JAHUARYWHIIE Sal[ Lull Settles in Korea As UN Forces Await

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JAHUARYWHIIE Sal[ Lull Settles in Korea As UN Forces Await WEDNESDAY. DECEMBEE 27, IMO nr* “ “ iiandr^abr &ntfng IfrraUi m m r r Averaffi Dally Nbt Pis h Ran the Weathar For the Week. Baring > a« O. a. Weaiha December ft, IbM Teday. fair ta partly chmiy and 10.213 eeldt twdght. etoady aad o ^ bnt ihMtalgbt.Te IN QUR I l f Mmeh»$ttir A Cky o f VUlago Charm JAHUARYWHIIE SAl[ VOL. LXX, NO. 74 AdveriMag aa gags U) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1950 (POURTBBN PAGES) PRiCE FOUR CRNTB HALE IRREGULARS OF'NATIONALLY KNOWN IRREGULARS OF G>ld Wave Apide-Plcker Admits Hs Wlier^ Fighting E rnf^ Near Seoul Army Issues Strangled Ex-FoDies Girl HEAVY QUALITY SOLID COLOR New York, Dec. 38.—(S’)— Lull Settles in Korea Type 128 Sheets' Relief Seen An upstate New York apple- Draft Call • . T . picker admitted today after a Cannon Towels and night of queationlng, police Here Today said, that he strangled former For 80,000 81 X 108 — $2.69 Zlegfeld Follies showgirl As UN Forces Await Evelyn (Yvonne) Hughes. Face Cloths Reading o f 26 Bejow Police quoted Birger Nord- Set as March Quota; kvlst as saying he “blew his Brings Total Since the 72 X 108 — $2.49 Reported in Danbury top” when the woman reslstad R E G U L A R 1.00 22x44 8A TH SIZE District; Higher Tem­ his advances in his Manhattan Start of Korea Fight­ \ ' ' 0" • * ^ hotel room. Expected Red Push W« (uarante* thcM the same aa flrsta. Only alight <tU apota- peratures in Midwest "I remember taking my ing to 430,000 Men JANUARY uneven hema—nothing to impair the wearing qualities. handkerchief and putting it NORTH REGULAR 50e 16x28 HAND SIZE around her neck and pulling KOREA Washington, Dec. 38—(A^-g ’The By The .Associated Press tight,” he was quoted as say­ Army today issued a draft tail for MacArthur Predicts 19 * ing. “I remember putting a A cold wave hammered temper® 80,000 men in Marcn. Order Bans Hoarding Commiiniflt Divifliont atures down to their lowest mark scarf in her mouth." The body IRREGULARS OF of the brunette actress was This will bring the total of Army To Rush Hifl Tight REGULAR 25e FACE CLOTHS in at least two years in many sec­ found Tuesday morning in the requests for drafters to 450,000 tions of Connecticut today, but Ashland hotel at 429 Fourth since the outbreak of the Korean Of Scarce Materials Lines in Next 2 W edu; weather ofTiclala said relief was avenue. war. Pequot Combed Yarn Real heavy quality Cannon towele and face dotlis that are in sight. Ths 80,000 asked for March Is Oaims Red China Has an exceptional vi^ue for January. Slight oil apets or mlsweavea .While official reiulings varied the same quota requested In Jan­ which will not Impair the weaMng qualitlea. Peach. Yellow, from aero st New Haven to 10 uary and February. Needed for Defense Mobilized War Effort Percale Sheets Aqua, Green and Flamingo. below at Norwich about 7 a. m., •The Defense (lepsrtment an­ this morning, unofficial record­ nouncement said the Navy. Air On National Scale in ings showed the mercury dipped Railroad Asks Kia^o Force and Marines “do not plan Washington, Dec. 28 (/T)— ’The, Tho n<>w order, ef5>cUve at Huge Military Budget COAT to a 26 below in the Beaver Brook SOUTH to place calls upon the aelectiva Nations] i’ruductlon Authority to- j one*. NPA Accomplishes these 81 X 108 Only district of DSnbury and Brook­ KOREA 8er%’lce system In March." day banned hoarding of 55 scarce ! ends: IRREGULARS OF $ 9 .9 8 field. Dropping of Only the Army haa used the materials esaentlal to eVrense and j 1. It arts up a ban against hoiiae Tokyo, Dec. - 28.—{/Fh— New Haven’s zero provided the draft up to now. cIvlUan production. I hold hoarding and starts a Hat to United Nation* forces man­ Elm City with its coldest morn­ ()uolaa Booated The order makes it Illegal for which NPA later could add auch ning the 150-mile defense line $3-49 Extra Plump “Purofpam” ing since Dec. 27, 1948—three be­ 7 Stations The original quotas for January businessmen, consumers or Ifouse. | lirms aa autnmoblln tlrca, cara and low. and the record for the day is ncroBB Koroa’B midsection Open arrows locate Chlneae CVknmiailst activity along S8th parallel and February were boosted on Dec. holders to accumulate these pro<l- other ennaumer good* — though braced today against the ex- a two below registered back In In Korea. A fierce battle waa reported In the Korangpo area (A) 12 to provide 80,000 draftees in ucts in excess of the “reasonable none of these is name<l in the prea- Beautiful quality flae combed yam perbgle that la so soft Latex Foam Pillows 1896. New Havens Says SerV' 28 milea northiveat of Seoul, white 45 mHee northeast of the South each of the two months. ’The first demands.” It also specifically pro­ ent order. l>ected flood of massed Red and luxurious to sleep on. Slight oil epota or Opeven hems which •8 In Hartford Korean capital a North Korean Mow aimrd at Chunrhon (B) was call for January was only 40,000 hibits acquiring the prodiKts for 3. It pluga a loophole in the manpower. But there was lit­ will not impair the wearing quallUes. Hartford reported three below. ice Is So Slight as turned bark. Red patrol activity was reported In other sectors nf and the original call for February resale at prices in excess of pre­ original onler, by eliminating the tle action. General MicAr- Danbury's official low was -6. In To the defense line net up by United Nations forces defending Seoul. (AP was 50,000. vailing market price*- o provision chance that a busln-aaman might Torrington, it wai -4 and the low Warrant Abandon The draft calls are part of a aimed at "black marketing.” thur predicted that more * spot at Bristol was -5. Water- WIrephoto). hoard matrrlaJa wll,' the rxcuae than 19 Red. dlvlslono—up to $0.99 each ment of the Stops build up to give the Army a com­ The 55 Items Include cement, that they were for personal con­ bury's reading was -.4. bat force equal to 34 dtvislona 190,000 men—would rush against aoftwood lumber and plywood, sumption. his tightened new lines in the next’ A r e a l V A L U E I ' Unofficially, the town of Dan­ when It reaches Its current expan­ SAVINGS bury reported -15 to -20. It was New Haven. Dec. M—UP)— The paper and paperboard, cast Iron 8. It diBcouragea the entry of two weeks. ^ A real value la wonderful latex foam piUewa—nothing to sion goal next July 1, soil pipe, and a long Hat of mejals keep them from wearing aa long aa the first quality. Zlpparsd -16 In Norwich’s outskirts, and -20 New Haven Railroad today filed Britons Believe Coal Seek 24 Dlrislone Individuals Into the business of The U.N. commander *aid Oom- covsra in pink and whlts^ at Poquetanuck Cove, off * the and chemicals. apeculativs buying in hopes of petitions with the Public Utilities Although the figure used by $I0,(N)0 Fin* and ImprisunniMit munlst China haa mobilized its Bates Bedspreads Thames river, in Preston. Commission requesting to discon­ the Defense department Involves making resales to industrial con­ "war effort on a national scale.” _________________ ____________________ t ____________ New Haven area readings in­ tinue passenger service at seven only 18 divlaiona, an Army offi­ Any violation of the order la sumers later at higher prices. Such In his war aummary> MaoAr- cluded -10 at Woodmont. -12 at little-used stations in acattered Man Swiped Stone cial told a reporter today that the punishable by up to flO.OOO fine speculative trading, particularly thiir said the last known location Mount Carmel section of Hamden, parta of Connecticut. fighting force will be augmented and a year’s imprisonment. by newcomers in the field looking of the 19 dlvlslona, which oompoae $ 5 - 9 5 ANOTHER SHIPMENTI -20 at Southbury. -6 at Bethany. At most of them there at pres' by the so-called reg im en t com­ The anti-hoarding decree extends for a quick profit, is often termed the Chinese Oommuniat Fourth -6 at Hamden, -10 at Orange. -8 ent is no ticket agent the passenger bat teams to equal the strength of and re-enforces an earlier NPA In­ “gray market” or "black market” Field Army, placed them in a po­ AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY at^North Haven, -2 at Branford station being either clos^ or hav­ 24 full divisions. ventory control order which ap­ operations. sition to hit the Eighth Army and'^XVestbrook. Wife Demands What a value of a Bates Spread for only $5.95! Smart ing been previously Removed be­ When the Korean war started, plied only to business and Indpstry sometime between Jan. 1 and 10. Reading nf -24 cause of lack of use, said a rail­ the Army had 10 divisions, with and covered only 26 materials (tJoatiaaM oa Page Pwo) He said there were elx Chinese novelty cross stripe in full and twin bed sizes. Three color com­ A Woodbury low was 24 below; binations. road spokesman. Coronation Rock Has none of them at full strength ex­ corps iri the area and that limited ' 100% Wool Blankets The railroad In Its petition de­ Spouse Pledge cept for a dlvlBlon in Germany. attacks in leaser strength of one (Ooutlmied on Page Four) clares its belief that it ie “in the Been Mixed With It There were about three dlvlaions or more armies (corpa) could Im public interest that it be permitted ,ln the United States.
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