
Maguire Preparing Major Buildup Roulette Turns on Singles Of London's American Operation Promotion Steam on 4 Acts NEW YORK -Roulette Rec- Lion with a &r chief Henry Glov- ords is stepping up its singles er, is searching for masters. NEW YORK that his a major share of the British ac- labels operated by conductor - -Now activity with strong promotion First purchase was "Such Things British contingent is riding com- tion with such groups as the arranger Tutti Camarata. All campaigns behind several of its My Heart Wants7 by Terry de fortably in the U. S. market, Rolling Stones, , three producers have enjoyed artists. As part of the new life Rose of Philadelphia. Walt Maguire, head of singles Hedgehoppers Anonymous, the long- standing and successful as- at the label, Red Schwartz has A former air personality at sales and a &r for London. Rec- Fortunes, Them, and more re- sociations with London. rejoined the firm as national Philadelphia's WDAS -both be- ords, is preparing a major drive cently a new group, the Small Made in Nashville promotion director. In addition, went to an r &b on behalf of his American wing. Faces. The Bond country record was fore and after it Steve Schulman, of Philadelphia, Schwartz left a per- The home push will be focused Now, starting with a new produced in Nashville by Buddy format - has rejoined the organization to business in on key producers in at least four country -based single, cut in Killen, executive of the Tree sonal management handle promotion for the label return to Rou- different areas of the country. Nashville by Bobby Bond, to be Music publishing operation Philadelphia to in Philadelphia, Washington and business. expe- Prior to the British wave, released on the Parrot label, there, for whom Bond also lette. His record Baltimore markets. rience includes eight years with which began just two years ago, the company is going all out writes material. The Bond disk, A singles drive is being spear- Vee Jay Records out of ; the London label had estab- to merchandise and promote "Where Does the Road Go From headed ab the label with Shawn he was responsible for discover- lished itself as a major factor product from Joe Cuoghï s Mem- Here," was written by himself. Elliott, Susan Smith, Chance ing Jerry Butler for Vee Jay. here with product from a phis -based Hi label, from Huey At one time, Killen had an Edens, and Sam and Dave. Rou- wide- ranging group of inde- Meaux' Tribe Records and pro- r &b production arrangement lette has just released "A Walkin' who at one duction operation in Houston, with London. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111 pendent producers, Miracle," by Elliott, whose than 40. and from Coliseum and Palo- Cuoghi, whose Hi label has time numbered more "Shame Scandal in the Fam- West Coast had a long run of success with and More recently, the firm grabbed mar Records, two the such artists as Ace Cannon, the ily" sold 2 million around late Bill Black and His Combo, world, Schwanz said, but didn't Billboard S. it Willie Mitchell and Gene Sim- fare well in the U. because Published Weakly by wasn't recommended for air 'Gloria' Transits Ahead; mons, has just negotiated a The Billboard Publishing Company exec- play. The new record hasn't that 2160 Patterson St. , Cincinnati. O. 45214 three -year agreement with Tel.: 381 -6450 utors of Black's estate for the problem. 15 8 on Chart be pro- Jump From to continuing release of product Schwartz, who'll also Publisher associa- by the Bill Black Combo. First ducing for Roulette in Hal B. Cook New York Office CHIC AGO- "Gloria;' a loc- gle has sold h(J,ttttll legitimately of the new releases is expected ally produced single performed in Chicago to date and on the Editorial Office shortly. 165 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. 10036 by a local group, jumped into basis of interest elsewhere shows Bryant Signed Area Code 212 PL 7 -2800 the Billboard Chicago chart at signs of becoming the biggest Cable: BILLBOARD NEWYORK Cuoghi has also just signed 15 last week and this week Chicago-act record in a long Donald Bryant, a new r &b Editor -in -Chief Lee Zhlto to eighth position. while. R TV'er to climbed singer, to the Hi Label, with &B Editors .... Paul Ackerman, Performed by a quintet called The single was released by Aaron Stemtield the singer's initial single due out the Shadows of Knight, the sin- Dunwich Productions, formed immediately. Bryant is only the Department Editors, New York by local promotion man George Peul Ackerman of a number of r &b artists Music Editor Badonsky, background music first Be Launched Associate Editor Mike Gross specialist Bill. Traut and jazz expected to enter the Hi Chief Copy Editor Robert Sobel Radio TV Programming Claude R. Nall pianist Eddie Higgins. Local dis- fold shortly. Meanwhile, Willie Vanguard in is by Royal Mitchell's newest release "Bad Department Editors tribution handled Editor ., Eye," is due for a major promo, Audio, Coin Machines Disc Distributing. In 11 Markets Rev Brack, Chicago Ateo has now acquired exclu- and the company is picking up Country a Gospel Music ...... Elton Whisenhunt, Nashville sive national distribution rights action on the Ace Cannon in- NASHVILLE -A new syndi- Pop Singles to the single. strumental version of Willie cated r &b music TV show is in U. S. Editorial Offices Nelson's country classic "Funny Cincinnati, Exec. News Editor.. Wm. 1. Sacha The group is managed by production by Show Biz, Inc., est Ra Brack suburban record store and teen (How Time Slips Away)." here, and will bow in 12 major Weshiny'IanldBureaudChief .Mildred Nall Nashville News Editor Whisenhunt In Houston, producer Huey 1. Flinn nightclub owner Paul Sampson, markets May Hollywood, W. Coast NM ....Elie, Tiegel Disk Derby who found the quintet singing Meaux, who has produced a The half-hour show is titled hits for his London - Special Projects Division in a Veterans Foreign Wars number of "The ! ! ! ! Beat" and is avail- NEW YORK Vanguard of General Manager Andrew J. Cslde - Club. He installed the group in distributed Tribe label, has one able in color. Mrs. Janice Lin - Director, Reviews end Charts ....Don Ovens Records, which became estab- his own spot, The Cellar, where going right now with the Sir sert, program director for Show Manager, Record Market lished a decade ago as jazz la- Rains Research they were heard by Royal Disc's Douglas Quintet. "The Biz, Inc., said the show is spon- Manager, Charts Laurie Schenker bel, then concentrated on clas- Kent Beauchamp, who recom- Came." Meaux also has a num- sored in these markets: Los An- Supervisor, Print Service ....Bill Courtney sical and folk product, has en- mended them to the Dunwich ber of other producing projects geles, Washington, Chicago, De- Production Department, New York tered the pop field. trio. in the works which will shortly troit, Philadelphia, St. ' Louis, Art Director Virgil Arnett According to Herb Corsack, The Shadows hit the top re- he hitting the market through Memphis; Birmingham, Ala.; N. Y. sales manager, the label has General Advertising Office, quest spot on WLS here in only London's distribution channels. Jacksonville. Fla.; Atlanta; Jack- Director of Sain Denis Hyland signed the Vagrants to a long- eight days. The station reported The West Coast is repre- son, Miss., and Richmond, Va. Promotion Director Geraldine Platt term exclusive recording con- set by Midwest Music Selo Richerd Wilson that the group received more re- sented in the London -up Show Biz is offering the show West Coast Gen. Bill Werdlow tract. The group is currently ap- Mgr. quests than any previous act - Tutti Camarata, whose Coliseum on an open -end basis in other Nashville Gen. Mgr. Mark -Clark Batts pearing at New York's Rolling the Beatles included. and Palamar labels are both a Adv., Stone. markets. Coin Machine Chicago "They're like American Roll- part of the London American Emcee is Bill Allen, an r &b Coin Machine Ad. Mgr. ....Richard Wilson The first Vagrant single, "I ing Stones," Badonsky said. family. Product is all to be pro- deejay on WLAC, Nashville, a Classified Ads, Chicago Can't Make a Friend," is being The group is comprised of duced in Camaraté s own Sun- 50,000 -wafter which extends Classified Ad Mgr. John O'Neil released this week. Miller- Martin Joe Kelley, lead ; Gerald set Sound Recording Studios, There are 15 reg- Productions produced the single. into 28 States. Circulation Sales, New York McGeorge, ; War- locale for the recording sessions ulars on the show, including Circulation Menages Milton Gorbulew This isn't Vanguard's first ex- ren Rogers, ; Tom of that area's biggest hits, in- guitarist Clarence Brown, Frank cursion into the singles field. Subscription Fulfillment Schiffour, drums, and lead singer cluding the "Mary Poppins" Howard and the Commanders Send Form 3579 to The label has produced folk sin- 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati, 0. 45214 Jim Sohns, soundtrack. and an eight -member band. gles, most notably a recent out- Fulfilment Mannar Joseph Paw "Gloria" is getting played and In addition, the show will use ing by Joan Baez. U. S. Branch Offices starting to sell in Milwaukee, Another smaller Camarata - name r &b talent. Already set Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, ill, 60601, 188 W. Randolph Cleveland, produced group. Tuttï s Trum- for guest shots are Joe Tex, Car- Area Code 312, CE 6 -9818 Cincinnati Billboard Office and Atlanta. pets. is currently represented by la Thomas, Little Milton and Hollywood, Cal. 90069, 9000 Sunset Blvd. Dunwich is soon to release an "Surf Dell' Amore," released Fontella -Bass. Show Biz. Inc., Area Code 213, 273 -1555 album by the group and has a al- also produces four syndicated Nashville, Tenn. 37203, 226 Capitol Blvd. Move Postponed only two weeks ago and Aran Code 615, 244 -1836 couple more singles and another ready showing strong sales ac- country music TV shows and HOLLYWOOD -Due to con- album in the can. tion. Camarata is also planning one syndicated gospel music TV International Office struction lags, Billboard's move "They are a super -tight group," an early release by various West show. Eumpsa Srl Hanover 'sgu :d,`LOD nek,ez,t to new quarters at 9000 Sunset said Sampson. "They have every- vocal groups. : Coast -oriented 7 Hyde Park 3659 Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90069, have thing live they on record As opposed to its early opera- FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Cable: Billboard London has been postponed a week from and they are competent mu- tional format where several SALES INTERNATIONAL March 15 to March 21. The sicians." producers were contributing to new phone is 273 -1555. HEY, BEN, HOW Canada the total London picture, Kit Morgan, n Bd.. Apt, 107, 'fleets strr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Maguire now plans to operate 'BOUT BEN -HUR? Italy on a highly selective basis, with Germano 001015ío, Via Padova ISO these four entities forming the NEW YORK -Ben Hurwitz Mllan0 Italy MAY OFFER Decca Country semi atetnman, PIcora B. Anselmo 1, nucleus of the operation. He is having a difficult time finding Rome, Italy SCHOLARSHIPS feels that success now comes a name for his record label. The japan and Detroit musicman r e c e n t l y Ken1I surukl'Japan. Trade service. Ltd.. from sustained promotion 2 -Ii09. D Chon,e Bunkyo-ka. MIAMI BEACH, Flu. - Pitch in Gear merchandising effort on the pro- founded Trend Records, but had Oteuke, when NARM President John Billinis ductive efforts of a relatively to drop the name he dis- subscription rates parable In adeanne. and the association's board and covered that Kapp Records had NEW YORK - -Decca Records few proved producers, rather HmaIIw cod PaerlicoolIt and rain á:.'óf officer group is studying the a label of the same- name. So $10 by eirmau. Oat... Io other foreign is adding fuel to its March in- than with the vast number that rno request. Subscribers (latter of creating scholarships centive program with a four - the transom" Hurwitz's Trend .became Prime renovating change eve can come in "over well as w aadrese. Published a and the change was of cultural philanthropic pronged country LP barrage. In- when a company operates on a Records, and skit'. Oecond.elaaa Voatage rain t nature. These would be granted volved in -Decca's current coun- "buckshot" theory.: duly noted in last week's issue New York. N. Y., and et additional malt. to children of regular. members. of Billboard. This week Bill- Billboard WGub11ahlg Como Thy err try push are albums by Loretta Late last week, Maguire left óant n is also now an- a hFlaéllt1yya A committee Lynn, Ernest Tubb, Jimmy New- a series of meetings with board received phone call from HIC1 Ama ie:n for Artist, Modern Phot graph y. Postmaster, alyzing what financial recourses man and Red Sovine. these producers. He'll meet first Gordon Neal, of Cincinnati. send Form would be required for such a Neal operates Prime Records Cúiboard. 4120. 19 To spotlight the country with Camarata on the West 46214 and st., Cincinnati, Ohio program and just how the recipi- Decca supplied Coast, following this with ses- in that 'city said the name product, has its Vol. 78 No. 12 ents would be elected. branches with.full color in -store sions with Meaux, who is pres- carries a U. S. copyright and is He said The committee is also con- and window displays. The com- ently on the Coast. Maguire will also registered in Ohio. a sys- so So sidering the possibility of pany's field force is currently return to New York via Mem- he will advise Hurwitz. industry label may soon carry tem of awards honoring making the rounds of their ac- phis, where he'll hold a series Hurwitz's .1 many weeks. pioneers who have passed on. counts with details of the March of planning and product meet- third name in as IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItItfltIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIlliItIII program. ings with Cuoghi. IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB11111 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4 March 19, 1966, BILLBOARD