nr* “ “ iiandr^abr &ntfng IfrraUi m m r r Averaffi Dally Nbt Pis h Ran the Weathar For the Week. Baring > a« O. a. Weaiha December ft, IbM Teday. fair ta partly chmiy and 10.213 eeldt twdght. etoady aad o ^ bnt ihMtalgbt.Te IN QUR I l f Mmeh»$ttir A Cky o f VUlago Charm JAHUARYWHIIE SAl[ VOL. LXX, NO. 74 AdveriMag aa gags U) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1950 (POURTBBN PAGES) PRiCE FOUR CRNTB

HALE IRREGULARS OF'NATIONALLY KNOWN IRREGULARS OF G>ld Wave Apide-Plcker Admits Hs Wlier^ Fighting E rnf^ Near Seoul Army Issues Strangled Ex-FoDies Girl HEAVY QUALITY SOLID COLOR New York, Dec. 38.—(S’)— Lull Settles in Korea Type 128 Sheets' Relief Seen An upstate New York apple- Draft Call • . T . picker admitted today after a Cannon Towels and night of queationlng, police Here Today said, that he strangled former For 80,000 81 X 108 — $2.69 Zlegfeld Follies showgirl As UN Forces Await Evelyn (Yvonne) Hughes. Face Cloths Reading o f 26 Bejow Police quoted Birger Nord- Set as March Quota; kvlst as saying he “blew his Brings Total Since the 72 X 108 — $2.49 Reported in Danbury top” when the woman reslstad R E G U L A R 1.00 22x44 8A TH SIZE District; Higher Tem­ his advances in his Manhattan Start of Korea Fight­ \ ' ' 0" • * ^ hotel room. Expected Red Push W« (uarante* thcM the same aa flrsta. Only alight w order, ef5>cUve at Huge Military Budget COAT to a 26 below in the Beaver Brook SOUTH to place calls upon the aelectiva Nations] i’ruductlon Authority to- j one*. NPA Accomplishes these 81 X 108 Only district of DSnbury and Brook­ KOREA 8er%’lce system In March." day banned hoarding of 55 scarce ! ends: IRREGULARS OF $ 9 .9 8 field. Dropping of Only the Army haa used the materials esaentlal to eVrense and j 1. It arts up a ban against hoiiae Tokyo, Dec. - 28.—{/Fh— New Haven’s zero provided the draft up to now. cIvlUan production. I hold hoarding and starts a Hat to United Nation* forces man­ Elm City with its coldest morn­ ()uolaa Booated The order makes it Illegal for which NPA later could add auch ning the 150-mile defense line $3-49 Extra Plump “Purofpam” ing since Dec. 27, 1948—three be­ 7 Stations The original quotas for January businessmen, consumers or Ifouse. | lirms aa autnmoblln tlrca, cara and low. and the record for the day is ncroBB Koroa’B midsection Open arrows locate Chlneae CVknmiailst activity along S8th parallel and February were boosted on Dec. holders to accumulate these proected flood of massed Red and luxurious to sleep on. Slight oil epota or Opeven hems which •8 In Hartford Korean capital a North Korean Mow aimrd at Chunrhon (B) was call for January was only 40,000 hibits acquiring the prodiKts for 3. It pluga a loophole in the manpower. But there was lit­ will not impair the wearing quallUes. Hartford reported three below. ice Is So Slight as turned bark. Red patrol activity was reported In other sectors nf and the original call for February resale at prices in excess of pre­ original onler, by eliminating the tle action. General MicAr- Danbury's official low was -6. In To the defense line net up by United Nations forces defending Seoul. (AP was 50,000. vailing market price*- o provision chance that a busln-aaman might Torrington, it wai -4 and the low Warrant Abandon The draft calls are part of a aimed at "black marketing.” thur predicted that more * spot at Bristol was -5. Water- WIrephoto). hoard matrrlaJa wll,' the rxcuae than 19 Red. dlvlslono—up to $0.99 each ment of the Stops build up to give the Army a com­ The 55 Items Include cement, that they were for personal con­ bury's reading was -.4. bat force equal to 34 dtvislona 190,000 men—would rush against aoftwood lumber and plywood, sumption. his tightened new lines in the next’ A r e a l V A L U E I ' Unofficially, the town of Dan­ when It reaches Its current expan­ SAVINGS bury reported -15 to -20. It was New Haven. Dec. M—UP)— The paper and paperboard, cast Iron 8. It diBcouragea the entry of two weeks. ^ A real value la wonderful latex foam piUewa—nothing to sion goal next July 1, soil pipe, and a long Hat of mejals keep them from wearing aa long aa the first quality. Zlpparsd -16 In Norwich’s outskirts, and -20 New Haven Railroad today filed Britons Believe Coal Seek 24 Dlrislone Individuals Into the business of The U.N. commander *aid Oom- covsra in pink and whlts^ at Poquetanuck Cove, off * the and chemicals. apeculativs buying in hopes of petitions with the Public Utilities Although the figure used by $I0,(N)0 Fin* and ImprisunniMit munlst China haa mobilized its Bates Bedspreads Thames river, in Preston. Commission requesting to discon­ the Defense department Involves making resales to industrial con­ "war effort on a national scale.” ______t ______New Haven area readings in­ tinue passenger service at seven only 18 divlaiona, an Army offi­ Any violation of the order la sumers later at higher prices. Such In his war aummary> MaoAr- cluded -10 at Woodmont. -12 at little-used stations in acattered Man Swiped Stone cial told a reporter today that the punishable by up to flO.OOO fine speculative trading, particularly thiir said the last known location Mount Carmel section of Hamden, parta of Connecticut. fighting force will be augmented and a year’s imprisonment. by newcomers in the field looking of the 19 dlvlslona, which oompoae $ 5 - 9 5 ANOTHER SHIPMENTI -20 at Southbury. -6 at Bethany. At most of them there at pres' by the so-called reg im en t com­ The anti-hoarding decree extends for a quick profit, is often termed the Chinese Oommuniat Fourth -6 at Hamden, -10 at Orange. -8 ent is no ticket agent the passenger bat teams to equal the strength of and re-enforces an earlier NPA In­ “gray market” or "black market” Field Army, placed them in a po­ AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY at^North Haven, -2 at Branford station being either clos^ or hav­ 24 full divisions. ventory control order which ap­ operations. sition to hit the Eighth Army and'^XVestbrook. Wife Demands What a value of a Bates Spread for only $5.95! Smart ing been previously Removed be­ When the Korean war started, plied only to business and Indpstry sometime between Jan. 1 and 10. Reading nf -24 cause of lack of use, said a rail­ the Army had 10 divisions, with and covered only 26 materials (tJoatiaaM oa Page Pwo) He said there were elx Chinese novelty cross stripe in full and twin bed sizes. Three color com­ A Woodbury low was 24 below; binations. road spokesman. Coronation Rock Has none of them at full strength ex­ corps iri the area and that limited ' 100% Wool Blankets The railroad In Its petition de­ Spouse Pledge cept for a dlvlBlon in Germany. attacks in leaser strength of one (Ooutlmied on Page Four) clares its belief that it ie “in the Been Mixed With It There were about three dlvlaions or more armies (corpa) could Im public interest that it be permitted ,ln the United States. Only one 12 Asian Countries launched at any time, but a c)—Rural of these, the 82nd rAirbome, had dlnated attack could be expected SPECIAL PURCHASES IRREGULARS OF $4.98 Size 72 84 $ 0 .9 8 the passenger stations. police 40 miles from London said anything approaching effective by the 10th of next month. strength and that was only 60 or U. S. Attorney Sm "Greatest Good” today they believed the venerable "Major Military Effort” AND A apokeaman for the road said 70 per cent of full strengUi. Bscauas w« bought thaas mentha ago at ths low pries, yog [Y< Mrs. Remington Insisted Stone of Scone, stolen from Weet- To Federallae Guard Urge Policy Revision ’The character of a major mili­ can buy thsas an wool blaakats at doUars lass than they ara ' that it is part of the general effort tary effort by the Chinese Com- Washable Quilted Is Suspended of the company to speed up its Ex-Official Vow to mlnater Abbey, had been uncere­ At the present time, the Army worth to d ^ . Winter Rooe, Duaty Roee, Kue, Cedar, Wine, and | v ' moniously dumped Into the River haa 11 re^ilar dlviaiona, plus four munlat Government, though Ini­ SPECTACULAR SAVINGS FROM Hunter O r e ^ ^ passenger service, and that the tially masked under the treacher­ elimination of these little used Remain Communist Crouch undeq cover of night. National Guard divisions and two Petition U. S. to Nego­ A apokeaman at Elasex police ous ruse of a “volunteer participa­ Mattress Pads \ ______Charges Against Louisi­ stops would result in the greatest Guard regimental combat teams Move to Hike tion,” la only too apparent in thn good for the greatest number. In Before She Wed Him headquarters In Chelmsford re­ which have been brought into Fed- tiate With Red China OUR OWN STOCKS! ! t \ ana Official Are Under ported a group of persona was deployment of all elementa of tha every Instance, it' waa ■treazod, On Far Eastern Prob- Steel Output ’Third and Fourth Field Armies, IRREGULARS OF 72x99 Investjij|Bti n .*- ■vejw few pasaengera are involved Ballethi! scan dun^ng a. “heavy bundle’ .fn m l which repraaant two out o( tha 0 ind ttonw u * othar ataUons avall- 'MaW'Tatlii Dae. t$—UP) — into the rivar l^ m a amall hoat. ' lienifl; 'Meeting Today flv* flsid armiaa conaUtuUng tha able within a short distance. Foot patrolmen and radio oars Counsel tor tonner goyenuhant quickly prowled five miles of river entire military structure of E xtr^ Heavy All White Waahlngton, Deo. ^8—UP)—At­ The aUtlonz the road wishes to economlat WllUam W. Reming­ Lake Succeaa, Dec. 28.—(4^— U. S. Accords Special China,” the communique aalcL \ torney General McGrath haa aua- dlaaontlnue are bank, while other police looked Three Soldiers ton charged today that poten­ for the hallowed block of yellow Tense Asia countries in the Unit­ Tax Benefits to 32 m i x B*i> a n * oNtiT-^84x7«”. U M rm D q u a h t it u pended Harvey L. Carey from the Haydens (in the town of Wind tial defense witneases were (OiNitinaed on Pago Four) office of U. 8. Attorney for the aandatone, heavy In weight and ed Nations are pressing the Unit­ Pure white filling that will launder white. Slight oil epols— sor), where only one train stops in being Intimidated by prosecn- ed States to negotiate with Com­ Expansion PrograniB V d H M She6^ Blankete Western District of Louisiana. each direction daily, except Sun­ tlon tacties. tradition, in small boats along the Hurt in Crash no holes, cuts or tears. ' The action waa announced yes­ atream. munist C3iina for a aettlement of 35.00 ro days, aad an average of lees than Federal Judge Gregory F. Griev ance Rahkles all Far Eastern political prob­ Washington, Dec. 38—UP)— The terday in a Justice Department two patomigers daily get on or off. Nooaaa bmabed - aside the lems. Nerve Gas 39.85 statement which said tersely that The station building was removed They found no trace of the relic Were Returning Home government has further cleared $2.98 Reg! $3.69 the Shreveport official was being charge, commenting “I do not on which British kings h av ^sat They are reported to feel that the way for a massive buildup in in February, 1933. recognise anything such as a for crowning since Edward I loot­ auch negotiatlona are the only HEAVY 8-OZ. ACA \ -T'- placed on temporary leave status ParkvlUe on List For Holiday When the Industrial production by approving Deadly Agent a pending the outcome of an Invea- defense or a government wit­ ed the slab from Scotland in 1296. possible means for a aotiitlon to 33 defense plant expansion pro­ Ksep warm bstwosn tliss4, axtra heavy sheet blankets, all Parkvllle (in the city of Hart ness until a person takes the Thia ancient grievance etlll ran­ Accident Happened the Korean war without a mili­ tlgatton into “allegations concern­ ataaA” grams for special tax benefits. udUts^andlnth^arg^as^TJj^^tachaa^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ing the conduct of his office.” kles in the breasts of fiery Scot­ tary knockout. The action waa announced yca- Featherproof (Oonttuned on Page Pwo) tish Nationalists, who think the Ever since the CJhtneae Reds CDA Warns It Could cOrath declined to elaborate or New York, Dec. 28—UP) — Wil­ I$ew Haven, Dee. 28—UP)— terday by the National Security to discuss the nature of the allega- stone should be restored to Scot­ Three 0>nnectlcut National sent their hordes Into Korea, the Resources board. It . permits rapid Paralyze Centers of ' tlons. liam W. Remington's former wife land. Guardsmen, returning to their countries of Asia—with the ex­ tax write-offa for the affected ElxtremiBta among their number homea from Camp Pickett, Va., ception of the Phlllpplnea—have projects. Pillow Ticks TH E F A M O U S Doean’t Beeall "Bribe” Urges Science says she didn’t marry him for love, been urging that the U. 8. listen Atomic Production Advised by feportera that he had and she made him pledge loyalty are generally suspected with cart­ for the New Year holiday, today These include a $351,414,000 been quoted as having told news-^ ing off the stone during the early ended up in hoapitala here. Their to Oommuniat Peiping’s demands steel mill to be erected by U. 8. to Communism before she agreed hours Christmas morning froih auto ran through a highway fence that: Steel Orporatlon near Morris- Washington, Dec. 38—UP)— An man earlier that an official waa To Organize to the union. enemy using nerve gas or germs Niagara Glass Check under investigation and *T think the (Coronation (Chair In the depths and two trees In the Wilbur Cross 1. The U. 8. withdraw Its ville. Pa. It is ^lleved to be the Slender, brunette Mrs. Ann Mooe of the hallowed Abbey. parkway in North Haven, plunged troops from Korea; biggest single swiel expansion pro­ might be able to halt production, of 7 9 « R e g - 9 9 c we are on the way toward uncover­ Remington, testifying yesterday at ing an attempt at a,bribe,” Mc­ A police spokesman said after down an embankment and over­ 2. 'The U. 8. withdraw the Sev­ ject on record. American atomic weapons with­ V oiuM AEG Head Proposes the perjury Ulal of the former the fruitless search that authori­ turned. enth Fleet from Formosa; g Under NSRB certification, costa out ever dropping a bomb or firing Re-cover those old pillowe now. Heavy featherproof blue Dish Tow ds Grath said he did not recall using government economist, said she 8. The U. 8. atop its opposition a shot. Or he might parallze, lit­ to and white stripe Ucka that wlU wear for yean. the word "bribe." War Mobilization of ties had “reason to suspect” the The Guardsmen were fortunate of the construction may be deduct' He added that the Carey case had been reluctant to marry him. bundle heaved into the (Crouch waa in escaping critical injury, how­ to the seating of the Oimmunist et from company taxes over a five- erally, the military nerve center at 45.00 was the only one “involving an Scientific Brains Bill, she added. It wasn’t love the stone of scone. ever, for their car waa ^stroyed Chinese regime in the U.N. year period. Tax amortization cer­ the Pentagon. that concerned her. Take All Precautions in the accident % Hope for Peace tificates Issued for the 32 projects Thes'e possibilities arc implicit in employe of my department, which They believe these concession* 3 0 c each Reg. ^ c ea. has bMn imder investigation.” Cleveland, Doc. 28—(>P)—Atomic Married In 1938 “Ail precautions are being tak­ The most serious Injury was a amounted to ' more than $544,000,- the text of a grim new book issued Energy (Commissioner Henry D. “One of the requirements I ssk- en,” he added, to assure that only possible factured left leg suffered would bring peace to Asia, at 000. The total of auch certificates yesterday by the Civilian Defense LIMITED QUANTITY! Carey told newsmen in Shreve­ least temporarily. This view was It you hava nsvar uaed tbeae wonderfully Vbeorbent and port: "I cannot make any comment Smyth today proposed icreatlon of ed was that he 'would continue to lasued up to now for the steel In­ Administration. Its purpose ia to a Scientific Service Coria and Stu. be a Oomrauniat. adhere to the (Gontinnad on Pfife Four) (OoBtinnsfi aa Pag* Four) Implied ih a 12-power resolution dustry atone la over $1,000,000,000. tetl< state and local defense organ- non-Unt Niagara dlah toweln try them now! Red, Blue, Green at this tlms, but If my friends and they put before the U.N. Assem­ and Gold all-over checks and new multi-color stripM. the public will bear with me I dent Science (Corps in ^ar-reach Party program and participate in Plan 1,800,000 Ton* laatlons, and the people, whai to Lady Roberta ing war mobilization of U. S. Party activities,’’ she testified. “He bly two weeks ago, pledging Red The Morrisville steel plant is ...... ■ \ feel confident that the entire mat­ China a politl(Al conference in re­ expect In atomic era warfare and ter will be cleared up satisfac­ scientific brains and skills. said T need not worry on that expected to add 1,800,ooio ingot what to do abort surviving. ------' " " T------The nation must prepare for score." turn for peace in Korea. tons of steel to America’s annual torily." That proposal was accompapled The book, “Health Services and REGULAR 49c \ 20-year period of tension’’ in which The couple, noarried on Nov. 23, production. That la nearly two per Special Weapons Defense.” in­ Mattress Covers major or minor wars might break by a 13-power (the thirteenth was cent of the present national pro­ 19M, warn divorced c. year ago after the Philippines) resol'utlon calling cludes much of the previously pub­ Jt" FAST COLOR FRUIT-OF-THE-LOO^ out at any time, he declared. , several years’ separation. Details News Flashes duction. lished guidance for defense for negotiatlona on a cease-fire in “Our survival is at stake," and of the divorce were not brought A $41,525,000 project of the methods in atomic attack. But it wu must use “all our strength, our (Lata BuOaclM of the UPl W in) Korea. Consideration of the reso­ Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad $ Reg. $4,29 News Tidbits out. Mrs. Remington said she quit lution for political talks waa Co., Is due to increase output by airo reaches far deeper into the VoiuM 3.69 Printed Percales material reapurcea and our man. the Ck>mmunist party In 1946. subjects of chemical, germ and CbIM From (/P) Wires power in the wisest possible way, shelved to await progress on th.e another half million tons and a to Asked by defense counsel if she cease-fire move. $4,263,000 expansion program at Same high quality cover we have carried for yean. Heavy he told Che American Association loved Remington at the time of nr for the advancement of science. Alfred Rogers Voted Into Fraternity Since Peiping’s rejection of the Geneva Steel 0>., Salt Lake Cfity, (t'onllniieO Page Pwo) 49.95 unbleached «^ton with eeams all Ixmnd and with rubber buttons. Prealdent Tmman points to their marriage, she answered: Hartford, Dec. 28—(i

ilrili.r"-I- *«4 ■u.

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 MANCHESTER EVKmNG HERALD. ^MLUiijSTER. C O l^ .. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 PAGE THRU vlsw /trsot,‘ from | charged In a spsolal w i ^ to tha Ury to. ssorstsry of the group A UJ4. that the Chlne(M Reds made More Guardsmen Wins Advance our enamlaa by being much Joseph A. Otto of Hartford wlU •wlUiln the aane. It Study Group’s Railroad Asks their plans to InvSda Kowa last * ^ ^ !* ^ lla m s joined TravMsfs Defense Office With Trust Co* brighter, much cooler and more Engagement Rev. Fr. Clark be deacon of th« moaa, and the tisad. preaumably, In tha a a ^ Mancheaier for algbted than they ore. We Rev. Thomas M. Londregan of PRESCRIPTIONS re summer — months bsfow U.N. Begin Furloughs 1928 w h « hs aurreptltloua manner M g | ^ troops crossed the SSth Pawllel. At Travelers must uae our weapona and men Welhersfle.lcl will be siil>-deacon. Oomponiid## mm #f mma, waapona aialnat atrataglc bulldlnga Dropping of with the group ’ Date Book more rtlllfully than they." Rurf«rk-Damb«ck Acting as acolytes will be the W ork Noted Many observers, espeolally In Asia, has been aashrtant secNtsry 'Moves Friday For 25 Years Passes Todav ymn •lyerlesee. or tnatalli^ona. have charged that China wotild Hartford, Dec. 28—(#)— A sec­ The Student Science Corpa. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Danfel Buraack fK Revs. Edward 11. Rooney of 168^ Sold Thua the three new waapona— that department since 1*40. 37 Packard street announce the not have Intervened If MacArthur ond conUngent^of former Connect­ F6nter H. Williams I* Smyth’s other proposal, would En­ Bloomfleld and Robert E. Sanders radiological polaon, blolOglrtl -----^ I A giwduate of ' Junior Holiday dance, Clounty engagement of tbrtr daughter. » 7 Stations had wfralned from crossing the icut National Guardsman began roll science students of high In­ of Hartford The thiirlfer will Arthur Drug Store* tMtal and nerve gaa—can be uaea South Methodist Women In ainton. N. Y.. Infant Civil Defensp De­ Club, 8 to 1 su m. Vincent W. Ingraham telligence and promise In their Miss Ruth B. Burtack, to Allyn Former Curate al St. be the Rev. Ravmond J. Miitready Parallel. holiday furloughs today. Made Secretary o f the . Sunday, December 31 Bob Gmy Dispow* of mote •■aalacUvaly" rtan t ^ MacArthur’s tenth report of the d native of Twin 0 ^ « . freshman year. They would stay Dambeck, oon of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ of New Haven and the masters of atomic bomb. They can be aimed Carry on Many Activi- (Oentlnasg rrons Page One) By train, plane and prlvaU cars Group Department partment Ha> 12 Ein- New Year’s Eve party at Coun­ Honored by FeHow In through graduate school train­ seph Dambeck of 134 Argyle Ave­ BridgeCa la Dead in war. wleased by the U. 8. Mission the soldiers will return home from vsnls; He is a P*»‘ , ceremony will he the Very Rev. Stock; to Retire; P«- at cerUln groupa ^ th ln • of Campbell Council, Knlghto o« try C3ub, 9 p. m. to 3 a. m. ing, If they were Intelligent. Imag­ nue, West Hartford. Msgrs. Joseph K. Cleary and John tie* Despite Siae ford.l whew only one train stops to the U.N.. said massive Chinese training areas at (Damp Stewart. iiloyes; Will Expanil Tuesday, Januo^- • Workers and Friends IMaiiiville Uon or at the whole populaUon of Among the seven promotions nn- CoUlmbus. inative. original and good per­ Mias Buraack, a graduate of F. Ilackett. Nith of Hartford. dally, except Sundays, In each Intervention •'Indicates that plans Oa., and Camp Pickett, Va. Lecture by Dr. George B. Coo­ gaoiis Enlarge nounesd by President Jesse W. formers. Manchester High school, la a sen­ SUFFERING The Studv group of thfe direction, and an average total of for active and aggressive Inten'en- Included In thle group are eome Hartford, Dec 28- (P) — The per of Trinity College, sponsored Vincent W. IngnOiam, treasur­ Plalnvllls, Dec. 28—(J1 ■ The officials asy they aw Jaw­ Randall of the Travslers Insurance er of the Manchester Trust Com­ Need New System ior at the University of Connecti­ Father Clark was curate at St. Methodist Women’s Society of less than four passengers a day tlon In the Korean War were un­ 28 men from the 2S8th aijd 748th / state's gfowing i ’lvll Defense de- by Y.W.C.A., at Community Y, cut, and a member of Alpha Ep­ Rev. Frederick William Clark, RobeHr ‘ tSr»y, p i« p r i* ^ ®* ing the new book ‘Inot with the doubtedly developed early In the Cbmpanies Tuesday waa that of pany. ia receiving congratulations Others who were only tech- Bridget's chnrcli here from 1935 FROM ChrlsUan Ber%lce. which was or- get on or off. 'Die station building AnU-alrcraft artillery gUn batta­ ■portment moves Friday from Its 1:18 p. m. silon CTil sorority. pastor of Our Lady of Meri;y anlvYbaady, Cigu and C o n ^ - Idea of apraadlng horror atorlea or summer.’’ Fost«r H. WlUiams, of 08 Falr- today on his completion of 25 nirally competent wovild be re­ until 1942 He left here to be­ ^ a t Dapat Ikjua^ b - ranlsed to take the place of the was wmoved In Ootobsr, 1939. lions at Camp Btswart. They wlU temporary office in the Smte Cap- Saturday. January 20 Mr. Dambeck Is a graduate of church, died this morning. He alarmist raporU but to prawnt a years In banking. leased to the military or civilian had been pastor of the ehnreh come pa.slor of Sacred Heart iSd the atock IB Wa P > ^ . ®* former Missionary Society of the Thompson (In the town of Put­ arrive at • p. m.. In an Air Nation- * -W l to new.,quHi tors In the Labor Annual ‘ entertainment and the tlnivcrslty of Connecticut and challenge that muat be met ir ' Department buiMing, 92 Farming- life after finishing college, and sines 1948. chui-i'h In Wetherstlelil. He Is Asthma? buMn#M Riid ^ wtirlnjp. attacks on the gwat civilian cen­ church, for the past ten yeaw un­ nam) whew one train In each al Guard traneport which took off STATE dance of Manehester Pipe Band a member of Phi Sigma Delta reported to have been In 111 health der the leadership of Mrs. Arthur ton avenue. Rainbow ballroom. students would be "continually fraternity. He 1* now attending Bom In Walerbury In 1893. SANSON’S ASTHMA been locRtRd In thU on# «#tmbltah- ters of the United States wcur. • dlwctlon makes a flag stop, and Autos Stalled from Brainard Field thle morning weeded out." This -corps would for a n\imber of years. Olbaon, hns devoted much time to only an bccaslonal passenger geU — NOW rUYINO — Civil Defense Director Roger F. the medical school of the Univer­ Father Clark studied for the REMEDY ment for over 80 yaara. The af®y® Near the close of the book la one with a load of 26 men. 'Die holiday ’ Gleason In annumclng tlW move be under general Juriadictlon of ]U8 been, run by Q»a Gray family dwadful but necaaaary chapter, the study of missions. Organised on or off. and the station bulling sity of Vermont at Burlington. priesthood at St. Thomas Semin­ lla* belped away pooplt airlift waa arranged by MaJ. Gen. fl.axsr]r iMtlat - Rearias AI4* JIMMY DURANTC today, aald some .i.OOO sq. ft. of the National Sclenre Foundation 'The wedding date Is set for for mora than 40 yaara. "organleatlon of MorgneaJ with nine membew. It hM was wmoved In June. 1949. Frederick G. Relnske, sUte acyu- ary In Bloomfleld and St. Mary's tv,oc« lead a nnmwl. ocMva ate fey to over twenty, but is stlH one of By Cold Spell otllco .space will be available to cooperating with the Scientific Sunday. June 17. Seminary In Baltimore, Mil, Hr The Gray family took over the ’ It tells of the methods of tagging W ill street (Norwalk), whew tant general, with MaJ. John L. OBEAX HOI.IDAY rBOOEAXt Two Arrested Manpower Board and selective **♦ rrmnvlna the painfai eym ^ the smallest gi-oups In the society. DONALD (rOONNER . his agen(:J’ on the fourth floor of waa ordalnetl to the priesthood tnms nr aalhnw. bualnaaa from the lata Richard and Identification of dead. And one train a day In each direction Hoar and Capt. Herbert Sharp D*a«rak Sarr Xaaer Oa«U the building. service. / Tom and wmiam Gray It speaks of these matters, too; Mrs. Gibson has found the mem­ April 21, 1924. bew most cooperative Ml any proj­ makes a stop oil Mondays through Despite Repeated Warn­ piloting the plane. Btaart Uraager J. Whitaion Is THE MIUMAT Karller plan.* had called for the Passing Signs Dr. Smyth said something more Fire Drives 16 Before coming to PlalnvlUe two ' ^ o u t START USING IT o^ S ta d tha atora for »bout W If tha number of deaths were so Fridays, and where an average of positive Is needed than simple ect they undertake. Special Train “ King “ The Next department moving In a building year* ago. Father riark had served TODAY before Bob took over. Now gwat that all available regular and leM than three pa-ssengers a day at f>80 AsyJmn atrect, owned by drsft deferment for brilliant stu­ Tills Christmas In addition to ings Many Drivers Are Meanwhile a special train carry­ Solomon's Voice for seven years as pastor of the hU middle 70-a. Bob haa de­ emergency mortuary services were get oh or off, and the station bulld- ing some 600 men and offlcere of Plus: RICHARD CONTE James F. Rvan, West Hartford. dents of science. And "we are not Into Zero Uoltl NEW LOW PRICE! cided to retire from acUve wort. contributing five dollara for blbles ... Mines’’ You Hear” Out o f Town Driverti Sacred Heart ehnreh In Wethers­ overwhelmed to the polht where Ing has been closed since 19 Caught by Wave the 4Srd Infantry Division will But this fell through rerently, ac- interested In helping Individnnls field. and had been curate at Ro realdea dn Mill atreot. A Hart­ bodies could either be embalmed to be sent to Japan, a total of lU At t:UJsU In "TIm SlMpiiHI C i^ Pnr Bale al the Fnllnwlag Christmas cards were mailed to North Haven, where only two. l^ v e Camp Pickett about 7 a. m., la caUr (;lt I cording to ofhrials. largely be­ Violate Road Riileo* escape duty of military service New Haven, Dee 28 i/I’i- Six­ churches In .Stamford. New Ha­ ford coofpany haa purchaacd hla nor -burled within 48 hours, and Despite repealed warnings from cause of th. expense involved in jvist because they are bright boys „fM£C0MF0RT Rlanrhester Oral Storoai jhuttns and persons who w-ere 111. trains northbound and one south­ for the 13-hour trip back to Con- 1 Htarta Saaday; “ Tke Wert Folat sunT^m o n .-t u e s . teen residents of a (’’ollege street ven. Westerly, R, I., and at St. ■took. . .. bodies continued to be received in They also remembered 8B persons bound make regular stops, and an the weather department over the neotlcut. They must return on New- . allorations. One Held fiir Speeding or happen to have played with a rooming house. mo»t of them Bridget's church in Msnehester. banta Paganl, owner of the Btarjf” , wARNia aaos: "We are very plea.scd with the tJUINN’M PIIARMAUV large numbers, mass burial In a with gifts. 39 in mental hospitals ar’erage of two get on and flve get radio and news storiea concerning Year’s Day since s full training chemistry set as children." dressed only In night-clothing, The funeral will he held Sat­ budding la which the Gray atore common grave might be required. new'spaCe given us." Gleason said "We donft hsve the selenllfic Tel «IS6 off. the current cold wave, many Man­ day has been scheduled for the Woodrow W Mott, 28, of R.K.D. were forred Into near-zero cold urday at Our Ijidy of Mercy MORIARTY Bros ia located, plana to enlarge the . , . . The director of Local Civil of the state. chester motoriaU were forced to "It should give us plenty of room men we need, even now." Dr. NORTH BNII HIIABMAOT For years they have been send­ Woodrow (In the town of Kent) division on Jan. 2. 2. Willimanlie. was arrested yes­ wlien a two-alarm fire swept church at 10:30 a. m,, with a sol­ 3 1 5 CENTER ST Tel. 6648 North End Package Store and put Defense Health Bervlcw ia respon­ walk to work or depend upon com­ trrexpand ■ Smyth warned. He suggested thst through a restaurant beneath the emn pontlfleat requiem mass ecle- ^ Qaw front on the building. Thla ing gifts to patients at Green where an average of less than Ha* 12 Kiiiployr* terday by Police Lieutenant Ray­ “some rhenilsts from the eosnietles UCNTKH rilARMAOT sible for Informing personnel In I.«dKe Home, and rememtei-lng mercial transporUtlon today. mond F. Griffin on charge.* of pass­ rooming ho\ise this morning. hniled by the Most Rev. Henr.v J. TEL. 5 13 5 morning Paganl aald hla plana ware the mortuary serv-tco whether spe­ three passengers a day get on or EASTWOOD *The infant deparUuenl, sot up industry, and most of the physi­ TrI. 4368 men and women at the TN>wn Farm off. and which is only 3.6 miles Mercury recordings In Manches­ ing a slop sign and violation of The blaze of undetermined O'Brten. Bishop of Hartford. not complete and he did not know cial hazards might arise from ter were reported anywhere from Files a Civil Suit A TRULY GREAT BILL!, only laat siunmcj’. now has 12 em­ cists from the television Industry, The eulogy will he preached hy WKI.IKIN IIKUa ivlth gifts. Monday, four of the from Kent station. ployes. Gleason .said the now rules of the road. The alleged origin esused approximately Jl.OOO when remodeling would begin. handling bodies contaminated with one degree below zero to eight DEBORAH JA.MES occiirred on Woodhridge rould have their nbilllies used in the III. Rev. Msgr* John .1 Hayes. T*«. 6831 mcniliers called at the farm, told Andover, wheie only two trains Plus; “ Revenue Agent' space will be ample for ".’> or more ways that would he more likely to damage to Wiggy's restaurant. .52 FUEL OIL radioactivity. blologUal waifare or Christmas stories, sang carols, and degrese below In outlying sections. WHITMORE street. College street, comer of Crown Tlie Rl Rev. Msgr John F. Cal­ Fraliirlni Free llelly«ry make the stop eostbound dally, ex­ Claiming ^^70,000 KERR "if we find that many arc need­ Vincent \V, Ingraham Insure the survival of this re­ chemical warfare ngents.” treated the folks there to ice As a result, there were countless STEWART NANCY SUNDAY NIGHT Mott narrowly mis.*ed a collision street. Seven companies of fire­ lahan. V. O.. will he assistant cept Sundays, and one westbound, numbers of cars that froze up or ed- ' public." Nerv e Gas cream and candy, also providing GR.A-NGER DAVIS NEW YEAR’S EVE SHOW Since summer the depart­ with a car driven by Saul M. Sil- Mr. Ingraham entered the em­ men ronfined the flames to the priest. and where an average of lesa than had dead batteries. Service sta­ verstein, president of Rogers Cor­ Help In 6 Way* Deacons of honor will he George ice cresm and cookies for aupper. three passengers day get on or New Haven, Dec. 28— —The “The Next Contituion* All Day ment ba* been temporarily using ploy of the Manehester Trust rating place, and there waa only Deadly Agent tions were working practically all fkther of s five-year-old Short “King MIDNIGHT SHOW poration. police said, Scientists are Important. )ie said, dama/y- In the rooming establiKh- F. Clark of Newington and John | Lodge Marks off. and no agent has been on duly day recharging batteries and the lieutenant governor’s oltlco on Company as a runner on Decem­ Beach. Branford, child yesterday Solomon's Voice Stnrto ItiOl A. M. the thinl floor of the State Capitol Robert.C. Gold.snider. ,17, of ber 28. 1925. He was elected as because they help a war effort in menl on the second floor of the two T. Connor of Unlonville. The Rev. since J941. , thu -ing out radiators. Yesterday R.F.D. 1. Andover, will be pre­ six ways. Hoarding Banned filed a 870.000 civil suit In Superior Mines” You Hear” as Its cfUre. That office willl )>e assistant treasurer In December, and one half story brick stnieture. (CantlBiied frons Pngs One) > Dual Events and last night service stations Court against a Branford woman, (la c«1or) HFRIDS! DONT rORGET taken ever next Wednesday by sented In Town Court Saturday One Is basic research, seeking The swift work of Patrolmen were cluttered with motorists l;t5-SriS . 1945, and became trea.surer on Turnpike Auto B»dy W orb claiming that her car struck and S:1*-4:SS-*:4S The Kiddies’ Mstinee Kdwaifl N. Allen who will for passing a stop sign. November 28. 19.50. fundamental knowledge, out of Robert Twohill and Lawrence Mc­ radiological wnrfaw than any In Today’s Order Cold (Causes Loss while radiator# were being checked seriously Injured the youngster '. sworn m as lieutenant governor on John B. Snook, 2.'), of North Ful­ which came the A-Bomb. And “ I Neil, who discovered the flames. and anti-freeze solution poured In­ Sun.; "West ^obit Story". Tech. Saturday Starts At 1 P. M. lerton avenue. Montclair. N. .).. is This morning Mr. Ingraham's Huill On Inirgrily Growing On Service other document the government Pythian Sisters Observe when he waa riding hii scooter last - .that dale. The room also serves associate,* of the bank presented could cite examples of post-WBr re­ s\nninoned the firemen, and wak- YOUR hasifubUshed. to radiators. during legislative sessions as a scheduled for arraignment on Jan­ search In basic sclenre that have ene on the Wilbur weapons program. " CAN RE USED The list of msterlsls covered In- that Emma K. Barnett of Short Cross Highway by State Police ance of the occasion. the Bleeping roomers from serious means of saving those who have Christinas Party Also (Continued from Page One) time In two years, public skating tors. ' The other ways are research harm. TO PURCHASE A Met’liuiiirul uml Auto Body Repuiring cludes; . . . 1 Beach ran “ Into and over” hU son, ONE ENTIRE WEEK Sergeant Albert H. Kimball. He also was complimented by with possible utility In mind, ap­ been injured, but thew also U a Uet of Matorlalq ! can now be enjoyci^ at Center Edward K. Potter, .3d, while he waa Contract waa awarded- recently the staff of the Ravings Bank of chapter on what to do' with the Memorial Temple, Pythian Sla­ the west coast, had described him Springs pond. STARTS to Nowsch Brothers. Manchester. plied research to get the answer Building Materials—Cast Iron , riding his .scooter west on Altman Manchester which sent him flow­ to a specific question or need, teste Painting, Pronipl Sorvic’c bodies of those killed by ^ blast, ters. combined a Chrletnias party s6u pipe and presaurc pipe: gyp-1 as “an ideal patient” who "dldn t ■ street Into the Bradley avenue TOMORROW I for 45,700 to install partitions in ers. and by the First National JARVIS CIRCLE the new Civil Defense office. Ing new weapons or developments poison gas, germs or fission prod- with the celebration of Its twenty- sum board, lath and sheathing; in- j aak for anytlilng.” New Miiaeum Ulrector I Intersection In Branford, A HOUDAY TREAT Bank of Manehester. I Wife Demands In the field, training operators and Wriltrn Cuarunicc Terms ucte emitting lethal rays. eighth anniversary Tuesday eve­ Hulutlon material made of pulp; in- Two Others on Stretcher* During the day he received the educating a new stockpile of acl- NOTICE Hew aw 9I Hi* things the ning In Odd Fellows hall. snlatlon board which contains pa­ Two other atretcher* a r -. Irt mooollfM and young Mm* ... sad Jins’s m levs! eongratnlstions of hi* many HOME Hartford. Dec. 28 — i/Pi The entlats In universities. THE OFF4CE OF ClvU Defense Administration haa Christmaa carols . were sung, pers; Portland cement. rived here with Smith. One was lioard of trustees at the Wads­ Hormone Effective Spouse Pledge friends who stopped b.v to wish Dr. Smyth said the proposals to say about the new weapons with Mw. Mercyll Peckham, past Lumber Products—Softwood and Private Raymond J. McNeil of ( him many more years o f success DON'T DELAY! worth Atheneum tdday named for the scientific corps were “ not DR. .1. A. SEGAT. that may be utsd against the civil­ grand chief, at the piano. Mw. liardw’ood lumber (except hard­ Philadelphia xvho auffered froat- Charles E. Buckley of Washing­ SMtsm. p'SwELL’Mm^tlBAN Against Aiihrilis in his banking career. . original with me, but 1 am respon­ ian population or against groups Peckham also wad a poem, wood flooring, railroad ties and blte of both hand* and amputation A CT TODAY! ton, D. C.. as the new general Parly Loyalty sible for the form in which 1 pre­ WILL BE CLOSED engaged In defense work: 'Chrlatmoa In 19(50. ” after which mine ties); softwood plywood: of part of hla right foot. The curator of the Hartford Museum. sent them.” Biological warfare—Germ war- games were played with Mrs. woodpulp. ^ , other was Pfc. Wilburn Boggs of Mr. Buckley will succeed Bior- (Continued from Page One) Urges Science (Our test f'alendar* Are faw U neither the “absolute wea- Muriel Bolin In charge. Paper Products—All converted Pound, V.*.. wounded In the left ence Pauli Berger, curator at the (Continued from Page One) FROM JANUARY 1 Ready—CkiU Tnday) FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS non” capable of destroying the en- Mrs. Frances C. Herron, also a paiier and board products—paper, thigh. Atheneum since 1918, who will re­ New Compound F can be made To Organize THROUGH FISH AND CHII»8 WITH OUR NEW PRIAI,ATORI ■ tiw powSation of large cities nor past grand chief, read a paper on paperboard and construction paper Smith Is the only quadruple tire January 1. in fairly large amounts, if it mist after he was indicted last \ !. an Impractical weapon that pw- the history of the Temple,* which and board materials. amputee reported thus far In the The new general curator will proves useful. Dr. Tishler said. July. Jarvis Realty Our new sanitary process gives you a delicioua. crisp, K f H h U v R ' , His trim. 34-ycar-old former JANUARY 14 ; aenU ho dangew. "The truth lies was Instituted in Orange hall, on Iron and steel—lig Iron; gray Korean fighting. There were assume Ills duties here February The achievement was - made by a (Continued From Page One) 654 Center St. TH. 4113 golden brown ftsMl — Seals in the flavor! Come ip and 1 between these extremes.” It may Just such a cold night, with snow iron castings; carbon, alloy and two In World War II. 1. tie comes to the musetim frpm . I nnkrJILHERN-Ann HARDING 1 team Pt chemiata— Drs. Norman wife, who has testified Remington ; be directed either against mw or was a Communist and he slipped try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED and Ice as Tuesday evening. Past stainless steel products ranging One of these. James w. (Jim­ the Corcoran Gallery of Art In ------NANCY’ DAVIS In L. Wendler, Robert P. Graber, Ro­ Scientific Manpower Board re­ I against the livestock and plants /pAi» government secrets to a Party spy sponsible to the Presulent of the TO TAKE HOME. CALL .180.1. [Grand Chief Mw. Elliabeth Fair- from Ingots to sheets, strip, rods my) Wllaon. aald yesterday at Washington. •THE NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR". bert -E. Jones, and Tishler, who is I be eats. 'Ihe materials of biologl- and wire; rough forgings; iron and Boulder, Colo,, that he planned to Director of Developmental Re­ courier, told.of their inarriage un­ United States, not to the Defense I cal warfare—bacteria or poisons man of Thompsdnvllle. now of der defense cross-examination. Tennessee, was the “mother’’ of steel scrap. contact‘ Smith and talk with him. search at Merck. Depa raent, Dr. Smyth said. 1 produced from bacteria—might be Other metals and minerals— “From my own experience. I Compound F differs only slight­ Defense Attorney William C. It would be "a civilian organi­ COMMUNI-TY RESTAURANT ] distributed by saboteuw before the lodge. Mw. Ada L. Peckham. ^TODAi > CUPPER CANYON” S^DARK CITY” Chanlcr drew from her the ad­ who was a member of Purlnton Aluminum in crude and semi-fab- know that encouragement from ly ■from Cortisone, first known sation without ranks or tiniform,” 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER I open war &‘,arted or during actual rlcated form, and scrap; antimony; persons with similar Injuries Is as Compound E. ' The chemical mission she niav have erred in and the Manpower Board's Job k hSitUltiea. (CDA ofllclaU aay no Temple of Wllllmantic. was Inetru- BARN DANCE some details of her direct testi­ menUI In signing up the Pythian asbestos; cadmium; c e r iu m ; the best morale builder possible, trick was to change one part of would be "to get the right man In t Instancea of such sabotage have chromium; cobalt; columblum. cop­ the complex Ovrtinone molecule mony. the right Job," It would have I been discovered so far), Sisters, and transferred from the Wilson said. Evary Fri. Niqht. 8:30-12 While being questioned by the lodge in the Th'wad City. Charter per; Industrial diamonds; lead; Now a student at the TeL without changing the rest of it. power to keep a scientist out of f The germs, could be smuggled Route 6 Cortisone is made synthetically government, she had said that or put hUn 'Into the Army, Navy into the United States or spawned members Included Mrs. Elizabeth magnesium; manganese; mica; sltv of Colorado L*w- School. W 11- Man. S8S8 Remington told her he had been molyidenum; nickel; platinum: "ERNIE" ROCK and 44 by starting with prod((gl.^rq|n jir Air Force,'or .*wiich him about -wai . “within the United ^tates by Caverly, who was the flwt excel­ son «1?0 was * beaten‘s in Harlan County. Ky., .^oa needed. EAST HARTFORD workew In clandestine laborator- lent chief but was unable to be talc;; tantalum; tin: tungsten c61d that forced amputation of au AND mS OBCHESmA ' animal hiie,-.;la, a geries or 25 or while 6Mig work for the left-wing vanadium; zinc; alrcon; non-fer­ four limbs. Hi* home Is at Stark, more chelrili’al step#. To create Only scientists of military age l rssant last night; Mrs. Franses Workers Alliance. would be required to Join this TELEPH0^E 8-3231 "ifliey could be used, ill addition (erron, Mw. Gladys Gamble, Mrs. rous scrap. Fla. ______Compound F. they took one of the He Won Fellowship E , Chemical^—Benzine; carbon tet­ chemicals halfway In thla process, corps. Older scientists would be to general attack on urban popu­ Carrie Samlow, Mw. Ada L. Pack- “ Wasn't it in Cookeville. Ten- advised only as to how they might lations, “to delay military or in­ ham and her son, Horace Peckham, rachloride; dichlorobenzene; gly­ CITY VIEW and altered it. ne.ssee, where It happened? " asked cerin; methanol: methyl chloride; Study Plants as Source serve. dustrial mobilisation and produc­ all charter members attended the Asian Coiiiilries CARNEY Chanler. "and wasn't Mr. Reming­ Talent Wa* “ Misused’’ tion.” They could be put Into the celebration. methylene chloride; phlorade; DANCE HALL BOLTON This means there would be less ton organizing a unit of the Tex­ methylene chloride; phthallc an­ Cortisone if ('’ompound F were In the last war, he saW. much air clrculaUng systems of “strate­ Most ^cellent Chief Mrs. Jane U. S. Switch and ^WNEUJ YEAR tile Wwkers Union?" valuable seientifle talent wa.* mis­ gic buildings” or into the atmo­ Smith made the birthday cake, hydride; polythylene; styrene and KEENEY STREET We Are Taking Reservations For made, sineJa both come from the Mrs! Remington said that was A H A P P Y polystyrene: Utanlum pigments; same starting chemical. It takes possible. used. He feels his proposal would sphere surrounding those build­ and a fruit cake donated by Mrs. help avoid intemipting the flow ings or big war Industry plants, Georgina Smith was won by Ray trichloroethylene. (CoBtlBoed from Page Oae) j two more chemical steps to make .At another point, the Mlscellaneoue—hog bristles. New Yearns Eve $5.00 ^*(piufx«) F than Cortisone. of future scientist.* by wide- ti&us key personnel, difficult or Gamble, Allen Barwtt In the role attorney established that Reming­ •spreading (drafting of college stu­ impossible to wplsce quickly in of Santa ‘Claus presented gifts to India. Iran. Iraq. Indonesia, l^b.*- DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ALL RESERVATIONS Compound F. like Cortisone, ton won a college fellowship in comes from the outer cover of the March, 1938, although Mrs. Rem­ dents. su id such spoU as Hanford. Oak Ridge. all pwsent. Assorted sandwichec. non Paklatan, Saudi Arabia. S^lia Thi.* country probably vyill he I Los Alamos or the Pentagon could The Best Combination In Town! adrenal glands, which lie over the ington had said he told her in cake, tea and coffee was served Disclose New and’ Yemen—are pressing for a STEAK PINNER outnumbered, he went on. in anv r be sickened or killed). In the banquet hall on tables dec­ Irv at their other propo-sal. kidneys. ACTH xomes from the May or June of that year that she Nerve gaa—Forms of nerve gases pituitary gland, at the base of the was dropping out of the Young future war. "We can Only beat Manche»ler*» Piano orated with Christmas red and Rocket Barrier 'nie U. 8. so far has pursued a Music Bv “ HARMONY BELLS” 9 Piece Orchestra PROSPEROUS wsw developed by the Germans green. hostile attitude toward the p w at MURPHY'S brain, and it .stimulates the adrenal Communist League such Distributor for during World War n. but not used. It was announced that the new posed political conference The Famous From Coast to Coast as Recording Stars gland-to turn out Compound F, membership "wouldn't help him" Nerve gas la nearly colorless and Cortisone and other homionee. It in getting the fellowship. officew will be Installed at the (('.ontlnned from Page Os#) Americans view any move Unkfrg NEW YEAR'S PARTY and OLD LEGAL BEVERAGES •SOHMER odorless. Because Its action Is second meeting night In January, a possible end to the Korean flu t ­ , is made synthetically from the Mrs. Remington, who lives with npld,, any mechanical detection ing with concession* to the Chi­ • Tfltiiltory glands’ or Tattl'e. the couple's two children In Ale.x- DR. BERNARD ,T. following a pot luck supper. the metal noses of high altitude andria, Va., also conceded she was •GIJI.BRANSEN methoda would have to be auto- nese Red* as yleldmg to blackmail. IRISH NIGHT COMBINED In another report, Dr. R. B. SHERIDAN NEW YEAR o Biatlc and give the warning In a rockeU some times get red hot In . Wagner of Pennsylvania State unable to remember names of an.v •WURIJTZER this friction. Dr. Whipple ex­ The Aslan sponsors of the po­ aoatter of seconda Thew aw com­ Teacher Shortage litical conference resolution, how­ CoHegs jsaid there is increasing persons attending Party meetings ANNOUNCES mon drugs for arresting the prog- plained that the heating will not SUNbAY 6 P. M. to 3 A. M. hope .that plants tnight supply the at Columbia University where she •HARDMAN prevent rocket travel but the ever. are expected to meet late said she joined the Party. naa of the convulsion and suffoca- Strikes Bristol this afternoon to dlecus.* ways and PUH TO HAVE YOUB NEW YEAR’S EVE starting cheniioals to make Cor­ THE REMOVAL rion produced by the effects of the speed while leaving the earth must means of bringing about such tisone. Success would make pos­ be adjusted to fit the excess heat. OF HIS OFFICE gas on the nerves, but they muat talks. IRISH MUSIC AND ACTS sible greater supplies of the hor­ be administered quickly. Nerve Bristol, Dec. 28 —i/P)— The The dlecovery w-as made ivlUi the The three-man cease-fire com­ EARTY AT THE mone. TO KEMP^S CO?s\ k..NIK.\('E . . . In kprplng your Incunir to gas. could be delivered by bombs, teacher ahortage' throughout the aid of laboratory shooting stars. mission—Assembly ITesldent Nas- DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT Incorporated To All Our Friends rrrord* for 1961. U|M-n a chi-otdng w oiin t hei These stars Imitate the melting Selling Out! \ shells or “guided mlsaUeai from dis­ state waa brought home to Bristol rollah Entezam or Iran, Sir Ben^ 372 MAIN STREET Furniture and Music this work. I’ay your Urdurtlblo exprnsr* by vliec tant sources.'' A bomb wopld have residents today with the an­ and the evaporation of meteors gal N. Rau of India and R. G. FAVORS and SOUV^NIERS ilrpoHll your rrportublo Inroinr. Such a rec an effective’ awa radlaUng out up nouncement that Oil the pupils In that hit the upper air and burst In­ Riddell of Canada—met yesterday Several TEL. 3244 oril I* not dlHpiilril. Buy I.'nitrd Ntotr-* Ma\1nga4 to a half mile from Its gas-feleas- the four upper grades at the to blinding flames. to diBcusa Peiping’s relectlon. O A K G R I U L THE OFFICE OF f r o m Bonds. S m ^ i ,h-rion'*‘ wa* mWd*. 30 O A K ST. DR. ALVIN A. YULES eiimnlnle* If yiiii hold them to maturity. school affter the first of the year. spoon made of this [ They met a*rp G^Gen. MAcArthur { Sinks and Ssige-Allen a hot cup of coffee. The stars The rcAson for the move, ac­ NOISEMAKEKS! FAVORS! cording to Supt. of Schools Karl also were imitated with bullets WILL BE OPEN Cabinets 0(ieii Thuraday Kvrning* A. Reiche, la that Mra. Elizabeth made of dry ice which evaporate WANTED Lowrrey of WhlgVllle, teacher of like shooting stars. DANCIN6T0THE 30% Discount E^Etst H a r t f o r d 6:OOto8:(K) WANTED the four upper grades at the AFTERNOONS EXPERIENCED Listings, both rural and school, has resigned and Mr Open Thursday, Friday urban by which we can bet­ Reiche has been unable to Some Well Chosen Words TEMPO FOUR ONLY UNTIL Evening ’Til 9. Open Tuesday Through Saturday ^ MANCHESTER TRUST Co. s e c u r e a replacement. Oon- Ellington Saturday Until 5 Manrhe*ter, Connertlvut ter serve our long list of aequently It will be neces­ CARPENTERS property buyers. sary to have the 17 pupils In I ' — From Pelican Pete BAR OPEN FURTHER NOTICE Member Federal Deposit Ihsuranee Corp. these grades go to a school in Mr*. Joseph Lavltt of North Park MINIMUM Manchester For Inside and Outside 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. street. Ellington, announcee the Work— Apply at town,’ the Charles A. Bingham For New Yijar’s Eve 4 P.M. TO 3 A.M . fjuJfllaiiulJuUiiiiiiUihuii iiUihhiiv)Di\a8hi( JARVIS school. Mr. Reiche said he had engagement of her daughter. Mlaa $2.50 PER PERSON Home i/A Ruth F. Lavltt to Dr. Seymour I. 5 Dover Road Over made arrangements to transport And Where To Eat. Or Phone 4112 R EA LT Y CO . the pupils affected by bus to the Kummer of WaUlngford eon of Mr. Modernizers and Mra. Joeeph Kummer. Miss MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY 654 CENTER ST. Bingham school and he will not WANTED 41 Oak St. Phone 2-0274 JARVIS RBAI.TY CO. Three Hundred endeavor to secure a replacement Lavltt jraa graduated from the PHONE 4112 fqr Mrs. Lowrey for the rememd- Rockville High acbool. She attend­ All People of Wisdom DON'T IE DISAPPOINTED! Stenographic Secretary Finiahed Monuments and er of this school year. ed Colby Junior College and waa Markers In Our Display DU TYloiDhA, 9nc. graduated from the UnlverWty of Are Sure To Agree By “The Friendly Bank” Michigan where ahe received a Yard To Choose From! YOU OOM'T HAVE '.THKT MEAMS IT HK'S - \ - Shorthand and T iling Bachelor of Science degree In That Miller’s Restaurant The Finest In OUT TO TH’ COUWTKV | TO *. PKAM. and OAKMtMIN d ^ has been set for. tha wadding. I- • n u u c T i ' Oyda A. Cordtson, Jr., doctron- AT THE CENTER .T.. f j $ 7 .0 0 Floor Show OppeeUe *aet Owwetary $«rvic# Station lea technician, loeond class, has lU^CeotorSt. Plmie 66M boon rocoUad to tha oorvlM and it TEUcraoNB im Uf a n Store Fronta, Plcttpa Fnunlag, Downtowa Tydol . atotionad at the Navy Radio oto- TELEPHONE 3801 FOR RESBRi Opes Sandaye tlon at Annapolis. Md. He spent the Venettoa IWnils, DARTS DAIRY !^770 Main St. TcL 4307 holiday week end with hla family RESTAURANT F"umttiir« Tope day IHreet oad Sava dnotyl '“'Boasars rood. L*>-

\ * -4- f,

MANCHESTER EVEINING HERALD, MANCHE8TEJR, C0NN« THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, I960 P A G E n V E ■ w MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 slippery In places as today, after tion, and a host of other ntellar to* recent storm, can be easily Hjiiiiiny Kave Bantl entertainers that will make this Perishies in Fire Plan Holiday V V New Year's sliow one of the beat LaBelle Seen WONM - I4 lt WTHJ — 1080 S^irs at Clrrle averted If only drivers will alow N. T. wars roesnt gussu at tha ever. Bnmmy Kayo will also pre­ ^■dn iple Amputee^ WKHA — 108.1 down to a reasonable speed tn llornlH Slaj»e Show In Rooming Hoiue i Bolton, AndOvw. Maac^aetar and homes o f Rev. and Mra. Board to Meet O w t u a r y sent hla laugh-provoking novelty Z'S.--'ZToday*s Radio WHAT — 010 avoid akiddtng accidents. iPedea- Ai*m y Issues Mllns and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A s L e a d e r W KNB Driving Care trians, too, must realize that even attraction, "Mo You Want to I.«nd. WTHT - 1880 a Band," with a bandbox of prises Ice-Skating ^MrT^uIil Mra. Howard Next Tuesday W U X I - 1*»® Baetera Standard rim* careful drivers cannot atop aa ■ Brldgeixirt, Dec. n —(JH—An and daughter Carol spent Christ­ D raft Call Miaa Am y Hooker of WlUlman- quickly on such surfaces a* when A grand holiday New ear's given to participants at all l>er- mas week-end with relaUves In tie was a week end guest at the formancee. unidentified man perished and two W O NS—Rod and Gun Club. SlalE Poller Chiefs Pres­ roads ' are bone-dr>'. Persona on stage show will he prreFnted Called Safe South Braintree, M « . home of Mr. and Mrs. Bsnjamln DcmiIu Believe He Has Inside 4:00— ‘ foot, therefor*, must be very care­ the Rtste Thealer, H ytford, this Tickets arc now on sale for the other persona were ovarooBM hF--j WDRC -Strike It Rich. 8:65— Mrs. Margaret Cummings of Vartay. Pint 1951 Setflion Ex* ident A|)|iruli4 for Spe­ ful when walking e- special New Year’y^R ve perfor­ may be purclinaed In advance at destroyed th* Interior of a SIMM the winter with her daughter and Fort Bragg. North Carolina, la peded to Consider W TIC—Bnckatage Wife. 9:00— cial Traffic Watch cially for fool traffic.” the Manager's , Office, by mail B o n n f u r C e il- George W. Ewing, a former Assembly House mance on Bund*y/(Der. 3l*t) at rooming bouse at 141 T aft Avyhlt^ aon-ln-law Mr. and Mra. home on a ten day furlough. Lloyd WHAV—Polka Hop. WDRC Suspense. order, or bv phoning Hartford (ContiBUKi from P a fs Oae) resident of Manchester, died at WONS—Limerick Show. 12 MIdnIte. Itaadflnlng the mam­ Loughrey at BayhlH. on Columbia Is toe son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Highland Park Water j Pboenla, Arisona, yesterday WONB—Hollywiod, U. B. A. Hartford, Dec. 28—Police Chief moth program will be Sammy Kayo 2-2652. her*. ^ |eir Sprinff Are An- W KNB—New* Sport*. WTHT Amatetir Show. aral service. Two mors Guard di­ Lyman of Gilead streeL whsrs he had b e y living for apmo Michael J. Godfrey. President of and hi* li^rnatlonal famou* Police reported th* dead nuwi’8 annneed Today M m . Hattie Johnson of River­ W TIC—Dragnet. Killed 6 0 Rel\yali4>ro. 111.. Deo. 'JX lA’i celebrated her Mth birthday the C o l d W a v e WONS—Jack Downcy’a Music Connecticut t«i plan special traffic popular/^tage nnd radio person- recovered after the fire -VfW ■afiaga poa® tl>a teat tlm* ta itrongth after being inducted into time some unfinished business may i WONS—Reporters Roundup. Three small cluldrcn i>ertahed SSnM M m Parti Siwrlntendent day after Christmas. It was a joint Shop. i au|H>rvl*ion over the ixmilng New allllea/inelndlng Tony Alan\o, ro­ liroiighi under control. the Federal Army. be discussed. One item still hsng* 9:46— , Jewett O ty. Dec. 2* «»’) early tmlay in a 6ri- which de- M onhay mam ’the aa- eelehration, combining Christmas Another regular Army division about eleven years at 640 North, n^inion ^ •80— ,‘i' Y'ear'n week-end with npecifle at­ man^' tenor, Ernie 'Cecil' Rudis- atiiiyed the four-room frame home Dora Jenky, about 75. and Frad- » Ing firs ia that of the possible tak­ I w Ttjrr— Robert Montgomery. "I'm sure I’ve killed at least sixt.v erlek Santanno, about the, aaiM and hlrthdav together. She and bet will be formed In jsto spring or Relief Seen Main street. Mr. Ewing j one opponent ' 'W D RC- YBckee Kitchen, tention to reokle** driving and op­ Chinese Communists," Pfc. Edgai lll,/"The Daffy Drummer,’’ Chubby of Mr. and Mr*. Alva Ihaine. The ing over by the town, of the High­ 1 1 0 :0 0 — eration of motor vehicles after age. were brought to safety hjf this moraine- companion Miss Florence Jones early next summer. his horns to Arthur Shorta and he i ‘w T IC —Lorenzo Jones. D. 1.A Fleche told his parents In a Rnver*. aaxnphonlat. Lliiyd Rob- parent* and a alx-montlia-old Ixitiy land Park W ater company, which 'W H A Y — News; Polka Hop. W TIC —Screen Directors Play drinking. Chief Oodfrev recalled rescuer*. Mra. Jenky waa takan were with her niece Miss Marion Armored Unit , since moving to Arifons has rc -! the post. ^ | recent tatter from Korea. "But." /<(rts. ace trombonist, The Kaydets, suffered severe huniH wliile a fifth Houra Ibr H e r e T o d a y hss been offered for public control l^lng. of IMndsor. Rf;''’ ' house. to members of the State police and the Kaye Choir. Special added elillil e.-xaped wKli numir txiine fnim a flr*l floor b^room by Fit* •Mriim MOda wh*n cooditioiis •w Johnson on Wllllsrd street in Wll- Thla. tt was l o « r ^ . “ for the sum of one dollsr. The married. . h a v e considerable support, but :45-— WDRC—Lineup. added the Jewett City youth, "yoi armored outfit. C u m m ^ toe Besides his wife. Mr*. Bonnie • WDRC OH Record Shop. group that C*onnc( lictit whh attraction* will he Alan Carney, Tile (lead were Hairy, 10. laxii I.lcxi niarle* Krk. Santanoo W|MI JJ™ Sr<5rtii« th« rtm»lnd«r hmantlc Monday for dinner. Mr*. reservoir for toe system, located | i eastern Connecticut, where Dei W HAY Night Watch. among few statea last year to re­ shoot one and two lake hi* plai carried exit of the iiouse by Tbam- Jf’SSrt'vaSuSi will b. M fol- Johnson was born in the hotiee Army haa only one armored divi­ (ContUoed from Page Oas) Ewing, h* leaves two sons, W U- W T IC - Y’f' ing Wldder Brown. I.« Fleche said his plnt(H)iv al ((iinedy etar of stage, screen and .lean. (1. ami Georgi- F., 3, wlio at Highland Park, also has been i Icratlc House membership s W TH T—Hall of Fame. cord fatallty-flTe experience over were a.sleep in one l4edro4Xi(. a* (irlffllli. a nearby residant, 0«d inwt* 10 iu w- to noon. 1 to 5 where she now lives. December 38. sion.^ the 2nd. which hat been llsm and George Ewing, both of strongest. laBelle is rep'.rled i:00— one time wa* the norlhernfiiosi radio; Jack. Gloria and Charlie offered, but not as part of the I WONS—straight Arrow. 10:15— the long New Year's week-end. Boone, 35. a printer hia wife, Lil­ I'atroiman Joseph Walsh. m m,f w d from 6:80 to 10 p. ^ 18R6. daughter of Alanson H. and based at Camp Hood, Tex. at Plymouth it was -23 and at Manchester, and t " ’o daughters. I have his most oiibs' intia, bac WONS- 1 lx)ve a Myaterj. unit In Korea. He wa* woiitmed in Brick offering "Nonae!i*e on the An 19-000-man infantry dlvUlM water system purchase. W DRC—New*; Old Record "It waa accomplished last .year." Trampoline:" tlie Carroll Sinlera, lian. 29. flixl the horning liome Tlic can«e of the fire ivaa und*> akaUng area U Mary Dewey Fuller whose families UtChfleld It waa -15. Mrs. William Vlttncr and . W TH T—Guest Star. the neck and hack In the Aghting, is a aelf-contalned fighting unit, It hss been stated that the rea­ ing- .Shop. concluded Chief Godfrey In hi* in a oontedy ncroixillcl pre*« ntn wltli the Ixihy (iml Theixlore k ternilned by flood U|^U. A red flag wm be founded Columbia, building some Everywhere in the slate, how­ son for desiring public control of j Richard Backofen. both of I ‘"T h e 88 Democratic members 10:30— meaaage, "it can be done again if hut has since returned to action. with supporting weapohs. includ­ vine. He also leaves flve gran • j Houg*. will caucus at a dim W HAY .Story (jueen. flayed from the lo®l« o f the first houses in that p ^ lc u - ever, the temperatures at raid- toe lines Is tost of s mors efficient W THT Newe. highway iincr* so choose." rtcating la allowed. Mr. Murphey ing tanks and artillery. A faf*' morning were on the rise, and the children and one sister. Mrs. bn- at the Hotel G«'de ‘ W T H T - N'ewa: Storyland. lar section known as the Oarke mental team la a amall-sls^ in­ distribution. The present meins W ONS—Jack's Waxworks. Chief Godfrey today expressed general forecast «vas cloudy and san Brown of Logan-sport, . uartfortl next Tuesday nighl. ‘ W TIC- When a Girl Marries. and Dewey Grant Wishing to keep fantry division, usually consisting arS old and greatly in nesd of re­ 10:85— apprehension regarding probable *^nie lodge will alao be open for cold, but warmer than last night. dlann. which time the rholee of nimonl 6:15— W TH T—Symphonelte. traffic acrldent experience as tlie the home in the family, a few of about 5,000 men. Depending pair. directors have been told. It WDRC The Old Record Shop. the convenience ot akatera during No serious accidents wars re­ Prior to leaving Manchester, m i i |gadev is to be made. It i.s nndt 1 1 :0 0 — year closes in view of th# high 7 yoars ago she deeded it to her on the mission assigned to iL R is understood that If the town took Ewing was an inspecting engineer , Rps.vion will bo f' W TIC Portia Fare* Life. tte aeaaon. A new public addrcM ported before the back of the cold News on all stations. case experience over the Chri*t- I • • • 9 nephew Charles Pewrey Fuller of may include elementa of infantry, over, nearly all of toe pipes would Pfc. Robert U Bmith (above), 20, for to# Hartford Accident and in- pg^ty leadership Influen W HAY Meet the Band. M a k i n g Amy Naw Year’s Iteaahitl ayatem haa been inaUUed Wilton, retaining life use of it. wave was broken, but one bom have to be replaced, the cost being 11:15— maa week-end (Uid the eight re- iig. iuiA(i durlns liotirs of 8Xntinj. artillery and armor, in varying perished In a Are of undetermined of Middleburg, Fa., flrat "quad- dsmntty Inauranc# company. state party loadeia a ^ 6 :3 0 - aultlng fatalities, highest in such Mr*. Johnson, has in the past few home by assessment against pres­ WONS Jack* Waxworks. * * ^ l J S r y « ^ o r the flrat Ume proportions. origin St a Bridgeport rooming [•upta amputee" of the war in Funeral arrangements are in- ^ ..i„_ ^uv of the plctnic. ^ WON,^ .Sky King. a piTiod ever recorded tn Con­ A Thrlitff Bme veers had to gradually give up all ent adjoining p ro ^ rty owners. WTtc Song* by George SJolter. aince the Park department k ^ t Korea waa flown to California to complete aWatUng the arriva o f, ^ WTIC Jn*t Plain' Bill necticut. aiTording to unofflcjal duties about her plare. which for house. „ I f to# town does not take over, enter a V. B. hospital. His WTHT ■ Superman. W T IfT U. N. Recorded High­ F ar ’F lllg-O ae •.. Y recorda on the number ol akatlng Rest Of Nation Mr*. Ewing who it exoected here , light*. survey by the Highway Safety ’ Customers' many years she and her late hus­ toe system, in the future, might be mother. M ra CHsra Smith, a wid­ tomorrow by plane. The Holmes 5:«,'V— Commission. Tije chief invited at­ days at Center Springs pond, not The snow-covered midwest got ILiill Sellles As WDR(" fluT MaSkey—Martha WDRC World Tonight. " ^ o n * * O B E I * * ® ® a single day found the ice safe for band William P. Johnson, operated. Gilead abandoned. ow. fainted when told of the lA ex­ p i Funeral Home, which is in tention to high accident experi­ / Corner •erne relief today from the winter The Highland Perk water sys­ Tilitin A Orch. 11:25— Included with thetr farming was a ■eason’a coldeet '‘'•atoer and the tent of her son’s injuries. expects that the funeral will take ence around the state during the BubUc skating. tem le a small one, serving only UN Awaits Piisl W Ttc Front Page Farrell. WDRC Public Service Pro­ *Youngatara who received ice maple syrup business, the only one Christmas parties and family end of the sub-*ero Waste toe Wirephoto). nlace Sunday or Monday, wdth holiday period with many personal Her* U our New Ye«r’a the neighborhood. The town supply W HAY .'Spotlight on Sport*. gram. ap«.«a for Chrtsmtaa, a year ago In this vicinity which did the com­ gatherings were held during the eastern states appeared in sljtot. burial in the East cemetery, j j 1:80— injuries. "Deaths alone do not reflolution at AdP: plete operation. She doe* however, might be connected from the | remarked it 5:5(F— . tell the traffic accident storj',’ aai^ e i****.^ gyewyisaw and alao last Monday, wlU » t Jaat iM t week-end end Monday in moat Brisk south and southwest xvlnM (Continued from Page One) W THT— Falstnfr* Fabulous Fa­ W TIC —Don Estes Show 1 l O U f P R I C ^ hava an opportunity to use them keep herself busy helping Miss ail families in Gilead: Mr. and brought warmer weather to the (Charter Oak street ^vicinity, but was 'the most devastating thing’thing Wells H. Wetherell 11:55— Jane Powell lllustratea what the Chief Godfrey. "Preiia accounj* We will keep righl on service to Highland Park would ble*. indicate many persons were /In­ on center Springs ice. A thick­ Jones make scrapbooks and sun­ Mrs. Norman Warner entertained chilled mldcontlner.t. T em j^ a - which could have happened (atop Wells H.„ Wetherell. who died in "This war effort on a natlonnl WONS News well-dressed teen-ager of the early doing our level beat to WONS Bobby Benson jured, a number of them sevw ly, ness of six and one-half inches of shine boxes for children In hospl-] Mr. and Mrs. William Warner of tures, which in many norto cen­ probably necessttat* pumping toe worrying aboutaooui thatinai atom bomb,uu...-, ^ Bronxvine, N. Y.. a briefunn -*■' . scale is recognizable in their mlli- 12:00— water there since to# section ta '' Evening 1900’* wear* (in her dream*!> in BO that the experience may/have give you lee is needed for safe skating and tala, and shut-ins. She takes a Newington, Mr. and Mrs. Addison tral areae d r o p i^ to thla,ut- genuine Aidold sandstoneaandstone tost „ouncement______of which appeared in tarv budget. According to relia- W TIC News: Dance Music; M-G-M'* captivating new Techni- keen Interest in the knlck-nacks, shove the flowaga level reached by it misting I and a deed which until yg,tgrd,y’a Herald. ><'*^8 hla the Chinese Reds in 8 : 00— lasting effects. % M ■ N S T B A a a f as long as cold weather continues Clark and family of Williamsburg, ter the date yeeterday. moderate WDRCJ—New*. News. rolor mtinical. "Two Week* With "Accidents on atreet *nd high­ • good food there Win be good akatlng. trinkets and cards people m «l Mass, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander t r L the Missouri Valley aastumM gravity and normal pressure. rectlfta4 would never permit ua to Josephine W etherell, i,uve approved the spend­ PVequeney ModiiInHo* In regard to the reservoir. Gen­ W H A T— New* Love,■' opening at the Circle thea­ way, even if the aurfaeips are aa them from all o s t the country, to Motyka and sons of Buckingham, through the Great Lakes region be happy again.” , ___I Manchester, four brothers, j ing of eight billion dollar* for WDRC— FM; 03.7 MC. ter tomorrow. Ricardo Montalhan. • g ip od to r v U n M V K a * eral Manager George H. Waddell W THT—Sport* HeedMne*. Joe help with thla work. This paat eum- Mr. and Mra. Norton Warner and to the North Atlantic statee. He summed it all up in three W’ethorell and Ralph war in IP.'il- This s W TH A — 108.1 MC. iotiln Calhern and Ann Harding hss indicated that toe town prob­ ('ilrand Show. • goodvidutt •VEca'ERia ^ mcr she wn.s a fremient member of children, Mr and Mra. William Relief In Weet words: "W hat magnificent ho-1 ^yg^pigreii of Manchester. Mason prolmblv the biggc.'t mltitary bud­ W n C —New.*. WTICV-FM 96.5 MC. also star In, tht> liUtng comedy of ably would not need It to supply Columbia the congregation at Columbia Con­ Warner and children, Mr. and Mrs. But it was still on the cold aide kum!" . . . ; Wetherell of PlanUviUe. and get in Chinese history. It is esti­ WONS-aNew* WDRC— FM on the nir I p. m. fo a girt whose trouble* begin and Tlie men and women Donald Raymond and children. in many part* of the eastern half the few additional outlets In High­ A VUt-pix: couple of . cartoonist* ...... — rplcti^ed [ Wetherell of W'ethersfleltl; mated that it is tliree times great­ 11:25 p. m. end with her pa**lon*te desire to gregational church where she •:1(V— o f A d P w ill welcome your played the organ for 21 consecu­ Mies Olive Warner, and Pfc. Alden of the country. Generally tempera­ land Park. i souvenir.iivciUr huntershunter* lugging off NelNel- gi„rers, Mrs. Sherwood er than the Chinese Communist WDRC -.Tack Smith Sport* W F ifA — ,«tame a* W DRC. own a rorset: Vr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Wolmer, Warner all of Gilead. tures In the midwest were above son's Monument In Trafalgar Bower* of this town and Mrs. mllitan- budget for 1950. and WTHA ideas at to how we can their sons, Victor and Dougim, tive years when she was s younger «:15— *M c y woman. She .also dlrccled the choir Mr. and Mr*. Asa Ellis enler- rrro as compared to the b ling Square a mere 168 feel high — Leri Dewey of W’apping: one aon. eight times more than the WDRC--Needle Club P M, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luaky behind the unauapectlng back of a make your AaP a better and in the back of the • c h u ^ Ulned Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Young cold of vesterday when leadings Well* H. Wetherell, Jr., and a j Nationalist aovernment has ever W TIC -Bob Steele 6:00 Raring and PpoHs, i left Wednesday morning for a Farm Report; Weather ‘ place to shop in 1931. * 7 « fc-Mrad, ^ stands an organ purchased at the and sons of Brooklyn. N. Y„ and were as low as -86 In Wisconsin London bobby. daughter, Mra. Norman Sterling spent in one year.” WONS—Sports. 6; 15 Notice three-day akllng trip in the Mo­ and 20 below and lower in otoer Tha Dally Expresi haatlly Big Military Budget 6:30 W'e.stern Serenade. time she was acUve and upon Mr. and Mr*. Mark Hill of Man­ News Tidbits of Manchester. W H AY Supper Serenade. Please write: hawk y*rk II^N. T. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Foote en­ weather in parts of Ohio Into toe show windows. ated church will officiate. Burial b« approximately $4,000,000,000 WON S News; FIveriIng Star w n c — FM on the air 7:30 a. m.- Mr. and Mra. Ward Rosebrooks For aUte election this year, how­ with , plana for manufacturing i the Zoning Board of Appi'als wd tertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. New England etates. Some warn- On# passerby gating at it re­ will be in Wapplng cemetery. U. S. Chinese currency is rirtuau W THT Sereno G a m m e 1 1: I a. m. antartalned hU parenU, Mr. and about g«00,000,0dt worth o f aiilns hold a Puhllc Hearing on Mond ever. for the flrat Ume, aha sant la Foote and sons of Ithaca. N. Y.. Ing was expected during the day. flected ruefully on the quality of Friends mav call at the Watkins ly worthless, about 4.0tn. Weather, Television Mra. Frad Rombrooka, hla aunt, an absentee ballot. next year .... Kefauver Crime {I British coal and cracked. " My when there was an official rVile.Glee Club, WNHC—TV evening. January 8, 1951, at Mrs. Alice E. Foote and Mr. and Readings In toe 40 ■ committee, which opena hearings P'uneral Home Friday evening be­ w n c Emil WINE AND UQUOR VALUES Mrs. George Rosebrooks, and hla Newton B. Smith, local trim 50 were forecast for ■the plains 1 wife know* what happeled to the (Change rate months ago). r M M., in the Hearing Room Mrs. Edward Fooie and ' children in Tamp* tomorrow, will probe tween the hours of seven and nine. i:45— ! nephew, tiewta Rosebrooks. all of Justice, found Arthur Oultatte. M. states nnd near toe fleering mark I stone. Oiir coalman dumped it on The vanguard of a 1,360. WDRC—l/owell Thomas. | i 00- Homemaker's F.xchnnge. Municipal Bnllding on the follow AT EVERYDAY LOW PRICES A&P STORES c m S E I) of Oltaad. deeply for poeelbla Slafla linke WillimanUc, for Christmas, at of 3 Joseph street. East Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellogg White for the north central region. I us." Communist force, mostly Chine WTIC Three Star Extra 4:30—Vanity Fair. mg apj’lications:] SEW YEAR'S DAY— their home on Lake road. aiillty of drunken driving, in court with Tampa’a many unsolved mur­ waa only 35 miles north of Se Dillon Motor/^alcs fof Ceflifl- entertained Mr. and Mrs. Almon The south also had more sub- \V*THT Weather • 5:00 Lucky Pun. AAP LIQUOR STORES hfOS. JASVARY 1 •»A 6 P Ron I ^ Mra. Charles B. Miller of Sleepy hold in Yeomans Hall Friday freeilng weather today as the cold ders . . . Studebaker Corporation . Thnrsdav nightt. 5:15 Time for Beany cate of Approval f(i/ gasoline Doubledav and' daughter, Alma, of will cut back production of passen­ Funerulfl 6:55— -j Hollow haa her nephew, Jerry night. He Itfiposed a fine of »100 Colchester. Mr. and Mrs. William air held in the Gulf and the south About Town , 1 A IT. S. Eighth Army brieflr. W THT Edwin C. Hill | 5:30 Howdy Doody. pump !»t Rear of 319/Main Street. CLOSED ALL DAY MON. OtUrin of Hartford, as her guest but remitted »50. ThU Oullette Atlantic statea. Florida escaped ger care and trucks 20 per cent in I officer said two Chinese armies 6:00 Don Winslow of the Na\-y Business Ziine TIT. STATE H EAR­ Kowalski and children, of Ando­ January after completing its blg- Mr*. Anna 'Hurk l cO.OOO men were massing T:«8— j JAN. l i t thla weak. was unable to pay and was taken WDRC— Beulah. 6:30—John Conte's I.iltlc Show. ING AUSO ver. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pngach the chilly brcczex geat year. Funeral services for Mrs. Anna north and northwiest o I Town Clerk Hubert P. Collins hack to Tollsnd Jail where he has Hits SiippUes A square dance open to all mter- W n A Y —Symphony Hail ! 6:45 Jean O'Brien Entertains Samuel Felice//or permission to and children, and Alvin ■ National Safety C'nmcil esti­ I Tluck of 10 Elm tfrrece wife of apprehensive Sotitli Korean . nnd Mra. Collins had as their been confined since his arreet De­ White, of Glloacl. The biting gold prompted util­ 1 esled will take place tomorrow ave- W TH T—Pick of the Hit*. | 7 00 Kukla. Fran and Ollie , enlarge non-eqnforniing imdding V ih is k its mates three-day NeW Year's holi­ Andrew Tluck. were held at the 1 Little ground action wa-s PtItM diwwa' hw. eewssawd Thw.., gueata over the Christmas week­ cember 15 by State Policeman Mr. nnd Mra. Wlnthrop Porter ities to cut fuel gas ning at eight o’clock In the aoclal W ONS- Fulton Lewis, Jr. 7:30 Sports I in excess of ^ per cent of as- day weekend will take 800 Uvea in I Zion Evangelical church at 2 ^ patrols from both side.* Dm . as 6ir.«sh W.d., Jw. 8 m J #Om - end their daughters, Mra. Eleanor Ernest I. Angell, when he found entertained Mr. and Mrs. Homer some industrial users in Ohio, I room of the Buckingham church. VVTTC—Guy I.aimbardo Show, j j 7:45 Newsreel. traffic crashes . . . Two Michigan o'clock this aflerncmn. R^’ upe, for weak spots ar ' i sensed va lu / a t 234 Oak Street, tm dll. itsisufsky sod roMty, UbeU of New York, and Mrs. him driving in an erratic manner Hills and.children, Mr. and Mrs, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Cut* I 8:00 Stop the Music I Residencey^ne B. COLONIAL PRIDE . on A— rent were manufacturers are getting ready O. Prokopy. pastor, officiated. 7:16— Jamaa Grimm of Bridgeport, Mr. near Katsman'e corner, the Junc­ Wll'bur Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Er­ to 90 per cent were ordered 1 Tile Men's Club will have a strength. WONB—Tello-Test I 9:00—Ellery Queen. aoniED IN aoNO pn#rs# a.M d-l0M l.ay B#l.tHd E#r Th.4r T#odw, W*#Y OmeW Mrs. Fred Woodhouse waa the ao- Jets Hammer Red* : John ^ronousky for permla- Grimm, and thetr granddaughter, tion of Route fl and Route «A . nest Anderson. Clifford Perry and WDRC— Jack Smith 9:30 -Dave Oarroway RYE OR BI3URION isToistas isTOssias sstaa>u> and sang "The Lord’s Pray­ In the air. Far air force j .Sion to/rebuild chicken coop and ~ Miaa Janet Collins, o f New Haven. Among the young people home ifenry Porter, all of CJilcnd.- 10:00—Private Eve. . STRAIGHT WHISKEY er" and "The Old Rugged" and Fifth air force planes liam 7:19— I 10:39-Wfhat's My Name I continue to keep, chickens at 225 ilO Miss Joyce Springer who i.s for the Chri.stnia.s holkliiy.H. frimi Mr. nnd Mr.s. Cliirence V. Rath- WONS— Gabriel Heatter. 100 5TH *WV) Tnrk«»yfi u49' la^T* their firhcxds arc Mia.s Kaye Tasli- Miss Marion A. Erdin was organ­ mered at Red troops immedlnteli 11.00 Man Against Crime. I W o ^ a n d Street, Residence Zone making ,h*r home with Mr. and bun' enteitnined Mr. and Mrs. Now York State ."i>"_;xpccu ^ | ,vood of toe W THT— Jack Armstrong. PROOF aoT 3.89 tnuist uTtiaia* Niaaew Mrs. G. I. Emerson at Columbia lik, student at Bryant College; ist. behind the enemy lines. T w o '■ 11:30 Mystery Theater. A t'lnrence P. Rnthbun of Hebron. lt.s fourth straight day of sub-zero | .ireds of prostltutee in bondage* Organist Warren \\TOd of toe Bearers were Samuel Fischer, W TIC—Nen'* of the World. -e Lake this winter, is vlalting rela- Miss Norms Emerson, daughter Russian-made MIG-15s were re­ iTiarles Luce for extension of Mr. and Mir. Newton Ailing nnd cold. Readings were below "* through ball-postUig raeUet i Second CongregatlonaK chmch John Fischer, (3eorge Winzler. Mi- WDRC—Club Fifteen. Drawn Turkeys i. 73' i* SO* t* 57* tlvea in Texas over the holidays. of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Emerson, ported destroyed and a third dam- Israel to Grow Barley In Negev ,-armls*k)n to repair cars at 624 BRIARCLIFF son of Wcthcr.sflold. Mr. nnd Mr.s. Ohio agniu today hut not ns low hunted by police over l3-slate urge.* uuall membersiiieiiii,v->o of the v..«—choir to— I Weiss, Michael Tluck and 1:45— Miss Jane Eivana of Pittaton, Columbia Lake, from Pembroke Kidney Mall nnd son, David, of „ ve.sterdny’s -24 in Salem and aged in a scries of three engage­ Tel Aviv- (/Pi In 1951 for th;, Middle Turnpike East, Residence STRAIGHT BOURBON Brookljm's bizarre dime- report for rehearsal tills evening i jupus Rau. Burial was in East • WDRC— Edward R. Murrow. Chicken* 'ISInJlIt'* •* 55' u 65^ Pa., is spending the week with her College; Miss Carolyn Young, Slorr.s, Mr. nnd Mra. Gordon Rntli- -23 in Buevnis. The lowest m.TiK ■ area . . . ------.. - ments with U. S. F-80 jets o\cr first time, barley will he plant Zone B. B4 STH locked murder appears nearer so­ i at 7:30. The singers will practice | Prokopy conduct- WONS—Mutual Newereel. brother and aister-in-law, Mr. apd daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James bnn of Harifotxi. Mr. and Mra. in New York yesterday was 3.> North Korea. In the vast Negev Desert in South­ Charles LUre for extension of PROOF ■ BOt 2.99 Fancy Capona .. 05 .«*«*#» i* rw lution after "Christman card" clue I for the music Sunday, also for the ' ^ prayer service at the Wat- W TIC—One Man's Family. J. Russell Evans of "Green- L. Young. William and Mary; John Prout and elilldrcn of Port­ I,clow in Big Moose in the eeutial The Communials have apparently ern Israel, it wns announced here. permission to use lot for |>arkmg DISTIUED IN ILUNOI5 leads to tentative Identification of ! morning and evening eervicea at i Funeral Home last night at thrown more alrpower into the 8H)9— trees," Jonathan Trumbull high­ Richard 1. Miller senior at Har­ land. and William Arm.strong of Adlrondiuka. j WDRC —FBI In Pe?ce and War. The barley project is part of Is­ cars. East of 6'2i Middle Turnpike Hama «!-,« wu-c » v t n / v *ui*» o . a t u s m mutilated victim. . the Centennial obeervance of the „ g o’clock ...... which was •largely------* way. vard University and Paul Miller. Manchester Craeks Tower Line * ' area. One fighter group reported rael’s program I,) gain aelf-siiffi- East. Residence 2kine A. HIAVY miR. *'WMR RtiVT' Tffll ECA is studying request for use church, Sunday, January 7, ' tended. WONS—Hardv Family. w estb u ryI ib e r v e S k o rtw r arc.atTFP w sm i is i> ttv Robert Tuttle and Blllo Belli re­ Bryant College, tons of Mrs. Mae Mr nnd Mrs. Charles Fish en­ Tile extreme cold cracked a sighting 35 Mlge Wednesday. tVTHT—Screen Guild Players. elency in vegetable growing and Michael Haberern for permis­ Miller. Sleepy Hollow; Doan Tib- of 815,000 in American Foreign Enrmv Groups Dispersed cattle raising. Storage units are STRAIGHT RYt Rib Reeit i* 79^ turned early Sunday morning tertained Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry power line in upstate New York, Miss 'Violet Muske of Garden W H AV—Polish National Home. sion to convert two-family tdwell- Fhlifed H«m i* 69‘ bits, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Recovery funds to linnncc rsln- General MacArthur’* summary being Constmeed for unsalable sea­ 90 STH O I Q WIlMMRK. MMAR CUAF.9 from Clermont, Florida, where Hurley of Middle Hnddani, Mr. leaving several thousand homes .itrcot, who resigned from the Per­ W TIC —Aldrich Family. ing into a three-family dwelling, UNDIIt UCATY "VUFIR Ri6MT ' TflO Tlbblts, Peokskill .Military Aca­ maklng project in Greece. . . .A I said United Nation* patrols, op- PROOF BOT W.FT they had spent the past two anil 51 ra, Frank Him nnd son, Da­ in 12 Onondaga and Oaw'ego sonal Finance company November 8:15— sonal surpiunes. at 137 Biasell Street, Residence t45f Smoked Ficeks 45* demy; Wally l.ohr. son of Mr. and ?35p,000 Are leaves 50 pereon* Tollauil I crating in the western sector of the DISTILIED IN M ARYIAN D Rib Lamb Chops n 99' months. EUllo has been recalled to vid. of Bolton, nnd Calvin Fish of County eommunttles without hean Academy homeless in Magog, (jue...... —------; Eighth Army, supported by air Aji'rbirTrt) the Navy and must report In Gilead. or light for flve hours. 8:89— All peraons interested may at­ March. Alfred German and Frank preparatory school and Marshall Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Hooker en­ Civilians fljing in portions of slz- Btatc. Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Sm all, gtrikea, destroyed and d iw rsed Junior Twosome •a AS' Swordfish . . . u 51 Temperatures were hmdW WDRC—Mr. Keen. Tracer of tend this hearing. TOM MOORE Cold Cwt* Sorokolit who went south with Nuhfer, student at Dean Junior tertained ,Mr. and Mrs. Ahdrew near zero early today in New Eng­ slatr area around Oak Ridge, and ions, Larri and Bobby of I several enemy groups in the Chang- College, who has flown to join his Tenn., henceforth must hie flight Rev. Cliffoni .O. Simpson, pas­ Lost Persons. STRAIGHT BOURSON them have remained there for the Hooker and son of Freemont, Long land. Caribou, Me., which report­ tor of the Center Congregational Rockvtlle, were reccnt_ dlimer dong area Wedneadny afternoon. W TIC— Father Knows Best. Zhning Board of Appeals, (Winter. parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Ma.son Nuh­ Island. Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas Por­ plans with Civil Aeronautics Ad- Allied troops continued to re­ B6 STH w yea -f; ^ 1 ed a low of -20 church, ha* cancelled his office guest* of Mr and Mra. G. Roy William H. Stuek. 2.99 I x ^ U u c e CAUE. fXIIA lASOt HiAP \ 1 A day's skiing at the Mohawk fer at Cieriiionl. Kla.. and Leon ter nnd daughters, and Mr. and warming wltli a -3 rending It w aa ministratiun when they begin pulse enemy attempts to penetrate PROOF BOT Measier, .Ir.. from University of hours tonight in order to attend Brown of Tolland Center. Chairman. Ski Area haa been arranged by Mra. John Hooker and clilUlren of -7 at Coueord. N. H.: -6 at y,est- their flighU. . . .TwenUelh Cen­ defense lines in the are* aoulheaat OISIIILEO IN KENTUCKY Conn. tury-Fox Films, Ine,, wins all the annual meeting of Uie Man­ Raymond B. Ladd and daughter j Everett R. Kennedy, i \ Columbia Recreation Council Gilead. field. 1 above at Hartford of Taedong. One S<»’th Korean Secretary. McIntosh Applofl aiUCtOgl RAfiM All era 35 Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Mac- nifford R Perry left Gilead on awards of New York flint critics chester Ministers Acsoclatlon. Joan pf Rockville, were recent Beret Winner YUKON « » n OI VI program committee, for the young Veagh. Merrlmacs Farm, their aon Conn,; 6 nt Montpelier, Vt.. nnd unit pushed the enemy back several LYNNBROOK coNnNTt" aoTS Wednesday inornlng for HI.St. Pei e- pvovlde.nee, .. I ior outstanding motion pictures caller* 'on T o ll*"® friends. / B e v e r a iE e w BraaSP* people in the council equipped for R. I The Thursday night Bible .study thousand yards in that sector. BLENDED WHISKEY Tompio Orongoo fflTTM lAMI John. Jr., and Donald Kluto left Icrsburg. Florida, wwhere he plans ^ ffeezin g Rain I achievement during 1950. Mr. and' Mrs. Fred CTarpenten.iu'e rtUlng. Maurice Leonard has do­ Saturday morning for Wynne- ami prayer group of Center church A ir strikes in the Taedong sec­ B4 STH M QA ■I to spend tlie winter. ] parts of on a business trip to New-^ork 5 nated his bus and driving service Freezing rain fell in tor destroyed nnd routed Commu­ PROOF BOT K.TT 4. SI CAS 3 5 RfiALO RMAR • «F«* 19 wood, Pa . to spciul Chriatmas with 'Hu- Hc-Gi-Am Bridye club held will not be held lonighl. The group City. Iona Tomato Juice Salad M ix to take a group of twenty out to the older MncVcagh'.a daughter Georgi.-i and Alabama and was ex­ will resume Us meetings next nist groups located by U. N. . WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT tlicir (lirlstmns pnr^yand limch- Believe Coal-Man Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adam* of I.rai33‘ i \ Lltchfleld to the area. The bus Mrs. Dorothy MncVengii Mickey pected to extend into Thursday night, which will also be ground patrols. ! M i i E S B i n n 4 AND 6 YEARS OLD c.(w« t ( « » » t 3 5 Importod PIttod Dato» I yon at the home of Tttas. Kloyd St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. and Mr*. Chocolate Chip Cookie* will leave Yeomans hall at 7:30 and her two children, Nina Cather­ Atlanta reported a low of 28 while New Members’ night. MacArthur said elements of the a. m. Friday morning. Elach one yhYigil on Gilead street this after­ it was 17 nt Richmond. V a.. .0 at Heary Iflivden and two children of 3 3 '' ..Cl* 33* ine and Mark. look Noted Slone Chinese Communist Third Field I in av®py wayl Sweet Mixed Pickles TTANOA» n »u»»i J«» Snow Crop Lemonodo going should bring ^unch as well Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Fox of noon n\ nne^a’elock. Mra. Irene Greensboro. N. f' - =4 nt Memnhta Durham. N. H „ are holiday guest* Army, consisting of the 20th. 26th GREEN VALLEY 1-1 WriylH'^was the assistant liostesa. Mr. and Mr*. Milton Oohan of aa about fifty cents K) buy more Chestnut Hill entertained her fam­ 32 at Charleston R. C.. Middle turnpike, west, anaoune* of their parents, Mr. and ilra. W. and 27th armies and elements of BOURBON WHISKEY USSY I It Old Hundred Vanilla li 11 VISAI F*tB9^ Mrs. Adolph Simons and Miss (Contlnueit Irviu Page One) Homespun Aisortment m* k\ it he wishes it, fruit, which is a ily over the holUtaya, including OrleniiB. 60 at Tampa and 63 ai the birth of a daughUr. Ctaryn Hoyt TUvden of Tolland Center. the 24th. noth and 32nd armies S0.4 STH « W P •• J good thirst quencher on such trips Doris Hutchinson held a silver Miami. Sieve Rlmmer, 34. of Kos- Mia* Bsmlcs A. Hall 1* a guest rac 3 ra*35* . f her mother Mrs. L.W. Sawyer of Beth, at the Hartford hospital yes­ were on the U. S. 10th Corps per­ PROOF BOT W»a * Domestic Crobmeot « VI (XKi 9 9 Fresh Dates and |1 for this toll service. Those holiday ten at their home on Wed­ ibiusko. Miss., froze to death after police fish toe stone from toe riv­ of Mlallve# in Atlanta, Georgia, C l O E R A L A BLEND OF STRAIGHT/WHISKIES Weslbnxik. Me., Mias l.a?ls Sawyer terday. i i " 7. imeierimeter in northeast Korea in mid- aehed^ted to go, who may be un- nesday afternoon from three until hla auto became mired on a muddy er. If It’s there. z r .(.I..33' of Torringlon and h%r brother and attended tos Mason-Morris j5^^„,ber. WttlTC -AJIT RFOW^D ) CAS ' Salted Cashew Nut.s “ 1 aMe lb make it, are asked to con­ Charles Sawyer his wife and live o'clock. The procetda arc for London ^ llc e today had anoth­ AAP Tuna road. _ . ^ er lead, a flve-too atolen truck Mr. tnd Mr*. Charts* H. Norri*. wedding toere^ 13 ednciday. i "The projection of Chinese com-Com ■ T IR E S - tact Russell Evans immediately, daughter Winsome, of New York. the new Sunday school room. Cold Bring* Fires Mr. and Mr*. William Wuerdlg | unit* to position* immedl- Im p o rte d .«ra.37' they reoovarcd ia suburban Ken­ of 63 H*mlln street, were called to Almond Mooto so someone else may have space The Tocn-Agyra will, hold a The cold wave resulted In many nrhaatar were .(Thrlstmaa Christmas; gt^iy (n the rear of the present sington. Tbs truck was snatched Salem, Ma**.. today by the death of Manchester, C y liC e S O CURED u 5#.F not taken. < liristmas party at the Gilead fires In westerrt Pennsylvania, of Mr. Norrla'* tiiier, Eleanor. Day guests at toe Steeta-Hall line of contact Is based on the as­ S co fc li The council's ice rescue board.s Three Soldiei’s Community Hall on Friday eve­ making at least 76 persons home­ from » fbctory yard in to* Scot­ tish Cliy of gIm ^ w. If ,d*tacuv*a horns. sumption that the enemy will con­ P o p t d im OOlDffN KEtNIl 1 15 CfUO 8AO 19 * were placed at strategic spots ning. ■ December 29, at , eight less. Fires destroyed nine reM- ikattng wUI bs hold tonight Mr. and Mrs. Ira (>a*\man of tinue to employ these skmc units." around Columbia lake Christmas o'clock. A'li *teen-ager* are invited denees. an'office-anartment build­ confirm their suspicion that tbs from <6:80 to 10 o’clock at. th# Swito ChooM "•*»»'« 5191 57 Hurt ill Crash vehlels w#s used to haul away the Stow. Mass., ere spemllng the holi­ MacArthur said. * MALCOLM STUART morning by t>r. Ralph E. Wolmer to attend. A movie will be shown, ing. s lumber mill and » taw ra Robertson Park are*. The sroa "However, other Chinese Com­ and Wilbur Fletcher. There Is games will be played, square atone, it would strengthen toe be­ day recess at the'home of their S6 S T H f f iA A C h o d O - l H *aa artav Uiatat art 3 ia ia * f7 9 Jo M Pmrkor Popcora awaam IP' tmm nt a loss entlmafed *♦ 81i5.0fW. will be lighted with floodlights. Hi# munist units reportedly have one at the dike; another at Mil- (ContlnuHl from Page One) dancing will be enjoyed and re­ lief that the robbery was to* work mother, Mrs. Leila 8. Hall. PR(X)F BOT Five firemen suffered injuries In Park department hss flooded the creased the border from Manchuria. (ASM l**r 3 1 . tar’s In Sleepy Hollow; one at freshments will be served. of Scottish Nstlonallet extremist#. Mias Sadi* Millard spent Christ­ Mild Flavor Muonstor Choooo c. 4 r Stuffing Brood dANt FAMftR the fires. two tennis courts behind the While not fully confirmed, the 55th, Knglerts, where the* road conics by Corp. Neale Rosenthal, 21, of Hebron Grange, P. of H., No. Police meaawhlta took no mas day at the home of Mr. and YM C A on North Main street and 56th, '«7to and 68th (armies) and GLEN CRINAN l a w l S ' dose by the lake on Route 87; one Hartfoi-d. He waa removed to SL I l l , will hold their regular meet­ chance that another hlghly-prlsod Mrs. Clifford Giles of Hartford. Party Rye Brood jANf FAIViA toe area ta Msnl (or youngsters elements of the 37to and 55to Chi­ 86 at the former public beach and Raphael's hospital, where X-raya ing at Uie Gilead Community hall royal stone would go rolUng. A Bcheol* will reopen Wednesday. Hospital Notes nese Communist armies are re­ PR(X)F ^•;3.99 Cream Drops smother at Woodland Terrace. were taken. Hospllala attaches on Tuesday evsning xt eight s p ^ a l guard was mounted over Bvsn Erickson, on# o f Murphy’s Jan. 8, after th* holiday recess. JANERAIKM ISOZ a O C ported now as )>etng in Korea, or The council asks the coopera­ said he is in "fairly good 'i condi­ o'clock. The lecturer, Mrs. Marv the Anglo-Saxon OoronsUon Stone bowling altaya loading plnstars, Mra. Elsls Hall Koehler of North P o t a t o 1/ltipH sozisc nee tion of everyone In seeing that tion. at Kingston-on-Thamea (Coventry was a recent guest of on the move thereto.” k u m s ..if«39' Porter has planned a very inter­ hss left for a week’# vacation with Til* war summary said another PEDItAL TIRIS Werthmoro Molossos Chips these are kept in their proper Sgt. George Sherman, 36. of esting program in. previews of Patlenta Tsdajr ...... I* * Stone number 2 is located in the his family In Wlnstsd. Mra. Leila S. Hall. place so they may be available in Batterson Park, New .Britain, Admitted vesterday; Theodore Market Plac# o f what was ones Mr. and Mrs. Jonh Anderson of factor to be considered is the fu­ give you all these features i. « , x 4 3 ' the coming year. The following ture employment of Clilncse Com­ VVorwick Thin Mints . . . Stuffed Olivos case of emergency. The rope identified aa the driver, received a people will have charge of the Anderson. 58 Winter atreet; Hra- an ancient royal town. A number Boaton, Maiss.. and Miss Janet ar down-to-earth peiftas: . ZO NG A RUM ry Sheehan. Talcottvtlle; Mra. of Anglo-Saxon monarchs wera munist and North Korean units WHUE OR GOLD should never taken from the laceration of the scalp and possi­ different months: January. Miss Public Recorfls Anderson of New York City have f. C*M rakb*. hi hiMkjr.-wida tut Bki^ Walnut Cookies CRIIPO i.i Luncheon Moot board for only with its length, can ble fractured riba, and Alvin Sll- France* VaakallfaW, Marlborough; crowned on It. Scottish patriot# been holiday guests of their par­ now released from the Hungnam U*«4 fee eatre lena ««a# I B6 aara Ellis; February. Harvey area. These forces, consisting of 2.49 the board be slid out,to any length verberg, 21. of Marlboro, escaped Scott; March, Doris Flih; April, Mrs. Mary Depka. 10 N o r a elslm it, as well as Scone, s* ents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. 6 19 PROOF Raspberry Prosorvos AM FA6C LB JAR 33 Howdy Doody Cookies street: Mr*. Edna WlUard. Ando­ rightfully Scotland's. • They Warrantee Deeds four to six CSilhese armies and two Z W#afe-f»¥ ee"*" with.rtki. on lee X rescue. with a laceration over the right William Landon; May, Kenneth Anderson. IMI r^ttinc, sMtad ridtaB rife* for •■Doe” and "Fletch” also took a ver; Ralph Wing. Bolton. toraatsned lest March to fcarry It Johnson Constructlwi Oompaiiy North Korean corps, represent a lIOUAtt eye. They were taken to New Porter; June, Carolyn SagUo; I Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller CORONADO Slid Sordines PACKtrS lA iU so lA CAS 1A Strawberry Prosorvos load of wood to Squier’s pond Haven hospital, and arc said to be Admitted today; Mra. UrauU to Dorothy and Haasl Psterssn, of Hartford, Conn., were Christ­ reinforcement potential which may By Hue Burnett •BtraMletyl July, Adolph Simons; August. come Into play at any time. Monday ab the skaters gathered in good condition. Marilyn Porter; September, Jean Verga, 20 Earl street. D s M ta M n d property on Irving strssL mas day gueata Of their daugh- Here is a handaoirie blouse and JL HlBhaa* 6*#Wt Haafarti backed B6 Ann Pago Mayonnaise FwrjsaAl Martin and Katie Kabersm to Cklneae in Kaesong 4 * p « ” 4 1 by «sduiivc Doubf# Gwarent## 2.69 AAP Fruit Cocktail...... *arAeu(37' there eoulfl have a fire. Among Trooper Glen E. Thomas of toe Raymond; October, Jesse Hills; Discharged yeaterday: Luelen Many Englishmen, stolidly un­ ter. Mr*. Joseph Krawchysk and 5 6 9 4 skirt pair that toe college mlea PROOF these, mostly youngsters, was Bethany state police barracks said Clicrubinl. 117 School atreet. ruffled by the eccentalclties et John and Kathryn PWrcs, prop­ A P Correspondent William J. can put together easily during va­ with nciahbortioad tenrkc I T r is e n it Nablaco Salted Crackers 5 Oz. Pkg. 2Q c November, Rina Borsottl and famllly. Waugh in Korea said report* had By Mm. Annr C«b®t Cranberry Sauce Kum JHiAY i*e**3 rw3P Mrs. Raymond Squler, familiarly the car was traveling north In Discharged today: Ralph Wing, Britain’s weather and-Jhe menace erty on Bridge atrsst. A Christmas plant was given cation. The neat blouse can have 4 l Casiala** * ** rov*rim cvety oaed, Carol Warner: December, Clar­ Altxftfid^r Jarvtf to JorviB been received for Mveral days ai Thi* flattering beret will win you RON K G A known aa Junta. Mrs. Squler, who the parkway, a half-mile north of Bolton; Mrs. Margaret McLough- of Iniernatlonsl crises, were apop­ for decoration tn the Federated short or ' three-quarter aleevea, fram .rutsed truck tin* to hum- MTDRIA B t i J M l i S ence Rathbun. Manor Incorporatad, four lota, U. S. Ihghth Arm y headquarteri. compllmenta galore. Crochet U ta WHITE OR OOLD Brood A Butter Pickles FAMHM lift MR 33' Maraschino Cherries Is in bar seventies, can put many the North Haven-Hamden line, at Pfc. Alden Warner, who is a Hn. 32 Slla* road; Richard Spang. lectic over to# shensillgsns In the church Sunday. Dec. 24th by Mr*. ekirt haa interesting yoke detail. fious tow-pctnur# Air Winaat part of former HtUlard property. that Kaesong, the big South Ko­ your most becoitflng color using B6 o f the youngec pewta in the shade about 7 :^ a. ni. when the actident member of the 681st A. F. Band, Boston; Mra. Mary Stamienf.'tl Abbey. Edna C. Ruble* In memory of her Pattern No. 8619 ta a aew-rite Jarvis Manor Incorporatad. sep­ rean town M oiit 25 miles north­ knitting wonted with gilt trim. PROOF b"o i 2.69 AAP Fancy P o o s ...... a*«iCAa33‘ O ropo Juice amroai ***** i4W*#TTu33f when It comas to muting, and she occurred. The car ran off the now stationed at Perrin A. F. base and aon, 427 Center street; Mrs. There were wisecracks galore, mother. Mrs. Emma Crandal W*1 pirforatc^ patteVn in sizes 11, 12, COMFAM OUK arata fhwperties on Broad street west of Beou), would not be de­ The simple, crochet stitchea make 4 YEARS OLD never mlssss g asason parUclpat- road, ripped through a highway In Sherman, Texas. Is home on a Julia Duke and daughter. 8 Silaa too— mostly from sections of the do. 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size 12, skirt, TCAM.m AUeWANCtS SunnyfioM Coke Fleur . ««Eai33' tng la the sport. Thla body of fence, sheared two small trees at British press, which declined to b# to Marcel J. Blnetta #t al; to Don­ fended. It was presumed that Kas- ,'or font work. Lyndon'b Boned Chicken « . RVbMCAR 59* flfteen day furlough. Alden la road; »ru c « Tuttta, 82 Drive A, Mr. and Mr*. Ruac*H Moe. of Pettern No, 5694 consist# of 2 5-8 yard# of 39-tach; blouae, water, (ilgUler’B. Rond) and some the base, went 100 feet down an Silver Lane Homes; Mrs. Nella unduly perturbed over the deed ald G. Adams St al; to Ron^d ^ aong had been occupied by tbs the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Branford, Ctenn.. Miss Orilla Moe complete crocheting inetructiona abort eleevie. 2 yards. m o n d o ' r u m other Bipallrr places have beer. embankmenL and turned com­ Leiatsr and daughter, 61 Mill and whose cartoonists ware having Durand et id; to David F. *- A Mr. and Mra. Peart Young and Matre, 84 Beaman circle; Char­ membered by th* Men’s and Wom­ Burnett,. The Manchester Evening a MANT OTWn NATIONAUY KNOWN grimly that If necessary "T vHlI go erty on Greenwood drive. been no official report of any large drosf) and the Pattern Number to ■M«-MN»*M*h, » wrecking craw was called out in sons of Brookira. N. Y. spent the lene Covey. 4S Waddell road; en’s ctaasss of toe Tolland Fed­ Herald.j]ri60 Ave. Americas. New BRANDS AVAIIABU AT ABR HORU to the ends of toe earth” to re­ Qnltdalm Deed seal* fighting although South Ko- .5 nne Cabot. The Manoheater Eve- ly *n>*TH By A* near aero temperature last night week end and Christmas at the Thomaa Farr, 6 Trotter atreet: Jo­ erated church with 25 boxes fllledi York iO, N. V. cover the atone. "Hla Majesty la John R. AilMi to AUen Realty rsana have traded light blows with ,-iin” Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas ■**\ Day Kluksn. by the derailment of eight cars of homo of Mr. and Mra. Asa W . Ellla seph Btaniunas. 74 Plymouth lane. Company, six parcel* on Vernon with food, candy and fruits to Send 26 cent* today for your a New York, New Haven and Births today; A aon to Mr. and greatly distressed as must b* ev­ enemy troops along the line. 'r-’ York 19, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. David Hawley of street and Greenwood drive. carry Christmas cheer and Needlework Fan*—Anne . •Bad to avoid major delays by J«- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Foots. , TBa OiiB. ha wtsto, "to * «sa tmttkkt tnUUc. '■1 Mr. sad M n . Jotm OdsU nt *9% opsmd by Uw wBiraeii nt • oota. Vj. ■ ■Vf ” MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, I960' P A O E B E V U t' :H E S T E R e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MAMLHESTER, CX)NN., THORSDAY, DECEMBER 28. I960 MAN(. John M. Bailey will attend to- p m m u He was bom on a Mlaaouri farm. night’s Caucus and is Stale Senators discuss strategy for the ae^lon the curtailment of our high arhMl c*rt«in about rpligion U that on* Completes Course New York—Max Beckmann. 6#. vi-lth the courses to three year* the. pflr- Bond Hotels To Hold Caucus oaa't play faat and looa* with it. 1 German Bxpresslonlet painter Republican* have WE RENEW OUR PLEDGE... pose being to send our youth to I whose works nave been shown by their caucus to organise to* House On* can t « r « dl*mlp* It and thon for the night of January 2, toe ,collegd more quickly for one year 111 Litigation the Museum of Modem A rt and Hartford. Dec. -iA*»-D«mo- whistle it bach to bod Ilk* * dog, other galleries in New York. *i«f 28 day before Govemor-evect John Our New Year's Resolution is the same one we've at college before they begin their i crattc State Senators-elect m w t in and the «> juPt becaup* it turn* out more throughout the country. Dodge’s Inauguration uMversal mllitsry training. In ' caucus here tonight opening of the aession convenient after *11 to have this ProliHte Court Hearing their leader* for the legislative It- Bi«*M MMX. fact, *if war comes, things muclj Chicago—Jqhn H. North, 6t. made - - and kept - - every year for over 50 years! dof called religion following vice president of Aubrqy, Moore * session opening nex,t TSUIUS rWMWmIH, more drastic thdn this will ha^•* Plea to Sell Properly Democrats hold control of the obedlenUy at our heelp. Wallace, Advertising agency, in TMM, » " ■ ' lo happen, sn.l we may^ have to new Senate by a 19-17 margin Religion len t Ilk* that. The By One txeenlor charge of newspaper, 'magaslne. We renew our pledge to keep our standards of quality ^Qfund#4 Octdbdi I* eliminate higher education alto­ ?2dl? u r a S i.r e “rtT.ln^!«nd thus. If toelr r.nk.Jtold fast can org^anlae that chamber and pplrit bloweth where It llketh. We Hartford, Dec. 2R ./Tl The and v^ilh the firm 27 year*. r-iBiiiBtt *•••*> **o*pt gether except for those heading control Its patronage. The House IIOIWW^ ‘ i l can choose to turn our hearts *nJ Hail ford Probate Court has been' for technical roles In- the armed of Representative* has. as usual, the highest in the industry ■ - and to keep our prices Pot! •*'*• k-' Cm *., m B“Ued to determine whi. h of two j mind* toward religion again. We a top-heavv Republican majority, ;^ n « OM. MUI ______force*. , . piirchasera, one offering $60,000 , can choose to accept the pplritc.1 I Wants Debt Paid and all state officers will be Re­ •" In U. S. (Currency Democratic Slate Chairman 81; «ioolhB bj >Uj1 ...... • ••We can t say, theugh. in sd- : York Stale Board of Regents to; hotels here. • | UBt mooUi *r »*•" ...... J ‘ JTJ vance. what our answer is going , * The hotel property has been the 8.n|l* Copy ...... ! take the lead In "immediately cur- j to be. . . .W’e cannot tell which ■ subject of litigation ever since WBBBiy. M ...... tlSUU tailing the American atPn.iard of Harry R. Bond died 1ft years ago. , Hartford. Dec. 28 — f^'i — The sub*. 0«B t»*r . I1S.UU way we are going to go; but 1 Wnt of M'bo rofiin ■•• education. lU seeming advance Two executors of the Bond es­ Federal government **>'* It want* think that the challenge which tate, Kdmuml J. Oles and \Mll*rd 'a Hartford company to pay Its m cuhsh of eagerness lo throw American Colonial Boys t h e (iSSuCIATED'PKESS Communism has now presented to B. Rogers, the latter luanagei of | idebt In United States currency. •nner ^ youth into the mold of war, is the hotels, want lo sell lo the I not In Turkish and Egyptian mon- NO IINU s . . **aocitUd Pro** *• **clu»l»*ly our late ijiodorn posl-ChrisUan wiicsr .BtiUBO 1^ 10. UM Of r.p u b l.o*l-o» ... somewhat disturbing. tlatewav eompany of t ’onnoctKpl ] ' ey which can be spent only In Tur- clvilirailum Is going to drive uS Have *11 n*»t duOBMhBB eroo'loo to U. ot We all know full well that. If for Iftfb.OfK). ; key and Egypt. ItOtlINO ***** crea.toe this parting of the ways, and com- ; A third executor, Mrs, I‘ iantii.p Oonip*n>, tat.. faith lapahle of answering the Rogers testified yesterday that I would not liegiii tesring down the tonlo, ia the world's largest air | J. Lonergan. aaalatant | • WEAK lO N G € « Auuuie* no nntneial r*»p.>n»iP'l'«y ^ religion of (•omnmnism is shroud­ the .Slallei Hide! ( :orpiiration's typofraphiea* «rror» BPP«*rint at ! American way of life \’oIuntari!y plan lo build a hotel here had force base, center of Air Force , States attorney for Con- PLEASE SHOP EARLY! STORES CLOSE . INVISlBie t^Q 95 ed In human doubt. But there is, scared off other prospective bviy- basic training, for airmen and , „ectlcut. said toe company’s Egyp- C H IN E EN D In Th* HanehBBtBt Emninp Hernia I before it la dictated by events. women. Indoctrination station for , Turkish creditors owe it I REGULAR TIME SATURDAY. CLOSED LI we think, little doubt that any j rrs of the Bond. 1 . SfAM lC SS Mr*. Piishe, on the Stand for al­ prior service rrenllstees. snd home g^ough money to pay the debt, ALL DAY NEW YEARS, MON., JAN. lit. Thursday, December 28 effort on the part of the western , of A F ’s Officer Candidate School. cannot get the funds be- i world to answer Communism with , most two houia yesterday. said Buy Durlbilknil and enioy ow l-'rteti on Staple HeeJi there were three reasons why the! His ba.sic training has “prepared 1 „ f restrictions on sending, that same materialism for which j him for entrance into Air Force (^urrenc\' out of tho*e countrie*. j the fullest meoiure of r #• Toynbee’N Second^’oint sale should he made tp the Kx- ; him Johnny Trumbull was so smart It pretend* to despise Communism Connecticut : change Bullet Corporation for lei hnical training and for assign- jh e company has o ffe r^ ' ll*f from voricoi# vein* , first NATIONAL'S A U PURPOSE He passed Y'ale at seven. i 4,4^. ' ^ *t*BOb«LaK PLUMP NORTHIRN - YOUNG HIN In hi* eallfom ia lectures, Ur. will he doomed to failure. We our- | I $480,000: an agreement lo sell to t ment in specialized wmrk. The | gig„ its Turkish swollen ond tired legs ond the New York corporanuucorporation hasnna 'j course included a aclentiflc evalua- Cinillin claims tovv »he.8°';?*71!]?.'"JLiaass- ...... # i. iim Itt I Bat boys today— 2-LB tOAF Arnold To>Tibee. the British his­ , selves are dangerously close to | Yankee been made, the New York corpo-! t.on 'of hia aptitude and Incllna- might spend ‘ he money m il^ They aren’t eo dnmk. | Other leg condition* Finast Cheese Food p/seo^e/t THi exTRA soopnsss a n p torian. posed first the historic ne- j particular tary and diplomatic expenses in UNDER 18 LBS L i ! the belief that msn esn live by allon will as.siinir the estate's lia- tion for following They know a treat ; £XTRA ¥ALUe Of NATiONAL BR6APS TURKEYS 59« ceMity of having the • western By A. H. O. vocation and career. ! the two countries Involved, Loner- MADE WITH COUNTRY EGG YOLKS, SALAD OIL AND SPICES j bread alone , too mm h of our en- hillties and if llu' sale is made lo __ ' gan said, but the government has ; That ean’t ho heat. I community ' advance to those po­ the Gateway company litigation C I t o n o d AU WASTE REMOVED - UNDER 14 LBS U 7 3 < ' mity to ('ommunism is the enmity . « * • . . i refused on the ground that it | It’s WRMLirS 8ruaMWT IIM. i lO Z JAR litical structure* 'suited to it* I of our almighty dollar, whose will ensue. O o n lk m Last N lS th t 1 would thus be a party to evasion | Even before thla piece begins, Two year* ago, the State Su *1 u e a i n a £ > u g s Turkish and Egyptian cur- Mn:-MWMV TMMMU was | Finast Mayonnaise Bclltf ^ iJtn functioning for surxdval. i serf* we sometime* seem to preme Court upheld the Probate our lawyer friends think they rency regulations real. He wa* bom In Watertown, (IMdcmi SMOOTHER UNIFOR^CONSISTENCY Fresh Shoulders LEAN - MEATY LB 45 HI* second grent point con­ ! be. And ijnles* we face our know what it Is going to say. Court in a refusal to permit a Conn.. 1750. Th la U a sm art B U te. SLICED - ENRICHED ale sale of the slock to Uog- Prescription Pharmacy cerned the necessity for a revival ; times With s faith and belief high- Thev think we are going lo use lu-ivaln sale oi ui<- siuco ...... ii«tpd as head of That's why thousands dally enjoy 12 OZ JAR , - I holding that it .should be sold ! Ronald. 9ft. who retired laat >ear lis o r l^ neau o Corporation. Ef- of true religion in the western ; er than thinga, we are lost. I the fact that there will no , delicious wwaurs m »«iiwT bum , Peanut Butter ^as smoothy MILDLY CURED LB 1 lawyers on the Republican side of • * "• **'*• _ ^ ^ Vilt- 901 Main St.,.Tel. 5321 Smoked Shoulders 49< world. He Was Ae"*‘*>** enougn, WHITE BREAD the'new SUte Senate as the peg King rhat tl^ e the-jie- oldest Judge of a , the suit brought word that h.s tel , | MIRABEL PURI dlscussiilg this, to realise that no i for a variety of acid comments on Mata Hari’s real name was Mar- court of record in th* country. 16phone had baan dlaconnactcd^ such revival can be artificially The Truce Effort their distinguished profession. fifaretha Geertrulda Zelle. LB JAR ^ 18 0Z lOAVtS c Chuck Roost CUT f r o m * heIJ v y *steer beef •69< They think we are going to make [ contrived or stimulated. The Arah-Aaisn bloc In th* Strawberry Preserve' Sold Only at Firil National Sferei ••r can hear,'• he said, “ soifie po- I snide remarks about what an his- I'nited Nalinna, which fostered tone chance for honeat, straight-1 FOR THE CHICKEN, ^ Ittlcal party manager asking how FANCY CALIFORNIA ■ -g Fancy Brisket c o r n e d r e e f u g J* ih* resolution which created a forward legialatlon there will be | FOWL OR TURKEY A 1 LOAVES long it will take to organise re­ 30-OZ TIN STUFFING BREAD 25* United NaUon* Cease Fir* Com­ In the Senat*. i Odd Six* RuiiiMTS TO FRY OR BROIL vivals. It eaii^t b# don* that way. Nothing of to* sort. Th* plight $60.85 2.3x21.2 Plain Cherry R ^ Finest Fruit Cocktail mittee, has on# last *Hm hop# left, of to* Republican minority In the | 2-3H LB AVG It can’t b* whistled up. We shall Twist ...... • • • • Fresh Chickens «39* which. If General MacArthur’a re- I Senate 1* a curious accident, ap:f PURE MiRABEL - OUR OWN CAPE COO ^oan C a r o l hsve to work our passage by *x- $48.75 2.0x12.0 Plain Willow O w n Apple Pie «49< CUANID AU WASH RIMOVIO U S5c ,>orl* of an Impending Chinese parently re.sulttng from a lack o f ; Hieh Pile Axmlnster - • • •19-7» perienca. over-ali planning in the process Last 2 days! More Bargains! 10H OZ JARS Communist offensive In Korea are $20.50 2.3X6.2 Beige Hookloom ••W# can choose to accept apirit- of nomination, and It la -going lo Cranberry Sauce 2 accurate, may be dispelled at any Wilton ---- , ...... • ■ ■ “§ur^ O esU f iA 55* plump - MEATY) 4H-SM LB AVG LB jial ealusa Inatead of material to have some curious results. $40.25 2.4xl3.'( Peach Tone-on- Pumpkin Pie Fresh Fowl moment. For Instance, the all-lmportanl Tone Uncut W ilto n ...... ' *^’7* SW EniNH) 0« UNSWEETENED ^ c u m J i i d ALL WASH MA4OVI0 LI 63c guide eur Mvlnf. W * can search Judiciary f'ommlttep will hav# to The Arab-Aslan bloc, with Its $9.00 2.1x84 Plain Grey Nee“ 'e- 46 OZ TIN our hearts and mlndi. U cannot formsl request for an official do Its work without the benefit of punched Wool ...... PIES Mime Pie i*59< Maoir euR» any legal members from the Re- , WATKINS PRE-INVENTORY Grapefruit Juice be any form of mere ritualistic $2550 2 2x9.0 Plain Green cease fire In Korea rudely rejected publican side of the Senate, and Smoked Tongue li 4 9 c Bologna acceptance baaed on expediency Pile Velvet ...... ''i J ' . GOLDEN CREAM STYLE ^ by Communist China. Is still cling­ have to make ita reporti in th* I $16.35 3.0x4 6 Plain Chalk Gmy » 4 . / »» _ LEAN • MILDLY CURED . TASTY or Indtad by fear.” ing to to* hop* that aom* kind of Senat* through a layman. j Twist ...... But without thla, Dr. Toynbee There have been aeaalona before | $16.75 2.3x9 0 "ran Hooked-Pattern 20-OZ TINS Smoked Butts l$ 7 9 c Lhrerwurtt unofficial truce In Korea may still holds, w * shall not posaea* th* an­ in which the party leader In the Wilton ...... Finest Corn be achieved. U I* clinging to the Senate was not a lawyer, hut Open tonight to 9 SIU 00 2.9x6.7 Mint Gcccn Carved NEWEST TELEVISION SHOWI I swer to Communism. HEALTHFUL NUTRITIOUS hope thsi. although they refuse to never, within our memory, a aes­ Wilton ...... ■ M' •'Communism." said Dr. ToyR- LB ccHiimil themselves to cease mili­ sion in, which the top Judiciary $40.75 3.0x90 Tan Caned \\il- TALL TINS Standard Oysters " 75< Green Shrimp 79. l)ss, ••!* a new version of a very Cornmitte* post was not held by a ...... i9*9v ‘Van wilk 3ooJT C00KIM6 SCHOOL tary action, the Oiinea* Commu d i n i n g r o o m and BED- Evmgeline M ilk eld and, I must say, vary falsa and lawyer. ______E X ILE Items . . . LAM PS $26.25 3.0x4 3 Plain Mocha High nists will neverlhelesa, for the ROOMFCRN-m-RE” '* ' ” Pile Axmlnster ...... 1*-V bad reUgten: th* worship of ool- There will be certain to be In- ‘ FANCY MCDIUM SIZE ' ^ FEATURING time being, refrain from any new stances, with Democratic lawyers' $16.35 2.9x9.<) Plain Green Needle- 'lAA eaL,aurac J H a u ra ,^y\ennea^0 \ e n n e J u lectiv* human power. It 1* anoth­ 3resk 3ruits til Vegetakles offensive across the S8th parallel. 111 the Senate sjiinning the /fn- I punched W o o l...... 20OZ TINS er version of the religion that the Items subject lo prior sale. $16 35 3.0X4.6 Plain Rose TAvlst TUESDAY and FRIDAY - 2:30 to 3:00 P. M. If the Chinese Communist* do volved legal wehs at which Demo­ Richmond Peas early Christiana were up against cratic Stale Chairman / John Broadloom ...... ■'...... ^ * *. * ICEBERG D'ANJOU no refrain, th* Arab-Aaian bloc $18.75 3x4 Rose Tone-on-Tone Ln- ■lOINNINQ D ie Ifth - STATION WNHC-TV-ChomMl 6 whan they wer* asked to worship Bailev is so adept, when th1* lack i has torn* sllg'M disposition, which of a Republican lawyer will be em- cut W ilto n ...... SOLID HEADS hds c R on * and Caesir— to worship $12.50 2.9X3.8 Blue Tone-on-Tone Lettuce 2 23 Pears 3 1 « 39« it Is m*«ting to debate within It- barrassing. If 'w* may venture v - A '.* ’kiA ■ man tat hla oollscUvs form. close lo the lone we promised to . Axmlnster ...... FLORIDA - FULL OF JUICE MeINTOSH [ self today, to accept such an un­ $23.76 4.2x90 Plain Gi-ey ^eedlc- •*rhia la n false religion because avoid, it takes a lawyer to watch j TAKI AOVANTAOl OP THISI KONOMICAL PRICES. official truce as something .lose a lawyer. 9x12 Rugs punched Wool ...... J,' e L M A G 5' man 1* not God; and It 1* a bad $27.75 4.8x9.0 Plain Green Needle- Oranges 55c Apples enough to an official cease fire to There will he other less embar­ $18.95 Beige or Gre}i- Plaid 4 25< j religion because whenever man punched Wool ...... warrant present consideration of rassing but even more curioua re­ Fiber® ...... 3rosUil 3ooJ 'Valueslued aORIDA EMPEROR CALIF. « puts himself in th* place of God $18.35 2.0x6.10 Plain Green Uncut I ' the Arab-Aalan bloc's second sults. / $38.50 Rose Tone-on-Tone N'fjMl*- So far as /the Senat* la con- Old Stock Velvet ...... 7*~ 's70's he gesa off th* rail*, makes costly punched Wool ...... -.3.75 $69.75 2.10x14.0 Plain ChocolaU £t'0r^Ja^ oCow Prices on fo r tinned Nation* resolution, which rerned. the siluatioii should be YOR GARDEN FULL LB PKG | 5 29* ^' Grapes 2 23< anlstakss, commits horrible $121.95 Blown or Oiey Modern Twist Broadloom ...... 57-«* STRAWBERRIES fulu.«g49. 6rap*knit« call* top negotiation on all the ripe for A ’ dual job ban or minor Plaid Axmin.stcis ...... 81.50 crimes. Hitlerism is an example: $11.75 2.3x5.3 Grey Hit-or-Miss FOR HNOER TEXTURED CRUST • FLAKY question* standing between Com- court reform. For, barring aoiue $185.00 Snu'ke Floral Block Ax- the self-worship of German na- Instance of some small town mln.«ter. do luxe quality . .148.00 Linen ...... "•"" YOR GARDEN muifiat Chin* and the" United Na- 9-OZ PKGS PEAS 2 43< tlonallam under the leadership of which Is also without any resi­ $121.95 Brown Chintz with tex­ FELT BASE RUGS Montd Mirrors Finast Pie Crust YO« 10-OZ lldn*. dent lawyer, there will be no po­ tured groiind, Axmlnster • .91.50 All'Offered "As Is" GARDEN PKG 2 7 c tha Naal party. Nearly half $110.00 Heavy, decorated Empire Broccoli GAWEN i(K)zn(c27c Caulifbe*c The demand of the Chinese tential recipients, in the Senate $121.95 Green, blue, or beige Tone- All in oiieinal sealed wrappings excepting m FOR the PIE "But worship of collective hu­ circle, of jiidgesliips and prosecu- i.n-Tone Axminsters ...... 91..50 spindle design. 35x45 inches. FRENCH CUT Communists ha* been, i^ effect, y^ qar^ i .o z p k g c pk g q f earsJ c man power la a genuine religion, SlilO.’iO Green Textured t,oop-pile metal leaf finish...... 89.06 Beaus YOR GARDEN 2 PKG 2 1 Cora on Cob 2 9 that these negotiations be held a* ! .torahips. 90Z»PKG which can call out all t»ie powers Since, from time Immemorial, Wilton ...... 1.59.00 539..50 Mantel or Console-Mirror, Finast Mince Meat m____ cui crun „ , the prelude to a cease-fire, not as such Jiidgeahips and prosecutor- $121.95 Rose Chintz on pin'n square frame with um-and- B O a n S YOR GARDEN 'PKG 21c Brussel Spi^Rts *P°G 33c , of anthuslaam and devotion/n the sales cash. Ail sales final. the aftermath of a cease-fire. A* ships base been the cement with ground. Axmlnster ...... 81.50 drape top: 30>ix44 Inchea, metal FANCY MAINE PACK peopl^Fvho bellev* In And < ...... A...... 19.15 -tnr- •?«•* for the United SlalM, it has been whIcK toe parly In .power ha* $121.95 Beige Tone-on-Tone Ax- V -. T ■ Gom^mnlam la the only form of hound Its legtalatora l » Itself, mlnslers ...... 81.50 Today’s $75.00 Paneled border, frosted gold 30-OZ TIN I. officially unwilling to countenance finish. 33.X39 inches...... 49.50 collective man worship that aad also the medium, of ex­ $121.95 Mauve 18th Century Floial Price Sale Finest Pumpkin %■ anv aui'h general negotiations on change through whlch^lhe pa''* .\xminster ...... 81..50 Size $59.75 Decorated, heavy deep makes aenae in the atomic age. It frame. 85x45 Inches, metal SO O P- m c o s ts UiSTHMltPSRCUP than national- 1 topics outside Korea. Had the tie* could deal with one anoth­ $121.95 Beige l-*"f Scroll on R o ^ FANCY SWEETD4ED makes more sense leaf ...... 44.50 CYiineae CommunlaU afeepted the er, except, of course, during the ' Ground Axmlnster ...... 81.,50 Ism In th* atomic age. non-dealing barbarism of too I $97.95 Grey Salt-and-Pepper Tei^ $66.00 Heavy, decorated convex 20OZ TINS formal ceaae-flr* propoailton. the (19) 4x9ft. RHf» "The worship of national frag­ Bowles regime, thefir may be lured Axmlnster ...... 78.50 frame in bronze, 34x48 Inchea.. Finest Apple Sauce I United States might have been ...... 89.75 ments of collectlv* man In an some aerlotia qiieatina as to | $121.95 Rust Gold and Green Hook­ GOLDEN ROSE compelled to Join In these wide ne- whether the t#.M Senate will ed Axmlnster ...... 91.50 iCensdo Mirrors FANCY EASTERN OiJJL ever find It* iN'arlng*. .\nd ' $121.95 Tan Floral-aiid-L^af, Ax- *( g )^ ^ x 9ft.Rii®* All Offered "A s Is” CEYLON 8-pZ ship of Moloch; it is race suicide. | gotisUbns. It is 46-OZ TIN since. In this session at leasl, j minster ...... 81..50 $35.00 Um-amJ-Drape Top. 24x41 TEA PKG ICE I "Suppose the Communists chal- . *o compelled in the presen the llemiM-rsIs will be posing $164.50 Rose Floral Axmln.ster. Inches, bumlahed bronzei finish Finast Tomato Juice 49< 27« heavy quality ...... 181.50 >1 leng* us on this issue; suppose “ tion. and it is not likely that aif the champions of patronage ...... $26.50 L ii o x 5 9 c *(14) fglOVrft. Rugi FANCY CUT • H GAL 3 9 c PINT they say; 'How can you the ' bloc can g.lher any purity, while the Republlcaa* | $97.95 Tan and Green I-og Cabin $29 50 Mahogany Chippendale with have Hooked Axmlnster ...... 65.50 25. frivolou’i. 1 United Nations majority winch suffer from Ineligibility, there gold drape sides and ''eagle, HOMELAND SEU'S face to pit your petty, ^frivolous might well be a s|iatc of reform $97.95 Grey 18th Century Floral 20x37 Inches ...... '...... 23.50 would now attempt to force aiich KRAFT’S selfish, short-lived individual in- legislation passing— In the Sen­ Axmlnster ...... 85.50 r i(7 ) 9*12 ft. Rug* $22.00 Mahogany Chippendale, Richmond Green Beans negotiations upon tlie t niled ate. $164.50 Lime Tone-on-Tone Ax­ capred sunburst, ■ 19Hx35i4 s & i« S ! ^ O''"-19c Cfoam Chooso 2 '0R33e teresU against the permanent mlnster. he*Y-v grsde • . • 110.0« OVEN BAKED • THREE VARIEtlES FINE QUAUTY CEYLON B-OZ PKG 5 1 c States. For the future, the legal profes­ inches ...... ■ 18-50 r r f t d r m M NORSE lO Y - IRIS^ G genend interest of the human $9795 Grey Tone-on-Tone Ax- The unfortunate allualion 1* sion finds itsejf in somewhat the $54.00 Antique Gold Bronze with race? same position experienced 'by the ■ m inster...... - ( 2 ) 9x11 ft. Rugs $12.4* 3.98 wired sheaf of wheat and di-ape 28-OZ TIN that the two main parties in the WHiri. c o l l e d P,MEN;r^’ * 5,?rS"?u*RE "lan't the Communist stand for ! farmer* in the 1949 Legislature. $164 50 Gi-een Pennsylvsnla Dutch top; 25x47 Inches ...... 23-25 Finest Baked Beans Asian confiicl refuse even to talk Block .Axmlnster...... 181.50 the Interest of fjje ant heap a* I That other dominant profewion $39.50 Console or Mantel style FIN A ST I u49« Rl.m .l.j. i i k « 2 3 * - f a n c y sliced slfcidaw;;# «49. except on thefr own terms. If the I found lUs strength surprisingly Odd Site Ruqs with square metal leaf frame, against the interests of the indi­ um and floral drape top; nrealige of the United Nations , slim, and, in order to regain tU $18.75 4x6 Oval Braided Cotton; 20-OZ TIN FORMOSA H LB vidual anta more reasonable, more . u-... grtPi quite assiduously passed the Rose Quartz and Azure ..12.50 30Hx44 Inches ...... 18-75 peace mov* could hav* brought j ______Richmond Pears O O L O N G PKG noble, more unselfish, more I word for the nomination of more $.55.25 7x8 Oval Braided Cotton $9.93 Maple Ship’s Wheel Mirror, 49‘ m Communists to talk round 16-lnch glass, 2 5 inches m i l l b r o o k c l u b worthy of our enthusiasm and our the Chinese 1 honest dirt farmer* this time. I Chenille, blue predomlnat- KITTY SNICKER (WARSHMAliOW truce, it might also have brought j That's what the lawyers will haVej over All ...... • devotion? Ing . . . , ...... “ •»* 2 U-OZ TINS 1 9 c 7H OZ JAR 19c Golden Rose us lo further negotiations. But, lo do, In 1952. $22.45 4x6 Cotton Loop Shag. $17.95 GIrondple Mirror, 18-inch Cat Food F lu ff •”nie answer depends ■ on the convex glass, gold bronze, 9.98 since China ha* proved formally m relative values we place on the 816.50 32x58 In. Oval B rald^ $24.00 Qirondole Mirror. 18-inch T 1 A BAGS $110.00 9x9 Plain Rose TA'^tst- , Wool Ynm Rug...... ■..18.26 beverages obdurate and scornful, we are Scotttr Rh®s convejf gliMS, gold bronze, 17.50 ant heap and oA tn^vidual anta. Jet Planes Guard Broadloom ...... 88.•'W 116.75 8x5 ft. Oral Bmidad Unan WILSON'S likely to remain hardened in our $125.00 9x9 Plain Blue B r ''- ^ . 88.50 (9) 2x3 ft. Oval Braided $10.80 Qirondole Mirror, 18-lnch PR EM It a human ant la on ^ a worker In Cotton Rag Rugs, each ... .525 Tarn Rug ...... convex glass, gold bronse, 5.88 PKGOF4B C PKG0M6|4' 28-OZ BUS ^ ^ C poaitlon, too. The Arab-Aslan 39 an ant heap, then to* apt heap 4s New York Area loom ...... ^r'*^,*** $9.50 (17 ) 27x48 In. Oval B rald^ $22 86 ( 6) 24x40 In. Oval Hand (All gold-framed mirrors are MOt POHC bloc must be disheartened by the $58 00 9x9.8 Plain Grey Nee»u»- Braided Wool Rag Ruga, Contenlj Only bound to be much more impor­ Cotton Rag Ruga, each...... 7.50 subject to checking scratches and 12 OZ TIN 47c woven W o o l...... <8 5« $15.95't 121 ft. Qval Braided •aach ...... '*•*• situation It* effort* face. -Nonethe­ $187 00 8.6x10 10 Plain R 'cy ' o-n. other minor Imperfections. Glass 12-OZTIN 45c tant. Milchel Field, N ,'Y '„ Dec. 28— 1 Cotton Rag Rug*. « ^ - • ••” *“ $112,M 4',sx'T ft. Ovnl Hand Braid­ in each are.In perfect condition). less, It I* right not to abandon pile Rvoedloom^ sefond . 189 00 ed Wool Rag Rug...... 76.00 DUTCH AAAID swiprs 3 "W hy do we beUeve that each Llghtnlng-faat, all-weather F-49 $29.95'4x7 ft. Oval Braided Cot* whatever slim hope there seems; $97 50 9x9.9 Plaffi Grey T'-t-t 4.6X4.0 Rugs large ASSORTAtfNT OF flavo rs individual human ant ia ao much Jet planes now ai’* guarding New | ProsdlooTTi ...... 78.00 ton Rag Rug ;,. • ••••;; •;” •“ it will be right to continue, inces­ York City and the Induatrial east | $39.50 6x6 ft. Round Braided C<^ / $28.85 Green and Grey Hooked JOY COOKIES Pard Dog Food SOLO ONLY AT FIRST N A T IO N A L STORES more valuable than the - human lift’ 50 9x11 2 Hook-loom ITecut Axmlnster ...... 19.95 SWIFTNING santly, ita exploration of all pos­ on a round-the-clock, atand-by i ton Rag Rug - - 8 L » ant heap that the Individual's Wilton, rose, blue and t ” ". $7.15 (8) 2x3 ft. Oval Braided 132.85 Brown Hooked Axmlna- . MAKI* 104>ZPKG 19c 2 HB tins 2 7 c sibilities. alert. 1 aeeond...... 90 50 rights hav* prlprlty over the Thi* >n-aa discl'jsed yeaterday by i Wool Yam Ruga. 575 ter ...... 'j-<24.50 3-LITIn9 9 c 1-UTIn3 7 c $1** 50 12x9.8 Plain Green 'ix-'-t $15.76 32x58 In. Oval Braided $32.85 Rose Leaf-and-Floral Ax­ ,4 ITk ctaima o l ooUacUye ^tunanlty? th* Air Force. ' Beesdloom ...... |50 90 31c The Lockheed Interceptors, de­ Wool Yam Rug...... -..-KJ* mlnster ...... $4.50 STORES "We have no answer unleea we $109.00 12x3.5 Plain Grev T - '- t $32.85 Rust Hooked Axmlna- FIRST n a t i o n a l It May Come Soon Enough signed for day-or-ntght datanac WenpiRoom ...... 188 00 $10.15 (8) 37x48 In. Ovnl Braided In A Ood outride and above against enemy bombers, are Cotton Ynm Rug*, ench... .7 ^ ' ter ...... -W-*® r coUeoUve jwtvea M world war comas, there will equipped with radar and devices to $11100 17x5.5:-pinln Beige $13.95 SxB n. Ovnl Braided Oot» 848.50 Sephta Brown Hooked Ax­ WROadlOOc-i J ...... 0* xq WiTKIM m lnster...... 82-50 ipdHiidtiAl aritrea aUkA be nothing sacred or tradlUonal give them extra power for com-1 ton Ynm Rug. atore u ^ .. ^ bat. They have a top apeed of i $105.00 9x7.1 Plain Choeotnte Tx-i-t $17 3x5 ft. Oval Braided $50.86 White and Green Vlctnr''” i in toe AmericAn way of life which « Peesdlnom store tised .V* "“O tellevf In God we do more than 600 miles an hour and . . . ton Y am Rug ...... •.*8.75 Floml ...... 87.95 will be Able to witoatand lU de 5*0 no l/tvIfiO Plsln (at,-ee»«re IVORY SOAP CAMAY SOAP CAMAY SOAP OXYDOL TIDE DREFT Tbe Individual a service ceiling ot more than 45, - 1 $1550 3x5 f t Oval BmldM 9 ^ ^ MtutcUeiii&t $48.80 Twist Broadloom; rose, IVORY SOAP DUZ t 1. mand for total aacrific*. Thero- TVrlst Bmadlooniv at ore — •'• ttu*. beige or mint grten 85.08 / tir ua, 000 feet...... ?85.99 f - fore, If war comes, thar* cannot They are operktlng from Mc­ seamed ...... LGE PKG LGE PKG 3 1 c value in MED EAR 9 c BATH BARS LGE PKG 3 1 c LGEW G 3 1 c 31c be th* irighteat quarral with such Guire' A ir Force base at Fort Dlx, LGE BAR | 5 c 2 keg BARS 17e 2 25c N. J., and other bases of to* saet- '0M that Just a proposal as that of the New em air_____ defenae command. In what 'I ). _ PM toiag York BtaU, Board of Regents for | numbar was not revealad' 'll. lIANCflESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COilN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, I960 t ’ - MANUMESTER EVENlNp HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1980 p A o i m m ford Itaglonal T«:hnlcal School in Sspbemher wero announced by Mr. ^Missing' Corporal M u Sw«ll*W8 R u o r Bhdc SInilamon. Hoal of the coursts Fairfield. The bridegroom la a Pennsy Plant Optntibn R c m m v m It admit pupila who have completed Writes to Friend Senior Scouts Junior at the Univeralty of Con­ the eighth grade and muit be able necticut. Oreen-Chobot Poat. American Naw T o rk ,* Dac. 3$,—tdV- to profit by the experience. Reg­ You'll have more fun in ’51 istration carda and informatloir Legion, sponsored eetback perty i Gets Approval Gerociomo Torres, 38, was New Ixindon, Dec. 38.—(88 Hold Reunion with the money you’ll nave hy hoMIng a alngle-edged r w r about the courses may be obtained prlM winner! Friday night fol- ; getting all your food needs by calling 7-«341, Extension 2517. Army Corporal Paul W. Thomp­ low; Women', flrat, Mrs. Winfield blade between hia teeth laat R<^istration to son. of New London, listed , as J . Andrews; second, Mrs. Roxanna . at l*OI*GL.\R. Yen — you’ll GoTcnMMBt S«3ft Steel night when he lost hla balanc^ Evidence of school attendance, Next Month; Many vaccination should be forwarded missing In action In Korea since Girls Who ^ ’ent ID Eu­ Richardson; third. Mrs. Arthur nave more money . . . hate fell ^ckwarda In Ms chair and last July, has written to a friend Webb. Men's flrat. Clarence Cua- I Mill Cma Take Care of Bwallowed the raaor Wade. to the school. rope in 1949 Enjoy more money for good timen Different Classes listed Thr Rohool office will he open here that although hla battery First Food Storo eombinot fho tops In ter of Manchester; second. Arthur New ^England X-rays at Bellevue hospital had been engulM several times Cyr of Wllltnianlic; third, How­ . . . when you shop here lie- showed the raaor blade lodged during the holldsy vsestton. food vohwt, with ploosont shopping eon- Party Herr cause every price in a low Hartford Regional Technlcul by North Koreans he had man­ ard A. Richardson. Speelala, Mr. In his stomach. Surgeons oper- aged to escape. and Mrs. Webb and Iva Steele of i price every day. You nave on WaaMaften. Dac. School expecta a banner enroll­ Reds Get V. 8. Arms dlHons and courtoous friendly sorvlco. Laat evening tlic twelve mem- Engtand ateal mUl auppa^ra atM early today, and removed "i; was really a surprise to hear Stafford. The Post will have an­ the full meal— every meal— the raaor blade. They said hla ment for September, 1981. Hen­ everybody thought I was dead," Shop Hrst Food and save. First quality berg of .Senioi Girl Scout Vroog other such party in the Legioi^; condilioh was good. Prague. OseChoslovakta, Dec. 28 One, wlio went to Europe in the hall the evening of January Mli. ! and that’s w-hal putn those S y a $380,000,000 mlU at New ry E. Sinnamon. director of {he — Tibetans in the town of Oiam- said Thompson's letter, dated De­ 1 ^ 1 trade achool, aald. "with Indiistry cember 1.8. "We had It pretty morehondlso ot o prieo thot's fair to you. summer of 1949. had a reunion extra dollars into your pock- S kSS. Conn, and a do have turned over sopie British and arter-Chi';slmas party at the governmaBt going all out in the emergency, and American-made arms to the rough hut Pm still walking ethook throughout the year, we look for the greatest enroll- artuind." home of M;ss Emily Smith. 55 SunSd for a ® The corporation Is owned by the Chinese army. Prague radio said N East Middle l urnpike. It was Ihc ; Civil Defense (iel off to a good start on a Rteel plant near MoiTlavIlle, Pa. meni in the history of the school.' Thompson's , friend, William happy, goodlimc New Year New England Council, a non-profit We especially feel that eighth and today. Mitchell of Noank, said the cor­ first time all twelve had been to- | U. 8. Steel-SaUd that mill would voluntary aasucialion of business- The broadcast, quoting the new A VERY HAPPY AND ' PN gether in mme than a'year, and liy coming in tinijiy for all fully aerve the New England area. ninth grade pupils will look to us Chins (Communist) News Agency, poral's mother and step-father, Need Stressed for vocstlonal-technlcBl education. Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles Stubllckj. all took advantage of the opi>or- j your holiday food needs. Coupled with the Pennsylvania Corporation Director VS aldo ^ said the arms Included 1.720 rifles PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR tuniiy to caich up on the activi- | site approval was the appearance Meehanlcal Drafting, Machine. and 17 light mschlneguns from have not received any further ln« (iarke of New London said NSRB Biillding Trades, Aiitoniobllc formation from the Army since ties of e.Ti li and to reminesce i of some dissent among New Eng­ certification was necessary for fi­ the United States It said "Amer- about lihe memorable trip. . ('.liicf Scliemlel TVIls - (MWSKWWMiniWNIWOlWSIHUNM landers as to where they want Maintenance and Radio and Tele­ lean Imperialists" sent these last the telegram reporting him mlss- TO ALL OUR FRIENUS m V >rt nancing the project, whether by vision trades are being prepared Christniii. and New Years their mill. , , to Tibet last May. llng. greetings i.oni friends in other! Red Gross i>Iore Voliiii-, The New Bpgland Development private funds or government loan. to accept elemwlary and Junior Clarke and other corporaMon ANU PATRONS countries. England, Belgium. Best Wishes Corp.f chose the New london-Wa- high school studenta” ■ Iron* .\rr NercHsary chiefs predicted that the NSTO j Mr. Sinnamon said that .lanuary France ai.d Switzerland, were lerlord. Conn., area in its applj- woukl approve the application read with interest, and the la teat “ For A HAPPY eation for a certiflcate of necewl- will be the starting time for reg­ Tile need for a great number of within a few days. istration and 11 is natural to as­ inform ati.i about their many IK tv which was Hied with the Na­ fWnator McMahon (D . Conn.i, sume that those wKb >nroll now- SWIFT'S PREMUM friend.s iibrolid wa.. discuased. , volunteers to man the Civilian De- ] NEW YEAR tional Security Resources Board. Colored ..ialea of the trip taken by , aet-up for Mancheater ws But Massachusetts Gov. Paul A. added that an Integrated Steel will receive immediate considera- mill for New EngUnd would tion for Serlember enrollment. five men lici.a of llie troop thia |atresosd by Chief Herman Schen- HHWMWWiuwttwwrKaiwauiM Dexer said he still hopes a miU aummer . u the Long Trail of Ver- , del when he spoke to a meeting of |i will be built in Massachusetts. "place a firm foundation under (".iris' trfiiies shall receive the , OCe.o-tI:s Newt England economy.” same treatment. Those who reg-! mont. am also some of Edltli j the Board of Directors of the M an-! 1 CENTER CUT— A and AA STEER B E E F In Fall River, Mass., Gov. E lv­ S. Steel and other proiliicers ister during the months of Janu­ ROASTING CHICKENS Macy Training School in New I cheater Chapter. American Red I er's economic adviser. Orville S. ary and Fehniar>’ shall be -given j York stale and the Eastern States j Cross, held at the Oiapter head- I Poland, said the Bay State will have opposed a mill in fiew Eng­ land on the ground thst the area Imniedlale attention. Ninth and Exposition at Springfield, botli of | quarters Tuesday evening, intervene in the petition before tenth grade students may register I which were attended bv some , Chief Schendel dc.serlbed the 11 the N8RB to assure the selection can be supplied by existing mills You couldn’t start the New Year better than with The New England answer to for Pressmaking and tenth or members of the group this year, | functions of the ten divisioii.s of ’ of the beat site in the area for the twelfth grade graduates are of­ were shown. ' Htf Civilian organization | thst has been thst their industries an Olcott chicken. We have been told they are sir tender and explaining the way in which . mill.” have to pay from $9 to $12 a ton fered a Beauty Culture course of Claire Olds, the photographer of That best site, in the opinion of two years' duration. The hair­ the goiup, took pictures of the the local Rec Cross is Integrated ' one engineers' group, Poland add­ more for steel than do competl- you do not need to Use knives. in the Civilian Defense work. He tora who are nearer steel supply dressing course prepares a student 20 Lbs. ond Up gathering last night, and Virginia CHUCK ed, la the Fall River-Freetown Green played the piano for carol told of the urgent need for auxil­ sources. for the state board examination area. and a license. ROGER OLCOn !lr.g*ra. iary firemen, policemen, air raid As for the Now England Steel No officlat would predict whsl waiMens, airplane observers and effect the NSRB approval of the Diplomas are (fffered all who Ib. Delicious refreshments of sand­ 'Development Oorp., Poland said complete the courses lOS West Center Street Telephone 7858 wiches, cocoa, potato chips, ice­ amateur radio opoi-atora. that group "has no money and Morrisvllie, Pa., plant would have Anyone who feels that he can on the application of the New The enU-snee requirements for cream. cake and brownies were does not have the backing of the [Students who will enter the Hart- served. All voted the party a suc­ serve the community by volunteer­ steel people,” 1 England Development Corp cess and hope to have another ing In one of these capacities may LARGE ROASTING such reunion next year. obtain application blanks at the Those attending were Betty North End Pharmacy, Watkins ROAST lb. Jane Famigllctti. Virginia Green. Brothers or the General Manager’s Ib. Barbara Kloppenburg, Marilyn office at the Municipal Building. Moore, CTalre Olds. Artemis Pa- (Thief Schendel also urged that GEM INE SPRING zianoB. Marian Schildge. Jean as msAiy as possible should take CHICKENS Schuetz. Joan Schueg. Carolvn the Red Cross First Aid Course. ' Scott. Ann Werkhoven and Emily There are now 16 qualified inslruc- j . . . Poultry Is Still Your j RIB C U T Smith. tors in Manche.ster and new cours­ MANCHESTER es will be started in January. York Strangfeld, Flrat Aid LAMB LEGS 69^ Firniieii’s Setback rhairman, announced that a Stand- I Ib. ard First Aid (Tourse la being giv- | LEAN SMOKED I en to 41 Girl Scout leaders. ustBuy.. PUBLIC MARKET PORK ROAST Izcague R csuIIhI The appointment of Mrs. Ar- ' I nold C. Thompson as deputy dlrcc-1 Public Market Supreme Qualify 80S MAIN STREET BLOCK STYLE BONE IN tor of the 8tb division of the Ci- | Schendel Oil Service took over ' villan Defense organization was I first place in the Firemen's .Set­ j announced. Mrs. Thompson is the SHOULDERS -4 3 ^ . TurkeyS/ Capons and Roasfing /#a > IS fi ^ back League after the twelfth sit­ I executive secretary of the local | FU LL CUT— MILK FED Holiday Quality'' HAMS Ib. ting Tuesday night. High score, Red CYoss chapter. 13,1. went to the Four XXXX team Mrs. Francis Watts, Volunteer I Chickens are fender, foofhsome ★ ★ CHUCK while Jack's All-stars and Hose ROAST Services chairman, reported that FOR WONDERFUL EATING Company Two were tied with 125. Manchester people had very gen- and economical fo buy and fo CUT FROM HEAVY STEER BEEF The standings: ' erously donated money and gift Schendel Oil S erv ice...... 2.v0l packages to the "(Tliristmas on the VEAL LEGS 49^ Hose (Ximpany One ...... 2486 High Seas” project recently un­ WAYBEST FRESH ROASTING MORRELL, STAHL-MEYER Hot Shots ...... 24*0 dertaken to provide Christmas serve... Hoods Milk ...... 2446 Ib. I gifts for servicemen on transports. FERRIS, HANDY BRIGHTWOOD Larsen’s Feed A Hardware . , 2416 RIB ROAST Ja ck ’s All-stars ...... 2416 HICKORY SMOKED HAMS Four XXXX ...... 2399 JACK 8PRATT FRE8HI.V OBOCND—AI.L BEEF |Coughlln’s All-stars ...... ,. 237."> , Sraih SklpiiiMt t i fnlK Fancy NoAkwMMral Aforigtt.v's.S’ainters ...... ! 2354J . Wapping CHICKENS 43^ ^ose Company T\vo...... 2.323 j SLICED BACON Ib. 59c | HAMBURG Ib. 69c B u rk lan d ...... 2306 1 Wapping Grange held their PORK CHOPS 'r 43c HAMBURG 49e Young Tom TURKEYS Whole or. Vittner’H Gardens ...... 2292 Christmas party at the Wapping ' Wilson N iim ery...... 2265 Comrnunity House, Tuesday eve- I VEAL CHOPS ruf 69e SPARE RIBS 49e Shank Half 12-OZ. JAR PETER PAN Nic’hols* News S h o p ...... 2215 ning. bn account of the storm and ; snow there waa a small attend­ CHUCK STEAK r ; 69c STEWING BEEF 79c ance of about 30, A chimney was arranged alth the presents at­ QUALITY SKINLESS PEANUT BUTTER 2 9 ' South Coventry' tached to a string inside. The Ul Up members marched around the hall FOR YOUR lb.( Small Lean Smoked SHOULDERSlk 4 9 c .Mrs. Pauline Little pulling a string and receiving DEL MONTE 2-OZ. JAR SUNCREST Coventry 7-87SI their gift. .The program consisted ] of songs by the Orsnge, readings FANCY SLICED NEW YEAR’S PARTY by Mrs. Margaret Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Tremblav FRANKFURTS 43^ SELECT D EU riO ltS BONF.I.ESS NATIVE, BONELESS solos by Mrs. June Yeomans Park. of Stonehouse Road. South Cov­ SMOKED OLIVES STUFFED 1 9 - Refreshments were served with GRADE “A” TOM OR HEN Veal Roasti.b.69c entry announce the engagement of Mrs. Lois Watson in charge. The Roulettes lk 65c • their daughror. Claire May to Wil­ next meeting will be Jan. 9. instal-1 Native Tom TURKEYS FRESHLYrRCdniaT ROASTED. KWA9ICV| GROUND TOr w ORDER liam H. Pratt, son of Mra. Maude lation of officers, with Wilier T. [ PEACHES Pratt slIso of Stonehocae Road, Little of Manchester and hia staff TENDER, dRADE A of Fomem Public Morftet South Coventry. No date has been installing. During the business I IVORY FLAKES TENDER, LEAN FRESH BONELESS FIRST FOOD --q k ^ t for the wedding. , session it was voted to have East I COFFEE »> *75* Boy Scouts of Troop 57 will meet Central Pomona meet with Wap- ' "HolMay Quailty!" ^ Cl Shoulders l k 4 9 c Oven Roasti.b.89c Friday at 7.30 p, m. at the Nathan ping Grange in February, 1952. 1 TURKEYS LGE. 'raere will be a meeting of all I LARGE 46-OZ. TIN SWEET LIFE Hale Community Center. Scouts of j PKG. OUR FAMOUS Raised In nearby North lb. the Ehtplorer Post 57 will meet broadleaf tobacco growers in the I IVORY SNOW Connecticut Valley at the Town | Franklin, Conn. 18 lbs. GRADE A PRIME same time at the poet headquarters UTAH HR AND and over. GRADE A BONELESS on Mason street. Hall at 8 p. m. tonight, to discuss developments of the petition to I TALL CAN CAYUGA Rib Roost Lb. 79c ORANGE JUICE 2 9 Mrs. Arthur Webb. Mrs. Mildred i have broadleaf set a.side as a sep- I Lb. FANCY Pot Roost 85c C. Judatz and Mr*. Ralph V. Rey­ arate tyP® ot tobacco. APPLE5AUCE 2 25e nolds will be in charge of the set­ Approval of the preliminary REELSOUR PITTED LASei NATIVE ASSORTED . A. C. PETERSEN’S back party Friday et 8 p. m. at plans for the new schl building CHERRIE5 W . 2 CAN the Legi. 69c . . . Delicious Home-Cured ICE nEMi III tit sored by the Auxiliary to the the State Board of Education. The | HUNT'5 PLUM5 NO. 2 'i CAN CAPONS (Contenta Only). Green-Chobot Post. AL. Proceeds Building Committee met Tuea-1 IN TOMAtU SAUCE 7-S Ib. she. are for the Laurel Girls’ State pro- day night to make a final review ; gram delegate next summer. I of the plans before presenting 5ARDINE5 OVAL CAN Corned Beef. e • MCAL The board of education will meet them to the Finance Board for TMesday at 8 p. m. at the George appropriation of funds. Arcliitect NADVE LARGE ROASTING large double bonch Hersey Robertson school. All Ap­ Willard Wilkins of Hartford, in Kernel Corn CHUCK CELERY plications with qualifications for his preliminary plans, sketched a 7 Oz. f'an Tender, the position of scliool bu.s driver 14 room school with provision for NIBLET5 be in tiie hand.s of Mrs,IV El.sar i.-ia I"'® I® four more room.s. 1 Lb. CH ICKEN S Ib. 59c BRISKET l,b . ICEBERG Koehler, secretary, on or before | T,*]:' committee^ hopes the select- PORK and BEAN5 Can 8-7 Ib. sise. Tasfy the date of this meeting. Board i T.!™ RIB large heads each authorities remind parents that | [^rv^ers'"fpprov^r^^^^^ may LETTUCE ,, , , possibly be made In March. KIDNEY BEAN5, 0^0 .. Coventry in j Kenneth (Jiiinn. adjutant of Abe 8 Oz. PLU M P n a t i v e M ILK-FED the. event of .snow storms or any , Miller Post will contact Ihe local YEUOW GOLDEN SWEET other emergency during the cu r-, schools to ask their aid through A55T PICKLE5 Ja r rent year will be made over S ta -, the pupils In locating usable toyn FOWLS lb. 45c ,,, A Most Unusual Value tlons WDBC and WTIC between for the national "Tide of Toys" lbs. fl;30 a. m. an<; 7:30 a. m. Such an-1 campaign for children to Europe, nouncoments will not pertain t o ; National chairman of the program IN OUR IN OUR SELF-SERVE POTATOES 2 those pupils attending high schools I is Bing Oosby. Anyone having BIRDS EYE PUMPKIN in Manchester or Willlmantic. tovs mav leave them' at Commu­ FRESH FRUITS and MEDIUM SIZE NADVE ROASTING ^ as Coventry school buses will nity Hall betwfen 6 and 11 p, m.. BAKERY OEP'Th FLORDIA FAMOV MeINTOSH travel over the main highwa.ys Jf dally. The drive will end here. VEGETABLES PERT. PIE M IX Z pkgs. 29c at all possible to transport these Jan. 5, and the toys will he ship- You’ll find a fresh, de- ned to New York CSty for re- CHICKENS lb.49c ★ ★ SPECIAL PURCHASE APPLES 3 lbs. 25c school children. Lawrence . R. SWEET, JUICY ORANGES doz. 29c Robertson of the board will be in shipment to Europe. cioua a.«Mor(menl every day charge of notifying the school bus’ l a r g e SIZE SUNKIST drivers and also tho radio al>H®ns . j \ p n 0 j| | | S 0 Ot» 1 of , TANGERINES noz 29c regarding such announcements. ' ’ ” 1 for Weather permitting the second ■ 'i v K ' The Public Market is Headquarters lor .. • Selected Pipits and Vegetables , term to the public and private Coiiipaiiy Doctor ICEBERG LEMONS Bchools to Coventry will open Tuea- EXTRA FANCY ' * ^ dav morning. Rogers Corporation announces LETTUCE 2 n « d ' . ' ^ 9 c Miss ' O. Margaret Jacob.sen, that Dr. Jacob A. Segal has been All Party Poods... Cheeses, Appetizers, daughter of Mrs. Oodrun Jacobsen EXTRA LARGE TANGERINES ... 49c raappototed company physician INDIAN R IV ER . NATURAI. COLOR' JUICE of Main street. South Coventry^ for both its Mancheeter and Good­ FANCY-CLUSTER was mamried Tuesday evening to Imported Delicacies of all Kinds. Alfred B. Dodd, son of Mr. and year plants. Dr. Segal has served TABLE GRAPES 2u».29c Mrs. Alfred W. Dodd of Mansfield in this capacity for the past five ORANGE5 o., 29c MAMOND BRAND Center. The ceremony was per- y®Aia. .. formed In the. fiHrst fBiurch of ^ CAPE COD ' . . , LARGE BUDDED WALNUTS 45e Christ. Mansfield Center, by Rev. j ejcctro-cardiog- You’D lore ’em—^nd the FRESH SHIPMENT OF HIGHEST lUICY Wtllsrde v I I 8B I A O E.Mid. Thomen,- atsa/iiics^ pastor. f/BOWA/a* Mrs. P®«t-Oraduate MedI- CRANBERRIE5 ; Herman LeDoyt of South Coven csl School In New Ravep. Thla ffimily irUl too! |Try soma INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 2 » 29c STORE OF UNOHESTCR, INC. try waa matron ot honor for her course was given every Thursday QUALITY SEAFOOD l a r g e FLORIDA Bister. Other attendants were morning during the past three today I 2 ^ 2 9 c *4, CiHTER $T. ^ TEUFHONE MSP Addisun I-owell of Conantvilje as months. Previously he had com­ FiMh Oyrturt S h m H i TEMPLE ORANGES 4 „,43c best man; Misit EIIzat>eth Chalm­ p lete • special • heart courses In nnnAN r i v e r ers of Willlmantic and Miss Vir- el^efro-csrdlography at Harvard FMut «f Coe Shrimi ADEH THURWAVniNINe^ tHKi r^^^^ j^ginla McKee of Fsirfleld as brides- Poat-C^duate School tmder Dr. mA maids; John Olson of Mi Louis Wolff and at Columbia Fost- wlWo wl g i------^ — FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 39c uren n u D A Y m M N * m F.-00 F. M . ECONOMY Center and Gordon Je n s e ^ of Gradtiate Madlcal BciAiol under popularO markets . ttfim as ushArs. Kol)0«rM an Dr. A. M. Masters. FREE PARKING m$nnmnced weddthg t r ip l e cou­ Dr. Segal lives at 54 Cobum 974 M AIN ST. NEXT#8ID1|»A ple \>1*l reside In Mf.npfleld Cen- road and has his office st 889 Main ■ ter. Tne bride is w^escher In street. 1 ^ / \ > r


It already U a beat aeller. ’Thvbook eering In A^ka. Hla third » sUU, did fifty per cent of the re­ tour of North America. Fourth, A efforts to build out civil defenee corded broadcasts from 'Hbet, and Includea more than a hundred II- to •wr*n* Jnt«r*«Uwell Thomas, Jr., to to Lhaaa, the real Bhrangri-la — preme Court Justice Douglas on a Local Sport Chatter | Three Chicago Bears are needed for the vlatt of the Befit DeXenfie B reservation or 111 will. But he ex- the title of It the same gs that of in person. Hla first was on hla BloodmoWle to Rockville on Fri­ Journey to the Bactlari' tribal IVtmmunifim Is P r a c - preaaed the hope that "the emer- Preflcnt Film and Lee* the lecture. Published recently by South American experiences, "nie day, January 5th. The vlalt will country, In Iran, Two girla. are members of this ^ at 6 and the Homestead Packers To Slow Down iDefense Group The Greystone Press of New York. second waa a story of mountain­ be at the aoclal rooma of the lure on January 8 year's Manchester High rifle team North End Rooketa clash one Ski t i c e o f D e m o c r a c y an excuse to wreck those programs which is coached by Oil Hunt ’^ e j Union church atartlng at 11:^6 •• _____ 'which can bring such strength to hour Inter. Named on First Team iockrille RttidefitB to m. and oontlnulng until 4:80 p. m. A Tibetan motion picture and ' fairer set members of the squad | Joe Lapchick Declares Hartford. Dec. fifi-HA^ -Gover- ‘ our Connecticut democracy." are Ruth Gibaon and Judy Alcox. Mancheater Motor Bales' entry With an enlarged staff of attend- lecture on a recent Journey Into Notes Meet Tomorrow Eve- antb. a larger number of donors Bor Cheater Bowles, In hla farewell - In the Y Bowling League rolled a Team Will Go in for Walker, Motley, Fean address to the people of Connecti­ the famous Asiatic country made NEW ENGLAND will be procesMd In a ahorter Mothers of Nuns, Joe Uemer, a member of the team triple score of 1808 lest Clainifi N. E. Title mittg to Orgeniee •pace of time. Anyone willing cut last night, asserted that the by the Lowell Thomases, Senior Naaslff Arms’ Elastem League night In taking three points with PoBsefision Tactics And Geri Choice of beat defense against Communism ^ be It donor on thin vlHit» Jnnu- Priests, Is Dead and Junior, wlU be presented at basketball entry, haa been classi­ the Don Wlllia Garage team. Fred All in Annual Poll| Iloeirmt*. Doc- I* —• (SpocUd)— ary 5th Is asked to call the Red is the practice of true democracy SUPER fied t-A by his Glastonbury draft McCurry was high man for the New York. Dec. 28 (F' — Joe at home and the spread of Demo­ the Buahnell Memorial. Hartford, rtrtt MMtniaa Herbert ^ »n l Cross office, 1660 for an appoint­ board. Sales with a 387 triple; Bruno I.apchlrk, who Is nobody’s nitwit cratic practices throughout the New Haven. Dec. 28— Mra. on Monday. January 8, at 8:30 p. Maszoll rolled 367 and Chet No- With the 1950-51 eki eeason Juil t alker No. 1 Rookl* ta ft moetinc for Friday ment. Catherine Donnelly McDonough, when It comes to basketball, saya Oaateea Service world. . . ,. „ m. ’The lecture will be given by the A1 "Horae" Boggtnl haa suffered wicki 362, both for the winners. hla pro Knickerbockers will go In around the corner In moet sections •oanlnc. ftt «»fh t o c lo ^ In tea "The problems of this world, 94, mother of two nuns and two MARKET a reoccurrem.e of an old knee In­ of the United Statee, the National New York, Dec. 28—(P)—Hatf« •imarior Court room to m « « Mra. Glenn Stephenson of the priests, died here yesterday after Junior Lowell Thomas. more for "control" or "possession" backs Duak Walker o f the D6- Women’s Qulldi. of the U n l^ said the Democratic chief execu- TURNPIKE jury and is sidelined for an Indefi­ Tommy Martin reports the West Ski Parol System, the "llfe-eavlng, •lana fdr orgo"!*^ ^***’** Ctell- a long lllneas. For a young man of twenty- plsy In the future . , . Instead of corps" of skiing, urges that skiers trolt Lions and Joe Geri ^ Um church has announced that a Red Uve. “cannot be solved, even tem­ seven, Lowell Thomas. Jr., has had TELEPHONE 8338 nite (lerlod. Boggtnl Is a veteran Siile Rer Bowling League has sus­ trying 85 shots per game, the , C i Dafenae commlttae. Tha meet- porarily. by atom bombs or Jet She leaves two daughters. Sister U1 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST basketball official. |pended operations during the hol­ take on the NSPS 10-potnt pro­ P ittsbuiKh StSelera, Fulibaok ewy wUl ba attendad by membaw Cross Canteen Unit Is being or­ May Rosa, superior of the Sacred rather more than hit ahare of Knicka will take only 70 . . . Must Marlon .Motley of the Cleveland ganised under the supervision of planes or Patton tanks- vital as iday period. Play will resume gram of ekl safety for greater en­ M tba Board of Selectman of the Heart Convent. Waterbury, and adventure and travel. In addition be Its a “trend.” what with Mta-1 Biywiis and End Tom Fears af tbs Home Demonstration Agent Mias these wa'r tools are to the pre­ Local basketball fans who Monday night, January 8. joyment of the fastest growing town, by Mayor Frederick Barger Mother Mary Francis of the Visi­ to hla wartime service aa an of­ ■ourl, Oklahoma and St. John’s ^ Los Angeles Rams were uilanl- Cora Webb for future use In carious balance of power which to­ ' >^REEDEUVERY missed seeing Pete Bezzlni set a aport in the United States. "With a « Rockvffla, and by the h ^ a of tation Order. Catonsville, Md„ and ficer, a pilot and Instructor in tha new Rec ,'ienior League single cashing In on holding the ball — | close to 5.000,000 sklere in the U. moui choices for The Assoclatod Civilian Defense, as Rockville day maintains a restlese peace.” Army Air Force, he has partici­ Jimmy .Murray officiated last varloua city and town depart- four sons, the Rev. Vincent Mc­ game scoring record Inst Tuesday night's exhibition haskethall game and playing zone defenses and S. end only about 6.00U Patrolmen, Press IOr<0 All-Pro football teaniV would be an evacuation cent for Similarly, he said, those prob­ pated In aeven expeditions, waa at Manta. Tha maeUng win be o ^ n Donough of St. Francis’ church night for the Burnside Ragles will making the fans like It . . . Could practically all of whom are volun­ Tlicy drew votes from a{iurta writ- ' Hartford In case of disaster. This lems cannot be solved by "Ostrich­ Bikini for the Atom Bomb test, OPEN FRIDAY AND SATOROAY fcOO A. M. TO 9;M P. N. In Hartford between the New York to an othera Intereated in aaalat- here, the Rev. John S. McDonough have an opportunity Friday night Rena and the Hurricanes. Jim be the customers like a tight game teer 'good SamaYltans of the SIS in every National League city tng in the CTvllian Defend p r^ canteen service will also serve at like " isolationism. circumnavigated South America where every basket means some­ in wliicli they performeU. the visit of the Mobile Blooil Unit "’There is only one kind of force, of the Sulplclan Order, stationed to watch the sharpshooter at the worked with Charlie Hellyer. •now,' the ekllng public must take gram. During World W ar n at Catholic ‘ University. Joseph with the Navy, and flew around armory. Bezzlni, who scored 47 thing better than the firehouse •very precaution possible to keep W bIIici'. Uouthein MclbodlSt'a BockrlUe and Vernon had a com- on January 5. Bowles said, "that can Cope with the world with SecreUry for Air OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY stuff . . . The Arizona cage team these world problems In successful McDonough of New Haven. Frank points In the Eagles 104 to 68 win Servicemen home on leave from the increasing ski accident rate All-Ainerica of 1949, paced UM pleta ClTlUan Defenae p r o g ^ McDonough of West Haven and Symington. over the American Legion, will Camp Pickett In uniform will be which plays CCNY tonight, has down," Edward F. Taylor of Uaa- National League In aooriiic with ‘ with numeroua commltteea. ^ e l competition with world Commu­ A t present he la In hie third won 71 consecutive games on Its nism and that is the vlU l dy­ Edward M. McDonough of Roalln- lead the Kaglcs Into action against admitted free to Friday night's ver, national director of the NSPS 128 points In his freshman season, town »nd dty will Join In the sesson on the platform, ft tour home court . . Jim Thorpe and making him the rookla of the Girl, 15, Marries namic force of an aroused liberal dale, M.gss, A. M. TO P. M. the Hartford Endees. Eastern League basketball game •Bill here today. "W r In the Patrol meeting Friday night and mak- that la breaking records. Tha pop­ m m his Mrs. hare sold their Los An­ year American democracy; working at the armory between Bristol and know that if a skier Is accident- Ing preliminary plana. ularity of hla Tibetan film and Skating hours at Center Springs Nastiffs. geles restaurant . . . Bud Wllkln- conscious, he Is much less likely Braldce running and passing the ^ Zoning MeeUng Air Force private through an Invigorated United Head Htamford Firm personal atory has been so great Stamford, Dec. 28—W — The pond for the balance e f the eelwol aon claims that Oklahoma and to foul up on the ekl elopee.’’ Doaker did Just about everything ' A meeting of the votera of Ku- Nations; Keenly aware of the over­ that hundreds. In some cases thou­ Tsxaa produca mora good athlstea expected of a triple throat baok. powering problems of mankind; election of Robert A. Bartlett and 100% BEEF WE HAVE EVERYTHING vacation period, when Ice condi­ Frank "Inga” Walah, one of two H ie NSPS urges a mske-yoiir- ral V ^ o T w I ll be held thl. eve­ sands, have been turned away In per 1,(K>0 peraons than any other Colby Omtber He made 11 touchdowns, kIckM 88 Cojehrook. Dec. and boldly determined to help Wilfrid Wheeler. Jr., as vice presi­ tions are favorable, will be from newcomera signed by Nasaiffa, own-skling-aafer - and-more - fun ning at eight o’clock the Force Private Roland H, Otis, Jr.. almost every city and town. The REASONABLY PRICED 10 a. m. to 12 noon, 1 p. m. to 5 p. captained Northeastern two sea­ section, mostly because of climatic program as follows: of 41 extra point attempts and G ru g e Hall In Vernon Cen^r. meet those problems In the diffi­ dents of the F. A. Bartlett Tree title of this entertainment la: "Out HAMBURG lb.65c 18, and his 15-year-old high Expert Company, was announced m., anil after dark from 6;8p to tO sons ago and last fall had a try­ advantages .... That sounds like 1. Always Ski In Control. Know made eight field goals In 18 ef­ The pnrpoae of the meeting w U cult years ahead.” of This World - - A Journey to FOR YOUR HOLIDAY a good way to atari an argument. fort I to tally the second best school sweetheart, Miss J” " " The Democratic chief executive, today. p. m. A red flag will be displayed out with the Boston Celtics of the what you are doing every minute Dancing Danny Falcone, njit- ^ to dlacuaa whether or not the Hoxle, were married last night in Lhasa.” It Is the story of the ’l l SELECTED point total In llic history of ths who yields office to Governor-elect Bartlett Is production manager eh top of the lodge when akatlng NBA. The handaome six foot, five Tripped OB Trips on the alnpes. If you 8 »l out of stnndlng local professional boxer, rural area ahould petition the the Congregational church here betan expedition ma»le by the Colby Gunther to Lead NFL. He also passed, kicked off, John Lodge, Republican, next of the company. Wheeler Is man­ la allowed Inch star played here earlier this, When the Texas U. baskstball control, throw yourself on your today ctnims the.- New England General Aaaembly for an act Otis, on duty at the radar Lowell ’Thomases, father and son, lb.89c BEER AND SODA ON ICE season with the New England Ho­ •ld« as soon as you ran, blocked snd tackled. tlng up a Boning board for the Wednesday, spoke over a state­ ager of the firm’s New England which attracted worldwide inter­ STEAKS team started Its recent Eastern bantamweight champlonahlp after Three Bear* pudied school at Kessler Air Force base division. The company has divi­ One of the finest Christmas din­ bos against Naaslffs. tour. Coach Jack Gray had four 2. Take Ski Leesons. According hie fifth round knockdut a-ln over town of Vernon, outalde of the in Beloxl, Mass., came home on wide radio network. est. ners for a needy family in Man­ to NSPS statletiri. almost 9S'’n Three Chicago. Rears mads the He urged Democrats snd Re­ sional and regional offleea In 26 RIB END players draw lots for the last two John fi’Hrien. 120'», of HoMton a t y of RockvlUe. The meeUng U leave for the wedding. 'The young Lowell, Jr., organlred the expe DELICIOUS COLD CUTS chester was supplied by the Don Reserved seat tickets for Fri­ Bristol Tramps Friday of ski accidents happen to people first temu. They h'cre quartsrbMk publicans alike to give complete eastern, southern and nildwestem places on the 12-man traveling last Tuesday night. O’Urlcn was ‘ not being held to adopt any regu- couple will make their home in dltlon, ran the carAvan, made all Eagle Fan Club. The club Is com- day night's Eastern League wlio have never had a lesson/ .lolinny Lujack who, by scoring. support to hla successor "In his states. squad .... The losers were prom­ down three times before bring latlona but almply to conrider ap- Gulfport, Miss. of the pictures, both moving and PORK ROAST lb.45c poiosed of wrestling simporters of game are on sale at Nasaiffa store You'll get more fun out of ekllng lOfl points, became the Bears best .aM ng to the lie^alatura for au- ised a visit to tha Oklahoma City counted out. The Irishman was point getter in history. Tackle AND CHEESE Inidlan wrestler, Don Eagle. on Main atreet and the sports ds- Tournament which .began last Mofit Valuable Player Maasa, a standout on several good If you take leasons. Even If you claimant of tha New England ban­ iSority. If the authority la glv- partment of The Herald. Reserved • . is" team.s produced a t' New Britain are an intermsdiate skier, It's -a George Connor and Guard Dick r e a l g o l d night .... Then Jack found he'd tamweight crown, prior to his - eia, another meeting will be held Two games are scheduled in the seat ducata will also be on sale 111 l.,e a g lie A l s o W o n Teachers, lends his height to the gcHHl Idea to take a few retoeehtr Banicgan. formerly with ths Eal- * later to elect aonlng oSlcera and MILK-FED ROASTINO CHICKENS had to take 14 players to Oklahoma bout with Falcone. tlmore Colls. Y Intermediate League tonight. at the Nasslff store tonight from to keep hla promise, because one leasons et the beginning of the L.aat week In New York. Fal­ to aet up ragulationa. f r e s h FROZEN COFFEE lb.7Sc The Rockets and Blue Devils meet 6 to 9 o'clock. scoringSroriiiff Title I me Ln«lLBUI ,^,^0 gained eolleglale '■ season. Tlie other four All-Pro places EDm to Meet of the two "extras," 5-8 Leon cone knocked out Alex Flmbres. a were filled by End Dan Edwards Black, had won a starting spot Year; Nasfiififi t o I'cadimes at fit. Francis of Brook- 3. Check Your Equipment. Get a featherweight from White Plains. Thera arlU ba a meeting of tha POULTRY CAPONS akl expert to go over your gear to of the New York Tanks, Center BodcvUle Lodge of S3ka thla eve­ 46-OZ. CAN and the other,. 6-8 Ted Price, had lyn. Walt Wilcox, ex-Brooklyn N. T., In the fifth round of a BREAD- S h o w T w o N e w P l a y e r s Gothams guard. Jack Foerst, mak# sure your ekla haven't Cberley (Chuck) Bsdnartk of the ning at eight o’clock at the ESlck ROASTERS...... lb. 56c become one ot hla best replses- ■cheduled slx-rounder. Philedelphla Eaglee, Tackle Am ie MORREU’S PRIDE HAMS ments. ------Frank Howland and Johnny Can- warped during the summer,, that * Home. A t thla meeting final TOMATO JUICE 25c Bri-Mars and Silk City your binding and edges are prop­ Welnmelster of the New York * plana win be announced for the CAPONS and fiporis Before ^Our Eyes Well on his way to becoming avari complete the ten man rorter. Giants and Guard Joe SIgniago o f RECIPES the top scoring threat In the East- 1 Frank "Inga Walsh and Bob erly attach^, that your boots fit ■ I faw Tear'a l!va p ^ y to be held CAPONETTES------Ib. 64c Word from North Carolina U properly. Sliocniaker Trails the Yanks. i that the "Insiders," Athletic Di­ ern League again this year, Colby Jb^ce make their first start with ' nt the homo on Sunday evening. Score Initial Victories 4. Eat a Decent Breakfast. Ski­ Tlie team includea four former atartlng at nine o’clock, at which Delivered In MnncheslAr rector Eddie Cameron and Back- Gunther, the hook-shooting artist Naaslffs. Joyce played one game All-Amertcas. Besides ' WsUcer, Friday Evenings who took several honors with ; with Bristol and was released. ing requires great energy and you Ctiliiioiie by One .thna a amorgaabbrd will bo fea • NEW RICIPiS IVIRY TWO WIIKS field Coach Ace Parker, have tha can't start tha day on a glass of they are Lujack and Oonnor of tarad. Call After 8 P. M. SfiMiillBga tnalde track to succeed Wallace Meriden a oeason ago. heads the Walsh will probably get a sUrt- Notre Dame fame and Bednarih A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Brlstol Tramps aa they Invade the 1 hig assignment because^ of hla Juice and black coffee. (3srry some Third series of 8 starting December 26th to Jana- W L Pet Wade as Duke football coach . . , . energy f«od such as candy or dried New Orleans. Dec, 28 — t45' — of Penn. Moriarty’e ...... 5 armory Friday night. The contest. | ability to move with Allen, Golum- 4 Tha RockvlUa d u s te r o f tha ary 8th. Look for your reel|iea on the white end ef H. A. FRINK 0 1.000 Bradley Five Don Melneka, the 6-foot-7 Dayton fruit with you a’hlle you ekl. Take Jockey Willie Shoemaker Is riding The second team Includea snds SuUlvan Avenne—Wapplng Wapplng ...... 3 n set for 8:30, will lie preceded by a I blewskl and Knight, whom he A f r ican Rad Croaa wiU aponaor loaf ef enriched Bell Bread. 1.000 U. basketballer who scored 1,52 a salt tablet to reduce ski thirst any mount lie-can get in a wln-or- Mac Speedie of Cleveland and Garden Grove .. 4 1 .800 game at 7:1.5 between the Burn- has played with before. Enile >!-a Nuralng Inatltute and training points In the first nine games, has and first day stiffness. Don;t for- biist effort to overtake Joe I'lil- Ifioyce Box of Detroit, tackles Bolton ...... 3 3 .600 Johnoon, Charlie Muzikevik and aouraa at tha office of tha Rock- n!= 111 Squeaker been rejected by the Army as too side Ragles and the Hartford En­ K 't to eat your lunch! mqne. currently the nation's lead­ Dick Huffman and Bob Rstahard North B n d a ...... 3 8 .40U Joe Berner bolster the squad that >'unia Vlaiting Nuraa aaaoclatlon START tall. . . . The Johnstown, Ps.. Dap­ dees. 6. Wear Your Long Drawers Al­ ing rider. of Los Angeles, guards Garrard Rocketa ...... 1 6 Gunther wa.s plaver-cosrh of , should now have aufflctent strength - -atartlng ou Wednaaday. January .167 per Dan Club established a prece­ ways! Ttiosa long-Johna saved Shoemaker rode four winners Ramsey of the Chicago Oardlnals YOUR ...... Bri-Mare ...... 1 5 *■ 17th and oontlnulng for five weeka .187 Top Indiana, 64 to 62, dent of some sort by having tha Meriden vear. He fnrmerlj ; in reserve. Manchester must re- many ski accident victims from yesterday and Culmone thrSfi;. That and Ray Bray of tbs Chicago SUk CTty ...... 1 5 - 9 thirds, on 1.384 mounts. Bradley reliable, dropped .in the End of the Line .self for a new niark. I'he old rce- ' S62 to 846 The Ahimni. a bit rusty hit the slopes. No. 3 passer based on avsraga dd 25 points. Pat Bolduc chipped In points to tie for ninth place In 1 winning field goal with 14 sec­ N.'/ional Baseball Congress of­ ord was held by Chiibliy Malm-, in spots, hsd some (llffleiilty with 7. Fill Your SUzmarks. Even If with 10 markers in the upset win Hockey at a Glance s( (irlng and averaged 40.7 yards F A N C Y mm onds left to hand the Hoosiers ficials figured they’ll lose a lot of conlco. a teammate this season. the poorly lighted lociil range, you liavc to climb back a few feet, over the Rockets. Mark Hanna their first loss, 64-6'X jier punt, sixth best in the league. "town" teams from hamlets under Gunther averaged 21.1 points per while the Indians, used to poor till in that dent In the snow .... and At Bujauclus scored 18 and 12 Before that Indiana’s shorter National LeagiSe Lnjnck gained 1731 yards pass­ 500 population next sea-son. but game, top honors in that depart­ homq rsnge conditions. showed you may come that way yourself points respectively for the loeera. cagera used a pressing defense to considerable promise in firing New Y(*k 8, Toronto 1. ing, fifth best figure In the cir­ BrI-Msn (ID will gain in industrial and mili­ ment for the year and 1.5 points again! If you encounter hazards TOM Buster the country's No. 2 team. twenty points higher than last Chicago 4, Boston 4 (tie). cuit. Notre Dame's two-time AU- TURKEYS • 4 9 R.' r. T. tary teams .... Jackie Miller, off the high average owned by such as logs, wires, etc.. If you can American League OlKDon. rf ...... A.. . 1 n The Big Ten team led, 51-43, with Vinny Verdcschl and made In year's team In the 1949 alumni do ffstlilng about them yourself America carried the ball for 11 new aquisition of the Chicago Cleveland 6. Springfield 5. touchdo\ 'ns, made 34 of 35 extra W. PDficIera. r£ ...... n 3 12 minutes to play but six 1948. To date Gunther has scored match. immediately, notify the Ski Pa­ 4 QT, BOTTIJC SUNCREST TlemKnn. If ...... 3 straight free th^w s pulled Brad­ Blackhawks, is the third big BuflTnln 7, Cinclnnstl 5. point attempts and kicked three of league hockey l^ y e r from Deliale. 55 points In three games for an 'The graduates' top shooter was trol, which will have the obstacles FANCY ^ A. Oltson, e ...... S 0 10 ley up close again. Free' throws a Dartmouth man, Edwin Quinn, St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 1. 1 the five field goals he trleiJ. ^ Kelly, re ...... 3 3 7 Saak .... Like the other two. average of 18.3. removed or will rope them off un­ PRUNE JUICE won the game for the Braves. former captain, whose fine 180 led til they can be taken care of. Osella. nt ...... 3 0 4 They tried 35 and sank 28. The Max and DoUg Bentley. Jackie la Bell Runs Club lArimneip. If ...... a...... S 3 1 the scoring. Other Alumni shoot­ 8. Take First Aid Lessons. Even No. 5 Hoosiers had a 25-18 field- a wheat farmer Jn the off oeason. . Puggy Bell, famed New York C«mpDn«IU. Iff ...... 0 0 0 ers included several members of though you may not Intend to be­ [ WEBSTER’S ’TEN GRAND VEGETABLE goal mark. . . . . When Bo McMillln quit the Rena star for over a decade, runs • college rifle teams, military come a Patrolman yourself, the HEN TURKEYS 61 TaUIb ...... IS 7 37 Bradley vrill carry a 10-0 record Detroit Lions and Nick Kerbawy the Bristol squad. A brilliant shooters, and interested adult gun­ NSPS knows that accident-con­ Roltoa (H> into the Sugar Bowl Tournament waa uppeA to the post of business career is coming to an end for JUICE 3c.n,25c ners. Philip Jobert. from Valley sciousness helps prevent eki-accl- B. r. T. against St. Louis (8-11 Friday manager, one of Nick's phis phoned Bell, but he still possesses the best Forge Military Academy, Joseph dente. (Contact your local Red become a ” McCarthy, rf ...... 0 0 0 night. If the Braves win, they will long distance to ask; "How good the league and his ex­ 46 OZ. CANC AN 81VEET LIFE "I CANNED = Cole, rf ...... 0 0 e an expense account does a busineaa Moriarty and Robert Farmer fro^ CroBM which will be glad to ar­ IVe Pontlllo, rf ...... 1 1 meet the winner of the Kentucky- perience Is Invaluable. Mallnconlco 1 manager permit a busineaa man­ the University of Connecticut, range basic first aid courses for Dooman. If ...... 7 s 30 Sirracuse game. They’ re hoping returns to the Tramps after play­ and Corporal Cirrus Miller, on fur­ you. M. Olffllo. If ...... 0 0 unbeaten Kentucky makes it. The ager?” TOMATO JUICE 29c poUSH STYLE _ _ | . 0 ing with Middletown last season. lough from the 169th infantry 9. Don't Ski In "Posted" Areas. R. Skinner, c ...... 3 0 6 Southerners, No. 1 team in this Tom Henry, gflant center, has come were among those returning to Areas roped off by the Ski Pa­ ■iWerBteln. rff ...... 0 3 3 week’s Associated Press poll, A. Olffllo. rff ...... 0 0 0 V to terpis with owner Julie Larese schoolboy haunts for the match. trol because of hazards, dangerous whipped the Braves, 71-66, in the Additional Sports on Page 12 reelings Roarn> Iff ...... 3 e 4 and is back in uniform. Hank William Griffin completed the l(ie or possibility of avalanche, are Maneffffla, Iff ...... 0 0 0 same tournament laiit December. Three other major toumamertis alumni rtwter. Former captain’s marked thua for your aafety and mTxedTruits 33e HAMS ‘ 89i| Reynolds Deacon of the University protection. As soon as the ares Is • 10-12 Lb. Average. ^ Total* ...... 11 • 34 started first-round games yester­ ■cor* At hAlf timo, 2S<14 BrI-MAm. day: The Big Seven at Kansas of Vermont, and Robert Jonec of safe for skiing, the Patrol will re-' Resolved . . . To bring you a fuller, happier New Year with the most move aigns and barriers. 12 OZ. JAR PE TE R P A N PEANITT City, the All College at Oklahoma the University of Connecticut were V 1 mik city EavI#a (Ut City and the Skyline Conference expected to add power to the 10. In Cass of Accident, Send for courteous service, complete selections of highest quality foods and B. at Denver, The All Dixie classic graduatea’ ranka but were unable a Ski Patrolman at (Jncs. You'll b u t t e r Bolduc, rf ...... 6 to attend. Their absence probably rerognlzs a Patrolman by hla dis- ______I f ______•____...... AL a BlAnchArd. If ...... 10 opens this afternoon at Raleigh, LEGS AND RUMPS OF | N. C. permitted the Indiane* upaet win tlncttvs burnt orange parka and BhAw, e ...... ^. 0 the "Ski Patrol" smblsm on his 8 OZ. IMOTTLE M ARASCIHNO BjorfcmAn.Vf ...... I CIj’de Lovcllette of Kansas (6- over the highly favored Alumni. tfAwrence. If ...... 1 1) can make points at will most The results; arm. H is Patrol Is mads up of 4k OZ. 8UN0BB8T of the time. The Btirly, 6-9 ace High Mcheot 882 volunteer skiers who have passed CHERRIES ToUJa 18 45 scored 30 In a 75-51 Jayhawk vic­ Morton Handler ...... 90 87 177 stiff American Red Croaa first aid -MEATS- RAckrt* (42) requirements and akling tesla. 31c SWIFT’S PREMIUM, 14-18 LB. ^ VEAL »6 9>^| tory over Iowa State. That set a Ben Crehore, Jr..... 92 83 175 ORANGE JUICE new Big Seven' Tournament rec­ Robert Potterton _ 95 80 175 Your Ski Patrol Is there to help CoptlAnd. rf ...... you in csss of accident so use It. 8 OZ. SUNCBESt M ARAfiCinNO RubAchA. rf ...... ord. Richard Ellington .. 90 78 168 lUnnA. If ...... But 6-4 Maynard Johnson of Richard Kehl ...... 87 80 167 h 6w fesiew TUBKETS PAlietlrr, If ...... Minnesota (5-1) came right back Alumni 846 Orses ■ehls BujACiUA, c ...... with 38 points in the Gophers’ 74- Edwin Quinn ...... 96 84 180 CHERRIES 25c Sullivan, rf ...... 12 6 33 01 68 victory over Colorado. He hit Philip .lobert ...... 93 78 171 Ski Conditions •13 a 33 18 OZ. SUNCREST Sumialaakl. If ...... LEGS «( LAMB *' 79'' | Teilford. If ...... 15 of 28 attempta to break Lovel- Joseph Moriarty . . . . 84 86 170 Rsivmablot CAPONS >69< 1 I Selected Fresh Fruits and lette'a mark. Minnesota is the Cyrus M ille r ...... 97 73 170 Boston, Dec. 28—ypi—Bkl condi­ 33 ei. Silver SWEET GHERKINS 35c TotAli ...... guest team and Kansas la the Robert Farmer .... 91 64 155 tions; • in * • e o Vegetables Beort At kAlf tlmo, 25-18 foumey favorite. Also firing for the High School Vermont — C2oudy north, fair Fancy Assorted ^ J In the Skyline Tournament, were; Ruth Gibson, 164; Ray south portions and not to cold to­ Utah (7-31 upset favorsd Brig­ Kingman. 156, Phillip Derrah.'lnS; night. Friday, cloudy, little change ' LIBBY PUMPKIN 11c iS I FIRM R IPE Flood Triiiiiiplis ham Young. 58-49. It Is B'YU’s Bruce Anderson, 149; Norman in temperature with aome snow' r i b r o a s t » 7 9 « second loss against seven victor­ Miner, 146; Earl Carron, 143; AI- north portions. Moderate south- WUllK MEAT. Freshly Sliced Cold Cuts | ies. Denver defeated New Mexico, bert Gustafson. 139: NcUnn SMOKED " BANANAS u 15c 111 Bloody Br^wl west winds Friday. Temperatures i 69-40. In the other game. Sprague. 120; and Judj- Alcox. 126. ALE A S ALE Oklahoma A A M (10-01 remaining beloa' freezing through i Friday. TUNA FLAKES 29c S I FANCT HAND PICKED MeINTOSH startled spectators at the Okla­ New York. Dec. 28.—(JPit—B()th SHOULDERS homa C^ty tournament by trounc­ Stowe (Mansfield)—3 to 10, less winner Jimmy Flood and loser than 1 powder, cloudy, fair akilng SH O U LD BE Artie Diamond started a long va­ ing Baylor. 75-38. Swcile Aiidei’8011 “ APPLES 3Lb.29e upper and poor to fair, lower. CRANBERRYsauce 2 F or 29c RIB END cation today after their head-to- The Aggies, No. 3 nationally, take on 'liexaa In a aemlflnal to* Waltofleld (Mad R iver)—3 to 10, head slugfsat last night at S t Paces Scorers A S K f O K „ S OE| rLAOBO PORK ROAST I V . 55c S I FANCY CALIFORNIA D’ANJOU ‘ Nicholas Arena night. 1 powder, cloudy, no aiding upper my\ Flood, a kid from New York’s Texas defeated Vanderbilt, 55- and poor lower. Limited skiing SUNCREST OLIVES I9c " PEARS 6 Per 29c YorkvlUe district won on a tech­ 49. Arkansas plays Alabama in Big fiwede Anderson has only. Native Roasters, Fryers, Fowl nical knockout when the brawl the ether game. The Porksra Climbed to the top in the scor- MassachUfvetts lncreasix|; downed Tulsa. 53-44, and Alabaifia cloudiness tonighf*snd not so cold. ;-jM OK raTEB BAM was stopped at the end of the 8th ing parade of Mancheater High FLORIDA 5 I FIRM SWEET roruid because o f Diamond's badly edged the defending rharoplon, Friday cltm likely followed by players this season. rut right eye. Oklahoma City, 48-46. The blond light sno/r late IIn day or nigM and PEANUT BUTTER 29c ORANGES doz. 35c B iTangerines , 2 ■><><. 49c Dr. Vincent Nardisllo, New center has scored 43 poln points, three UtUs ch !• In tomperaturs. Oan- more than guard Johnnyihnny Percy. tis xaitable LABOB York State Athletic Commission Last Night’s Callegc Bas^sthalt winds Friday. Tem- ph>’sic'ian. examined Diamond’s Eric "Pinky Hohenthal, scoring peratu! remainlng below frees- = I FANCT RIPE _ _ eye cut after the fourth, aixth and Fordham 73. Gannon f^a.) 61. leader last week, has slipped to ing through FrltUy. TIOER HEAD ALt ■ pNE JUICE Friday night Coach Will CUrke upper and Iqwsr. GOLDEN. CRI8P PRE-PACKAGED hla left eye was awollen from Dim- Taylor 57. Hofstra 61J Mrs. Marlon Ladeaig and Dick Hoover won national Individual match - 7 to 10, 4 powder, partly ■■ ■ aiond’s sharp Inside pitches. will send hla chaiwes Into action Miami (F laj 61. Darti^outh 82. game bowling champkirudiips In simultaneous tournaments at ths cihi- against Meriden High In the SII- cloudy, good sklinf UBP*!' fair SIOTRIBUTOK Both juilgea gave Diamond a Tampa 72, Tala 54.’ ctgo CoHsoum. Hoover, a 200-pound reshlent of Akron, O., Juat A’sr City. Meriden has won two iowjlr. j2 Beha, 4-3-1 edge^RefSMM Ruby Oold- CARROTS 25c St. Louis 57, Holy Cross 40. turned 21 and, competing la the meet for th a first time, became the • f three previous CCIL staHs ibur>’ (Mad Hatter)-r^3 to 10. RRA'S MARKET 1t 4^M for Flood. Dia- Beloit 109, Springfield (Mass.) yoen^at <|iainplon in the lO-ycar history of the show. Mrs. Lade- powder, partly cloudy, good HARTFORD DISTRIBUTORS, INC^ while hfsncheatrr Is winlesa In 1 SOUTH MAIN StRBCr dghed IM . Flood 168 1-8. Grand Batdds. jMleh.. retained the women's title. three league contssta. skiing uilpdr and |hw«c. 74 TslUad atreet. Beet Hartford. Csaa. Phoaet IR II.i ^

/ . ■ • • V ^ ' , .... V

•ft -T *r MANCHESTER EVENING HBWALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., ’raURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1960 PAGE TRUtTBEN ri ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 Miatreaa ito new maid)—Now, Friuit Liast, piano virtiraao, waa TOONERVIU.E FOLKS BY FONTAINE founder of a type of playing in Seuae And We muat not hope to be mowers. North. I always take my bath at Did You Kiipw That- r ■ Baborbsa for iial* 75 And gather the rip6 goldsn ears $ aaary moraiag. which th* Inatrument attempisd all Rf—fi to Rsat M U U fg g aalo Norah—Kali right, mam, It reaourcaa o f rji orchestra. ArtklM Isr lols Unless we first have bean sowars. Tbs eruption o f KatnuU vhlcane GtRA N P M A ’S C A HE Offsrstf IB Moa0— *0* * Mortgafcs SI MUST RAISE ooMl Tor sole, 8 FOUR OB . M m unfnmlehad with an acUve concern. Conflden-. never ready far mine bfora 10.” In 1421, approaimately 100,000 CEtLABB CTeoned, oshes ond rooms, family of four. Nscsssary foundation all In and all fram­ Don’t think that every sad-ayad tears < of the most violent volcanic out­ INO CantVROLBT ip«n K FAHNESTOCK ond Co. Btock- foot Penn Yon coitop boot. Prism ing lumbar on lot. Ownar haa left Ual estimatea by qualified ap­ It ta not Just aa wa take It, Uvea were lost when huge sea TO rubbish removed. Coll Milton Ted- to locate thla vicinity. Good ref- woman has loved and loat; aha bursts of modern times. waves burst the dikes protecting C ^id B ed oeup«, Ilk* new. DouflM Mbtore Oommodlty Brokers, 76 Pearl binoculars, large Varrodo fan, town and wants quick sals. Plans praisers arriving at a satisfac­ This tnyatleal world o f oura. Jana—I can read my husbaad ford, 170 Hl.llord street. Phone 2 piano accordion, guitar and guns. erencee. Tarrytown, New York, may have got him. the Nethsrland* snd dc.stroyed 72 He US SUin street. _____ street, Hartford. Telephone 7- may ba aaan at the offlca. Tha price tory prlos for you. Allen Realty A. W. Perrine Life’s field wUI yield aa are make Uke a book. 1200. 4-1682 collect. Mary—Then be careful to stick Ths island of Guam waa dUcov- vlllagaa. 0121. Evening appointments. Coll CUl 2-0027. has basn raduced fox a quick aale. ^ lalto.s, 180 Center street, it, IMO CHBVROLBT tudor, good to your own Ubrary, my dear. •rad in 1521 by Magellan. AdvarliiaiiaiU FLOOR PROBUWiS solved with registered representative, Joseph Phona 8891 or .925, Ted Good- heater 5105. A harvest of thorns or flowers. eondRkm. CeU sfU r 5 s t Ueon Pop—Why does he take two A fault la a displacement along linoleum, Oftpholl Ule counter. McCluskey, Manchester 2-8272. for telo I t ohUd, 16 Foraet streat Plela. 86 Birch street DlaoiuiMl*— SVatchi drinks every morning? Stomachs shouldn't bs waist So many smart women are ap­ Oolore of stars differ depending a fissure, or aeries ot fl.ssiires, In Expert wor. .lonshlp. free estl- Jop—Ho takaa one to make J t w i lr y M ROCKVILLE—Two-famlly house, IN COUNTRY Uks atmosphere, I—Kcal EHtaU 77 basksts. pearing in the currently fashion­ upon their tomparaturss and at­ any kind of rock formation. HIUHEtrl CASH pricee pwd for motee. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ himself feel like a different man. 7 rooms available to buyer. New large building lots wltb shads —Phoenix Flame able, shorter evening dresses, that mosphere: Sirius and Vego, the 1687 to 1660 used core. In good niture, Ook street. Phone 2-1041. Help Wanted— rcauU* S6 LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, re- CONSIDERING BELUNG Pop—And the other? restautUtsurs are being forced to Timken oU burner. Insulated. traaa. Overlook Drive. Wm. hottest, are blue-white. "Old rmthful.” Yellowsti^ , fOOMD-WATKR-BPAinBL dof Cleon omditlon. Douglss Motor palra, adjuet. watohee experUy. YOUR PROPERTY? Jop—Oh! That’s for the other relax their *rules atlpulatlng floor- iAB DE 2t0N08 Refrlgerotor eervtce. A tout 1 acre land. Only |19 per A little boy -and his mother Park's vekbrated geyser, spouts FIRST CLASS typist needed Im­ Reasonable prices. Open dally, Kanahl. builder. Phona 7778. man. length drgisu. BO OWMT MM TTN. Soles. 888 Msln etrcet Repairs on oU mokes, commer- month' after down payment. Ask­ Without obllgnUon to you. we stood looking at ths dentist sbow- Vanus la tha most brilliant at nearly regular Intervale of mediately. Small office, good pay, Thuratoy avenlnga, 120. Sprues cass. Ths boy, pointing said: oiol ond domesUc. Emergency 24. ing 19,000. Call ArilU White. 8274. CEMETERY LOT, lii choice sec will appraise or make you a cash planet In the heavens and the about an hour. 1047 CHEVROLET Aerosedon, two 40 hour week, no Saturdaye. Call straat Phona 2-4887. offer for property. See us before A reader claims aha found this Boy—If I had to have f^se Irritability is a subtls poison, door, rodio. hfoler, low mileoge hour eervico Phone 8-17B7. at Noble A Westbrook Manufac­ Uon of Roee Hill Park, Rocky misprint In a paper: “If hca'VKns and the one most like the BRICK HOME, 4 rooms, oU burner, you sell. teeth. Mother, I’d like that set. givery time yo,u lose your temper •arth. Steam is the fore? which ejects turing Oo.. East Hartford or belt- HIU, Oonn. Call 6938. your oaks stick* to your pantb, you're bound to lose soinetmng WANTBD—Bide from Wells str^t Phone 8108. ANTiyUES ReOnlshed. Repairing automatic h^t water heeter, good Phone 8273 Mother — Hush. Willtani. the water of a geyser, someUmea phone Mr. Gunther 8-2181. Garden— Pana— Dairy aprinko a little flour or sugar on Havsn't I told vou not to pick else. vldnlty 'Aetno Insursnce. done on any furniture, -nemann. condlUon, trees, whtte picket fence The oyster ta tha moat valuable to a height of loio fert or more. 1087 CHEVROLET, runs good, P r o d u c ts 50 BRAE-BURN REALTY tha bottom." your teeth in public ford. Hoars 8:80 to 4:80. Phone only 879. Douglas Motors, 333 180 South Main street Phone TWO GIRLS for general offlca new Broad street echooi, stores Resort Property for Sale 74 product o f this country's fisheries, QUALIFIED Buyers, anxiously Often we hear people complain' 6648. work. Steady employment. Apply FIRST QUALITY Green Moun­ and bus; Immedlata occupancy CHALKER Peach—7 room brick A t tba Stroks o f 12 tha irascible with salmon aecond. When cold air flows over warm 8817. ______Main street. waiting for good homes in good This ancient Chinese proverb la Ing of their hard luck when what. In person. New Model Laundry, tain potatoes. Mealy, cook and Manchester 3683, Agent. cottage, tile bath, all electric father atomped to the head of the printed for hoardars; “Thera ia no Is really wrong with thim is laxl- land or water, the vapor rising w a n t e d —Bide from North Elm ALL APPLIANCES serviced and condition. It you want prompt ac­ 1060 OLD8MOBILE SEDXN 73 Summit street. taste good, 81-60 bushel delivered house, furnished completely. Tota stairs and shouted: evil like not knoaring lybat la ness. V Salmon ia thet most vMuabIs from the latter la quickly con­ to Ifotfon street, Hertford. Hours repaired, bumera, refrigerators, tion and personal attention . on 1050 OLD8MOBILE TWO DOOR- to your doot. Call Hathaway 2- price, $7,500. CUl Anita Wh'*e Father—Young maij, hnvyn't enough. He who grasps more than procluct of Canadian fisheries, with densed to produce fog. ranges, washers, ate. All work your property call, Douglas 8 to A Phone 2-8247.______MILEAGE UNDER 600 WANTED— Girl for packing and 1390. OFFICE SPACE you a salf-itartar? he can hold often loaea more than An Edinburgh electrician Is lobster spoond. Guaranteed. Metro Service Oo- stamping. Steady work, good pay. 8274. Blanchard, Real E.-itate Service. Although sugar beets and sugar Avoltoble, New Yeor-e SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS Modern suite of offices. Center Young man—Don’t need one as he grasps. Only he who knows having a marathon bout with hic­ PIANMT Tel. Mancheeter 2-0888. Apply Tober Baseball Mfg. Oo., 5447. Sugar cane Is a giant graas, i-anee are not chemically related, donee bond. Phone 2- of Main street, has been s doctor’s long as thers's a crank in the what la enough arlll always have cups, but since when did Scots Eve for NEW CAR GUARANTEE Hilliard and Adafna streets, 3rd H o o m IioM G o o d s 51 growing from 6 to 15 feat high. sugar from both la tdentlcal. office for 30 years. Directly over Saborban for Sale 75 houac. enough. worry about a hiccup? 0762. floor. Old Colony Furniture Build­ WANTED—Residential properties; COLE MOTORS pa-ELTRIC TRAINS and acces YOUNO MAN BEING INDUCTED Quinn'a Drug Store. Will rent in ANDOVER—Immediate occupan­ 4 to 8 rooms. Buyers waiting. ing. YOUNO Lady deelrea ride from 4164 sorles reptlced. Phone 6368. IN NAVY, WILL SELL AND units of one, two, three rooms or cy. New ranch type five-root, Competent, confidential service. MICKEY FINN A PtMBlbnity! LANK LEONARD 1® ^ Manchester Green school section LADY TO manage piece goode, SACRIFICE five room unit. home. FuU cellar, steam-coa Suburban Realty Co., realtors. 49 • ^ to vlclnRy of Hartford-OonnecU- 1048 PLYMOUTH sedan. A real RANGE Burners, pot bumera and curtain and drapery department, Through Mr. Albert heat,, fireplace, pine panelling, Perkins street. Tel. Mane. 8216. NOKvnwrs cut Trust Co., Pearl street, ^ r k - beauty, low mileage. Extra fancy. heaters cleanea, serviced and rS' Muet have eelllng experience and COMPLETE HOHE OF approximately one acre. On bu eHOUSMTHIM ing hours. 8:20 to 4:40. Phone Douglas Motors, 333 Main street. paired. Also new range burners FURNITURE WITH ARTHUR A. KNOFLA WHHC'ON installed. Joseph Senna. Phone some knowledge of nmterlala. REALTOR line. Price 8U.000. Henry Escot Legal Notices 5887. ______Good salary and oommlaslon. Ap­ ••PHILCO" DELUXE Agency. Tri. 3683. ______N6M V0FP? 1949 FORD S-ton pick-up, 18,000 2-0147. 876 Main St.—Eat. 1921 ply to Mr. Marvin, Montgomery REFRIGERATOR . t h e 'PROSPEOI HIU School for mllee. Excellent condition. Radio "BENGAL” COMBINATION Phone '6440 or 9938 l.iqrOR FKRMIT youngNdUldren. Pre-kindergarten, Mid heater. Price 8950. Phone 2- WINDOW SHADES made to order NOTII K OF APPI.It'ATION O Ward. r aw q es Home Listings Wanted REAL ESTATE listings wanted and Installed. Venetian blinds l^dargmrten, first grade. Montoy 0549 after 6 p m. "UNIVERSAL” W.ASHINO Customers waiting. Phone 2-0483, through Friday. TransportaOon and curUln rods. 24 hour service CLEANING Woman for 8 *Bouw Tills Id I'l clve notice tllnt I. A.N.N'.^ M A C m N B M. VO.N' UKCK. of R.nltc 111. f-'-'o- fom lS ad . Mrs. Leta Tybur, direc­ 1947 OLDSMOBILE club sedan, Estimates gladly given. Fagan work, mornings. Muat be cleen COZY CDMFORTABLB quality 6 radio, heater, hydramallc. Good and efficient. Apply In pereon This merchandlae ia now in stor­ trv. have fllcil an application ilat'tl 1*' - tor. Phone 4267. . Window Shad„ Co., Route 44 at age. packed In original factory room single In exceUent location ci-’nibcr 22. IHM. Witti thr Liquor i -n- tires. 32.264 original miles. Call Bolton Notch Phono 2-4473. The Annex Snack Bar, 29 Blast convenient to bus, school and trol Conunlaalim fop a Tavern rcnnit m b s , BALLAHD'S pre-klndergar cratea, and will be sold at a 2-9906 after 5 p. m. or call 4134 Center street. GREAT SACRIFICE store. For particulars and ap B o w l i n g for the dale of alcoholic lliui -r on the ten school has ar: opening for one anj-tlme before 5 p. m. Ask for l i n o l e u m — Asphalt Ula, wall prrmldcd at 622 .MhlUlc Turnpike K.iV W AN TED—Oountergirl. 10 p. m. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE pointment call Douglaa Blanch Manchddtcr. child for tha winter term, ag# 3H Paul, covering. Dona by rellabla, well All or part can be bought with ard, Real Estate Service. 5447. T Leagae to 6. Call 2-1696. 79 Lakewood trained man. All Joto guaranteed. to 1:30 a. m. Apply in person. Maarhealer Malar Saira (i) The hudiliPdd la o w n d hy .W N A M. 1944 CHEVROLET club ooupe. The Annex Snack Bar, 20 East arrangements for storage unUl VON DKCK. of Ilout- HA, Coventry, Circle? ______Hall Linoleum Oo., 82 Oak etreaU wanW and insurance at no extra HOUSE, Duplex b and $. Immedi­ NowIckI ...... 121 118 128 and will hr conduclrd by ANNA M. Good condition. Douglaa Motors, Pbone 2-4022. avenlngs 6166. Center street. ate occupancy o.. side. Inquire Mazioli ...... Ill* 11*8 *21 VON DECK, of Route HA, Coventry, TWO GIRLB desire ride to Pratt cost. M cCurry ...... >27 *2. .<133 Main street. LOW EASY FRIENDLY 121 Spruce street. aa permitted. S«ll I A WWtney. Hours 8 to 4-.SO, from PETER W. PANTALUK, electrical BURTON S has opening for full V arrlck ...... 97 120 IM ANNA M. VON DEtJlv. TERMS WILL BE MADE [S22SSc;iS. Blast Center and Center stp^t NEW PODGE JOB RATED time experienced sideswoman. Currenll ...... " 9 H® 1<>8 Dated Dccrmhcr 28, IduO. contractor, malntenatice and wtr This merchandlae will be shown by 5 AND 6 room duplex. OU heat atejton ca n Jenry, Manchester Apply In person. TRUCKS tng for light and power. 40 Foater appointment only, during the day sun porches, on large lot. Three Totals ...... 6(M 592 612 1608 FUNNY BUSINESS HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Intcreating BY EDGAR MARTIN Dos willla Oarage IS) 2-4196 after 5. ______etreet. Phone 8808. WANTED—Experienced waitress or evening. blocks from Center o f town. One NOAM,I Otk» ...... Ilk) 119 108 327 WHIN t TOLP j f - i c 'mom.hvrch’. vv»y y$AH*.VUG YOVKG * R l 7044 HW H\VK| 4 TON PICK-UP side vacant. Priced at 812,500, TH' TBACHl* GAVE TH' DOORS OPENED, keys fitted Steady work, good pay. Apply In Lalley ...... 108 98 111 317 kiiicks Topple iNOOQ m ev O Q OQ ODVBl'.VvIk vMAVY i I TON WITH RACK BODY—7 H PHONE W ATERBURY 4-3144 Cash needed. 84.000. For appoint ...... 113 127 112 352 NOJ HHLFSD KID A, AotaoMMlaa Per 8 s le 4 copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons person. Tea Room, 883 Main Lanky ... feet long with dual tires. MR. ALBERT ment csJl Howard R. Hastings, . . . 1.38 111 109 :t61 NIB WITH WV FBW vNl'wv. VMifb VO«l.\ WVsW t o A WVWM* guns, etc. repaired, akales, street. Kompanlk H3MB VNORK, 1080 CHEVROLET tudor. Runs FOR INFORMATION 2-1107. O'Bright ...... 117 108 91 316 Warriors Again v m i K Q GHAkCft'.OatKl KVOl 1936 DODGE m TON WITH sheara, knives, mowers, etc. pul AND DETAILS SHO aM D flns. $86 down. Full prlto only RACK BODY—Dual tires, fine LADY WANTED— for day work 576 566 531 1673 WAhfTiO. VA’Rl ?AV6' 8846. Douglas Motom, 833 Main in condition for coming needs. Good pay. Apply Ferndale Lunch­ ToUlt .. condition, 8350. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl atreet. OLD RED Tin Bam. 706 North Bv The Associated F rcs§/ eonette, 1095 Main street. Main street, buys and sells good 1948 FORD r-6 CHASSIS AND Brae's The Philadelphia Warriors of c l e a n , IA)W >mJIAQE CAB—Heater, booster brake. TELEVISION Repair, aervlce, and used fumltarc and antiques. Basketball Atamian ...... the National B.iskelball .\ssoi-i:i- Installation at reasonable pricee. B’rank Denette. Phone 2-3376. H. LsaChappllp a t LOWER PRICES 8,000 mUes. New tires. Regis­ HOUSEWIVES Earn 850 or more llon won't have to play the New raynft ...... York Knickerborkei'S again until W m t t e n g u a r a n t e e ters for 6 ton. Priced st 81,495. Work gtiaranleed. Phone 2-1403. weekly. Write Box E, Herald. WE BUY and sell good used lUml- HI V U8> Lucas ...... Feb. 8. and ihey're shedding no IgOO PONTIAC 6 SEDAN OOMPLITTE Repairs on vacuun ture, combination rangaa, gas 432 4.')4 389 1295 SGLD LIGHT Stenography. Typing, vari­ Totals ... tear* alKiut it. I960 DODGE TUDOR claanera, washing machines ous clerical duties, engineering ranges and heaUra Jones MUch \ at Tober Baseball Mfg, Co., Hil­ Lord, c ...... 100 94 when the New Yorkers rose up MILES C106ER EYEE A ANY/ Your Down. Town and tom clothing, hosiery runs, Salomon^, c Kovia ...... and erased a 13-i>oint thii'd-quar- COLE MOTOES-4164 liard and Adam streets. Old VERY GOOD selection small elec- Smith, rg ^ TOTH'SUN Dodge snd Plymouth Dealer handbags repaired, alpper re­ TolilB ...... o il .'.S3 .528 1622 ter deficit. Ernie Vandeweghe shot THAN WE placement, umbrellaa repaired, Colony Furniture Building. triual appli»-ncc8. Toasters, mix­ Morhardt. Ig 1M2 C H E V R C H ^ aadaa, radio ers. irons, steam irons, etc. Fur­ I'rB ler ftervire («> five of his half-dw mileage. Just man. Call 4734 or 2-0760 after 6 Totals ...... 22 hind Rochester hy pulling away ar. Prlcad at $546. Ti.taln ... 448 464 M34 from Baltimon' in the third quar­ r.. like new. __ FLOOR I'ROBLEMS solved with p. m. w a n t e d —Good used furniture 4'roaa (3*1 Oak Grin «4) Haveiou HEARD? HOUDAY BUSAWE 1946 CHEVROUET 4-DR. SEDAN 1949 FORD S TON PICK-UP Any quantity W « offer you high- Bnn(badl*'r, r f ...... * ... 104 119 ter for an 81-6.3 triumph. U was UVEr MOR6!5 0(VIH« ^ J O N ^ e o O D linoleum, as|inalt tile counter. Ex­ B. Duff, rf ...... 1 (FOlas .. - ■ the Lakers ninth victory in the Dark Mue, radio and heater. TRUCK—Low mileage. New pert workmanship, free esti­ MACHINIST, turret lathe, tool and est prlcea. Woodshed Phone 2- rioldsteln '.'.‘r...... 98 — Uroa Uke new, low mileage. Kearns. (( ...... ® .... 102 104 last 13 starts. battery and new tires. mates. Open evenings. Jones die men, full time, day shift o 3154. McFall. r* ...... 1 OK.rhrlng VIRY Price $998. Gavello . • ■*']]...... 119 104 The Rochester victory wa* not 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Furniture, Oak street. Phone 2- night shift. Top wages. Wilco Ma B. Donahue, 1* ...... 3 ...... 136 99 'CC ANO — A really clean car. Radio, chine Tool, 222 McKee street. Karr . — all on the happy side. ForwartJ, 1041. Kooma Without B4mrd 59 36 Uoglis .. OON^R&xnr SOLD heater. TotaU ...... 16 4 Bob Davies may be out of action AMBITIOUS Men over 25 years Score al half time, Hawks 31-23. a while with a compound dLsloca- 1948 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE MANCHESTER Upholstering Co. NICE FRONT room for rent. Two Totals .. 559 523 483 156o- 'J IBM HUDSON SUPER. 1-DR.— —Dark green. Radio, heater. old and married, dosiring excel­ tion of the middle finger. The Dark blue. Fine car for only Re-upbolsterlng. dcaparies, slip minutes from Center. Call 2-3373 Esflra (47) Royals' Red Ilolzman led the scor­ DOOBce Reallv clean. covers 48 Purnell Place. Call lent security, may apply for posi­ Baya Beatsaraat $ $ M . after 6 p. m...... 99 98 ing' with 18 points. 1946 PON’HAC SEDAN COUPE 9521 Open evenlnga. tions In one of Connecticut’s tin C^f*. rf Uivopa 1M$ MERCURY SEDAN — One —Radio and heater. All good eat baking companies, There haa Corna ...... 94 112 T V lllU c t R - ATTRACTIVELY Furnished, room B. Shtek. . . . . 91 103 owner, only 27.000 mllea. Elx- tires. A bargain. been no general layoff for over 3.1 Duncan, c Balmond Roofiiic for Iwo. Complete light house­ Saverick ...... 100 103 oellent inside and out. Price 1940 PLYMOUTH 2-DR.-Heater. years. Wage* above average and n. Shack...... 98 130 keeping facilities available. Well McCurry. Aceto ... S|mrl!» S rlieflu lc $1,098. Really clean one owner ear. FEATURING Ou*r»nteed roofa limited only by person's ability heated, central. Reasonable. Mrs. 1937 DeSOTO 4-DR. SEDAN — ...... 482 535 368 1585 1M7 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE and expert repair* aa well as on established route. Advance­ Jerome, let floor. 14 Arch street. Totals .. 22 Total! X s - 1946 motor. Full price 850. gutter an , THINK OF lights, slip covert, wonderful Or Female 57 ...... 1* 3 39 Villa LaeUa <3> C H R ISTM A’S... k t o s o m e , T H JS r perience, Free estimate*. Call Total! ...... S3 ! condition. Priced mt $1,145. 1946 DODGE 'y-ton pickup truck, OFFICE IN Oxford building. Real Score at half time, Eagles 36-29 Blue- I,snzano Herm'S V*. Bowlers. 8:30 - ' OTHER Howley. Manchester 5361. WAITER and waitress wanted for ...... 89 t LITTLE exceptionally clean throughout. estate, profesatonal, etc. Apply birds. (jusgll* Rcc. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN — 2 New Year * Eve. Good pay and Vince .. ' ...... 84 I( GIRLS P CVOl 2-2.176. Heatlnft—Plnmbing 17 Marlow's...... 128 ! Wednesday, Jan. .1 ' m i tone grey and blue, radio and tip*. Apply Rainbow C!lub. 3828. Walker Caterers v«. Wapping. 7 p. m. heater, new alr-rlde tires, ex­ Esti Side laieraiedlsle Leagsa Patent - ...... 108 11 -nVO SPECIALS OIL BURNER eervlce and rapali*. | FIVE LARGE rooms for rent Y. cellent condition, very low EXPEIRIENCED Bookkeeper. Ex Oreea Blvsla tU> VII make* oil burner* and furn­ Corner house, business section B. F. T. Totals ...... 492 504 477 1474 North Ends vs. Moriarty's. 8:3(i mileage. Price $1,295. BAIXn SPECIALS cellent working condition*. Ihsur- ace*. Earl Van Camp. TeL 5244. Suitable for business and rest Barr}-, rf . .. K 0-0 13 Balias Lake (II —V. ance Md hospltaliratlon. Apply 1 0-0 2 Mlick ...... 88 92 — ISO Friday. Jan. 5 dence combined. Apply Backer MorlattJ'. rf , ...... 88 94 81 263 SOLD to Mr. Schaller or Mr. Hurlburt, B. Blardl. It 7 2-4 16 SobUkl ... Hamden vs. High, 8:30- A r ­ EFFICIENT Plumbing imd beat­ 36 Oak streeL ...... 93 87 104 284 1940 CHEVROLBTT C O U PE -G ood ing. Plugged diralna machine Manchester Motor Sale*. Phone Bunc*. c .. ■. 0 0-0 0 Borello . . . . 9 1-7 7 SlUano ...... 85 - 86 171 mory. We want you to check speed- motor, good body, good paint. cleanqd. Carl J. Nygran. 803 4134. ‘ CENTRALLY located 2-room of Parla. c ...... 96 108 109 312 Sunday. Jan. 7 ^ A good buy at 8195. Patch, rg ... 2 0-0 4 MacLachlan ometen readings, former owners. Oakland atreet Phona 6497. flee with private lavatory, avaU h 1-3 11 BIgentkl .. Wallingford vs. Nassiffs, 3; 1 5 - SALES ORDER clerk wanted foi A. Blardl. Ig Our guarantee. All tires replaced able In Jaiiuary. For Information — . — Armory. /r-fg .with best grade new Urea. No re- PLUMBING And HeaUng, apeclal- textile manufacturing office. Bust 24 4-14 52 Totals 449 465 487 1401 LcorfC) 1940 FORD COUPE—Clean and call Alice Clampet Agency. Totals « 1 a a Ml. aw caps- sound In every way, good Ixlng in repairs, remodeling, cop­ ness school training or equivalent Bschsyes (97) VIC FLINT End Of The Ride BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY per water plp^g. new corutnic- office experience requisite. At­ 4543. B. r. T. nrewea't Lesgsa AS IS SPECIALS FROM $50 UP Urea. At 8245 this Is a scOop. 0-0 6 ■asa Ce. Ha. I (4) Sports Mirror LiMsaraui i-'se' OUT, BABY/HE t r a v e l s AABTE^^ tlon, estimates glvan, time pay­ Ararot. rf t *^en*a a reader who aeka when tha trend of rieing price* IZ PONT'KNOW W H M AFTUrWV4ICWM3UPIOFPBFOUr' , ...PNCK aCM N SaCAN, ueSNSa tractive salary, benefit* and FIVE LARGE rooms, e o m n houa* 0-0 4 Wilkinson ...... 108 93 WHO TRAVELS ALONE, .IP I MAY. Don’t Misfi. Call On Your ments arradger Rent 66 ...... 4*4 604 1H8 '^OH.VeS, WHEN I UlSTCN, 1 634 Center St. Phone 5101 Score at half time, 23-90 Buckeyes. I Totals Five Years Ago—Bobby Doerr, BAH/ MOOeRN SKATeS ABC ’ ‘ AH A.WPUL BUNCH MCTSTiT. Masteag* <49> Hate Ca. Na. 4 sU r second baapman of the Boston aST UP RRGT 1 WONT HAV/E Auto Acccasoric THE AUSTIN A. <3i*mbers 0»., Dogn—Birda—P«ta 41 NEW Four-room furnlahad apart ...... 95 91 : A L W A ^ 6 6 T A MIMUTC6 iN DcaO INFeRIOR. CHILD- " OP MUSH SETTLED] A lU T 6 0 . B. r . [Hennequln .. Red Sox, received a medical dis­ NEED A New motor tor your Ply­ Urea local and long distance moving, | ment, Oovantry, Oonn. 1,000 feet ...... 9 i-4 Boblelo ...... 78 TH INaS ALL OCT PBACCTORAV l«H IMPLeMeUTS/lN M.V . IN UNCLE BULSYS MUCK S mM. Cunee. rf ... ON OUR TRIP ANKLES SINCE w oeB LV 1 riFi mouth? Buy a 1937 Plymouth packing, crating and Storage- DOGS Washed and groomad. 8aa from Hayloft Can be seen Sun Provan. rf ...... 9 0-1 LFraser ...... charge from the Airoy. FOR. MOTHER— HeVDAV A CHAP COULD SNOW TREADS. Two practically Ten Years Ago—The North All- SHE LOVES HER AFTER SEEIN’ iMtoa complete with new motor, Service to all part* o f the U. S. j ua for pat suppUsa, and fraab day afternoon. MacNamara, ...... 8 1-3 rschelbenpflug PURCHASE STOUT BLADES^ KB WON t h e ANKLES h — ...... 7 2-4 I Mordavsky .. Stars defeated tha South, 14-12, In COFFCS FIRST A THING UKE only $85. Fits any Plynrouth. new 6-ply 6.16 tire*. 52 Delmont A and Canada. Call 5187. Hart-| frosen horaamaat, I6c U>. CaU Custer, c . . . THAT—V^rr, OPTHC MARDE6T ] OLYMPICS, u k a AS IT IS •treet. CaU 3660. Skrtor. rg ...... 1 1-1 Sherman ...• the third annual Blue-Gray foot­ ^ THINS IN THE Douglaa Motor*, 833 Main street. ford 6-1423. Kennel Supply Shop. 2-4278. MORNINS/ ILLBE S T B C L -* -^ •fHE 8 CBAD- Wanted to Real Madsen, rg . MS 1954 ball game at Montgomery, Ala. CHEAP Tnaoocfwa^^ BASKETHe'i' Mlkollte. Ig Totala . 1941 CHEVROLET sedaa, very MANCHESTER packa$s DaUvary. PUPPIES. Rad Cockers. 825; Boa-1 u k e ■XsKeSTit CARRVlMe.' Garages—SctyIc IN URGENT nea town aedan. Excel and atova moving a apaclalty. Kennels. Lake street. Phona 6287. Phona 2-0702. 1818. Reaaonable. Cal GARAGE FOR RETfT. 24 Gris­ Englani,'. rt WASH TUBBS wold street. CALL Phil, for moving, light Poaltry and SnppUee WANTED—$ or 4 rooms by re­ Vsmlar, rf . WANTED sponsible couple. Both employed Alaroany. It . [ NO WONOtR MURf* TMI10MT trucking, Specialixa in moving, I Mutrit. If .. Good aervlce. 'Good work. 2-9248. | ORDERS TAKEN for New Yaar’a Call Ifadallna Smith, Raaltor. 2 MacArdIt. a . 54 Birch atreaL turkeys or wrapped for your 1642 or 4679. Duff, c ...... SALES ORDER CLERK freexer. Very cleanly picked. Only Lathrop, rg Suiliyan’e Special! large alee birda left. Phone 7733 UROI34TLT Neadad, 4 room rant, Oukell. If .. PnlnUng—Papertai by two sdulU, both working. Hsnsan.-1| For Toatlle MaBufacturing Office ShM^k No. $ei FOWL, 82c lb. live weight, droaaed Beat o f rafaranca*. Phone 2-1668 Buaiiwaa School tr a ii^ or equivalent office FIRST CLASS work. Robert FUke. TotRiB ...•’V -.-______40c. Arnold Neleon, 737 Lordall after 6 p. m. ' _____ ■cora at half tlma. 19-14 MusUnga ezperienee reqalaitc. ' ‘ MECURY 2-9178. If no answer call 2- atreet Pbone 8906. 1949 2979. YOUNG Working ooupla urgantiy AttractiT# salary, benellt8,^d working con­ naa(M $ to 5 room unfaRtfahad CLUB COUPE INTBRIOR and axtarior painting, Articica for Bolt apartment OaU Hartford, ooUect d itio n s. peparhanging, eai^iiiga raflnlahad. 8-70$7 batwaen 6:20 and 7:$Q p. Last NighCs FighU FuUy inmired Bx} art work. Wall- BOLTON BuUdlng stone and APPLY IN AT m. fmOH Spedel b4 papw hooka. Edward I t flagstona. Alao rock tIriUlng New York (8t NW k^ I T A L C O lf^ L U Phone 2-IOuS. and blaatlng. Bolton Notch Quar­ -Jimmy FlooA 1«H\ Tort ry. Phono 1-0617. SUalay Pat WANJVD—$ o r 6 room tent for atoppad Artie Dlafnond, 160, New I aldarly couple. Boa S, Harald- BepatriRg til Yoilc. $. . ^ I ALBON SPlNMNe MIUS GORP. $1495 R O Y A lTA N D Sm lthJ______r —- ______pia.—Harold Oraan, IS*, I MATl^kBaa. Totu old mattfsaw l able and letanvlaru typaarrltera I WANTED — Private f*i**** Brooklyn, knocked out CWcol or Teiepl|one Bflhchester 5l28 atoriliaod imd taioado ilka new. All makes of adding machines rsnt. Must have concrete ^ r . Pacheco, 160H. R»o Da Janeiro. :tU CfMfil StREIf., MANCHfSfER Oall Jonea Furniture snd Fluoi | sold or rented. Repairs on alii Phone.5191. Ask for Chet Brun- Oovaring, 8$ OeR, Tel, 2-lOU. makes. Harlow’ib J hat. XO. h m

Average Daily Net Preaa Ron THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1980 Wat th« Week Eadlaa The Weather iKattirli»0t»r Ctmtins - DMMBfeer ts , i96e •4 D. U. WaaWaa 1 0 , 2 1 3 tveajr Mia, i •affyiUgfe- Ing the Dimes drive, one of the best Manchester had IS new cases and a torney Philip Bayer, chairman of BUppaiy Driving Ahead m S4| taoM ri \ 36, AgosUnelU succeeded f o iw r the 1880 campaign, announced to­ polio collections In Manchester’s two carry-over cases during 1950. Maabw at tka Aaitt MmtrljpBtpr lEiiPttttm Bpralb ratal. ■atat Director Walter Ford at a tliM Dimes Drive day. The selection of a chairman history and the second highest In In 1940, a total of 33 polio cases Uariaa at Cliealatteaa Local Soldiers when It was contemptated that tM AUTO INSURANCE A b o u t T o w n will be the first Item on the agenda. per caplU contrl|tut1ona pf any were found 111 Manchester, one of MmehmUur— A City of riUogo Chornk acUvlUes of the OsnUr might be town In Hartford County.* Ex­ the hardest-hit td#ns In the sUte. Is yonr best pioteellon reduosd. Now the war sltuatlM To Organize Attorney Bayer aaked that any penses of W37.09 left a net of 814,- Arrive Todf^^ persona Interested in helping In the 8taU polio funds are stlU being ___ » « ■ makes It appear the Importance of 268 for the Infantile paralysis used to pay for treatment of the j f M t at polio drive attend the meeting. Rnymoiid E. Goman VOL. LXX, NO. 75 it) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1950 , flbnrcli wlU m *«t «>• the center will be Increased. fund. many persons afflicted during the 48 Brookllrid St,^TeL 6460 nWELVB PAGES) In submltUng his resignation, Last year, local residents con­ PRICE FOUR CENTS r at ttgM o'clock at First Meeting in Prepa­ Chairman Bayer stated that 1949 epidemic. iBotMd of at the bom# Over • 100 Expected Agc^lnelll notes that he originally tributed a total of 814,792.09 dur- ^ i ^ D d l t h L. C. Johaaoa as prt- took the position which he worke>— praeUcal ArU courte. o’clock Monday night. Since the will have a Christmas social and Government cut down aharply to- President Truman’s comment that Alliea Contuiii Attack aa 625 miles trip Ukes between 12 candicllghting ceremony at^ the Arthur Drug Stores 6sy on money available for private Tlie Past Pocahontas Club will and 18 hours driving time, most church■ tomorrowto evening at 7:45. the nation la going to stear clear Hold 2 for Superior Foe Lunges Fiercely bold Its annual Christmas party boys will probably leave early loans and for^;(>d strong new links of laolatloniara aet tha stage today this evening at eight o’clock at Monday morning after they have for hamessini; the national econ­ From HALE’S Self Serve and Health Market omy more firmly to the defenM for Republican John Foston Dulles At Defense, Baationa Cavtp*a restaurant. Bach member celebrated the New Year. t ^ to Join the "great national debate" to asked to provide a flfty-cent This Is the first furlough of any drive. Strung Arroaa W aist A Federal Heaerve Board order on foreign policy. Court in Attack Case length of time for the boys that g U t to Ita 6,885 member banks called Mr. Truman at his news confer­ O f Korea; Planea Bat* enables them to get home. Short for freezing 82,000,000,000 out o( ence yesterday pinned the Isola- Mrs. Ida Soderburg of 701 Main leaves, ranging from 12 hour to Frozen Food Specials tlcsilst label on former Prealdent Woman Tells of Beat­ ter Enemy Supply , street will prepare and serve the Four Extra Specials the loan market. 72 hour passes, have been avail­ E verybody L oves H am The Board aatd Its action would Herbert Hoover's proposal to con­ Peiping dinner this evening for the mem­ able at the camp, but this did not centrate on western hemisphere ing by Ex - Coiiviet Seizes Linen; Riiigi^ay Confi* • bers of the Manchester Ministers Yes, most everybody loves ham and when you se rv e. SEABROOK FARMS cut off a potential further In­ allow sufficient time to take the crease of 812,000,000,000 in the al­ defense until Western Europe Association and their wives and lient of U. N. Siicceaa long Journey. MORRELL’S READY TO EAT HAM from ready record-high volume of bank demonstrates It has the will and guests. you will be doubly sure to have tender ham with the Dovalettes COOKED SQUASH or ability to meet communist aggres­ S' Holdings 1 loans. Thia la bMauae banks could AH Sweet sion. have lent the 82 ' million dollars Tokyo. Dec. 29.—(/P)— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ward of most delicious flavor. (500 Count) over and over again. Dulles, announcing In - advance North Korean Reda gouged Southfield, Maas., have returned PUMPKIN______17e that he agrees with much Mr. Fairfield, Doc. 29—(P )— Town , In Bed China a Vets’ Center To Open 18 Office# threy-mile dent in the Unitad home after spending a few days T h e Fk:onomlc Stabilization Hoover said, la scheduled to state Court Judge Albert A. Garofaln with their son-in-law and daugh­ SNOW CROP Agency (EISA) announced that it his own view’s tonight In an ad­ has ordered two men held for Su­ Nations front in east-central ter, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Straughan Head Resigns l b . will open 13 regional officea “ to dress at New York to the Ameri­ perior Court trial In connection Rpinliutp Agaiiifft Simi­ Korea, a U. S. Eighth Army of Lewis street p i f g s . can Association for the United 4 9 ^ PEAS and CARROTS 21c handle price and wage problema," with the mysterious attack on 8))okc,sman said tonight. “Tha a step apparently paving the way Nations. Dulles, advisor to Secre­ lar Amrriran Action Under the able leadership of tary of Stele Acheadn, said how­ Mrs. Idonah Slade Perkins, 66, of attack can now be said to be Director Agoslinelli to TOWN A COUNTRY for stricter controls expected later. Frances Wiebust and Gerald Chap­ Premier White Meat ever he would express a viewpoint Norwalk, here last month. Dec. 16; See Final contained,” the officer added. c a r n a t i o n The National Production Au­ The defendants, ex-convict pell the Come Double Club of the Devote Full Time to Albaoore thority (N P A ) decree that the U. "somewhat different” from Hoov­ The 10,000 Korean Commu­ er's. Stanley Sul. of Norwalk, and Blow to Missions North Methodist church enjoyed a SAND W ICH STEAKS 57c 8. wlU take over immediately as nists struck suddenly Thursday In most Inspiring caroling party Not "Reply" to Hoover Joseph Jaraako, 31. of Bridgeport, Insurance Business sola Importer and distributor of rugged mountain country south o f last Thursday evening. Several The extended cold speO i^os frequent wind-driven Burriee e f enew left the ledge above the Amrrlran refused to waive examination Hong Kong. Dec. 29~(ff^—Cbm- natural rubber. Since It already In a telegram to Hoovar, Dulles Pupyong, on the 38th parallel and local Institutions were visited as MILK •* Proepect Park and ttra city are la the backgrtmnd. (A P when presented before Judge mimlit China yesterday seized all Director C. J. Agoslinelli of the controls synthetic production this said he regretted hli speech had 35 miles Inland from tha eaet well as shut-ins of the church. TUNA Garofalo. Manchester Veterans Service Cen­ HEALTH MARKET move puts tha government In vtr been billed In advance as a reply United States property and frose coast. Itetumlng to the church a short As a restilt, Mrs. Perkins had ter hss handed his resignation to tual control o f all rubber. to the former President. He ex­ all U. S. bank deposits, the Pei­ Associated Press Oorrespondant bosliisss meeting was followed by We feel very happy about ail the favorable comments plained his purpose was to make a an opportunity to tell her atory of General Manager George H. Wad- N P A announced this new move the alleged attack upon her for ping Radio said today. Hal Boyle said the Army apokea- a sd«M hour. The group was also dell, affective January 1. Appoint­ on our selected Grade A Beef for Steaks and Roasts last night only a few hours after contribution to the "great national The Red Premier-Foreign Min f itvllegsd to view a-fllm with the Urges Global the first time Iff public, hut when man In Korea called the situation ed on a part time basis last June and here’s a good way to start the New Year: It had forbidden hoarding o f 56 Predict Final Break debate upon the grave Issues of iBler, Chou F.n-Lai, announced the "confused," but added, "thera U pcojecur recently purchased by our time." she had finished the motive for It o’. 41> aassatial matarials. Including was as obscure as before, aelEure In retaliation for almllar now a dent In our line" extending the church. stMl, lumbar and paper. An N P A The State Department has made V. S. action on Dec. 16. He call«] four or five miles below the 86tn qtokeaman Interpreted the latter Group Styled plain It expects Dulles to support Went nn Ride the United Statea’ action on "aT- ^eAn o f the offices In the Munich parallel In a limited sector. ban to apply to newsprint. Between U, S.-Russia the basic Administration policy of Mrs. Perkins said that Bui took temm to loot tha Chinese people M l building will be closed all day J ’ Our forces have been counter­ BEEF ROAST Wants ''Watch Dog" collective security through the her for a drive to Inspect real of tnclr property." attacking Bteadily and the attack Baturday. and will not reopen un­ HALE'S Senator Humphrey (D-Mlnn) On Cominform North Atlantic Pact. estate properties In which she (A high Oommerce Department til Beat Tuesday morning, the day BONELESS RUMP OR ROUND might be Inte'reeted In Investing. can now bo said to bo bontained," Mid today ha will ask tha new Guy Gabrtelaon, Republican N a­ official In Washington estimated after New Tear's Day, It was an­ O V E N OR P O T ROAST On Jap Peace Pact On the way they picked up Jaras- the spokesman said. Oongraaa to set up a "Wateh-Dog” tional Chairman, said the former the oelzures would total "consld nounced this morning by General Headquarters ko. whom she knew then only as 77ia Allied line la strung across aommlttaa to keap a very elose Would Have U. S. Back New York Benator had consulted erably less than 8100.000,000.” He Manager George H. Waddell. "Mr. Ginsberg.” she continued. said moat U. 8. property in China the 160-mlIe wide wziat of Korea FOR Washington, Dec. 39—(ff) — A,«. regarding American intention! on neither Congressional Republican While .they were driving on a Just south of the Parallel, the old (Oontfamsd an Paga Eight) finalnaJ anlltsplit hatwMiibetween RussiaRiimmIm. and anti th*the ra sam^^ settlement Underground Forces leaders nor the GOP National wqa oeloed when tha Rede took Manchester's side struts were a pea Fairfield road. Sul unexpectedly arbitrary dividing llne> between United States over drafting a Jap­ over In 1049. gndually being melted clear of 9 3 i ^ t^>lnts of difference which now In Russia and Other Bw\ing the car into a lane, she said, An unofficial tronilatlon of Red North end Republic South snow today although tempera anese peace treaty appears al­ emerge from the exchange are (OonMnned ez Pzge Bight) Korea. {HmCHfO Government Graded Western “U. S. Good” most Inevitable. adding; Cbou’a order followa: tures still were near scro. The GOLD MiDAL’K rVLO mainly these: Iron Curtain Lands Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Rldgwzy, Rail Worker An exchange of notes betwesn "Hr. Ginsberg grabbed me "I. The local People’s Govern light snowfalls to date have not 1. ’^ e United States rejects around tha neck from the back new U. a. Eighth Army command­ the two powers, tha latest re- Russia’s contention that any of ment ehall i!ontrol and Inventory imposed any drain on the town 5 Lb. Bag 49c ’ FROM YOUNG TENDER PORK Washington, Dec. 29—(JO—Sen with his two arms, and Sul put his all property of American Govern- er, exproaeed "complete eonfldenco snow removal funds. Isssed here last night, disclosed the great powera should have a Asked W ife aeveral major points of conflict ator Wiley (R-W ls) urged-, today hands over my nose and mouth, nwnt and American enterprioee. n the ultimate succeia of the Murders Boy veto over the treaty. This means Jnited Nations In Korea." which diplomats doubt can be re­ that if Rusaia will not go along on that the United States provide Ginsberg then let one arm free iTiey may not be transferred or disposed of unless authorized by < PREMIER(ROLLED FILLET) solved. The United States shows terms acceptable to this anda otb- arms, ssbotage materials, money To ^hun Stand and started hitting me with an In­ As he spoke, skirmishing In­ For who want poultry for New Year’s (and re­ the military and administrative creased all along the front. FRESH HAM Shoots Husband of Wo-. every Intention o f pressing for a cr“ Mandly naUons. then thetb Unit- strument." member to buy for two days as stords will be closed Sun­ andozaMfi enoouragement to uu undergroundujiuer^rounu commlsslona. In cose of provlnoee taptety ragardleu t t Ruasla'a attt- •d States Is prepared to go tar. Judge Garofalo halted bar testi­ Reds and Allied troopo tangtod day and Monday) we offer: ANCHOVIES ' man Who Rejedet MEa.— - wardo wunoulwithout RtiMKusaia." a;'' mony at that point skying he had and muntclpallUaa which era un­ various ,j>iaaaa.«a ttaz onatam SERVICES R^iriiigton AH—Red OYSTERS Slices to broil or fry, or boiling o f Jealousy. Ho said Miller had ~ 3 Killed in Bay State He told a reporter later that his (OnntlaiMid on Page Pear) CAN a Confmunlst, quit his 810,000-a- akin to save the froet-hlte black­ China gets a lot more fighting men SAUSAGES o. 39e threatened Mrs. Isabella Lober, proposals would require no addi­ FROM THE STAFF OF TUNS Vessel Catches Fire Aft­ year Commerce Department post ened hands and feet of Pvt. Hu­ (or four billion dollars than does who Uvea In the house, after she tional legislation or appropriations pi^es.______By The Associated Press after he was Indicted by a Grand bert B. Reevez. the United Statea. NO. 3 Vi JAR RUSTIC BRAND refused to see him. er Explosion Eighty Freezing rain and ileet, follow­ by Congress. Jury last July. This should be noted In analyz­ FRESHLY CHOPPED Aa reported by AntonelU, MlUer The 19-year-old soldier was Medicos Enroll ing an early morning snow storm, The Wisconsin Senator proposed His trim, brunette former wrife, nearly frozen aa he lay wounded ing Gen. MacArthur’e etetement first shot Mrs. Lober’s 40-year-oId Miles Below Miami that America set up a world-wide The L .T . WOOD lb. 69c Hole's Seafood Dept, is well who has testified that he was a In bitter cold North Korea. He waa that the Peiping Communist <^v. 6R0UND CHUCK SPICED WHOLE huriiand, . Walter, injuring him today glazed the state's highways revolutionary movement against ernment has approved tha spend­ and produced extremely hazardous party member and that ho gave left for dead by Chinese Commu­ On Januarj^ 15 seriously, and Uien fired twice at Miami, Fla., Dec. 29.—(d*)—’Two Communism patterned upon "The conflden|laI government Informa­ ing of 88.000.000,000 (Chinese cur­ LEAN COMMERCIAL supplied with Fresh Oysters, Scol­ driving conditions. nists. Mrs. Lober hriMlf who with her explosions and a Arc aboard the Cominform — the Communist In- tion to a spy courier, concluded rency. which would be about 84.- ' Police reported numerous acci­ Physicians at Percy Jones Hos­ lb. 79e CRAB APPLES ____ small son mM the Root boy fled tanker S3 Sinclair about 80 miles trrnational.’’ her third day of testimony. 000,000,090 for war purposes In Locker Plant ROUND RROUND lops, Clams and Fish in the piece toward the\back of the house. dents and traffic tleups before pital know they may have to sm- Expect 210,000 Phyai- 1961. south o f Miami last night cost the Declaring "there Is scarcely a Under cross-examination, ■he -putate one-'or both hands and feet. Wontaii Uninjured lives of two crewmen. highway crews were able to cover MaCArthdr eatlmatea that the COUNTRY STYLE PINEHl'RST NABISCO Possibly penicillin injections will One shot struck the Rost boy, . The explosions occurred In a the affected areas with skJd-pre ciana, Dentiata, Veter- 1951 expenditure by the Ck>mrau- to bake or boil — slices or fillets to (UontlDiied oa Page Bight) (Coutlnned on Pzge Eight) help the healing processes and distent relative of Mta. Lober, and small pump room on the upper venting sand and salt. nlets will be three times bigger SAUSABE MEAT lb. 49c make amputation unnecessary. • inariuna to Kegiater and Meat House RITZ the second hit the younger child deck and was o f ’’unknown ori­ Conditions disrupted bus travel than for the year Just enmng. fry or broil. ^ Mrs. Lober waa uninjured. with interstste busses ruling Only time can tell the doctora say. When It 1a remembered that Rzd LAMB LEGS, RIB ROAST BEEF, LAMB SHOULDERS gin," according to a report to the Rear 51 lissai St. Telaphene 8424 1 Lb. Pkg. Miller then wounded himself In Ctoast Guard. from 40 minutes to an hour late. He Knows Chaneca Washington, Dec. 29—(4’)—v ir­ China wrrently has an army o f CRACKERS SPECIAL the head. A New Haven railroad spokesman Apparently Hubert also knows tually all of the nation's physic­ We are going to have some very nice Roast Pork this One explosion occurred at 6:0g nbout. J|,0<)0,000 .men—under the Whole (nice for baking). . He waa charged with murder, p. m. (e.s.t.) and the other at 6:28 said trains were running on reg­ the chances he faces. ians, dentists and veterinarians present much smaller budget— the FRANK TOROS — EDDIE KAPLAN AND less than 50 years old and not al­ week end . .. best value will be the rib half of the strip CUCQUOT CLUB and a police guard placed over him p. m., the Coast Guard said. ’The ular schedules. News Flashes But, says his.mother, "Hubert spending boost la highly aignifl- which will sell at 53c Ib. Serve it with Applesauce br at the hospital. Trucks Give Up said if he lost his feet and hands ready registered must sign up for cant. HOMER LARABEE POLLOCK explosions filled the small room ( l ^ UnllettaM oMha UP) WIra) the draft on Jan. 15. with live steam. Truck drivers pulled their ve­ he would give up that mucji to be Why can Communist China have fresh Cranberry sauce. GINGER ALE 2qi.B.t&35e hicles off the boads In many parte Draft Director , Lewis B. Her- (Pins Deposit) Curried OMolllie out of Korea. It waa that ter­ of the state, and in one three-mile rible.’’ ihey, who announced the medical ((kintlnoed on Pngz Four) Fresh Fruit and Vegetables The dead were identified as: call-up Host night, estimated some W a Thaak Each and Every Oae for the Kind and stretch on Route 5 more than 100 Kills Son, Commits Suicide * The mother, Mra. Wanetta Cecil E. DeHoss, 38. o f Hous­ big tractor-trailers were parked 210.000 medicaJ men must regis­ ton; Tex., pump man aecond class, St. I..oui8, Dec. 29— (yP)— A Wealthy retired businessman Reeves, 40, has just returned to Generous Support You Gove So Freely During the News Tidbits at daylight. her home In Joliet, III., after a ter. Dr. Richard L. Melllng, Direc­ who died at 11:05 p. m. aboard the . One supff' vehicle, whose driver and his 19-year-old son were found shot to death in- their tor of Medical Service for the De­ Year o f 1950. Called From (/P) Wires as Sinclair. ' visit to her son here. Reds ill U. S. flwgpEfllWS attempted to turn the r--ner of home today in wha,t police said was murder and suicide. O f­ "I'm so glad—so glad he’s out fense Department, said about 13,- Ernest Strickland, 42, of Jack­ 000 doctors will hie needed to care State and East streets. New ficers reported that the father, Moe D. Levy, 55, left a note of it," she told a .reporter there. sonville, Fla., who died at 3:49 a. Haven, overturned aft Jack- for the military establishment of A Big Problem Oklahoma’s Legislature win m. (est) aboard a Health Sendee which stated: *Tm taking the boy with me. He’ll ^ better "They can’t take him" Cello Pkg.' televised when It convenes ncoct 3.500.000 now being planned. FOR THE NEW YEAR WEEK-END NO. SOS KOUNTY K18T CELERY boat which had Just reached har­ off not to grow up in thia crazy world.” Morale la High Dr. Melllng group^ doctors in­ ^letd ay . . . . Senator Byr(|) says (OonHnited nn Page Four) bor at Miami. Both men were mar­ * • * M A. Reeves aald aha and her to four priority clooses. Nearly Hams From The House Of Stahl-Meyer, Inc. EMEFEROU he'U "leave It to the American peo­ ried. husband, Hubert, 43, are hoping Philosophers, PoIitlcKl’ Treaaary Balance Seize Five After Parkway Chase s ir those In the first priority (Ferris Label) PEAS ple to decide’’ whether he The SS Sinclair waa enroute no amputation will be necessary. group, he said will probably be 2 lim. 29c President Truman knows more from Houston, ’lYx., to Wilming­ Stratford, Dec. 29— )— President Truman today signed "Has the totalitarian poUUzzl.' Do. 43c clrao since war are fated by hteal legislation providing an additional $38,000,000 in food aid 1 ^ F r ^ Dfcaeed FowL 6 to 7 Lb. Avg. .. .Lb. 494 party any rl|d>ta (moral and legfilf *' 1 Our Seedless Pink Grapefruit make a pleasing New TANGERINES ■taE«PtaMr gMops. Burlington, WIs., Dec. 29—(O — #> Cua “ Hie ground was frosen so hard for drought-atricken Yngoslavia. The fund raises io approxi­ Reading, Pa., Dec. 39—(F) — A .under Democratic governmentt^'’ ' From the Farm of R. C. WetherelL Year’s breakfast dMi. New Item.. . . Honey Butter in BEANS 2 21c . Two year old Cleveland boy. A CaUfornian who wandered far —a hand grenade and no dud eith­ OBEEN m o u n t a in that it was Impossible to dig a big truck grated tO’S atop for tha Ytewz DUtez Widely Cinnamon, Peanut Butter or natural flavor 83c a cup. Aubrey Vannoy, Jr., okolteb to aflald for the locals of a weint mately $69,000,000 .the amount o f American aaaiatance to the er. i grave. In fact, we never did find red light at a buoy croaaing teat ’ In their anawen they quoted.^ 8 UN0 KE8 T death oa grape while passenger on weather story was crowned today Balkan nation, which is Commnniat ruled but is at odds with In'a matter of minutes state and This should be kept refrigerated . \ It’s dtapUyed in Peck 4 5 c out how far down It waa frozen. bight, and the driver called out Thucydides, Hobbsz, * HzgfiL-- D rtssii Roaating Chlditiis POTATOES New York OentrsI tridn ....For­ aa-tbe Wsrld’s Champion Liar of Russia. local police were alerted and a our dairy case along with aU the fink cheese you will 1950. But ibis I do know: seeing we to the cop on duty: wide March waa begun for the Utoreau, Roeaeau. Karl M a n , ’ Gkndak Farm, 6 to 7 Lb. Avg...... Lb. 594 mosa peesa reports Oilneae Cbm- a a a couldn’t dig a grave, we .stood the "Here’s eonuthing I found Just trucker. - Justloa Jackson, tha late JUattez ; wsiit for the New Year’s week end. \ ORANGE JUICE 31c muntste have executed 80 Natlon- The Burlington Liars’ club) pick- frilow on his head under t$e pUe- Seven Men Trapped In Mine Fire a bit Zgo in tbte load o f furniture. Two honra later-ha was stopped HolmcK Laokz, doaco zad Ahite * Bch. 1 2 C lete generals who had daaertsd to ad ttaia one b^ Frank J. Coulette B U N C ia »T CUT CARROTS o f Lok Angeles, from a pack of driver—and we had to drive on Silver Plume. Colo,, Dee.D*€- 29—29-^4*)— < 4 V -S Swift w irt movhigmovin fire today You’d tetter take If, t guera." at one of the many roadblocks po­ ham linootn. OPEN FRIDAY AND ^TUR D AY 8 to ,9 them .... PYeucta counterattack him seven days end eeven nights , FROZEN EVISOERATED TURKEYS lies submitted from all over the aealfid off the______entranceice to the SmugglerSmuareler GoldGnM Mine Mli here ' and ’(^Sure bud, thanks," said the lice had set up. He identified him­ The yenUet aeemzd to CLOSED ALL p K i N O N D A Y bits VIetminh forcet,... .Ceiminui- before we got him down far enough ;eman, accepting what was self oa Ralph E. Baailt, 38, of lation and from foreign lande in uparently trapped seven ___ fW>m*'We‘vz gone too tar _ • lA s . to 19 Lhs.»—Bwlft Premium' or Glendale BLENDED Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales 'at propagaada chief Oerfaart te annual contest; for a decent burial!’’ . at him, but keeping bte mind Springfield, Mass., and said he waa to “Wa have Juat bagwi < Blaler aays Hoover has “coadssssd 'One winter, u^ile 1 was woric- OBaaiVa Took Wing Schreiner report^ he waa operatL^. » » » » .wwi viow ----- lit eyes on the traffic. moving the furniture from Holy­ W o kavo a Hmitod supply; Order early. that American Imperialism is not 48 0a. Can Ing on a pile driver in North Da­ Tbe Judges Hked this one by when he lo^ed up and saw the upper part of the abaft howifi Tokee Ozqi oke, Mase,, to AlexanoHa, Va. hn the order od thzir JUICE 29c strong enough" to prevant the unl------—— kota it got eo bold that one night Joseph Flynn o f aeveland. O., Bignate changed, the truck AuthorlUea, aattefted with hie tawlr orgumonts ran: Seatlon of Germany on Soviet in fhmea. TOe fire m o v ^ ao nqi^lAy that it w m impoaribie ONE PSE a member of our crew frose to moved on amidst z stream ct care, story, released him. ^ Dr. Corllaa faiB W t who l | f ^ Year l i with dtUdoos delicateasen enta to u t termsk death in bed. before tne house, hoist and nearby and the cop took a good look at The giwiade, according to one (Coattail > ea Paga Sevea) small bnildinga were destroyed. I adirWeiSbi uid Stahl-Meyer. We will have IMW what he was handling eo caauolly theory, may te a war aouvanlr. • 3 0 ’ MAIN • DIAL4I5I • BLUEBERRIES Can 2 5 c

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