500 Songs That Shaped Rock

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500 Songs That Shaped Rock 500 Songs That Shaped Rock James Henke, chief curator for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, with the help of music writers and critics, selected 500 songs (not only rock songs) that they belie e ha e been most influential in shaping rock and roll! "he list is alphabetical by artist! A AC/DC, #$ack in $lack% AC/DC, #Highway to Hell% Roy Acuff and the Smoky Mountain Boys, #&abash 'annonball% Aerosmith, #(ream )n% Aerosmith, #"oys in the *ttic% Afrika Bambaataa, #+lanet Rock% The Allman Brothers Band, #Ramblin, -an% The Allman Brothers Band, #&hipping +ost% The Animals, #"he House of the Rising .un% The Animals, #&e /otta /et )ut of "his +lace% Louis Armstrong, #&est 0nd $lues% Arrested De elo!ment, #"ennessee% B The B"#$%s, #Rock 1obster% 1 of 19 The B-#$%s La&ern Baker, #Jim (andy% 'ank Ballard and the Midnighters, #&ork &ith -e *nnie% The Band, #"he 2ight "hey (ro e )ld (i3ie (own% The Band, #"he &eight% Beach Boys, #'alifornia /irls% Beach Boys, #(on,t &orry $aby% Beach Boys, #/od )nly 4nows% Beach Boys, #/ood 5ibrations% Beach Boys, #.urfin, 6!.!*!% The Beastie Boys, #(7ou /otta) Fight for 7our Right (to +arty)% The Beatles, #* (ay in the 1ife% The Beatles, #Help8% The Beatles, #Hey Jude% The Beatles, #9 &ant to Hold 7our Hand% The Beatles, #2orwegian &ood% The Beatles, #.trawberry Fields Fore er% The Beatles, #7esterday% The Beau Brummels, #1augh 1augh% Beck, #1oser% (eff Beck )rou!, #+lynth (&ater (own the (rain)% The Bee )ees, #.tayin, *li e% Archie Bell and the Drells, #"ighten 6p% Chuck Berry, #Johnny $! /oode% 2 of 19 Chuck Berry, #-aybelline% Chuck Berry, #Rock and Roll -usic% The Big Bo!!er, #'hantilly 1ace% Big Brother and the 'olding Com!any, #+iece of -y Heart% Big Star, #.eptember /urls% Black Sabbath, #9ron -an% Black Sabbath, #+aranoid% Bobby Blue Bland, #"urn )n 7our 1o e 1ight% Blondie, #Heart of /lass% *urtis Blo+, #"he $reaks% )ary ,-S- Bonds, #:uarter to "hree% Booker T- . the M-)-%s, #/reen )nions% Boston, #-ore "han a Feeling% Da id Bo+ie, #Fame% Da id Bo+ie, #.pace )ddity% Da id Bo+ie, #;iggy .tardust% The Bo/ To!s, #"he 1etter% Charles Bro+n, #(riftin, $lues% (ames Bro+n, #9 /ot 7ou (9 Feel /ood)% (ames Bro+n, #+lease, +lease, +lease% (ames Bro+n, #.ay 9t 1oud < 9,m $lack and 9,m +roud% Ruth Bro+n, #-ama, He "reats 7our (aughter -ean% (ackson Bro+ne, #1ate for the .ky% Buffalo S!ringfield, #For &hat 9t,s &orth% Solomon Burke, #0 erybody 2eeds .omebody to 1o e% (ohnny Burnette Trio, #"rain 4ept a=Rollin,% The Byrds, #0ight -iles High% The Byrds, #Hickory &ind% The Byrds, #-r! "ambourine -an% C (ohnny Cash, #Folsom +rison $lues% (ohnny Cash, #9 &alk the 1ine% The Cham!s, #"e>uila% )ene Chandler, #(uke of 0arl% The Chantays, #+ipeline% 3 of 19 Ray Charles, #Hallelu?ah 9 1o e Her .o% Ray Charles, #9 /ot a &oman% Ray Charles, #&hat,d 9 .ay% Chubby Checker, #"he "wist% Chic, #1e Freak% Charlie Christian +ith The Benny )oodman 0rchestra, #.olo Flight% 1ric Cla!ton, #*fter -idnight% Da e Clark 2i e, #/lad *ll ) er% The Clash, #1ondon 'alling% (immy Cliff, #-any Ri ers to 'ross% (immy Cliff, #"he Harder "hey 'ome% 3atsy Cline, #9 Fall to +ieces% The Clo ers, #1o e +otion 2o! @% The Coasters, #7akety 7ak% The Coasters, #7oung $lood% 1ddie Cochran, #',mon 0 erybody% 1ddie Cochran, #.ummertime $lues% (oe Cocker, #&ith a 1ittle Help From -y Friends% The Contours, #(o 7ou 1o e -e% Sam Cooke, #* 'hange 9s /onna 'ome% Sam Cooke, #$ring 9t on Home to -e% Sam Cooke, #7ou .end -e% Alice Coo!er, #9,m 0ighteen% 1l is Costello, #+ump 9t 6p% The Count 2i e, #+sychotic Reaction% Country (oe and the 2ish, #"he Fish 'heer and 9=Feel=1ike=9,m=Fi3in,=to=(ie Rag% Don Co ay, #-ercy -ercy% Cream, #'rossroads% Cream, #.unshine of 7our 1o e% Creedence Clear+ater Re i al, #Fortunate .on% Creedence Clear+ater Re i al, #/reen Ri er% Creedence Clear+ater Re i al, #+roud -ary% Crosby, Stills and 4ash, #.uiteA Judy $lue 0yes% Crosby, Stills, 4ash and 5oung, #)hio% The Cro+s, #/ee% The Crystals, #(a (oo Ron Ron (&hen He &alked -e Home)% 4 of 19 The Crystals, #He,s a Rebel% Culture Club, #"ime ('lock of the Heart)% D Dick Dale and the Del"Tones, #1et,s /o "rippin,% The Damned, #2ew Rose% Danny . the (uniors, #*t the Hop% Bobby Darin, #.plish .plash% S!encer Da is )rou!, #/imme .ome 1o in,% De La Soul, #-e -yself and 9% Dee! 3ur!le, #.moke on the &ater% The Dell"&ikings, #'ome /o &ith -e% The Dells, #)h, &hat a 2ight% The Delmore Brothers, #Hillbilly $oogie% Derek and the Dominos, #1ayla% De o, #&hip 9t% Bo Diddley, #$o (iddley% Dion and the Belmonts, #* "eenager in 1o e% Dire Straits, #.ultans of .wing% The Di/ie Cu!s, #'hapel of 1o e% The Di/ie 'ummingbirds, #9,ll 1i e *gain% Bill Doggett, #Honky "onk% 2ats Domino, #*in,t "hat a .hame% 2ats Domino, #$lueberry Hill% The Dominoes, #.i3ty -inute -an% Lonnie Donegan, #Rock 9sland 1ine% Dono an, #.unshine .uperman% The Doors, #1ight -y Fire% The Doors, #"he 0nd% Dr- Dre, #2uthin, but a ,/, "hang% Dr- (ohn, #Right +lace &rong "ime% The Drifters, #-oney Honey% The Drifters, #"here /oes -y $aby% The Drifters, #6p on the Roof% Duran Duran, #Hungry 1ike the &olf% Bob Dylan, #$lowin, in the &ind% 5 of 19 Bob Dylan, #1ike a Rolling .tone% Bob Dylan, #.ubterranean Homesick $lues% Bob Dylan, #"angled 6p in $lue% Bob Dylan, #"he "imes "hey *re a='hangin,% E The 1agles, #Hotel 'alifornia% The 1agles, #"ake 9t 0asy% Duane 1ddy, #Rebel Rouser% 1urythmics, #.weet (reams (*re -ade of "his)% The 1 erly Brothers, #*ll 9 Ha e to (o 9s (ream% The 1 erly Brothers, #$ye $ye 1o e% F The # Satins, #9n the .till of the 2ight% The 2lamingos, #9 )nly Ha e 0yes for 7ou% 2leet+ood Mac, #/o 7our )wn &ay% The 2lying Burrito Brothers, #.in 'ity% The 6 Seasons, #$ig /irls (on,t 'ry% The 6 Seasons, #&alk 1ike a -an% The 2our To!s, #$aby 9 2eed 7our 1o ing% The 2our To!s, #Reach )ut 9,ll $e "here% Aretha 2ranklin, #'hain of Fools% Aretha 2ranklin, #9 2e er 1o ed a -an (the &ay 9 1o e 7ou)% Aretha 2ranklin, #Respect% 2ree, #*ll Right 2ow% The Bobby 2uller 2our, #9 Fought the 1aw% Lo+ell 2ulson, #Reconsider $aby% 2unkadelic, #)ne 2ation 6nder a /roo e% G 3eter )abriel, #$iko% 6 of 19 Peter )abriel Cecil )ant, #&e,re /onna Rock% Mar in )aye, #9 Heard 9t "hrough the /rape ine% Mar in )aye, #.e3ual Healing% Mar in )aye, #&hat,s /oing )n% )erry and the 3acemakers, #How (o 7ou (o 9tB% )ary )litter, #Rock ,n, Roll +art C% )o")o%s, #&e /ot the $eat% )olden )ate 7uartet, #Rock -y .oul% )rand 2unk Railroad, #&e,re an *merican $and% )randmaster 2lash and the 2urious 2i e, #"he -essage% The )rateful Dead, #(ark .tar% The )rateful Dead, #6ncle John,s $and% Al )reen, #1et,s .tay "ogether% )uitar Slim, #"he "hings "hat 9 6sed to (o% )uns 4% Roses, #&elcome to the Jungle% 8oody )uthrie, #+astures of +lenty% 8oody )uthrie, #+retty $oy Floyd% 8oody )uthrie, #"his 1and 9s 7our 1and% H Bill 'aley and 'is Comets, #(&e,re /onna) Rock *round the 'lock% Slim 'ar!o, #Rainin, in -y Heart% 8ynonie 'arris, #/ood Rockin, "onight% 8ilbert 'arrison, #4ansas 'ity% Dale 'a+kins, #.uDy=:% 7 of 19 Screamin% (ay 'a+kins, #9 +ut a .pell on 7ou% Richard 'ell . the &oidoids, #(9 $elong to the) $lank /eneration% (imi 'endri/, #*ll *long the &atchtower% (imi 'endri/, #+urple HaDe% (imi 'endri/, #5oodoo 'hild (.light Return)% The 'ollies, #$us .top% Buddy 'olly, #+eggy .ue% Buddy 'olly and The Crickets, #"hat,ll $e the (ay% (ohn Lee 'ooker, #$oogie 'hillun% (ohn Lee 'ooker, #$oom $oom% 'o+lin% 8olf, #.mokestack 1ightnin,% 'o+lin% 8olf, #.poonful% 'o+lin% 8olf, #"he Red Rooster% 'uman League, #(on,t 7ou &ant -eB% Mississi!!i (ohn 'urt, #.tack o, 1ee $lues% '9sker D9, #"urn on the 2ews% I The :m!ressions, #+eople /et Ready% The :nk S!ots, #9f 9 (idn,t 'are% :ron Butterfly, #9n=a=/adda=da=5ida% The :sley Brothers, #9t,s 7our "hing% The :sley Brothers, #.hout < +arts E F C% J (ackson #, #*$'% 8 of 19 (ackson # (ackson #, #9 &ant 7ou $ack% Mahalia (ackson, #-o e on 6p a 1ittle Higher% Michael (ackson, #$eat 9t% Michael (ackson, #$illie Jean% 1lmore (ames, #(ust -y $room% 1lmore (ames, #.hake 7our -oneymaker% 1tta (ames, #"ell -ama% Rick (ames, #.uper Freak% Tommy (ames and the Shondells, #Hanky +anky% (an . Dean, #.urf 'ity% (ane%s Addiction, #$een 'aught .tealin,% (efferson Air!lane, #.omebody to 1o e% (efferson Air!lane, #&hite Rabbit% Blind Lemon (efferson, #-atchbo3 $lues% (ethro Tull, #*>ualung% (oan (ett and the Blackhearts, #9 1o e Rock ,n, Roll% Billy (oel, #Just the &ay 7ou *re% 1lton (ohn, #$ennie and the Jets% 1lton (ohn, #7our .ong% Little 8illie (ohn, #Fe er% Blind 8illie (ohnson, #-otherless 'hildren% Robert (ohnson, #'rossroads $lues% Robert (ohnson, #Hell Hound on -y "rail% Robert (ohnson, #1o e in 5ain% Robert (ohnson, #.weet Home 'hicago% 9 of 19 Louis (ordan and 'is Tym!any 2i e, #'aldonia% Louis (ordan and 'is Tym!any 2i e, #.aturday 2ight Fish Fry% (oy Di ision, #1o e &ill "ear 6s *part% K Albert *ing, #$orn 6nder a $ad .ign% B-B- *ing, #.weet 1ittle *ngel% B-B- *ing, #"he "hrill 9s /one% Ben 1- *ing, #.panish Harlem% Ben 1- *ing, #.tand by -e% Carole *ing, #7ou, e /ot a Friend% 2reddy *ing, #Hide *way% The *ingsmen, #1ouie 1ouie% The *inks, #* &ell Respected -an% The *inks, #1ola% The *inks, #7ou Really /ot -e% *iss, #Rock and Roll *ll 2ite% Buddy *no/, #+arty (oll% *raft+erk, #*utobahn% L LL Cool (, #-ama .aid 4nock 7ou )ut% Cyndi Lau!er, #/irls Just &ant to Ha e Fun% Leadbelly, #"he -idnight .pecial% Led ;e!!elin, #(aDed and 'onfused% Led ;e!!elin, #Rock and Roll% Led ;e!!elin, #.tairway to Hea en% Led ;e!!elin, #&hole 1otta 1o e% The Left Banke, #&alk *way Renee% (ohn Lennon, #/i e +eace a 'hance% (ohn Lennon, #9magine% (ohn Lennon, #9nstant 4arma
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