PARLIAMENT NATIONAL VP U Myint Swe attends first Stakeholders’ Vice President U Henry Van Thio inspects Symposium of new National Export Strategy South Nawin Dam, Thayet-Aunglan Bridge PAGE-6 PAGE-7

Vol. V, No. 334, 11th Waxing of Tabaung 1380 ME Saturday, 16 March 2019 State Counsellor Daw Suu Kyi meets with locals from Bago District

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with residents of Bago District at the Town Hall in Bago yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

TATE Counsellor Daw Minister U Win Thein, Region residents of Bago District in the Aung San Suu Kyi, the ministers and officials. As Bago had a tradition of being po- Bago Town Hall. SChairperson of the Cen- After offering flowers, wa- Present at the meeting tral Committee for Develop- ter, oil lamps, fruits, soon and litically active, voices of the people was the entourage led by the ment of Border Areas and Na- incense sticks and going around State Counsellor, Region Hlut- tional Races, who was in Bago, the pagoda the State Counsellor were being listened to. It was very taw Speaker U Khin Maung Bago Region paid homage to donated K 500,000 to the pago- beneficial to hear of the problems in Yin, Region High Court Chief the Shwemawdaw Pagoda ac- da trustee board for all-round Judge U Maung Maung Shwe, companied by Union Ministers maintenance work of the pagoda the country. Region Advocate U Ohn My- U Min Thu, Dr. Aung Thu, U and signed the visitors’ book. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi int, Region Auditor Daw Than Ohn Win, Dr. Myo Thein Gyi and Following the pagoda visit Win, Hluttaw representatives, Dr. Myint Htwe, Region Chief the State Counsellor met with SEE PAGE-3


PARLIAMENT NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL Pyidaungsu Senior General Fierce fighting between Committee to Hluttaw concludes pays homage to Tatmadaw, AA around review, return 11th session after remain of Sayadaw Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw workers 16th meeting Bhaddanta Kovida Townships holds coord meeting PAGE-2 PAGE-12 PAGE-7 PAGE-2 16 MARCH 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

PYIDAUNGSU HLUTTAW Pyidaungsu Hluttaw concludes 11th session after 16th meeting

THE 16th meeting of the 11th taws were in disagreement and regular session of the Sec- obtained the approval of the ond Pyidaungsu Hluttaw was Hluttaw. held with 11 agenda yesterday Furthermore Joint Bill morning in Nay Pyi Taw. Committee joint secretary First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Dr. Myat Nyana Soe tabled a put on record the second bill motion to the Hluttaw to ap- amending Penal Code consid- prove by paragraph the bill ered as approved by the Py- amending the Myanmar Engi- idaungsu Hluttaw. neering Council Law in which Next, Joint Bill Committee the two Hluttaws were in dis- joint secretary Dr. Myat Nyana agreement and obtained the Soe ( Region constitu- approval of the Hluttaw. ency 3) tabled a motion to the Afterwards a total of 21 Hluttaw to approve by para- Hluttaw representatives con- graph the Consumer Protec- sisting of 15 Pyithu Hluttaw tion bill sent with remarks by representatives including 9 the President and obtained the Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw rep- approval of the Hluttaw. resentatives and 6 Amyotha Joint Bill Committee Hluttaw representatives dis- The 16th meeting of the 11th regular session of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw being convened. joint secretary Dr. Myat Nya- cussed the report of Joint Com- PHOTO : MNA na Soe also tabled a motion mittee to study a bill to amend to the Hluttaw to approve by the Constitution for the second speech marking the conclu- Finally an announcement idaungsu Hluttaw and the suc- paragraph the Boundary time. sion of the Second Pyidaungsu was made of the conclusion of cessful conclusion of the 11th Measurement and Demarca- Later Pyidaungsu Hlut- Hluttaw’s eleventh regular the 16th meeting of the 11th reg- regular session of the Second tion bill in which the two Hlut- taw Speaker delivered a session. ular session of the Second Py- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.—MNA

MIC approves seven investment proposals with over 1,100 job opportunities

THE Myanmar Investment pan, manufacturing and market- Commission (MIC) meeting ing of plastic mould and plastic (4 / 2019) was convened at accessories (spare parts) from the meeting room of MIC in Hong Kong, production and Yangon on 15th March 2019. U marketing of plastic product Thaung Tun, Chairman of MIC from Myanmar, Hotel Service and 11 members attended the from the People’s Republic of Union Minister U Thaung Tun addresses the Myanmar Investment Commission meeting in Yangon. meeting. China, floating storage unit for PHOTO :MNA The meeting approved sev- storage of LPG as transit point cation services for hospitality The amount of USD 71.786 projects which will be create en projects in production and from Singapore, education ser- and business management from million and kyats 2,854.74 million (1,161) job opportunities for cit- sales of flower seeds from Ja- vice from Myanmar and edu- Myanmar. have been approved for above izens.—MNA

Committee on Reviewing and Returning Myanmar Migrant Workers holds first coord meeting

THE Committee on Reviewing from the Office of the President. citizens, providing temporary ac- and Returning Myanmar Migrant It is headed by the Director-Gen- commodation and necessary ser- Workers held their first coordina- eral of the Consular and Legal vices to returnees, and arranging tion meeting at the Ministry of Affairs Department and is com- transportation for the migrant Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw posed with relevant ministries, workers back to their homes. yesterday. sub-national governments, and The meeting also discussed The committee aims to en- relevant district administrators. forming additional subcommit- gage in negotiations with relevant The first coordination meet- tees and working committees countries to repatriate undocu- ing focused on the committee’s as necessary, implementing a mented Myanmar migrant work- main duties which include com- mechanism for facilitating gov- ers, to prevent non-citizens from municating with relevant coun- ernment-to-government nego- entering Myanmar, provide nec- tries to compile lists of migrant tiations with other countries, essary support to migrant work- workers re-entering Myanmar, assessing the sub-national gov- ers, prevent human trafficking, reviewing whether they are ac- ernment’s readiness for designat- and to ensure migrant workers tual Myanmar citizens, finding ing gates for accepting returning are returned to their homes safe- out whether they are suspects or migrant workers and other rele- ly and smoothly. fugitives on the run and taking ac- vant tasks, including reviewing Coordination meeting for Committe on Reviewing and Returning Myanmar Migrant Workers being held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. The committee was formed tions in accordance with the law them.—MNA (Translated by PHOTO : MNA on 19 February 2019 with orders if they are verified as Myanmar Zaw Htet Oo) 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with locals from Bago District

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi takes a documentary photo together with ethnic youths in Bago yesterday PHOTO:MNA

FROM PAGE-1 cetana they also must be ca- with citizens who were disci- On visits such as these, Do not try to fool the people. pable. Some had cetana but plined. there was advance planning to The people will know. Let this residents of Bago District, local were not capable. Some were Once upon a time the ask the people what their wor- be a warning for all of you. and foreign media and officials. capable but didn’t have cetana whole world thought Myanmar ries were. That was the reason People have the right to At the meeting the State or were weak. They need to would become the most devel- for these visits. In fact some criticize the works of the gov- Counsellor said the reason have both. oped country in Southeast Asia. matters were to be resolved ernment and public servants. she went to meet local people If the government, people Now that situation has changed by state/region government But when using this right, care of States and Regions was to and public servants works in and she has become one of the by connecting with the people. must be taken that the criti- learn about the situation of the unity, had cetana and capa- least developed countries in It has been said quite often, cism was made with cetana people, local government, and bility, there would not be any the region. This potential force State/Region governments towards maintaining unity public servants in the adminis- reason for the country not to should be used to make the were responsible. They must and stability. Criticisms were trative sectors. Only when the develop. country developed as expected go down and meet the people. requested to be constructive. people, government and the Only with stability can the in the past. If this were done They must be in touch with the The government, the public public servants were united country develop. Only then can with determination, commit- people all the time. They need servants and the people were as one can the destination be all the people, citizens, gov- urged to strive towards chang- reached smoothly and quickly. ernment and public servants ing and reforming with an in- So they need to be like close live a safe and secure life. All The laws also need to be fair and tention of improving for the friends. were responsible for this sort just. If the laws are not just nor fair, better. The government and If people considered the of security. public servants were to work administration to be a foe or First security for the inner it must be amended to make it just for the benefit of the people an enemy, something was defi- self was needed. For security with full cetana. It has always nitely wrong and the adminis- of the inner self, correct con- and fair. Law was made been noted that even though tration was most likely to be duct was needed. If things were by the people and can be amended those who had worked for the in the wrong. In most cases, done correctly, there would be benefit of the people with full the requests or demands of the a sense of security. The outer, by the people. cetana left their lives without people were reasonable. How- physical safety would be the having much of their own to ever, it was not always the fault responsibility of the govern- show, what they left behind of the administrative personnel ment governing under rule of ment and perseverance, there to listen to the voices of the peo- for the country and people if all the requests and demands law. People need to abide by was no reason this country ple. Questions raised should be were inheritances that were of the people were not met. the law in order for there to be could not develop. answered. The most important so abundant that it could not It was very much due to the rule of law. The laws also need As a union, the country thing for a government that be spent by all the people. To system. The system was being to be fair and just. If the laws faces numerous challenges. It was responsible to the people leave incalculable inheritances changed. As the system chang- are not just nor fair, it must be was a union with diverse ethnic was to explain whatever they for the people those serving in es, administrative personnel amended to make it just and people, religions and languag- did to the people. It would be a the government and the public were expected to change too. fair. Law was made by the peo- es. However these diversities terrible wrong if they could not services need to work with full Another matter was the ple and can be amended by the could be a force that could be explain. Public servants must cetana for the country. government’s part. A democ- people. It must be amendable. utilized. It would be an incom- be able to answer to the peo- Finally, during Q and A ses- racy government elected by It must be in line with the time parable force and not available ple in a straightforward way. sions, questions and answers the people must be responsible and era. It must be fair and in other countries. Diversity Sometimes, due to security should be short and concise. to the people. It must do the just to all. could be used as a force and reasons of the country, they Answers provided should be best for the country and the Citizens should be law expanded even further. If di- might not be able to answer brief and to the point, said the people. It must have ‘cetana’ abiding. The most developed versities were combined, it in full but any answer must be State Counsellor. towards the country and the and fastest developing coun- would become a complete and true. Tell truthfully about why people. In addition to having tries were seen to be countries powerful force. an answer could not be given. SEE PAGE-4 16 MARCH 2019 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets …


Afterwards, pre-submit- ted matters to the meeting covering mitigating the al- most yearly flooding and in- undation occurring in Bago District; depending upon the road transport in the region to downgrade some post-primary schools in Nyaunglebin Town- ship where there were inade- quate teacher-student ratios, releasing unused plantation land of Bago District DaikU Township ministry of industry seasoning powder factory (now a coffee factory) and if not re- leased to use it for regional de- velopment, as irrigation water distributed to Waw and Than- atpin townships from Moe Yun State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with Bago Region’s governmental officials in Bago yesterday. PHOTO:MNA Gyi reservoir was inadequate for both townships, only Waw township to be provided with Bago Town, Ottha New Town There were some individuals irrigation water and if this were Ward 8; and matters raised by and entities who did not care not possible, to provide alter- It is important to establish the three locals in the meeting hall for the country’s stability and nate arrangements; upgrade covering difficulties faced by incite problem. the 50-bed People’s Hospital practice of resolving problems Muslims and Hindus in mak- People should be aware of in Kyauktaga Township due to ing national registration iden- this and not trust those insti- increasing numbers of patients through discussion. Every tity card; constructing a new gators on the sides. Try to un- treated; Hinthakone football civilized society does this. school building in Kyauktaga derstand matters on your own. field site to be transferred Township Aungmyin Village; Assessment would be made back to the people as a public enacting fresh water fish rule of every submission made on areas, transferring a congre- as quickly as possible and any feeling of wrongs. After gation hall in Shwemawdaw Kaing Village administrator madaw (Air) in 1996 and 1997; taking action until truth was assessment, what is needed Pagoda to the pagoda trustee lawlessly; digging drains in relevant officials to resolve exposed on matters raised by would be done. On each matter board together with clearing back alleys of Bago town that and return confiscated land the people were answered by submitted at this meeting and the accounts; Independence had yearly flooding and inun- in Waw town Myitkyo Village Union Ministers, Region Chief whatever response might have Monument site taken over by dation; removing hawkers on back to the original owners; Minister, Region ministers and been given by the government, Ministry of Health and Sports roadside platforms; removal of flood affected people in Bago officials while the State Coun- everything would be assessed to be returned to the public as squatters on empty and fallow Region to obtain full support sellor provided additional ex- fairly and the Union govern- a public land and to explain lands in Lower Gabar village; and assistants provided; sys- planations. ment would stand on whoever about how Nyunt, Aung Chan laying a road from Hlawga to tematically issuing form 7 to In her concluding remarks is right. Tha, Yetagun and Mawkan Pan Khin; laying Yadanap- Waw Township Latpan Village; to the meeting the State Coun- It is important to establish cinemas in Bago town were on Road as a public road in private companies taking over sellor spoke of noticing two the practice of resolving prob- privatized; matters raised by Bago Town Myotwingyi Ward; more empty and fallow land main points in Bago Region. lems through discussion. Every 10 locals outside the meeting farmland confiscated by No. 1 than permitted in Hlawga Vil- One was the feeling of injus- civilized society does this. If covering the removal of Shan Ammunition Depot and Tat- lage; rights of farmers from tice felt by some people. The no agreement was reached, reason for this was either civilized people continue dis- there truly were injustices, cussions and negotiations. An unfairness on the side of the answer agreeable to both sides administration side or a full was pursued. explanation was not provided As Bago had a tradition of on why a matter was being being politically active, voices conducted. If there were truly of the people were being lis- injustices and unfairness, the tened to. It was very beneficial Union government would take to hear of the problems in the action according to rules and country. That was why much regulations. If full explanations thanks was owed to the people were not provided on why mat- who came to the meeting. She ters were conducted and thus concluded by saying that the there were misunderstanding best effort will be made toward from the people, the capacity the benefit of all. of the officials will be raised so Next, U Tin Soe donated that they perform their duties Ks 20 million to the State Coun- more effectively and the offi- sellor for the peace process cials will be required to put in and then the State Counsellor more efforts. took a commemorative group But sometime the feeling photo with students attending State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi feeds the baby elephant at Wingabaw elephant camp yesterday. of injustice was being incited by the meeting. PHOTO: MNA others. These need to be noted. SEE PAGE-5 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with local people at Kyuntawsu Village in Yedashe Township, Bago Region yesterday. PHOTO:MNA

FROM PAGE-4 to inspect the Swa Dam spillway the Tatmadaw, constructing an the villagers and it was under- people and think of resolving the damaged on 29 August 2018 and irrigation canal to distribute ir- stood that the villagers were problems faced by the people. Following this State Coun- the construction of a temporary rigation water for summer pad- unable to say all they wanted to The central government would sellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyt rock fill embankment nearby. dy, assessing confiscated lands, say. At the same time, the gov- also provide as much support attended another meeting with Union Minister for Agricul- allocating land near village land ernment delegation was not able as possible. Region Chief Minister, region ture, Livestock and Irrigation for increasing numbers of house- to say all it wished to say to the An important notice to ministers and officials at the Dr. Aung Thu and Irrigation and holds and illegal sales for village people. youngsters would be never ever Shwe War Tun Hotel guest hall. Water Utilisation Management lands. As the country changed and to try out drugs as it would be a At the meeting the State Department Director General Union Ministers and the developed, there would be more very dangerous thing. Do not Counsellor spoke about mat- U Kyaw Myint Hlaing explained Region Chief Minster explained challenges. All need to be united chew betel nut either as it would ters raised by the people and to the State Counsellor on time- adversely affect the health. Study to resolve whenever cases oc- ly works conducted after the hard and never let go of the op- curred. Ministry of the Office spillway was damaged, status portunity to learn. It was for of the Union Government, Min- of constructing temporary rock As Bago Region relied on your livelihood that you learn istry of Agriculture, Livestock fill embankment, working togeth- and study. and Irrigation, Region Govern- er with international experts to agriculture, the matter of However, to become a ment and Region Law Office prevent similar incidents from learned person does not neces- were to cooperate and resolve happening again and the State agriculture land was very sarily mean that you must have a the matters as quickly as possi- Counsellor provided remarks school education. If you can earn ble. Farmers’ affairs were to be where necessary. important and it would be a living, you would be a learned handled speedily, said the State After the briefing the State person. Priority must be given Counsellor. Counsellor went to the recon- speedily resolved. toward youths having jobs. Only After this meeting the State struction site of flood affected when they have jobs could the Counsellor went by motorcade to Kyuntawsu Village and inspect- youth have goals and target for the Wingabaw Elephant Camp ed the construction of two 30x60 about the matters raised after to overcome the challenges. The life. Unemployed youths will be- where Myanma Timber Enter- ft. single story reinforced school which the State Counsellor pro- country can develop only when come aimless goalless persons. prise Managing Director U Saw building for Basic Education Sub vided additional explanations. there was capability to overcome The Union Government would John Shwe Ba explained about Middle School donated and con- The State Counsellor said the challenges. do the best it could to enable the camp, aim, future goals, ser- structed by the Daw the matter of resolving the farm- In talking about progress youths to attend school and to vices provided, care provided to Foundation. land matters fairly was decided and development, all the people provide employment after leav- the elephants and elephant care At the under construction by the Hluttaw in 2012 and not must have both physical and psy- ing school. However, youths on based travel business matter us- hall of the Kyuntawsu Basic Ed- much was accomplished in the chological security. There was a their side also need to do their ing a video projector. ucation Sub Middle School, the earlier years. However, month strong conviction that the coun- parts. The State Counsellor then State Counsellor met with the by month momentum had picked try would develop soon. This The government would sup- donated Ks 500,000 to care for local people. up and much was being accom- conviction need to be instilled port the best it could towards orphaned elephants. At the meeting Bago Region plished. As Bago Region relied in the people too. Only then can development of the people. The The State Counsellor and Chief Minister U Win Thein ex- on agriculture, the matter of there be progress. This convic- people also need to put in their party left the elephant camp by plained about the reconstruction agriculture land was very im- tion would be the strongest force. best effort toward their own de- helicopters and proceeded to status of Kyauntawsu Village af- portant and it would be speedily Without strong conviction of your velopment. It everyone put in Swa Dam in Yedashe Township fected by the Swa Dam spillway resolved. work, you would not achieve suc- their efforts together success and were welcomed upon arrival collapse. She found that the main cess. Whatever the difficulties would be achieved, said the by Union Minister for Social Wel- Later the local people at- point was to reinforce the Land may be, with conviction success State Counsellor. After taking fare, Relief and Resettlement Dr. tending the meeting raised the Records Department. Once the would be achieved. a commemorative group photo Win Myat Aye, Deputy Minister matters of Thaingwa Village Land Records Department has The Region Government with the local people, the State for Agriculture, Livestock and Ir- tract farmlands confiscated been provided with adequate re- members had been instructed Counsellor left by helicopters rigation U Hla Kyaw and officials. by a company in 2010, former sources, cases would be speedily to have closer and permanent and arrived back in Nay Pyi Taw The State Counsellor and owners not receiving the con- assessed and resolved. It was a contacts with the people. They in the evening. — MNA party then went by motorcade fiscated farmlands released by happy opportunity to meet with are to listen to the voices of the (Translated by Zaw Min) 16 MARCH 2019 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Vice President U Myint Swe attends first Stakeholders’ Symposium of National Export Strategy (2020-2025)

MYANMAR National Export Strategy (2020-2025)’s first Stake- holders’ Symposium was held at the Republic of the Union of My- anmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UM- FCCI) with an opening address by Vice President U Myint Swe, Chairman of the Private Sector Development Committee. Speaking at the ceremony, the Vice President said holding the first Stakeholders’ Symposi- um and e-Commerce Payment Platform for Digital Economy at the same time in the same venue can be considered a strong step Vice President U Myint Swe, Chairman of the Private Sector Development Committee, delivers the opening speech at the National Export Strategy towards the all-round develop- (2020-2025)’s first Stakeholders’ Symposium yesterday. PHOTO: MNA ment of the country and the dig- ital economy sector can be called together with producers from the previous 24 meetings have ing investment, and lessening man Union Minister Dr. Than as a driving force for development regions and states. been sent to all business asso- restrictions on the investment Myint explained about the aims of the National Export Strategy. As a result of the National ciations submitting through the sector. He said while it is true and processes for private sector He stressed the need to Export Strategy (2015-2019), it UMFCCI. He said the PSDC im- foreign investment is necessary development and the UMFCCI make proportional development can be seen that Netherlands mediately takes care of all issues for developing the national econ- President explained the imple- of the trade and investment Trust Fund III (2014-2017) in that can be resolved in a short omy, it is equally true to develop mentation status on the previous sectors as they are considered Kayah State and Netherlands period. He said the responses the domestic investment sector meeting’s decisions, future pub- driving forces for the country’s Trust Fund IV (2018-2021) in that require a significant length so that domestic businesses and lic-private dialogues, increasing economy. Taninthayi Region, the project of time will be navigated step- the general public will receive imports and other tasks. Vice President U Myint Swe for boosting income from peas by-step through public-private uniform socioeconomic develop- This was followed by discus- expressed thanks to the UK De- and pulses (2015-2019), the pro- dialogues between the PSDC’s ment. He said we will eventu- sions on the challenges and rec- partment for International Devel- ject for gardening and tourism ommendations for relevant work opment-DFID and International (2018-2021) around Inle Lake. sectors by Chairman U Ye Ming Trade Centre-ITC for their mon- He urged the attendees to .... cooperation between Aung Vice-Chair U Aung Than etary and technical assistance make efforts for attracting in- Oo of Myanmar Rice Federation, to the Myanmar to keep the eco- vestment to prioritized sectors the government and pri- General-Secretary U Myo Myint nomic development trajectory of the National Export Strategy of the Federation of Myanmar with the implementation of the (2020-2025). Construction Entrepreneurs As- trade and investment plan and Afterwards, Union Minister vate sector in the invest- sociation, and U Ko Ko Gyi, mem- the National Export Strategy. for Commerce Dr. Than Myint ber of the UMFCCI’s Working To develop the trade sector, reported on implementation of ment sector will jointly Committee on Improving Border Ministry of Commerce took a the National Export Strategy Trade. MoC Permanent Secre- leading role with the technical (2015-2019) and future plans for shape the future of the tary U Aung Soe also explained assistance of the International the National Export Strategy plans in motion to launch the My- Trade Centre in implementing (2020-2025). nation’s economy. anmar Doing Business Website. the National Export Strategy giv- Afterwards, Dr. Gail Marzet- The Vice President, Union ing priority to seven sectors and ti, Head of UK Department for In- Ministers, Deputy Ministers, the four support sectors. ternational Development Myan- five work committees, private ally go from competing equally Deputy Governor of the Central The country has been some mar, explained the components businesses, and relevant ministry with foreign investors to having Bank of Myanmar, the Yangon achievements as the ending of of the National Export Strategy departments. As an example, the our citizens invest abroad. The Region Minister of Develop- the five-year implementation 2020-2025. UMFCCI President Vice President said the submit- Vice President said the PSDC is ment Affairs, and other officials period is drawing near, said the U Zaw Min Win also explained tals from the Myanmar Pulses, working on reducing economic then responded to the recom- President, acknowledging that the detailed procedures of the Beans and Sesame Seeds Mer- restrictions and attracting more mendations submitted and gave the National Export Strategy NES. The Vice President then chants Association, Yangon Re- investments to develop Myan- suggestions as necessary. The helped to build a road map for took a documentary photo with gion Chambers of Commerce and mar’s economic community. He meeting concluded with a closing drawing a work plan for promot- the attendees. Industry, and Myanmar Gems stated his belief that cooperation speech from the Vice President. ing export of Myanmar products Entrepreneurs Association held between the government and pri- The 25th regular meeting between and build a link between the gov- Public-private dialogue key public-private dialogues until a vate sector in the investment sec- the Private Sector Development ernment and the private sector. to long-term solutions final result was achieved. tor will jointly shape the future of Committee and Myanmar entre- Afterwards, Vice President the nation’s economy. As relevant preneurs was attended by Deputy Five new products to be add- U Myint Swe, in his role as Chair- Development gaining trac- Union ministries, Deputy Minis- Ministers U Win Maw Tun and U ed to National Export Strate- man of the Private Sector De- tion for investments ters and officials were in attend- Maung Maung Win, CBM Deputy gy (2020-2025) velopment Committee (PSDC), The Vice President said it ance, groups and associations Governor U Soe Thein, regional In the National Export Strat- attended the 25th regular meeting is evident to everyone that we participating in this meeting were ministers, the President, Vice egy (2020-2025), five new prod- with Myanmar entrepreneurs at are improving the investment urged to openly discuss about the President and Central Executive ucts including jewelry, digital the UMFCCI. environment for Myanmar by difficulties they are facing, said Committee members of UMFC- economy, fruits and vegetables, In his speech the Vice Pres- basing our work on four specif- the Vice President. CI, officials from the 5 working agricultural products, basic food ident first said all the responses ic sectors. This includes mak- committees, department heads production and handicrafts, said from relevant government de- ing work related to investing go Officials discuss economic and other officials. —MNA the Vice President, adding that partments to the submissions on smoother, placing protections issues the strategy would be drawn difficulties and suggestions from on investments made, increas- Next, PSDC Vice-Chair- (Translated by Zaw Min) 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7 Vice President U Henry Van Thio inspects South Nawin Dam, Thayet-Aunglan Bridge

YESTERDAY, Vice President U Henry Van Thio, in his capaci- ty as Chairman of the National Natural Disaster Management Committee, inspected the South Nawin Dam in Bago Region un- dergoing reinforcing and safety procedures, and the construction of the Thayet-Aunglan Bridge over the Ayeyawady River in Magway Region.

Inspecting South Nawin Dam The Vice President was ac- companied by Deputy Ministers Rear-Adminiral Myint Nwe, Dr. Ye Myint Swe and U Kyaw Lin, along with departmental officials, Vice President U Henry Van Thio inspects the safety peocedures of South Nawin Dam in Bago Region yesterday. PHOTO : MNA as they travelled by motorcade to Paukkaung Township in Bago local residents on the progress pan working on the dam and took tor-General U Khin Maung Swe to the public the benefits that Region yesterday morning. They of the dam’s reinforcement and a documentary photo with them. and Director U Tun Lin of the the bridge would be bringing. arrived at South Nawin Dam’s safety implementations and to Department of Bridges explained He then inspected the bridge project briefing room and re- continue giving their best efforts Inspecting Thayet-Aung- about the reason for constructing construction site. ceived a briefing from Deputy in truly making the dam safer. lan Bridge the bridge and tasks related to The Thayet-Aunglan bridge Director-General U Bo Bo Kyaw, He also told them to continually The Vice President and en- the Vice President, with Deputy will link the eponymous Aunglan from the Department of Irriga- monitor the dam for any changes tourage arrived at the site of the Minister U Kyaw Lin adding in and Thayet towns in Thayet Dis- tion and Water Utilization Man- and to increase sustainability ef- Thayet-Aunglan Bridge later in an explanation on the financial trict, Magway Region, over the agement, on the dam’s history forts on conserving older dams. the day. They were welcomed by segment. Ayeyawady River. The bridge is and the work in progress to make The Vice President then in- Magway Region Chief Minister The Vice President instruct- also part of the economic corri- the dam safer. spected South Nawin Dam and Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, regional min- ed officials to use the funds allot- dor connecting Kyaukpyu Eco- The Vice President respond- looked over the process of repair- isters and Hluttaw representa- ted for constructing the bridge, nomic Zone to Shwe Li through ed by giving suggestions as nec- ing the dam’s embankment. He tives, and other officials. to only use the genuine required Thayet, Aunglan, and Nay Pyi essary. He instructed officials to also cordially greeted the dam In the construction project’s area of land for the bridge, and Taw. —MNA (Translated by clearly communicate with the and geological experts from Ja- briefing room, Deputy Direc- to patiently and openly explain Zaw Htet Oo)

Fighting between Tatmadaw, AA insurgents Map shows areas where clashes happened occurs around Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw

THE TATMADAW forces con- Tatmadaw and security forces camp was setup to harass and ducting proper security oper- while refusing to pay the extor- attack Ponnagyun and Kyauktaw ations around Rakhine State sion. townships. Ponnagyun and Kyauktaw towns Accordingly security forces On 12 March, as the security engaged in a fierce fighting with spread out and increases security forces fought to contain the AA Buthidaung an AA insurgent group and cap- works within and around Ponnag- insurgents, the AA insurgents Kyauktaw tured armaments and remains yun and Kyauktaw townships. On attempted repeatedly to encir- of AA insurgents. 9 March Yotayoke Police Outpost cle the security forces and also The Tatmadaw forces also oc- in Ponnagyun Township where blocked a Tatmadaw column sent Phoe Nyo Late cupied a temporary base camp only about 11 police forces were to reinforce the security force Kan Zouk setup by AA to attack towns, vil- stationed was attacked by an that was engaged in the fight lages and departmental build- overwhelming force of AA. The since 11 March. Mrauk U ings in Ponnagyun and Kyauktaw police outpost was responsible for During the night of 13 March townships. security in the area, maintaining and on 14 March security forc- About 9 p.m on 7 March, an communal peace, the rule of law es broke through the blockade Rathedaung AA insurgent group led by Aung and storing exam and answer pa- and counter-attacked the AA Yoetayoke Zaw Lin arrived near Ponnagyun pers of the ongoing matriculation insurgents attempting to over- Ponnagyun Township, Pane Ne Taw Village exam conducted in exam centers run the position of the security and sent his hard core group in the area. forces containing them. AA in- members to Ponnagyun Town- As information were re- surgents finally retreated in all ship ward administrators with ceived of AA insurgents plan to directors with heavy casualties Pauktaw letters demanding a total of K 65 attack ward and village security on the evening of 14 March. Sittway million from wards in Ponnagyun stations, security forces conduct- During these engagements, town within 7 days. If the demand ing security operations between there were some casualties the Reference was not met, Ponnagyun town, Kanzauk and Ponnagyun came security forces while armaments, Clashes Tatmadaw regimental headquar- into contact with an AA insur- remains of AA insurgents and the ters and police stations will be gent group and local villagers temporary base camp setup by The map shows the conflict areas of AA insurgents. attacked after the completion of forcefully conscripted based in a AA to attacking towns, villages PHOTO : MNA matriculation examinations, said temporary base camp 7000 me- and departmental buildings in the letter. ter south of Kyauktaw town Kan- Ponnagyun and Kyauktaw town- ty operation in Ponnagyun and er-in-Chief of Defence Services’ The local populace reported zawuk village on the afternoon ships was captured. Security Kyauktaw townships according Office.—MNA the matter in a timely manner to 11 March. The temporary base forces were continuing securi- to news released by Command- (Translated by Zaw Min) 16 MARCH 2019 16 MARCH 2019 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 9

The Categories of SMEs Loan Status in JICA Two-Step Loan Project Democracy 2015-2016 to 2018 (December)

(Million of Kyat) Twintaung Aspiring Geopark 50000 needs proactive, 40000 47986.75 By Than Htun ( Myanmar are situated in Kani Township in 30000 Geosciences Society) the west bank of Chindwin River and Twintaung and Nyaunggan responsible 20000 OWADAYS all na- volcanoes are situated in the

tions in the world east of Chindwin River. All cra- 10000 16768.80 3434.93 2120.00 1175.00 are striving to trans- ters are cone shape and East 660.00 citizens form their country Twintaung and Taungbyauk 0 Manufacturing Service Retail Wholesale Labour Intensive Other N Business Business Business Business Business by UN Agenda 2030 known as crater are phreatomagmatic

DEMOCRATIC government is “of the people, by the 17 Global Goals for Sustaina- cones (maars) and the others Source : Myanma Economic Bank people, and for the people.” Such a government is made ble Development. The UNESCO are cinder cones. The craters Information Unit : Central Statistical Organization up of the people, is elected by the people, and works in Global Geoparks are successful- are not so high in the flat land the interests of the people of a nation. ly contributing the sustainable but the view from the craters A The Status of SMEs Loan by Private Banks in JICA In a democracy, the people have the right to express their development goals in Asia Pa- are so beautiful and tephra with Two-Step Loan Project 2015 - 2016 to 2018 (December) opinions and their preferences, and ensure the government takes cific and Europe. thin layers are also valuable (Million of Kyat) those opinions into account, and in this way, they can make sure the UNESCO Global Geoparks for geology and attracted to re- 18000 government is acting responsibly and is accountable for its actions. are single, unified geographi- searchers who are interested in 15000 There must be a connection between the people and the cal areas where sites and land- volcanoes and volcanism. 17673.37 machinery responsible for gov- scapes of international geolog- The younger volcanic rocks 12000

erning them. The people and ical significance are managed are deposited after Irrawaddy 9000 12034.60 11035.00 11080.75 10758.00

the officials must listen to each with a holistic concepts of pro- Formation and age dating by K 9563.75 All citizens 6000 other and give the opportunity tection, education and sustain- and Ar on basalt shows 0.44+ or have the to explain. Sometimes, those able development. – 0.12 millions years. The older 3000 who govern may be autocratic Region covers tuff and Irrewaddy Formations 0 Small & Medium Kanbawza Myanma Ayeyarwady Co-operative Myanmar freedom and and pay no heed to the voices 93527 sq. km which is the larg- are the same age. Industrial Bank Apex Bank Bank Bank Citizens Bank Development Bank of the people. est region in Myanmar. The

the right to Sometimes, the people region posses natural resourc- Tertiary Maar Lakes Source : Myanma Economic Bank themselves may refuse to lis- es, biodiversity and fertile soil. A maar is a shallow volcanic Information Unit : Central Statistical Organization speak up ten to the government. They The single and the best quality crater with steep sides that is may question the government jade, gold, copper deposits, in- surrounded by tephra deposits. and raise and not wait for an answer. For dustrial raw materials, shallow The tephra deposits are thickest Twintaung lake is about 9 kilometres away from in . a democracy to work, both the petroleum reserves, teak and near the crater and decrease questions. But government and the governed other hard woods, agricultural they must not must not only listen, but have products such as rice, wheat, regions. The estimated urban ruled the region from 1752 to away north west of . Myanmar Daily Weather Report the will to listen to each other. sesame, peanut, cotton, tobac- population is more than one 1885. Just after Independence in Monywa can be reached by car, The extinct volcanoes of Lashe, Twinma and (Issued on Friday 15 March 2019) misuse these In the end, it comes down co, geologically significant ex- million and rural population 1948 the government designat- by train, by boat and by air from to collective will. If there is a tinct volcanos, maar lakes, well is five millions in the Region. ed as Sagaing Division. In the various places in Myanmar. Taungbyauk are situated in Kani Township SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT 09:30 rights, and will, any problem can be over- known Stone Age or Neolithic According to the chronicle of Sagaing Region Sagaing Dis- in the west bank of Chindwin River and hrs MST: During the past (24)hours, weather has been partly come. and Bronze cultural heritages, Myanmar History since 1278 at trict, District, Monywa Geology of Monywa Twin- Twintaung and Nyaunggan volcanoes are cloudy in Upper Sagaing and Taninthayi regions, Kachin State instead, use The citizens and politi- Religious and Archaeological which Bagan dynasty had ended District, Katha District, taung area and generally fair in the remaining regions and states. Day cians must be free to express sites are situated in Sagaing the North Eastern part of Myan- District, , The geology of Lower situated in the east of Chindwin River. temperatures were (2°C) above March normal temperatures them for the their opinion and inform about Region. mar was controlled by and Hkanti District are Chindwin area had been stud- in Sagaing, Magway and Taninthayi regions, Kachin, Chin governmental processes and The Sagaing Region lies Dynasty from 1315 to 1364, by included. Monywa which the ied by geologists since pre-war and Rakhine states, (3°C) above March normal temperature benefit of the public affairs. If this is not done, at a vital place and is border- King of Ava from 1364 to 1555, Chief Minister’s office is located days. Professor A. Boxtorf in and his doctoral dissertation with distance from the crater. in Kayah State and about March normal temperature in the citizens will not have sufficient ing India, Nagaland, Manipu- by King Taungoo from 1555 to is situated at the eastern bank 1903, Dr. P. Katerborn in 1924, is “Geological and Pertrologi- A maar is formed by one or remaining regions and states. The significant day tempera- people and the information and they will not be ra, Kachin State, Shan State, 1752, before annexation by Brit- of Chindwin River in Central Dr. R. D. Oldham 1906, E.S. Pin- cal Significance of the Volcanic more underground explosions tures were (42°C) in Chauk, (40°C) each in Magway, Aunglan, able to make free and informed Mandalay Region and Magway ish in 1885 Konbaung Dynasty Myanmar and 136 kilometre fald, A.E. Day, L.D. Stamp, H; Rocks Exposed in Twintaung-Si- that occur when hot magma Taungdwingyi, Sinbyugyun and Pyay. country. choices. L; Chhibber, Dr. C.T. Barller, laung Area, ”. comes into contact with shal- BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy over the The citizens, on their part, Conard Buri and Dr, Hans Hu- Twintaung area is situated on low ground water to produce a Andaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair elsewhere in must adopt a responsible approach towards issues that affect their ber studied geology in the area the Central Volcanic Belt of My- violent steam explosion. These the Bay of Bengal. quality of life. during 1921 and 1934. From anmar and 50 kilometer from explosions crush the overlying FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF 16 March Before exercising their democratic rights, the citizens have a 1973 to 1974 joint programme North of Mt. Popa. The rocks rocks and launch them into the 2019: Light rain or thundershowers are likely to be isolated in responsibility to critically analyze themselves first, before criticizing with Columbo plan and MMDC are of Tertiary in age except air along with steam, water, ash Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State. Degree of certainty the administration. studied in detail in Twintaung the igneous rocks of and magmatic material. The is (60%). Weather will be partly cloudy in Ayeyawady and Tanin- We must not forget that the members of the executive are also and surrounding areas. In 1970 area (Ali A Khan,2010). Eocene materials usually travel straight thayi regions, Kayah, Kayin and Mon states and generally fair citizens, and they are being assigned duties because they have been an author from Daily Newspa- rocks are exposed in western up into the air and fall back to in the remaining regions and states. elected by the people to the government. per wrote an article that due part and Miocene clays and Earth to form the tephra depos- STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in “People need to assume responsibility. Only then will the to the volcanoes at Monywa sandstones of Irrawaddy For- its that surround the crater. If Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3 - 5) feet off and government elected by the people reach a situation where it can Twintaung area are lying on a mation, Mio-Pliocene in age, the tephra lithifies, it will be- along Myanmar Coasts. take full responsibility. Don’t forget the fact that all high-ranking straight line he postulated that are exposed in the east. The come an igneous rock known OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood officials in the government have been elected by the people,” said these volcanoes are formed by rhyolite, dacites and andesites as tuff. After the eruption, an of isolated light rain or thundershowers in Taninthayi Region State CounsellorDawAung San SuuKyi while meeting people in the jumping of fallen meteorite and copper mineralization are inflow of groundwater often and Kachin State. Pyay on 14 March. on earth. The geologists who found at Sabe Taung, Lapa- turns the crater into a shallow FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOUR- All citizens have the freedom and the right to speak up and know volcanology and volcan- daung Taung and Kyesin Taung. lake. The elevation and water ING AREA FOR 16 March 2019: Generally fair weather. raise questions. But they must not misuse these rights, and in- ism clarified that those are in- The area is mainly covered by depth of the maar lakes in this FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING stead, use them for the benefit of the people and the country. More truded and extruded features volcanic lava, volcanic rocks, region is about tens in meters. AREA FOR 16 March 2019: Generally fair weather. importantly, they must exercise their rights for the development of the earth surface. Irrawaddy sandstones, granite, The eruption is not only once FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING of the Union spirit. In 2010 Ali Akabar Khan diorite, ultramafic rocks and but also again and again, some- AREA FOR 16 March 2019: Generally fair weather. Our country is facing numerous challenges. The most important @ U Khin Maung Htwe from gneiss. times, it may take many days. WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR WEEKEND: Weather will factor that will help us face challenges is unity. Our country’s pro- studied The extinct volcanoes of be generally fair in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay regions. gress depends on how much we can give and what we can do for it. A geologist conducts a study at the Monywa Twintaung Geopark. the area for his PhD degree Lashe, Twinma and Taungbyauk TO BE CONTINUED 16 MARCH 2019 10 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Ancient votive tablets unearthed in Thaton

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR OVER 240 ancient votive tab- Aye Min Soe lets were found recently while [email protected] workers were digging a pit for SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT the construction of a new build- Kyaw Myaing ing in the compound of the My-

SENIOR TRANSLATORS anmar Roman Catholic church Zaw Min at Theinkone ward in Thaton Zaw Htet Oo Township, Mon State. Some Win Ko Ko Aung of the tablets were found in a

INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR damaged condition. “More than Ye Htut Tin, 100 ancient votive plaques were [email protected] found together, and other tablets

LOCAL NEWS EDITORS were discovered at different plac- Tun Tun Naing (Editor), es, when pits were being dug for [email protected] a new refectory. The plaques will Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), be handed over to officials,” said [email protected] an official from the church. TRANSLATORS The votive tablets were in- Khaing Thanda Lwin, spected by Daw Khine Khine Lei Hay Mar Tin Win, Ei Myat Mon from the No. 1 constituency of Kyaw Zin Lin Thaton Township and other offi- Kyaw Zin Tun cials. Further studies will be con- The ancient votive tablets found recently in Thaton. PHOTO : THET OO ducted to trace their history, said REPORTER Nyein Nyein Ei, officials. The artwork and design the earlier find were in quite good U San Win. More than 1,000 vo- third such instance where ar- [email protected] of the ancient votive tablets bear condition and the figures on 900 tive tablets have been unearthed tefacts have been unearthed in resemblance to others found on were damaged. The votive tab- near the No. 2 high school in the Myanmar. The tablets unearthed PHOTOGRAPHER 15 June, 15 July, and 8 August in Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar lets seem to date to an early Ba- area over the last 40 years. The at the church are being stored 2015 at the Ngattwin monastery, gan period and appear to have discovery of clay plaques at the temporarily at the Township’s COMPUTER TEAM located near the Catholic church, originated in India, their design Ngattwin monastery was the General Administration De- Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, they said. seems to bear the style of Pa- second such case in Myanmar, partment —Thet Oo (Thaton) Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, “Over 650 votive tablets from la-Sena art,” said archaeologist and the find at the church is the (Translated by La Wonn) Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe

EDITORIAL SECTION (+95) (01)8604529, Bird population at Indawgyi Lake rises by over 10,000 Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 THE number of birds at the In- Lake to rest and feed during the CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION dawgyi lake has increased by over winter season. The new species San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Hotline - 09 974424114 10,000, and two new species of of migratory birds spotted at the birds have also been spotted near lake are the Common Golden- ADVERTISING & MARKETING the lake in Mohnyin Township of eye, a species of waterfowl, and ( +95) (01) 8604530, Kachin State, according to data Clesser Blacked Gull, a species Hotline - 09 974424848 [email protected] provided by the Environment of seagull,” said U Saw Hmuu, [email protected] and Wildlife Conservation De- the warden. Indawgyi Lake is partment. As per records, more recognized as one of the largest Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at than 20,500 birds were registered lakes in Southeast Asia and an No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan in 2018, and the number has in- ASEAN heritage park. It was es- Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light creased to over 31,050 in 2019. tablished a wetland area in 2016, of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. An informative booth enables the visitors to learn the ecosystems and “The increase in the population and granted the status of a bio- 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. bio-diversity. PHOTO : WIN NAING (KACHIN) can be attributed to higher food sphere reserve in 2017. There are [email protected] availability en route for migrat- found near the lake are from Si- China, where birds find it hard 669 biosphere reserve sites in 120 ing birds at the Indawgyi lake. beria in Russia and the frozen to survive in the winter. Thus, countries. —Win Naing (Kachin) Most species of migratory birds mountainous regions of northern they have flocked to Indawgyi (Translated by La Wonn)

To prevent African Swine Fever, upgrading farm biosecurity vital: Ministry

By Nyein Nyein needs to take preventive and leftover feedstuff to domestic also cooperate with the related UPGRADING biosafety and bi- precautionary measures against pigs, conducting systematic departments and organizations osecurity in farms is essential to ASF,” according to a notification farming, buying only pedigree to carry out preventive measures prevent an outbreak of African issued by the LBVD. pigs, and breeding newly bought and research on the disease,” the Swine Fever (ASF) in Myan- “The high virulence forms of and existing pigs separately,” the notification stated. mar, according to the Livestock ASF make it highly contagious. department stated. According to the LBVD, the Breeding and Veterinary Depart- The virus affects both domes- “In addition, people must government is cracking down on Write for us ment under the Ministry of Agri- tic and wild pigs, and spreads avoid consuming imported frozen illegal imports of pigs and pork

We appreciate your feedback and culture, Livestock and Irrigation. easily through direct contact or pig and pork products such as ba- products through the Sino-Myan- contributions. If you have any comments “Over 100 pig farms in China contact with contaminated ob- con, ham, and sausage. Hunting mar checkpoints ASF cannot be or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email have reported an ASF outbreak, jects. Biosecurity at pig farms of wild pigs and farming of wild transmitted to humans through [email protected] with 1 million pigs being slaugh- is important to prevent an ASF pigs along with domestic pigs contact with infected pigs or with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only tered. The affected farms are lo- outbreak. There are some pre- must be avoided. If they come pork, according to the World Or- able to publish “Letter to the Editor” cated in some northeast, central, ventive measures which need upon any suspicious signs in pig ganization for Animal Health and that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words and eastern provinces, including to be taken as well. They include farms, people must inform the the Food and Agriculture Organ- please be aware that your letter will be Yunnan, which shares a border spraying acaricides in pig mar- nearest LBVD and the Myanmar ization (FAO). (Translated by edited. with Myanmar. Thus, Myanmar kets, refraining from feeding Livestock Federation. They must Ei Myat Mon) 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 11 MRF urges members to work together to boost exports

By Nyein Nyein gates. China has been cracking down on illegal trade, prompt- THE Myanmar Rice Federation ing its merchants to halt trade, has asked member companies which has resulted in a drop to consider cooperative exports in rice exports through Myan- to increase rice trade. mar’s border channels. The federation said it has “The Ministry of Com- asked members to work togeth- merce has forwarded a request er for exporting rice through to China, seeking a legal export government-to-government channel for rice through the agreements and cooperative border gates, and so, Myan- exports, under an arrangement mar merchants need to make with the MRF. Member compa- the necessary preparations for nies wishing to participate in meeting China’s quality stand- the initiative have been asked ards in order to pass its food to apply by March-end, accord- safety inspection mechanism ing to the federation. — the General Administration “To boost rice exports, of Quality Supervision, Inspec- MRF is trying to identify more tion, and Quarantine (AQSIQ),” external markets in collabora- said U Aung Htoo, the Deputy tion with the concerned gov- Minister for Commerce. ernment departments. They Between 1 April, 2018 and are seeking to link exporters Workers loading sacks of rice on a ship at a jetty in Yangon. PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR 15 February, 2019, 2.115 mil- with markets in Africa, China, lion tons of rice and broken rice Malaysia, Indonesia, the Phil- Union of Myanmar Federation terparts in Yunnan to discuss the two countries can enter into were sent to foreign markets, ippines, and other countries,” of Chambers of Commerce and increasing the quota limit for a legal agreement for trade of fetching an estimated income said U Aung Than Oo, the vice Industry (UMFCCI), attended rice to 400,000 tons. China had broken rice produced in Myan- of US$699.46 million. chair of the federation. the 2nd China-Myanmar Eco- granted a quota of 100,000 tons mar by paying a tax, the press Myanmar exports rice to 50 “A delegation led by Un- nomic Corridor Forum held in to Myanmar in 2016,” according release stated. countries and ships broken rice ion Minister for Planning and the Yunnan Province of Chi- to a statement released by the Myanmar exports rice to to 21 external markets. Finance U Soe Win, including na in February. The delegates MRF on 25 February. foreign trade partners through (Translated by Ei Myat members of the Republic of the met with their Chinese coun- Additionally, traders from the maritime route and border Mon)

Magway Region holds three-day Myanmar’s bilateral workshop on GAP in sesame production trade with Germany

WITH countries such as Ja- of GAP, climate change, and Additionally, there is de- pan eyeing sesame produced growing methods. Dr. Wunna mand in Japan for black ses- exceeds $240 mln in Myanmar using Good Agri- Tun from the Vegetable and ame seeds grown in Myanmar culture Practices, a three-day Fruit Research Development through GAP. Japanese trad- THE value of bilateral trade be- products, cosmetics, food and workshop on improving GAP in Center shared 16 facts about ers buy black sesame after a tween Myanmar and Germany beverages, and consumer goods. sesame farming was held from GAP and organic farming. quality assessment. China also was recorded at US$241.3 million Myanmar was reinstated in 12 to 14 March at the Magway Officer Dr. Win Than purchases a variety of colored for the period between 1 October, the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Region’s Agriculture Depart- shared ideas for pest control sesame seeds from Myanmar. 2018 and 31 January, 2019 in the Preferences on 19 July, 2013. The ment and systematic use of pesti- “The growth in sesame current fiscal year, according to country enjoys GSP on exports Representatives from cides. Dr. Tin Ohn Mar Win seeds acreage combined with data from the Ministry of Com- of fishery products, rice, pulses, the Network Activity Group discussed methods for reducing GAP has helped increase ex- merce. agro products, bamboo and rat- and Winrock International, waste during harvesting and ports. Farmers who have used During the first four months tan finished products, forestry non-profit organizations which post-harvest management on GAP in farming have reaped of the 2018-2019FY, Myanmar’s products, apparels, and finished will work across 3,000 acres of the second day of workshop. benefits,” said exporters. exports to Germany surpassed industrial goods. GAP farms and sesame grower On the last day of the work- Magway was the first re- imports, with exports registered Bilateral trade between My- groups from 11 townships of shop, Deputy Director U Toe gion to adopt the GAP system at $182 million and imports val- anmar and Germany was regis- Magway Region, officials and Min and Assistant Director U for sesame farming. In 2017, ued at $59 million. tered at $373 million in the last project managers and staff at- Thein Lwin of the Magway Re- growers from 50 villages of Along with regional trade mini-budget period (April-Sep- tended the workshop. gion Agriculture Department Magway, Minbu, Minhla, and partners, Myanmar has estab- tember 2018), $584 million in the “Post-harvest technology, exchanged ideas with growers, Natmauk townships used GAP lished trade links with EU mem- 2017-2018FY, $342 million in the manufacturing and preserving and discussed difficulties and to grow sesame on over 3,000 bers. Germany is Myanmar’s 2016-2017FY, $153 million in the technologies, transportation, challenges on using GAP and acres of land. largest trade partner in the Eu- 2015-16 FY, $147 million in the export, and tender process follow-up inspections. Sesame in cultivated ropean Union, followed by the 2014-2015FY, $123 million in the were explained at the work- Myanmar’s sesame seeds throughout the year in the UK and France. 2013-2014FY, $187 million in the shop. Therefore, GAP in ses- are shipped to markets in the country, and Magway Region, Myanmar mainly exports 2012-2013FY, and $137 million in ame production will improve,” UK, Germany, the Netherlands, which is known as the oil pot of rice, pulses, tea leaves, coffee, the 2011-2012FY. said U Khin Maung Win, the Greece, and Poland among Myanmar, is the main produc- garments made on a cut-make- EU member countries have head of Magway Region’s Ag- countries in the European er of sesame seeds. Sesame is pack basis, and fishery products invested in petroleum and nat- riculture Department. Union. Markets in the EU pre- also cultivated in Mandalay and to Germany. It imports machin- ural gas enterprises, manufac- On the first day of the work- fer organically grown sesame Sagaing regions. —Zayyatu / ery, data-processing equipment, turing, transportation, hotels shop, representatives from Win- seeds from Myanmar, said an Ko Khant electrical and optical goods, and tourism, and livestock busi- rock discussed matters regard- official from the Trade Promo- (Translated by Ei Myat chemical products, motor vehi- nesses in Myanmar. — GNLM ing sesame farming and use tion Organization. Mon) cles and parts, pharmaceutical (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) 16 MARCH 2019 12 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays homage Invitation for Bids to remains of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kovida Date: 18th, March ,2019 Loan No. and Title: Loan 3748-MYA Power Network Development Project TATMADAW Command- Package No (3) - 23(T) DPTSC(PTP)/ er-in-Chief of Defence (2018-2019): Contract No. and Title: Design, Supply, Installation and Services Senior General Commissioning of 230kV Min Aung Hlaing went to Mawlamyine-Ye-Dawei Transmission Line Gaing Htauk monastery in Deadline for Submission of Bids: 16th, May, 2019, 12:30:00 hours (local time) Nay Pyi Taw Council area, 1. The Republic of the Union Myanmar has received financing Lewe Township, Ayelar from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of the Town and paid homage Power Network Development Project. Part of this financing will to the remains of Gaing be used for payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source countries of ADB. Htauk Sayadaw Bhadd- 2. The Department of Power Transmission and System Control anta Kovida yesterday (DPTSC) (“the Employer”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of morning. 230kV Mawlamyine-Ye- Dawei Transmission Line (the Facilities). At first Tatmadaw The Facilities are all located within Mon State and Thaninthayi Commander-in-Chief region. 3.International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance and party pay homage to with ADB’s Single-Stage: One-Envelope bidding procedure and the remains of the Gaing is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Htauk Sayadaw. After- Bidding Document. 4. Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications should wards, the monastery’s participate in this bidding: head monk Sayadaw Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays homage to remains of Gaing Htauk Sayadaw • Net worth for the last year calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive. Bhaddanta Nanissara ex- Bhaddanta Kawvida at Gaing Htauk monastery in Lewe Township yesterday. PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE C-IN-C OF DEFENCE SERVICES • Minimum average annual turnover of US$50 million calculated plained about the funeral as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or ceremony arrangements aw Commander-in-Chief The Gaing Htauk according to news released completed, within the last three (3) years. • Financial resources, less its financial obligations for its current and the Tatmadaw Com- made cash donation and Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kovi- by the Office of the Com- contract commitments, meet or exceed US$10 million. Joint mander-in-Chief asked for offertories for the funeral da was 100 years old with 80 mander-in-Chief of Defence Venture must meet the requirement, in which each partner must meet at least 25% of the requirement, and one partner at necessary assistant to be ceremony and high ranking Vassa on 10 March. Services.—MNA least 40% of the requirement. provided. Tatmadaw officers donated The funeral ceremony (Translated by Zaw • Participation in at least two (2) contracts of Overhead Later the Tatmad- offertories to the Sayadaws. will be held on 16 March, Min) Transmission Line of 220kV or higher that have been successfully completed within the last ten (10) years, where the value of the Bidder’s participation in each contract exceeds US$50 million. • Executed an overhead transmission line contract of 220kV or higher with not less than one hundred fifty (150) km route Emporium continues in Nay Pyi Taw length, including engineering, procurement and construction on turnkey basis in Outside Bidder Country as main contractor that has been successfully completed within the last ten (10) years. ON the fifth day of 56th in Nay Pyi Taw. The qualification criteria are more completely described in the Bidding Document. Gems Emporium, 1050 A total of 4539 gem 5. To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, jade lots were reported to merchants, 2911 from bidders should contact the following from 9:30- 16:30 hours (local time) except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: be sold at Euro 46.505 mil- China, Thailand, Aus- Department of Power Transmission and System Control (DPTSC) lion. A total of 1200 jade tralia, the US and India Address: Material Planning Department (DPTSC), Building No. lots were put up for sale and 1628 local gem mer- 27, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Telephone: 95 67 8104286 through an open tender chants, were registered Email: [email protected], [email protected] , system on the fifth day to attend the gems em- Fax: 95 67 8104286 of the emporium out of porium. 6. To purchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should write to the address above requesting the bidding which 1050 lots were sold. Myanmar Gem Em- documents for the Facilities, and pay a nonrefundable fee of At the gems empo- porium Central Commit- purchase order (bank draft) in Myanmar Kyats equivalent to rium, a total of 6973 jade tee allowed 82 jewellery US$ 100. 7. A Pre-bid meeting shall take place on 1st,April, 2019 at 12:30:00 lots, 79 lots owned by shops opened in the Mani hours (local time) at the address above, Yadanar Hall, Ministry government, 4332 lots Yadana Jade Hall. of Electricity and Energy. 8. Bids must be delivered to the address above on or before the owned by companies, co- The central commit- deadline: 16th, May, 2019 at 12:30:00 hours (local time) together operative organizations tee also allowed bank with a Bid Security as described in the bidding documents. and 2562 owned by joint counters to provide fi- Electronic Submission is not allowed. 9. Bids will be opened immediately after the bid submission deadline venture companies with nancial services easily in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. government, will be put to merchants. —Hmwe 10. Any request for the extension of Bid submission dead line shall not be allowed. on sale till 20 March at Big jade seen on the fifth day 56th Gems Emporium in Nay Kyu Zin Mani Yadana Jade Hall Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO : MNA (Translated by TTN) Tender Committee Department of Power Transmission and System Control Ministry of Electricity and Energy Transferring Distributor and Change Trade Name Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar Telephone 067-3410282, 3410209 Distribution and registration processes of pesticide produced by ACI Formulation Limited are transferring from Net Work Marketing Limited to Bloom Trading & Manufacturing Group Limited and Bloom Trading & Manufacturing Group Limited are change trade name the following pesticides produced by ACI Formulations Limited. Any regarding to this change can notify at Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board within (2) weeks. No. First Submission Amendment Active Ingredient Registration Type Registration No. 1 Nuben 72WP PinSein – Mancome 72WP Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 8%WP Provisional 2016-3161 2 Super Power 10WP PinSein – PZE 10WP Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 10%WP Provisional 2016-3163 3 AC Mix 55EC PinSein – Cyperfos 55EC Chlorpyrifos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC Provisional 2016-3164 4 Protect 50SG PinSein – Emectin 50SG Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Provisional 2016-3165 5 Sunup 480SL PinSein – Gate 480SL Glyphosate 48%SL Provisional 2016-3167 6 Squad 20SL PinSein – Quat 20SL Paraquat Dichloride 20%SL Provisional 2016-3168 7 Care 50 SP PinSein – Cart 50SP Cartap 50% SP Provisional 2016- 3169 8 Gola 48EC PinSein – Chlopi 48EC Chlorpyrifos 48% EC Provisional 2016-3170 9 Goolee 50SC PinSein – Fipro 50SC Fipronil 5% SC Provisional 2016-3171 10 Tiddo 20SL PinSein – Miprid 20SL Imidaclopride 20% SL Provisional 2016-3172 11 Nemispore 80WG PinSein - Manco 80WG Mancozeb 80%WG Full F2018-1646 Net Work Marketing Limited. 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ENVIRONMENT 13 Peru fighting mining pollution with little green algae

LIMA (Peru)—Scientists in world. Other metals mined ing pollution, sewage and at 4,350 meters, is the min- Peru have removed small in Peru are zinc, iron and hunting for consumption,” ing capital of Peru but it is green algae from polluted copper, which is Peru’s Luis Castillo, an ecologist in a state of “environmen- lakes and rivers in a bid to largest export at 2.4 million from the Grupo Rana (Frog tal emergency,” according strengthen them with nu- tons (tonnes) in 2018. Group) non-governmental to the health ministry. In trients and oxygen before After the first success- organization, told AFP. the middle of the city is a returning them to purify ful laboratory tests in Lima, Alan Chamorro, from hole — almost two kilom- those water bodies from the next step is to evaluate ECOAN, another NGO, said eters long, one kilometer harmful mining waste. the algae’s effectiveness in the Junin grebe is criti- wide, and 500 meters deep, Mining is the motor purifying Junin Lake. cally endangered. “We’ve created by the mining that that drives Peru’s econo- The same thing will counted 350 birds,” he said, pollutes Lake Junin. Ja- my but at a huge environ- Peruvian biologist Enoc Jara is leading a team of happen at the San Juan riv- adding that the species’ ra’s team does get $21,000 mental cost, particularly scientists fortifying algae in order to combat water er that feeds the lake and numbers were recovering a year from the university, around Lake Junin in the pollution. PHOTO: AFP whose color has changed from just 50 in 2000, thanks the oldest in the Americas, center-west of the country. due to pollution. “We’ve al- to the efforts of specialists and it won some financing “Every two years working on the large- cocha, to give it its Quechua ready had good laboratory at ECOAN. To complete in a competition, “but we these microalgae are giv- scale reproduction of the name — lies 200 kilometres results in the depollution the final stage of the ex- need more funds,” he said. en nutrients to strengthen fortified microalgae,” said (124 miles) northeast of of water from the lake. The periment — returning the While the team has been them with the aim of ab- Jara, who for the last dec- Lima at an altitude of 4,000 microalgae absorbed the algae to Lake Junin — the working only in the Andes, sorbing the polluting min- ade has been studying the metres (4,374 yards) and metals,” said Jara. Two of team needs financing. “If it has “identified plants erals,” Enoc Jara, head of use of mushrooms, plants is the largest lake entirely the lake’s emblematic spe- we had support from the that can combat soil dam- the investigation team at and enzymes to depollute within Peru’s borders. cies are the Junin grebe, a central government, local age from mining” in the the National University of soil and water bodies. Jara At 530 square kilo- flightless bird with striking government or from the Amazon region of Madre San Marcos, told AFP. said the algae had proved metres (205 square miles), red eyes found only at this mining companies in the de Dios, the epicenter of The algae are rein- their worth in the laborato- it is the most polluted lake lake, and a giant aquatic Pasco region that throw illegal mining in Peru. The forced with nitrogen, phos- ry “in a tough battle” with in Peru due to mineral resi- frog unique to high alti- their waste into the rivers same method could also be phorous and potassium in the microorganisms that dues. Gold mining, much of tudes in the Peruvian An- whose waters empty into used to clean the waters of a Limba laboratory before contaminated Lake Junin. it illegal, is the worst pol- des. Both are in danger of the lake, we could depollute Lake Titicaca, the highest being returned to the con- luter in a country which is extinction because of pol- it in 10 years,” said Jara. navigable lake in the world, taminated lakes and rivers. Gold the worst polluter the sixth-largest producer lution. The giant frog faces Cerro de Pasco, one of the and Peru’s biggest, which it “Right now we’re Junin — or Chinchay- of the yellow metal in the “threats ranging from min- highest cities in the world shares with Bolivia.—AFP

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CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V HUNSA BHUM VOY. NO. (433W/E) M.V KUO HSIUNG VOY. NO. (1099 S/N) M.V CAPE FLORES VOY. NO. (117 N/S) Consignees of cargo carried on M.V HUNSA Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KUO HSIUNG Consignees of cargo carried on M.V CAPE BHUM VOY. NO. (433W/E) are hereby notified that the VOY. NO. (1099 S/N) are hereby notified that the FLORES VOY. NO. (117 N/S) are hereby notified that vessel will be arriving on 16-03-2019 and cargo will be vessel will be arriving on 16-03-2019 and cargo will be the vessel will be arriving on 16-03-2019 and cargo will discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T/A.I.P.T where it discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will lie be discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S REGIONAL CONTAINER AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA SHIPPING AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA SHIPPING LINES LINE LINES Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 16 MARCH 2019 14 SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Joss Stone plays ‘unofficial gig’ in North Korea

SEOUL (South Korea)—British old artist, who has recently sung ‘Arirang’ —listed as UNESCO In- singer-songwriter Joss Stone in Syria, Pakistan and Iraq, an- tangible Cultural Heritage in both performed an informal gig in the nounced the trip on Instagram on the North and South —for her capital of nuclear-armed North Tuesday before boarding a plane audience in Pyongyang.The visit Korea as part of her ambitious to the North.“It’s a fine day to go was arranged by Simon Cocker- project to perform in every to North Korea,” she said in a ell, who runs Koryo Tours, which country on earth.Stone, who video message taken at the Bei- specializes in trips to the isolated Joss Stone, pictured here in London in 2016, has performed in over 175 has performed in more than 175 jing Capital International Airport. country.Cockerell described the countries since her world tour started five years ago. PHOTO: AFP countries since embarking on “We’ll be getting on a plane performance as an “unofficial full band and thousands of local allow foreign musicians to perform the Total World Tour five years very soon to go to Pyongyang...? gig” and posted photos of Stone fans not too far in the future!!” for ordinary citizens, though last ago, was pictured singing in a bar A place in North Korea, anyway. singing for around 40 tourists and he wrote on his Instagram with year a handful of South Korean pop in Pyongyang in front of a small It’s gonna be fun,” she added. guides at a bar he identified as a picture of Stone departing from artists were invited to Pyongyang group of tourists and guides on Stone said she was practic- the Yanggakdo cinema complex. the North Korean capital. amid a rapid rapprochement on Wednesday night.The 31-year- ing a traditional Korean folk song “Let’s do it again with a It is rare for North Korea to the Korean peninsula.—AFP Ten arrested in India for playing PUBG mobile game

AHMEDABAD (India)—Indian Rohit Raval, told the Indian the game incites violence and police have arrested ten univer- Express newspaper the game distracts students from their sity students for playing PUBG, was “highly addictive and the studies. the hugely popular smartphone accused were so engrossed in A minister in coastal Goa game described by one minister playing” they did not even see state described the PUBG as as a “demon in every house”. police approaching. “a demon in every house”. Last The arrests occurred Gujarat is the only Indian month, a mother complained Wednesday in western Gujarat state to ban the game — which to Prime Minister Narendra state, where local authorities has been downloaded more than Modi about her son’s addiction enforced an outright ban on 100 million times around the to online games during a public This photo taken on 25 January, 2019 shows a bar staff preparing the PUBG last week over concerns world. interaction and he replied: “Is “Singapore Sling” cocktail for customers at a bar in Singapore. PHOTO: AFP about its impact on the “behav- But concern has been this the PUBG one?” Singapore Sling refreshed: iour, conduct and language” of raised in other parts of the Often likened to the block- those playing it. country, where close to half a buster book and film series “The shaking up an old cocktail The students were released billion people are online and Hunger Games”, PUBG is free on bail later the same day, police cheap smartphones and data to download and pits players for a new generation inspector VS Vanzara said on plans are bringing more first- stranded on islands against one Thursday. time users into the digital realm. another in a virtual fight to the SINGAPORE—The Singapore ate.The Long Bar recently reo- Another police official, Parents and educators say death.—AFP Sling is being shaken up in the pened to the public after renova- city where it first caused a stir tions—part of a broader overhaul as mixologists pour new life into of the entire hotel —and it was Kit Harington, Emma Stone to host SNL a drink in danger of being dis- decided the Singapore Sling also missed as something solely for needed a revamp. LOS ANGELES—“Game of the tourist trail. The cocktail was first creat- Thrones” star Kit Harington will The distinctive pink, gin- ed in 1915 at the bar, which was debut as the host of “Saturday based drink has long been a fa- a hangout for British colonialists Night Live” in the 6 April episode, vourite with visitors to the colo- and rubber planters visiting from NBC announced. nial-era Raffles Hotel, where it is neighbouring Malaya. According to EW, the actor will served in the historic Long Bar. At the time it was socially un- be joined by Sara Bareilles, who A stalwart of cocktail menus acceptable for women to drink in will serve as musical guest. and sometimes dubbed Singa- public but the Singapore Sling— Harington’s hosting duties pore’s national drink, it has none- so colourful for the era that many come ahead of the much antici- theless struggled to capture the believed it was fruit juice—gave pated on 14 April premiere of the attention of a younger generation them a chance to have a sneaky HBO fantasy drama’s final season. spoilt for choice with a buzzing tipple and quickly became a hit. “The Favourite” star Emma bar scene offering everything Creators hope the updated Stone will emcee the 13th April ep- from trendy craft beer to artisan version will extend its appeal isode, with popular South Korean vodka.“We’ve taken away the beyond visitors to Singapore’s boy band BTS attached to perform, sweetness and we’ve balanced local and expat workforce. But which will be their first appearance the drink much better,” Christian in a recent trip, the bar was still on the show. Westbeld, the Raffles Hotel’s gen- packed primarily with tourists, This will be Stone’s fourth stint eral manager, told AFP. many of whom were happy to at the “SNL”. It is still made from the same sample the new version of the The late-night stand-up show recipe, including gin, cherry li- classic cocktail.British tourist had previously announced that queur, pineapple juice and bitters, Bridget Stevenson said: “Lovely “Killing Eve” star Sandra Oh is but uses superior ingredients texture and lovely drink, and I set to host the 30 March episode, which the creators say make it love the experience of being in to be joined by Australian music Kit Harington. PHOTO: AFP better suited to the modern pal- here.”—AFP group Tame Impala.—PTI 16 MARCH 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECH 15

Three astronauts on Soyuz craft successfully reach ISS Britain to

BAIKONUR (Kazakhstan)—A build super- Russian cosmonaut and two US fast computer astronauts arrived on Friday at the International Space Station LONDON —The Univer- aboard a Russian Soyuz space- sity of Edinburgh in Scot- craft, five months after the failed land, Britain, won funding launch of a rocket carrying two of 104 million US dollars of the passengers. on Wednesday to build a NASA astronaut Nick Hague super computer capable of and his Russian colleague Alex- processing 10,000 trillion ey Ovchinin, who both survived calculations every second. a dramatically aborted Soyuz Britain’s Chancellor launch last year, were joined on of the Exchequer Philip the smoothly-executed trip by Hammond announced the NASA astronaut Christina Koch. funding as he unveiled his The rocket blasted off with- spring budget on Britain’s out incident from Russia’s Bai- economy to the parlia- konur cosmodrome in Kazakh- ment. stan and docked at the ISS less In his statement Ham- than six hours later, more than mond announced funding 400 kilometers (249 miles) above Russia’s Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft carrying the members of the International Space Station (ISS) expedition of 264 million US dollars, the Earth at 01:01 GMT, a few 59/60, NASA astronauts Christina Hammock Koch and Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin, saying it will help maintain minutes ahead of schedule. blasts off to the ISS from the launch pad at the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 14 Britain’s reputation as a During a live broadcast via March, 2019. PHOTO: AFP pioneering and world-lead- high-definition cameras aboard had been found and replaced reliable machine,” he told AFP. vehicle has challenged an eight- ing nation as it leaves the the ISS, the mission commander this week.“Yesterday they found Russia’s space industry has year monopoly on travel to the EU. Ovchinin reported that the moor- some minor malfunctions,” the in recent years suffered a lot of space station enjoyed by Russia The new national su- ing mechanism was engaged. A 47-year-old said on Wednesday. mishaps including the loss of ever since NASA stopped launch- percomputer will be five- NASA commentator then con- He insisted that the launch ve- cargo spacecraft and numerous es of the Space Shuttle. times quicker than Brit- firmed the “capture.”The liftoff hicle was in good shape.“There satellites.Ovchinin, who spent six Speaking to reporters, the ain’s current capabilities, was closely watched after the are no problems,” Ovchinin said. months at the ISS during a pre- trio and their three-man backup and thousands of times two men’s space journey was cut Hague, 43, said he was looking vious mission in 2016, has been crew stressed cooperation rather more powerful than a tra- short in October when a tech- forward to the flight—his second keen to play down the drama of than competition following the ditional desktop computer. nical problem with their Soyuz attempt to get into space.“I’m 100 the October emergency landing. Dragon mission, seen by some It will be integral in rocket triggered a launch abort percent confident in the rocket The abort was “a little dis- as the dawn of an era of commer- aiding discoveries in med- two minutes into the flight.Both and the spaceship,” he said.The appointing” after preparations cial space travel driven by busi- icine, climate science and men escaped unharmed.It was October abort was caused by a that lasted a year-and-a-half but nessmen such as Elon Musk who aerospace, and will build the first such accident in Russia’s sensor damaged during the rock- also “an interesting and needed owns SpaceX. Koch, a 40-year-old on previous British break- post-Soviet history and a major et’s assembly. experience” that tested the depth space rookie, called the SpaceX throughs in targeted treat- setback for its once proud space of the space programme’s prepar- success a “great example of what ments for arthritis and industry. ‘Old but reliable’ edness, he said.Koch, Hague and we’ve been doing for a very long HIV. Speaking to reporters ahead Space expert Vadim Luka- Ovchinin’s flight was being closely time.” “And that is cooperating “I am told it will be of their six-month mission, Ov- shevich said last-minute replace- watched for another reason too. among partners and making capable of a staggering chinin said some faulty com- ments were nothing out of the SpaceX’s successful test things that are very difficult look 10,000 trillion calculations ponents in the launch vehicle ordinary.“The Soyuz is an old but launch to the ISS of its Dragon easy,” she said.— AFP per seconds,” said Ham- mond. Other flagship pro- Why does breast cancer recur? New study finds clues jects are cutting-edge genetic research in Cam- TOKYO (Japan)—For breast can- ing a relapse after their initial bridge and state-of-the-art cer survivors, the risk of tumours diagnosis,” she told AFP. lasers in Oxfordshire. returning casts a long shadow, The study found that around Funding of 107 million with recurrence possible up to 25 per cent of women with the US dollars will be used for two decades after a diagnosis. most commonly diagnosed form state-of-the-art laser tech- But new research could help of breast cancer have a 42-55 per nology in Oxfordshire. An- identify and treat those most in cent risk of seeing their cancer other 60 million US dollars danger. return within two decades. will go to support genetic Doctors have traditionally “These are the women who research in Cambridge. relied on factors such as the size seem to be cured but then pres- “These investments and grade of a tumour at diagno- ent with systemic disease many will support innovators sis, lymph node involvement and years later,” Curtis said in a press across the country to a patient’s age to determine their release issued by Stanford Uni- make the breakthroughs risk of relapse. versity. that will push biotechnol- But the rate at which breast The rate at which breast cancer recurs, and why it does so, remains “Until now, there has been no ogy, medicine, science and “poorly understood”. PHOTO: AFP cancer recurs, and why it does so, good way to identify this subset aerospace forward,” said remains “poorly understood”, ac- 2005. four sub-groups with “exceed- of women who might benefit from Hammond. cording to the study published on Nearly 2,000 of the cases ingly high risk of late distant re- ongoing screening or treatment.” Britain’s research Thursday in the journal Nature. included molecular data about lapse,” said senior author Chris- The study also opens up po- and technology industry In a bid to change that, the the cancers that provided the tina Curtis, assistant professor of tential new avenues for additional is worth 48 billion U.S. dol- researchers turned to data from researchers with detailed infor- medicine and genetics at Stanford treatment of breast cancer pa- lars to the British econ- over 3,000 breast cancer patients mation about the tumours. University. tients by identifying gene alter- omy and employs more diagnosed in the United Kingdom The data was used to develop “These are the patients that ations in each of the four at-risk than 231,000 people, he and Canada between 1977 and a computer model that identified remain in jeopardy of experienc- sub-groups.— AFP said.—Xinhua 16 MARCH 2019 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Shan United bid goodbye to ‘We are One Cup head coach U Min Thu 2019’ to be held soon THE Shan United F.C. mutual- THE ‘We are One Cup 2019’, issued by the tournament com- ly parted ways with their head mainly sponsored by Myanmar mittee. coach U Min Thu on Wednes- Brewery Limited, has invited Registration forms will be day, according to a statement young footballers to participate available in the eight cities until released by the football club. in the tourney, which will be held 15 April, and interested youths U Min Thu led the club’s across Myanmar soon. from Yangon can contact 09- senior football team to win the The Cup will be held in eight 43094275 and 09-254727727 for Charity Cup 2019, beating Myan- major cities: Yangon, Taung- more information. mar National League defending gyi, Lashio, Pathein, Taungoo, Youths must bring photos champions, Yangon United. Sittway, Pyin Oo Lwin, and Pa- taken within the last six months He also helped Shan Unit- koku. and a copy of their National ed’s U-19 team claim the champi- It aims to provide young Identification Card for regis- onship title. Under his guidance, footballers a platform for hon- tration, said a source from the the team got a good position in ing their skills as well as help tournament committee. the national league. them gain tournament expe- There is a K5 million award Currently, Shan United is rience. for the first place, K3 million for placed third in the national league Those who wish to make the second place, K1.9 million scoring table, with 9 points from 2 enquiries or understand the for the third place, 1.7 million wins and 3 draws. Yangon United registration process for the for the fourth place, besides a is placed first and Hantharwady tournament can do so via the consolation prize of K1.5 mil- United is second, with 10 points ‘We are One Cup’ Facebook lion, said the source.—Lynn each, but a goal difference. page, according to a statement Thit(Tgi) In the AFC Cup 2019, Shan United got a drubbing, losing the two matches they played at the tournament. Shan United’s head coach U Min Thu. PHOTO : SUFC With U Min Thu’s departure, Thiem reaches technical director U Aung Naing The team and the coach have best in the future, according to will be assigned as a new head parted on good terms, and the a statement on Shan United’s Indian Wells semis as coach. team wishes the coach all the page. —Lynn Thit (Tgi) Monfils withdraws

Solskjaer’s United looking for INDIAN WELLS (United States) shortly before the match was to — World number eight Dominic start, taking the court to tell the Thiem advanced to the ATP Indi- crowd he didn’t feel he could play response after rare defeat an Wells Masters semi-finals on at 100 percent. Thursday when scheduled quar- Austria’s Thiem advanced dented United’s bid for a top- ter-final opponent Gael Monfils by walkover to face Canadian Mi- four finish, it did little damage to withdrew with injury. los Raonic, who defeated Serbian Solskjaer’s standing, especially France’s Monfils pulled out lucky loser Miomir Kecmanovic given the nightmare injury list with a left Achilles tendon injury 6-3, 6-4.—AFP he has endured recently. Some reports have suggest- ed Solskjaer could be confirmed as manager during the forthcom- ing international break, which follows the Wolves Cup tie. United officials have offered no guidance on whether the ap- pointment is imminent, but it emerged last week that Solsk- jaer does not, as was commonly Manchester United’s Norwegian head coach Ole Gunnar thought, have a contract with his Solskjaer. PHOTO: AFP former club Molde. He revealed that, with WOLVERHAMPTON (United Saint-Germain last week carried regulations forbidding a man- Kingdom) — Ole Gunnar Sol- them through to the last eight ager from having concurrent skjaer will look for Manchester and all but confirmed Solskjaer contracts with more than one United to respond to the first do- will soon be named Jose Mour- club, he tore up his deal with the mestic defeat of his reign when inho’s successor on a long-term Norwegian side to join United in they face Wolves in the FA Cup basis.Since that famous evening December. quarter-finals on Saturday as in France, United have tasted It is understood United and the Norwegian moves closer to defeat for the first time in Eng- Molde have put in place a com- landing the job on a permanent land on the interim manager’s pensation package should Solsk- basis. watch, beaten 2-0 in last week- jaer win the post permanently, Austria’s Dominic Thiem against Serbia’s Laslo Djere during their ATP United’s shock Champi- end’s league visit to Arsenal. with a figure of around £500,000 World Tour Rio Open singles match at the Jockey Club in Rio de Janeiro ons League victory at Paris But although that setback ($665,000) mooted.—AFP on 19 February, 2019. PHOTO: AFP