The Discovery Mission: A Voyage in Space and Time

Christopher T. Russell Professor of Geophysics and Space Physics, UCLA Director of UCLA Branch, California Space Grant Consortium Principal Investigator of the Dawn Mission

2:20PM‐3:05PM, Sunday, October 13, 2013 Carolina Ballroom, Francis Marion Hotel National Council of Space Grant Directors’ Fall Meeting Charleston, South Carolina Solar System Formation Paradigm • Initially there was a nebula of cold gas and dust around a central condensation of gas that was to become the Sun. • Within this circulating nebula, solid bodies are forming. • Sometime in this process a supernova seeded the solar nebula with 26Al and 60Fe providing additional heat in bodies that were forming then. • Bodies that formed later and did not receive the “benefit” of the extra radioactive heat. • So there were rocky bodies formed, dried by their internal heat and wet bodies Trifid Nebula that stayed cool. 2 Belt Evolution Paradigm • Vesta was clearly formed with trapped radionuclides that helped melt the rock and drive off the water. • Then Jupiter was formed and the main belt was stirred by its passage around the outer edge of the belt. This changed the from a region of growing protoplanets to one of colliding asteroid fragments. • Material from collisions were scattered toward the Earth falling as meteorites. These Early solar nebula by W. Hartmann have been used by scientists to understand the evolution of the solar system.

3 Primitive Meteorites Were Formed Earliest

• The meteorites that have fallen to Earth were formed at different times and give us clues as to what happened in the early solar system. • Meteorites from Vesta tell us that it formed 1‐2 million years from the beginning of the solar system and it was rocky on the outside with an iron core. • This study is called cosmochemistry. • Mysteriously there are no meteorites from that we believe formed

later. 4 Asteroid Belt Today

• Today we see evidence of the stirring by Jupiter’s gravitational field by the Kirkwood gaps with orbital periods that are integral ratios of Jupiter’s orbital period.

5 Planetary Motions

• In the 16th century, Tycho Brahe took careful orbital measurements of the planets. • Johannes Kepler used these positions to determine the planetary orbits and how the bodies moved about the Sun. • Kepler thought the gap between and Jupiter was too large and wrote in 1596, “Between Mars and Jupiter I place a planet.” • Late in the 17th century, Isaac Newton used Kepler’s laws to deduce the universal law of gravitational. • 100 years later, Johann Titius added a footnote to a book he was translating that gave a mathematical progression for the positions of the planets from Mercury to Saturn with a gap between Mars and Jupiter. • Johann Bode saw the footnote and added the same text to his book without attribution. Eventually when this law predicted the location of Uranus, Bode confessed to his misdeed and the law became known as the Titius‐Bode’s law.

6 The Celestial Police • Baron Franz Xaver von Zach was intrigued by the Titius‐Bode law and searched the sky, but the region to be searched was too large. • So he formed an international group to help him search. • One of the observers was Giuseppe Piazzi, who on January 1, 1801, saw a dim star that was not on his star charts and it had moved by the next night. • Because of illness and bad weather, Piazzi lost Ceres and Carl Fredrick Gauss was called in to do the math. • On January 1, 1802, Baron Zach found Ceres again.

Giuseppe Piazzi 7 Wilhelm Olbers

• Later in 1802 on May 28, H.M. Wilhelm Olbers discovered . This asteroid has a high orbital inclination and even if the Dawn spacecraft, concentrated solely on Pallas, it could not match orbits with this body. • On September 1, 1804, K. Harding discovered 3 Juno. • On March 29, 1807, Olbers became the first observer to discover 2 with the discovery of 4 Vesta. • No more asteroids were discovered for 38 years. • Eventually it was found that Ceres Statue of H.M.W. Olbers in Bremen and Vesta were the two most massive asteroids and were very,

very different. 8 History of Dawn • 1992 – Discovery Workshop held. Dawn science team formed. • 1994 – Proposed Diana to Moon and active asteroid with TRW. Not selected. • 1996 – Proposed MBAR to Vesta, Lutetia, Glasenappia with CTA. Not selected. • 1998 – Proposed MBAR to Vesta, Lutetia with Orbital. Not selected. • 2000 – Proposed Dawn to Vesta, Ceres with Orbital. Selected for Step 1. 9 History of Dawn 2

Country Inn, Dulles, VA, Sept. 11, 2001 • 2001 ‐ Concept study begun. Step 2 proposal submitted in summer. Site visit scheduled for September 12 at Orbital. Canceled on 9/11. LA‐area Dawn team crosses country in 4 vehicles in 48 hours. Site visit rescheduled. Successful. Dawn selected with Kepler. 10 History of Dawn 3

• 2003 – Delayed because of funding. Need new rocket and launch date. Then have to descope laser altimeter. Cancelled on Christmas eve. • 2004 – January Orbital protests. Dawn reinstated. Mag lost. • 2004 –Dawn proceeds apace. • 2005 –Dawn asks for more funding and is stood down. • 2006 –In March, Dawn cancelled. JPL appeals and wins, and we finish building and testing the spacecraft.

11 History of Dawn 4

• 2007 –Orbital assembles, tests, and ships Dawn to the Cape for July launch. This is the second‐ to‐last opportunity before Ceres moves out of position. An afternoon launch in July is almost impossible. Boat and plane needed for mid‐Atlantic telemetry both have trouble. Fortunately, second stage does not get fueled or there would be no mission today. • Spacecraft does not get launched in June/July opportunity. • Spacecraft and third stage are disassembled and reassembled in September. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station 12 Dawn Launch: A Total Success!

13 September 27, 2007 Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres

Vesta and Ceres are the two most massive objects in the main asteroid belt

More meteorites found on the Earth come from Vesta than either the moon or Mars.

Dawn will be the first spacecraft ever to: • Orbit a body in the main asteroid belt • Orbit two targets • Visit a dwarf planet

14 Rocket Science

• If a spacecraft carries propellant, it is best • Dawn uses the most efficient possible ion to fire it at as high a speed as possible. engine. • If a spacecraft is lifting off a planet, it needs • It carries large solar panels so it has power a powerful engine. even far from the Sun. • If it is cruising for a long time in space, a • However, when electric power drops too weak efficient engine is very useful. much, our engine power and efficiency15 both drop. Dawn Mission Itinerary Vesta Ceres July 2011 –July 2012 Feb 2015 –July 2015

Mars Gravity Assist Feb 2009 At each target, Dawn will: Acquire color images Compile a topographic map Map the elemental composition Map the mineralogical composition

Launch Measure the gravity field Sep 2007 Search for moons 16 Dawn’s Payload Framing Camera •Two redundant framing cameras (1024 x 1024 pixels, and 7 color filters plus clear) provided by VIR Germany (MPS and DLR) •A visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (UV to 5 microns) provided by Italy (INAF and ASI) •A Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector built by LANL and operated by PSI GRaND •A Radio Science Package provides gravity information • Topographic model derived from off‐nadir imaging

17 Orbit

• Approach began with the first Optical Navigation images in early May. • Three rotation movies (RC = rotation characterization) were collected on approach. • Survey‐orbit science gathering began in early August; continued for a year. 18 Vesta Science Orbits • Dawn began taking data in a high Survey orbit. • It then used the ion propulsion system to transfer two times to lower orbits: – High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) – Low‐Altitude Mapping Orbit (LAMO) • Dawn then raised its orbit to perform a second HAMO, and departed from Vesta for Ceres in September 2012.

19 Earliest Movie

Movie from Navigation Images 20 RC1 Movie

21 RC2 Movie

22 RC3 Movie

23 Vesta and its Siblings: Asteroids Visited to Date

• Vesta seen here from above its south pole is the largest asteroid visited to date. •Previous orbital missions were to much smaller, near‐Earth asteroids, 433 Eros and 25143 Itokawa. •As begins to be seen in this image, Vesta is not just a chunk of rock but is a small planet with many of the geophysical processes we expect on a planet. 24 Vesta Bears the Scars of 4.65 Billion Years in Space

•Vestahas a highly cratered surface but with regions of smooth plains, perhaps due to ejecta. •There are several different crater types: bright‐rayed, dark‐ rayed, no‐rays. •There are gouges, troughs, and scarps. •There are hills and valleys.

25 Equatorial Troughs

• Equatorial troughs encircle the equator. •These appear to be associated with a giant impact near the south pole. •They may be rift valleys associated with compression and the relaxation. •The southern hemisphere may also be brighter.

26 The Ancient Basins

• A large surprise was the second large ancient basin Veneneia.

27 The Interior of Vesta


crust mantle

• The HEDs indicate that Vesta has an iron core, a mantle, and a crust.

• We can measure the gravity moment J2 that is sensitive to the flattening of the core, and use the average density to constrain the silicate density. The vestan density is consistent with the HED data. 28 A Colorful Surface Reveals a Heterogeneous Body

• This false color mosaic shows that much has gone on in Vesta’s interior.

29 Dark and Bright Material •One surprise has been the presence of very dark material and very bright material. •This contrast appears in some craters causing striking patterns in both black and white and color images. •We do not know the source of either material, but the dark material could be similar to carbonaceous chondritic material found in HED meteorites. •The bright material could be small crystals. 30 Pits and Gullies • Pits in the floors of some craters and curvilinear gullies in the walls of those same craters has led to the inference that water did exist transiently at the time of

the crater formation. Vestan Pitted Terrain (Denevi et al., 2012) • This was one of the biggest surprises from our exploration of Vesta. • But water will not be a surprise at Ceres despite the lack of any meteoritic evidence for the composition of Ceres.

31 Curvilinear Gullies (Scully et al., 2013) Lessons

• Be curious. Kepler, Titius, von Zach, Piazzi and Olbers were curious about the gap between Mars and Jupiter, and there was a great discovery to be made here. • Don’t give up. We proposed four times before Dawn was selected. We were cancelled twice and fought back. Our launch was aborted and then we launched successfully. • Try new approaches. Dawn is a completely different approach to planetary exploration. It goes to two different bodies and explores each from orbit. This would not be possible without ion propulsion. • Train yourself and team with other good people. Dawn has many of the world’s top engineers and scientists working together. Its success is due to their ability to work well as a team.

32 Thank you. Questions? 33