 1 hour and 45 minutes. The Patten car works at Bath YORK, Door and Window Portland Army and Navy Union-Corner drug are engaged 480 1-2 3 FREE ST. BLOCK, PORTLAND. State; claiming, that the business is a legitimate and Umpire—Thad Noble. a Congress Street and Brown stieets. in upon contract from the and North Represented In New ju30 iltf Congress Fiist Tuesday each honorable one, and European England by month. recognized protected by law, in American Car Works to their SCREENS. every other State in tbe anil Tbe Bates stopped at the Preble last night change rolling Union; stock from broad to narrow Independent Order of Good Templars— and guage. PORTLAND. Whereas, Certain laws of our State are working a today they go to Biddeford to play the EDWARD T. PATTEN, of all kiuds made to order in the very best manner Arcana, Monday, Congress Hall, 420J Congress injury to a number of citi- and at the lowest at positive large respected Biddeford Beds. A fine line of FOREION prices, St.; Mission, Wednesday, Williams’ Block, Congress zens them from the conduct- rANDlDOJ?IES< 150 Trent out Bouton. by debarring privilege Travellers find an easily and TIC WOOLENS Street, street; Mystic, Thursday, at Sons of Temperance a On a prepared constantly'ou hand. Special Bargains ing recognized legitimate business, as Saturday tbe Poit'acd Beds re- ju2t eodlm Iron at West druggists play most MOTTO—Styliah Good this week in Hall, Congress Hall; Clad, Thursday, and apothecaiies, for which they are taxed, satisfactory beverage in the Vanilla Oariueuls, Work Eud. heavily turn game at Lewiston. and Low Price*. E. T. BURROWES’, by the national as well as municipal government; Chocolate, Walter Baker & prepared by Co- Special attention given to Garments to FRINGES* Portland Fraternity—No. 4J Free St. Block therefore On Friday “Our BojV’of Boston play tbe CuttiDg b< TRIMMINGS, So. 17 Free Maine. A single trial will establish its made out ot the shop. Ladle*’ Cloak* a Spec- Street, Portland, Every evening. Resolved, That we, tlie and at Paik. popularity. Remember the Druggists Apotheca- Dirigos Piesumpscot in ially, place. HOSIERY & GLOVES, Portland Society of Natural Hist y— ries of the State of Maine, in council assembled, do Dealers family stores everywhere supply it. I WOULD CALL This concern manufactures Screens more exten- The Bates have made arrangements with tbe _i.. >i „,i !_ _* At their library room, City Hall, on tbe first and enter our solemn protest against these unjust and 480 1-2 CONGRESS CORSETS & TIES. third Monday evenings ot each month. discriminating olid oppressive laws; and do hereby Lowells to play them Wednesday and Thurs- STREET, flic attention to goods to all parts of New England. C. H. the 20t Middle of the Ladies the GAUZE Sovereigns of Cou No. 2 pledge our united eflorts in every legitimate way to Lamson, jeweller, St., film UNDERWEAR, Industry—Dirjgo ncil, day of next week at Presumpscot Park, These mh21WF&MGw Opp. Prcblelfo ns. meets every Friday evening, at Arcana Hall, at 7£ procure the necessary legislation to protect us in our Portland, is selling watches remarkably low. SUN UMBRELLAS, TIIE BURRO WES’ o’clock. business. will be two fine igarnea as the clubs are very You can,buy of him a genuine Waltham iu — AT — icesotvca, mat tue action 01 tins convention is evenly matched. not in ttio interest of any party or association, but solid silver oases, warranted, for ten SLIDING SCREEN. for dollars, Municipal Court. tbe betterment and welfare of the drug trade of and finer iu FRENCH KID RELIABLE is Maine. Departure of Sccrclorj Skenuau. goods proportion. I the best in use. It is made tor the inside or out- side of the window and may be raised to the top or judge knight presiding. At five a mammoth Yesterday morning at 8 o’clock Harbor Mas- You can find a full line of and half-past roast of bivalves Read Studley’s announcement of Skirts and fine medium qualitj MERRILL’S, taken out at pleasure, sliding independent of the ter B. W. sash. Wednesday.—Michael Connors. Vagabond. Thir- was opened and duly attended to aud the com- Jones, got the yacht Clarence under Prints. ty days in City House of Correction. and Sherman and Webb 407 Congress st. pany had hardly finished the last Lamelli- way takiDg Secretary Side Lace Boots ju9 S.T&'Xhtt Black Wire, Search and A good yard wide unbleached G BOOTS and -Fay. seizure. Discharged. branch and passed around the time-honored Hayes from the steamer Grant, proceeded to- Cotton, only SHOES, Charles answer at cents at F. that I am for at the same price that others ask for the ordinary Gray. Larceny. Committed to wards Cod for a few hour’s per yard, W. Studley’s. of the most Reliable Manufacture selling "I)e profundis clam (h) avi,” when the Hough- Ledge fishing. They at the green. This wire is two size heavier than the com- term ot in default of September Superior Court, $800 were at Peake’s Island Collector Notice to Merchants, mon wire, is and does not ton arrived and[the excursionists|[embarked to joined by Ladies’ Merino neck and thoroughly painted bad. Undervest, high change. It is clearer and better for the eyes and ______Morrill. While they were absent Kim- New Store Under Falmouth Hotel, return to their murderous avocation. Capt. short sleeves, good quality, only 37 cents, at 3 g ^y looks rich from the street. During the there was a of ball be- ball visited tbe Dallas and Woodbury again, Onr via Portland & 15ricf Jottings. day game W. F. Studley’s, under Falmouth Hotel. Express Ogdcns- Canopies for Beds, Cribs and Cradles. tween the nines from W. F. Phillips & Co and Capt. Walker visited some of tbe light- DAVIS &1cIrTLAND, Gents’ Fine Calf Sewed bnrg R. R„ closes at (i.30 a. m and 12.* There will be a temperance aDd prayer meet- house works. Permanent 30 p.m. for and intermediate Screen Doors, Window Ncrscens and and J. W. Perkins & Co., won the former Photographs, beautifully ex Fabyan’s at o’clock in Hall by Screen Goods of all kind. ing this evening, Arcana At noon the Grant sailed ecuted m carbou on 810 Middle Street. stations. by a score of 21 to 15. for Whitehead, porcelain. The latest and my 19 eodti All are invited. French Ties At 5 p. in. for Bartlett and intermedi- cordially acd picked the and Mr. most exquisite pictures produced the aid P. S —Gontlp.mpn bovine* Win** Ttnntfl tn bn rn. MAINE rilAKMACKUTICAL ASSOCIATION. Kocklaud, up Secretary yet by ate stations. The elected officers of Eastern Star will do well to newly Hayes off Cod Ledge, while the Collector and of photography. Call and see at Lam- paired give us a call. All work done them, at store and warranted. IN ALL Freight solicited, rates were installed last by The State Pharmaceutical Association held fe9FM&Wb*m WIDTHS, special given Encampment evening Capt. Jones returned in the Clarence. The son’s, 244 Middle street. ju30tf for large quantities. the officers. a special meeting at room No. C, Falmouth I grand Secretary will visit the life saving stations at. EASTERN EXPRESS CO., Special Bargains of was to The As a son of Mr. W. P. Buck was leaving the Hotel, the object which devise meas- prostration and enfeehloment experi- 17 $3.50 $3.50. A. B. lOO Extra Quality Milk Whitehead, Cross Island, Brownie’s Island and enced those WINSLOW, Agent. Merge Parasols, ures for a more cordial of the by who suffer from Bright’s dis- f handsome bone bundles, in 4‘4 and 44 inch Press at Clay’s stable yesterday morning, a cooperation drug- I B ilm And your old Milk IKni H. S. 0S(i001>, (Jeu’l Agent West Quoddy Bay. The Grant arrived at Bock- ease, bladder and at £4.00 former £4.50 and of the state in the work of the associa- dropsy, kidney, glandula- in exchange, will buy the Portland, each, price dog flew at him and bit him. gists land last and the troubles, iu the back and July 3, 1877. £.1 40. night, Secretary will proceed pains loins, suppres- Eale.t Style dlw* Miss on the aud with that the third article sion and of j?3_ Quincy’s painting, Sunrise tion, object as as incontinence urine, female irregur 45 Dozen Elegant Milk Ties with heavy far east Eastport. He will return to Port- HlffO E. T. s of the fifth of the constitution was larities, etc., is entirely remove 1 by DR. BUL- Tape Fringes, at 50 cts. each, former Alps, has taken the place of “Almeh” in Hale chapter land and Merrill, by Sunday, proceed on Monday to LOCK’S KIDNEY NEPHRETI- Him J.J5 Dunlap Style Silk Hat price 75 cts. gallery, amended to read: REMEDY, Burlington, Vt„ via the Portland & Ogdensburg CUM. It disarms and drives out of the system New Style Lace Collars and Bibbs for The “No shall a of this asso- oil mnlndmn thh. __ --l.- Hose Women's bo member Robber and Temperance Society meets person Kailroad. Misses Children. ciation. uor-shall his name he the Satarday at 3 o’clock in the library of tbe Y. placed upon tal thereto. my23eod&wlw-0—21—3(1—51 241 MIDDLE ST. New Mtyle Dress Facings in all colors* roll, until he shall have sigued the constitution the best yet for the bottom M. C. A. Straw Hats For thing protecting aud paid into the treasury the sum of one dol- Personal. Elegantly wrought frescoes adorn the walls Broad Soled Bool* and Shoes in popu- Sprinkling Lawns, of Dresses. from At clo*e Stock. lar rnakea a The colony Auburn now|summering at lar as his annual contribution for the current Mr, L. of the of the Windsor Hotel, on Fifth avenue, Ijow Price*, to specially. Job Lot Milk Handkerchiefs for Ludies Cyrus Gallison, firm of Galli- Boots made to measure on the IflcCom* Win- numbers between and streets. washing Sidewalks, at 45 cts. each. Higgins'Beach about 50 people and year.” sou & Foity-sixth Forty-seventh her Patent Last. Colby, grocers, Spring street, died quite The dining room is enlivened with Hammocks, Carriage Hobes, je27eodtf &c. increasing. The association then adjourned to meet in large pier dows, We will sell 50 is daily suddenly yesterday morning at his residence in mirrors, which have been pierced in their Trunks and Bags. WIRE RUSTLES was Reception Hall at 7 o’clock. feet of Hose ! Gray, the desperado, brought before the Park place, of heart disease. He had been centres and sustain elegant side chandeliers, with Pipe and There was a attendance of the resident from which with DAVIS Every lady should examine the new Wire Court yesterday morning and held in good confined to the house lights dance reflected beams Municipal about a fortnight, but his the all Hu.tie, winch we are uow offering. It is very of the and in Hall upon guests, Over these are exquisitely Couplings, complete, $800 for trial at the next term Superior visiting apothecaries Reception was tlie Hatter. light, and has a patent Nltrlrtou which illness not considered alarming. Mr. Gal- carved and ornamented cornices, adowu whose Merry, VERTICAL FEED A,r*i last called to order E. Dana, for $5.00 at prevents swaying, and does not impede walking in Court. evening, by Jr., lison was a member of the Council in sides fall of leather. City 1876, gracefully lambrequins gilt Illiddlc St , Sign of Ihe Gold Hat. the least. the Grand who stated the object of the meeting to be a The parlors and rooms are furnished The Grand officers of Encamp- from Ward 6 He was an Odd Fellow and receptioa juljO eodtf discussion of the of the in corresponding style, and the d'auil of Hall's Rubber ment went to Saccarappa Tuesday night and expediency publishing member of the Belief Association. coup Store, the interior arrangements is perfectly artistic. Machine of Encamp- resolutions given above; decided in the affirm- Sewing installed the officers Cummings Mrs. Harriet N. Wetherbee, Miss Lydia A. Such is the Windsor Hotel of New York, LACE CURTAINS. Is, beyond question, more desirable for all kinds of UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. ative. After a recitation ol work and is a Moore & ment. Longfellow’s Harris and Henry S. Edwards, wife and daugh- the hotel of this continent. than any other machine in use, com- uiylO dtf Owen, Bailey. •‘King Robert of Orville bination of simplicity and durability. ju22__dtf_ IfcThere were 110 arrivals at the Falmouth Sicily” by Robinson, ter of Natick, Mass., formerly of Portland, will SPECIAL SALEJ well and ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS them John Felt and delivered loudly applauded, the sail for in the yesterday, among Osgood Europe Minnesota of the Warren We have marked down the prices to cost, of oui C ARLETOY Maine Pharmaceutical Association was called Are a BROS., Henry B. of and Ex-Gov. Co- line from on ab- you despondent suSerer from Sick Head- splendid assortment of Osgood Boston, order Boston, Saturday next, to be 440 Congress Street. REMOVAL. to by O. K. Partridge of Presi- ache, Habitual of the Agents, COAL. burn of Maine. Augusta, sent a to Munich. Costiveness, Palpitation Lace Lnre Luce dim of year. They go Heart? Curtain*, fjaiiibreqiiin*, julylO_ dent the association. Fifty-four new mem- Have you Dizziness of the Head? Is jour Ac, Deering is the wealthiest town in the state, Mr. Joseph Mislow, who was buried at Wil- Mlinde*, muslin*, bers were elected Nervous System depressed? Docs Blood circu- FOR A, D. rhe largest stock and the best of Coals In its valuation that of either of the by ballot. your RENT. HORSE, variety exceeding liamsport, Pa., on the 1st of July, was the old- late Have Parties wanting anything in tho shape of window the city, lor There was quite a in badly? you a Cough? Low Spirits? cities of Ellsworth or discussion, participated drapery will do well to call and examine these goods. APART OF PLEAS- Gardiner, Hallowed, est man in northern Pennsylvania, his age be- Coming up of the food HOUSE, by N. S. Harlow of Edwin Fuller of after eating? &c., &c. All To supply a waut already felt we otter a BOOTS & SITOES. Calais. Rangor, one of ANTLY SUMMER AND WINTER ing hundred and three years, three months tlieEe and much more are the direct results of LOCATED IN THE USE, and iu to the “new Beautiful Core Curtain, with Pole nud State of Mass Waterville, others, regard and Has removed to 528 Congress St., opposite head o Kay Commandery Oxford, twenty-three days. He had French blood Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and for WESTERN PART OF THE FOK SALK AT of the Indigestion. King* complete, Casco Street, where he will keep a full line of Mcu’s, wilt arrive in this on the this departure” association and the election in his Green’s city Boston boat veins, but was born in Maine, where he August Flower is now acknowledged CITY. AT 28 EX- Women’s, and Children’s Boots and Shoes. of new INQUIRE morning and take an officers. by all to a Lowest Market Rules* early train for Saco, lived more than ninety years. He enjoyed re- Druggists be positive cure. 2,400,000 bot- $10.00. CHANGE STREET. where W. Perkius it was tl es they will be met Bradford Coalman- On motion of J. voted in' ntal kable were given away in the U. S. Which i* well worth the curtain by health for one hundred and one years. through Druggists price jy7 dtwis Repairing Promptly Attended To. — BY — dery of Biddetord and expedient to make any change of officers at thf to the people as a trial. Two doses will alone. go down to the Bool1 Then his flesh began to on his bones until satisfy any in the dry- of Later day they.will return present time. person its wonderful quality in curing all iorms of YARD SALE. to Old Orch- he was reduced almost to a skeleton. COAL FOR 1). itaiuliill & a were During Indigestion. bottles 10 size A. MORSE, McAllister, ard, whore graudlbull is to in The following committees appointed, t( Sample cents. Regular G. M. & C. ILBOS WORTH, or the whole of a Coal Yard which iB ho||given the his last month ho resembled a more halt, mummy 75 cents. Sold in now a Address Box 976 report annual in October. positive by all first-class Druggists CORNER FREE AND COTTON STS ONE doing good business. CO COMMERCIAL ST. evening. atjthe meeting than a 538. Congress& Street. living being. bT< S oc20eomiy ju6 eodtf, Portland Me. wvlldtf JY3 d2w eepfi «

POETRY. Portland Daily PreaiStockLUt TO LET. REAL ESTATE. Corrected by Woodbury & Moulton. Invest went RAILROADS. RAILROADS, FOR THE ISLANDS. Uunkers, (J7 Excbbuge St. * Asked Felise. Descriptions Par VaLue. Offered To Let. Mortgages and Bonus negotiated ou first- brand Trunk R. .. 305| class R, of Canada. Gold,.105| PLEASANTLY located Brick House, eight securities, by FOR THE ISLMD8. Where are 6’a...... the last winter’s snows, we say: Government 1881,. .111}-...112 rooms, cemented Last A Sebago water, cellar <£c. N. S. Boston SUMMER ARRANGEMENT summer's Government & Maine roses, where are they? 5-20’s, 1865,...none &c. In fine short OARDINEIt, Ah! good repair, neighborhood, dis- though we strive Time.s course to stay, Government 5-20*8, July, 1865,.....106}. ...106} tance west of Preble House. Enquire at NO. SIS STEAMER no EXCHANGE STREET. a*ter We have hold on things like these, Government5-20’b, July, 1867,.....109}. ...1C9| E. A, JORDAN’S fYflttHiiliffr' On an(l MONDAY, June 18,1877, Sign Rooms, fvajjMMEHtrainfl will run as follows: Or else, Felise. Government5-20’b, July, 1868,...... 112} 112} ju9dlw 27 Market Squaie. also, Dealer in Real Estate, Houses, Eofs, GoverumentKMO’s...... 113 .. 113} I4 Express for Auburn and Lewiston at 7.00 a. arms, Kents Ac, Property eatiusted will re- m. MARY W. LIBBY We might recrystallize the snows, State ot Maine Bonds,.110}....111} ceive careful ami attention. RAILROAD. Express for Gorham, Montreal and West, at 8 a. m prompt CAPTAIN JOHN RKOW .... N, Restore the to the rose Portland Bonds, Municipal,. 105 1( 9; To Let. Express tor Auburn aud Lewiston at 1,15 p. m. petals City N. 8. ... GARDINER. at all Leaves.Ferry Landing, CumIoui That once have fled; we knows— Portland City Bonds aid R. R.....104 105 rent 8 hard and Mail train 2.00 p. m. (stopping stations to lion*, might—who rooms, soft water, ju29tf No. SIS Street. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Portland, evenr ... Exchange Island with mail Wharf. day (Sun Do greater miracles than these, Bath City Bonds,...... 303 104J one-half rent $9 on Pond,) connecting night train days excepted) > UP-STAIRSgarden, stable, per month, White Head 20 ... 105 .... 106 and the West. for Climbing**, and Perhaps, Felise. Bangor City Bonds, years,. St. Also house on Lowell St.—5 rooms, for Quebec, Montreal Peake*\at9 ..,.305 Douglass for Lewiston 10.45 A. M.t and 2.15,3.45 P. M. Calais City'Bonds,.104 rent month. of G. NT IN El X7- to lean on first class Real Estate Commencing Monday, June 11, 1877. Express train Auburn and 5.15 p. in. 9.15, Sebago water, $7 per Inquire W. 1YT Leaves at 9.30, 11.30 A. Cumberland National Bank,... 40. 54.... 57; ■LTlNei.™ XJ A in or vi- For for Gorham can take the Cushing’s M. and 2.45 4.45 We recall our BURNHAM, 1091 CoDgress St., or THOMAS Security, Portland, Gorham—Passengers might youthful days, 100.14k .. 15U m. Canal National Bank,. FROTH Saw Port- cinity. Kents collected, taxes paid, &c. on Com- Passenger Trains will leave Portland for 5.15 p. m. Express connecting with mixed train at p. Too little prized, e’er yet onr ways INGHAM, Dentist, Temple St., Leaves Peahi**’at 10.00,11.10 a. First National Bank.100.137} ...138} mission. Apply to F. G. Dealer in Boston at 8.40 a. 1 20 5.30 Lewiston Jet. for Gorham. in., and 310 Were turned and while time land, Me. ju9dlw*ttf PATTERSON, 6.15, m., and p. m., m. apart, stays Casco 138 .... 140 Real will arrive as follows: 5.10 p. National Bank.ICO. Estate, 3791 Congress Street. nolSdtf arriving at Boston at 10.45 a. m., 5.30. Trains 4.10, We might live o’er, if bo you please, .75.103 105 1.15, Leaves While Head at 11.15 Merck ants* National Bank,.. ,», 9.30 p. m. leave Boston for Portland Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.30 a. m 9.43, a.m., and The Felise. Returning, m. hours, J Traders* ... 137 For or lo Let, Mixed from at 10.00 a. m. p. National Bank,. £100.136 Sale at 8.45 a. m„ 12.30, 3.30, 6.00 p. m., arriving at Gorham 3.C0,5.00 Portland 70 80 from Gorham can take the Special Trips tf) While nead ami Company,.. STORY French roof house, on Peaks’ Island, Valuable Real Portland at 12.50, 5.00, 8.10, 10.00 p. m. £3T*Passenger9 Express Cuwhing* When chance threw a Gas 50. 73 ... 75 Estate lor Sale. at 6.15 a. and 6.30 p. m., returning to the together pair, Portland Company,. 11-2within two minutes walk of Jones’ Landing. For Wells, North Berwick, Salmon Falls, at Lewiston Junction, arriving in Portland at 8.30 a. m., city Of whom one found the other Insurance 100..105 .... 107 m. after arrival. fair, Ocean Company,... Inquire of WILLIAM A. STERLING, Lands of the late Hon. F. O. J. Smith Great Falls, Dover, Newmarket, Exeter, immediately And both built castles in the air A. «& K. K. R. Bonds.. 92 ... 93 Mail jj 9dtf on the Premises. Haverhill, North Andover, Lawrence, from Montreal, Quebec and West at 12.45 p.m. Fare down and back 45 cent*. Ten Mingle To fade like mists before the breeze— Maine Central R. R. .100.. 35 In Auburn at 1.00 Stock,... Cumberland County. Andover and Lowell at 6.15, 8.40 a. m., 1.20, Express from Lewiston and p. m. Ticket* 9I.OO. Alas! Felise. Maine Central R. R.Bonds, 7’s*.. 87 ....90 5 30 p. m. Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 5.15 p. m of real estate are now of- Special rates for Societies. Leeds & F’rm’gton R. R. Bonds,100. 90 ... 91 To Let. following parcels For Manchester and Express from Montreal and West 7.05 p. m. fered for sale: Concord, N. II., (via For further particulars, inquire of Mr. Conway, Portland & Ken. R. R. Bonds,. 100.92 .... 93 GOOD rents center of Also 1 on THE Newmarket at 6.15 The years go with winged In city, cheap. Junction,) a. m. 1.20 p. m. (via or by feet, •Consolidated IN Ferry Landing, And once again her face I greet 2 Munjoy Hill, for $7.50 per month. DEERING. Lawrence,) at 8.40 a. m. MR. DELLOW, Whose found sweet :— to W. W. CARR, I. Forest For Rochester, N. Alton Offices lips my boyish lips Apply Home, with the mansion and other Farmington. II., Passenger July4dtf Agent, on board the Steamer. The old wound aches. Time brings no ease Jy2tf 197 Newbury Si. buildings, containing about 40 acres. Bay and Wolfborongh at 8.40 a. m., 1.20 p. For this, Felise. II, The Veraudah farms, adjoining the Marine m. 74 EXCHANGE For Centre Harbor at 8.40 a. m. ST., To Let. Hospital, containing about 65 acres, lying on both Bides of the road. For Scarborough, Pine Point, Old Or- — A*0 — The old pain lives. Who hath not tried 108 4 by itself, Newbury St., rooms, lH, Part of the Clark firm at chard Beach, Saco, Biddeford and Keu- To bury loves that never died— on Rocky Hill, con- TENEMENTsebago water. Cheap. Enquire premises. about 50 nebunk at 8.40 a. 5.30 m 6.30 DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST To thrust his idols from his side? fdtf taining acres. 6.15, in., 1.20, p. Ju30 IV. The p. in. will Who have succeeded? Few are Shattuck place ou the southely side of O11 and after July 4th, these, Trains will leave Felise. the Falmouth road, containing about 6 acres. Morning Kennebnnk leave Portland Pier for Tooiew, for Portland at 7.20 a. m. Tickets sold at Reduced Rate* Cottages To Let. V. A tract of about 16 acres at Graves’ Hill, on | Peakem’ and Long la- the side of the Falmouth The 1.20 p. m. Train from Portland con- at Mcoii* Landing, Peaks’ Island. A to G. notberly road. To t’auailn, Detroit, (Tiilwim* land*, touching pply VI. Land nects with all Sound Steamer Lines for Chicago, nud Trefcthen’* Land* AX,'.Jones’L. Brackett, Boston and Maine Freigt adjoining Presumpscot Park grounds, on lire, Cincinnati, Ml. I.ouix, Omaha, Office, the west side of Blake New York leaving Boston at 6. p. in. a. and 4 in. corner Maple and Com’l St. Juy3d2w* street, containing about ten Nt. Malt l*hke inn* at 5I.OO. 10.45 m., 15 p. Review of (he Portland Market*. The 5.30 p, m. Train from Portlaud makes Nnginaw, Haul, City, acres. Man Returning—will leave Long l*land at O. IO close connections with Shore Line for New Denver, Franci*co, VII. A small lot near Leightou’s slaughter house, and I 1.30 a. in., mid 5 |> «»». Boston at 10.00 m. Sea Side Cottages containing about ten acres. York, leaving p, and all points in tbe Trefetheu * Lauding at I 1.45 a. in., and IN FALMOUTH. 5.15 p. na. ■There is little that is new to note in the markets TO Through Tickets to all Points South Northwest, West and Southwest. Neott’M Lauding at 11.55 a. in., nnd Life Co LET. Waite farm near Insurance VIII. The Smelt at Goods still continue to sell slow and only in Hill, Presump- and West at lowest rates. 5.30 p. ni. today. scot Lower Falls, about 26 acres. J. O. FURNIVAL, Agt. Will make at new containing two trips on Sunday, leaving 10.30 wants. The — — famished with quantities to satisly the most immediate op cottages, good cellars, IX. The Batchelder faim, on the banks of the a. and near Prout’s will be let Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all in., 4.15 p, iu. bad in the West has had the effect to TWO Neck, Scarborough, by Presumpecot river, near the Falmouth con- THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is In splendid rei*orted crops the week, or season. to F. M. roai, steamers between Portland and day, Apply Ray, taining about 90 acres, running Bangor, condition, is well equipped with first-class rolling advance breadstufts but this rise may not he perma- 1ST. J. Centennial Block, Portland, or, JOHN M. Rockland, Mt. Desert, Macbias, Eastport, Calais. stock, and is the best connections and Fare lionml Trip 25 cents; Children NEWARK, ALLEN, IN CAPE ELIZABETH. making quick- nent and it will not probably be. The money mar- Saccaiappa. ju27dtf St. John and Halifax. Also, connect with Grand est time of any route from Portland to the West. Half Fare. X. The Buzzell on the side of the Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine PALACE can be place easterly rST-PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM ket shows little or no change and loans readily Central and Portland trains at Anthoine road, with the buildings, containing «& Ogdensburg AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains Li)>eral lermg will be maile lor large on at Assets Jan. 1 75 To Let. Station. parties recured. Gold closed Wednesday, July lltb, 1877_$32,260.324 about 24 acres. itransfer leaving Portland at 2.00 p. m. application to CAPT. OHAS. C. CHASE onboard TENEMENT of four or live rooms: All trains at ten two of IN PORTLAND. stop Exeter minutes for refresh- Baggage checked from Portland to Detroit and SI »r to CAPT. W. H. 173 Fore St. $1051. them situated earner, LEWIS, .... A connected: pleasantly No. 203 ments at first class rooms. and not to Custom In market as Jan. 72 XI. A part of the International Hotel ou Ex- dinning Chicago, subject House examina- july2 dtt There are but lew greeu apples the Surplus 1,1877 2,246,052 Cumberland street, corner of Franklin street; has lot, JAS. T. Gen. aud Market FURBER, Supt. tion. are Beaus are gas and flower in the change, Congress streets, containing S. H. Gen. Portland, yet and prices merely nominal, Policies in Sebago water; garden rear. 700 STEVENS, Agent, julltf The Company are not responsible for to force, 13,307. ju25dti about feet baggage steady and in good demand from [email protected], accord- IN. GRAY. any amount exceeding $50 in value (and that person- FOR al) unless notice is and tor at the rate of to the Butter is rather and nice A of given, paid ing quality. quiet A Nice Rent. XII. part the old farm between Gray one for $500 additional value. THE_ISLANf*S. .... Perlcy PORTLAND &WORCESTER LINE passenger every lots 00 corner aud the railroad station, an the Maine table lots are sold at 25(a;27c, while store .are Insuring $131,846,985 a small on Bramhall St.: Half Perley JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. family, ot a Central railroad, with the STEAMER TOURIST at Cheese is dull and show a FORdouble in nice order and conven- buildings, containing W. J. SPICER, Superintendent. quoted 15@18c. prices house, very about 80 acres. ! ient. Rent to Portland. June 18, 1877. decline. There is a decline in of coal as Disbursed to Policy-holders $250. Apply WM. H. JERR1S, Reai jul8dtf Will leave the East Side of Custom House Wharf quite prices Estate For further particulars, terms of sale, &c apply Portland & Rochester R. R. Agent, Cahoon Block. ju25d3w* to every week day for Scott’s and Jones* at will be seen elsewhere. and cordage show no JOHN W. LANE, at the United States Hotel, or Landing Copper ■ 8.30, 9.45 and 11.15 a. in the season a 111 1876 53 to C-W. GODDARD, ) m., (later trip change in prices. There are but few changes to note .$4,534,752 JUNE at 12 4.15 and 6.10 ni. To Let. JOHN A. WATERMAN, > Executors. 11, 1877, m.,) 1.45, j>. in in There is a of fish D. W. For Trefethen’s and Hog Island at 8.30 and 9.45 a. drugs dyes, general scarcity Stairs rent of seven rooms—bath room and FESSENDEN. ) Saco River Grove Tlic record ol this Company June Trains will run as follows m., 1.45, 4.15 and 6.10 p. m. this week and prices quoted are merely nominal. UP modem conveniences—in the new brick house Portlaud, 27,1877 tlml, lor and econ- 762 je28dtf Returning, leave Scott’s Landing at 9.15, 10.05 Arm scarce to the near proves security Congress St., 2d door irom Neal St. The Flour is very and owing ap- prem- Leave Portland at 7.30 a. VIA ami 11.40 a. m., and 5.15 p. m. omy, uo oilier lias claims ises can be seen on application to F. PATTER- m., to the arrival ot the new Prices have superior G, 1.15 5.30 anil 6.20 ni. Returning, leave Trefethen’s and Islands at proach crop. SON, Dealer in Real Estate. Four Houses and Lois For p. Hog to public confidence, ju23dtf Sale. 7.30 A. M. Accommodation for Worcester. Ar- 9.00 and 10.30a. m. aud 5.00 p. m. advanced from 25(g371c per bbl of late. Corn is very on the corner ol Fore St. anil Brad- rives at Rochester at 9.55 a. m., (connecting with A Mailing Trip among the Islands ev*rv lots 61. firm at the prices—car lots 64@65c, bag Hay Grounds to Let. LOCATEDbnry’gCourt. Accommodation for eight fam- Eastern and Boston & Maine Railroads.) At plen*ant day, starting at 1.45 p.m. and arriving at the at 4.13. is rather scarce and prices have advanced. Several Presumpscot Park, suitable lots lor stands of ilies. From 10,000 to 13,000 feet of land. Terms fav- Nashua 11.47 a. in., Lowell 12.15 p. m., city kind orable. WM. H. Real Estate Boston 1.15 p. Ayer Jauction 12.40 Fare lor Hound loads have sold at $18.50 per ton. Iron shows no President. AT any may be leased for the season on JERRIS, Agent, m., p. Trip 45 cent* LEWIS C. GIIOVEIE, June 27. 1877. d3w 1.25 in., and Worcester Associations, Sunday School ami application to J. P. DAVIS, Agent, at the Preble Portland, m., Fitchburg p, of five round tickets Mca»ou change. Lard is dull and is quoted at 10@12}c( at 2.10 with trains South and of 25 or more who desire Package trip $1.00. House. J. p. DAVIS. p. m., connecting private parties Ticket* $5.00. is firm Lumber is un- JAMES B. PEARSON, Vice PrcsiJeuf, West. Leather and unchanged. JU15dtf For Sale. to make an Excursion to this beautiful Tickets for sale at office of & 1,15 P.M. Steamboat to Rollins, Loring Molasses is dull and large lots Express through Grove on tbe banks of tbe can No. 22 and on board steam- changed, decidedly EDWARD A, STRONG, Secretary, FIRST-CLASS three-story Brick House, on New London without Con- Saco, Adams, Exchange Street, To Let. change. er. are oAered in the New York market as low as 42c. A Free St. with all the modern improvements, nects at Rochester for Dover and Great obtain very low rates upon application BENJAMIN C. MILLER, Treasurer, oi a double house, 28 Beckett street, 6 gas, sebago, bath room, first and second story sup- at for Manchester and to J. W. Special arrangements can be made for private Linseed oil is lower. Rhode Island ohions have ap- j Falls, Epping PETERS, General Ticket Agent, Excursions. ONE-balfrooms, hard and soft water, price $12 per plied with hot and cold water; all in perfect or- Concord at Nashna for Lowell and Moonlight rived in the market and are at 191 Middle Street, or Inquire on board selling [email protected] B. J. MILLER, Actuary. month, Ipqnire on the premises. jul2dtf der. Innuire of JOHN. C. PROCTER, 03 Exchange at Junction for Fitch- Steamer of StrPPf Boston, Ayer with Bermudas at $2,[email protected]. Beef is firm and un- burg and the West via Hoosac Tunnel J. M. LUAT, Supt. je28d2w CAPT. C. H. KNOWLTON. july'-idtf changed at [email protected] for mess, $12.00@ 13.00 for House to Let. Line, at Worcester with Boston & Albany Railroad for New at Patnam with extra for and for a small family withont children. The lower York, mess, [email protected] plate, $15@16 “Boston & Line** for ID_J1. T 1 ! n urn b i rtv)r TO tenement No. 6 May Street, one door lrom For Sale, Philadelphia Express extra plate. Pork is dull at [email protected] for backs* Baltimore and Wash- Spting Street. Apply to E. 8. HAMLIN, on the Philadelphia, BOSTON FINE residence for situated at STEAMERS. e ui mu isiaiius, [email protected] for clear, and $15.50@16 for mess. premises, or to M. G. PALMER. julldtf country sale, ington, New London with Norwich 0. 0. A about ten (10) miles from Portland, on line of Line Steamers, due at Pier No, North Sugars are Arm at the prices of last week. Teas riAit, 40, »PRIXG ARRAVGEHEnT. Railroad. Is a tirst-class modern built house, fur- River New York, at 6.00 a. m. Arm at quotations. Tobacco is quiet and unchanged. nace, and an abundance of good water, together 5.30 P. M. Mixed Train for Rochester. The! Peaks Island Steamboat Co.’s with about one acre of land, with small orchard ot 6.20 P. M. Local for Gorham. District choice fruit trees in full bearing, Located on high Trains leave Rochester at 7.00, *11.25 and tll.45a. STEAMERS Agent, Akerman No. 8 House, High Street, recently ground, surrounded by choice shade trees, within m., arriving in Portland at 9.35 a. m., *1.20 and Portland Wholesale Price* current THEoccupied by Franklin J. as a Rollins, family five minutes walk of Schools, Churches, Academy J5.10 p. m. GAZELLE,Capt. A. S. Oliver, and residence, containing 12 rooms with an abundance and Post Office. Photograph at office. Inquire of T.pavft Gorham fi.00 A. m.. Arriving at. Portland R.dn forth© Press No. 28 of closets, well and with Corrected to July 12,1877. Exchange St,, gas, Sebago, spring water, JOHN C. PROCTER, a. m. EXPRESS, Capt. G, Lowell, large yard; rooms all sunny; drainage good,and rent ju28d3w93 Exchange St. tMixed. low. Apply to Apples* Gunpowder. ♦Steamboat Express stops only at Springvale, Al- /ammmm* Will run as follows: steamer Green. 6 00 @ 6 50 3 50 4 00 ME. LORING & Blasting. @ .PORTLAND. CONSUMPTION ROLLINS, ADAMS, fred, Saco River, Gorham, Saccarappa and West- PM* a z<* lie will leave end of Cus- Dri'dWest’n 6 9 5 60 6 50 my23eod2m ju8dtf 22 Street. @ Sporting_ @ Exchange FOR SALE. brook, making close connection with through trains tom House Wharf daily at 9 and do Eastern. 5 8 Grain. — OF THE— @ of Maine Central and Grand Trunk Railroads. 10 30 a m. and 2 and 3 30 m. Ashes. 04 63 The Superior Sea Going p. Corn,mixed.. @' Peaks Island Mineral To Let. deldtfJ. M. LUNT, Supt. Steamers, leave Evergreen Landing at 9 30 and 11 Mixed Spring, Falmouth, near Presumpscot Falls, 17 acres of Returning, Pearl,? ft.. @ 11} High FOREST CITY AND JOHN BROOKS 11.30 a. m. 5.15 anu upper tenement of the house at No. 88 Clark IN good land, with bam, 18x20 miles from and 2.30 and p. m., Jones Land- Pot. cm » bag lots @ 68 BLOOD. feet; 4J at 2.45 and THEStreet. Inquire ot JOHN SWEETS1B, No. 5 three acres in cut the will, until further run as fol- ing 9.45 a. m. and 5 30 p. m. Beaus. Meal. 64 @ A. Portland*; grass past year, notice, alternately T. STERLING, Proprietor, Neal Street. juddtf about four tons of Price of lows: Nieanaer ftt’xpren» will leave end Custom Howe Pea.. 2 87 @ 3 25 Rye. @ 1 20 FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. hay. $300. Inquire Leaving ALBERT J. MERRILL, 30 Lincoln foot Warf at 5.45, 8.45 and 10. a. m. and 1.45, 3. and 7.15 Mediums ... 2 75 2 87 1 00 Street, Boyd Eastern @ Barley.,. ® Railroad, FRANKLIN p. m. leave at 6 10 and 9.15 a. To Let. Street. Also Returning Evergreen Yellow 2 50 2 75 Oats. 55 58 PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE. two tenements, to let, 78 Franklin St., WHARF, Portland, Eyes. @ @ fo rsmall m. and 2.15 and 8 30 p. m., and Jones at 9. and Box Shooks. Fine Feed. 00 corner Centre and Free Sts. Suitable families. ju7eodlw*ttf Daily, at 7 o’clock P, HI., and INDIA 6.25, (628 11.45 a. m. and 2, 5.15 and 9 p, m. GO 55 The above Mineral water lias been in the Wholesale for a house. at WHARF, BOSTON, daily at 7 P, HI.. Pine. @ Shorts. @26 00 J Spring Agents, HOUSE, boarding Enquire JUNE 11, 1877. Fare down and back 25 cents. Children half Bread. market only about one year: vet in that short time ju6dtf 109 CENTRE STREET. and For (Sunday cxccpicd.) price. Hay. Wharf, Upland Flats Sale. Package Tickets, ten passages for One Dollar. Pilot 10 00 00 00 it has gained a and now lias a reputation Sup.... @12 Pres’d,pton. @16 popularity, on both sides of the work of the Will make at 10 and a. m. and do ex 7 50 8 00 for curative second to none in the shops Sundays trips 10,30 100ft. @ Loose.17 00 @18*50 properties State, To Let. P. S. & P. Elizabeth. Good FARE 2 and 2.15 as thousands will have drank the water. LOCATED Railroad, Cape $1.00. p. ra, Ship. 5 50 @ 7 00 Straw. 9 00 @10 00 testify who PARSONS&C0 chance for TABBOX, under St. Julian ship yard. Apply to WM. H. JERRIS, line are reminded that July 9, 1877 It has CARNEY, this se jylOtf Crackers performed some wonderful cures in such com- Hotel, recently occupied Passengers by they ? Iron. Real Estate Agent. ju29d3w* 100. 35 @ 40 Common.... plaints as Dropsy, Rheumatism, Kidney complaint, Portland, Mo, STOREby Warren Sparrow as an insurance office. cure a comfortable night’s rest and avoid the ex. Batter. Refined. 2g@ Liver complaints. Sour Stomach, Flatulence, Sick C. P. MATTOCKS, peuse and inconvenience of arriving in Boston late For Sale. at Family, ? ft 20 @ 25 Norway. <5J( Headache, Heartburn, Constipation, Debility. &c. Send lor Circular to my29dtf31} Exchange St. night. Store. 15 @ 18 Cast Steel... 10 Unlike spring waters containing larger quantities of Cottage House on Lincoln Street at Kr“Tickctg and State ltooms for sale at D. II. FOR THE ISLANDS. Candles. German St’l. Mineral matter, this can be drank in quantity with, To Let. Woodford’s Corner, Deering, within three min- YOUNG’S, 266 Middle Street. ut barm or tbe TBOS. G. Tickets to New York Mould,? ft. @ 13 Shoe Steel... derangement of system. GERRISH, Proprietor, a without children—five rooms at NO. utes walk of Horse Cars. Nine finished rooms, Through via the varioxA STEADIER iHACCVKT family mNew PASSENUER TRAINS leave Portland Sound Lines, for sale at low Sperm. 35 @ 37} Spring Steel. F. L. Bart lett Assayer for tbe State. 85 NEW HIGH with modern convenien- painted and papered in the latest style, marble fire very rates. will commence her regular trips Analysis by MASS. TO ST., for Bcarboro1, Baco, Ken- taken as Charcoal. Sheet Iron.. LOWELL, frames, furnaces and green blinds, &c. Lot G5 by 94. Biddeford, Freight usual. Portland, Me., June II, 1877. royl4d&wly ces^my23dtf nebunk, Wells, North Berwick, Boiath de30-76dtf J. B. MONDAV, July 2,1877, touching Pine. @ 12 Common.... Everything comi>lete. L. J. PERKINS, COYLE, jr., Gen’l Agt, at Peakes’, Isong and A.T. Berwick, Conway Junction, Elio Hard Wood, H. C. Sterling, Esq: jul2dtf 489 Congress Street. t, ■ ailtic* Chebeague Iwland. Dear have the of Mineral mechanics’ Hall. Kittery, Portsmouth, Newbnryport, Oak. @ 15 Russia. 13 @ Sir,—1 analysed sample Piles and Fistula. Leave Portland Pier at 9 a. m., 2, 7,10.15 p. id. Water submitted with the Salem, Lynn, Chelsea aud Boston at Birch, Ma- by you following result. HALLS in Mechanics’ House and One Peakes’ Island at 9 20 a. Galy. 9J@ Building, Acre of Land for Sale. 8.45 a. in m. Trefethen’s, m., 17 One U. S. Gallon contains of Mineral Dr. O. Phelps Brown’s Herbal Ointment TO of m., arriving Boston at 1.00 p. BANGOR & lACHIAS ple. @ Lard. 9,329 grains Sup- TWO LET; enquire PORTLAND, 2.20, 7.20 p. m. Matter of positories arc to cure case of Piles or GEORGE A. This property is situated in Cape five Baco, Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Pit Burned, Kegs p lb... 10 @ 101 consisting guaranteed any HARMON, Jeweler, Elizabeth, Ponce’s, Long Island at 9.10 a. m., 2,40 and Chloride of Fistula that can be found in A minutes walk from Eastern R. R. five trains Portsmouth, Hamptons, Newbnryport, Maple. @19 Tierces p tb. 12 @ 12) Sodium, tbe United States. niyUdGm under the Hall. Depot; and 10.45 p. m. a to Portland. Salem, Lynn. Chelsea and Boston at STEAMBOAT CO., Cheese. Pail. 12J@ 13g Carbonate of Lime, sample box of these Suppositories will be sent free day Splendid garden, apple, pear, Returning—leave Little at 6.15 ami Carbonate of mail to and and small fruit. Two 1.30 and 5.30 p. m. Train leaving at 1.30 Cliebeague Verm't,? ft 10 @ 11 Caddies. 13 @ 13J Magnesia, by any sufferer on the receipt of twenty cherry plum trees, grapes 10.39 a. m., and 5 p. m. of to story tor two stable. p. m. arrives in Boston in time to connect with Maine. 10 @ 11 Lean. Sulphate Potash, cents, prepay postage and packing. Regular house, arranged families, good FOIt Leave Long Island at 7 and 10.45 a. m., and 5.45 TO LET. and land cost over Sound steamer lines tor New York. Train leav- BANGOR N. Y. Factory 11 @ 12 Sheet & Pipe 9 @ 9J Silica, price $1.00. Address the Doctor at 31 tiraud Buildings $4500. Will sell for and 9.30 p. m. $2500. leaving at 5.30 p. m. arrives in Boston in time to Coal—(Retail). Pig. 8@ 81 Carbonate of Wt., Jersey City, N. J. ju23d3w Leave Peakes* Island, Trefethen’s at 7.20 and 11.05 Iron,) G. connect with 10 p. m. train for New York. Cumberland 5 50 (jo 0 00 Leather. Alumina. traces, The NO. 4 FREE ST. F. PATTERSON, THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. a. and 6 and 9.50 a. m. [ 1 Store, BLOCK, G.OO m. Biddeford train. m., july2dtf Pictou...... 0 50 @7 00 New Yorx, Organic Matter, ) will Forfeit Five Dollars jy7deod2w 379J Congress St. p. accomodating is lately occupied by Waterhouse & Co. Returning, leave Biddeford at 8.00 a. m. Chestnut.... 4 50 @ 5 00 26 28 This an Alkaline Carbonated Water and case where MOTH AND Tlip SfpamAr CTTV OP* RTCW- Light. @ any my For further at with Car, for Franklin.... 5 50 6 00 Mid. 28 29 contains large quantities ol Carbonic Acid Gas. It FKJECKIjE will not the particulars enquire the Night Express Bleeping @ Weight. @ IN EOTlOiV remove For Sale. Boston at 4.15 m., t* MOND, Capt. C. Kilby, will leave Norfolk, Baltimore & is free from and can office of H. J. LIBBT over a, every day (except Washington Lehigh &W. Heavy. 28 @ 30 entirely objectionable impurities, worst Moth and Freckles if used according to my di- & CO., First Portland every Wed- be drank in without It building lots, on Carter street, West End, at Mondays.) Monday, Ash.[4 50 @ 6 00 Slaughter... 36 @ 40 large quantities harm, will rections. 35 and 50 cenlM. National Bank. and eve- STEAMNIIIP UNI; Price, 10 cents per foot. Terms $100 the balance i^SaBSdineaday Friday Cotter. Gd 23 25 undoubtedly be valuable in many classes of diseases. with a soft three or four a SIX dawn, RETURNING, Dam'g’d @ Apply sponge times day mylt dtf can nings, at lO o’clock, or on the arrival of the 28 30 remain on Mortgage two or three years, at seven Four time. ■ week. Java,? ft.. @ Am. Calf... 100 @ 110 Respectfully. until the Moth or Freckles which is train Bo3ton at 6 over the Boston & F. disappear, gen- per cent. ot L. E. Centen- Leave Boston at 7.30 and 8.45 a. m., 14.30 leaving o’clock, Rio. 20*@ Lime. L. Bartlett, State Assayer. in one week. Inquire WEYMOUTH, Maine for 23} erally accomplished To Let. nial Block. and 7.00 p. m., connecting with iVInine Railroad, Bangor, touching at Rock- Rockland c’sk. 05 Thwe ater will be furnished at the spring the mail on of ap233m First UIa«. Nieatu.hlB Cooperate. @ 1 by Sent by receipt price. Central and E. A A. lor land, Camden, Lincolnville Belfast, Searsport, Hhd. Shooks anaHeads. gallon or at withi n tbe reach of FIRST class Brick in the western N, Railway JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. Lumber. barrel, prices every- house, part St. John and Halifax. Pullman Sandy Point, Bucksport, Winterport and Hamp- Mol. 45 one. KIRS. S. ot the 13 Sleeping WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. City., @2 Clear Pine. SPENCER, A city, rooms, newly repaired through- For Sale. Car attached. den, arriving in Bangor about 10 o’clock next Sug.City.. @215 Nos. 1 & 2...45 00 @55 00 JOHN UfASSCRE, Agent, Sunday Times iny25d6m 30 Brown St., Portland, me. out, sunny and pleasant, and near the Horse Cars. morning. From llo.ton direct every TIIEMHAV C 85 1 31 Market street. ot B. D. House and lot at No. 81 and SATURDAY. Sug. @ 05 No. 3.30 00 @40 00 Office, jy4-eodlm Inquire VERRILL, Newbury Returning, leave Bangor same days at 5.30 St. at R. Tickets to all Points South and West at — — Pine Suga No 4.20 00 @30 00 aplQdtt 205 Middle Street. Apply house, RUBY, Through o’clock, A. M.. arriving in Portland in time to AND box 68 de27 dtf owest rates. Pnllman Car Tickets for Beau and KENNEDY. shooks 00 @70 00 Shipping. .15 00 @20 00 connect with the 5.30 trains over the Eastern and WM. BLACKSTONE. HOTEL DIRECTORY, Berths at Ticket Office. hd. Headings, Spruce.12 00 @14 00 Boston & Maine in Boston at and McClellan. To be Let, j allot I A. P. ROCKWELL. President. Railroads, arriving Spruce, 35 Hemlock....1000 @12 00 9.30, connecting with the 10 o’clock (Shore Line) Fr.m Froridence every WEDNESDAY 00 Offices in Third Story Merchants’ National and in.21 00 @22 Clapboards, BAY Embracing the leading Hotels in the State, at which BOARD trains to New York. SATURDAY. MILLS now J. & E. M. Soft Pine.. @24 00 Spruce ex.25 00 @30 00 THEBank, occupied by Rand; also For further particulars of Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and the Press may he found. the front offices* These offices are inquire Hard Pine @25 00 do No.1-12 00 @14 00 Daily always heated by steam; GEO. L. Gen. Ticket Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane have water and tire DAY, Agent, Hoops, 14 ft. @25 00 Pine.35 00 00 gas, proof vaults. Possession Railroad Moselv. @}5 Notice. _ Wharf. Short do 8 ft.16 CO @17 00 Shingles, AUBURN' given Nov-llst. oct27dtf Maine Central E. CUSHING, Asst. Manager. Freight forwarded trom Norfolk to Petersburg and FEW boarders can be accommodated at Sea and 7 ft.12 00 @14 00 Cedar ex... *00 @ 3 50 Elm Court. St. W. g. Jb A. Richmond, Ya. and Tenn. R. R. to all places in House, Voug Foam at Old Orchard Beach. the Pop*r8taves,16 00 @17 00 Cedar No.l 2 00 @ 2 50 Proprietor.. A Cottage, South, W. M. Clark, Agent, 240 Washington St., Spruce, r’gh. @14 00 Spruce.... 1 25 @ 1 75 AGENCIES. jylOdlw* MRS. A. K. P. LORD, FOR Boston. R.O. Staves. @45 00 Laths,spr\ce 150 @ 175 AUGUSTA. To all points of North and South Carolina, by Sea- RAILROAD. MT. DESERT AND M A CHI AS. board and Roanoke Pine...... Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line Copper. @2 25 State m- TVkithd Board Wanted. Bolts.. 32 Hatches. Aagnata Hon.e, St., John S. Daly, Agent, 222 Washington street, Boston. Cop. E. N. FRESHMAN Sc a near two Y.M. sheath- 2 Proprietor. BROS., farm Portland, lor boys 5 and 7 And to all points in the West bvBaltimore & Ohio Star, p gros. 00 @ 210 Address JUNE 11. 1817. TWO TRIP PER WEEK. ing. @ 20 Holasses. ON years old. MONDAY, R. R., M. W. Davison, Agent, 219 street, BATH. ADVERTISING ‘‘G. W. Press Wasnington Bronze do... 20 Po Rico.. 50 AGENTS, ju9dti G.,” Office, Portland. Boston. @ @ 65 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Y.M. Bolts. @ 25 50 52 Bath Hotel, C. m. Plnmmer, Proprieler Passenger Trains leave Portlaud for Ban- Through bills o( lading given by the above named Oieniuegos... @ ISO IW. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. Belfast and Cop bottoms 32 @ 34 Muscovado.. 47 @ 49 Boarders Wanted. gor, Dexter, Waterville at Agents. New l. 10 and 11.20 p. m. The Steamer LEWISTON Passage 512.50 to Baltimore. Cordage. OrleanB 55 @ 70 BOLSTER’S MILLS. are authorized to contract for in this FEW good men can find pleasant rooms with advertising For at and 11.20 m. will leave Rail- ui lU Amer’n ? ft 12 @ Barhadoes... 56 58 Bkowhegan 1.10,1.15 p. Capt. Deeriug, uvi^ui ya,'.'ago itUUUUl, IHUUUlUnj, VI ABU' 13} @ Hancock Honar, m. Hancock, Proprie- paper. Estimates furnished free. Send A board, at 30 BROWN ST. For Russia..*.... 13 @ 13} 50 5i Augusta, Hallowell. Gardine.' and road, Wharf, Portland, every lug ton, or other intormation to Sagua. @ tor. for a Circular. my24 dtf apply Manila. 14}@ 15} Nails. Brunswick at 6.15 a. m., 1.10, 5.15 and 11.20 p. Tuesday and Friday even- E. SAMPSON, Agent, m. at 11 Manila Bolt Cask. @ 2 90 BOSTON. ings o’clock, or on the arrival of the 7 53 Central Wharf, Boston. For and on Rope. 16 @ 16} Natal Stores. C. J. WHEELER, Rockland all stations Knox & Lin- o’clock Pullman train from Boston over the Eastern E. H, ROCKWELL, Agent, Parker House. School Si. H. D, Parker At WANTS. .■nln It. U and fnr l.onri.lnn via Rrutiiiiulnlr of for Deer ■ Drags and Dyes. Tar, pbbl.. @3 73 NEWSPAPER Railroad, Rockland, Castine, Isle, Sedge- *2dtfProvidence. K. I. Co., ADVERTISING AGENT 615 a. m. and 1.10 South Bar Acid Oxalic.. 15 @ 20 Pitch (C.Tar) @4 00 Proprietors. p. m. wick, West and Harbors (Mt. Desert), No. 5 For a. tart. 55 @ 60 Wil. Pitch.. @ 3 75 St. James Hotel—J.R. Washington Building, Bath at 6.15 im, 1.10 and 5.15 p. m. Millbridge, Jonesport and Machiasport. Crocker, Propri For Maine Alcohol ? gl 2 25 @ 2 35 RoBin. 4 00 @6 00 ctor. PROVIDENCE, R. I Wanted. Farmington, ITlonmoiith, Winthvop, Returning, leaves Machiasport every Mon- Steamship Company Head lie Went and Alum. .. 4 5 Id, Watervillc and Water- day Thursday at 4.50 @ Turp’tine,gl. 37 @ 40 Tremont Tremont capable to do housework in a mornings Home, St.-Chapin, good girl general ville via Lewiston at 1.15 m. as in Portland Ammonia Oil. Ac Co. DODD’S small p. o'clock, touching above, arriving Semi*TVeekly Line to New York. Gurney Proprietor.. A family. same with Pullman trains and carb. 20 @ 23 Kerosene.... @ 204 to night, connecting Cr. Tartar, etc. Apply trains for Boston and the West. Ashes pot... 6 @ 7 Port.Ref.P’tr @ Coffee, Spices, H. E. early morning 15J HE, ADVERTISING AGENCY, jylldtf THOMPSON, No. 32} Emery St. For For further of Steamers Eleanora & Balscopabla. 60 @ 70 Devoe Brill’t 25 @ 27 BRUNSWICH, Lewiston and Auburn. particulars enquire Franconia P. Ac H. GEO, L. Gen. Ticket Will until Beeswax.... 38 @ 42 Sperm.1 85 @ 2 00 MORRISON-*" WHITTEN, Dining Rooms, W. U. Field, 121 WASHINGTON BOSTON. Wanted. DAY, Agent, further notice, leave Franklin Wharf STREET, PaMcnger Trains leave at 1.15 p. m. and 5.1o Railroad Wharf. MONDAY and Bleaching Whale. 85 @ 90 Maine Proprietor. Portland, every THURSDAY, at 3 5 450 FORE STREET, Portland, a middle aged Protestant woman a situation p. m. The train leaving at 11.20 p. m, also has a E. CUSHING, Assistant Manager. P. M. and leave Pier 38 East New York powders... @ Bank. 50 @ 60 Advertisements recelned for Paper in the River, Borax.. 12 15 CORNISH. every as or to take of a small passenger car attached, connecting at Cumberland Portland, Jane 9, MONDAY aud at 4 P. @ Shore. 40 @ 47 ARTHUR 13, MORRISON. WILLIAM M. WHITTEN. United States and British Provinces at the lowest BY housekeeper, charge 1877.jn9dtf every THURSDAY, M. Brimstone... 4 Junction with a Mixed Train for Lewiston, Au- These steamers are fitted with fine accomo @ 4$ Porgie. 40 @ 42 nol5 eodly Cornish Uonsc.m. B. . Pronrietor contract prices. information family. up 80 90 Any cheerfully given at No. 20 St. burn, and Walerville. The 11.20 dations tor a conven- Cochineal,... @ Linseed. @66 and estimates fuurnished. Apply Spring jyl0d3l* Wintbrop passengers, making this very promptly p. m. train is the Train with Pull- ient comfortable Copperas.... l}i§) 3 Boiled do.... @ 71 DANVILLE Night Express SEBAGO ami route lor travellers between Non-Resident Taxes in tlie Town JUNCTION. HORACE DODD. man Car Cream tartar 30 @ 38 Lard. 86 @ 90 Wautcd Sleeping attached, which makes close con- New York and Maine. Passage, including State Clark’s Grand Trunk Rail- nection at for all stations on the Ex logwood 12 @ 18 Castor. 1 30 @ 1 42 Dining Hall, ESTABLISHED IN 1849. Bangor Bangor Room, $5. Meals extra. Good destined beyond oi of Cum M. W. a and reliable nurse the care of au in- & and E. Gum Arabic. 25 @ 65 Neatstoot..-. 112 @ 125 Yarmouth, County way Depot, Clark, Proprietor. capable Piscataquis, & N, A. Railway, and tor Portland or New York forwarded to destination at Aloes 15 25 BY valid. Best of reference given. Address “M Houlton, Woodstock, St. Hi. once. For further information to cape. @ Elaine. 57 @ 60 for tlic Year 1876. S. Dl. PETTENGILL A CO.’S Andrews, apply Camphor.. 37 @ 40 Palais. berlaud, DEXTER. K.,\ 10 Summer St.. Portland. jyOdlw* Ntephen, St. John and Halifax. Steamboat Route, HENRY FOX, General Agent, Portland. The 6.15 a. m. train Irom Portland connects at Rock- Myrrh.... @ 45 Port. Lead.. @10 00 Merchants’ Me.— ADVERTISING AGENCV J. F. AMES. Ag’t, Pier 38 E. R.. New York. mHE following List of Taxes on tlie Non-Resident Exchange Hotel, Dexter, land on Opinml.... @ 6 75 PureGr’ddo @10 25 W. G. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with Tickets and State Rooms can be obtained at 22 A owners of Real Estate in the town of Yarmouth, Morrill, Proprietor. No. 10 State and for nt. Desert and The Most Popular, interesting and Cheap- Shellac.... 30 @ 35 Pure Dry do.10 00 @10 00 St., Boston, 37 ParkRow, New York Str, Ulysses Sullivan. Exchange decl6tf for the year 1876, in hills committed to D. L. Mitch- Estimates furnished Trains arrive in est Itonte in Sew street._ Indigo. 1 00 @ 1 50 Am. Zinc.... 10 @ 12 gratis for Advertising in al All IttMS’ Passenger Portland as England —Passing ell. Collector ot said town, on the 19th day of June, ELLSWORTH. in the follows:—The trains from Iodine...... @5 00 Rochelle Yel. 3 @ 31 Newspapers United States and British Prov- morning Augusta, Gar- through Lake, River and Mountain 1876, has been returned by him to me, as remaining nces. Brunswick and at Ipecac. @ 2 00 3 @ 34 City Hotel.—N. U. Higgins & Sons, Props diner, Bath, Lewiston 8.35 and in the feTOMIMGTOft JLIME unpaid on tlie 4th day of April, 1877, by his certifi- 8.40 a. m. The trains Irom Scenery.Unequalled Country. licorice rt... 15 @ 20 Red Lead.... 10 @ 11 day Bangor, Dexter, cate of that date, and now remain unpaid; and no- lv. & L. Cal ex. 34 @ 40 Plaster. HALLOWELL. S. R. PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE. Belfast, Skowhegan, Farmington, R. R., ON AND AFTER NO.VDAV JULY FOR NEW tice is given, that if said taxes, interest and NILES, and all intermediate stations at 1.20 and 1.23 9, YORK, Morphine.... 475 @ 5 00 ton @ 3 00 hereby p. m, White,p are not into the treasury of said town Hallowell House. Hallowell, H. Q. Blake, Licensed by the City Government. The afternoon train from AHEAD OF ALL VTHEK8. Oil bergamot @ 5 25 Blue. @ 2 75 charges, paid ADVERTISING AGENT. Augusta, Bath, K, & L. within eighteen months Irom the date of the commit- Proprietor. R. R. at 5.25 m. The Pullman Two Boats Cod liver.. 125 @ 150 Grou’d,in bis 8 00 @ 9 00 Money in snms from 25 cents to thousan ds of dol- p. night Express Daily ment of said bills, so much of the Real Estate taxed Contracts for Advertisements in all o t ain at 2.00 a. m. This is the Inside Lemon.... @4 00 Calcined.his. 2 75 3 00 Newspapers lars to loan on Watches, Diamonds, Ladies’ and Only Houle @ as will be sufficient to the amount clue HIRAM. all cities and towns ot the United For No. and Harrison.— Oiive. 1 25 1 75 Produce. pay thereon, States. Canadas Gent’s Jewelry, Clothing, &c*, Pianos, SewiDg Ma- PAYSON TUCKER, Sup’t. Naples, Bridgton, Bridgton Avoiding Point Judith. @ including interest aud will without further Mt. Cutler Pro and British Provinces Morning Train leaves Portland Depot Peppt. 3 50 @ 4 50 Beef Side.... 12 charges, House,—Hiram Raston, chines, Furniture, Merchandise by the case or other- Portland, Jane 11, 1877. julldtf Ogdensburg 9@ notice be sold at public auclion, at my Office No. 6 Tremout Street. Boston. at 7, making close connection at Lake Station with Wmterg’n. @ 3 25 Veal.. 8 10 dwelling prietor wise, Bonds, Notes, mortgages and goods of every Steamboat Express trains leave Boston from Bos- @ house in Yarmouth aforesaid, on the 22d of De- Steamer Mt. Pleasant. Leaving in season Potass bro- Mutton. 12 13 day description. We have a office and all tran- Bridgton ton & Providence R. R. Depot daily, except @ cember, 1877’ at 10 o’clock A. M. LEWISTON BATES A private THE GREAT to connect at Lake Station with train that arrives in Sunday, ■mide. 80 @ 85 Chickens..-. 14 LOCKE, sactions are strictly confidential. All property left at 5.30 p. m., connecting at Stonington with the en- 12J@ Portland at 5.27 p. in. /connecting with trains for Chlorate... 28 @ 33 15 18 Name. Description of Property. Yal. T4x. DeWitt House, Quinby A Murcb, Pro- in our possession is insured against loss by fire or tirely new and superb Steamer Rhode every Turkeys. @ Boston), thus Tourists an opportunity for a Island, Iodide.... @ 4 00 18 20 Tlieopilus Thom pson.Easterly half of prietor. Newspaper Advertising Agents, robbery. affording Monday, Wednesday and and with the elt- Kggs.pdox. @ FALL RIVER beautiful sail over Lake the or Friday, 75 Lane’s P. 8. A amount of above on hand and LINE Sebago, up Sougo and popnlar steamer Tuee- Quicksilver @ Potatoes 80 @ 1 00 Island, large goods and Stonington every 34 PAi,K — — Crooked River, Long Lake. 4 50 @ 4 75 Onions, bbl.. 5 00 5 50 containing barn LINCOLN VILLE. BOW, NEW YORK. or sale at half value to pay advances. TO Euty, Thursday and Saturday, arriving in New York @ Afternoon train leaves at 1.05, connecting with in t rhubarb.. 75 @ 1 50 Bermuda.. 2 00 2 25 and 13 acres of Reach always advance of all other lines. Bag- §uimne. @ House, Lincolnville, T. E. Phillips, H. late Steamer at 5 m. Leave Rt snake.... 40 50 Round 8 land.$350. $3.G1 J. Bates, ol D. R. Locke, o Locke A Sebago, arriving Bridgton p. gage checked through. @ hogs.. @ 9 Proprietor. 9 Market Square, opposite V. S. Hotel. Bridgton in in seasou to with train 10 17 Peter and James Tuttle. acres S. M. morning connect Tickets procured at of Boston & Maine and Saltpetre.... @ Provisions. .63 Marsh, Pettengill & Oo. Jones, Toledo Blade. dec!6dljalteod NEW that arrives in Portland at 1.18. depots Senna.. 15 @ 25 Mess Beef. ..11 00 50 Dist. No. 8.... 80. .82 N Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & Adams’, 22 Ex- @11 LITTLETON, H. Send for list of 100 choice newspapers. _Y0RK. Stages will connect at with both boats for Seea 3 00 Ex .12 Asa Lewis.House, barn and Bridgton change St.,and W. D. Little & St. canary. @ Mess. 00 @13 00 Thayers Hotel, H. L. The Mammoth Steamships Bristol and Provi- Mt. Pleasant House. Also at No. Co.’s,494 Exchange Cardamons 1 65 2 25 lot in Dist No 9 550. 5.67 Thayer, Proprietor Bridgton Lauding L. W. F1LKINS, D. S. @ Plate.13 50 @14 00 Axle Oil dence of this Line are the handsomest for Watertord. BABCOCK, 8 GEORGE P. ROWELL A largest, Gen. New York, loda bi-carb. 5 @ Ex Plate. .15 00 @16 00 CHARLES HUMPHREY, COM and most eostly Steamers in the world. Passenger Ag’.t, President. 3 MACHIAS. ocl Sal. 21@ | Pork. Treasurer of Yarmouth. A new thing and the Best-By the Trains leave Boston from the Old Colony R. R. Sta- H 5 Eastern Hotel.—E. E. Stoddard. ADVERTISING AGENTS 73___dtt Sulphur. 4}@ Backs ....18 50 @190 0 Yarmouth, July 2, 1877. jy3dlaw3w Prop. or tion at 4.30 P. M. accommodation, and 0 P. jn. Excursion Tickets at Greatly lead 19 25 Case Single Can. Sugar @ | Clear.17 50 @18 00 steamboat express, connecting with these INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. White wax 60 65 MILLBKIDGE. FOR ALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. floating Reduced Prices. @ Mess.15 50 @16 to palaces at Fall River daily (Sundays from July 1st to Vamillabeanl© 00 00 P. FULLER & CO., @20 Hams. 10 @ 11 Atlantic House, Geo. A. Pro* AUG. Sept 2d inclusive) arriving in New York at 6 A. M. Portland toMt. Pleasant, and Calais and Nl, Vitrol blue.. 10 12 Ilopkius, Ifealers in Materials of return,.$5.00 Eastport, John, Digby, @ Kice. mBBapM-M. I|B Printing everytdescrlptlon No Line can offer the accommodations ami return. 3,00 Windsor nod Duck. prietor. Type, etc. presented by bridgton, Halifax. Rice p lb... 6S@ 7J Presses, 208 FORE STREET. this favorite route. (The above good for 30 32 Office No. 41 Park Row. New York. days.) No. 1. @ Haleratna. NORKIDGEWOCK. jueU d2m Portland to bridgton, and return, SUMMER NO. 3. 29 49 miles of Rail. positively ARRANGEMENT, @ Salerat’sp lb 6 @ 7 Daulorth D. Danforth. Only limited to one day,. 1 50 No. 10. @ 20 House, Proprieto COE, WETHERELL A Halt, CO., Passing through Narragansett and Mount Hope THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. 8oz.. @ 16 Tur*- )s. p by NO For sale at the Depot and at the office of Rollins, NORTH Bays daylight. DISAGREEABLE 0 ozs. @ 20 d.( bu.) 2 25 2 50 STRATFORD N. II. A Good NlUIir CHANGES. Loring & Adams, No. 22 St. @ Newspaper Advertising Agents, Opportunity Exchange On and after Dyewoods. Bonaire— 2 25 2 50 Willard nouse, C* S. A Co. P Special arrange ment* for Partie». Monday, July @ Bailey For a man to make 2nd the Steamers of the Barwood.... @ 3 Cadiz.du.pd. 2 25 2 50 prietors. Receive with,$2,500f Grand Promenade Concerts ou board Address Interna- @ advertisemei t* for all newspapers In the tional Line will leave Brazilwood. 5@ 7 Cadiz in b’nd 1 31 1 75 money, in a good paying business CHA8. E. Railroad j@ United States aa 1 Canada, at their office, each Steamer every G1BB8) Proprietor, foot Camwood... 6 @ 7 PEAK’S ISLAND. in this Address evening. Wharf, of State St., every Liverpool. CT7 CHESTNUT ST., city. jyfdlm or ROLLINS, LORING & ADAMS.l Fustic. 2J@ 3 1 2 CO PHILADELPHIA, PA. Tickets sold in Portland at all R. R. ticket offices. Monday. Wednesday and Fridny, Duty paid. 87j@ Union House—W. T. Jones. Proprietor. ‘•C.” THIS OFFICE. at 6.00 p. 51., lor and St. Logwood, In bond... 1 1 B. & and Eastern R. U. and on board Eastport John. 37J@ 75 my19dlf M., Depots, will leave St.John Cam peachy.. 1}@ 2 Gr’nd butter 20 box T. C.EVANS, Boston Steamers. State Rooms and Berths secured Returning and Eastport on the p PARIS HILL. same St. Domingo. 1*@ Lly.fine sack 1 73 2 00 at 3 Old State and at Old Bos- ALLAN days. 2} @ House, Colony Depot, LINE. Connections made at Peach Wood @ Heeds. Hubbard Hotel, H. Hubbard, CITE OF PORTLAND. ton. Eastport for Robbinston, St. 5} Proprietor ADVERTISING AGENCY & PRINT- Andrews and Calais. RedWood.. @ 2} lb.... GEO. L. J. R, KENDRICK, ou Clover, 1C@ 16J CONNOR, sii.« v jii. Connections made at St. John for Fish. K«‘ Top hag 2|@ 2| PHILLIPS. ERS’ WAREHOUSE, City Clerk’s Office, March 15,1877. Gen’l Pass. Agt. Supt. _ Digby, Annapo- Cod, qtl.. H. L. H. 3 Old lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Shediac, Am- per Grass,bu. 2 12|@ 2 25 Burden House, Samuel Farmer, PALMER, Agent, State House. herst, Pictou, L’ge Shore 4 25 @ 4 50 Heap. Propri- 1W WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. The Law in relation to jy6d3m Sliortest Ocean Summerside, Charlottetown, P. E etor. Voyage. L. and all stations L’ge Bank 4 00 fa) 4 25 ExSt’mRTu g Fredericktown, on the Intercolo- @ Dealer in Wood and Metal nial Railway. Small.... sj75 @ 3 25 Family. (6) 7 Type and all kinds of BOO LICENSES First-class Weekly mail steam- 1 2 25 MKOWIIEGAN. Printers* Materials. Advertisements! nserted received on of Pollock. 75 @ No. 1. @ j in any ers of this Hue sail from Quebec ^-Freight day sailing• until 4 6J rinner W. G. in the United States or Will be Enforced. o’clock m. Haddock... 1 75 @ 2 00 Hpices. House, Heseltou, Piavri- paper Canadas at publisherr Strictly mmm & mmuku every Naturday p. etor. owest for morning, For Circulars, with of Hake. I 50 @ 2 00 Cassia, pure 38 42 l prices. Send estimates. H. I. Clerk. for at maps routes, Tickets, State @ ROBINSON, City Liverpool, touching Rooms aDd iurther Herring, Cloves... 45 @ 50 mhl.1 tf Derry. any intormation apply at the RAILROAD. No. 4 Shore, ? Ginger. @ 20 PORTLAND. First class fortnightly mail steamers cf this line Company^ Office, Milk St., (opposite Ocean In- bbl.'. 4 00 @ 4 50 Mace. @ 125 Adams House, Temple St. A. S. Allen CLAIRVOYANT. sail from Halifax every other Tuesday, for Scal’d?bx. 19 @ 23 1 10 120 ii^BBilSi SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. at A. R. STUBBS. Nutmegs.... @ Proprietor. IV. 8, MADDOX,the PROVIDENCE LINE Liverpool, touching Queenstown. mll2Lllt>_ Agent. No. 1. 13 @ 17 25 mli28 eod6m celebrated Passage: First-class—$70 and or its Pepper. @ Perry’s Hotel, 1 IT Federal St. J. G. Perry Clairvoyant, Fortune Teller and $80 gold, Mackerel,? bbl. Hlarch. MADAME Doctress. can equivalent; Third-class at Proprietor. now located at No. 4 Mechanic where she Intermediate—$40 gold;• Bay No. 1.12 00 @13 00 Pearl. 9 St., can be July 2, 1877. Leave lowest rates. CLYDE’S @ lOj consulted all who wish to make her a call Monday, Nj.2. 8 00 @ 9 00 CitT Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. by Portland 7.00 A. M. lor iVorih Oonwny, The Line of Bay Sugar. Madame M. has had large COMMENCING Glasgow steamers sail from 3... 8 00 @ 9 00 Granulated.. J. K. Martin, Proprietor. experience in tell- NEW ROUTE TO NEW Olen Ilontte, Fabyan’s, Sum- for & New Line, Large @ 12; out Crawford’*, Quebec every Thursday Glasgow direct. Cabin Philadelphia England Steamship ing fortunes, searching Tost, hidden or YORK, — ShoreNo.l 14 50 @16 00 Extra O. @ 11 Falmouth O. M. Shaw A stolen mit Hi. Washington, and all points on tlie Ver- passage at lowest FBOM — j Hotel, Sou, pro- treasures. &c., and was never known to be at $t>0, steerage rates. No. 2....10 50 @12 50 C. @ 11 prietors. fault. and mont Division. booked to and from all of lot Do not miss this opportunity of consulting the Fare $4. New York Beturn $7. Passengers parts Eng- No. 3...-. 60 @ 7u great- 1.03 P. m. for Fabyan’s and intermediate sta- land, Denmark and Ger- Syrups. Preble House, Congress St.Gibson ACo., est fortune teller of the age. Per ns Ireland, Norway, Sweden, BOSTON. Medium... 6 50 @ 7 50 Sugar Refinery. entering intoany tions. many at lowest rates. Eagle Proprietors. new business or profession, the con of in connection with COLONV B ill,- Clam Bait... 3 75 @ 4 00 C. 9; ucting widen ONLY 42 MILES OF RAII. 5.45 P. H. for Upper Bartlett aud intermediate Prepaid and Return Tickets issued at reduced OLD St. Julian they do not understand, will find it to their KO»D. Flour. CC @10 Hotel. Cor. Middle and Pinna advan- stations. rates. Apply to J. L. General for Sts. G. tage to pay her a visit. She can foretell the Train FARMER, Agent .... 6 75 7 25 Ex E. Ward, Proprietor. destiny Steamboat Express will leave Boston & ARRIVE New No Superfine @ C. @ 10; of friends in of the world and England, 3. India Street, Portland, Vie. Boston to the Sonlh. Only Tri-Weekly 8 75 9 25 any part describe them Providence Railroad Station Ex-Spring.,. @ Teas U. S. Hotel, Junction of Fed daily (Sundays except- 8.30 A. M. from Bartlett. &S’~*Niglit Nterliug Checks issued in sums Congressand perfectly. She also describes all manner ot P. M. at Fox Upper Line. xx 9 25 @ 9 75 25 45 ernl Sis. disease ed). at 6 Connect Point wharf, Provi- to suit, tor l^nnd Spring... Souchong.... @ Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. that flesh is heir to, and medicine for the SUSP. M, from Fabyan’s. upwards. myiedtf 30 50 gives same dence, with the Entirely New and Magnificent Quick Time, Bale., Frtqucut De- Pat’t Spring Oolong. @ Sue has given universal satisfaction to all who 5.27 P. M. from Fabyan’s and Vermont Division. wheats.... @8 25 do choice 55 @ 60 have parture.. WEST NEWFIELD. consulted her in her constaut travels .since she BOSTON Mich’n Win- Japan. 30 @ 40 waa at Lake for received at New and Spacious Iron Freight seven years old. Steamers Sebago Naples, Biidgton — Freight 25 50 do choice 45 50 WtHt Net? field R.G. Pro AND forwarded daily to FALL there ter best... .10 @10 @ nouse, Holmes, Good testimonials given it desired. and Harrison. House and RIVER, w Tin. F»irior, with the Clyde Nteomer., Lo grade Terms, Gents Ladies50cents. Stages at Glen Station for Jackson and Glen connecting .ailing 9 25 9 50 Straits. 21 23 $1.00; Office honrn MONDAY, SATURDAY, Michigan.. @ @ rom 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. House. Connects at Fabvan’s for Summit Mt. every WEpNESDAYaud no9dtl and the well-known and popular PHILADELPHIA Direct, and at Phil- St.Louis win- English. 22 @ 23 Washington; also for to f*hila,lelphia connecting Littleton, Lancaster, Jetterson, «ith Steam Lines to ter fair- @10 00 Char. 1.C... 7 75 @ 8 00 Wells River, &c. Steamship Line. adelphia Clyde Charleston, S. C., 9 c Montpelier, Win’rgoodlO 25 @10 50 Char. I. X... 9 50 @ 75 ORNS Southern Pine Timber and Plank. Connects at St. Johusbury for Newport, Lake Norfolk, Va., Portsmoush, Va., Richmond, Va., best. 10 75 25 Terue. 7 50 @ 8 50 Washington. D. C., Alexandria, Va., Georgetown, @11 and all furnished to order from the Mempbremagog, Sherbrook, Montreal and (Quebec. Learo caeh uort every &, Fruit. Coke.. 7 50 @ 7 75 Difficulties ©I ilic Feet mills at STEAMER RHODE Wed’s’y Sat’d’y D. C., and all rail and water lines. the or from I ISLAND, South, where in J. HAMILTON, ot Almonds, Antimony... @ 20 SCHEDULES my wharf, have a arriving New York at 6. A. M. This is the only Supt. Dangers Navigation around Cape Cod avoided will assortment of re-sawed a Portland, June. 33,1877. Mo e Soft Shell. 19 @ 20 Zinc. 8J@ 9 n^^f-TOIV visit Portland at No. 43 large Timber, Plank aud line attordiug delightful sail through Narra- ju30dtf Wharfage, Insurant one-eighth of one perceut. ap18 Wt., over Free »t. the 1st Boards. Orders solicited. Hay by For Rates of or other Shelled.... 40 @ 55 Tobacco. Market, gansett daylight. From 3 Freight, information,' appty ren*aiu until the 15th. and at Address P. O. Box 9.'I4. Grand Promenade Concert Eve- Long Wharf, Boston, p.m! to Peanuts.175 @ 2 25 Fives and Tens, (Aa^n vv>r?iMont an? every NOTICE. From Pine Street Wharf, P“t!»* 25 30 75 Lewiston, irom the 16lli t0the 25th, J. W. DEERING, ning by D. W. Reeve*’ Celebrated Ainer- «>- D. C. thaon. @ Besthr’nds 65 @ tor the treatment?Hr0U8?» of all RINK, diffluelties of the human feet 210 Commercial can Hand of Providence. 10a. m. Currants,... 8}@ 9 Medium... 55 @ 60 St., the rate 01 GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT, to wliieli lie lias devoted his time and Held Richardson’s train* Insurance one half Dates. 7 @ 8 Common.. 48 @ 52 practice tor a jelieodtf Wharf. Freight leave at £.‘IO P. M. Portland & Ilarpswell Steamboat Co’y. ISO Washington Street, Lofton. large number of years past; and as a sailing vessels. Lost 12 @ 17 Half tbs. 50 @ 55 result of tbis j No intermediate landing* between Prov- on, May 1st, Janlldtl Figs. long experience ofter to the afflicted a for the West K. K.. anil South 1877._ 14 Nat’l Leal... 90 110 positive relief Vaults Cleaned and idence and New York. Change of Time commencing freight by the Penn. Prunes^.... 8@ @ from Corns, Bad aud Ashes Re lines of Commission. lbs- 55 62 Bunions, Nails, all difficulties Tickets and State Rooms can be secured at Com- UlONUAY, July 2. Boat leaves by connecting forwarded tree aisins, Navy @ ot the feet, that are considered moved. For Halifax Direct. t 85 incurable. He invites pany’s office, 214 Washington, cor. State and at o’clock A. ML. PASSAGE DOLLARS. 1 75 @ Varnish. all who are in street, Ilarpswell TUN Layer,new afflicted tbis direction, in ORDERS attended to at Boston «Xr Providence Railroad Station. and P. ML lhe L. M. new. 2 25 2 25 Darnar. 25 1 75 especially promptly by calling at 2.30 For Steamship Falmouth, @ @ obstinate cases, to call on him. No matter oraddre-^np Freight or Passage applyto W. New Val. Coach 2 25 3 80 bow ALL R. GIRSONt J. W. RICAARDSON, Agent, Boston. Leaves Portland at 9 o’clock A. ML and Capt. A. Colhy, will leave @ troublesome or how difficult cases sinesos.A««»i 1 -5 2 50 your may be you anldtf 5x8 Congress Street A. A. FOLSOM, Sup’t B. & P. R. R. je28eod3m 5.45 P. e. it. Trunk Whart ?lb.... 8@ $ Furniture... @ wili And good treatment aud iTl._ _ju30dtf every Lemons Wool. positive relief. to I owa Wharf, Bnfu at 6.00 P. M. lor ?bx 7 00 @ 8 00 There are hundreds of in Jn23-ly !, ,!,!5l,AY people Portland who can 111,1 nalitax connec- Oranges ? b G 00 wash’ll. 33 £5 ti direct, making @ 6 50 FTce @ testify to Dr, Carlton’s beneheial Vaults Cleaned Vaults Aslios Ilaulod, tion for all .— Val. 14 00 23 25 treatment. Cleaned, parts ot ^ova Scotia. Freight received Oranges @14 00 do unwash’d @ out at short Capsule Co.’s Metallic Boxed 43 taken notice, from $1 to s. v. m. f. kicker, Americav Soft only on day of until 4 P. M. For freight or 40 @ Office hours from 7 to 10 a. m.-ii to 0 $u kicked, IS. sailiug Pull’d.Super cord or $3 a by Uecrinv floods now ready AddregSyVictor Manger, New t0 Lamb Skins. 30 @ 37 m> AND load, addressing Address liibby** Corner, Deeriug. Address l.ibby Coiprr, Pa8fX8L*?ply H, COYLK, Jk.. Agent, aptoodtim | luylMtf A, LIBBV. Portland P..O. my8 dti mj8 utf York." rnyWImfl niluidtt Franklin VvLarf,
